300 words describing autumn rain (15 required articles)
the garden is full of the vigour of springtime
2023-08-19 01:14:01
describe the scenery

300 words describing autumn rain (1)

The sky is blue and rainy, and it seems that I'm going to have a drizzly autumn rain. Maybe it has rained in spring and summer, and the weather is very scarce. So the rain didn't come, the treetops swayed weakly, the wind was also very lazy, and even the flowers in the morning dew couldn't move. The lingering autumn tiger fears the future autumn rain. It's very hot and dry! The lazy autumn wind doesn't feel so cool.

But after one night, it was like ten and a half days. It was still 30 degrees yesterday, but it was as low as 18 degrees when I got up early. Although the small autumn wind is not big, it is still very cold when it blows on the body. I don't know whether I was seduced by the morning dew or enlightened by the seasonal fairy. It has been raining for a long time in the yard. Standing in the rain, the breeze is wrapped with the continuous light rain, fine and soft as silk, and the face is cool. The rain has bent the leaves of the aged grass, and the rain curtain has cooled through the sunset flowers of the cardamom years. The rain soaked the marbles in the potholes, but could not cover the potholes

The rain is coming quietly. Only, less than two hours. The rain, gone silently, is also silent.

300 words describing autumn rain (2)

Sandy, listen, it's raining.

I opened the window and stretched out my hand. A drop of rain fell on my hand. I gently picked it up. Oh, it's like a crystal clear pearl! I let go of my finger and it ran down like a stream. The sound of it falling on the wooden floor is very clear and pleasant.

It rained more and more heavily, so that everywhere you can see the flying, wet sparrows. I really want to invite them to my house, but they dare not come in. Alas! Little sparrow, human beings are not as terrible as you think. Boom - the sound scared me a lot and made the little sparrows fly everywhere. Oh, it's Duke Lei! "Duke Lei", I shouted, "Can you lower your voice?" But Duke Lei ignored me and still "boomed", "boomed" and "boomed". Now, not only the little sparrow, but also I was frightened.

Eh? Why does the little raindrop stop singing? I quickly looked out. Oh, the rain was not angry. The air was filled with the fragrance of everything after the rain. The little sparrow flew into the blue sky again, but unlike usual, it could not hear a cicada chirping. Because this is a rain with special meaning, a rain connecting summer and autumn!

300 words describing autumn rain (3)

As night fell, street lamps came on duty one after another. The autumn rain, driven by the breeze, walked into the streets with light steps, like a fairy coming down to earth.

Soon, Qiuyu held hands and began to dance Latin under the light of street lamps. Soon, more and more Qiuyu came to join in the excitement. They could only hug each other and tell the joy of tonight. Although they were whispering, they could still hear it at home. Later, autumn rain squeezed down from the roof and leaves, making a sound of "drops", and the sound gradually became louder. Maybe it was falling with each other. I could feel the pain of autumn rain's broken muscles and bones, and I could also imagine the tragic situation of autumn rain being hit on the ground. But they did not give out a painful groan, nor cry, nor wail, We still cling to each other and support each other. Slowly, the autumn rain gathered into a river of rain. They sang "Ding Dong Sound of Spring", helped them to move forward and got into the sewer.

Qiuyu is slim and looks like a jade from a small family. She is much like a Jiangnan woman.

Autumn rain, beautiful dance, can be compared to a fairy, Su than the dance of Chang'e in Toad Palace.

The autumn rain blows the dust frequently, just like a hardworking family, which wins the action of thousands of years of common people.

On the autumn night, it is also a kind of enjoyment to make a pot of tea, sit in front of the window and enjoy the taste of autumn rain during tea tasting.

300 words describing autumn rain (4)

Autumn is a season of wind and rain.

I like autumn best! Autumn is always closely related to our life: in the evening, the sun is going to set, the sunset is windy, and the weather gradually becomes cool; Every spring and autumn, there is always an endless stream of people in front of and behind the temple. The sweet smell of zudou has already been completed. Whether they are coming to worship or to rush to watch the meeting of welcoming gods, everyone is very happy. The autumn scenery is as picturesque as poetry. The gentle wind is blowing, so cool! You said, I certainly like such a good season!

However, autumn also has its disadvantages! Autumn is like the plum rain season in spring. Sometimes the weather is not beautiful, and it rains gently! The weather in autumn is cold and hot, which is hard to catch. In the daytime, the autumn tigers are angry, as if they want to dry the earth, which makes me hot and heatstroke. After the sun went down, the cold wind brought by the night rushed straight to my warm room, but it made me shiver. However, I think the autumn scenery is very peaceful!

In short, the best portrayal of autumn is that it rains with the sun and is capricious!

300 words describing autumn rain (5)

In the first class, when I was practicing martial arts, with the cool wind and rain, suddenly came.

First came the drizzle, which was as thin as spider silk. Later, we practiced for more than ten minutes. Suddenly a strong wind blew, big and cold. At this time, the rain grew bigger quietly.

The rain is falling. Each raindrop hit the iron roof as fast, accurately and ruthlessly as a bullet, which seemed daunting. Many raindrops together, like a barrier, our sight is blurred.

By dinner time, there were many big puddles on the water. After dinner, several friends and I went to the door to wait for the "umbrella", but Teacher Lei came. Zhang Haoshuai and I hid under Teacher Lei's umbrella and walked to the hall door. He put on a toilet with Chen Yongjian's poncho.

Now the autumn rain is still falling.

300 words describing autumn rain (6)

The first day of the National Day holiday was just beginning to dawn. "Shattering......" The rapid sound of autumn rain broke the silence of the morning, woke me up from sleep, looked up at the gray sky, a bleak autumn wind blew, and the withered and yellow leaves began their journey with the wind. Flying all over the sky, they flew past my eyes like a group of migrating birds. The continuous autumn rain is like a girl pouring out her worries. The autumn rain is like a string of pearls, crystal clear. Quietly fall on the earth, kissing the grass selflessly. wild flower.

After a while, the rain stopped. My father and I walked along the path in the forest, looking up. The sky was blue, and the blue was intoxicating. The maple leaves on the mountain are as red as fire. They look particularly beautiful under the sunshine. They are yellow in red and transparent in yellow. After the autumn rain, maple leaves fell from the trees in twos and threes, and fell into the embrace of the mountains with muddy water.

Look, there are clusters here and there. There are yellow, white and purple chrysanthemums everywhere. After the autumn rain, the wild chrysanthemums look more bright and bloom more brightly. A breeze blowing through the chrysanthemums swayed the graceful figure, dancing. Show off your beautiful clothes. Show your beautiful smile and wave in the wind. A burst of fragrance greeted us, refreshing. Let me revel in this picturesque autumn.

Ah! What a beautiful autumn, what a beautiful picture.

300 words describing autumn rain (7)

The hot summer has passed, and the sun is not roasting the earth. The weather gradually turned cool, and one after another withered and yellow leaves gently floated down from the tree. The children also put on their sweaters, and autumn came quietly.

When I got up in the morning, I heard the sound of "drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip. It began to rain heavily. It was like a fairy pouring a basin of water from the sky. The rain covered the whole Linyi city like a spider web. The rain was like naughty and lovely children playing and playing on your face, making you feel extremely cool.

Rain, like a singer, can play beautiful and beautiful music one after another. "Papapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapapa! A wonderful concert has begun.

The rain became smaller, "Hua Hua Hua...... Hua", which seemed to be the end of a concert. The rain stopped unconsciously.

People who know what is interesting put away their umbrellas, and Linyi became more beautiful and dazzling after the rain.

300 words describing autumn rain (8)

The rain in autumn is continuous, big and small.

Walking on the way after school, it is raining. When it rains heavily, the muddy land is as slippery as oil. Feng fights against the rain, and the rain borrows the wind, which makes me stand unsteadily. Dense rain columns, slanting down the wind, shot me like sharp swords. When it rains, the drizzle is thin, like an embroidery needle, inserted into the soil intermittently. Like strings of pearls from the sky. The flowers and trees near and the playground buildings far away are all in the boundless rain curtain, but they are like smoke enveloping the world. It's very beautiful!

I went into the stationery store to buy a stationery box. After a while, I came out. It was drizzling just now, and suddenly it was raining cats and dogs. Pedestrians put their belongings on their heads. I put my schoolbag on my head and ran all the way. A few minutes later, the sky unexpectedly began to rain again, and I gradually slowed down. Walking into the community, it rained like a bean. "I love playing tricks on people!" I muttered reluctantly and strode home.

The autumn rain will not end until then?

300 words describing autumn rain (9)

As soon as early autumn arrived, it rained cats and dogs. The splashes of cars and bicycles on the road are very beautiful! The autumn rain kept falling. It fell on the branches and on the house, like a naughty child sliding down from the tiles, and suddenly formed a blurred picture. It was like a beautiful curtain of water, and also like a mysterious magician. It "floated" down from the sky, and when it turned around, it did not know where it was going.

The autumn rain is falling more and more heavily, and the wind is blowing more and more wildly. With the cool autumn wind, the raindrops came to the fields and rivers. Give nature a comfortable cold water bath, and all things look new in a flash. Wind girl and rain girl flew over the poplar tree hand in hand. Suddenly, the poplar was stained with their traces, and the leaves were blown by the wind to make a "whoosh" sound. Raindrops fell on the leaves and into the soil.

Although the autumn rain is cold, this is also its unique feature. Autumn is the harvest season, and this first autumn rain is growing slowly with the crops.

300 words describing autumn rain (10)

Just as the front foot stepped into the threshold of September, the pace of autumn rain had already caught up.

I don't know when the autumn rain began to fall quietly from the gloomy sky, and gradually, it became bigger and bigger... It was not as gentle as the drizzle in spring, nor as strong as the downpour in summer, but just floated and sprinkled rhythmically... The raindrops gathered on the eaves and rolled down, like broken beads; Raindrops hit the water, like blossoming water; Raindrops fall in the Tiaoxi River and stir up ripples like thousands of fish blowing bubbles.

Before long, the rain became smaller, but it still kept pace with the rhythm——

DidDida, DidDida

Like a melodious piece of music, a piece of music with only one beat, a piece of music with only one beat but infinite yearning, floating in the air

The rain is getting smaller again, but it's just falling

The rain gradually stopped, but the sky did not change color. The sky has such a disposition that it likes to associate the color of autumn rain with the color of evening sky.

Everything was quiet. There were only a few cries of birds returning to their nests and the "ticking" sound of dripping water. This seems to be the lingering charm of this autumn rain

300 words describing autumn rain (11)

I like the rain, and I prefer the intermittent autumn rain.

I like autumn rain because it is soft and doesn't pour like summer rain. The continuous autumn rain, gently sprinkling, like a mother singing a lullaby to a sleeping child, is so soft and beautiful.

I like the autumn rain, because it drops on the water for a moment. Although it breaks the peace of the water, it adds some peace to the autumn. The sound of "ding" did not end the life of a rain elf. It dissolved into the water and became a drop of ordinary water, waiting for God to recover it and drip it again and again. From a certain point of view, autumn rain is a moving music, playing "ding ding dong dong" between heaven and earth, I am its loyal audience, and its echo rings in my heart.

Autumn rain, are you the tears of the sky? It is so clear, telling a story, an exotic fairy tale. Since ancient times, when autumn is sad and lonely, I say that autumn is better than spring. Indeed, in my heart, the autumn rain seems to have dyed the autumn with beautiful colors, making it more beautiful than the spring dynasty.

The drizzle of autumn rain poured into my heart, not bringing me sorrow, but taking away my troubles. The autumn rain drizzles down, instead of the summer heat, it is cool. It drips my clothes along my hair and cleans my heart like holy water. It makes me feel like there is only me and autumn rain in the world. If I keep walking, it will rain endlessly.

The rain stopped, stopped quietly, suddenly felt something missing

I like the rain, I like the autumn rain that comes quietly and goes quietly.

300 words describing autumn rain (12)

Sandy, listen, it's raining.

I opened the window and stretched out my hand. A drop of rain fell on my hand. I gently picked it up. Oh, it's like a crystal clear pearl! I let go of my finger and it ran down like a stream. The sound of it falling on the wooden floor is very clear and pleasant.

It rained more and more heavily, so that everywhere you can see the flying, wet sparrows. I really want to invite them to my house, but they dare not come in. Alas! Little sparrow, human beings are not as terrible as you think. Boom - the sound scared me a lot and made the little sparrows fly everywhere. Oh, it's Duke Lei! "Duke Lei", I shouted, "Can you lower your voice?" But Duke Lei ignored me and still "boomed", "boomed" and "boomed". Now, not only the little sparrow, but also I was frightened.

Eh? Why does the little raindrop stop singing? I quickly looked out. Oh, the rain was not angry. The air was filled with the fragrance of everything after the rain. The little sparrow flew into the blue sky again, but unlike usual, it could not hear a cicada chirping. Because this is a rain with special meaning, a rain connecting summer and autumn!

[Chapter 2]

Outside the window, a gust of autumn wind is blowing against my face. The fine autumn rain is falling on the ground. I feel the cool in late autumn and can't help shivering. It's really "(one autumn rain and one cold, ten autumn rains need cotton)".

The autumn rain played mischievously on the withered and yellow leaves, swirling down with the leaves; The autumn rain falls on the green leaves, making them more vibrant; The autumn rain falls on the ripe fruits and swings happily, making the ripe fruits more brilliant. Also, white haired old people walk in the rain with umbrellas, happy children play in the rain with umbrellas, and energetic young people walk in the rain with umbrellas. All these constitute a vivid and gorgeous picture.

[Chapter 3]

It rained when I went to school this morning.

The rain is getting heavier and heavier. The continuous autumn rain falls gently and softly on the wide road, making a sound of "rustling". The rain, like inexhaustible silver threads, and like cattle hair, made the earth moist. It dribbles, like playing a meaningful movement.

It rained for a long time until the afternoon. The rain pattered on the glass.

I like autumn rain, and I prefer the sound of rain splashing on the window.

[Chapter 4]

In the morning, Miss Feng blew a few breaths, which made me feel cold!

On the way to school, the rain was light, so I put my head out and breathed fresh air. I saw the grass growing hard, as if to drink rain; The big tree twists and turns, looking for new soil!

Suddenly, the rain fell on my face. Ah, how refreshing! The rain drops have the fragrance of flowers and the power of trees!

Unconsciously came to the school, where colorful umbrellas moved in the campus. Walking to the playground, the rain "piled up" together, as if it was very cold, and hugged tightly.

Walking into the class, the students' clothes were thickened. Yesterday, they were wearing short sleeves, but today they are wearing long sleeves!

[Chapter 5]

Autumn is coming, and there is a continuous light rain in the sky.

The autumn rain stops from time to time, sometimes like broken beads, sometimes like thin silk, sometimes like woven curtains

The autumn rain is really beautiful. I like autumn rain.

Teacher Wang Quanquan commented: Although the young writer was young, he observed carefully and described the characteristics of autumn rain truthfully and carefully. The beginning and the end are also written very well, which is closely related to the theme. It's really the so-called "Sparrow is small, but it has all five internal organs"!

300 words describing autumn rain (13)

Naughty I began to float on the ground, silently. When I looked around, the whole earth looked new. I seemed to hang a thin curtain on the earth. The young trees greedily suck the rain and dew, the most beautiful flowers take off their colorful skirts, and the squirrel children hide under the branches, spreading their hands to catch the water drops. The forest is so quiet, only the rain hits the fallen leaves, melts into the water, and drops on every small animal. The rain drifted to the forest like silk, weaving a boundless green blanket.

I came to the field unconsciously. I look around. The terraces are golden. The corn is tall, like an old man stroking his beard and smiling. The heavy golden millet bows to you to welcome you. There are red apples, red agate like dates, pomegranates with wide mouths, and farmers are cutting rice in the golden paddy fields. This is a successful autumn, a harvest autumn.

Smiling, I left the field and came to the bustling city. People hold colorful umbrellas, and the road is unobstructed. There is no noise, only misty fog and fine rain. Everything is so peaceful.

The clouds have dispersed, the rain has stopped, people put away their umbrellas, and I look up at the sky. Next, Sister Rainbow should take over

300 words describing autumn rain (14)

It seems not as gentle and delicate as spring rain, nor as pleasant and dripping as summer rain, nor as cold and cold as winter rain.

It falls so freely that raindrops fall lightly from the air, bringing a sense of coolness and sending out the breath of autumn.

Chunyu and Qiuyu were twin brothers, such as hair and cow hair, which were thin and long. However, the spring rain has the spirit of recovery of all things, while the autumn rain shows a slightly sad cool.

"I have a deep love for you, and the deep mountain reflects the late autumn rain." The poet placed his thoughts on his old friend in the autumn rain, fell into his eyebrows, wet his sleeves, and carried him far away

I only love watching the rain at the window.

Listen, they are dripping down, sometimes gently, sometimes hurriedly, sometimes tapping on the window, sometimes falling into the eaves, playing a song of praise for autumn.

You see, they soaked the autumn leaves, which could not bear the sadness of the autumn rain. With the autumn wind, they slowly floated down, fell into the pond, and rippled.

"Ta... Ta..." As the rain gradually subsided, a stray cat leaned out from the eaves and disappeared into the drizzle of autumn rain.

In the rustle, the gingko leaves in front of the window are floating and golden. Autumn rain has such magic power that everything in the world is wrapped with a layer of mature breath.

I love the rain in this autumn. She is a cold beauty. It is so beautiful that it makes people feel enchanted and confused. I think that all emotional people are willing to be led by her into the poetic and picturesque autumn world.

The autumn rain is still falling slowly, showing its unique beauty.

300 words describing autumn rain (15)

300 words in a composition about autumn rain

All things are covered with the veil of a clear dream, so beautiful and mysterious. Plants seem to be washed in milk, emitting unusual taste and charm. Drops of water roll around on the green and yellow leaves, adding a vitality to the quiet picture, making them jump a bit lively and lovely against the background of quiet beauty. The flowers are also very delicate. The soft petals are sprinkled with crystal clear drops of water, which is so smooth.

The fragrance of soil and flowers is everywhere, and the fresh air is mixed with the faint fragrance of flowers, which makes people feel refreshed and relaxed.

However, the beautiful scenery is a bit bleak and desolate, which makes me feel lonely when I go to school in a foreign country. I can't help thinking of my old classmates, good friends, iron brothers and my mentor.

Think about that happy me, now I can't even find a real smile. Although my smile is so true, the word "happy" disappeared in my dictionary the day I left my hometown, but my heart revived the second I saw them

Qiu Yu, please help me, help me convey my endless yearning, ok?

The composition about autumn rain is 300 words

The rain in autumn is continuous, big and small.

Walking on the way after school, it is raining. When it rains heavily, the muddy land is as slippery as oil. Feng fights against the rain, and the rain borrows the wind, which makes me stand unsteadily. Dense rain columns, slanting down the wind, shot me like sharp swords. When it rains, the drizzle is thin, like an embroidery needle, inserted into the soil intermittently. Like strings of pearls from the sky. The flowers and trees near and the playground buildings far away are all in the boundless rain curtain, but they are like smoke enveloping the world. It's very beautiful!

I went into the stationery store to buy a stationery box. After a while, I came out. It was drizzling just now, and suddenly it was raining cats and dogs. Pedestrians put their belongings on their heads. I put my schoolbag on my head and ran all the way. A few minutes later, the sky unexpectedly began to rain again, and I gradually slowed down. Walking into the community, it rained like a bean. "I love playing tricks on people!" I muttered reluctantly and strode home.

The autumn rain will not end until then?

The composition about autumn rain is 300 words

In autumn, I step on the fallen leaves all over the path and come with a drizzle.

In the early morning, the glass like drizzle was weaving in the air, as if the earth was covered with a milky white yarn. The little autumn rain fell on the grass leaves on the roadside, on the flower umbrellas of pedestrians, and on the bright car windows... From a distance, the misty sky above the Egret Lake, the tall buildings on the opposite bank and the newly completed Egret Lake Hotel seemed to float in a fairyland, just like the legendary mirage in the sea. In this way, we came to the school, enjoying the beautiful rain scenery.

The students are playing and playing heartily in the campus. Are they welcoming the unexpected autumn rain? Some students raised their heads and let the rain thread drill into their necks. Some students extended their hands to see what the rain looked like. I also walked in the rain and wanted to get close to the continuous autumn rain. The raindrop, like a shy little girl, disappeared soon. How lovely! The music of class is playing, and the rain is still falling

Oh, the continuous autumn rain

The composition about autumn rain is 300 words

As soon as early autumn arrived, it rained cats and dogs. The splashes of cars and bicycles on the road are very beautiful! The autumn rain kept falling. It fell on the branches and on the house, like a naughty child sliding down from the tiles, and suddenly formed a blurred picture. It was like a beautiful curtain of water, and also like a mysterious magician. It "floated" down from the sky, and when it turned around, it did not know where it was going.

The autumn rain is falling more and more heavily, and the wind is blowing more and more wildly. With the cool autumn wind, the raindrops came to the fields and rivers. Give nature a comfortable cold water bath, and all things look new in a flash. Wind girl and rain girl flew over the poplar tree hand in hand. Suddenly, the poplar was stained with their traces, and the leaves were blown by the wind to make a "whoosh" sound. Raindrops fell on the leaves and into the soil.

Although the autumn rain is cold, this is also its unique feature. Autumn is the harvest season, and this first autumn rain is growing slowly with the crops.

A 300 word composition about autumn rain

In the evening, the drizzly autumn rain is like a string of broken pearls, falling slowly from the gray sky. The falling rain on the river looks like an old dragon king sitting high in the clouds, scattering silver threads, waiting for the fish to bite!

The autumn rain moistens the earth, and the grass that is about to fall asleep quickly pokes its head out of the earth's mother's arms and shouts loudly: "Come out quickly, brothers, we have water to drink." When the grass hears the call, they squeeze their heads out from the garden and the corner, breathe fresh air, and drink their bellies round and smooth. The small tree also tried to stretch its body and ran up, as if to say: "Thank you for the autumn rain, I am taller again, and can see things farther away."

The rain was tinkling, as if Schubert was playing Serenade. The night was quiet, and it was very quiet outside. From time to time, I could hear the sound of rain falling under the eaves, as if reminding me: "Go to sleep, and meet new challenges tomorrow!"