About the second child (11 articles selected)
Don't worry too much
2023-12-07 01:36:49

About the second child (1)

About the second child, I would like to say that 40% of them agree and 60% disagree. I don't agree because my mother is very tired after taking care of me. I'm even more tired after raising a younger brother or sister. I'm afraid she can't bear it; And if I have another child, I will give more than half of my love to the second child; Besides, I want to give him (her) good things. I agree because with the second child, I have friends with me when I am lonely; And with a second child, you don't have to "cross mountains" to find someone else to play with.

About the father of the second child, I want to say: "I agree 100%, mainly for the following reasons: first, most of the only children do not know how to share and take care of others, which is related to this to a certain extent. Children with brothers and sisters are relatively better in this respect; second, families with two children will have a happier childhood and will not feel lonely; Third, there are many brothers and sisters, so the burden of caring for the elderly will be much lighter in the future, and there will be more guarantees for parents to be elderly and more emotional care for children; Fourth, the second child can prevent the risk of losing independence in the middle and old age of parents.

Of course, having a second child will also bring some burdens and hardships to the family, mainly including the reproductive risks of middle-aged mothers. A lot of energy and money are spent to take care of the two children, more thought and effort are spent on the education of the two children, and a lot of preparation and effort are needed to get married and start a business in the future. But on the whole, it is always worthwhile to pay for children. They are the greatest gain and wealth in our life.

About the second child (2)

A piece of news came out on the Internet: the country has allowed the birth of a second child. When I saw it, I jumped up happily: "Yeah! Mom can finally have a second child!"

In the past, I always pestered my mother to give birth to a baby brother, but my mother always made excuses to say that the country did not allow the birth of a second child, and we had to pay a fine, but our family could not afford it! Now that the policy is finally open, my mother has no reason to refuse me! ha-ha! I can finally have a little brother!

I took the tablet computer, sang and danced to my mother's room. I sat down gently beside my mother's bed and flattered her who was preparing for the lunch break: "Mom, are you thirsty? How about I go and get you a glass of water In order not to annoy my mother, I had to call her truthfully: "Mom, in fact, I want you to have a baby brother for me." "Rain, my mother didn't tell you many times that we can't afford a second child!" She nodded my head.

Seeing this, I quickly handed the tablet to my mother: "Mom, look, the country has allowed the birth of a second child. I heard that the mothers of my classmates are ready to have a second child. Please, Mom!" I went forward and hugged my mother's thigh and shook it constantly, and even winked at her from time to time.

My mother got goose bumps all over her body. She hurriedly pushed me away and said, "Oh, what are you doing? Get up quickly. What do you think I am, a pig? You can give birth when you want to. Besides, you think giving birth is like kneading dough. If you want to give birth to a child, you can give it a square one. If you want to give birth to a round one, you can give it a round one. And who can help me take care of my child..." My mother kept looking for reasons, Her mouth kept nagging in my ear like firecrackers.

I really can't stand it, so I decided to go to my father to argue with him. My father has always loved me, and I think he must support me. Besides, I'm not asking too much. I just want a younger brother.

So I came to the living room, sat next to my father, looked at him with pathetic eyes, and pleaded: "Dad, I want a younger brother, and the country has allowed two children!" "What! You want a younger brother!" Dad was obviously frightened by my words, and almost slipped off the sofa. "This is not easy, is it? Wan has a sister in his life?" "I don't want a sister. Girls are too troublesome. I want a brother." When I heard the word "sister", I was so excited that I jumped up from the sofa.

Alas! I just want a brother. In the future, I will take care of each other in life, and I can also help him learn. But if I have a sister, all my plush toys will be taken over. My cute trinkets, my princess books and my princess room will be taken over

Alas! What a tangle! I just want a little brother!

About the second child (3)

Most of the post-80s and post-90s generation have such a certificate - the only child certificate. In the last century, in order to adapt the production of material means to human reproduction, since the early 1970s, China has vigorously implemented the family planning policy. Due to China's large population base, large new population and rapid population growth, China's population is under great pressure. In the Population and Family Planning of the People's Republic of China (20xx), the first article "In order to achieve the coordinated development of population and economy, society, resources and environment, family planning policies are implemented, citizens' legitimate rights and interests are protected, and family happiness, prosperity and social progress are promoted." This also makes most families have only one child, which is called "only child".

With the rapid development of the economy, more labor is needed for various productive labor. However, there is a large number of elderly people in China, the aging trend is obvious, the proportion of children is decreasing year by year, and the whole society is short of labor. Then, as the birth rate decreases, there will be fewer and fewer young people. Who will support these old people and children? On October 29, 20xx, the fifth plenary meeting of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided that China should comprehensively and uniformly implement the policy that a couple can have two children. The State Commission for Industry Discipline Inspection said that the full implementation of the "two child system" is conducive to optimizing the population structure, increasing labor supply and easing the pressure of population aging. At the same time, it is conducive to promoting sustainable and healthy economic development and achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Someone teased that "the post-80s generation is a very tough generation. Before them, every family had several children, and they became the only child here. However, when they grow up, they opened up the second child." This means that a couple has to support four old people and two children. However, under the constraints of economic conditions, some young people may not be able to do so at all. The pressure of work and housing may make them not have too much energy and economic conditions to do so.

In my opinion, the second child also depends on whether you are willing to give birth or not, and whether you can afford it. After the implementation of the single two child policy, the fertility willingness, birth rate and other indicators did not meet expectations. Since the implementation of the policy for one and a half years in 20xx, only 1.5 million people have applied for a second child. On the other hand, when considering whether or not to have a baby, whether or not to also scrutinize the opinions of the first child. Generally, the boss thinks that one more brother or sister will divide their love and toys from their parents. At this time, if you want to have a child, you should communicate with the boss to make him willing to love the younger brother or sister.

Therefore, there are many factors to be considered for birth and non birth. After opening up the second child market, the country should encourage more people to have second children, analyze its advantages and disadvantages, and do a good job in communication and facilitation.

About the second child (4)

Since the 1970s, our country has implemented a strict one-child family planning policy because of the pressure of population growth. For more than 40 years, the country has reduced the number of children by more than 400 million, and alleviated prominent contradictions and social problems with population and resources.

However, the continuous one-child policy has also brought many disturbing and worrying new situations and problems. The society increasingly feels that only children grow up difficultly and regretfully. There are no brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, relatives and children friends. The family cells in the society have changed. 1、 The perplexities and worries of the second generation began to appear. The society increasingly finds that the social burden and responsibility of the only child will change and become extremely heavy. It is common to have two elders in a small family and four elders in different generations.

The only child is psychologically lonely, mentally fragile, has a weak sense of family, and is generally overindulged by parents. It has become the biggest morbid state in Chinese society. The most worrying future social disease. There is nothing more daunting than the growth of the new generation, which cannot bear hardships, take over, take the lead and feed back the society. The Japanese threatened that in the future Sino Japanese war, China's only child XX could not defeat Japan's XX. This is a warning! A challenge! A test!

It is possible to have two children, although there is a limit of only two children. That is, one of the parents must be an only child. But this is great progress! More than 70% of Chinese families today are in line with this situation. It can greatly alleviate the social pressure and impact of China's strict one-child policy, and at least alleviate the pressure difference of more than 50% of family planning.

Looking at the return of brothers, sisters and sisters, we sigh! We praise! We are full of new expectations!

About the second child (5)

Most of the post-80s and post-90s generation have such a certificate - the only child certificate. In the last century, in order to adapt the production of material means to human reproduction, since the early 1970s, China has vigorously implemented the family planning policy. Due to China's large population base, large new population and rapid population growth, China's population is under great pressure. In the Population and Family Planning of the People's Republic of China (20xx), the first article "In order to achieve the coordinated development of population and economy, society, resources and environment, family planning policies are implemented, citizens' legitimate rights and interests are protected, and family happiness, prosperity and social progress are promoted." This also makes most families have only one child, which is called "only child".

With the rapid development of the economy, all kinds of productive labor also need "Are you willing to have a brother or sister?" This question is very special. I want to tell her that I want to have a sister so that I can sleep with her. She will certainly let me, tell me stories. If I have a sister, I will not pester my mother every day.

Mother said: "Then you are the second child, aren't you? Maybe my sister doesn't like you as much as you think!"

This made me think deeply about why they don't like "me"? It's really wrong for my brothers and sisters to leave home in anger because of my arrival, or to do some unexpected stupid things. So I wrote down the reading feeling "If I were the second child", which was also praised by the editor's sister.

Each of us can't decide our own birth choice. If my parents decide to raise only one child for me, I will study hard for the sake of mastering superb skills in the future, so that my parents can live better in the future. If my family suddenly adds a little Douding, I will be a big sister, just like the big sister in my dream.

About the second child (6)

Once, I had the glorious title of "only child". Every year, I can receive a poster of a cute baby and a can of rice noodles that are rare for rural people. However, all the preferential treatment envied by the playmates ended with the death of the mother, the remarriage of the father and the birth of the younger brother.

I have always been very resistant to the "younger brother". Feng's younger brother always follows her like a little tail, so that she can't enjoy playing; Yun's younger brother is a Tyrannosaurus rex. He always hits people with stones, including his sister. When we meet him, we have to run away every time; Hua's younger brother is the little ancestor of the family, and Hua becomes a servant girl, the king of the black pot, and is always blamed. Therefore, I hate the wrinkled and dark ape at home!

However, something happened later, which made me slightly improve the existence of this disgusting creature.

When I was in second grade, I went to a classmate's house on a boat to play. Who knows the springboard grows moss in the plum rain season, and I "plop" into the water. When I stood in front of my father and stepmother like a drowned rat, I wished there was a crack in the ground. Before my father could discipline me, the enamel rice basin with herbal tea on the table was overturned by a bear child with a "bang". At this time, the perpetrator was wet and holding a head of tea foam. How silly he looked. My mood turned overcast and sunny. At this time, it's also good to have a cushion.

However, this incident did not change my bad feeling towards the "younger brother", because his crying bothered me throughout my childhood and made me very upset.

The real change took place when I was in college. He stayed at his aunt's house in the city to study in junior high school, while I studied in the teacher's college not far away. He is always bullied by his classmates because he is black and small and comes from the countryside. In the face of my younger brother's gloom, I was angry, and took the opportunity to go to their school as an apprentice to knock out the words of those urban children. From then on, he regarded me as an idol and asked me for advice on everything.

As a result, I gradually changed from an idol to a maid. I accompanied me to review for the high school entrance exam, filled in my volunteer and helped to advise. Even the parents' meeting of three years in high school was attended by me as a representative, not to mention the odd things like buying books and going to see a doctor. Everything has my shadow.

Twenty five years ago, we have all grown up and made deep marks in each other's lives. Once unilateral dependence has become mutual support. I moved, my brother is free labor; I am sick, and my brother is a private doctor; My car needs to be repaired. My brother is an on call driver. And I continue to play his bosom sister, staff officer's clothes, staff officer's work, staff officer's blind date

I think we will support each other until we are old.

About the second child (7)

In daily study, work and life, we often see the figure of composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is an English composition about the second child policy collected by my editor. Welcome to read and collect it.

Emerging from the cartoon is an eye-catching scene that the parents are willing to have a second child, while their only child do not agree because of his worry that he doesn't want to have another child, even his own sibling, share toys with him. Simple as it is, the symbolic meaning revealed is profound and thought-provoking.

We are supposed to place our attention on, instead of its funny appearance, the implied meaning of the cartoon: as the overall second-child policy expands throughout China, some only children are so selfish that they cannot accept the second child in their family. What can account for this undesirable situation? For one thing, they, as the only child at home all the time, have no awareness of sharing what they like with others due to the fact that all the family members give their love to the only child. As a result, when faced with the problem of whether they are willing to have a sibling, their first response is to refuse it. For another reason, some couples are eager to have a second child as soon as possible, which makes them neglect to communicate with their only child to let them realize the advantage of having a sibling companion in their childhood.

From what has been discussed above, it's safe for me to conclude that it is urgent to take some immediate and effective measures. What I recommend is that parents should let child know the importance of sharing with others, which is beneficial for them in future life. In addition, it's better for parents to have more communication with their only child once they want to have a second child.

About the second child (8)

First of all, a friend of mine had a small life born again in his home, but now his originally stable home has become noisy. All day long, the house was either crying or laughing. It didn't take long for the house to be quiet. As soon as I entered their house, a bad smell came into my nose. I poked my head out and looked carefully. What a surprise! I saw that the family was in a mess, and the messy family environment had a great negative impact on Xiaodoudou's learning. Time flies, and in a twinkling of an eye, a semester ushered in the final exam. Who knew that she had always been excellent, but this time she only got 89 points, 80 points and 95 points. 5 points. Such scores surprised teachers and students and gradually ignored her. Her family did not like her, and her classmates did not want her. She felt that she had been ignored by her family, left far behind, ignored her study, and despised her life. Sometimes I can see her hiding in the corner silently crying and crying, and she completely collapsed. From the bottom of her heart, she hated all the trouble this brother brought her. For example, Zuo Chunzi in our class takes his younger brother with him on spring outings and even after school, which makes people stare at her and never let up.

Secondly, according to statistics, there are 20xx000 families across the country that have given birth to a second child, and some families have given birth to the first child. For thousands of years, China has had the old idea of feudal superstition that boys can fight the world and that only boys can achieve great things, so it has the idea of not giving birth to boys and not giving up. My great grandmother is a good example. As soon as she has six boys living together, and several girls have been born in succession among her grandchildren, she is not happy! Isn't it obvious that men are more important than women? Don't girls make great achievements? Are there no heroes and great men?

So I think "having two children" is unreasonable!

About the second child (9)

English Composition of the Second Child Problem (1)

As we all know,China's mainland population grew to 1.339 billion by 20xx,according to census figures released on Thursday,so the government take many action to reduce population.In the most families only have one children,for example me,in my home,my parents only have one children.In fact,I really want to have a brother or sister, because if I have a brother or sister,I will not feel lonely.And if I have some problems,he or she can help me.We can play together and grow up together,when I saw other children play with his brother pr sister in my childhood,I’m admired him very much.Until now,I also want to have a brother,if I have something can’t tell others,I can tell him, and he will protect me.

So in the future,when I have my own family,I will be a parent,I hope I will have two children,one is a boy,the other is a girl.They can accompany with each other,and the brother can protect sister if she have some problems in the outside,and they can study how to cooperate.When they grow up,we will be old,he and she also have many babies, and we will live together very happy.

English Composition of the Second Child Problem (2)

As in modern times of birth control being the basic policy of China,core families made of 3 people in which the parents were born after 1980 have a heavy burden of lives.That is to say,they have parents,father-in-law and mother-in-law, grand parents to care and a child to bring up which means two ones have to care 6 olders and bring up one child.It is such a big burden for a family two of whom are workers, when they have to pay for the housing loan , work and care for the olders.Especilly for those who get married not long , whose olders coming from countries and having no insurance, the burden is more heavy.

In the tranditional culture of China, married conditions of men are different from women.Generally,men should collect enough money and give a wedding feast.This has accomplished an actuality ,if you have a girl baby,you just have to bring her up,and if you have a boy baby, you have to prepare rather many lots of money which you will have earned all your life to pay for your son’ house and his wedding,besides bringing him up.A jok has described the state lively , your boy baby is called a bank of economic construction you have to construct, while your girl baby is called China Merchants Bank on which you needn’t care too much ,and then someone will invest.As a result ,even if it is allowed to have a second child,families who have had a son would not be willing to have a second one.

Most ones born in 1980s(80s) are singletons which generation had received so much hope and love from their parents. Many coming from rich family are poor in living themselves,and not ready to bear hardships,so that pregnant women in them prefer caesarean birth when they deliver,so as to advoid the serious pain, although it had been proved better in science to bear naturally.The 80s parents even don’t want to pay their attention to the babies who will be taking care of by their grandparents.These mathers don’t want to suffer the pregnant process ,and will be still at the front of the pain,even if they woule like to have second ones.

For the young couples whose ideas are traditional,being like to own a big family,they do like have a second baby,but they can only hang back under the pressure of the cruel reality .For the nation,if it demand contradictions between ageing and low fertility relieved,it should entirely relieve the control of having a second single baby, which will rise the ratio of population steadily.The more important is to have most people share the gain of Reform and Openness,to solve the problem of housing loan of people,turning the commercial residential building into welfare building,to improve and perfect the service system of the society,to improve the medical security , to narrow the gap between the wealthy and poor,to raise the pay of people.Then, the government needn’t to encourage people to do anything,and they would to have more babies all themselves.

For individual ,if you want a second baby and you are rich ,while your parents have old-age pension and could help bring up baby for you,you may as well have another one.

But if you are in pressure of living,while you parents have no retired pension and are in poor health,you’d better concentrate all your energies on your only baby ,and pay no attention to matter of the second baby ,in which it is the best choice for either you or your baby.

About the second child (10)

One day, on my grandpa's birthday, after I had enough to eat and drink, I went downstairs to play cards. As expected, within a minute, my cousin flew down and shouted, "Xiaoheng, why don't you wait for me?" When I heard this voice, I felt a cold war in my heart from time to time, but his eyes had already fixed on the card in my hand, I said, "This is very expensive. It's only five pieces for one yuan." But he didn't care how many pieces he could buy for one yuan. He just hit me with Iron Head Skill. However, I took a step back, but he fell on his feet. Seeing that he couldn't beat me, he used the must kill skill Hao Tao to cry. The cry was like the cry of a wolf, and the tears were like a downpour. When my mother learned about this, she shouted at me: "Who told you to hit my brother? Just give him the card." The next day, my card fell into my cousin's "magic hand".

One day at noon, my mother cooked my favorite braised ribs. My younger brother sneered and said to her mother, "Aunt, can I have more braised ribs today?" My mother said, "It's good. I'm afraid you won't eat it!" My cousin poured all the braised ribs into his own bowl. At night, it was late at night, I lay in bed, tears filled my eyes.

Mom, look at me and say NO to the second child!

About the second child (11)

First of all, after giving birth to a second child, every family must have two children, one big and one small, and the laughter of the two children is everywhere. For one thing, in such a family, older children learn to help their parents take care of younger siblings when they are young. Not only can parents take less snacks and save more time to work, but also can exercise the practical ability of older children and accumulate experience of taking care of others, so that when they grow up with children, they will not be at a loss. Second, as an elder brother and sister, the big one will certainly give the small one a good example, which can help the big one form many good habits. As the saying goes, "He who is close to others will become black." I grew up in a good environment and learned many good habits unconsciously! Isn't it killing two birds with one stone and killing two birds with one stone?

Secondly, our motherland is facing the crisis of aging, and our society will gradually lack vitality. In order to alleviate the aging of society, the state has liberalized the policy of having two children, and encouraged everyone to have two children to add vitality to the society. If you don't respond positively, the population of China will become smaller and smaller; If you don't have a second child, in a few years, only people with crutches and reading glasses can be seen everywhere, and many international metropolises will gradually become "dead cities". It was followed by the reduction of labor force, the collapse of enterprises, and the loss of competitiveness of the country, which led to the abyss of destruction step by step. Would you rather watch the country grow old and die than have a second child?

Thirdly, I would like to remind you that if you have a second child and the population increases, the difficulties in employment will force groups of entrepreneurs to start fierce competition. In such a society, people will form the habit of studying hard when they are young, because only a few people have the opportunity to invest in land, and those who are ignorant and incompetent will become stepping stones for others! Do you want to be the stepping stone? As time goes by, only the elites who work hard can reach the top of the "pyramid". Only when there are more economic minded people in the society can we push China into a new "prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty".

Finally, I hope you can accept my argument. Thank you.