Lvluo's Composition Primary School (17 excellent works)
Half way guest dream
2024-01-08 07:40:16

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (1)

It is late autumn, but my green pineapple is still alive.

My green pineapple is planted in water, I think it is better than planted in soil. When planted in the soil, the stems of green apples grow very long and are easy to step on. When planted in water, the green apple only grows leaves but does not shoot. The two pots of green apples are very lush, and their leaves are tender and green. It feels soft, and the sharp place is a little hard. Some are love shaped, and some are oval with a small pointed tail. There are almost no dead leaves. The old leaves are dark green, in sharp contrast to the light green curly leaves. The veins on the leaves are thin and dense, a little lighter than the color of the leaves. The stem of a green apple is thick at the bottom and thin at the top. Some are white and some are green. The lower part is deep, the upper part is shallow, and the section near the leaf is longer. The roots are thin and long, a bit like hair, growing out from the bottom of the stem. They are always wrapped together because of too much and too dense. The water used for growing green apples will turn green after a long time. The root and the bottom of the bottle will have moss like things. I change water for the green pineapple about once a week, and cut the withered and yellow "hair" once a month.

The green pineapple is a little expert in purifying the air. You can also plant a pot!

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (2)

My family has a pot of green apples with green leaves, especially the newly grown leaves, just like small hearts.

The green apple can feed it in both water and soil. The longer the root grows, the bigger the leaf grows, and soon a pot of green apples grows.

But how to make the green apples grow better? First of all, when summer comes, water every two days. You should not only pour water into the soil, but also spray the leaves with a sprayer. Because there is a lot of dust on the leaves, you cannot purify the air. There are more watering methods for green apples: for example, you can use fish water, a small amount of rain water, diluted vinegar water, or fermented rice washing water.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (3)

In the middle of April, I put a pot of green pineapple on the balcony of my bedroom. The green pineapple is packed in a bottle with a diameter of about 10 cm, and its roots extend in all directions.

Its main stem is very thick, about 2cm thick, and its stem is dark green, about 50cm long. The leaves are light green, very smooth, shiny like pearls, and the veins can be seen clearly, especially in the sun, the clear veins are shining.

Its 21 leaves release fresh air for my family every day, bringing us a happy mood. I am always happy to breathe fresh air.

This is the green apple on my balcony. I hope it grows more luxuriant!

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (4)

Walk into my living room and look around, you will find a "green cloud". Come closer, it will become clear. That is a pot of green apples, which my mother bought several years ago. The green pineapple is a kind of plant with strong vitality, whether planted in the soil or water, it can grow tenaciously. Its stem is cut and cut, and a loving leaf will appear on each section, which is green and very beautiful. The leaves are swaying in the breeze, and the fairy who wants to wear green clothes is dancing.

The beautiful green apples not only beautify our environment, but also make us feel happy and live happily.

I really love my green apples.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (5)

Recently, my mother bought a pot of green apples. Put it at home. Take care of it and water it every day. Don't mention how good the caretaker is. A few days later, my mother looked at the green apples she had taken care of carefully. Very happy. Every day when I got out of bed, I heard her say that my green apples are very good, tender and green. After a while, my mother bought four pots of green apples again and again.

Those green apples are really beautiful. The green leaves swim on the "lake" like green boats one after another. The slender branches extend out endlessly, like one lovely water snake after another. There are fine lines on the leaves of jasper. It's cool to touch. It's very comfortable to watch them.

The green pineapple is not only fresh and pleasing to the eye. It also has the effect of purifying the air. It is also called Devil's Rattan, Goldenrod, Golden Rattan and Mulberry Leaf.

I like our green Luo.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (6)

Today, when I came to my new house, I found that there were more leaves and more branches of the green apples.

I see the green leaves, as many as the leaves on the tree. Although I am exaggerating, its leaves are really many. It keeps growing and purifying the air. It can absorb the unpleasant smell of furniture and purify the fresh air. Of course, this is what I admire very much about the green apple, which is one of my favorite plants.

Although the green pineapple cannot blossom, when I see its green, it means that I blossom, because green is always the peace and trust of the world, because I like to let more green into our life.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (7)

During the summer vacation, I did my homework at home. I suddenly saw the green apples growing in our house and thought: "Why do plants grow long instead of growing tall?" I took my mother's mobile phone and checked it. Some plants were originally grown in sunny places. Later, I put a lot of water on the green apples and ignored him for several days. Three days later, Lvluo didn't die. I was surprised. I asked my mother, but she didn't know. I took my mother's mobile phone and checked it. I was surprised to find that Lvluo could live without sunshine. This time, both my mother and I learned a lot. I thought again: "Will Lvluo die without water?" These days, I haven't watered Lvluo, and they are almost dead, I think the green pineapple will not die without the sun, and will die without water. Why? Later, I finally learned that the green pineapple is a special plant. Without sunshine, I can also learn more plants from now on.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (8)

My family keeps several pots of green apples, whose leaves are heart-shaped, just like the beautiful hair of a little girl, long to the ground.

The green pineapple is emerald green all the year round. It can play a very good decorative role in the room and purify the air. It has a strong air purification ability and can absorb formaldehyde in the air. Its function is to attract the wind. Its function is to breathe. It can ventilate the room and absorb the kitchen odor. It can absorb the smell of cooking oil smoke. Placing a pot indoors gives people an aesthetic sense of pleasure and makes people feel relaxed. It plays a very good decorative role in the room.

Our green pineapple has been raised for a long time. We watered it. He helped us clean the air. It's beautiful to put it in the living room. I love my green pineapple!

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (9)

My family raised a pot of green apples, whose leaves are green and shaped like small hearts. Its branches are one by one, and each node has fibrous roots like bean sprouts.

Every day, after I finish my homework, I water the green pineapple, hoping that it will grow greener and more prosperous. Under my careful care, the green apples grow fast. Within a few days, its green branches and leaves were hanging down. From a distance, the green apple looks like a beautiful girl with long curly hair.

Although the green pineapple is not as noble as the peony, nor as beautiful as the rose, it can purify the air, absorb harmful substances, and bring green enjoyment to our life. After reading my introduction, do you like green apples as much as I do?

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (10)

I like the beauty of roses, the national beauty of peonies, and the white and fragrance of lilies. But what I like most is the green pineapple.

At the beginning, I believe everyone would think that the green pineapple is a green turnip, but it is not. The green pineapple is a green plant with vines and leaves. It looks very beautiful and eye-catching.

My family has a pot of green apples standing in the living room, like a lovely little girl. The green leaves, like a girl's hair floating in the wind. Plus the flower rack below, it looks more like a little girl's soft limbs. Looking at the little girl named "Lvluo", I felt that she danced a thousand times more gracefully than my classmate Yang Jingtong.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (11)

"Watching for happiness" is what kind of flower language? It's a green apple.

We have many pots of green apples at home. My mother said, "The green apples can take root and sprout in the water. When the roots grow, they can be transplanted into the soil. After several days of observation, I found that the growth of the green apples is different from other plants: it first grows stems, grows a section of stems, grows a leaf, grows another section of stems, and grows another leaf. The newly grown leaves are lighter in color, and the dark green ones near the flowerpot are the old ones.

The leaves of a large pot of green apples are heart-shaped, larger than my palm. The green color is like beautiful jadeite. Its stem is very thick, climbing along a round straight pipe in the middle of the flowerpot. The stem is getting longer and longer, and the green apple is getting taller and taller.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (12)

In front of my window, there is a bottle of water with a leaf on it. It is a leaf with dreams. So, who does this leaf belong to? Of course, it belongs to Lvluo!

How common and common are green apples. This is my initial view of the green pineapple. But an accidental discovery made me admire the green apples.

On that day, a new idea suddenly occurred in my mind - otherwise, I would also raise some green apples. As this idea came into being, I walked to the green apple and looked around, but I could not start. I think, don't pick a leaf. If it can't live, it doesn't matter if you let it go. Then I picked a smaller leaf and inserted it into the bottle. I didn't have much hope at that time. Unexpectedly, a few days later, it was still growing vigorously. I picked it up, but found that there was a long thin silk thread at the bottom of its leaf stem. Later, I immediately inserted it back into the bottle and found that one strand of silk thread was divided into three strands. When I picked it up, they were combined into one strand. This discovery surprised me. I think what makes it strong and unyielding?

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (13)

It is late autumn, but my green pineapple is still alive.

My green pineapple is planted in water, I think it is better than planted in soil. When planted in the soil, the stems of green apples grow very long and are easy to step on. When planted in water, the green apple only grows leaves but does not shoot. The two pots of green apples are very lush, and their leaves are tender and green. It feels soft, and the sharp place is a little hard. Some are love shaped, and some are oval with a small pointed tail. There are almost no dead leaves. The old leaves are dark green, in sharp contrast to the light green curly leaves. The veins on the leaves are thin and dense, a little lighter than the color of the leaves. The stem of a green apple is thick at the bottom and thin at the top. Some are white and some are green. The lower part is deep, the upper part is shallow, and the section near the leaf is longer. The roots are thin and long, a bit like hair. They grow out from the bottom of the stem and are always wrapped together because of too much and too dense. The water used for growing green apples will turn green after a long time. The root and the bottom of the bottle will have moss like things. I change water for the green pineapple about once a week, and cut the withered and yellow "hair" once a month.

The green pineapple is a little expert in purifying the air. You can also plant a pot!

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (14)

In order to beautify the classroom environment, the teacher brought three pots of green apples. These three pots of green apples are very beautiful. We have been watering and pruning them regularly.

Until now, it has been a year since I found that these green apples grow differently. One pot of green apples grows very luxuriantly. So many green leaves are piled up on another cluster. The green color is beautiful. It seems that there is a new 'life quivering' on every leaf. This beautiful and luxuriant green apple!

I remember one time, the teacher found that the leaves of the green pineapple had turned yellow, so he asked the students to trim it. The quiet classroom suddenly became lively. The students picked up scissors and went to the platform to cut off the yellowing leaves of the green apples. The scissors made a "rustling" sound, and pieces of withered and yellow leaves fell off. I saw them cutting leaves. I also went to take the trash can to the front of the platform, and threw those cut leaves in.

At this time, some students said, "Why don't we take these leaves home and use them as specimens?" We began to select leaves, and I also selected one. This leaf is yellow and beautiful! The teacher said, "Trimming the leaves of a green pineapple is actually correcting its mistakes. Don't make it look ugly as it grows." I looked again and found that the green pineapple had become very beautiful after we trimmed it.

How beautiful the green apples are! I like green apples.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (15)

There is a long, thick pillar standing in the flowerpot. There are many small thorns on the stem of the green apple, which are the ones that plunge into the big pillar of the green apple. After the leaves grow long, they can be fixed and used as decorations. Wrapped on the calligraphy and painting, you can also add a green lace to the calligraphy and painting.

The regeneration ability of the green pineapple is very strong, because there are many small black spots on the stem. Those black spots are air roots, and the regeneration of the green pineapple depends on them. When a stem grows, it is cut off and inserted into the water, and soon some white hairs and roots grow out. The white roots are like the old man's whiskers; The white hairs shuttle in the white roots like the hairs on peaches and small fish.

The leaves of the pineapple are luxuriant like a green world. There is a small leaf on each bar. When the small leaf first grows, it is green and rolls up like a shy girl. Later, he grew up slowly and became dark green. Slowly, he rolled up the dark green leaves like a fan. Some five or six leaves gathered together, as if in a meeting; Some two leaves snuggle together, like whispering; Another leaf stood proudly on the branch, as if showing something?

Just then, the teacher was spraying water on the leaves of the green pineapple. I asked curiously, 'Teacher, why should I spray water on the leaves of the green pineapple?' The teacher said: 'If you don't often spray water on a green apple, its leaves will wither. The green pineapple likes a humid environment, so it is necessary to regularly spray water on the leaves of the green pineapple to increase the humidity, which is conducive to the growth of the green pineapple, and can also play a role in cleaning the leaves.

There are so many mysteries in a small pot of green apples! As long as we observe more in our daily life, we will find new things every day.

Chapter 2: Green Luos

When Grandma moved to a new house, she bought two pots of green apples and hung them on the hanger on the balcony. They were very green and very beautiful. Grandpa said that it can not only decorate a beautiful room but also purify the indoor air.

The green pineapple does not blossom, and only grows stems and leaves all year round. When it was just bought back, its stems and leaves were very short, like the hair style of cherry meatballs. In recent months, my grandfather and I have taken good care of it. We watered it once a week, gave it a nutrition injection once a month, and sprinkled a little water on its leaves from time to time. The green pineapple has grown into a maiden.

At noon one day, the master said his hair was too long. Let's cut it. As soon as I heard about the haircut, I got excited and went to help grandpa get scissors. Grandfather asked me to take another empty bottle. I was surprised. I still use a bottle for pruning. Grandpa picked up the scissors and cut Lvluo a haircut he felt satisfied with. Then pick out a few of the cut branches and leaves and insert them into the bottle, so that I can fill the bottle with water and put it on the balcony. He said let me cultivate a pot of water green apples. Can you grow flowers without soil? I think it's very novel. From that day on, I would go to the balcony every day to observe and change the water for it once every three days. As expected, after 13 days, the roots grew, and I succeeded. Then grandpa said that as long as the water in the bottle was not dirty, it would not be necessary to change the water. In this way, my little green apple gradually grew up. I changed a small fish tank for it, and put the dancing chess pieces that are not used at home in the fish tank, which is beautiful and can fix the root of the green apple.

Have you ever seen flowers grown without soil? Come and raise green apples with me.

Chapter 3: Green Luos

On Sunday morning, when I came to the composition class and saw a pot of green apples, I began to observe curiously.

There is a long, thick pillar standing in the flowerpot, and the stem of the green apple is tightly wrapped around this pillar. There are many small thorns on the stem, and it is because of them that they deeply penetrate into the big pillar of the green apple. After the leaves grow long, they can be fixed and used as decorations. Wrapped on the word and picture frame, it adds a green lace to the calligraphy and painting, adding a poetic flavor.

The regeneration ability of the green pineapple is very strong, because there are many small black spots on the stem. Those black spots are air roots, and the regeneration of the green pineapple depends on them. When a stem grows, cut it and insert it

In the water, some white hairs and roots soon grew, and the white roots looked like the old man's whiskers; The white fluff is as soft as the hair on a peach.

The leaves of the pineapple are luxuriant, like a green world. There is a small leaf on each bar. When the small leaf first grows, it is green and rolls up like a shy girl. Later, they grow up slowly, become dark green, and slowly spread out. At this time, the leaves are like a fan. Some five or six leaves gathered together, as if in a meeting; Some two leaves snuggle together, like whispering; Another leaf stood proudly on the branch, as if showing something?

Just then, the teacher was spraying water on the leaves of the green pineapple. I asked curiously, 'Teacher, why should I spray water on the leaves of the green pineapple?' The teacher said: 'If you don't often spray water on a green apple, its leaves will wither. The green pineapple likes a humid environment, so it is necessary to regularly spray water on the leaves of the green pineapple to increase the humidity, which is conducive to the growth of the green pineapple, and can also play a role in cleaning the leaves.

There are so many mysteries in a small pot of green apples! As long as we observe more in our daily life, we will find new things every day.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (16)

There is a pot of green apples on my air conditioner. The long stems with green leaves hang upside down from the air, like wearing an agate hat for the air conditioner.

The fresh leaves of the green apples are green, and they will become dark green in a few weeks. The leaves are green, as if smeared with oil, reflecting the golden light from the sun. Under the noon sun, emerald green and dark green are mixed together, like a large pot of agate. A breeze blew, and the agate gently swayed its graceful posture, which was extremely beautiful.

The leaves of the pineapple are peach shaped. On the same rhizome, there are leaves with different shapes. Some stood tall and straight, as if full of energy, to go straight into the sky; Some are shy and roll up their leaves shyly, as if they don't want people to see her face clearly; Others hide behind other leaves, like naughty children playing hide and seek.

The green pineapple can be either native or raised in water. If it is raised by water, you can clearly see the crisscross and indistinguishable roots of green apples through the glass jar. At first, the roots were green. After a while, the roots became brown and covered with gray fine hairs, probably because of the poor water quality.

The green apple is not only beautiful, it can beautify the environment, but also can purify the air and absorb formaldehyde in the air. So many people who have just finished decorating their new houses rush to invite the green apple into their homes to absorb formaldehyde and purify the air.

If you have a chance, you must try to have a pot of green apples.

2 Green apples

There is a pot of lush green apples in my living room. It's like a green waterfall, which brings me a fresh feeling. The leaves of the pineapple are green and yellow, bright and dazzling.

Every time when I come home from school, I see the pots of green apples like green flowers, and I feel refreshed. I found that the newly grown leaf of a green apple was like a needle; A little bit wider, like a pea; Completely stretched out, green, like a small heart-shaped fan.

The leaves of the green pineapple turn outward and spread around. The branches do not grow straight, but bend and stretch, just like a dancing girl twisting her waist. Once, I accidentally found a brown thing growing from the back of the stem. I thought it was a withered stem, and I wanted to pick it. My father told me that it was the air root of the green pineapple, and the air root was the breathing tube of the green pineapple.

Once I remembered that green plants need sunlight for photosynthesis. So I moved the green apples to the balcony and dried them for several days, but I didn't expect the leaves to turn yellow and the stems to be short. I was scared and moved the green apples back. In the evening, I checked the information and found that Luluo likes water!

Nature is wonderful!

3 Green apples

My family has a green apple, which lives in a round fish tank with various shells and pebbles.

The green and green leaves of the green apple are in the shape of hearts, like pieces of emerald. The stem of the green apple can grow very thick. If there are big trees or buildings around, it will climb up. The higher it climbs, the longer it takes, and it will turn the whole object green like a magician, making people look like only plants from a distance. The vitality of the green apple is very strong. It can grow healthily in both soil and water. Even if the root of the green apple is cut off, it can still survive.

The green apple can grow into many shapes. It climbs up the vase, looks like a vase, and climbs up the ball, grows very round

Looking at this pot of green apples reminds me of the society. People who can adapt to the society can survive. Those who cannot adapt will be eliminated sooner or later. I love Luluo. It not only makes my family beautiful and lively, but also makes me understand the truth of being a man!

4 Observe the green apples

Last week, my mother added a pot of green apples to the house. She asked me to water it. Seeing the small green plants on the table, which are ugly, I suddenly remembered that I once saw a plant with long green leaves hanging at the home of a relative of my mother, which seems to be called this name. I asked my mother, "Are these two plants the same

The next day before school, I watered it and put it on the balcony. When I came home in the evening, several leaves had turned yellow. I checked the information and found that the green pineapple liked shade and could not be basked in the sun for a long time. I quickly cut off the rotten yellow leaves and sprayed them with water on several leaves that were sunburnt but seemed to be saved. I thought at that time: plants are the same as people. If you don't pay attention, you will hurt them. I hope they will get better soon.

One day later, the leaves turned a little green, and I learned that raising a pot of plants is not easy. Therefore, I began to take it more seriously than before, and observed it more carefully than before. The shape of its leaves is heart shaped, very delicate, thin, like a piece of paper. The lower leaves are a little thicker than the upper ones. The petiole of this plant is 8-10 cm long now. With the growth of age, the stem is getting thicker and the leaf stalk is getting longer and longer. Of course, the reason why my mother bought it back is not because of its appearance, but because it can absorb harmful gases in the air, purify the air, and can be used as an air purifier.

After observing the green apples for a few days, I like plants more than before. In the future, I want my mother to buy more pots of other kinds of plants, and I want to plant more pots to try.

5 My little green apple

There was a green apple in my family that my mother brought back from the unit. When I first came here, there were only two leaves. The small one was very delicate. After a period of careful maintenance, it unexpectedly grew to be luxuriant. Its tendrils are green, and its leaves are yellow and green, and the water is nimble. On the whole, Ana looks colorful and pleasing to the eyes. When I am busy studying, I look up at its beautiful figure and feel much relaxed. But we were not at home this summer, so we put him on the balcony to let the sun shine directly on it.

At the beginning of school, we came back! My little green apple withered. I was very sad and wanted to cry. It was here that I vaguely saw a small bud in the soil the size of a needle tip, white, thin and weak. So I carefully dug away the soil and looked at it carefully. Finally, I found a small bud on a branch. I quickly put it in the water. The green apple lives in the water. It is called "the flower of life" because of its tenacious vitality

Because it was afraid of direct sunlight, I made a paper tube to cover it. Every night I carefully observe whether it grows. One day, I was surprised to find that it had grown a leaf. Two days later, I found that it had come up with another leaf. I thought: Why can't the little green apple let the sun shine directly? I looked up some information. It turns out that the green pineapple is a shade loving plant, and it cannot be directly exposed to the sun for a long time, or it will die.

Now my little green apple has grown two leaves. I believe that it will return to its original appearance and become luxuriant in the future.

I like the little green apple, I like its freshness and elegance, and I like its courage. I like its tenacious vitality.

6 The green pineapple and its partner

We have a potted flower named Luluo. I often water and fertilize it. So it grows strong.

Its stem is very short, its dark green leaves seem to be sticking out, and its length is about 70cm. Our guests all said with one voice, "This flower is really beautiful."

In addition, there are two pots of flowers in our family, one is Diaowan, and the other is Houpi. It seems that the flower king arranged these two pots of flowers for Lvluo as dance partners.

Once, when I came back from Yan'an, I seemed to hear the conversation between thick skinned, hanging orchid and Lvluo.

Green Luo said, "It's so hot." The hanging orchid beside said, "Yes, the master has been away for two days, and he didn't have time to give us water." The back cheek said: The master doesn't care about us now. We are not as good as dead here now. We might as well go. " Both Lvluo and Hanglan agreed with the brazen opinion and decided to go. At this time, I said, "You mustn't go." They said, "If you don't give us water, we can't wait here to die." I said: OK, I'll give you water right away. " They finally agreed to stay.

Lvluo, I hope you will grow up quickly and become a member of our family.

7 I found the "beauty" of green pineapple

On the balcony of Teacher Xie's house, there is a pot of green apples in a red gray round plastic basin. This pot of green apples is full of scattered soil, on which there are few, dying leaves in light color and some roots that are almost "headless". What a group of withered branches and withered leaves!

The stem has also exposed its earthy color, lying listlessly in the "deserter" version of the green apple soil, bald on the head, looking so limp and shabby. It's really pathetic. The thickness of the stem is only as big as a pen core, which does not meet the standard of a green stem. The stems of other green apples are as thick and strong as a pen. It can be seen that they are born with insufficient nutrition! It seems that only the green apples in the flower shop or other places meet the standard! The only few leaves are also exposed, and there is no "style" of green apples. I can only say that it is almost a near death! It's really an old woman with wrinkled face and white sideburns! It's too ugly. If it were me, I would have no face. Suddenly, I found the other side of the miracle of the green pineapple. It turned out that I found a new sprout on the stems that had been plucked next to the helpless heart-shaped leaves. I looked carefully again, and it turned out that all the stems here had sprouts of quite new green color, which were similar to the head of a brush, but smaller, This scene reminds me of Bai Juyi's "Grass": leave the original grass, wither and prosper every year. The wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze is blowing again.

Luluo! Luluo! Although you are not a noble peony or a bright rose, you are a radiation guard. I admire your spirit of never giving up.

Lvluo's Composition Primary School (17)

My family has a green apple tree. It is tall and dense, very conspicuous in the corner of the living room.

The leaves of the pineapple tree are big and wide. Each leaf is a small green fan, so green, so dazzling, shining in the sun, but also shiny light. These leaves are huddled together, and the tip of the leaf is downward, like a small open hand, welcoming the guests. The grown leaves are bigger than my hands! Gently peel off the leaves with your hand, you can see that the leaves of the jackfruit tree grow on several thumb thick stems, and there are many fibrous roots with different thickness on the stems. My mother told me that it is called air root. Those stems are twined on the pillar in the center of the flowerpot. Every stem and every leaf is striving to grow and climb upward.

Looking at this spiritual green apple tree, I thought: a small green apple tree knows how to climb up. I should learn from it and be a man who is brave enough to climb without fear of difficulties!