300 words of writing about playing football (19 practical articles)
The peak man
2023-08-21 08:25:43

300 characters of playing football in composition (1)

That day, Cheng Chenrui and I and two other children went downstairs to play football. The four people were divided into two teams, so a fierce football match began.

I play the first team with Cheng Chenrui, and the other team serves. I saw a big brother swing his leg back and kick the ball hard. Hum, I'm a top defender, so I'm not afraid! I hit the ball with my toes, and the ball climbed up along my toes. I gave the ball to Cheng Chenrui, but the big brother grabbed it. Suddenly I understood the other side's strategy: master the ball! My close fight for the ball was particularly good. He was about to pass the ball, so I rushed out from the side and kicked the ball to Cheng Chenrui. We passed the ball all the way to the goal. Cheng Chenrui kicked the ball and the ball flew into the door like a whirlwind. We cheered and slapped back. We won the game!

In the second game, the other party seemed to be angry, and a fly ball came straight over my head and directly flew into the door. I stood there motionless, stupefied, and the other party won the second game.

In the third game, because I passed the ball to the wrong person and Cheng Chenrui missed the ball, we lost.

But I am not sad, because it is not important to win or lose, unity is the key.

300 characters of playing football in composition (2)

I am tall, with a small mouth, big round eyes on the left and small eyes on the right, and even a small nose. This is me: Wang Zixuan. Although my body is white and tender, I like playing football very much and insist on it very much.

I remember one time when we were playing on the football field, I was an attacking opponent standing on the sideline. My name was winger. When everyone is in place. Coach, hoo! We all went to shoot the football. Finally, I slapped my foot in the goalie's area, and the first goalie failed to hold it. So the other side served a corner kick, and one of them ran to the corner of our team. I tried to block one of them there. The ball hit my nose with a thump. The person I blocked was the most powerful in their team, and the server was trying to pass it to him, but it hit my nose. My nose bled a lot, so I left the scene temporarily. But I didn't shed a tear, so I went to the battlefield to stop it with paper and then kicked again. The coach praised me and said, "This kind of perseverance deserves praise!" I was extremely happy at that time!

I think we should try our best to have a hobby. It doesn't matter if you can't do it well. It's good to exercise! Are you right?

300 characters of playing football in composition (3)

One sunny afternoon, the weather was particularly cool. My classmates and I went to the playground to play football happily.

The game started. When I passed the ball to Xiao Jun's feet, he suddenly flew up. The ball made a beautiful arc in the air and flew directly to the goal. However, the other goalkeeper immediately made a counter attack and caught the ball with his hands. We all sighed with regret. Thirty minutes into the game, the ball was still passing around at our feet as usual. I didn't have a chance to shoot. It was really worrying. I couldn't help yelling at the team: "Pass! Pass!" The team passed the ball. Then I kicked the ball into the goal!

Everyone immediately cheered and clapped each other for encouragement. Next, the morale of our team rose, and we fought bravely. Finally, we won the game.

This is really a wonderful football match! Exercise can not only exercise your body, but also temper your will. It's really killing two birds with one stone. Let's exercise together!

300 characters of playing football in composition (4)

Football has always been a sport of special importance in Europe, but not necessarily in China. But this sport, which is not paid much attention by the country, is my favorite in my best friend's heart and I. We often play football together. Sometimes we go to the community square to play football after school. Because of this, our parents also let us go to football school to study together, which is really interesting.

On that day, we made an appointment to play football together. At this time, we can't wait because we love this sport. They took the football and went downstairs, but the square in the community was already full of people. After thinking about it, it was the Chinese Valentine's Day, and everyone might want to play, we decided to go to the football school to play. There were also a lot of people there that day. It seemed that there were two famous teams playing. We were fascinated by watching it and forgot that we were going to play football. They played very well, We were amazed by their excellent footwork and running speed, as well as their team's tacit understanding.

After they played, we kept the door and played for a while. The two of us learned football together, but our main training is different. I am a striker and he is a goalkeeper, so one practice is more responsive, while I have to practice speed. So we spent a very hot and happy afternoon.

300 characters of playing football in composition (5)

The red sun shines on the red and green playground, and the running figure can be seen everywhere on the playground. A green lawn is our long-awaited football field. It can be said that the stars and the moon are standing out in the background of the basketball court, table tennis table and runway. Time is slowly passing by. It seems that there is still one month before the end of the term, but none of our classmates have gone up and rolled for a few laps. Everyone looks forward to the stars and the moon, burning incense and worshiping Buddha every day, hoping to play football one day.

For the sake of our sincerity, God finally showed mercy and let us play football on the lawn in PE class.

Some students cherish this hard won opportunity and play football according to the teacher's order, for fear that the teacher will give a "Tathagata palm" and return the football to its original place. Some students do not appreciate this old-fashioned way of playing. They have turned football into a new version - football basketball, "Pa, Pa, Pa", wow! middle! Some turned football into a "weapon to hit people". Xiaodeng's magnificent shooting made Xiaoguo bleed. Some people use football as a key to kick: one, two... Oh, yes, it's good to kick hard again. It's bad, it's gone. Others regard football as their own "real child". When those naughty people come to grab the ball, they protect it in front of their chest and say, "Mine, mine."

Under the sun, our laughter echoes; On the lawn, there are football balls that have been kicked black and blue; On the playground, students are running ceaselessly

300 characters of playing football in composition (6)

One sunny Sunday, I was practicing table tennis with my father. I was so tired that I gasped for breath. I said exhausted, "Dad, I don't want to practice any more. Let's go to the sports center to play football!" My father said happily, "OK." When I heard that, I was so happy that I put down my racket, put on my clothes, took the football and rushed out of the house. But my father came downstairs slowly. I thought: When my father came down, the flowers here will grow. So I ran up again, pulled my father down, and rode to the sports center.

After a while, the Sports Center finally arrived. I jumped out of the car and rushed into the gate. My father followed me. My father and I practiced passing the ball first. My father and I kicked the ball around. I accidentally kicked the ball high. My father ran to pick it up. We practiced shooting again. My father and I shot one goal at a time, but my father was strong. My father picked me up and kicked me again. Every time, we entered. We played for a long time, and I was reluctant to leave the sports center.

300 characters of playing football in composition (7)

My extracurricular life --- playing football One day, I played football with my classmates, including Cai Fengkai, Cheng Yuanzhuo, He Junze, Li Guopeng and Li Bxuan. We started playing football. Cai Fengkai served the ball. He wanted to pass it to Chen Yuanzhuo, but I grabbed it. I passed the ball to Li Boxuan, who took the ball to the opponent's goal. At that time, I also ran over. Li Boxuan passed the ball to me. I shot the ball in a whirlwind, and the ball spun to the opposite goal. He Junze, the opponent's goalkeeper, wanted to save it, but it was too late, The football flew past him and into the goal. We were 1-0 ahead. He Junze served to Cheng Yuanzhuo, and Cheng Yuanzhuo passed to Cai Fengkai. Just when Cai Fengkai was about to use gravity to shoot, Li Bxuan hurriedly used his chariot tackle to break the ball, but it was a pity that he didn't fall down. As a result, he gave my chariot tackle to me and passed it to Li Bxuan. Li Bxuan used the wind to curl the ball into the goal, and the ball spiraled into the opponent's goal. 2 to 0, we won

300 characters of playing football in composition (8)

Because my father likes playing football, so do I. This Sunday, my father finally had time to play football with me.

The sun was warm in the afternoon, so my father and I went to play on the court of the school where he worked. Dad's school has two places, one is in the tea mountain, too far away; The other one is right next to the house, and it is here at once. I like to play there.

Dad and I played shooting first. My father was a goalkeeper. I came to shoot, but I couldn't kick any of them. So my father taught me how to kick far hard. I followed my father's advice and finally scored a goal. I was so happy. Then, I ran a race with my father. My father was too fat and ran slower than me. I said to my father, "Dad, you need to lose weight!" My father laughed.

Finally, my father and I played shooting games with football. My father said, "I'll throw one, and we'll go home!" But my father was too stupid, and I couldn't throw one. I said, "What a broken father! I can't throw one!" My father said, "The football is too light, and it's not easy to throw! Go home and practice dictation."

I had to go home with my father.

300 characters of playing football in composition (9)

Early in the morning, I made an appointment with my good friends to play football in the wide square. What a fine day it is today! Blue sky, green grass, beautiful flowers, fresh air... Ah!

Let's talk about where the door is, which is the boundary, and where it is out of the boundary... Get ready and start!

The referee served, and when they saw each other, they ran straight to the ball. A tall boy took the lead and kicked the ball halfway into the air. The ball fell to a fat boy. The fat boy kicked the ball to his partner, who shot at the goal. The goalkeeper put his hands on his knees and stared straight at the ball. The ball flew over like an arrow off the string. The football rushed forward like a black flame. The goalkeeper stayed for a second, Ah! Goal! The opposing players jumped up and down like cocks on fire. I grabbed the ball and passed it to my teammate. My friend shot at the goal. The football shot into the other team's goal like a rising sun. The goalkeeper of the other team hasn't had time to see what's going on. The football is already playing around in his own goal! Look at the other players' dejection. The arrogant appearance just now has been swept away. It seems that pride is sure to defeat!

Although very tired, I feel very relaxed. It seems that all the pressure on learning has been kicked away with the football. But the beautiful scenery and the joy of playing football will remain in my memory forever.

300 characters of playing football in composition (10)

I have many hobbies, but I like playing football best.

Playing football not only exercises our body, but also our will. If you are interested in it, you will think about it all the time.

When I first started playing football, I met many difficulties. For example: how to grab the ball, how to shoot, etc.

At first I didn't play football very well. My friends are unwilling to play football with me. I asked my father to buy me a football. Go home from school every day and practice after writing homework. Even I can't watch cartoons. After several weeks of hard work, I finally practiced the ball well.

At the end of the week, I asked several friends to come down to play football, and we distributed the teams according to the method of "scissors, stone, cloth".

The game began. The football rolled around under our feet like a naughty child. Suddenly, the other side shot the ball and scored. This really upset me. I tried my best to shoot the ball. I bypassed the two guards and rushed into the restricted area. I shot the ball with my feet. I shouted happily: Goal! Goal! In the end, we defeated each other 3-2.

Playing football is the same as learning. You need to do more and practice more to get good results.

300 characters of playing football in composition (11)

One day last summer vacation, I told my mother that I wanted to learn to play football. Oye, my mother actually agreed.

The next morning, my parents and I came to the stadium of the vocational school. My mother signed up for me and said, "Be careful when playing football..."

Finally, I started training. The coach said, "Run 5000 meters first." The students stared at the coach one by one. The coach said fiercely, "Don't be in a daze, run quickly." It took about two hours to finish the race.

Next, start playing football. After the coach talked about some basic points, he divided us into red and yellow teams to start the match. Since I am the first in long-distance running, I am the captain of the Yellow Team.

At the beginning of the game, I carried the ball forward. Seeing the situation was not good, I quickly passed the ball to a member of the team, who then passed it to another member of the team. When the time was right, I shot. Alas, it's a pity that I didn't enter. This happened five or six times in our team. Just when I wanted to give up, the encouragement of my teammates gave me confidence. I finally persevered and won the game.

Persistence is victory!

300 characters of playing football in composition (12)

This afternoon, our class and Class Two had a football match together.

Mo Shangcheng, Yang Qiowei, Zeng Shanmei, Feng Zehao and Ouyang Minghong came on the court.

First of all, Feng Zehao of our team and a classmate of Class 2, Stone Scissors and Cloth, our Feng Zehao won, so we served first.

At the beginning, many balls were out of bounds. It was a pity that some balls were out of bounds, but it was good for our side that some balls were out of bounds. I was watching them play football when the ball was at Ouyang Minghong's feet, and then Ouyang Minghong shot. Ah! The ball is in! Then Class 2 serves.

Suddenly, I saw Mo Shangchen fall, and then got up to continue playing football; Soon, Yang Qiaowei also fell down, stunned for a second, and then stood up. After that, the goal was scored, but then it was said that the striker of Class 2 was standing in the football door, so that goal was not counted, but a penalty kick was required, whining... This point was gone. When there was still some time in the first half, Yang Qiaowei scored a goal, and our Class Six was ahead, two nil.

Finally, our class scored two more goals in the second half, but Class 2 still did not score. So, four to zero, win!

300 characters of playing football in composition (13)

This article "300 words composition of playing football" is arranged by the composition of primary school students, for reference only. If you think it's good, welcome to comment and share~Thank you for your reading and support!

Dingdang dog, strawberry rabbit and snoring pig

In spring, dingdang dog and snoring pig play football together. Strawberry Rabbit was bored at home. Hearing the laughter of Dingdang dog and snoring pig, he immediately took out the butterfly net he had just bought and went out to catch butterflies.

When Dingdang Dog and Hulu Pig saw Strawberry Rabbit, they happily said to it, "Good morning, Strawberry Rabbit, long time no see! Come and play football with us!" The Strawberry Rabbit was also happy, holding his hand and said, "Hello, I'm so happy to see you! Today I want to play butterfly catching more." Dingdang Dog said, "Well, you can catch butterflies over there, and we can play football." That's it, Everyone had a good time.

The grunt pig didn't kick the ball sideways, and the ball flew to the butterfly net of the strawberry rabbit, and the butterfly was scared to fly. The Strawberry Rabbit was very angry, and cried to the Hulu Pig: "It's not easy to catch them. You scared them away, and you compensate me for the butterfly! You compensate me for the butterfly!" The Hulu Pig was very sorry, scratched his head, and said to the Strawberry Rabbit: "Sorry, Strawberry Rabbit, I didn't mean to, let's catch butterflies with you." Soon he caught several butterflies, and the Strawberry Rabbit laughed again.

In the blink of an eye, the sky turned dark and they went home. Author: Guo Yifan

300 characters in composition of playing football (14)

Speaking of today's activity class, Mr. Liu took us to the lawn to prepare for a foot sport - playing football. The galloping steeds that haven't "wandered in the Jianghu" for a long time are running and jumping merrily. You are a "powerful Vajra leg", and I am a "eighteen foot dragon subduing", making that black and white elf busy. Their cheerleaders shouted "Come on!" and just listened to the sound of "Bang!" The ball looked like a meteor cutting through the sky, with laughter, ambition, and blue sky and white clouds. Blessings, they shot at the goal bravely, Enough laughing, we left the lovely football field with glittering sweat on our faces, the glory of the sun and the satisfaction after the activity.

300 characters of playing football in composition (15)

For the sake of our sincerity, God finally showed mercy and let us play football on the lawn in PE class.

Some students cherish this hard won opportunity and play football according to the teacher's order, for fear that the teacher will give a "Tathagata palm" and return the football to its original place. Some students do not appreciate this old-fashioned way of playing. They have turned football into a new version - football basketball, "Pa, Pa, Pa", wow! middle! Some turned football into a "weapon to hit people". Xiaodeng's magnificent shooting made Xiaoguo bleed. Some people use football as a key to kick: one, two... Oh, yes, it's good to kick hard again. It's bad, it's gone. Others regard football as their own "real child". When those naughty people come to grab the ball, they protect it in front of their chest and say, "Mine, mine."

Under the sun, our laughter echoes; On the lawn, there are football balls that have been kicked black and blue; On the playground, students are running ceaselessly

300 characters of playing football in composition (16)

We play football very hard every day. It's fierce again.

Today, we still have 13 people as usual. My brother kicked 12 of us one by one: we had 3 forwards, 4 centers, 4 defenders, and one goalkeeper. Because of my poor skills, I only became a goalkeeper. Wuwuwu, what a pity. After the elder brother finished the assignment, he began to play football.

At the beginning, my brother fooled them. When I saw the ball coming, I didn't blush and panic. I calmly faced the ball and shot it. Ha, the ball was caught by me. My companions all pointed their fingers at me. Ha ha, I am so powerful. Later, when the students saw that my skills were getting better and better, they said to let me be a striker. As a result, my "pressure" is even greater. Sure enough, "pressure" is bad. I lost to my brother and the ball was taken away by him. I am not reconciled. I shook my body and mind and continued to play. In this way, we played better and better.

We were reluctant to go home until 9 o'clock. Oh, it's good to play football! It can not only help us exercise, but also improve our football skills.

Ah! I love playing football!

Part 2: Playing football

Facing the usual cold in the early winter morning and wearing the "war robe" just obtained, I came to the playground at 6 a.m. just to compete with senior students.

I haven't touched the ball for several years, and now I feel strange. In high school, in order to meet the test of fate, the teacher was forced to give up his favorite. How can I bring up my interest in playing football when I am wandering outside? Now everything can't be turned into nothing. Finally, we have a chance to clean up the "old mountains and rivers", and our spirit also comes with it. We didn't feel tired after running all over the court. What a "cool" word!

Suddenly I realized something. The familiar things will become unfamiliar if they are not touched for a long time. So do friends! Environment often changes a person's character, and people's thinking in different environments often changes. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary for us to keep in touch with our old friends. Don't think that the relationship can last forever. Maybe one day when we meet again, we will have nothing to say to each other. Wouldn't it be very embarrassing then! There is an old saying that when you meet new friends, you never forget old ones. I sincerely wish every friend of mine, new or old!

After all, it's a digression. It seems that we should continue to play football!

Part 3: Playing football

I just came back from playing football and had a cold shower. I'm a little hungry now. Then I remembered that I had two cups of porridge one day today. I really admired myself and did a good job in saving food for the country.

In the afternoon, when playing football, it happened that girls were having physical education classes. A group of girls standing in front of them had fun during the intermission. Some of them deliberately sat in front of them and even stared at the blossoming flowers without blinking. They also talked loudly about which team flower was. Some of them have family affairs. Staring at one of them, I asked him for his name boldly. Alas, young people nowadays just like him. I can't help him.

Today, my role is as a guard. My mistake in one kick made them score a goal. I feel sorry for everyone, not to mention the blame, because this is a game with a little punishment. Class I and Class II kick seven people each. The team that lost is responsible for drinking coke, and then with pressure, they make up for their mistakes, In the end, our team beat Class 2 of them 5-4.

Chapter 4: Playing Football

Yesterday, it was the last class of football class. Teacher Zhang asked us to play the game, and we were very excited.

Chen Jiahao and Zhang Tianyi are respectively the captain and vice captain of the football team. They go to get the ball and markers. When the ball and markers come, we start grouping. At last, I, Shang Oli, Deng Chuhan, Su Zihan, Ma Xujie, Wang Siang and Chen Jiahao, Zhang Tianyi, Zhu Shilong, Fan Chunlei, Guo Zhiping, Hao Zezheng are in a group. We settled on goalkeepers, forwards, centers and defenders and started to play.

After the ball went out, our team members competed with each other, and all of them were very brave. But the other side used tactics to reach our forbidden area. Wang Siang shoveled the ball to Su Zihan's feet with a "fighting car tackle". Su Zihan kicked it and passed it to Deng Chuhan. Deng Chuhan took the football forward. Unexpectedly, Zhang Tianyi ran back at a speed of 100 meters. Ma Xujie saw it, Go to help Deng Chuhan and kill Zhu Shilong on the way. He stood on his own side and was intercepted by Su Zihan with a big foot. It was really safe. Su Zihan carried the ball, and I followed him closely. Suddenly, Su Zihan came to a "dragon shot", which was blocked by Zhang Tianyi, the other side. Zhang Tianyi passed a big foot to Chen Jiahao. Chen Jiahao came to a "blue sea arrow soul pierced the heart" One foot opened the past, "Dong! The ball is in." There was a cheer on the playground! "Ding Lingling" finished class, and we returned to the classroom.

Chapter 5: Playing Football

On Tuesday, Shao Haihong, Yu Tongxin and Yang Jun went to the stadium to play football. Yu Tongxin and I are in a group called "Storm Team"; A group of Yang Jun and Shao Haihong is called the "Typhoon Team". The squall team guards the door at Tongxin, and the typhoon team Yang Jun guards the door.

At the beginning of the game, the team of Winds had the ball first. The Typhoon team snatched the ball back with a beautiful tackle. Suddenly, the team of Winds scooped the ball back with a flying shovel, and then ran to the goal with the ball. Another member of the team of Winds took the ball and kicked it hard, and the ball scored. "Good!" The team shouted happily: "The ball is in, the ball is in!" 1; The windstorm team scored first. The typhoon team said angrily, "What are you excited about?"

Yu Tongxin glared at Shao Haihong as if to say: Why are you so angry that none of you entered? I think it's too early for you to be happy, Yu Tongxin. Maybe we will lose to them.

At the beginning of the second game, the Typhoon team passed through with the ball, and the Wind Team failed to shovel a shovel. The typhoon team shot a beautiful curve ball and scored. 1: 1 flat.

Whose house did the last scene fall on? At the beginning, the team of Winds carried the ball and shot. A beautiful tackle of the Wind Team ran towards the goal. "Shoot! Shoot!" shouted the team. Yang Junteng, the goalkeeper of the typhoon team, jumped up, missed the flying football, and fell to the ground with a "plop". "We have won!" the team shouted again.

It's more than four in the afternoon, and we are going home. I said goodbye to my friends one by one. I played very well today. I will play again next time.

300 characters of playing football in composition (17)

1. To play football _ composition to play football Today, I, Kang Haisen, Xiao Fu and Xiao Wu went to the basketball court to play football. I'm with Xiao Wu, Kang Hai

Sen and Xiao Fu are a couple. We started the game. First of all, Xiao Wu and I quickly passed the ball back and forth, kicked the ball into the goal, and we scored first. Then, Kanghaisen kicked a big kick in the half court, and the ball went in! Our two teams were tied. I think: I must defeat Kang Haisen to win the final championship! I thought about it. I kicked a big kick and the ball went straight into the other's goal from my own goal. We jumped up with joy and cheered for victory. In the end, Xiao Wu and I won by 5:3. I'm so happy!

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Article 2: Grade One Composition: Playing Football

Grade one composition: playing football

Today, our school held a football match, and our team wore red jerseys. Our opponents are Class 2. 7. They wear blue jerseys. The people outside the stadium are cheering for us. I wore a No. 10 shirt and kicked the ball into the door. We cheered and jumped. We finally won the game by one to zero.

Article 3: Grade 3 composition 300 words: I love sports

I love sports. My name is Qin Kairui. I'm eight years old and I like sports very much. I think running is my favorite sport. My classmates all call me "lightning" because I run as fast as the wind and as fast as lightning. Every spring sports meeting or winter cross-country race in the school, I can enter the top three. Whenever I participate in running competitions, my classmates will cheer me on. Whenever I hear the shouts of these enthusiastic cheerleaders, I have endless energy. I think, with the encouragement of my classmates, I should work harder to win honor for my class. Speaking of liking sports, I have to thank my father. Because my father is a person who loves sports very much, he often tells me the benefits of physical exercise. I also fell in love with sports after a long time. Running, playing basketball, badminton, football and table tennis. I participate in all kinds of sports. My father takes me to run around our community every morning. It is he who makes me fully feel the fun of sports. Sports make me live happily every day!

300 characters (18)

I like to play, no matter when I love to play, I also like reading books. I can read more than 1000 pages of books in one day!

My hobbies are: Go, football, swimming... I am good at football. My father taught me when I was young. I used to play football without any skills. Later, I signed up for a football class and learned some skills. After primary school, I played better and better, driving my father off the stage. He won me several times occasionally, because I let him! After a lot of hard work, I finally joined the school team. Usually it rains heavily without stopping. Now I don't even stop for the holidays.

Although I had a hard time in the school team, in order to win honor for the school, I never shouted tired. I remember one time when I went to football class after school, my legs were very painful after class, and I helped the teacher carry things!

I am a boy who won honor for the school, neither tired nor rest. Will you like me?

300 characters (19)

Play football composition 300 words - On Friday, Squirrel Huahua said to Squirrel Mingming and Hua Hua: "Saturday, let's go to the river to play football together"! Mingming and Huahua said with one voice: "Good". It happened that Squirrel Xiaoxiao heard this and asked Huahua, "Can I go to watch your game?"? Hua Hua said, "Of course.".

The next day they came to the river to play on time. Because it was Huahua's ball, she kicked it first. At the beginning, she allowed Mingming and Huahua to come and grab the ball. Huahua didn't want the ball to fall into their hands, so she kicked the ball in the water. At this time, Mingming Huahua said, "It's all your fault, because you said you came to play by the river.".

At this time, Xiaoxiao jumped down from the sycamore tree and said, "Don't make any noise. I have a way. I can let Mingming hang his big tail on the tree. We catch the tail of a squirrel in front one by one, like a chain.". Sure enough, they caught the ball, and finally they played happily.