Imagination of Future Life (15 compilations)
Quiet as lotus
2024-03-02 01:00:19

Imagination of Future Life (1)

One morning in 2044, I got up and had breakfast as usual, and drove to work in a "car". The air was very fresh all the way, and I felt very comfortable. Why is this? Because there are no cars on this road, no carbon dioxide emitted by cars, trees everywhere, fresh air everywhere, and I also have a sense of pride when driving on the road. Because the traffic tool I am driving on the road is a fully automatic bicycle I invented, so other people greet me kindly as soon as they see me to show their gratitude. Although the bicycle I invented is fully automatic, it is pollution-free, because its power source is derived from light and wind energy. I am very proud of that!

At noon, I was in the science base. I was working with other scientists to develop an environment-friendly electric lamp. Don't underestimate this kind of lamp. After successful research, it may be used for a large purpose. This kind of lamp can be turned on for ten days without stopping with only one degree of power consumption, and the power consumption of other electrical appliances can be reduced to half of the original as long as it is turned on. This is the electric light we are studying. At lunchtime, we sit around to have lunch. Our lunch is extremely simple, it is an apple, but this apple does not simply have all kinds of nutrients we need, and eating such an apple can make our skin color more beautiful and younger.

In the afternoon, I drove the fully automatic bicycle I invented on the way home. I looked very leisurely on the way, but soon there was a rush hour for work, and the traffic was heavy. So I opened a system that has been hidden on the bicycle. After a while, I flew to the sky to enjoy the clouds in the sky, and my spirit was more comfortable, Soon the bike took me home. After dinner at home, it was already dark, and I was still studying, studying, I fell asleep unconsciously

This is my future life in my imagination, and this is also my ambition. But all these things are far away from me now, but they may also be very close to me. It depends on me. How my future will be, whether my future life will be good or bad, whether it will be bright or dark, depends on whether I try hard or not. I believe that my future life will develop towards my will and make my future shine, because I will work hard and struggle for it. Insist on it, realize my future life, and let it never fail!

Imagination of Future Life (2)

Today's human beings are wasting more and more resources. For the sake of human life in the future, I decided to take Dr. Amy's time travel machine to visit the earth in the future.

Thirty years later, the earth is in a mess: thick black smoke floats in the sky, and once white clouds are dyed into black clouds; Dead fish and shrimps with pungent odor floated on the river, and the originally clear river also changed color; One animal after another died, and finally died out, and no plants survived; One forest after another is replaced by skyscrapers and deserts, and there is a disgusting smell in the air from time to time

Is this the so-called fate? Is it true that humans have destroyed the original integrity and harmony of the home? no I don't believe it! Can

The scene before me made me believe it. In the past, there was always war, and people's eagerness tore the clothes of the earth to pieces; Plastic bags, fast food boxes, etc. are called "white garbage", but our production of them is still increasing; If you don't finish your meal, you will pour it out in disorder, making it stinky; We also polluted rivers, making clear streams and happy rivers doomed... I couldn't help crying, and regret and sadness flooded into my heart. I miss the earth before: colorful flowers are blooming, butterflies of all sizes are dancing in the flowers, busy bees are always singing happy songs and flying around, carefree birds live in large and dense forests, clear rivers, green lawns, and blue sky. How beautiful it is!

But soon, I came back to reality again. I lowered my head sadly, and my chest felt painful... I thought I would be happy and happy for a day here, but unexpectedly, I felt so painful and sad. It was all caused by human beings! At this moment, a voice in my heart was crying: "Save the earth!" I suddenly woke up in pain: this is just the future. I will go back now and tell Dr. Amy to tell people to love our earth.

So I went back and told Dr. Amy about the future of the earth, and what I had learned on this day: there is only one earth, so let's take action. Everyone living on the earth, please maintain world peace, protect nature, and plant one more tree and one more flower for each person, so that the earth can have a relaxed movement and a happy life!

Finally, human beings changed under the leadership of Dr. Amy. Believe that human beings can change the earth, and the earth in the future will be beautiful and colorful.

There is only one earth, please cherish our only home! Let's join hands to make the earth greener, the river clearer, the blue sky bluer, the birds have a warm and comfortable home, and let us and our descendants rely on this beautiful home forever and ever!

Imagination of Future Life (3)

On a green lawn, a small white western-style building stands in the middle of the lawn. This is my lovely home. "Master, it's time to get up!" In the call of Dino, the robot housekeeper, I opened the curtains and let the warm sun shine into the room. I took a deep breath of fresh air and knew that a new day was coming.

After breakfast, I drove my private spaceship to the "General Base of the Global Marine Animal Research Institute" at the seaside. After entering the Institute, my colleagues in twos and threes gathered under a huge transparent crystal platform. The director walked onto the crystal platform and began to assign us today's tasks. My task is to dive into the ocean to collect specimens of rare animals for protection. So I quickly put on my diving suit, took an oxygen pill (a pill that allows people to breathe freely underwater), took Dino with me, went to the seaside, and just heard a "thump". Dino and I entered the sea together.

After more than ten years of protection of the sea, the sea water has recovered its original blue color. We swam all the way, and beautiful corals came into my eyes. Some of them wore a light white coat with a "flower button" on it, and some wore a purple and blue "plaid suit"... From time to time, groups of lively and lovely fish swam across the water, waving their tails at me in a friendly way... "We have reached our destination, director!" Dino told me. It is the most suitable place for rare animals to live because of its lush water and grass, various shells and conches. I put on special moon glasses, and the weak light shines the ocean brilliantly. Don't worry, this kind of glasses can only be seen by the human eye, and animals can't see it at all, which will not cause any harm to the animals themselves. "I found it!" I cried softly. In front of my finger, a newborn Shanxi fish about the size of a palm, whose whole body is milky white, is hiding in a dense water grass, and a pair of round big eyes are looking at me timidly. I swam over carefully and picked it up gently. The fish felt uneasy and struggled violently. Under my gentle touch, it gradually calmed down. I felt a twinge of joy in my heart and carefully carried it into the "Institute of Biology" in the sea.

After lunch, I went back to the "Institute of Biology" and began to study Shanxi fish. I picked it up and carefully examined its whole body. "Ah, there are bacteria and worms!" I screamed. So I made a magic potion through repeated tests and smeared it on the fish. The bacteria and worms died immediately, and the small fish became more nimble. I am gratified to see the dancing fish.

As the sun sets, the sun shines all over the sea, and the sea is suffused with bursts of shiny silver waves. I have already returned home, had dinner, and walked on the green lawn with my family. The cool breeze is blowing slowly. I squint my eyes and savor the beautiful day

Imagination of Future Life (4)

Imagination Composition for Junior Middle School Students in Future Life (I)

I hope my future life will be beautiful. First, I started work one morning and was woken up by my mobile phone. When I arrived at the washbasin, there was a water nozzle and an inductor. When I arrived, I could wash my face and brush my teeth automatically. Someone just walked to the side and the inductor sensed that I could do these things without a trickle of effort. Then the automatic voice cooking machine began to ask someone what to eat this morning, and immediately began cooking.

After brushing the teeth and washing the face, the hot meal will be ready. The utensils for eating will be transported by the conveyor, and we will start to eat. After dinner, we will go to the automatic shoe wearing machine to put on shoes, put on shoes and tie shoelaces automatically. Then, the door opened at once. After leaving the door, the door closed itself without locking it. Take the elevator to the hangar.

Arrived at the hangar, boarded the plane, the front door of the plane opened, and flew to 50 meters in the air within 10 meters. Arrived at his own company, got off the plane, the plane automatically shrunk into a suitcase, and then changed into four wheels. He follows you wherever you go. Now start working.

At noon, I said what I wanted to eat next to a voice device, but within a few minutes, the food you wanted was delivered, and if it wasn't enough, you could add a few more. Lunch can be eaten without leaving home. It is very convenient. It is all automatic. For the sake of physical strength, I have a meal. After a while, after digestion, I go to exercise.

After the exercise, the successor goes to work. When it's time for afternoon tea, the voice will ask you what drinks to drink and what cakes to eat, and it will be delivered soon. At four or five o'clock, the housekeeper will ask you what to eat tonight. When you get home, the meal has been finished.

After work, I drove the plane home. When I got home, the door would judge whether it was you according to your shape, appearance, expression, DNA and genes, and then open the door again. These actions only took a few seconds. That's all right. After dinner, go to exercise, come back, watch the computer or TV and go to bed.

Future Life Imagination Composition for Junior Middle School (II)

"Ringing bell......" The alarm clock rang again. I was about to press the alarm clock when I saw the calendar on the table. It's 2150 years now! I don't care so much anymore. I'd better eat first! I walked into the living room and saw that the table was full of pills. I said, "I want to eat instead of pills!" My mother said, "These are all meals. Look! This is rice, this is green vegetables, and this is meat..." My mother said a lot. Finally, I couldn't help but take a pill quickly. I can taste it. This is rice pills. I ate all the pills on the table again. I didn't expect these pills to be so hungry. I thought I had to take 10000 pills to be full!

I hurried to school. My mother said, "Just let the house run to school." "Really?" I asked in surprise. My mother led me to a house, and I saw the front button of the house. My mother said, "Look! Click this red button, and you can enter the address of the school, so that the house can go to school by itself." I have never seen these instruments before. After listening to my mother, I quickly entered the address of the school. The house ran very fast, and it also automatically dodged the obstacles, so I arrived at the school soon.

Entering the school, I saw my classroom full of computers. I found my own position and sat down. I found a villain on my computer. I didn't know it. I asked my classmates to find out that it was now taught by computers. It can tell you the knowledge points of this lesson, and it will also ask all kinds of questions. It will also answer any questions you ask. I couldn't help but turn on the computer quickly. Sure enough, the villain gave us lectures and training questions. I was very happy.

After school, my mother will take me to the shop. I thought to myself: everything here is very strange, and the store must be different from the previous one. Sure enough, I saw that there was only one big machine in the shop. My mother chose the clothes on the screen and the hat inside the clothes. At this time, a variety of hats appeared on the screen, not only with appearance, but also with price. Mother chose one of the hats. A manipulator came out of the machine and held a hat, which was exactly the one she chose. Mother touched it and felt good, so she chose to buy it on the screen. A nice voice came from the machine: "Please pay 44 yuan! Please pay 44 yuan!" Mother put 45 yuan into a note slot, a coin slot, and then changed another one. You bought it quickly! I thought to myself.

Back home, I lay in bed and fell into a sweet dream.

Imagination of Future Life (5)

One morning in 20xx, I got up and had breakfast as usual, and drove to work in a "car". The air was very fresh all the way, and I felt very comfortable. Why is this? Because there are no cars on this road, no carbon dioxide emitted by cars, trees everywhere, fresh air everywhere, and I also have a sense of pride when driving on the road. Because the traffic tool I am driving on the road is a fully automatic bicycle I invented, so other people greet me kindly as soon as they see me to show their gratitude. Although the bicycle I invented is fully automatic, it is pollution-free, because its power source is derived from light and wind energy. I am very proud of that!

At noon, I was in the science base. I was working with other scientists to develop an environment-friendly electric lamp. Don't underestimate this kind of lamp. After successful research, it may be used for a large purpose. This kind of lamp can be turned on for ten days without stopping using only one kilowatt hour of electricity, and the power consumption of other appliances can be reduced to half of the original as long as it is turned on. This is the electric light we are studying. At lunchtime, we sit around to have lunch. Our lunch is extremely simple, it is an apple, but this apple does not simply have all kinds of nutrients we need, and eating such an apple can make our skin color more beautiful and younger.

In the afternoon, I drove the fully automatic bicycle I invented on the way home. I looked very leisurely on the way, but soon there was a rush hour for work, and the traffic was heavy. So I opened a system that has been hidden on the bicycle. After a while, I flew to the sky to enjoy the clouds in the sky, and my spirit was more comfortable, Soon the bike took me home. After dinner at home, it was already dark, and I was still studying, studying, I fell asleep unconsciously

This is my future life in my imagination, and this is also my ambition. But all these things are far away from me now, but they may also be very close to me. It depends on me. How my future will be, whether my future life will be good or bad, whether it will be bright or dark, depends on whether I try hard or not. I believe that my future life will develop towards my will and make my future shine, because I will work hard and struggle for it. Insist on it, realize my future life, and let it never fail!

Imagination of Future Life (6)

Time flows like water, and not only does time pass like water, but people's technology also develops very quickly. This is the 30th century, and I am also a person of this century. Let me tell you about my day full of technology!

In the 30th century, people could choose the location of their houses, in the sky, in the sea, in the volcano, etc., which would not pose any threat to people. My home is in the ocean.

"Tink... the little master got up." I opened my sleepy eyes and saw that it was my little chip that woke me up. At this time, they also moved to wash for me automatically. "Ha ha, it's really comfortable. It's time to choose clothes." As soon as my voice landed in the wardrobe, I appeared in front of me. Looking at the clothes in front of me, I thought to myself: "The clothes are really good now. They are not only very light, but also bulletproof and self fireproof!" When I put on my clothes with satisfaction, a menu appeared in front of me. I gently order the name of the dish, and every time I order, there will be a delicious food with all colors, smells and flavors. "Hiccup, I'm so full." I said to myself, when my voice just fell on my small chip, I "opened my mouth" again. "It's time to learn, it's time to learn." So I took the chip out of my hand and put it on my forehead, and I saw blue lights coming into my mind. Yes, this is the knowledge in books. Because in my century, learning knowledge is no longer confined to school, but can be learned anytime and anywhere. It was afternoon when I finished my study. I thought: "It's boring at home. I'd better go out and play with my friends!" I said to the chip about the address book. I found Xiao Ming's phone and then pressed the video phone. I said to Xiao Ming, "Do you have time? Come out and play together!" Xiao Ming's voice also came from the chip: "OK, see you at the bottom of the sea!" After saying this, I was at the bottom of the sea the next second. When we got to the bottom of the sea, I played with Xiao Ming. It was night before I knew it, so I had to say goodbye to Xiao Ming. Back to my big bed, to dream my dream.

This is my life in the future. I hope my imagination can become reality one day.

Imagination of Future Life (7)

Time flows like water, and not only does time flow like water, but people's science and technology also develop very quickly. This is the 30th century, and I am also a person of this century. Let me tell you about my day full of technology!

In the thirtieth century, people could choose the location of the house, in the sky, in the sea, in the volcano, etc., which would not pose any threat to people. My home is in the ocean.

"Tink... the little master got up." I opened my sleepy eyes and saw that it was my little chip that woke me up. At this time, they also moved to wash for me automatically. "Ha ha, it's really comfortable. It's time to choose clothes." As soon as my voice landed in the wardrobe, I appeared in front of me. Looking at the clothes in front of me, I thought to myself: "The clothes are really good now. They are not only very light, but also bulletproof and self fireproof!" When I put on my clothes with satisfaction, a menu appeared in front of me. I gently order the name of the dish, and every time I order, there will be a delicious food with all colors, smells and flavors. "Hiccup, I'm so full." I said to myself, when my voice just fell on my small chip, I "opened my mouth" again. "It's time to learn, it's time to learn." So I took the chip out of my hand and put it on my forehead, and I saw blue lights coming into my mind. Yes, this is the knowledge in books. Because in my century, learning knowledge is no longer confined to school, but can be learned anytime and anywhere. It was afternoon when I finished my study. I thought: "It's boring at home. I'd better go out and play with my friends!" I said to the chip about the address book. I found Xiao Ming's phone and then pressed the video phone. I said to Xiao Ming, "Do you have time? Come out and play together!" Xiao Ming's voice also came from the chip: "OK, see you at the bottom of the sea!" After saying this, I was at the bottom of the sea the next second. When we got to the bottom of the sea, I played with Xiao Ming. It was night before I knew it, so I had to say goodbye to Xiao Ming. Back to my big bed, to dream my dream.

This is my life in the future. I hope my imagination can become reality one day.

Imagination of Future Life (8)

Looking up at the sky and looking at the light white clouds, I am walking out of the door with wreaths and heading for the limousine. This heart has been entangled together, so nervous that I am at a loss, because - "I am going to get married!"

When I came to the auditorium, everyone stopped making noise and looked at me. Their eyes were constantly drifting on me, and I was so nervous that I walked to the locker room, which was the only way to get rid of the big lock in my heart. "Dang! Dang! Dang!" The bell in my heart has played a wonderful bell. Therefore, I walked carefully on the stage and cried out to myself, "I'm finally going to get married!"

The pastor was telling the "declaration of love", and then she and I "got married" in everyone's "blessing"! She and I are living a sweet newlywed life. Although "martial arts dramas" are often staged, after all, the newlywed life is like this, and as the saying goes: "The bed is noisy, the bed is peaceful"! We live a sweet life every day, but the world between us is still very lonely. I really hope that we can have another baby.

We got married with everyone's blessing, walked out of the church with everyone's kindness, and lived a sweet life with everyone's expectation. Everyone is blessing us until we grow old together. Thanks to this wedding, I know the "end" of life!

Imagination of Future Life (9)

Everyone is looking forward to the future. I think the future life should be colorful! The future is harmonious! The future is beautiful! Next, let me introduce my future life to you!

First, we will live anywhere in the future. At that time, we invented a magical clothes. It is not only convenient to carry, but also very light and beautiful to wear. We can wear it anywhere. If it is cold, the clothes will make you warm. If it becomes very hot, it will make you cool! Such clothes will be available to everyone in the future!

Second, we will evolve in the future. Our head will become very big, but our limbs will be very small. Because of the advanced technology in the future, robots will help you do things, so we don't need to move at all, but it is easy to get sick due to lack of exercise! Therefore, people at that time had invented drugs that could prevent people from getting sick. Why does the head become big? Because people didn't move much at that time, but their brains were very developed, and they were dozens of times smarter than us!

Third, the technology of the future is super invincible. For example, every family has many robots and machines that will help us do anything, and the home appliances have a chip, so the appliances will communicate with people! People have a bracelet, which will help us when we don't know the answer, it will teach you, when we have difficulties, it will help us overcome difficulties. In the same way, we will also have a time machine, which can travel through time and space and go back to the past. But at that time, we cannot use the time machine to prevent the children from going to school and changing the future. Instead, they will study directly on computers or mobile phones. At that time, computers or mobile phones were not radiating and would not be bad for the eyes, so they can always play!

The fourth future people are very hospitable, and they welcome others to their homes! They all like to play with their mobile phones and watch TV. They often stay at home and don't go out. They usually let robots cook. They play with their mobile phones and watch TV, which is also convenient! People live in high-rise buildings, and everyone's life is very happy! Everyone is very happy!

Fifth, there was no war, no bad people, no evil, only happiness, only happiness, only beauty. Of course, everyone did not have to worry about money, because in the future there would be no money, and everyone would eat whatever he wanted. Play whatever you want!

Speaking of this, I really 'look forward to the future life more and more!

Imagination of Future Life (10)

This morning, the sun was shining brightly. I got up and yawned soundly. It suddenly occurred to me that I had an appointment with Lan Lan yesterday to go to her house to play. I quickly got on my bike and drove to Lan Lan's house. Lan Lan had already met me at the entrance of the alley. Seeing me coming, she hurried up to help me push the car. Walking along a path full of flowers, we entered Lan Lan's home.

Lan Lan asked me, "You must be tired? How about relaxing now?"! Lan Lan said, "There is something more interesting!" She also sat on the sofa and pressed the yellow button. Unexpectedly, the sofa suddenly rose out of the window. "Looking down from a high place, it's very beautiful. Look, it's my small garden!" Lan Lan pointed to a lavender flower field not far away. The dreamy purple flowers seem to bring me into a fairyland. After a while, Lan Lan clicked the green button again, and the sofa fell down a little and swung like a swing. At this time, I felt like a happy leaf on a soft willow branch.

"Come and visit the toilet again!" Lan Lan said. What can I visit in the toilet? I made a mutter. Lan Lan pulled me into the bathroom. The first thing I saw was an ordinary toilet. Lan Lan introduced to me, "Did you see the big remote control on the toilet? After you urinate, press the 'drying button', and soon your little fart will become dry. This toilet has another function: after you urinate, the special device in the toilet can decompose the stool into nutrient rich fertilizer, and one stool can only be condensed into a pearl. Use it to fertilize, the flowers will bloom more beautifully, and the vegetables will grow more fresh! " Listen, I can't help but open my mouth wide. It took me a long time to say "ah..." slowly.

At this time, Lan Lan's mother called us in the living room: "Hungry? Eat first!" We went straight to the kitchen to learn cooking skills. Lan Lan's mother smiled and asked us: "What would you like to eat?" We said with one voice: "Tomatoes and scrambled eggs!" "OK!" Then, Lan Lan's mother poured all kinds of spices, cut tomatoes and beaten eggs into the pot and covered the pot. Instead of picking up the spoon to stir repeatedly, she just pressed several buttons on the pan panel, as if she had programmed the pan. Then she sat down in a comfortable chair, listening to music while waiting for the food to be cooked. I was puzzled by the monk who was ten feet old and wondered whether the scrambled eggs and tomatoes cooked in this way would turn into a pot of tomato and egg porridge. After a while, the pot sent out a "beep beep beep" alarm signal, and Lan Lan's mother got up to carry the pot. I thought: finally, it's time to solve the mystery, so I stretched my neck to watch the dishes come out. Unexpectedly, as soon as the lid of the pot was opened, there was an inexpressible fresh taste. Lan Lan's mother explained: "In the past, when frying such a dish, we had to fry eggs and stir fry them. The procedure was complicated, but it also produced a lot of oil smoke. Now, the intelligent frying pan is like a cooking robot. As long as the ingredients are ready, the rest of the food will be left to it. Taste it quickly!" I clamped a chopstick, the taste is too good to describe, regardless of the appearance of food, Take a big bite.

When she was full, Lan Lan said, "Let's go to my cabin and have a rest!" We got into bed, Lan Lan pressed the heart-shaped button beside the bed and said, "The massage system has been started. Put your legs on this massage frame, it will help you massage, and the bed will swing like a cradle." I tried according to her words, indeed! But. The bed was shaking and suddenly fell down. Ah!

"What's the matter, Wen Wen?" asked his mother. I opened my bleary eyes and realized it was a dream.

Imagination of Future Life (11)

Open your eyes, wow, I come to 2040, everything here is very different from the previous scene.

My house is a high-tech electronic villa. The doorway is not a very advanced fingerprint identification instrument in the past, but a voice recognition system. As long as I say a word before entering the door, it will quickly identify and automatically open the door. If you try hard to open the door, it will not help, on the contrary, it will automatically alarm. In the house, all electrical appliances are converted to light energy. When the house is particularly dirty, those electrical appliances that convert to light energy will absorb a little dust in the air and turn garbage into energy. Before I go home, I will yearn to make a phone call at home, and the robot at home will follow my instructions. When I got home, either the water or the food was ready. In short, everything was arranged in good order. When I got home, I was very relaxed.

On the street, there are still as many cars as before, but these cars are not started by gasoline, but by solar energy. If there is no sun for several days in a row, these cars will absorb the garbage and dust on the street and turn them into power like those electrical appliances that use light energy. Not only is there no pollution, but also the roads are cleaned up. This is really killing two birds with one stone! In case of traffic jams, there is no need to worry, because these cars can fly and are equipped with positioning systems. Once you are tired, don't keep driving because it may cause traffic accidents. As long as you stop the car first, then set the destination, the car will drive automatically, and you can have a good rest.

There are many benefits in the future life. I was very excited to see it. It turned out to be a dream!

Imagination of Future Life (12)

Have you ever been to the future world? Do you know what the future world will be like? If you don't know, then I know. It is colorful, strange or convenient. Now let me tell you how I got in.

Today, when I was walking on the road, I saw a box in all directions on the ground. It was very magical. I touched it gently, and a golden light suddenly appeared, which startled me. As soon as I recovered, the box in all directions took me to the future world. Now let's talk about what I got? What's so special and convenient about the colorful there, and why.

As soon as I went in, I saw cars flying freely in the sky like birds, and people here all have a pair of wings. Some people fly into the sky, and some people buy things on the ground. And cars and tall houses can be folded into a model as big as a rubber, which can be carried with you. The watch here can not only watch the time, but also remember things, surf the Internet, shop videos, and make phone calls. If the owner has one thing to do, but forgets it, it will ring. There are all kinds of magical and beautiful clothes. The reason why these clothes are so magical is that they don't get dirty. Dirty clothes will be cleaned up immediately, and will not be broken. Broken clothes will be replaced immediately. And there are also fast running shoes like the wind. There are also portals that can be sent to all countries! Then suddenly the golden light appeared again and sent me back. When I came back, I said:; It's really beautiful and magical there!

I hope you can all have a future world of your own. Of course, this is my future world!

Imagination of Future Life (13)

In the morning, Xiaoming was awakened from his sleep by the pleasant ringing of his mobile phone. "Boys and girls, we are going to travel to the moon today. Please gather at school at nine o'clock."

After having breakfast, Xiao Ming put on his clothes and flew directly to the school from his balcony. Clothing aircraft is made of solar panels, just like normal clothes. It can automatically collect and store energy, warm in winter and cool in summer. There are only freight cars passing through the street. People's travel has been completely dependent on clothes aircraft flying in the air. If you want to go somewhere, say to the clothes, it will send you to the right place. When Xiao Ming arrived at school, he saw his classmates flying to the school like butterflies from all directions.

Xiaoming's school is Yuhong Primary School, a famous school for thousands of years. Now, if students want to learn any knowledge, the teacher will send a knowledge chip and hold it in his hand, and the knowledge will automatically enter the students' brain. If you want to learn how to write a composition, the teacher will send a composition knowledge chip, hold it in his hand, and the knowledge about composition will be stored in the students' brains, so that they can write beautiful compositions right away. School is no longer a place for students to learn, but a place for students to communicate and exercise.

Xiaoming flew directly into the classroom and heard the teacher saying, "Today is our fifth trip to the moon, mainly to the north pole of the moon. One day, we will start now." The students put the hats of clothes flying machines on their heads and became small rockets. Everyone followed the teacher one by one, like a line of geese, flying to the moon

Imagination of Future Life (14)

In study, work and life, everyone has written compositions, and must be familiar with all kinds of compositions. Compositions can be divided into primary school compositions, middle school compositions, and college compositions (papers). Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is a collection of excellent imaginative compositions for everyone's future life. You are welcome to learn and reference, and hope to help you.

Master, master, get up quickly, you will be late for work. I was awakened by the sound of robot bubbles. After changing clothes and washing, I casually ate several small candy granules. This is the breakfast prepared by Bubble. Small candy grains are small, but they contain a lot of calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, vitamins and other nutrients. After eating, as the so-called hot expansion and cold contraction, small particles will slowly expand and then slowly digest. Small particles are the result of high-tech research.

After breakfast, I came to the car. There was a sensor in the car that sensed my smell, and the door opened automatically. The seat belt will also buckle automatically after sitting in the position. Please come to my studio. When I gave an order, the car immediately drove to my studio. Now I'm the only one in the car. This car doesn't need to be driven, but the car's security and anti-theft measures are very good. It doesn't need gasoline.

I have two studios, one on the earth and one on the moon. The first three days of the week work on the earth, and the next few days work on the moon. We have almost no chance to take a holiday, except on weekends. We have a long way to go in order to provide better living conditions for animals and plants.

When I came to the Earth Studio and opened the door, almost all my colleagues arrived. Normally, we will not be late without special reasons. We held a debate on cloning. Some people said that human cloning can work for the earth. Others said that the population of the earth is already large enough and can't be increased any more. Now there is chaos, and I still can't make up my mind in the end. I really don't know what to do.

After a busy day, when I got home, Paopao had prepared a good dinner for me and cleaned the house. This is not a big story. The family is spotless and can show people! Bubble is really my right-hand man, careful, earnest and careful. The Baogaitou of the word "An" is a home. There is a female character under the Baogaitou, which means that only a woman can live and work in peace and harmony. But I work outside all day and have no time to manage the chores at home. Now, Bubble is the agent.

After I finished eating and taking a bath, I lay down on the bed, still thinking about today's battle for cloning. Maybe we should clone a person first, and then make a decision based on his performance. It is said that facts speak louder than words. I was lost in thought again, and then came my mother's call. It turned out that everything just happened was a dream. But I really hope my future is not a dream.

In my heart, there was once a dream that you would forget all the pain with the song. The brilliant starry sky, who is the real hero? Ordinary people move me most. No more hate, no more pain. I hope there are traces of love everywhere in the world. Use our songs to exchange your sincere smile and wish your life will be different from others. Seize every minute of life, and spare no effort to dream in our hearts. No one can casually succeed without experiencing the wind and rain. Grasp every move in life, embrace your beloved friends warmly, and let sincere words and happy tears flow in your heart and my heart

Imagination of Future Life (15)

I first turned a few somersaults on the clouds, then went to the Jade Emperor for a turn, and stole some peaches to eat at the Pan Tao Assembly... In short, with wings, I have countless joys, if I can, I would like to bring my friends with me!

Flying, I unconsciously flew over a hospital. I only heard a few cries from time to time in one room of the hospital. It was so sad and hopeless. When I flew closer, it turned out that an old and powerless grandmother was sitting on the chair beside the hospital bed, repressing crying. On the bed, there was a little girl with a pale face. She looked only five or six years old. After a closer look, I couldn't help crying out "ah". It turned out that the child's legs had been amputated.

Grandma heard my voice and looked out of the window. She saw someone with big white wings outside the window. She was very surprised. Then she wiped away her tears and looked at me carefully. Then she waved to me to come in. After I came in, the grandma said before I asked, "My parents left early, and I took them with me when I was young, but it was useless for me. I didn't look at her when I crossed the street, and as a result... The more the grandma said, the more sad she became. She blamed herself for being useless all the time, and her tears began to fall.

I couldn't help feeling sorry for the little girl in the hospital bed. The little girl still held a shabby cloth doll in her hand. The old granny said that it was made for her by her mother when she was alive. The little girl has always cherished it. Looking at the poor little girl on the hospital bed, I said to my grandma, "Let me give my wings to my sister, so that she can fly around freely to see the beautiful world outside even if she has no legs." The grandma cried excitedly. I saw the little girl laughing, and I also smiled.

I am no different from a normal person without wings, but I know that a little girl with wings will have a different life!