My family style is 600 words (6 required articles)
Northern Girl
2023-09-09 09:35:10

My family style is 600 words (1)

What is family style? Family style is the result of ancestors' words and deeds, and it is a kind of spiritual temperament; What is family instruction? Family instruction is an instruction to future generations; What are family rules? Family rules are rules to realize family style. Mother said: "Every family should not only inherit the physical DNA, but also the spiritual DNA from generation to generation, so that the spiritual culture of the whole family can continue."

My family's family style and motto is: filial piety first, respect the old and love the young; Be a man before doing anything; find in helping others; Diligence and frugality, good reading; Know gratitude! And helping others is the most common thing around me!

In the dead of night, my mother came to the bedside to chat with me and told me a proud thing. It turned out that there was a daughter named Xiaohong near her grandmother's house who had cancer and spent all her money. One day, Grandma passed by and saw that the mother of the family was cooking for her daughter. She only cooked a little porridge, but there was no food. Xiaohong's mother wiped tears and told her that she was penniless and owed a sum of money to cure her daughter's illness. After listening to this, Grandma didn't say a word. She took out 500 yuan and asked Xiaohong's mother to buy some nutritious food for Xiaohong. She also told her not to tell others. After a period of time, in order to save Xiaohong, Grandma organized a call for help on WeChat, and everyone gave a helping hand. Unfortunately, Xiaohong did not escape from the evil claws of the disease and left the beautiful world. In order to express her gratitude, Xiaohong's family set up a thank-you list in the village. Grandma's name glittered on the list.

Hearing this, I fell into meditation. I was proud of my grandmother, and a warm current flowed into my heart. I want to learn from my grandmother's spirit of helping others. It suddenly dawned on me that not only my grandmother but also my mother was very helpful. She always taught us: "When others need help, we can help, which is timely help." It turns out that my mother inherited her good qualities, and I want to learn from my grandmother and mother.

After this incident, I deeply understand the importance of family customs and family instructions! The good qualities of the previous generation will be passed on to the next generation, making this country more beautiful! Our ancestors inherited the good quality to make China so rich and strong. Family style is a thin belt of inheritance, which links the family's spirit of helping others for hundreds of years.

My family style 600 words (2)

My parents were both technical secondary school students in the 1970s, and my grandparents were farmers in the 1940s. Since I became a sensible man, I have heard the most words: be diligent and thrifty, be kind to people, be polite to people, and be honest and trustworthy. Especially when I do something wrong, my grandfather likes to give me political lessons, and my grandmother talks and talks. Sometimes when I get bored, I will cry out in a rebellious way: "Please, Grandma, comrade, you have said it for many times, and my ears are long...", but my grandmother doesn't seem to hear my resistance, He continued: "You child, you should be polite. You don't know how to say hello when the guests arrive just now...". "... I seem to have become accustomed to such education. It should be said that this is my family style.

Since I can remember, my family has always had guests. The elders have always entertained guests with smiles and given them the best food. At last, it was our children's turn when the guests left. We never dared to speak up. The guests always praised us: "Your family. The children are really sensible", but my naughty personality, There are many times that the elders will also be dissatisfied... One year during the Spring Festival, I stole half of the salt chicken that my family asked my uncle to eat, turned over the chicken, and found out when my uncle ate it. Later, my grandfather severely criticized me and asked me to squat for an hour to remember this lesson.

In my family, the most diligent and thrifty person is Grandma. Grandma gets up before dawn every day to do housework. When we are going to school, Grandma has gone out to buy food. Every time there is leftovers at home, Grandma never pours them out, but eats them herself. Dad was worried that her stomach was bad and she wouldn't let Grandma eat the leftovers, so Grandma had to eat them secretly. Once, when I just came home from school, I found three chickens at home. It was Grandma who found a good "place" for leftovers... Ha ha, this is the best of both worlds!

To be honest and trustworthy, it belongs to my father. Once, on a whim, my father contracted 1000 lychees to the village committee, and promised to pay the village committee 20000 yuan for the harvest. Unexpectedly, there was a strong typhoon that year, and the total harvest of 1000 lychees was just over 2000. Many good friends said it was understandable, and urged my father to give advice to the village committee... Finally, my father borrowed money from my aunt and paid 20000 yuan to the village committee without hesitation, My father later said, "My stubbornness is because my father told me when I was young that I should be honest and trustworthy. I didn't predict well, and I had to be responsible for myself!"

My family style is rain and my children are Miao. I have benefited a lot from this family style!

My family style 600 words (3)

Appreciate "Are you happy?", a thousand people have a thousand answers, but the answers are similar. Similarly, "What is family style?", a thousand people will have a thousand answers. Recently, there have been many live interviews on CCTV about family discipline and family style. I have seen and heard many families telling their own stories about family discipline and family style.

I was born in a rural family, and my parents' educational level is limited, but more of them set an example and teach by example, and generally do not specifically summarize what family discipline is or what family style is. But after I got married and started a business, my father asked me to "be friendly, loyal to friends, and frugal in running a family", and wrote it on the door. It can be said that this is my family motto, and it is also my standard of life. It is also true in educating my son.

Once, my son's down was blown all over the sky by his friends as a toy. I was very angry when I learned that. I asked my son why he had not resisted or told the teacher, but my son's plain words made me very ashamed. The teacher saw that he had criticized them. " At that time, I was really impressed by the little guy's "mind". Yes, my son, this is not cowardice, but his own tolerant approach to others. Just imagine that if he immediately resisted and even fought with his friends, the scene and results could be imagined, but it was his "calm" that resolved everything. It seems that the family motto of "harmony with the outside world" really went deep into his heart, and such things are not very successful.

Families are nurseries, children are seedlings. Home wind is like raindrops. It sneaks into the night with the wind, moistening things silently. Only under the moisture of rain and dew can young seedlings grow healthily. Thanks for the "family motto" my father gave me, and I will always use it to irrigate my little "Miao Miao" and create a good family atmosphere that belongs to our family.

My family style 600 words (4)

China is a big civilized country. Since Pangu created the world, the civilization, history and culture with a long history of 5000 years have been passed down to every Chinese from generation to generation.

There are national laws and family rules. As a Chinese, each of us should be strict with ourselves. The elders often said that without rules, there is no square. Grandma taught me to be ready to help others when I grow up, to be honest, honest, trustworthy, respect the old and love the young, hardworking and thrifty. Self confidence and self love are the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation and the hope of every family.

In her grandmother's generation, her mother taught her that only by doing good deeds can we do good deeds. Gradually, he had a father. When he grew up, his grandparents were very strict with him. They did not allow his father to smoke and drink. They also stipulated that he could not go home after 10 o'clock at night. Wherever he went, his parents must agree to go out. Listen to Grandma‘ My father was very polite when he was young. He called people whenever he saw them. He even ran to call beggars when he met them on the road. Until now, this good habit has never changed. I will learn from my father in this regard. Develop a good habit of being polite.

Every time Grandma sent me to school, she would ask me to give up my seat when she saw an old man getting on the bus. She even gave up her seat to an older person. In fact, Grandma is also an old woman. She is more than 60 years old, but he thinks those older people need that seat more than she does. Grandma has never forgotten her mother's words for decades. She has always followed her mother's words. She is a famous good daughter-in-law and daughter in my neighborhood.

Grandma has always been a helpful and kind person. As long as others speak, she will try her best to help others. Even if she suffered a little loss, she never cared about it. Grandma often said; "It's a blessing to suffer losses" may also be that Grandma has done a lot of good things. God sees that Grandma is healthier than her peers. This is a good health that Grandma's kindness, integrity, and optimistic attitude has earned. This is probably what people say good people have good returns!

Every time I go to a friend's house to play, my grandma, parents often remind me to be polite when I go to other people's houses. I can't rummage through other people's things, nor can I take other people's things home. Tell me that wherever I meet someone who needs help, I must actively help him. Under the education and guidance of my parents, I also know how to save water, not spend money indiscriminately, help my mother do housework when I have time, and try to do my own things.

In the way my grandmother, father and mother behave, I see it in my eyes and remember it in my heart. Slowly, I learned a lot about how to be a man, and I am working hard towards this goal.

My family style 600 words (5)

"You should keep your promise. Like you, you haven't even kept your promise. Do I want to praise you for your good work?" This is the most common and favorite thing my mother said when she taught me. At this time, I would frown. "Why is your room so messy? Why are there so many footprints on the ground? A girl has made the room so messy, and no one will believe her. You should be clean, and don't let us clean the room for you every time." Dad who mopped the floor in my room growled angrily, and I used to block my ears while watching TV.

Look, these two things happen most often in my family. When I stood my mother up for the Nth time, my mother educated me and asked me to be a trustworthy person in the future. When I made my home dirty and messy for the Nth time, my father complained to me and "threatened" me to clean it myself if I made it particularly dirty in the future. After I dealt with their words casually, I still went my own way.

Finally one day, I succeeded in arousing the anger of my parents. My mother told me that she would pick me up after school. When I stood at the school gate happily, I found my mother stood me up. In the evening, my father said to me, "Clean up the house and mop up the floor tomorrow..." When I finally finished cleaning after a tired day, my father "accidentally" got dirty again.

After this incident, I finally knew that my shortcomings had brought a lot of trouble to my parents, and I decided to get rid of them.

Every time I do something wrong, my parents will patiently reason with me. This is my family style; Every time I do something, my parents will strictly ask me to do my best. This is my family's motto.

You must think that Mom and Dad are too strict with us, but from another perspective, they will be strict with us and ask us to abide by the family customs and instructions for our future.

My family style 600 words (6)

My family style composition 600 words

In Chinese traditional culture, family style has always been highly valued. Family style is also called family style, or tutor. In the past, many Chinese families built ancestral halls, with family rules, clan rules, and township conventions. Although each family has its own rules and customs, under the influence of traditional culture, especially the influence of Confucianism, China's family customs are mostly the same.

A family's family style has a great relationship with a family's "parents", "leaders" and "patriarchs". Their personal moral standards, quality, insight, vision, mind, social life, treatment and other comprehensive qualities directly affect their family style. Just as the culture of an enterprise is the boss culture, so is the style of the army, division, brigade, regiment, battalion, company and platoon closely related to the personal style of the top "leader". The difference between Li Yunlong's team and other teams in The Sword is reflected in Li Yunlong, the "top leader". His own style shapes and affects the team's style. As the saying goes, "One will bear, one will bear." It can be seen that the quality of family style, right and wrong, has a "continuous line" with parents.

A good family style is not only the blessing of the family, but also the wealth of the society.

My family style composition 600 words 2

Education is the quality that accompanies people's life, and education is the bridge of interpersonal communication. Having a good family style will make your life brighter. Education is like the ray of sunshine at dawn, which makes people feel comfortable and yearn for; Education is like the stars at night, making people daydream and nostalgic

When it comes to family style and family education, I can't help thinking of my mother, who just finished learning. In this article, the author's mother taught the author how to treat others and how to be kind by words and example. He also taught him to be modest and not actively show his generosity. From what he wrote at the end of the article, "If I learn a little bit of good temper, if I learn a little bit of amiability, if I can forgive and understand people - I have to thank my mother-in-law."

It can be deeply understood that the author has admirable thoughts. However, there are also some shortcomings in the author's family education. For example, the author was severely punished for making a mistake in a small matter, which led to his long-term blindness, and his mother knew how to regret. Every family has a different way of doing things. We cannot deny the will of others with our own way of doing things.

Can the tutor help us form good quality?

We still don't know the answer. Two people in the same living environment, one will have a bright life, while the other will go astray and live in darkness.

My tutor is not particularly perfect, but always affects me. From childhood to adulthood, our parents warned us that we should be honest and trustworthy, and not be insidious and crafty in pursuit of fame and wealth. But I always tighten this string in my life, not easy to relax.

Let's grow up in good tutoring, strive for a better tomorrow, and create a happy life of our own.

My Family Style Composition 600 words3

On the occasion of the New Year, CCTV launched a special survey program "What is family style, I was deeply impressed.

When I didn't watch the program, the word "family style" was very strange to me. Through the reporter's lens, I had some understanding of "family style". I checked the explanation of "family style" on the Internet and said that "family style", also known as family style, refers to the traditional style or style of a family or family. I don't think "family style" was said, It is done bit by bit with practical actions. When I was free, I was thinking about my "family style"?

I haven't heard anything from my parents since I was recording things. The harmony between the neighbors and the hard work of my parents are the deepest pictures in my childhood. My father has a strong sense of time and often tells us to observe the time. No matter what we do, we should be on time and not be late. Now this habit is still with me. Think about it carefully, our life habits are gradually developed with our parents' habits, and we use this to educate our children.

I remember that when I chatted with my family once after I got married, my father's words left a deep impression on me, that is, "good men don't eat separate meals, good women don't wear wedding clothes". This sentence has greatly changed my mind. I don't care about my mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, sister-in-law and some trivial matters between sisters in daily life, What makes me sigh is that the harmony of a big family is so simple.

Now think of punctuality as our "family style". Our parents didn't give us rich material living conditions, but they used their own practical actions to let us know that we should be punctual since childhood. Punctuality is the basis of being a person, a kind of politeness, a kind of respect, and even a virtue. Our parents unknowingly gave us such a wealth, Let's enjoy our life.

My family style composition 600 words 4

Outside, heavy snow was falling. The snowflakes were dancing in the air, flying, hovering, falling straight and fast, and falling on the ground, just like butterflies dancing... My father and I went out of our house with an umbrella and headed for the Xinhua Bookstore.

"One minute, two minutes, three minutes..." About twenty minutes later, my father and I finally arrived at the gate of Xinhua Bookstore. Just as I was about to enter, I was suddenly attracted by a very "hot focus": an old man in rags, with white hair and more than 50 years old knelt at the gate of Xinhua Bookstore and begged people passing by. However, many people turned a blind eye and pretended to see something. Seeing these people's actions, my heart could not help shivering. So I took three coins and put them into the old man's shabby iron bowl. The coins fell into the iron bowl and made several clear "clanking" sounds.

When I entered the bookstore, I was praised and praised by my father for a long time, which made me jump three feet high happily, and my heart was sweeter than honey: that's great

My family style composition 600 words 5

"School rules, family rules" is a phrase that people often say, but when asked, "What are family rules? What are your family rules?" many people immediately froze.

Family rules. Every family has different rules. My family really responded to the sentence "eat without words, sleep without words" when eating. After eating, you should not put your chopsticks on the top of the bowl, but on the table, which means you have eaten well. If there are fish bones and bones on the table, use chopsticks to sweep them into the bowl. You can't leave until everyone has finished these things.

There is also a family rule in our family - no more than three things. Once when I was walking in the park after dinner, I took out a piece of paper and wiped the stool, because someone had stepped on it. A cleaning worker came out and said, "Why are you so uneducated and littering?" My face turned red when I heard her say so. While apologizing, I ran to pick it up and throw it into the garbage can, which calmed the anger of the cleaners.

Family style is the ethos of a family. Once the family style is corrupted, the thought of the family will also be corrupted. The bad reputation will spread quickly. At that time, no one will want to associate with this family. It's too late to change.

My family style is "filial piety". As the saying goes, filial piety is the priority. We should be filial to our parents and elders. When our parents are getting older, we can't talk back. We should always consider our parents. Even if what they say is wrong, they should talk to each other kindly. Ask us to do things, don't refuse, try to help our parents, so that we can achieve "filial piety first".

Family style is family rules. Only with good rules can we be orderly, and only with good family style can we be better based on society.