Sentences expressing depression and helplessness that they want to disappear (44 selected sentences)
No one is strong for you
2023-04-14 11:13:33
Complete sentences

1. I hope you don't always live in your own world and can't hide there. You should face the reality and feel everyone's love for you, even if the love is insignificant.

2. You should tolerate those who have different opinions from you, so that life is easier. If you always want to change him, you will be very painful. Learn how to bear him. You should learn how to tolerate him.

3. After all, we pacified others so well that we lost our sense when it was our turn.

4. The appearance is often completely inconsistent with the thing itself, and people are easy to be deceived by the surface decoration.

5. What you have now will become others' with your death, so why not give it to those who really need it now?

6. He gave you money, so he is a good man; With flatterers, there are naturally flatterers.

7. Those who can lower themselves are truly noble.

8. If you see the mistakes and rights and wrongs of all beings every day, you should go to repent as soon as possible. This is practice

9. You should not be dissatisfied with others all the time. You should always review yourself. If you are dissatisfied with others, you will suffer yourself.

10. I believe you can do it, and I am sure you will soon calm down and stop living in your own small world.

11. You can have love, but don't be persistent, because separation is inevitable.

12. Who can know how to remember those who used to be. as if a generation had passed.

13. Cultivating for praise is like trampled fragrant flowers and beautiful grass.

14. The depth of trust lies not in whether you will smile, but in whether you are willing to cry in front of you.

15. Forgetting is that I just want to use the best memorial close to this.

16. People who can imagine for others are never lonely.

17. When he was full of ambition, he was afraid.

18. You must accept your fate at any time, because you are human.

19. My birthday is on the th of the month. Who will remember? It doesn't matter to me that I have never had a birthday!

20. The stumbling life, tell yourself, I survived.

21. I am your real frivolity, and you are my vigorous shallowness

22. If that person ever appeared in the world, everyone else would become resigned! And I don't want to make do with it.