Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (19 in general)
details kill love
2023-09-21 06:53:27
junior middle school

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (1)

On a sunny morning, our family went to the zoo for a trip. We bought many snacks and drinks, and we set off

When we bought the tickets and entered the zoo, the first thing we saw was not the beautiful scene in our imagination, but garbage everywhere. The environment was very poor. Even people could not stand such an environment, let alone animals? We want to go forward with a bad mood. Suddenly, I saw a little boy drinking a drink, and there was a garbage can near the boy. The boy ran to a river far away from him, and wanted to throw the duck with a bottle. Fortunately, the duck dodged alertly. On the right hand side of the boy, there was a notice board, but the boy regarded it as not seeing it. The boy's parents saw it, but they ignored it, We clapped and praised the little boy: "Wow, it's great! How far it is!" We walked forward with anxiety and saw the big black bear. From time to time, someone threw snacks to the big black bear. There were billboards everywhere. In meditation, I suddenly saw a gum fall into the bar! But luckily, it was thrown sideways and the big black bear didn't eat it. It was really unlucky! I looked back at the tourist who threw chewing gum. The tourist didn't change his face and shouted: "Why didn't he hit the target? If he hit the target, it would be fun, ha ha..." Next to the monkey, the zoo staff surrounded a screen window to prevent others from throwing snacks to the monkey, but the tourists still tried to throw snacks in, He also made a hole in the screen and threw the melon seeds to the monkey. I walked on with anger and saw a notice board, which said: A few days ago, Beibei, a newly born panda, suddenly died. She was only nine months old. In order to investigate the cause of death, I found a coin hidden in Beibei's body during dissection! They also told people not to feed animals. Even if they did not throw away inedible food, animals would eat too much food, which would cause gastrointestinal diseases. I also saw many, many

I returned home with a heavy heart. Animals are our friends. We should protect animals. Without animals, human beings will perish. In my meditation, I felt sad and sympathetic for the dead animals

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (2)

After a day of running, we finally got out of the plane in the sound of music and came to Bangkok, the capital of Buddhism.

Early in the morning, I got excited. After finishing breakfast quickly, we started our journey. Our first stop was the elephant and crocodile pavilion.

We saw that the elephants were all in high spirits, with their noses ringing, as if they were trying to please us, so we bought bananas to feed the elephants. The elephant's greedy eyes were wide open, drooling, and his feet were on the railing. I immediately put the banana on its nose. It rolled its nose, swallowed the banana, and spit out the skin skillfully. That's really funny.

In order to get closer to the elephant, we rode on the elephant and walked around the winding path. Looking down at the ground from the elephant's back, I found that there are many plants and flowers here, which is as thrilling and exciting as in the Amazon rainforest. What's more, the elephant is still shaking, which makes me shake up and down. The elephant show is also very attractive. Elephants play football and race as well. I pressed the shutter of the camera to record the wonderful moment.

The crocodiles are not very enthusiastic. They are lazy and listless looking ahead, as if thinking about something. The alligator suddenly turned into the water and gave us a big jump!

Crocodile performance class is really thrilling. The trainer first calmed the crocodile with a wooden stick, and glided past the crocodile to get a kiss from the crocodile. Then he really didn't treat the crocodile as an outsider, and put his head in the crocodile's mouth. What a sweat for the trainer! "Pa" thought that the trainer slipped into the water, which really surprised us. The crocodile was also surprised. It was on purpose, so we couldn't help laughing.

In the evening, we had a big seafood dinner, and there was a "thick lip heavy rain" which was very funny. As long as I opened my mouth beside the bathtub, "thick lip" quickly opened its mouth.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (3)

During the National Day holiday, my mother took me to Yancheng Spring and Autumn Paradise, and I was very excited.

After a three hour drive, we finally arrived at Changzhou Yancheng Spring and Autumn Paradise. As soon as we arrived at the gate, we felt the lively atmosphere. My mother said that this is a large paradise with the theme of Spring and Autumn. We first entered the Hundred Schools of Scholars Garden, where I saw the introduction of Confucianism, Taoism, Legalism, medicine, and strategists. My mother told me that Confucianism advocates benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, and the main representatives are Confucius, Mencius and Xunzi. Confucianism has a profound influence on Chinese culture. I also paid three obeisances to the giant statue of Confucius. It is said that this can help me achieve academic success and progress.

We came to the Children's Spring and Autumn Garden again, and what impressed me most was the Eight Diagrams Mystery I played. This game tested one's own determination. Seven people sat on a smooth conical plate, and the game began. The disc began to rotate faster and faster. Soon, the first person was thrown out, and then several people were thrown out one after another. Then I thought: I must hold on and become the ultimate winner! I used my hands to support the smooth disc, so as not to let myself slide down. Finally, I succeeded! This game made me understand that only people with strong inner determination can do many things well.

We were so tired that we rented an electric double car, which I drove from the rental point to the gate. When I got off the bus, I cried proudly, "I learned to drive!"

I really enjoyed myself today! However, due to time constraints, there are still many places not visited, such as the Yancheng site. Next time I will ask my father to drive and take me to play!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (4)

Oh, hurry up, the bus will miss! I know! I'm changing my shoes! Look at you, we are all well! Just wait for you. In the early morning of the National Day, the family has been noisy. What is this doing? Ha ha, my family is going to Jiangxin Island to celebrate the National Day. Don't mention how happy I am!

After a quick breakfast, take the bus to Jiangxin Island. It didn't take long to arrive at the destination - this beautiful Jiangxin Island.

After a few leisurely steps, you can feel its breath from the outside - well, it should be quiet and peaceful '. The air is fresh and refreshing.

As soon as we entered, we became crazy: running and laughing, and the atmosphere was enlivened by us. We went in from the west gate and played a lot of projects: small trains, canyon rapids, haunted house exploration, fish biting feet and so on. Every project is full of laughter and joy!

We giggled as the small train moved slowly. We said to our parents who were taking pictures: Bye bye, let's go home first! The canyon torrent is the most fun! We sat on the hovercraft and rocked violently back and forth, splashing water and shaking ponytails. We laughed constantly!

Next, we went to the most exciting haunted house adventure. Just entering the haunted house, I saw white bones. Alas! We cried out in fear and ran out, making people in the queue laugh. No problem! Get up your courage and go in again! I grabbed my brother's hand, while my brother grabbed his aunt's hand behind him. Along the way, I listened to all kinds of screams and cries, looked at all kinds of zombies, ghosts, white bones, and felt the floor that could jump. These originally interesting things become terrible in this dark hole. The noisy younger brother was the first to be overwhelmed. He cried and said, "I want my mother, I want my mother!"! The lovely expression is deeply imprinted in my mind.

Fish biting their feet is the most interesting! We put our feet into the pool, and soon there was a large group of fish. I jumped with fright. Dad said to me: Don't be afraid, these fish will bite off the dead skin on your feet. Looking at the way they enjoyed themselves, I put my feet into the water doubtfully. The fish are attacking! Ha ha, it itches! I couldn't help crying. When others saw it, they also learned how to enjoy the massage of this group of fish.

This is really an unforgettable National Day!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (5)

One day in the summer vacation, the three of us drove to Huangshan Emerald Valley Scenic Area for sightseeing. The Emerald Valley Scenic Area is located in the east of Huangshan Mountain, also known as the "Lover's Valley". In the 1980s, 10 couples met and fell in love here, so it is famous all over the world.

Hundreds of large and small colored pools are distributed in the canyon, among which the famous ones are Longfeng Pool, Huajing Pool, Lvzhu Pool, Yuhuan Pool, Bailu Pool, Thunderstorm Pool, Tianchi Pool, Swan Pool, etc. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was filmed here, and Huajing Pool was where Li Mubai and Yu Jiaolong fought. In the Jade Valley, there are waterfalls, pools, towering ancient trees, and grotesque rocks and caves of different shapes, which are very beautiful.

When I got off the bus, a natural breath rushed towards me. The eye-catching green around me seemed to enter a green fairy tale world. The two mountains in front of us are opening their arms to welcome us. From afar, we can see the lush and green trees, the bamboo branches, and a cool feeling. In the Emerald Valley, the trees on both sides of the valley wave in the sand, the streams nearby sing happily, the waterfalls fly down, the clear pool water splashes beads and spits jade, and they shine with each other, giving out a kind of colorful symphonic sound, showing a different charm.

Step up, we have entered the valley. At this time, it had already started to rain, and the silky and elegant raindrops kissed on the cheeks. It felt so comfortable, and the air was filled with a fresh air, which brought a trace of coolness. The sound of rushing water came from my ears. The torrent whirled around where the water was rushing. The stream hit the abrupt stones and turned into white flowers; In the gentle part of the flowing water, the waves are bright and clear, and the stream is tinged with green, just like emerald, with unspeakable purity and flexibility.

When I came to a small pool, a small waterfall dived down to the bottom of the pool. The splashing water splashed like jade, crystal and bright. Looking from afar, it fell like small white plums and light rain. Feel the gentle touch of the rain on my face, listen to the tinkling of the stream nearby, walk in the arms of green trees, accompanied by dancing butterflies, I seem to enter a dream.

With deep regret, we walked down the mountain through a high-altitude rope. "When we were not in the mountain, people traveled in the painting", and the painting in the Emerald Valley was wonderful, wonderful!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (6)

I always think Yixing Bamboo Sea is very common. This time, I had the chance to see it, and walked into the bamboo sea. My feet fell on the bamboo leaves accumulated for thousands of years, and I felt the green bamboos, which proved that the sweet name was so kind and comfortable. The "green bamboo" in the bamboo sea is quite different from what I usually see. There are a lot of green bamboos here, high, short, long, short, horizontal and straight. But none of the green bamboos reminds me of the momentum of "standing alone". How many green bamboos have you seen for hours on the fast moving electric screen car. Each green bamboo is so gentle and majestic. Although it grows from the foot of the mountain to the peak, it is full of precious bamboo, but no one is alone and arrogant. Look, those green bamboos extend their huge arms to welcome us.

As far as you can see, everywhere is green. It's really a sea of bamboo. The undulation of bamboos is the 'wave' of the bamboo sea. How many green colors are there? Dark, light, bright, dark and green are indescribable. I'm afraid only artists can paint so many green colors.

In the endless bamboo sea, there is a clear stream that can see the bottom. This is the famous "First Source of Taihu Lake". The stream is so clear that you can see the sand and stones in it; The stream is really green, green like a flawless emerald; The stream is so beautiful that it makes people feel relaxed and happy. In the sun, a floral skirt of green bamboos flickers with the ribbons of the stream. Isn't it a beautiful floral skirt?

How can the bamboo sea dress itself? Even the space between bamboos is not lack of color: under the green bamboos, there are all kinds of small flowers, attracting all kinds of small butterflies -- they are very friendly and fall on the guests. In the bamboo sea, there are also air battle paths that make people love each other, adding a touch of color to people's lives.

Entering the bamboo sea and seeing countless green bamboos, who can not look in all directions at once? How many provinces have used the bamboo here! How many provinces and cities have nothing to do with the construction of the Bamboo Sea? So the more you look at the Bamboo Sea, the more lovely it is. Its loveliness lies in that it is not empty. Its beauty and construction are integrated, making people feel intimate and comfortable.

By the time I saw the Hundred Bamboo Garden, I felt more intimate. We not only take treasures, but also do scientific research to make the Bamboo Sea not only evergreen, but also comprehensive utilization. As the relationship between people and bamboo is getting closer, how can we not feel friendly and comfortable? At this moment, I think it's really a car shop on the green mountain, and people are traveling in the picture!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (7)

This is a beautiful big garden. The lovely egrets always like to fly freely over the garden when the dawn breaks in the east. From a distance, they are like beautiful white winged angels. With their magic, they call out the morning -- this lovely doll, play happily with it, fly freely in the sky with it, and enjoy the picturesque scenery

There are countless places of interest in this land. I am most familiar with and impressed by the park with green grass and willow catkins flying

I came to Jingxian Park with the first dawn in the morning

What came into sight were rows and rows of neat trees beside the path. They straightened their tall trunks. The green leaves were blowing noisily in the wind, as if they were warmly welcoming tourists, as if they were saying to them: Hello, welcome to come here!

The most attractive thing in the park is the sparkling lake. The green lake looks like a bright mirror, reflecting the unfathomable vision of the sky. In the pool, groups of small fish are wandering in it. They sometimes show their heads, sometimes show their tails, sometimes surface, and sometimes practice "snorkeling" It's like playing hide and seek with your companions in the water and grass. When the tourists come and go to feed the fish, they will "herd the fish out of the water". When the food is in the middle of the air, if they can't get it, they will come to a "fish and fish make a noise in the lake". They will jump three feet high and catch the delicious food thrown by the tourists. Then, return home and enjoy the hard won harvest

On both sides of the lake, willows and willows spread their green and dripping hair and fluttered in the wind. They floated across the faces of tourists and the grass. The sun shone on them and covered them with a new golden dress, making them more beautiful and charming

Next to the pool, there are several ancient buildings - pavilions. Standing in the distance, the pavilion looks like a dazzling pagoda. After sitting in the "tower", when a cool wind blows from the pool, I suddenly feel very fresh, as if I have arrived in a fairyland, and I was touched by the fairy wind of Grandma Feng

When the sun suddenly jumped to the middle of the sky, the pointer on my watch reminded me that it was time to go home

I walked out of the gate of the park, reluctantly said goodbye to my friends in the park, and brought back the good mood, good memory and bright sunshine along the way

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (8)

On the National Day, our family went to Shaoxing, Zhejiang, and came to Wuxie, which has been admired for a long time. Only then did I find that I had made a great cognitive mistake. How disharmonious it is to use "vicissitudes" here. Although the mountain is not high, it is verdant. In the green of the mountain, the long mountain road extends infinitely. When you look at it from afar, you can see no end. What you can see is only the 'outline of the mountain' and the sunshine shining through the verdant gap, full of vitality everywhere, and the natural scenery is fully displayed.

Approaching Lanting, it seems that everyone is infected by the atmosphere here, and everyone's feet are gently landed. There are many mountains and lush forests and bamboos. Every inch of land and air here is blended with an element called "humanity", which calms down our impetuous mind and makes us intoxicated.

The Orchid Pavilion became famous in Wang Xizhi, as well as in the Preface to Orchid Pavilion, which has been eulogized for thousands of years. He described the grand event of meeting Ji Shanyin at the beginning of late spring in sparse and simple words. Therefore, the Orchid Pavilion, a previously unknown garden, has become famous in history.

By the Goose Pond in those days, today's white geese are enthusiastically interpreting that magnificent historical scene. The stream in front of Liuwuting Pavilion has changed into today's live water after thousands of years of changes in things. We still can clearly see the scene that the great calligrapher bowed down to wash ink when we walked around. We can also imagine the gathering of refined scholars by the stream in front of us after passing through the long history.

From the moment Wang Xizhi and his friends splashed ink and wrote brush, the Orchid Pavilion was endowed with a special historical temperament. No matter what kind of painting lovers, they regarded it as a holy land of calligraphy and came to pay homage to it. Here, I saw many works of children younger than me, and their memories were naturally childish, but the clear spirit between each stroke and painting had begun to take shape, which could be displayed in Lanting, presumably they would also regard it as a supreme honor.

I think that perhaps his artistic temperament has been historically sublimated here. He was in an important position and went to live in seclusion in the mountains. The Orchid Pavilion became his elegant and indifferent home, while Wang Xizhi also helped the Orchid Pavilion.

The beauty of Chinese culture lies in the magnificence in calm.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (9)

On the second day of the Lunar New Year, my father took us to Wuzhen, a civilized world. This classic ancient town, located in Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, has a history of more than 6000 years. It is a typical ancient water town in the south of the Yangtze River, known as the "land of plenty, home of silk". It is destiny that she is simple and beautiful. Everywhere there are small bridges and flowing water, tea fragrance and piano rhyme, bamboo dew and banana rain, which show the unique charm of Wuzhen.

Following the crowd, we can see that the houses with pink walls and black tiles in Wuzhen are very distinctive, or they are deep houses and large yards, or simple wooden houses with a seemingly arbitrary layout, but they are extremely exquisite and harmonious. Walking in the winding alleys, you will find that this is a place with a particularly strong cultural accumulation. The Xiuzhen Temple, the Determined Academy, the Hundred Beds Museum, the Coin Museum and the former residences of many dignitaries and businessmen all maintain their original style and display their former glory.

There are many celebrities raised in Wuzhen. We came to a double storey building with a wooden house structure. The guide said that this was the former residence of Mao Dun, a literary giant. With awe of the literati, I watched carefully. The former residence of Mao Dun is located at No. 17, Guanqian Street, east of the river in Wuzhen City. It is a four bay two storey wooden building facing south, with a total area of about 450 square meters. The former residence includes the bedroom, study, dining room and other buildings. The furniture and layout of the former residence are still the same as Mao Dun's when he lived. The old house faces the west of the street. One room is the old school that Mao Dun has read. The interior layout of the former residence is simple, but it exudes the unique quiet and elegant atmosphere of the Shen family.

We walk in the winding alleys, there are wineries, dyeing houses, etc. Among them, my favorite is dyeing house technology, commonly known as "lime cloth", "blue cloth", which is China's traditional folk arts and crafts boutique, using cotton yarn spinning, soybean powder scraping, bluegrass juice printing, pure manual, environmental protection. It has a distinctive charm of folk and national characteristics.

The river that crosses Wuzhen is the most representative of the water town, which is the highlight of Jiangnan's water town. The water is in harmony with the town, and the bridge is connected with the street. This is a small river that is not very wide. The river is very clear. Occasionally, several boats drift on the river. The boatman wearing felt hats shakes the oars easily, full of poetic and picturesque feelings. There are several lazy ducks squinting on the river. The half round stone arch bridge on the river and the reflection in the water form a round undulating moon. The people who pass through the moon ship do not know that they are the scenery in the picture.

Wuzhen is a book, a history book with rich cultural connotation; Wuzhen is a song, a beautiful song; Wuzhen is a picture, a beautiful landscape.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (10)

Liushiyan is located in Shidu Village, Songfeng Township, Guangfeng County, Jiangxi Province, my parents' hometown. I heard from them when I was young that there are beautiful mountains and rivers, and the scenery is excellent. It is named after six huge stones. It is absolutely said that no one has ever been able to match the second couplet of "look at the six stones from the two mountains, and the six stones are upright".

One day in the summer vacation, we were excited. Under the guidance of our teacher, the whole class and some parents went to enjoy the wonderful scenery of Liushiyan.

After passing Shidu, I looked up and saw six strange stones, some like Guan Gong's broadsword, some like an awl straight into the sky, some like a golden bell with an upside down buckle... They had different shapes and steep walls.

At the foot of Liushiyan Mountain, there was only a clear stream with beautiful pebbles in the water. Several small fish were playing in the water. The students ran down three steps and two steps at a time. The male students fought water fights and played catch fish, while the female students picked up beautiful stones. After a while, the teacher shouted, "Climbing! Climbing!" We were all ecstatic, quickly climbed onto the bank, and began climbing along the trail. The mountain road was bumpy and bumpy.

I saw green bamboos arranged in front of me all over the mountains. The wind was gentle and the bamboo shadows were swaying. They danced in the wind as if they were welcoming us. The wind and bamboo are playing cheerful music, which makes our mood more joyful, and the fresh air makes me energetic.

The mountain climbed higher and higher. At first, my friends and I competed with each other over monkeys. Gradually, I felt my throat dry, my legs soft, and I gasped for breath. Half way up the mountainside, his legs were no longer obedient, like being filled with lead. I gritted my teeth, straightened up and looked back at the students who were struggling to climb up. In the bustling crowd, one of them was giving me a thumbs up. After a careful look, it was my mother, who was praising me for being good! I couldn't help saying to myself in my heart: "Persistence, persistence is victory, and I can't let my mother down!" I bent down again and headed for Six Stone Rock.

Finally, I climbed to the top of Liushiyan, looked at the billowing sea of clouds and looked down at Siye. The village in the distance was as small as a matchbox. It turned out that all the majestic mountains were trampled under my feet. It really felt like "seeing all the mountains small". I could not help shouting: "I have climbed the Six Stone Rock!", I felt extremely proud.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (11)

The annual winter vacation came as scheduled again. What was different was that I went to Shanghai with my mother. There was my business husband's family. They had been there for many years. We went to visit them.

The next day, I couldn't wait to let him take me to the Oriental Pearl. He readily agreed, and I jumped three feet high happily. I admired the Oriental Pearl Tower because I knew about it in the textbooks of primary school. I am very excited about approaching it today. Pulling my mother around for several times, I got on my car and set out. I heard my father introduce me here and there all the way, and I was full of praise. The scene outside the window made me dumbfounded. We Chinese people are really smart!

After a while, I came to Lujiazui. The three buildings that towered into the clouds had to look up to see the roof, which made my neck sore. I was crowded while walking. There were so many people that I could not stand or walk. The Oriental Pearl Tower, a Class 5A scenic spot, is close at hand. It is located at the tip of Lujiazui, Pudong, beside the Huangpu River in Shanghai. It was built in July 1991 and put into use in May 1995. It undertakes six sets of wireless TV transmission services in Shanghai, with a regional coverage radius of 80 axioms. It is composed of a space capsule, an upper sphere, five balls, a lower sphere, three nine meter long giant pillars, a tower base and a square, and is known as the highest tower in Asia and the third highest tower in the world. With the Bund International Architecture Expo group across the river, it shows the spectacular scenery of an international metropolis and becomes one of Shanghai's landmark buildings and tourism hotspots. Its beautiful and unique external image is a huge pagoda, like two big colored balls inserted into the sky, more like a towering giant. Since I went in the daytime, I heard that the huge ball and colorful lights at night were very beautiful. We took the sightseeing elevator. Here, we could see the Shanghai scenery from afar. The original high-rise buildings looked much smaller. On the winding Huangpu River, giant ships shuttle into the sea. After a while, when we came to the glass plank road, we suddenly felt as if we were hanging in the air. At our feet, the sea of people came like waves, which was very spectacular.

The immersive feeling is quite different from that described in the textbook. No matter what angle we view the Pearl Tower in the day or night, it presents us with a sense of beauty and makes us feel comfortable.

Time flies like an arrow. In a twinkling of an eye, an afternoon has passed. I am reluctant to leave the Pearl Tower, and I have indescribable feelings in my heart. I really hope I can have time to visit it thoroughly in the future!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (12)

Journey to the West is one of the most successful classical novels of romantic gods and demons in Chinese literary history. They went through ninety-nine eighty-one difficulties all the way, defeated all kinds of demons and ghosts, and finally got the scripture, and they themselves became the "real fruit".

Open Journey to the West and you will see the pure smiling face of Monkey King.

Monkey King is a lovely child. He is frank, brave and fearless. He has the characteristics of a child. The child is pure, just like the Monkey King. When Monkey King jumped out of the stone, we saw his childishness. He contended to be the "Monkey King", stubborn and fearless; He is brave and strong in upholding justice.

Monkey King is as sad and happy as a child. He grinned when he won the fight against monsters; When Tang Seng wronged him and expelled him from his school, his tears of injustice swirled in his eyes, and finally he willfully flew away.

Monkey King is a headstrong child, a righteous child.

But he grew up slowly and became Zhu Bajie.

Zhu Bajie is a young man. He has always been the follower of Tang Monk, loyal to his master, and never leaves. However, some people think that Zhu Bajie is lustful and lazy, ignoring his hard work.

Zhu Bajie misses his childhood innocence, but as time goes by, he becomes Sha Wujing.

Sha Wujing is diligent and loyal to her Shifu.

Sha Wujing is honest. He is carrying a load on one hand and holding his master's horse on the other. He devotes himself to his own work and honestly does his own work. Then slowly into old age.

Tang Monk is respected. He was not seduced by worldly fame, wealth and lust. After experiencing all kinds of things in the world, he saw through the world and looked beyond the world.

Tang monk used a kind of calm. Calm down to face what happened, pray to Buddha, and be calm.

The innocence of Sun Wukong, the helplessness of Zhu Bajie, the honesty of Sha Wujing, and the indifference of Tang Monk explain the inner transformation of a person from youth to old age.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (13)

My favorite scenery has always been mountains. I love the wild, beautiful and steep mountains. The mountain I saw in Fei County today is the one I have never seen before. Can you imagine that on the surface of the endless mountains, there are countless strange stones and trees standing in the open air. Under the mountains, there are rippling mountain streams, which shine with the blue sky above. Is there a feeling like painting?

At the foot of the mountain, I saw a kind of strange sight that is difficult to explain - finger moving stone. A huge stone weathered for hundreds of millions of years can be shaken by a small 'finger'. When I saw that the stone in front of me was so huge, doubts occupied my mind, but when I really pointed to it with my fingers, I had to believe it. It did move. Of course, this does not mean that I am strong, but because of a physical principle that I cannot understand. It seems that "learning is everywhere in life".

Mountaineering is a pleasant sport, although it is physically exhausting. But we have to admit that mountaineering exercises people's courage and boldness. It's really uncomfortable to be in the hot sun, and I'm a little too confident in my physical strength. The "stone mountain" in front of us does not seem very high, but it is really not easier to climb than other mountains. Some places can only pass by one way, some places need taller people to squat and walk slowly, and some places have steps that are level with the ground, which brings many difficulties to climbers, but also brings people exciting and thrilling spiritual enjoyment. Just halfway up the mountain, I was so tired that I had to sit on a smooth rock for a rest. But how could this difficulty stop me from moving forward? We began to move towards the top of the mountain again. Finally, in the non-stop footsteps, we came to the top of the mountain. At this time, I was exhausted and sweated. Standing on the top of the mountain, it really feels like "small mountains at a glance". Looking into the distance, I can see the tall and short green mountains with ups and downs. Breathing the fresh air in the mountains, it seems that every nerve on the body becomes relaxed. Maybe this is the fun of mountaineering.

Green mountains and green water, the products of nature, bring us visual enjoyment and physical and mental relaxation

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (14)

On October 3, 20xx, my parents and I came to Shanghai Science and Technology Museum to play. We took the high-speed railway for an hour, then took the subway for 40 minutes, and finally arrived at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.

We went to the door to buy tickets first. Although many windows were opened, there was still a long line of people. I looked at the list of people nearby, and more than 6500 people have visited, including more than 1000 people.

After we bought the tickets, we entered the hall. How big the science and technology museum is! We first visited the 'exhibition hall' on the first floor, and what impressed me most was the Animal World. In the animal world, it is divided into continents, including Africa, Asia, Europe... Each continent has several representative animals, including kangaroos, polar bears, deer... The simulation model is so lifelike that I thought it was a real animal.

Then we visited the second floor. What impressed me most was the robot world. This museum introduced the skills of robots, such as painting, music, dancing... I also compared myself with robots in archery. The coach inside taught me to keep my feet shoulder width apart from the target, hold the bow in my left hand, and clasp the string in my right hand, and pull and release the arrow with force. I followed the coach's instructions and held my breath to compete with the robot. It's a pity that none of my three arrows hit the target, while all the robots hit the bull's eye. The robot archery technology is so awesome!

Finally, we visited the third floor. What impresses me most is the ping-pong in people and health. I waited for a long time, and finally it was my turn. I got my racket and started playing. The angle and direction of the ball from that server often change, sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes left, sometimes right, so I can't catch it, but it often hits me. It seems that we need to exercise regularly to become healthier and more flexible!

I reluctantly left the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum. This is really a tired and happy travel experience. It not only made me understand the truth of carefully observing, exploring principles and constantly using my brain in life, but also realized the truth that technology can change life.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (15)

Hope, hope, finally hope to this Friday, our school organizes a one-day tour of social practice activities, and the mood is as sunny as today's weather, not to mention how happy.

At around 8:00, under the guidance of our teacher, we lined up in a neat line, happily got on the bus, and set out to our destination - Longtai Mountain Ecological Park. Along the way, we were like a group of happy birds, talking and laughing, very happy. The car is running on the road, and the scenery outside the window is picturesque.

Unconsciously, Longtai Mountain arrived, and we couldn't wait to get off the train. To enter the park, we had to first pass through the colorful time tunnel, and out of the tunnel were scarecrows of different shapes. The students crossed the wooden bridge hand in hand and stepped into the ecological park. The fresh air rushed towards us. There were lush trees, green grass, all kinds of beautiful flowers, and winding tree lined paths. The breeze blew like a spring girl beckoning to us!

We were divided into four teams led by teachers to experience various recreational activities, including fishing, feeding peacocks, water bomb shooting, African drums, and making windmills.

First of all, I came to the shooting ground, which is our boys' favorite project. The blue crystal bullets shot are very interesting!

Then we went to feed the beautiful peacocks, chickens, ducks and geese. The teacher gave us some corn to feed them. One by one, they were fighting for food. It was very interesting.

Then we started to make a windmill, and then went to play African drums. Our uncle in the ecological park taught us the skills of playing drums. The drums were very explosive.

At lunchtime, everyone took out their food, sat around and ate with relish.

After eating, everyone went fishing together. The small fish in groups were very smart. It was not easy to catch them.

The last entertainment is the super funny laundry dance. The funny actions and humorous words make us laugh and dance happily.

In our laughter, time slipped away quietly, and an assembly order sounded. We left the Ecological Park with excitement and reluctance. This practice activity let us increase our knowledge, and it was really an unforgettable spring outing!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (16)

My trip lasted 16 days and 8820 kilometers, spanning 9 provinces and cities, visited the two grasslands of China - Hulunbeier Prairie and Xilingol Prairie, and saw the spectacular Hulun Lake.

Do you know how Hulunbeier got its name? Let me tell you something. It is said that a long time ago, Hulun and Beier were warriors on the grassland. They were desperate to eliminate sand demons and demons, and managed the grassland in an orderly way. Later, in order to praise the two warriors, the villagers named this grassland Hulunbeier Prairie.

Hulunbeier has fresh air and cool temperature in summer. After a light rain, you can see the beautiful prairie at a glance. Blue sky and white clouds, green grass and waves, ripples in the lake, flocks of cattle and sheep, the whole grassland is fresh and quiet. A melodious pastoral song came from the boundless pasture. The white sheep are grazing on the ground. From afar, they look like pearls scattering on the grass. The breeze blew and the grass billowed, forming a green ocean. In the evening, when the sun sets in the west, the grassland and the sky are connected under the glow of the sun. How can such a beautiful grassland not make people relaxed and happy?

Of course, there are many scenic spots in this trip, such as St. Sophia Cathedral in Harbin, Aershan National Forest Park, Geopark, Grassland Skyway, etc. Among them, the most impressive one is the Aershan National Forest Park.

Aershan Forest Park is the volcanic rock formed here after the eruption of volcano, and also forms Tianchi and Dichi. There are also spectacular basalt and lava tunnels in the volcanic rock. If you go to the Tianchi Lake in the evening, you will see the beautiful sunset glow, which is matched by the two green sapphires, Tianchi Lake and Dichi Lake.

Arshan is very beautiful, but the St. Sophia Cathedral in Harbin is also very beautiful. In the morning, hundreds of pigeons flew around the church roof, forming a beautiful group photo with the church.

There are many beautiful sceneries in my trip. I hope you will have a chance to enjoy them.

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (17)

On a crisp autumn Sunday, my father and mother and I took a bus to Baozhu Mountain, an ancient village with a thousand years of legendary beauty.

The environment of Baozhu Mountain is really refreshing and pleasant. Walking on the mountain road, the cool wind blows, bringing the smell of soil; Walking on the country road, I feel very happy; The large rice fields beside the road are golden and the rice is ripe. Everyone smiles and bends over as if they are greeting us.

I came to a tall red bean fir tree unconsciously. Under the sunshine, I felt a drizzle coming. It is said that the stronger the sun is, the denser the drizzle is, which is called "Sunny Tree" by local people.

Walking under the bridge, there is no stream, only a bridge opening in the middle of the abutment is called Ruilong Bridge, also called "Lingyun Bridge". We sat inside to rest and looked at a large golden paddy field. The farmer uncle was immersed in the joy of a bumper harvest. It really looked like a natural landscape painting, which made us happy.

In a twinkling of an eye, we came to the Jade Belt Lake again. The water of the Jade Belt Lake was as clear as a mirror, recording all the beautiful moments, forming our eternal memories. The small fish in the Jade Belt Lake are lively and jumping about, as if they were welcoming us. I threw some small pieces of bread, and the little fish seemed to say "thank you" to us hand in hand. How interesting!

The journey is joyful, and every scene on the way was taken with my eyes, treasured in the bottom of my heart, and will never fade. This trip is unforgettable!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (18)

I love sports, because sports can exercise our bodies. My favorite sport is mountain climbing, because I like to climb to the top of the mountain to see the vast clouds.

Today, the students of our international class are going to climb the beautiful Baiyun Mountain. As soon as I heard that Mr. Hong said I would climb the mountain, I was in high spirits! After finishing the morning reading, I couldn't wait to queue up at the door of the classroom, and we lined up to go to the school bus. On the school bus, I sat quietly in the seat and watched the driver when he wanted to drive. After a while, the driver drove, and the students shouted excitedly as soon as the driver drove. This is what Mr. Hong said; "It takes about 30 minutes to get to Baiyun Mountain from here." I like to be quiet, so I took out my mobile phone to kill time. I played while listening to music and then arrived at Baiyun Mountain.

After the teacher bought tickets for us, we went inside. After Mr. Qin took pictures for us at the door, we began to climb up. Suddenly two roads appeared in front, one was a broad road, the other was a thousand steps. Teacher Hong asked us, "Which road do you want to take?" The students said with one voice, "We are going to climb the thousand steps." I was curious. Is there really a thousand steps? I want to count.

We climbed up the steps. I was so tired. I had forgotten to count the steps. We saw a small shop along the way. The teacher asked us to have a rest here. I saw some students go to buy water to drink, and some students chat with Miss Hong. After a short rest, we continued to climb. Finally, we reached the top of the mountain. I had already drunk all the water my teacher gave me. I felt like I was dying of thirst.

At McDonald's on the top of the mountain, Mr. Hong selected hamburgers for us. After the election, I went for a walk with my classmates because it would take them a long time to make hamburgers. In the mountain square, I saw many people competing in tug of war. We also want to play with them. After a while, we went to eat McDonald's happily. I really like mountain climbing!

Junior High School Composition Travels 600 (19)

On Sunday, my mother and uncle took me to the Garden Lake Park to play.

Upon entering the gate, my uncle bought several tickets for the amusement park. My uncle took me to play the merry go round, forest exploration... The most impressive thing I remember is the pirate ship that made me lose my soul. We walked through the woods and came to the foot of the pirate ship. The ship was covered with golden dragon scales and a pair of angry heads at both ends. I think: this is not a pirate ship with a skeleton flag on the mast in the movie. Anyway, this ship is not so good. Maybe it is the same as other ships! At the same time, some students shouted no, and some students hurried back. I think: everyone is a coward. Why not take a boat! There's nothing to be afraid of. I strode to steal the ship in Shanghai, sat down and tied the safety bar. The boat slowly rocked. I felt more comfortable than taking a boat. It seemed that I was lying in a cradle. Soon, the boat suddenly rocked, breaking my dream. A nightmare began. The boat began to swing up like a swing. When the boat swung from top to bottom, I felt like falling into a mountain valley; When the pass was thrown from bottom to top, I felt like I was going to fall to the sky. The boat was swinging higher and higher. At this time, I could not help but close my eyes tightly, screamed loudly, my limbs were weak, my heart was almost jumping to my throat, and my heart said, "Stop, stop.". After a while, the boat stopped slowly, and a big stone finally fell in my heart. I ran off the boat quickly, but my head was still dizzy. Later, we played several thrilling projects.

But time didn't wait. Later, when the time came, we still talked about the activities in the park on the way back to school. The most talked about was the pirate ship that frightened me.