Library Borrowing Composition (Selected 11)
Winter about summer solstice
2023-09-30 06:10:45

Library Borrowing Composition (1)

For such a long time, I think the memory I lost is not only a little bit.

I know that they have experienced hard work in the process of creating various novels, but they still feel happy in this process, because many processes are full, which is tired and happy.

In the past, I always wanted to take a part-time job in the school library. I thought it was a very happy thing to get books there, and there was so much room for free learning.

However, because there are too many people who want to go there to work part-time, they can't always queue up. If they want to register, they are always late.

But fortunately, we didn't give up.

It is said that what will be selected in the school activities every year? Reading Star, ten people selected by each college will be given different honors and rights.

Maybe these can really attract people to read and borrow books, but they may not make everyone turn such things into a habit, as if we don't need to take so many books to read, we can use electronic borrowing.

There is no way to measure these things with a machine, nor to present them to others completely. These are just internal manifestations and their own mental awareness.

It seems that countless times when we borrow books from the library, we will feel a lot of emotion, but we all know that such emotion in the world is useless.

Only when you sit quietly on the sofa of the library and read a book can you feel that the passage of time is beautiful.

Library Borrowing Composition (2)

The library is an institution that collects, sorts and collects books and materials for people to read and reference. As early as 3000 BC, the library appeared. The library has the functions of preserving human cultural heritage, developing information resources, and participating in social education. The following is the composition of the first library borrowing collected by the small editor for everyone. I hope it can help everyone!

Composition I of the First Library Loan

Today, the nature teacher gave us a difficult question. Why is there a tornado? It's really a big problem for me. It seems that I have to think about it.

When I can't think of anything, and I feel like an ant on a hot pot, my "angel" appears. Who is the "angel"? It's my mother. Why is she an angel? Because she wanted to take me to check the information now, my mother took me with her library card without saying anything.

The moment I stepped into the library, there was a burst of fragrance of books in the library, which seemed to be stepping into an indoor garden. We were butterflies and bees. Those books were flowers with rich knowledge, waiting for us to absorb knowledge.

After finding the directory, I found the "natural science" category according to the clues provided by the directory. I went to the "natural science" category, and finally found some books about tornadoes with great efforts. I picked up two books and borrowed them back, hoping to find the answers I wanted.

oh I see. I probably know how a tornado is formed. First, the internal air in the thunderstorm cloud starts to rotate. No one knows the exact reason for the rotation. At this time, the air near the ground is quite warm. When the air rotates and gradually approaches the warm air near the ground, it starts to rotate faster and faster. This air rotates and inhales the warm air on the ground. When the warm air rises, it gradually cools and condenses, and finally forms a rotating funnel cloud layer. When the clouds touch the ground, a tornado forms and begins to move.

Wow! The library has many advantages. It can check materials, borrow books, and increase knowledge. It is really a treasure house of knowledge! By the way, if you have any questions, you can also go to the library with a lot of question marks like me, and then come back with a lot of knowledge!

Composition II of the First Library Loan

I have loved reading since I was young. When I was young, I read a fairy tale of Green for several times; When I was eight or nine years old, my reading ability was greatly improved. I was not restricted to comic books, fairy tale books and comic books, but preferred to read four famous books and scientific exploration books. When I was in the sixth grade of primary school, I could understand more profound books such as Morning Flowers and Evening Picks, feel the soft side of Lu Xun's heart, see the tragic life of Xiangzi in Lao She's writing, and of course, understand how iron and steel were cultivated.

Because I read as soon as I was free, the amount of reading increased. I often pestered my father to take me to the bookstore to buy books, which cost thousands of yuan a year. In order to meet my reading desire, my father simply applied for a library card for me in the district library. The district library is like a palace of knowledge that firmly attracts me.

When my father gave me the library card, I couldn't wait to borrow books from the library; But after all, it was the first time. I had no experience, so I made an appointment with my father on Saturday.

Saturday arrived, I urged my father to go to the library. On the way, I felt my pocket and looked at my watch nervously for fear that my library card was not with me and it was time to close the door.

We soon saw a large courtyard full of creepers, with roses, crabapple and green camphor trees outside. Entering the building, we felt the atmosphere of reading. On the side of the building were two ink paintings and the schematic diagram of the building for promoting reading. There were many people reading books in the borrowing hall upstairs, which was very quiet.

My father and I quietly walked to the literature section, and the librarian kindly greeted us and asked us what books to borrow.

I looked at my father and hoped that he could help me, but my father did not say anything and encouraged me with his eyes. I was at a loss to borrow language books.

When the aunt saw me speak, she was surprised and said, "Do you have a library card?"

I quickly took out a new library card from my pocket and handed it to my aunt. She looked at it and asked me how old I was. I hurriedly told my aunt that I was in Grade One this year. After listening to this, my aunt smiled and said, "You are the youngest reader who comes to our library to borrow books."

Then he took me to look for books. I found a comic book of Ma Sanli and Bing Xin's The Stars. Spring Water. My aunt asked me to fill out the library card. I hurriedly asked my father to fill out the card, but my aunt disagreed. She said: your name is written on the library card, and you should go through the borrowing procedure yourself. I had to force myself to fill in the name of the book on the library card, sign the name and date.

After seeing this, my aunt smiled and said, "Little student, that's right. Do your own thing and don't rely on others." I just knew that my aunt was exercising my courage and self-care ability.

Finally, my aunt reminded me: "Take care of the book, don't lose it, and return it within 10 days."

I said gratefully, "Thank you." Then I took the book I borrowed for the first time and went home happily with my father

Composition 3 of the First Library Loan

On Sunday morning, we sat at the table to have a meal. My mother said while eating, "Honey, my mother will have something to do later. You can go to the library to help my mother borrow a book named" Details decide success or failure. "I said happily," OK! "But I was a little nervous, because this was the first time I went to borrow a book alone.

After dinner, I came to the library. Wow! There are so many books here! But I didn't look through one book by one. Instead, I quickly found the book my mother wanted to borrow. My eyes searched the bookshelf: one minute, two minutes, three minutes, four minutes... My eyes were almost sore, but I couldn't find it. I looked at it carefully again. Wow, I finally found this book! But I also found many different "Details Decide Success or Failure", including Volume I, Volume II, and the whole volume, black and white, colored, with pictures, and with or without pictures. I was dazzled, and then decided to borrow the full volume, with colored pictures, and the thickest one. But the problem came again. The book was on the highest level. My altitude was too low. Even if I stood on tiptoe, I could not reach it unsteadily. I was a bit worried. Then a beautiful big sister saw it and asked, "Little sister, which book do you want?" I replied, "I want the book" Details decide success or failure "on the highest level." I just finished, Big sister helped me take it down. I quickly said thank you to my sister and went to the library with my card.

When I got back, my mother praised me and said, "You are really grown up and can help my mother share things." I felt very happy.

Library Borrowing Composition (3)

Composition of the first self-service library borrowing experience

In daily life or work and study, we often see the figure of composition. Composition can be divided into primary school composition, middle school composition, and college composition (thesis). Still at a loss for composition? The following is the composition of my first self-help library borrowing experience for everyone. I hope it can help everyone.

One day, my father took my mother and me to the self-help bookstore to borrow books.

When we came to the Erythrina Park, there was a steel workshop in front of us. It was full of books, but there was no waiter. This was the self-help bookstore.

As soon as I entered the library, I started to apply for a certificate. Unexpectedly, there was no certificate. We had to go to the nearby Fengze Square and try to apply for a certificate in the self-help library here. I prayed that we would get a certificate. The certificate was successfully handled, but the book could not be borrowed here. The equipment failed, so we had to go back to the Ertong Park again. I once again prayed that the certificate just handled could be used here.

I began to choose books. I chose "The Story of a Struggling Nation", and my mother chose "Psychology and Character Analysis".

After selecting the book, I started to go through the borrowing procedure. First click "Login" on the machine, then put the library card in the sensing area, then click "Borrow a book", and finally input the book number. Soon, the conveyor belt will send the book out. I borrowed books for my mother in the same way, and then went home happily.

Self borrowing books is very interesting and more convenient than ordinary bookstores, but there are also some problems of poor service, such as not adding library cards in time and not repairing equipment in time.

Although I met many setbacks in the process of borrowing books this time, I am still very happy because I learned a new way of borrowing books, which is an important and new start!

Library Borrowing Composition (4)

Today is the seventh day of the first lunar month. Early in the morning, my father said to me mysteriously that he would take me to a place. "Where are you going?" I asked curiously. Dad said, "You will know when you go."

We drove to a building. When I got off the bus, I walked closer and said, "Wow, it's the library."

This is my first time to come to the library. There are three floors in the library, which looks like an open book. Entering the gate, I saw Gorky's famous saying: books are the ladder of human progress. We first apply for library cards on the first floor. In the card office, an aunt smiled and said, "Children, you love reading." She handed me a form, and I quickly filled in the form. After her operation on the computer, she handed me a library card. Ha ha, from now on, I can borrow books here at any time.

After leaving the certificate office, we followed the fan shaped stairs to the children's library. The library is very large, with tall bookshelves on three sides, in which there are all kinds of books. In the middle of the library is a row of long tables with benches around. Many children are reading seriously! I found a book "Selected Animal Stories in China and Foreign Countries" to read. This book is so interesting that I was fascinated by the stories in it and read more than ten articles at one time. At this time, my father reminded me that if I like it. You can borrow it home. It occurred to me that I had my own library card.

For the first time, I used my library card to borrow two books from the library: Selected Stories of Chinese and Foreign Animals and I Am a Flag raiser.

Library Borrowing Composition (5)

On Sunday afternoon, my sister and I went to the library to borrow books. Although there are many people in the library, it is very quiet.

As soon as I entered the children's library, I was dazzled by all kinds of books. I was very happy to see so many books, thinking that I could see many wonderful books again. As soon as I walked into the literature column, I heard the library's broadcast: now there are five minutes left before the library closes... I was very worried because I couldn't wait to find the book I wanted to borrow. I seriously searched from the beginning, and after walking to one side of the bookshelf, I couldn't find the book I wanted. At this time, the administrator urged the students to come out quickly and close the door. At this time, I was in a hurry and wanted to find the book. My sister said next to me, take some books back to read first, and come back early next time.

I picked up four books and looked at their titles. Then I went to line up to borrow books. In the end, I successfully borrowed the little cherry that was not big enough. I slipped the>>four books.

Library Borrowing Composition (6)

After finishing my homework today, my mother took my brother and me to the library to borrow books.

At nine o'clock, we came to the library, where there are all kinds of books, only you can not think of, nothing you can not find. There are: comic books, composition books, comic books, fairy tales, Water Margin, Dream of Red Mansions, etc.

I saw a book named "Adventures of Peter Rabbit" on the bookshelf, which attracted me as soon as I read the title. I couldn't wait to open it: there was a rabbit named Peter, and it had two good friends named Lily and Benjamin. Peter Rabbit's father is an explorer. His father has dug many holes. I think he wants Peter to get into the hole when he is in danger. There was also a fox in there. He always wanted to have a delicious dinner. He always wanted to catch Peter and them. As a result, Peter got into the hole his father dug, and the fox was so angry that he rolled. I think the reason why Peter doesn't give up is that his father often tells him that a good rabbit never gives up. Peter is a clever, brave and resourceful 'good rabbit'. I also learned from it that only by not giving up can we succeed. It was almost noon. I chose five books to borrow. I really want to borrow more books, but it is stipulated that at most five books can be borrowed at a time! The administrator reminded us that the borrowing period is one month, and we should remember to return the books in time! It's time to close the door. I can't bear to go home!

In the library, it's like wandering in the ocean of stories. I'm looking forward to coming here next time!

Library Borrowing Composition (7)

Today, the sun is baking the earth, and the clouds in the sky are like a shy fairy, revealing only a thin layer of gauze clothes and a thin layer of cotton candy, which makes my mouth water. The dog was so hot that he stuck out his tongue as if to say, "It's really hot this summer!"

My mother and I came to the library to borrow books. When we entered the library, a cool breeze blew. When we walked in, I saw rows of picture bookshelves and rows of books. I can't wait to run into children's books. Wow! I couldn't catch my eyes with the colorful books. I picked up the dazzling books in a hurry: "McCard Pioneer", "Adventures of Balloon Hair", "Talking Straw Pile"... Suddenly a "Learned and grateful heart" appeared in front of me. Ah! I like reading articles about gratitude best! I read it with interest. Not only did I read it for a long time, but my mother called me, and I came back to my senses. I found that I came to borrow books, not read books. I reluctantly put the book back on the shelf. After borrowing books, we borrowed books and went to Wenle Park again. Although there were no recreational facilities like before, there were green trees, flowers in full bloom, and golden ginkgo trees there! The lotus leaves in the pond are green and thousands of miles away, and several lotus flowers adorn the pond.

Books are the ladder of human progress. This is what Gorky said. This sentence tells us the importance of books. We should study hard and make progress every day.

Library Borrowing Composition (8)

Since I got a library card in Quanzhou Library, I went to the library with my mother every two or three weeks to borrow books.

On weekends, my mother and I came to the library early. When I entered the library, I saw that some of the children were absorbed in reading, some were seriously picking up books, and some were going through the procedures for borrowing and returning books. Looking at rows of books, I feel as if I am in the sea of books. So I plunged into the sea of books, looking for the books I dreamed of. Here Robinson is inviting me to drift with him. I quickly took it down from the bookshelf, where Ma Xiaotiao waved hard to me. I couldn't wait to take down the books and put them in my arms. I took one book after another. I couldn't put them down. My mother smiled and said, "Don't worry. I can borrow up to four books at a time. I can borrow the rest next time."

I carefully selected the books to borrow and put the rest back in place. I found a place in the reading area to sit down and read with interest. Time passed quickly. When the library closed, I handed the books to the administrator's aunt, who scanned them with a scanner and told her to take care of the books and return time. The procedure was completed.

I carried a heavy bag of books out of the library, thinking: I want to read more books, read good books. There are so many books in the library that I really want to read them all.

Library Borrowing Composition (9)

"Little sluggard, get up quickly. Today I'm going to the library to borrow books." I listened to my mother's words and quickly got up, quickly finished breakfast and came to the library.

To the library, wow! There are so many books here! You can choose different floors to borrow books according to your own needs. I came to the second floor, which belongs to the children's book floor. There are many large bookshelves full of literature, popular science, cartoons, education, children's books, etc. So my mother and I began to look for books carefully. My mother quickly found the books she wanted, while I was still carefully selecting: help you learn how to write a happy composition at the beginning, Haibao came to take me to enjoy the fun of animation, and Robinson Crusoe is inviting me to take an adventure with him. There are too many books I want, I also learned to check in front of the computer whether I still want to borrow the books, but my mother and I can only borrow 8 outstanding book cards. It's a pity that I seem to take back all the books I like. It seems that I have to look at them and borrow them next time.

My mother and I were carrying a heavy bag of books home, and I felt very good all the way home. I really want my mother to say that reading makes people happy, but borrowing books makes people more happy!

Library Borrowing Composition (10)

My sister loves playing. One day, when I was going to the library to borrow books, my sister was reading. In fact, what she didn't want to read was what my aunt forced her to read, so that she would read the text. At this time, my father said to my sister, "Ruyu, will you go to the library

We took bus 205 to the library. I went to the library to return the books first. Ah, this line is really long. It's like a dragon. It must be several minutes before my turn. So I asked my father to help me return the books. I went to borrow books, which could save a lot of time. My sister followed me to borrow books.

I looked for a long time in the comic book gallery, and then borrowed a copy of "Cherry Balls" and a copy of "Big Head Son and Small Head Dad". After borrowing the book, I went to the fourth floor with my sister to borrow the fairy tale book of primary school students. I looked around and found that "One's Fashion Show" and "Savage Girlfriend Shen Keke" were good books.

The books have been borrowed, and it is already afternoon. My sister and father and I reluctantly left the library.

Library Borrowing Composition (11)

When we came to the Erythrina Park, there was a small steel house in front of us. It was full of books, but there was no waiter. This was the self-help library.

As soon as I entered the library, I started to apply for a card. Unexpectedly, there was no card. We had to go to the nearby Fengze Square and try to apply for a card in the self-service library here. I prayed that we would get a card. The certificate was successfully handled, but the book could not be borrowed here. The equipment failed, so we had to go back to the Ertong Park again. I once again prayed that the certificate just handled could be used here.

I began to choose books. I chose "The Story of a Struggling Nation", and my mother chose "Psychology and Character Analysis".

After selecting the book, I started to go through the borrowing procedure. First click "Login" on the machine, then put the library card in the sensing area, then click "Borrow a book", and finally input the book number. Soon, the conveyor belt will send the book out. I borrowed books for my mother in the same way and went home happily.

Self borrowing is very interesting and more convenient than ordinary libraries, but there are also some problems with poor service, such as not replenishing the library card in time and not repairing the equipment in time.

Although I met many setbacks in the process of borrowing books this time, I was very happy because I learned a new way of borrowing books, which is an important and new start!