Encouraged high school entrance examination (8 high-quality papers)
2023-12-27 05:56:23
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Encouraged high school entrance examination (1)

The cold winter has faded, the spring is stirring, and there are only a hundred days left for the middle school entrance exam unconsciously. Once, we entered the hall of junior high school with a fervent dream. When three years passed in a flash, in the face of the high school entrance exam, please refuse to be cowardly and fight bravely!

The hundred day oath is concentrated in every tense and full class, in every sweaty run, and witnessed every midnight with lights on, and every morning with dawn breaking.

Blow the horn of the high school entrance examination, and see the bright sun is fading away the appearance of the night; Play the music of the high school entrance examination, and watch us run forward bravely on the road of youth; Walk into the hall of the high school entrance examination, and see the growth ladder adding brick, stone and tile walls.

Today, I am as ambitious as Lima. I am determined to travel thousands of miles, bear thousands of blows, and put all my eggs in one basket for the high school entrance exam. Today, I spread my wings like an eagle, and vowed to fly to the sky to show off my heroes and go all out for the high school entrance exam. Today, I am like a rising sun. I am determined to fade away the night and shine to do my best for the high school entrance exam. Today, I am like a tiger galloping over the wilderness, vowing to break through the wilderness, regardless of the height of the mountain or the depth of the water, and do my best for the high school entrance exam.

Third day, thank you for the day when darkness and light intertwined, and thank you for the day when pain and happiness coexist; Third day, thank you for this confused and determined day, thank you for this hard and happy day; Third day, thank you for the deep and sunny day, and thank you for the borderless and solid day. The sweat strengthened my belief, and the tired corners of my eyes clearly showed my dream. I only believe in fruitful results, even though I suffer a lot!

The magnificent scroll has spread out in front of us, the banner of struggle has fluttered in front of us, and the surging poems have sung heartily! With a drink in his hand, he is filled with lofty sentiments, and raises his pen to make a gun clear in the distance.

Today I dominate Pingchuan like a tiger, and tomorrow I will fly like an eagle! One hundred days, let us persevere, one hundred days, let us forge ahead, one hundred days, let us fight against each other, one hundred days, let us add light to our alma mater, one hundred days, let us fight for the future!

With ambition, mountains can be moved, every minute counts, and the sea can be filled!

In the remaining 100 days, we will never be timid and flinch. The drum of the high school entrance exam has been sounded, the door of high school has waved to us, and it is the last time for us to fight for our ideals! At this moment, we are brave and fearless. At this moment, we are full of fighting spirit! Let's fight hard in this silent battlefield, cut through thorns and brambles, defy the heroes, break free from the waves and hang the cloud sail!

This is my sworn statement for the high school entrance exam. Now I am a senior one student. Looking back on his oath again, I felt that I could not say what it was like to be admitted to the high school of my dreams despite my great efforts. I just hope that in three years, I can welcome a sunrise.

I hope that all senior high school seniors will take dreams as horses and live up to their youth.

Encouraged high school entrance examination (2)

Looking back at my tender and firm pace, I know that it includes my own efforts and tenacious struggle, as well as the support and trust of my parents. Those encouraging words will always dispel the dark clouds, rain and snow in my heart like the bright sunshine, encouraging me to hold my head high and bravely face failures and setbacks.

On that day, when I was having a Chinese class, the teacher was carefully explaining the new lesson "Fanka", and the students were all listening attentively. I was attracted by the noise outside and kept looking around. At this time, the teacher's voice came: "Ma Haozhan, you answer, Blow away all the gloom in my heart. I seriously thought about the teacher's question and tried to find the correct answer. At this time, I found that the question seemed not so difficult. With the help and encouragement of the teacher, I successfully answered correctly. The teacher's encouragement made me confident and regretful for my behavior.

When I was in the third grade, my father bought me a cool bike. I liked it very much. I was very happy for several days. "Why are there no wheels on both sides?" I asked my father. My father said, "Because you are not a child anymore, you don't need the auxiliary wheels on both sides, so you can learn to ride independently." But I didn't say confidently, "Dad, if I don't want those two wheels to support me, I won't ride." "Son, you can learn, Dad believes in you!" Dad encouraged me. At the beginning, my father always supported me behind to prevent me from falling. Slowly, after several falls, I gained some experience. When I rode again, my father's words of encouragement kept coming to my mind. My father's words were like sweet rain and dew, nourishing my heart. I seemed to have a magical power, and the more I rode, the more powerful I became. My father is behind me. I don't know when I let go of my hands. I actually learned to ride a bike! This time, thanks to my father's encouragement, I can successfully learn to ride a bike.

I am extremely happy to live in encouragement all the time. In the encouragement, I also learned that failure is only the beginning of success, and difficulties and setbacks can make me enjoy the joy of success. With encouragement, I will be more confident; With encouragement, I will have a better and brighter life.

Encouraged high school entrance examination (3)

Love is varied, and it is reflected in every detail of life. Among all kinds of love, there is a kind of love called encouragement, which is an inspiring force.

Some people say: no sunshine, no smile of flowers; Without the sea, there would be no fish jumping; Without parents, there is no life. I also want to say: teacher, without your encouragement, there will be no progress and growth for me!

Teacher, do you remember that when I first came to this class, I felt very strange to everything in the class, and I was always timid in doing things. In the class, I clearly understood the teacher's question, but I always hesitated and dared not raise my hand. You may be aware of that and give me a look of encouragement and expectation. I seemed to hear your kind words: "Don't be afraid, Fan Xingyun! I believe you can do it!" Suddenly, my confidence doubled, so I bravely raised my hand. After the answer, you smiled and praised me on the spot. My heart is sweeter than honey! It is your countless' encouragement 'that made me fall in love with your class!

Teacher, do you still remember that I was the famous naughty king of the school? That time, I broke the electronic door of the school, was pulled into your office by the headmaster, and scolded me in front of you, but I acted as if nothing had happened, unwilling to admit my mistake. You must have been angry at that time, but instead of scolding me loudly, you endured your anger and calmly encouraged me to admit my mistake with reason and emotion... It was your persistent encouragement that made me realize that it is a virtue that a person should have to change when he knows his mistake and take the initiative to admit his mistake. So I made up my mind to change the past, and tried to abide by the rules and regulations of the school and study hard. At the end of the term, I was rated as an outstanding Young Pioneer!

Teacher, although you have served as my head teacher for only two years, I deeply feel how wonderful your encouragement is: your encouragement has given me great energy; Your encouragement makes me distinguish right from wrong; Your encouragement makes me more and more excellent; With your encouragement, I bravely set my goal

Thank you, teacher, for your constant encouragement, courage and confidence, so that my boat of life can set sail correctly.

Encouraged high school entrance examination (4)

When I saw the topic of the composition "Encouragement", I remembered one thing I had experienced. When I talked about it, I wanted to cry out because it impressed me too deeply to express in words. Let me take this opportunity to tell you!

When we were in the fifth grade, we had just divided our classes, and our former friends were all separated. Facing the new teacher, I dare not raise my hand to answer questions in class.

After several weeks of classes, we gradually became familiar with each other. When we were in Chinese, the teacher suddenly called my name and asked me to read my composition on the stage. I was nervous and scared. If there is a cave here, I will go in and hide right away. When the teacher read my name again, I became more nervous, and I still dared not go to the stage to read the composition. The teacher came up to me and said to me, "Don't be afraid. It doesn't matter if you don't read the composition well. It doesn't matter if you dare to read it on the stage." The teacher said loudly to the class, "Give her a round of applause.". Then, there was thunderous applause in the classroom. When I heard these applause, I was moved to cry. I thought to myself: students have so much hope for me, of course, I will go to the stage to read my composition, and I will read it well.

Slowly, I stood up from my seat, walked onto the stage, took a deep breath, and read the composition. In the middle of the composition, there was a word that was unclear. The teacher came to look at the word with me, and finally saw it. I continued to read, and finally finished the composition. The teacher took the lead in clapping, and the students also clapped. I blushed and went back to my seat.

Now looking back on this matter, I want to say loudly to my Chinese teacher and classmates: "Thank you for your encouragement. If you hadn't cheered me on, I really didn't have the courage to go to the stage to read my composition."

It is this encouragement that I will never forget.

Encouraged high school entrance examination (5)

For anyone, encouragement is very important, and everyone needs encouragement, because encouragement can make people happy, strong, and progressive... I have a little story around me!

Last summer, my parents and I went to Kaisha Island to play together. On that day, when I first arrived there, I was dumbfounded because there were many amusement facilities. What I wanted to challenge most was "forest exploration". I can't wait to put on my safety equipment and get ready for the "adventure".

The rule of "forest exploration" is to climb through each level to reach the destination. The expedition began, and I climbed up confidently.

The first level is just a few steps. The second level was a little difficult at the beginning. One bucket was horizontal. I wanted to climb from one end to the other. I started to climb. When I was almost at the other end, the seat belt pulled me. It turned out that I forgot to push the hook forward, so I had to go back and start again. In the third level, I walked on the steel wire rope. At first, my feet shook a little and I almost fell off. But later, I tried to keep my body balanced. In this way, I passed this level with difficulty. At the last level, it was crawling. I felt very tired because I spent a lot of energy in front of me, but I still bit my teeth and barely managed to cope with the first few steps, but I could hardly hold on to my strength in the back. I wish someone could help me at this time. At this time, my mother, who has been with me, began to encourage me: "Son, you are the best, come on, come on, as long as you stick to the end, you will win." After listening to this sentence, I felt as if I had charged up, suddenly full of strength, I worked hard, finally reached the end, and successfully passed!

Encouragement is very important. I hope everyone can encourage me more in the future, so that I can perform better!

Encouraged high school entrance examination (6)

There are many unhappy things in life. It's like a ship sailing on the sea. Sometimes wind and waves sweep through it. It can never be smooth. When the ship is unfortunately hit the rocks, a timely rescue is so valuable. A heartfelt encouragement in life is like such a rescue, encouraging us to move forward steadily. Like a bunch of warm sunshine in an ice cave, it spreads all over my heart.

Recalling the "First Aid Skill Class" during the military training a few days ago, my ship, which has been sailing smoothly, suffered from a rare "strong wind and waves".

In class, the teacher taught us to bandage our heads, but the head didn't think so, but it was a small matter. So he only focused on demonstrating students' rich facial expressions, completely ignoring the steps and methods of bandaging.

Soon, it was our turn to practice with our own hands, which made me feel like a deflated ball. I spent a long time "tailoring" the "Arab headscarf" for my classmates. It was not only not beautiful, but also let the teacher tear it off and scold me.

This made me burst into tears. The bandaged student not only didn't complain about me, but encouraged me by saying, "It's OK, try again, and you can do it well". This seemingly short sentence sent out endless power - let the "ice cave" who had fallen into my heart dispel the haze, just summon up strength and wrap it again.

"Keep high and firm" Under the guidance of her voice, I finally completed the work according to the steps. It was no longer "flustered and without aesthetic feeling" at the beginning. The teacher could only say nothing when he saw it, and only smiled slightly. I looked at each other and smiled. It was such a beautiful feeling. The sunlight outside the window shines through the window lattice, spreads all over the body, and directly shines into the cool heart. The chirping of birds seems to come from afar, or are they singing for me?

Because of this timely warm sun, the surging waves are still and calm again, and the waves can not rise

Encouraged high school entrance examination (7)

Whether in school or in society, everyone is familiar with composition. Composition is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. How to write a good composition? The following is a collection of encouraged Chinese compositions for the senior high school entrance exam, which I hope will be helpful to you.

Encouragement often brings hope and comfort to people; Encouragement often brings warmth and sunshine to people. Encouragement is unusual. Cherishing is the best reward for encouragement.

Have you ever experienced setbacks? When you encounter setbacks, what will you do? You may feel that I dare not cross over, just want to shrink back. And I will step back in the face of difficulties. That step, a person, a sentence, gave me profound inspiration, let me no longer panic, but courageously forward.

It was a sunny morning, when I just came downstairs, I squinted slightly, took a deep breath, and the thick grass smell poured into my nose. The cool dew wrapped the branches and leaves, making them more green and beautiful. Today, our class will hold a "sports" party. Whoever finishes all the projects will be the winner.

"The game begins!" the coach shouted, and the students were all in a hurry. I pretended to be calm and walked to the "high-altitude climbing" area, which is a relatively dangerous game. I put on my harness and climbed up the stairs carefully. The first challenge is the "spring disk". As soon as I stepped on it, I saw that the spring disk was shaking, and I felt that I could not control it, as if it would fall at any time. I'm terrified. I can't do it. I will fall down if my weight is not stable here! I regret it and shiver to return. At the moment when I was about to retreat and want to give up, a firm voice came from my ear: "Hold on! People who climb to the top will not shrink!" Looking back, it was Wang Ziyi. She raised her head and looked at me seriously: "Come on, God! If you have a star of hope, you will succeed! I believe that you are the best! Close your eyes, feel the breath, and let the mood relax." I was persuaded to calm down slowly, and successfully completed this difficult journey. She gave her a grateful glance, and she opened her mouth and smiled.

Encouragement may sometimes be just a word, a sentence, a look or an action, but it is very valuable. Send warm encouragement to others, and you will feel happy!

Encouraged high school entrance examination (8)

1. Abandon the idea of taking chances, and make sure that everything is refined into steel; The work of thick integration in seconds can make a great achievement. I will mount a long wind some day and break the heavy waves, and set my cloudy sail straight and bridge the deep, deep sea. After the high school entrance examination, you smile in the flowers. Wish the high school entrance exam a success!

2. Facing the high school entrance exam, I have been a poor student for ten years. I will take a move today. Go to bed early and get up early to have a good rest, eat well with nutrition, stay away from raw and cold snacks, prepare test equipment, and play well in preparation. I wish the high school entrance exam a success!

3. Pay attention to the three points in the successful middle school entrance examination: first, cover "confidence" and "success" at the same time; Second, maintain "spirit" and "mood" at the same time; Third, we should supplement "nutrition" and "passion" at the same time; On the day of the high school entrance exam, I wish you good results and a beautiful life!

4. The high school entrance exam will be held tomorrow, so you should go out as early as possible. Pay, pay, and get a good sleep. After all, we should be proud to participate after ten years. Don't think about the score. Relaxation is the most important.

5. Your confidence never stops, your perseverance is admirable, your diligence is engraved all the way, and your excellence is obvious to all. May your efforts reap rich rewards, and may your efforts win a bright future. Wish the high school entrance exam a success!

6. The familiar tables and chairs, the same color, those green scratches, the sentence "I like you" waiting to be said after the high school entrance examination; This kind teacher, the same teaching, this inexhaustible teaching, these look forward to the "you succeeded" after the high school entrance examination. Hard working high school students, believe in yourself, everything will succeed!

7. The high school entrance examination is a comprehensive competition of "comparing knowledge", "comparing ability", "comparing psychology", "comparing confidence" and "comparing physical strength"! May you play your level "faster, higher and stronger" like an athlete! Win the "gold medal"!

8. I know you are experiencing an important challenge in your life. Maybe you have anxiety, fear and excitement, but I want to say, please don't forget all the people who care about you. We are your strong backing. The day of the exam is coming. I hope you can keep a good and calm attitude. Don't be too nervous. I believe your dream will come true!

9. In the twinkling of an eye, I learned that I have already memorized my knowledge. Now I should do it. I should not be anxious or bored. I should often go outside to see how high the blue sky is. I should not regard fame as a treasure, but try my best. Success will find you then. I wish you a happy mood and a smooth high school entrance exam.

10. Your old classmates from afar sincerely wish you a golden nomination in this year's high school entrance examination, win the first prize at one stroke, enter the ideal university in your heart, and then enter the ivory tower of life!

11. The high school entrance exam is coming, and some suggestions are for reference only. First, keep a good attitude, do not be upset and hot; Second, proper exercise is the most important; Third, it is better to arrange work and rest time reasonably and combine work and rest with sleep; Fourth, breathe fresh air properly and clear your head in the suburbs; Fifthly, the examination supplies were well prepared, and there was no panic when entering the examination room. I wish you all the best!

12. Students live by learning, and the entrance examination is a magic weapon. The high school entrance exam tests how much students learn, and students' scores in the high school entrance exam are like treasure. Wish friends, no matter how many you will be, good luck will surround the high school entrance exam, and many treasures will be obtained!

13. You can fall 100 times, but it does not prevent you from getting up for the 101st time. Believe in yourself, you will be so strong, forget your past failures, and go for greater achievements in the future without hesitation. I wish you success in the high school entrance examination.

14. Politically, we should be tough and show the pride of 'pointing the way'. In English, be quick and show the skill of 'seeing ten lines at a glance'. Mathematically, we should be rigorous, and show confidence in 'knowing everything'. On the whole, we should be comprehensive and show the momentum of 'all-round development going hand in hand'. On the day of the high school entrance examination, I wish many students every success in their exams!

15. Study without sleep and food to create opportunities for success; The test of every minute to create the realization of dreams; The high school entrance exam is coming, and your study is relaxed and orderly. I wish you good results in the high school entrance exam.

16. Use "ease" to straighten out ideas, use "confidence" to solve problems, use "peace" to calm down, use "seriousness" to delete problems, use "smooth" to complete the answer sheet, use "blessing" to greet excellent results, and wish the high school entrance exam a success and the golden list.

17. Every drop of water wears away the stone, and there should be no regrets in the years when the exam is like a song. It's time to ride the wind and waves to show the talent and win the Toad Palace.

18. High spirited, time flies to see my young students go after the wind in June; In the prime of life, the beautiful life will come to the eyes of the Ming Dynasty when the cloud sails are hanging straight.

19. It's really sad to say goodbye when leaving and opening the curtains, when memories sleep on my chest. Only love is still brilliant, friendship is long lived, the exam is smooth, and we can make it through life together!

20. Learning is like a seedling rising in spring, without seeing its increase, it will make progress day by day; Dropping out of school is like sharpening a knife. If you don't see its decline, you will suffer from time to time.

Chapter 2

1. Let's firmly believe in winning in the postgraduate entrance examination and work together!

2. There is only one road that cannot be chosen - the road to give up; There is only one way you can't refuse - the way to grow.

3. You can pick exotic flowers and plants from the cliff, and experience the ups and downs in the exam.

4. I am confident, I am excellent: I work hard, I succeed!

5. Enjoy learning and practice, challenge the high school entrance exam; Diligence and self-improvement.

6. Don't make excuses for failure, but find ways for success.

7. I firmly believe that after we have worked hard and withstood the test, the door of the ideal university hall will be opened for us. Let's continue our hard but happy way of learning!

8. Abandon the idea of taking chances, and be sure to make steel through tempering; The work of thick integration in seconds can make a great achievement.

9. The reason why a great man is great is that when he is in adversity with others, they lose confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goals.

10. Persistence is important, persistence is difficult, and persistence is successful.

11. There was no failure in the high school entrance examination. The profound thinking, unforgettable experience and feelings it brought to everyone are rare wealth. The process of striving for our ideals is far more significant than the unknown results.

12. Although you failed in your high school entrance exam, you were not blamed because you tried your best. Don't cry. Let's take the exam again next year!

13. Little magpies build new houses and little bees are busy collecting honey. Where does happiness come from? It depends on hard work!

14. Only with hard work, we will march into famous schools and become steel through tempering; Take the lead and realize the dream of life for half a year.

15. Don't think, so have doubts; No demand, no gain; Don't ask, so don't know.

16. God helps those who help themselves, and you can if you want.

17. There is no direction without goals. Each learning stage should set a goal for itself.

18. Don't dare to speak loudly, for fear of scaring the scholar.

19. Keep your heart kind and pure in the face of the high school entrance examination; Keep your emotions warm and rich; Keep your spirit enterprising and passionate!

20. Hurry up and put the king first. Since ancient times, heroes have emerged as teenagers.