Charging composition (16 pieces)
Wait for an old man
2024-05-25 05:31:03

Charging composition (1)

After dinner, it began to rain outside the window. It suddenly occurred to me that my mother would also go to the company to participate in the performance rehearsal in the evening (my mother's unit welcomed the commencement ceremony). Seeing that God would not open his face, I asked my mother with concern: "It's raining again. Are you still going to the company?" "Of course, I did. I can't delay the rehearsal of the whole activity alone. You can take part in the on-site exchange meeting of the original park at home, and discuss more with the teachers. Mom is gone. Goodbye!"

Maybe my mother's professionalism inspired me. This time, I didn't love TV programs, so I hurried to the Colonel Xintong Original Paradise Forum. The forum is so lively. The intense discussion among the blog friends, teachers and parents has made me very educated and inspired. At this time, I saw that Mr. Wang Renyuan wrote a poem that was very suitable for tonight's artistic conception. The content of the poem was as follows: "As the summer is approaching, the torrential rain will pour, and the umbrella will flow turbidly. Only the net is a friend. What is your intention? Listen to Liu Haiming, what is your hope, and what is your inspiration". At this moment, I am alone at home. Fortunately, with the company of School Xintong, I don't feel lonely. Listening to the "brush" rain outside the window and the wonderful voice of the forum, I have a feeling of understanding. In particular, the words "Only the Internet is friendly and enlightening" by contacting Mr. Wang are really wonderful, I suddenly have an impulse to comment on this poem. As I am a new comer, I didn't fill in the reply topic, which made Mr. Wang Renyuan confused. However, Mr. Wang guessed my intention and replied to me in time. At this time, I suddenly realized my mistake and could not help blushing.

At this time, my mother came back. She didn't care to change her wet clothes. As soon as she entered the door, she hurried to the forum. I told my mother about the small episode just now, and my mother couldn't help laughing and told me, "You must pay attention next time". Then, I read many posts of other bloggers together with my mother, especially the views on learning given by Liu Botao, a teacher of our college, which benefited me a lot: "Learn and learn, ask while learning, have questions in mind, be brave to ask questions, not ashamed to ask questions, and be good at asking yourself". These six "questions" summarize the importance of being good at asking questions in our learning and growth. I think I really lack these "six questions" in my ordinary study.

The new semester is about to start. After this online "charging", I am confident to make greater progress in the new semester. Here, I sincerely thank the school's Xintong teachers for their hard work and the great support of the vast number of bloggers, and I will work hard to refuel.

Charging Composition (2)

After dinner, it began to rain outside the window. It suddenly occurred to me that my mother would also go to the company to participate in the performance rehearsal in the evening (my mother's unit welcomed the commencement ceremony). Seeing that God would not open his face, I asked my mother with concern: "It's raining again. Are you still going to the company?" "Of course, I did. I can't delay the rehearsal of the whole activity alone. You can take part in the on-site exchange meeting of the original park at home, and discuss more with the teachers. Mom is gone. Goodbye!"

Maybe my mother's professionalism inspired me. This time, I didn't love TV programs, so I hurried to the Colonel Xintong Original Paradise Forum. The forum is so lively. The intense discussion among the blog friends, teachers and parents has made me very educated and inspired. At this time, I saw that Mr. Wang Renyuan wrote a poem that was very suitable for tonight's artistic conception. The content of the poem was as follows: "As the midsummer is approaching, the torrential rain will pour down, and the umbrella will flow turbidly. Only the net is a kiss. What is your intention? Listen to Liu Haiming, what is your hope, and what is your inspiration". At this moment, I am alone at home. Fortunately, with the company of School Xintong, I don't feel lonely. Listening to the "brush" rain outside the window and the wonderful voice of the forum, I have a feeling of understanding. In particular, the words "Only the Internet is friendly and enlightening" by contacting Mr. Wang are really wonderful, I suddenly have an impulse to comment on this poem. As I am a new comer, I didn't fill in the reply topic, which made Mr. Wang Renyuan confused. However, Mr. Wang guessed my intention and replied to me in time. At this time, I suddenly realized my mistake and could not help blushing.

At this time, my mother came back. She didn't care to change her wet clothes. As soon as she entered the door, she hurried to the forum. I told my mother about the small episode just now, and my mother couldn't help laughing and told me, "You must pay attention next time". Then, I read many posts of other bloggers together with my mother, especially the views on learning given by Liu Botao, a teacher of our college, which benefited me a lot: "Learn and learn, ask while learning, have questions in mind, be brave to ask questions, not ashamed to ask questions, and be good at asking yourself". These six "questions" summarize the importance of being good at asking questions in our learning and growth. I think I really lack these "six questions" in my ordinary study.

The new semester is about to start. After this online "charging", I am confident to make greater progress in the new semester. Here, I sincerely thank the school's Xintong teachers for their hard work and the great support of the vast number of bloggers, and I will work hard to refuel.

Charging Composition (3)

When I mention the back, I always think of many different backs, tall, thin, thin... These are the father's figures.

When I was young, I always liked to compare my height with my father. As a result, I was much worse than my father. At this time, I would curl my mouth and look unhappy, while my father smiled indulgently, gently picked me up and leaned on his generous shoulder. When I saw my father's tall figure in his shirt, I felt extremely relieved. I can't forget his tall figure.

Later, I was a little older. When I was middle-aged, he was always full of nagging. He collided with me when I was in adolescence, often sparking, which made me very tired of him. In my eyes, he is like sticky brown sugar, which can't be shaken off. Until a big exam, he sent me to school. As soon as I got off the bus, he began his long speech: "Remember to write the paper quickly, every time slowly..." "Well, I'm tired of saying that every time." I interrupted him impatiently, and followed the crowd into the campus without looking at him. Suddenly looking back, he stood there blankly, as if he had not expected me to rebut him so mercilessly. It was autumn, and the wind was blowing away. The leaves of the trees beside the road swayed with the wind. The wind rose, and the leaves scattered. They danced in the autumn wind without regret, then rotated and fell. Father's thin shirt was also blown up the hem, messy in the wind. His back is much smaller than the height of his former high spirited days. He walked back slowly, and the figure in the shirt gradually became smaller and disappeared in my view. I stood stunned until my eyes were slightly wet and overflowed, and then I woke up. I can't forget the thin back.

Not long ago, I ran with my father. Soon, my pace gradually slowed down. When my father saw that I was not following him, he shouted: "Run quickly..." He called me in front of the path, and I looked at the back in front of him. Because he had run for a long time, his shirt was wet with sweat that was constantly overflowing, and sweat marks of different depths and sizes emerged, which seemed a little messy. His original step suddenly became a little shambling, and when he ran, his back was a little crooked, and he was breathing heavily. His back seemed tired, but he stubbornly refused to rest and insisted on running. My nose was slightly sour, I raised my hand and rubbed my eyes, as if to let something flow back, and strode to catch up with that figure again. I can't forget his thin back.

Long Yingtai wrote in Watching Off: I gradually learned that the so-called father daughter mother son scene only means that you and his fate is to watch his back go farther and farther in this life. You stand at the end of the path and see him disappear at the turning of the path, and he silently tells you with his back that you don't have to chase him. But I said that we should catch up with him, and we should catch up with him with great strides until we catch up with him and walk with him in the sunset.

Charging Composition (4)

After the charger is connected to the power supply, the flash lamps placed at both ends will flash alternately in red and blue. I saw this novel design when shopping. Now I suddenly realize that this dazzling light will not disappear as the night falls, and it will stubbornly disturb my dream. I can't fight the charger to death, just let it recharge in the daytime!

Even so, the low battery prompt sounded on time before going to bed. In order to get the alarm clock to work on time in the morning, I had to connect the power supply. After seeing me angry with the charger several times, my mother couldn't help saying to me: Don't touch electronic products after charging in the daytime, so as to avoid losing temper at night because of charging, I will change a charger for you sometime. Even though my heart was unwilling to do anything, I agreed when I thought of the dazzling light at night.

However, when I thought about the empty wall, I felt bored and finally took down a book used to decorate the bookcase. The unexpected action may make all the books in the cabinet chatter: my lazy master will spoil us one day! After being left alone for too long, the paper was covered with light dust, but the mimeograph cover was still dutifully reflecting the light. I brushed the dust away and opened it.

My past life has been full of shame. Good guy, just throw a heavy bomb at me. My curiosity was aroused and I turned to the next page. They talked about my father's speech, but when they saw him, they praised him repeatedly. It seems that they have two sides. I commented secretly and turned the page again. I constantly let the paper slip through my fingers, and read with curiosity and relish.

Surprisingly, I seem to find the treasure house that was lost in the past. With this enthusiasm, I plunged into the sea of books tirelessly. For the first time, I found Holmes so strange; Gatsby is so naive; How strong Jane Eyre is; Thoreau was so comfortable and real. Even if I can't lie at my husband's door like a cat; Unable to stand like Roger in the tomb of the setting sun; Unable to shelter from the rain under the Rason Gate like the servants; I can't be the bell ringer of Notre Dame. But what is depicted and eulogized seems to be hanging around my heart.

Do you still need to charge? My mother looked at me and shook the charger in my hand. Perhaps she has already found that I put my energy on useless things and wasted my time. Maybe I noticed it when I was lying in the room all day long, or when I bought a charger, she must have seen more than I did. But these are not important.

I have been recharging for 24 hours! I held up the book in my hand to her.

The charger does not need to be replaced. I think I have found a permanent power supply, which will accompany me all my life!

Charging Composition (5)

charge? What is charging? "Battery theory?" Is it like mobile phone charging? No, not really. Mobile phones need recharging, so do people.

So, how do people recharge?

I still remember that when I first entered the status of a boarder, I was more or less nervous. Every night, it's hard to sleep, maybe because I know my bed, maybe because I'm homesick

I have to call my mother every night. After many times, I also found that I can sleep soundly after a phone call every night.

In life, my mother's voice recharges me, refreshes me, and welcomes the unknown tomorrow in the fullest state. What about the spirit? What is the spiritual charge?

Yes, it's reading. So why should we read? Because reading lets us grow knowledge and make us smart. This is also the role of reading.

It was the same year, perhaps because I had just entered Grade 7. Time was not so tight, that is to say, I had a lot of spare time. So in this spare time, what can I do to kill this boring time? Reading, yes, reading. Reading enriches my life. Reading made me know the gentle Duan Jiaxu, the ambitious Sang Zhi, the clever Qin Ran, the talented Cheng Jun, the academic bully Pan Mingyue, and the infatuated but rational Jane Tong Reading gives me better exercise in my spare time, improves my writing ability, enriches my experience, broadens my horizon, and makes the pattern bigger. Reading makes us better. If you want to ask why we read, I will say: "For the sake of spiritual life, for better charging!"

In life, there is maternal love; Spiritually, there is reading; So, socially? What will it be socially?

Socially, it is friendship. Friendship teaches us to grow; Friendship teaches us to share; Friendship is a charging station for growth.

It was the same year that I left my parents' sight for the first time. Fortunately, I met my friend, my little lucky. Friends are charging stations. Sleepless nights are no longer so scary because of friends.

Friend, is a charging station. When we are wronged, our friends will help us, enlighten us and recharge our batteries.

Friend, is a charging station. When we have opportunities or challenges, our friends will support us and give us suggestions, but they will not make choices for us and give us the best power.

So, after all this talk, I think you should understand how people recharge their batteries? There is maternal love, reading, friendship The era of charging only once in one's life has passed. Only continuous charging can release energy uninterruptedly and continuously!

Charging Composition (6)

After dinner, it began to rain outside the window. It suddenly occurred to me that my mother would also go to the company to participate in the performance rehearsal in the evening (my mother's unit welcomed the commencement ceremony). Seeing that God would not open his face, I asked my mother with concern: "It's raining again. Are you still going to the company?" "Of course, I did. I can't delay the rehearsal of the whole activity alone. You can take part in the on-site exchange meeting of the original park at home, and discuss more with the teachers. Mom is gone. Goodbye!"

Maybe my mother's professionalism inspired me. This time, I didn't love TV programs, so I hurried to the Colonel Xintong Original Paradise Forum. The forum is so lively. The intense discussion among the blog friends, teachers and parents has made me very educated and inspired. At this time, I saw that Mr. Wang Renyuan wrote a poem that was very suitable for tonight's artistic conception. The content of the poem was as follows: "As the midsummer is approaching, the torrential rain will pour down, and the umbrella will flow turbidly. Only the net is a kiss. What is your intention? Listen to Liu Haiming, what is your hope, and what is your inspiration". At this moment, I am alone at home. Fortunately, with the company of School Xintong, I don't feel lonely. Listening to the "brush" rain outside the window and the wonderful voice of the forum, I have a feeling of understanding. In particular, the words "Only the Internet is friendly and enlightening" by contacting Mr. Wang are really wonderful, I suddenly have an impulse to comment on this poem. As I am a new comer, I didn't fill in the reply topic, which made Mr. Wang Renyuan confused. However, Mr. Wang guessed my intention and replied to me in time. At this time, I suddenly realized my mistake and could not help blushing.

At this time, my mother came back. She didn't care to change her wet clothes. As soon as she entered the door, she hurried to the forum. I told my mother about the small episode just now, and my mother couldn't help laughing and told me, "You must pay attention next time". Then, I read many posts of other bloggers together with my mother, especially the views on learning given by Liu Botao, a teacher of our college, which benefited me a lot: "Learn and learn, ask while learning, have questions in mind, have the courage to ask questions, be not ashamed to ask questions, and be good at asking yourself". These six "questions" summarize the importance of being good at asking questions in our learning and growth. I think I really lack these "six questions" in my ordinary study.

The new semester is about to begin. After this online "charging", I am confident to make greater progress in the new semester. Here, I sincerely thank the school's Xintong teachers for their hard work and the great support of the vast number of bloggers, and I will work hard to refuel.

Charging Composition (7)

On that day, in June of Liuhuo, Phoenix was in full bloom. The dots fell on the gramophone in front of the window, which belonged to my father and had been shelved for a long time.

It is said that the years are like songs. What kind of melody is hidden in this long silent corner? Unplug the circling plug, charge it, turn on FM, a melodious song has reverberated so far

In a word: "You gave me an umbrella to support the falling loneliness".

When I first came to this city with many tall buildings, I grew up in the yard when I was young. I was isolated in the iron window, like a broken machine, and abandoned myself in every corner of my environment. I sat alone as the last person, without saying a word. The anxious mother said that the "psychologist" was more like a heavy fist that hurt her heart and broke the dam for the first time

Since then, the first thing my father did after work every day was to walk into my room and talk with me about "what he saw today". I listened to him from the beginning "just like that"; Later, as soon as he entered the door, I went up to him and said, "Dad, let me tell you!..." Suddenly, I found that I was the bird in the forest again.

My father's concern enabled me, the "broken machine", to power up and regain my vitality.

Two words sing: "Give me all the warmth, take off the only wind proof clothes.".

In the countless times of writing, people talk about "love" or "warmth" and so on. What they see or write about themselves are also mostly about mothers. It seems that it is too disgusting for me to express my true feelings for my father as a man.

But I remember countless times, sitting behind my back with a newspaper and yawning with me; Every morning, I got up a quarter earlier than I did, and handed me a cup of water; And that winter, I was wrapped in my overcoat with a fever, and I ran downstairs in my slippers and pajamas to block the car, holding my hands tightly for a night

With my father's company, I was electrified and protected by the "fledgling machine".

Sanyou sighed: "I have been following your hard footsteps, all in order to fly to your shoulder.".

In ancient times, there was Su Xun, who followed his example by words and imitated his own appearance, and finally became the second son.

They all said that they should stand on the shoulders of giants to see the world. What I see here is the father's responsibility of going out early and returning late; What I heard was the humility of others' words; What I felt was also the admiration I had never expressed before.

The first brush word he taught me to write was "one", which means integrity;

On the paper where I first assigned homework and asked "What do you want to do in the future", let me write down the "gentleman" that I could not understand at that time;

Today, I walked with an umbrella through the torrential "trial" road, stopped me on the shoulder, smiled and said, "There is no rain or sunshine".

My father's conduct has charged my "ready to go machine" with power and made me rise. Under the power of my father, in the light flowing years, I drove a boat and immediately set sail.

Charging Composition (8)

In the afternoon, the sun withered like eggplants in boxes, lazily giving out tired light, and cicadas sang vigorously in the trees, which made people upset.

I sat on the bed, holding the plush doll, with a book in front of me, raised my head, stared at the white ceiling with two eyes, cold hands, and dizzy, and was concentrating on recalling a poem of "extraordinary talent" - Li Bai's "Difficult Sichuan Road".

"Alas! How dangerous it is! It's harder to go up the Shu Road than to go up to the sky. Silkworm Cong and... and Yu Fu, how the country was founded... What a daze..." I carried it off and on, constantly slapping my head with my hands, trying to remember something more. I slowly opened the book in front of me one page at a time, and hesitated in my action. Suddenly, my hand shook, and the book fell to the ground. I was more upset. I picked up the book, removed the leather band from my wrist, and wound my hair into a bun. It seemed that there were thousands of wires winding around my neck. I feel like an electric toy. The battery has run out of power, and I have to stay in a daze.

I took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled, closed my eyes, and drove away all the useless things in my mind: formulas, words, words, the book I read last night... Everything was thrown out of my mind like garbage. Then, my mind is like a blank sheet of paper.

Once again, I suppressed the evil spirit rising from the bottom of my heart, and patiently began to read: "... even the peaks could not fill the sky, the withered pines hung upside down against the cliffs, the rushing waterfalls and the roaring streams, and the cliffs turned into rocks and mountains..." Gradually, a picture appeared in my mind: on the Shu Road, there were mountains that could not be reached by six dragon carts, and under the mountain, there was a great river with whirling rapids, The yellow swan that is good at flying cannot fly past, and the ape that is good at climbing looks sad

In an instant, I unintentionally recited the full text. The ancient prose, which was very awkward and tongue twirling, came out smoothly like greasing. I recited the full text in one breath and shouted, "Relax!"

At this time, I found that I had indulged in the holiday for too long and needed to recharge myself: literature, art, ideal

Charging Composition (9)

As soon as you raise your hand, the stinky tofu will roll up in the oil pan. The white and tender tofu is scattered in the huge oil pan. The edges are covered with bubbles that grow from small to large, and then burst into flowers. Singing undulating songs, chopsticks gently lift the pan for several circles, and the oil surface ripples. The stinky tofu is like golden leaves blown off the lake by the autumn wind. It also ripples, and soon, She was quickly picked up by Grandma Zhang, and the air was filled with faint "fragrance".

The stinky tofu stand on Cangqiao Straight Street opposite the middle school is often the place where I recharge my batteries.

Don't forget to charge when you are hungry.

Stepping on the hurried school bell, the pace can not keep up with the rhythm of the bell. Carrying a lead like schoolbag and a work bag filled with teaching aids, the brain consumption of a day makes the stomach empty. With the poisonous sunlight everywhere, it is a kind of ethereal collapse. At this time, I need to go to Grandma Wang's stinky tofu shop, watch the shiny stinky tofu come out of the pot, select a plump one with a bamboo stick, gently place it on the tip of the tongue, regardless of the hot, open the mouth and gently touch it, there will be oil overflow, and the aroma will immediately reverberate between the tongue and teeth, crispy outside and crisp inside, filling the stomach, and I will regain my vitality again.

Don't forget to recharge when you are discouraged.

On a rainy evening or a torrential rain, I came to Grandma Wang's shop with a horrible test paper. Under the dim light, the rain curtain was particularly obvious. I stood quietly under the eaves, watching the rain pool into pits on the moss covered bluestone slab, and watching the smelly tofu transform into Chinese beauty in the oil pan, Seeing Grandma Wang dressed in plain clothes in front of the oil pan without changing her face, calmly avoiding the splashing hot oil drops, accurately picking up the stinky tofu jumping in the boiling water, who skillfully turned off the fire, opened the bottle cap, and quickly brushed layers of sauce into the tofu, listening to her saying to me occasionally, "Did you fail in the exam? Is there still a chance!" Smile bloomed into a flower on the drooping face, The heart can not help but be full of sunshine, raising the blood of struggle.

"Ding --" The mobile phone prompts the sound, needs to be charged, raises his eyebrows, and walks to the tofu shop.

Charging Composition (10)

A person's life is like charging his mobile phone. Only by constantly enriching himself can he continuously release energy. And we should constantly enrich ourselves at the present age to meet the challenges in the future!

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles

In my spare time, I like to stay in the room alone and savor a book. After all, there are plain and unadorned contents in the book, and there is a famous saying, which confirms that "there is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book". In ancient times and modern times, many people wrote famous sayings about reading. However, we should not only read thousands of books, but also travel thousands of miles. We should not only do mental work, but also see with our own eyes. Someone said: "If people stay in one place for a long time, their thoughts will tend to become rigid and complacent. We should go outside more. We should not just stay in the present, but go to more places and learn more about people and things. Only in this way can we enrich our life!"!

Learn skills

In this era full of competition, many people have skills. However, as students, our main task is to learn. Of course, we don't have to learn cultural knowledge all the time. We also need to properly cultivate our hobbies and improve our skills, which makes us feel relaxed. In a word, learning skills is to "recharge" our future.

Moral rectitude

Our behaviors and words reflect our character and cultivation everywhere. And we cultivate our own character in order to make our life more valuable. However, many people ignore this point. In fact, moral cultivation depends on ourselves, and good conduct is determined by ourselves. To cultivate our moral character is to shine our morality.


Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, learn skills, cultivate morality, and constantly enrich yourself. It's all about "recharging" our future self! Only in this way can your life shine! It seems that I also have to work hard!

Charging Composition (11)

Since a person wants to live, he needs food to maintain his life. I call this process of obtaining supplement "recharging". These foods are divided into material food and spiritual food.

For me, material food supports our body and maintains our health, while spiritual food includes knowledge, thinking and love. Every time I read, think deeply, communicate with others and embrace others, it is a process of "charging" my soul.

Reading: Energize the soul

Every night in the dead of night, I used to look for the power of my mind on my mobile phone or books. "The problem you encounter when living with your loved ones is that you are together versus the problem, not you versus the other"; "There is no sun in my world, but it is not dark, because something has replaced it. With this light, I can always insist"; "Only when you have a dream can you stand the obstruction of real life"... Such a large number of passages that really poke people's hearts and hit people's hearts are always like strings of current stored in the battery of the soul, which makes me energetic and full of confidence in the new life. Everyone's initial inner world is barren, but because of this process we have a complete personality, three views. Also in the process of charging, knowledge and thought hand in hand taught me to be brave, kind and strong.

Communication: soul filling electricity

Communicating with others can always bring me more unexpected gains. I like holding hands with my good friends on the way out of school, talking and thinking with my friends under the umbrella, and the feeling of hugging. Every time, the battery of my heart will add a lot of beautiful "electricity".

"Drop... drop..."

The battery keeps saving power. These delightful "electricity" supports my world and inspires me to move forward.

Charging Composition (12)

Mobile phones need to be charged by us. Sometimes, even if there is a small part of power supply, it will affect the operation of mobile phones. And life is the same, people are not perfect, when people find a suitable charger, will gradually become better.

When we were young, our world was black and white. When we watch Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf, we will feel that Big Big Wolf is an unforgivable villain, and sheep is the representative of justice and kindness. But as we grow older, we will gradually realize that there is no "absolute" thing in the world. The "bad guy" may just have some parts broken, or can't find a suitable charger, and the "good guy" may not be fully charged. These chargers are treasures that need some chance to find.

I once knew an elder sister who studied very well and was very polite, but I don't know why her parents were too strict. I have never seen her laugh in a real way. Each time, she just slightly raised the corner of her lips and smiled. Even when they want to play, they will peek at their parents' faces from time to time. I think she needs a "childlike" charger so that she can laugh when she wants to laugh and have fun when she wants to play with friends. I can imagine her laughing with a pear vortex, accompanied by a clear and pleasant laugh like a silver bell. I think one day, I can say to her, "You look beautiful when you smile!"

My friend once told me such a story. There was a man who had done all kinds of bad things. He broke off relations with his family very early and was locked in the place with high walls and power grids because of his crimes. After he was released, he often went to a small tavern, where a group of people with families could not return. They ate, drank, played and celebrated the festival together. It may also be because such a group of people who lack kinship get together and instead fill each other with electricity called "kinship".

A fire destroyed everything that was originally warm. Ten people died and one was seriously injured. This person also died in the fire. His father angrily said that this was a punishment from heaven and a punishment after doing all the wrong things. But this was not the case. When the survivors woke up, they told the truth. That person is not because he was punished by heaven or what punishment he received. But when the fire started, the man saved him, and after that, he ran back to save others, but because the fire blocked the way to escape, finally, he was buried with the people in the tavern with his warmth and family

We used to think that that kind of person would only commit crimes, but when his batteries called "Goodness" and "Family" were fully charged, he became a hero, a real hero

Life needs recharging, and people grow up after recharging and moistening again and again. Even if there is no earthshaking story, you can become your own hero!

Charging Composition (13)

"Ouch! I didn't bring a charging line." At that time, I was going to a group class, and the carving pen had to be charged to run.

My deskmate also called out, "Ah! I didn't bring the charging head." My eyes turned and I had a brainwave, so I said to him, "My deskmate, lend me your charging line." Who knows, my deskmate also said to me, "lend me your charging head."

I thought to myself, "If I don't print out my work in a class, I will be expelled by the teacher." The more I think about it, the more depressed I become. Whether to borrow or not?

After hesitating for a moment, my deskmate said to me, "You can use the first lesson and I can use the second lesson, OK?" I readily agreed.

After a while, he suddenly yelled: "Hurry up! It's time for me to use it." "No, I haven't finished my things yet." I hurriedly said to my deskmate, "No..." Before I finished, my deskmate had unplugged, so I had to use the standby power to return the materials, otherwise it would be easy to crash.

When my deskmate kept printing until there were only ten minutes left from school, I finally got impatient and unplugged the charger, because I didn't want to be expelled from the club. 3d printing club is the best club in the school, with only ten people.

I quickly warmed up. When the 3D printing light turned yellow, my right hand immediately loaded the 3D printing pen with materials and waited for the pen to warm up. After the warm-up, I quickly printed, and my deskmate refused to be outdone. Unplug the charging head as quickly as you can.

In this way, we have been able to rush out of school. As a result, both of us were punished for one month of cleaning and had to ask our parents to write a check.

Alas, we had known that we would print a work together, so we wouldn't have to be punished so badly!

Charging Composition (14)

As the old saying goes, "Traveling thousands of miles is better than reading thousands of books". Life is like an endless road, and everyone should follow this road from the moment of birth. In the journey of life, we keep moving forward, but on the way forward, we will also be tired, and sometimes we need to stop and take a rest to recharge ourselves. Everyone is like a brand new electric light, shining from the moment of birth until we have walked the long road of life. This lamp always runs out of electricity, so we have to charge it countless times in our life. Every time we charge it, we just want it to release powerful power and drive us forward. My way of charging is travel.

When I hesitated, I would recharge myself by traveling. Walking in the vast world, we can hear the rugged, heroic and shocking Ansai waist drum on the Loess Plateau, see the glittering ice and snow world under the winter sun in various Radanians, and see Qiong Island surrounded by clear water... Every trip is a feast worthy of its name.

When I walk on the grassland or on the path in the countryside, looking at the free figure of herdsmen, cattle and sheep, I always inadvertently show envy. The land there always exudes the fragrance of soil, mixed with the fragrance of nature. The weather there is like the childish face of a child. When heavy rain pours down from the air, there are even raindrops as big as eggs. Colorful flowers and several feet of grass were broken by the rain. When I came to see them the next day, I was surprised to find that there was still a small half of flowers and plants standing up tenaciously, and the 'raindrops' on them were like the victory tears they left after experiencing the storm. I can't help but be shocked that the tiny things in the world can also have the will of steel like Paul Kochagin. I just felt a shock in my heart. It was like that the electricity in my body was suddenly full. It was burning in my body, and the dark clouds in the sky suddenly scattered and shed a light.

On the way of my life, I recharge myself, so that I can step forward; Travel can also recharge my batteries, so that I can set sail, boldly move forward, fearless of wind and frost.

Charging Composition (15)

Electrical appliances are something that every family has. Proper use of them can help me solve many problems, such as cooking food, lowering the temperature, etc., but improper use will lead to disaster.

That time, my parents went out to work, leaving me alone at home. Before they set out, they told me to be careful at home. They said, "Be careful. That thing should be put over there. This thing..." It has been testing my hearing.

When my parents were not at home, I began to watch cartoons leisurely. I felt very thirsty for a while, so I went to pour water. But there was nothing in the kettle, so I immediately filled a kettle of water to boil. I stood beside me thinking about cartoons all the time. Finally, when the water boiled, I couldn't wait to pour a glass of water, and immediately went in to watch my precious TV.

Time went by minute by second, and suddenly I heard a smell of burning electrical appliances, my God! I immediately got up and ran to the kitchen. Oh, the base of the plug was burnt, and there was a little spark. The little spark fell down and just dropped on my cotton shoes. I was so frightened that I cried. When the landlord heard the sound, he immediately ran up and turned off the main switch.

The terrible things come one after another. It was the winter of that year. One night, the weather was particularly cold. I took out the hot water bag to charge it for a while. Unexpectedly, it burst open with a bang, and my hands were blackened with a blister. When my father said, it was because I didn't insert the plug completely, which caused the conduction. If my face were closer today, my head would suffer. Now when I talk about it, I have lingering fears.

The reason why these things keep happening is that I am too relaxed about electricity. In real life, we have always played the role of electricity to the fullest. However, because it is always around us, people begin to take a fluke when they start to "should or should not" it.

My friends, does my experience coincide with yours? Please wake us up! To love oneself is to be responsible for the family.

Charging Composition (16)

A person's life is like charging his mobile phone. Only by constantly enriching himself can he continuously release energy. And we should constantly enrich ourselves at the present age to cope with the challenges in the future!

Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles

In my spare time, I like to stay in the room alone and savor a book. After all, there are plain and unadorned contents in the book, and there is a famous saying, which confirms that "there is a golden house in the book, and there is a beautiful face in the book"

In ancient times and modern times, many people wrote famous sayings about reading. However, we should not only read thousands of books, but also travel thousands of miles. We should not only do mental work, but also see with our own eyes. Someone said: "If people stay in one place for a long time, their thoughts will tend to become rigid and complacent. We should go outside more. We should not just stay in the present, but go to more places and learn more about people and things. Only in this way can we enrich our life!"!

Learn skills

In this era full of competition, many people have skills. However, as students, our main task is to learn. Of course, we don't have to learn cultural knowledge all the time. We also need to properly cultivate our hobbies and improve our skills, which makes us feel relaxed. In a word, learning skills is to "recharge" our future.

Moral rectitude

Our behaviors and words reflect our character and cultivation everywhere. And we cultivate our own character in order to make our life more valuable. However, many people ignore this point. In fact, moral cultivation depends on ourselves, and good conduct is determined by ourselves. To cultivate our moral character is to shine our morality.


Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, learn skills, cultivate morality, and constantly enrich yourself. It's all about "recharging" our future self! Only in this way can your life shine! It seems that I also have to work hard!