Calling for free composition (6 refined articles)
The gentleness behind
2023-08-23 06:12:50

Calling for Free Composition (1)

Calling for free narrative composition

In our daily study, work or life, we have all been exposed to composition bar. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. How to write a composition to avoid stepping on thunder? The following is an elaborate composition of free narrative called by Xiao Bian. You are welcome to learn from and refer to it. I hope it can help you.

Freedom, for many people, has almost become a "luxury". From time to time, I think: When can I have freedom? When can we escape from our parents?

In primary school, we all have a heavy "schoolbag", in which worries and pressures are deeply buried... We carry a mountain of homework to do endless, regardless of the white into the night. Every night, a light is always on in a room, and there is always a primary school student under the light. He does this every day and night, writing textbooks and training books. His parents also reported to cram schools everywhere. When the day was full, he had to work hard at night, which gave him no chance to breathe. This made me understand: if I were a bird, I would also be a bird trapped in a cage; If I were a fish, I would also be a fish trapped in a fishbowl.

I really miss being at my grandma's house. Grandma is a kind old woman. Just beside the belt stream in this village, there is an old three flat house. It is surrounded by a short stone wall. The yard is full of shrubs and weeds. In one corner of the wall, there are clumps of fine bamboos, swaying with the wind, soft and beautiful, full of green. There is a tall loquat and banyan tree in front of the right side of the house, which looks like a green umbrella, making it more quiet and elegant. Every morning, I listen to the crowing of chickens and the barking of dogs, watch birds fly away, breathe fresh air, help Grandma grow vegetables and water, then fertilize, and then play freely. I also often go to the hill behind my house to watch the seeds sprout, the flowers in bud, the bamboo shoots that have just broken through the ground, and there are several courses of "millennium bamboo shoots" beside them, which have grown taller than people. The mountains are crisscrossed with green pines and bamboos. In autumn, the faint red maple shows the same natural beauty of red and green in front of people. On one side of the mountain, there is a stream that stretches out from the valley and flows forward in zigzags. The bottom of the stream is very shallow, and the colorful goose soft rocks are blooming one after another in the crystal clear water, which is extremely beautiful! But now? Apart from my homework, I still have my homework. How I miss my carefree life before. Now we have lost our freedom, and we have more parents' nagging.

I call for freedom, the freedom that belongs to us, the freedom that belongs to this era, the freedom that belongs to happiness, the freedom that belongs to happiness

Calling for Free Composition (2)

Call Freedom High School Composition

Whether in school or in society, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a kind of speech flow, with a high degree of comprehensiveness and creativity. So have you learned about composition? The following is a call for freedom high school composition for everyone. I hope it can help you.

Mom and Dad, we want freedom! " Ruirui and Huanhuan, who were standing by the window, shouted to the sky, but it didn't seem to change their fate

Ruirui's parents are typical old-fashioned parents. If they hope their daughter can get a good result, they always give Ruirui remedial lessons. Although Ruirui's achievements are at the top of the list, her life seems to have changed, with less vitality and less hope for anger; Huan Huan is a clever child, but his parents are not satisfied with Huan Huan. Because his grades are not outstanding and his son is eager to succeed, Huan Huan turned his weekend into an extracurricular school, where he can learn English, math and Chinese well. When parents think they are planning for their children's future, they have no idea that they are destroying their children.

Another weekend, Ruirui and Huanhuan will go to cram school again. Maybe it was the tutor who had something to do, but his parents didn't come to send them to make up lessons. Having been used to all these rules, they seem not to know this long lost freedom. They all lean against the window and watch the children of the same age playing happily downstairs. At first, they didn't adapt to the heartfelt laughter, but they always heard the teacher's strict and patient tone and the parents' plaintive voice. In their impression, there was no laughter at all, only the vow to study hard.

After a long time, their faces showed comfortable smiles, and their inner happiness was finally awakened. They want to play, laugh and talk with their friends. But parents always control them and don't give them the chance to go out to play, so they can only admire everyone's games.

The birds on the treetops seemed to see through Ruirui's mind, flew to her side, leaned against the window sill, chirped and sang songs, a burst of laughter broke the silence in the room, Ruirui broke her happiness all day long; Huan Huan saw Rui Rui laughing happily and wanted to find his own happiness, downstairs. You saw Huan Huan frowning, so you put a balloon with a smile on it for your good friend. Wisdom Huan Huan Huan knew that this was Youyou's blessing for him and smiled happily

With laughter, Ruirui and Huanhuan had a good weekend. I also had a brave idea to ask for freedom at dinner.

At dinner, Ruirui said what he thought: "Mom and Dad, I want to be free, and I want to exchange my grades for my freedom for a day"; Huanhuan also confessed his thoughts: "Mom and Dad, I know you want me to have a good future, but I hope I can have my own space, my own world."

The parents at the dinner table are silent, maybe thinking about something

Everyone yearns for freedom, but everyone has different requirements for freedom. Some people think it is freedom to walk leisurely every day, some people think it is freedom not to be supervised by their families, and others think it is freedom not to be controlled by teachers. But I think it is our freedom to work under the premise of being reasonable.

Today's parents hope that their children will look forward to their children's success and women's success, and have a future. Let children learn many things that children do not like to learn. For example, some parents let their children go to various specialty classes, resulting in children's lack of freedom. Just like the boy in this cartoon, without freedom and happiness, he has no choice but to sit in front of the piano and cannot be attracted by the beautiful notes of music. Instead, he helplessly thinks: "Alas, if only a thief could steal my piano!" In this way, the child's young heart was hit hard, and the child lost his beautiful childhood.

I hope that all parents in the world can give their children free space to master their own learning path.

Calling for Free Composition (3)

Walking in the Beijing Summer Resort, the wind power of Wanhe Pine awakens your idea of free leisure; Sitting on the stone bench beside the West Lake in Hangzhou, the charming Quyuan lotus can also arouse your yearning for freedom and leisure; In a garden in Yangzhou, leaning against the railing, the ventilated and leaky moon hall makes you nostalgic for free leisure. In fact, not only these call for free leisure, but also history.

"Wealth and honour are not my wish, and the emperor's hometown is not within our expectation."

Time stopped in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, at the foot of the remote Nanshan Mountain, a figure could be seen faintly. The refined Mr. Wu Liu chose the second official to retire, why? Wealth is not my wish. In order to have no paperwork, no silk and bamboo, and not to bow down to five measures of rice, Tao Qian abandoned officials and lived in seclusion. He got a free and leisure life. "The morning star is filthy, and Dai Yuehe hoes home", he is happy and self-sufficient; "Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence, you can see the Nanshan Mountain leisurely", he was indifferent to himself. Finally, he found himself in free leisure, and left fresh and elegant poems and planted chrysanthemums to call future generations. Please don't let busyness cover up the flawless heart, and free leisure can live out his own.

"An Neng humbled his brows and bent over his shoulders to become a powerful person, which made me unhappy."

The circulation of growth rings has reached the Tang Dynasty. Li Bai, his poetic talent is outstanding. Du Fu once wrote a poem with him, saying that his writing startled the wind and rain, and his poems became ghosts and gods crying. Li Bai's talent can be seen. It can be said that big trees attract wind, and so do people. The emperor deeply appreciated his talents and called them into the palace. At that time, Li Bai only had to write a few essays to live a life of "BMW carving cars full of fragrance". However, the imperial palace is not a huge cage, and the captive birds will always love the old forest. "Anneng bows to the throne, making me unhappy." Li Bai waved his sleeves and turned away to pursue his dream of free leisure, because his heart is also calling for free leisure. It is a free and leisure mood, and he can visit all the famous mountains and rivers; It is a free and leisure mood, and he can achieve the eternal reputation of "exiled immortal". Call, he called loudly. Li Taibai's elegant and heroic poems all call for freedom and leisure, hoping to awaken the world.

Back to reality, aren't the flowers beside the road, the birds singing in the forest, and the streams singing in the mountain streams all calling? Isn't the tumbling history and the thousands of waves just a loud call? They all call: you who live in a fast-paced today should live a free and leisurely life and live your own style!

Calling for Free Composition (4)

The happiness of birds lies in their ability to fly freely, but birds with broken wings cannot fly. Although still alive, but forever lost the opportunity to spread their wings, lost happiness, like walking corpses.

Now I am calling for freedom and happiness every moment. I want to fly freely under the blue sky.

In my dream, there will always be a blue sky with several floating white clouds. Under the blue sky, there is a shallow stream. Beside the stream are weeds and flowers. I lie on the grass listening to birds singing and watching butterflies dancing. Playing with friends, chasing each other on the grass... In that dream, there was no pressure to learn, no trouble in exams, no homework, no physical obstacles; In that dream, I was happy, I was free, I was naive.

But dreams are just dreams after all.

When I woke up, everything had not changed. I still had to accept the physical obstacles, carry heavy schoolbags to the classroom, or study late into the night for the next day's exam.

Why is happiness so difficult for me?

How many happy things are there when I recall my childhood? More may be only a scar, a sympathetic look!

When I told my parents that I wanted to be free, they would say: "You are so easy to fall, how can you trust yourself to go?"

I told my teacher that I wanted to be free, and the teacher would say, "But your body..."

Freedom is so attractive! But I am just like a bird in a cage, looking out at the outside world eagerly, like the song: "I am a little bird, but I can't fly high if I want to fly..."

I call for freedom, the freedom that belongs to me, the freedom that belongs to this era, the freedom that belongs to happiness, the freedom that belongs to happiness

Calling for Free Composition (5)

Freedom, for many people, has almost become a "luxury". From time to time, I think: When can I have freedom? When can we escape from our parents?

In primary school, we all have a heavy "schoolbag", which is deeply buried with worries and pressures... We carry a mountain of homework to do endless, day and night. Every night, a light is always on in a room, and there is always a primary school student under the light. He does this every day and every night, writing homework books and exercise books. His father and mother also reported to cram schools everywhere. They were full during the day, so they had to suffer at night to do homework, which gave him no chance to breathe. This made me understand: if I were a bird, I would also be a bird trapped in a cage; If I were a fish, I would also be a fish trapped in a fish tank.

I really miss being at my grandma's house. Grandma is a kind old woman. There is an old three room flat house just beside the belt stream in this village. It is surrounded by a short stone wall. The yard is full of shrubs and weeds. In one corner of the wall, there are clumps of fine bamboos that are swaying in the wind, soft and beautiful, and full of green. There is a tall loquat and banyan tree in front of the right side of the house, which looks like a green umbrella, making it more quiet and elegant. Every morning, I listen to the crowing of chickens and barking of dogs, watch birds fly away, breathe fresh air, help Grandma grow vegetables and water, then fertilize, and then play freely. I also often go to the hill behind my house to watch the seeds sprout, the flowers in bud, the bamboo shoots that have just broken through the ground, and there are several "thousand year old bamboo shoots" beside them, which have grown taller than people. The mountains are crisscrossed with green pines and bamboos. In autumn, the faint red maples show the same natural beauty of red and green in front of people. On one side of the mountain, there is a stream that stretches out from the valley and flows forward in a zigzag way. The bottom of the stream is very shallow, and the colorful goose soft rocks are blooming one after another in the crystal clear water. It is extremely beautiful! But now? In addition to homework or homework, how I miss the carefree life before. Now we have lost our freedom, and we have more parents' nagging.

I call for freedom, the freedom that belongs to us, the freedom that belongs to this era, the freedom that belongs to happiness, the freedom that belongs to happiness

Calling for Free Composition (6)

Five year old call

I still remember that I was not tall at that time. The big down jacket and the big schoolbag show my insignificance. Every week, there are always a few days when I will put on a big down jacket, carry a big bag and go to the skating rink.

Because my mother said that skating is a good exercise.

Learn to start fast, learn the skills when turning, learn... I'm tired of it. When you ski at high speed, the wind is whistling in your ears, just like the feeling of flying - but this flying is flying with shackles.

The freedom of preschool age is deprived in this "flying".

I want to play with other children and watch the most popular cartoons like them, but

Freedom, where are you?

Eight year old longing

After eating the birthday cake for my eighth birthday, I was locked up at home. Outside the window, the biggest snow since winter is falling. Faintly, it was the laughter of snowball fights. I think it's the best birthday gift to go out and have a good time. But my father said that the house was warm and safe; My mother said that there were plenty of fun and delicious food at home. After finishing my homework, I could eat whatever I wanted and play whatever I wanted.

Therefore, I can only sit at home alone and watch the snowflakes fall quietly one by one.

How eager to go out and have fun with children! But the parents said that you should be more promising than them.

Twelve year old sigh

Four years later, I became a junior high school student. Workbooks, papers, extracurricular classes... I can face these pressures calmly. I turn a deaf ear to the laughter of children of the same age. Occasionally, I hear from my classmates that I will not be disappointed by my holiday when I travel to any place.

The call for freedom in the past has become a little elusive expectation in my heart. In the middle of the night, I thought of it occasionally, accompanied by a faint sigh.