80 non mainstream funny quotes
Time teaches you to see everyone clearly
2023-05-10 06:15:01

1、 You fish and meat people, people will eat and eat you!

2、 I won't accept anyone when I'm drunk, just hold the wall!

3、 I don't even want a basin of spilled water.

4、 I don't believe punctuation marks.

5、 Youth is capital, but not hard work is worthless.

6、 Our goal: to look at money and earn more.

7、 I am relieved to know that you are not doing well.

8、 Others have their backgrounds, while we have our backs.

9、 I don't need you to understand, just shut up.

10、 Knowledge is like underwear, invisible but important.

11、 It's better to talk about QQ for half a year than to read Chinese for 10 years.

12、 The world is as big as your heart.

13、 No matter how big an official is, no matter how much money he has. The King of Hell still dragged in.

14、 Small as the bird is, it plays in the whole sky.

15、 Yuelao, have you broken my red rope?

16、 When I came to this world, I didn't intend to go back alive.

17、 Youth is dedicated to the house, and middle age is dedicated to children.

18、 It is impossible to extricate oneself from love besides teeth.

19、 As soon as you go out, birds will fly away from thousands of mountains and people will disappear from thousands of paths.

20、 Don't look at me. You think you are the palette.

21、 Red beans don't grow in the south. They grow on your face. I really miss you.

22、 For a long time, no one has blown the cowhide so fresh and refined.

23、 My advantages: the courage to admit mistakes; Disadvantages: resolutely do not change.

24、 In the days without women, I enjoy molesting men.

25、 What cannot extricate oneself from is love, as well as the radish in others' fields.

26、 Don't force me, or I will become great and be out of control.

27、 Every day when I read through novels, the toilet looks like a through hole.

28、 I am not RMB, how can everyone like me?

29、 Dream is the earliest way of wireless communication in human history.

30、 Protect yourself and love others. Please don't come out in the middle of the night to frighten people.

31、 Hum, the most hooligan in winter, always likes to freeze my hands and feet.

32、 How dare I touch you? I'm afraid I will buy hand sanitizer and myself.

33、 I am an animal when I take off my clothes, and an animal when I put on my clothes!

34、 Since I became a piece of shit, no one has stepped on my head.

35、 When you speak ill of me, can you stop adding fuel and vinegar, thinking it's cooking.

36、 Take out your complaints every day to bask in the sun, and your mood will not be short of calcium.

37、 Please don't take my tolerance for you as your shameless capital.

38、 Life is like fighting against landlords. Once you are a gang, you will be the enemy.

39、 My wallet is like an onion. Every time I open it, I cry.

40、 I don't understand music, so sometimes I don't rely on music or tune.

41、 Exam results are announced: Laugh if you do well in the exam, and cry or laugh if you do not.

42、 In the past, my love was like a dwarf who was hanged by a bush.

43、 A woman is always strong and strong for a few days, even if she is bleeding.

44、 If QB is used as a reward for the exam, the country will soon become rich and powerful.

45、 The longest love I have ever had is narcissism. Love yourself, no rivals.

46、 Women are anxious when men don't make money, and women regret when men make money.

47、 Even if you have a master, I will move you to my side.

48、 If something goes wrong, first find the reason from yourself. Don't blame the earth for lack of gravity when you are constipated.

49、 At the beginning, I fell in love with you because my brain was flooded. Now my brain is shaking dry.

50、 My advantages are: I am handsome; But my weakness is that I am not so handsome.

51. Whenever I have enough to eat and drink, I will remember the serious matter of losing weight.

52. God gave us seven emotions and six desires, but we turned them into harmony.

Fifty three. It takes thousands of years to change from a monkey to a man, and it takes only one bottle of wine to change from a man to a monkey.

54. I am like grass, unable to extricate myself

55. I allow you to enter my world, but I do not allow you to walk around in my world.

56. My life credo is: live like a grandson for decades, endure to become a grandpa and then die.

57. I am proud that the earth is still under my feet so far.

58. You can say that you are ugly without a diploma and bald without intelligence.

59. I look at the time in the morning not to see the time, but to see how long I can sleep.

When I love you, what you say is what you say. When I don't love you, what do you say you are.

61. When you toss a coin, you will go online on the front, sleep on the back, and do your homework when you stand up.

62. There is gold under the man's knee. I cut off the whole leg and didn't even find a piece of copper!

63. Although you are sprayed with cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scum smell.

Sixty four. Time will not spare people. First, women will not be spared; If opportunity waits for no man, he cannot wait for a man first.

65. Parents cheat their children to call education; Children cheat their parents by calling them cheating; Mutual deception is called generation gap.

66. Is there anyone who secretly loves me? Don't be shy if you love me secretly. Speak out your love loudly.

67. Everyone is original when they are born. Sadly, many people become pirates gradually!

68. When someone pushes you down, no matter how hard and tired you are, you should stand up and slap her hard.

69. When I was young, I liked to play hide and seek. When others hid, I would go home to eat.

70. If one day I become a hooligan, please tell others that I was innocent

71. When I was young, I thought I could save the whole world when I grew up. When I grew up, I found that the whole world could not save me.

Seventy two. Never quarrel with your parents, because you will only be scolded if you can't win the argument, and beaten if you can win the argument.

73. Journey to the West tells us that all monsters with backstage have been taken away, and those without backstage have been beaten to death with a stick.

Seventy four, things are often like this, and it's too late to look back. Even if you are willing to become a bad horse, there may not be something waiting for you.

Seventy five. "Is my face oily?" "Reflective, can't see clearly."

76. I am like a fly lying on the glass. The future is bright, but I can't find a way out

Seventy seven. If you watched trees become exercise books, would you still have the heart to do your homework? In order to protect nature, we don't do our homework.

78. It took 5 minutes to get up this time. You have defeated 88% of the students in the country. Another student in the dormitory failed to get up and is starting up again. All the dormitory next door crashed!

79. The chemistry teacher asked, "What about the gas leak at home?" He got up and said, "Take a cigarette and calm down."

80. I have a stomachache and feel like vomiting today. There was an exam in the afternoon. I couldn't hold back my vomit in the middle of the exam. The teacher came up and said with concern, "Why, the question is too disgusting?"