Ma Fengwo's Composition (19 Practical Essays)
The flowers are blooming like brocade
2023-09-21 05:31:46

Ma Fengwo's Composition (1)

Today, I played with Liu Tong. Liu Tong said that he found a wasp nest on the tree on the left of the snack bar yesterday, and he suggested that we go and destroy it. I promised, and we came there. He pointed out to me. I saw that the hornet's nest was about the size of an adult's fist. Then we both picked up the stone beside it and hit it on the hornet's nest. Maybe it was the hornet who found that I was destroying its home and flew to me. I ran for ten meters. Looking back, if the hornet was following me closely, I just stopped, I was stung in the head and cried out in pain. I was so angry that I went to stab the beehive of a horse. Unexpectedly, I was stung again and my tears would fall down. I ran home and applied medicine to the wound. The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. I could not even deal with the beehive of a horse. When I returned there, I saw Liu Tong and a group of people, and I ran to it, Asked them, "Have you come up with a solution?" Liu Tong patted his chest and said, "What can you do?" He showed me the balloon in his hand, and I immediately understood that he wanted to fill the balloon with water to deal with wasps, so we filled dozens of balloons with water.

At this time, Hu Shi came and asked us what to do. Liu Tong said, "We'll use balloons to fill water to beat the horse's beehive." Hu Shi said, "This is a good way." He also came to help the war. We ran out of balloons, but we haven't subdued the horse's beehive. I was a little discouraged, and I didn't know where the confidence came from. He said, "We must have a way. Think again, and I don't know who said it.", Knock down the hornet's nest with the nearby bamboo pole. Together, we lifted the long and heavy pole and put it on the branch of the hornet's nest. Knock hard to make it vibrate. After repeated failures, we learned a lesson and should knock on the hornet's nest so as to knock down the hornet's nest, A wasp came to attack us, and we ran away. After a while, when we saw that the wasp did not come, we were emboldened to knock again. We were about to drop. We had more confidence. With a cry of surprise, I thought that no one had been stung, and no one was cheering for knocking down the wasp nest. I was also very happy.

I get inspiration from here. Unity is strength. The power is endless. Only when you face difficulties bravely and overcome them, you will surely win the final victory.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (2)

On a hot summer day and a fresh and happy morning, I came from the dull city to the beautiful countryside, a small mountain village surrounded by mountains on both sides and water on both sides, which is my aunt's home. The aunt's yard is very spacious, with flowers and grass planted in front of the house and vegetables planted behind the house. There is a tall and straight mulberry tree on the left side of the house, and several cherry trees on the right side.

In the afternoon, I was enjoying the cool under the big mulberry tree. Only heard the "buzz" overhead. Looking up, there was a wasp nest less than two meters away from me. Watching the wasps coming in and going out, I couldn't help wondering, "Wasps are not bees, so don't go back and forth to collect honey, right? What's the reason for being so busy? Do you sting? I can't let you succeed. Kill you." Although I hesitated, curiosity finally overcame timidity.

I found a long stick from the yard. It is three meters long and thick. It needs a lot of strength to wield freely. I found a good angle to completely destroy the wasp nest. Holding the stick tightly in both hands, silently chanting slogans, one, two, three. A pocket like thing was thrown out by me, several wasps came straight to my eyes, and my mind was blank.

Later, I learned that my uncle came at the moment when I stabbed the beehive. Seeing my action, he immediately picked me up and rushed into the room. And because I was too hard, I suddenly poked the whole beehive into the neighbor's corn field. Fortunately, no one was stung by wasps.

Now I know that any life has its value of existence. Even if it is a worm, it will stand up to maintain its life.

Let's cherish life and maintain ecological and natural harmony together.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (3)

There is a beehive on the roof of Grandma's house. This one is about the size of two football balls, and it hangs high on the eaves. In summer, hornets frequently come in and go out. My brothers and sisters and I are afraid that one day, hornets will get angry and "kiss" us all. How terrible it would be! Therefore, we hide in the house all day and follow the adults when we go out.

As the weather grew colder, I found that there were fewer wasps coming and going around the wasp nest. After a few days, there were no wasps at all. "Where have they gone in winter?" I asked my mother with my head tilted. "They are all hibernating in the nest!" Mother told me solemnly. At this time, my mind was distorted, ha ha! " I immediately told my sister and passed it on to my brother

Just do what we say. We found two long and thick sticks and tied them together with two thick ropes. My brother stood on tiptoe and held the sticks high above his head. When I was waiting for innocence, I took a short stick and shouted, "Hurry! Attack the Wasp Country!" Just listening to the sound of "hiss", the wasp nest broke a hole, and a small piece fell off and hit my sister's head, making her clap her head. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

After more than an hour of poking the beehive, everyone carried a large dustpan, loaded them into it, poured gasoline into it, and burned it. Looking at the bee pupae in the flames, I danced with joy

Parents, let's do this kind of thing when we were young! My feet are still shaking when I think of the highest chestnut tree!

Ma Fengwo's Composition (4)

On Sunday afternoon, I carried my big and small bags on my head, waved the torch, and came back victoriously!

I went to the Tongma beehive to tell you something specific. Please listen to me slowly.

In the afternoon, my six-year-old cousin came to my house to play and played. I don't know what made her "have a whim", and then she began to say "innocent words": "Sister, I want to poke a beehive with you! Can you do it?" Ah? When I heard it, my mouth opened wide. When my cousin saw that I didn't agree, she immediately coaxed me and said good words. I am a man who will be soft hearted when I hear good words! I don't know how to do it. I agreed to it and boasted about it. One person didn't hide or hide. It's no problem to poke the beehive! (After all, I am a girl, but the reality is different from the imagination, so I'm afraid!) My cousin hugged me excitedly, and smiled. (Authentic little safflower!) Immediately call all the children in the corridor to see my poking the horse's nest.

I picked up a bamboo pole and slowly approached the wasp nest. I was about to poke. Suddenly, several wasps flew into the nest. I thought they were coming to sting me! I was so scared that my heart would fall out! He hurriedly dropped the bamboo pole and squatted in the grass, screaming from time to time. Only five minutes later, there was no movement. I stood up, and all the people watching the battle laughed and said, "Prong, Prong, why not?" I listened and thought about it. I am a woman who is fearless. How can you kids look down on me? So, I picked up the bamboo pole and hit Ma Fengwo out with a ball playing posture, which was more than 10 meters away. (How proud!)

Later, the wasps came out and ran away. I was the same. When I got home, my little sister turned me away, causing me to be stung by the wasps. The torch on my head gracefully put the wasps to death.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (5)

When I was young, I was very naughty. I either knocked over the plate or broke the bowl. I got a lot of criticism for that. I became one of the little naughty boys in the village.

Once, my friend told me that he found a hornet's nest in a tree and asked me to poke it. I wanted to show my ability, so I agreed.

The next morning, we took things with us and set out. How big it is to come under the tree! Like a big sunflower, it is covered with hornets, small guards with poison arrows. They were surprised to see so many buzzing wasps. I took the bow and arrow and shot it at the tree. Hum... A group of wasps flew towards me. I was panicked, ran around, ran to the house and hid. They could not find me and returned to the hive. I took the slingshot and shot at the honeycomb. Alas, no shot; Hey, I got it. Buzz, wasps are flying all over the place towards fighter planes. I was so happy that I forgot my shape and suddenly felt stung by something on my back! More than ten wasps flew towards me, and I ran home with all my strength. I will wipe you out next time. In the afternoon, I called all my children and soldiers and said to a man, "Call Father Fang and poke the beehive together." Grandpa Fang came, holding a stick with cloth rolled on it, went to the wasp nest tree and lit the cloth. We didn't know what this was, but billowing black smoke floated up the beehive and many wasps landed from the tree. I took the opportunity to pick off the wasp nest. It's like capturing a battle fruit.

Back at home, Father Fang said, "Pay attention in the future. You can't do anything rash. You should use your brain to find ways."

Ma Fengwo's Composition (6)

One day on Saturday, I played with my friends. Suddenly, I saw a big horse beehive. I thought, "There must be honey in the beehive." I said to my partner, "Let's poke the beehive." The partner agreed. I found a thin and long stick. I took the stick and thought, "If I succeed, there will be sweet honey to eat." At this time, my heart also encouraged me to say, "Come on! Come on! You will succeed." I braced myself up and poked hard with the stick. I saw a large group of bees flying towards me, and a hornet flew to my head and gave it to me. At this time, My head was like a long and thin needle. At that time, my head was very painful.

The elder brother looked at me and thought for a while. The elder brother said, "There's a way." He ran home. At that time, I sat at my door foolishly, waiting for the elder brother to do something. I saw my elder brother holding a stick, and the stick was on fire. I realized that the hornet was afraid of fire. He threw the stick and knocked the hornet out at once, The wasps in the room panicked at the sight of the fire and flew away quickly. I saw that there was no honey in the wasp's nest, only the wasp's young.

Through this incident, I learned a truth. We must use our brains like my brother. Don't be careless like me. Children, don't be idle and poke a hornet's nest. You will suffer as I do.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (7)

In life, many things have happened. Now I want to introduce something that happened in the summer vacation.

I remember when I was seven years old, my father and I competed to climb trees. Halfway up, I suddenly found a "big bag" not far from my head, and a group of big hornets were flying around the big bag and shouting.

I quickly slid down from the tree and shouted, "Dad, come and see, what's that?" "Ah, hornet's nest."

Wasp nest? I suddenly wanted to poke it. "This is not fun." Dad immediately made a fuss.

The more my father objected, the more curious I became. In the end, my father still couldn't stand me - agreed.

But I didn't need to be involved. Dad stabbed me and I hid behind him. My father held up a branch and approached the beehive.

As we got closer and closer, Dad suddenly and forcefully shook the big bag. Suddenly, a thunder sounded in my ears, and the voice of "Weng" seemed to be overwhelming. Hundreds of wasps flew all over the sky.

"Run --" Dad shouted. Before I knew it, my father had dragged me away.

When we stopped panting, the angry sound of hornets seemed to be ringing in our ears. Dad patted me and said, "Boy, now you know, hornet nest can't be poked casually!"

At night, I calm down and think. These little bugs are brave enough to use their lives to protect their homes. Facing these homeless wasps, I seem to have some kind of guilt feeling deeply pressed on my heart.

The next day, I picked up the beehive and hung it on the tree again.

Two months later, a group of wasps appeared around the nest, flying around the big bag.

Dad looked at me with a happy smile on his face. "When you grow up, you know how to be considerate of others."

So, my father and I smiled face to face, very comfortable. I told myself secretly that in the future, we should be kind, tolerant and considerate.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (8)

One thing, I still feel funny when I think about it.

Two years ago, one day in the summer vacation, when I returned home after finishing my homework in the group, my brother and his good friend Malasuo asked me together: "Do you dare to go to the wood factory with us to poke a horse's nest?"

"Go!" I immediately replied, "You think I'm a coward!"

So I called my partner Fu Lizi and walked to the wood factory together. Along the way, we were elated and boasted one by one. Malasuo gave a thumbs up and shook his big head, saying proudly:

"My buddy, I'm an old hand at stabbing horses."

My brother cut in and said, "I'm no worse than you."

"Just you? I tell you, I'm not ambiguous." I also said without showing weakness.

With these words, we came to the wood factory. As soon as I entered the door, I saw a tall wooden pile. Several of us ran towards it.

After searching for a long time, only a few wasps were flying, but there was no beehive. We walked in again, and finally found four wasp nests on the wooden pile. We were overjoyed and immediately divided the work: Fulizi stabbed the smallest one, and the other three stabbed the big one, one for each person. We immediately took the sticks we picked up on the road and pointed them at Ma Fengwo one by one. I heard my brother yell, "Ready to poke!" We poked at our target. In a flash, the whole wooden pile was surrounded by wasps. We hurried to get down, but the wasp seemed to know that we were lying there. It dived madly down on us and stung desperately. I cover my head, they have V hands; I hid my hands. They stung my head.

I screamed in pain. At this time, I felt a burning pain on my left arm. When I looked closely, it turned out to be a hornet. I hurried to fight with my right hand, but it was too late. The bumblebee had finished its combat task and flew away.

Suddenly, I heard shouts all around. Looking aside, I saw Malasuo, an old hand who boasted that he was stabbing a horse's nest. He was stung on his chin like a purple eggplant. As he climbed down from the wooden crib, he hit the wasps on his body with his hands in disorder, and Piya was very embarrassed. Neither Fulizi nor his brother can be mentioned. I climbed up and down from the wooden pile. As soon as we landed on the ground, we ran away. Unexpectedly, we collided with Malay Lock again, and we both had a big bag on our forehead. Everyone gets up, look at me, and I look at you. Everyone is in a mess, unable to laugh or cry. They all cry "ouch, ouch" and walk home dejectedly.

When I think about it, I find it laughable. But when I laugh, I can't help thinking of a simple truth, that is, don't act like a hero or a hero for a meaningless thing.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (9)

This summer, I went to the mountains with my good friends Lu Shuai, Wang Xin, Jia Suihan and Mingsheng.

After playing for a while, we came to the brook to have a rest. While washing my face, I found a small wasp nest on the big oak tree near the stream. I suddenly remembered my father's story about stabbing the beehive when he was a child. It was funny that I wanted to poke the beehive myself to feel the feelings. So I called on some of them to discuss how to poke the hornet's nest. After discussion, everyone went to find some sticks to make weapons. I took a long stick in my hand and volunteered to stand in front of me as the "vanguard officer", and some of them also took weapons in their hands to make a good dash. At my command, I said, "Cheer up, comrades, let's go!" Hearing my command, we all rushed to the goal - the wasp nest on the big oak tree.

Who knows, Jia Suihan, the smallest, rushed to the front, took the longest stick, stood underneath and poked hard. Before our weapons can be used, Jia Suihan poked the hornet's nest down. The wasps who suddenly lost their homes angrily lined up and rushed to us. This is really a swarm of people coming up. Mingsheng is so scared that he sits down on the ground, hugging his head and dare not move. While Jia Suihan laughed at him, he said proudly, "You are really timid, look at me!" Then he took up the stick and danced wildly against the wasps. Lu Shuai stood aside and said, "My mother, you are going to die?" We were so frightened that we were chased by hornets, and we all threw down our sticks and ran forward. Mingsheng, who fell behind, was surrounded by wasps. Seeing that he was about to become a hornet's sweet cake, I suddenly remembered that the book said: as long as people lie down, hornets will not sting people. So, as I ran, I shouted, "Mingsheng, climb down quickly!" When the wasp lost Mingsheng's goal, it turned around and rushed to us. We also climbed down quickly. The number of this group of wasps is not very large, perhaps because the family was also established, there is no deep nostalgia, they hovered around us for a while, and finally left here disappointed.

Watching the wasps far away, we got up from the ground in fear. Everyone patted their ashes. Look at me and I look at you. They all laughed. I gasped and said, "Comrades, let's never do such a thing again!" They also shook their heads in horror and said, "Yes, yes, it's not funny. It's not good to be stung by a hornet!"

Ma Fengwo's Composition (10)

In the afternoon, the sun was still very hot, and I was bored to follow my little cousin to stroll along the country road. Suddenly, we saw a round thing under the 'thatched house' in the distance, which was brown in appearance, like an owl. The little cousin hurriedly went forward to investigate. Suddenly, a wasp rushed out, scaring me and the second cousin to turn around and run away.

After returning home, I asked my little cousin: "What is that thing, so scary?" The little cousin calmly replied: "This should be a hornet's nest. We can't let it harm people. When the big cousin comes, let's go to kill the hornet's nest!"

In the afternoon, the eldest cousin came, and we told him the story. He clenched his fists and said with gnashing teeth, "Ma Fengwo is a disaster, let's go and kill it!"

Then we set out. I hid far away on a high ground. I could not only see the movement of wasps, but also avoid being attacked by wasps. Just heard the "bang", the hornet nest was smashed out of a big hole, countless hornets flew from the nest, gathered together, turned into a yellow brown "cloud", but also issued a terrible "buzz" sound, I quickly scared to flee. Those bees did not fly to me, but flew to my cousin and eldest cousin.

After a while, the yellow brown "cloud" was divided into several small clouds, about four or five of which were directed at my cousins. One of them rushed towards me, and I was so frightened that I ran away. There was a buzzing sound behind my ears, which showed that the bees were chasing closer and closer. I had a brainwave and hid behind a big stone. The wasps were at a loss and kept chasing.

Later, I chose a remote mountain road, but the bees did not come. After confirming safety, I met my cousins along the mountain road. I asked eagerly, "You shouldn't have been stung by wasps!" The little cousin said, "I'm not sure, but my whole body is itchy." The big cousin said, "The bees have come after me. How can they stung you?" Everyone was afraid, stopped talking, and went home silently.

The next day, the big cousin said that he saw those wasps still hovering there, as if they were ready to sting people at any time. It was scary!

This is too dangerous, too terrible!

Ma Fengwo's Composition (11)

Today, we are going to poke the hornet's nest on the grapevine. Why? Of course, to be a hero. Because nobody poked it. Moreover, I was curious, so many children came to see the "heroic deeds" of big brothers like us.

Duan Siguo and Zhu Ronglei and I each took a pole. To the children, he said, "I announce that the ceremony of stabbing the beehive will officially begin and play music." Wang Fenghui sang the national anthem beside him: "Get up, don't want to...". After singing, the three of us were ready. Just listen to Wang Fenghui's countdown "Three Two One". After counting, the three of us mustered up our courage and closed our eyes. Just listening to the "bang", the hornet's nest was poked down by one of our three "heroes". I don't know who shouted "Run". We all ran away, only to hate that we had two legs. Soon, a group of "warriors" came to fight us with sharp swords. After a while, I saw several little "heroes" fall to the ground and cry. I wanted to laugh, but before I could laugh, the sound turned into a scream worse than that of a pig being killed. I was also "killed". Soon, those "heroes" were "killed". We cried together, whoa whoa whoa whoa. This is just a symphony. After a while, I was dragged home.

I recuperated at home for several days and finally recovered. In the morning, my grandfather and I went for a walk under the grape trellis. Grandpa said, "Look.". When I saw it, it was a wasp! Just as I was about to run away, I heard grandpa say, "What are you afraid of? It's already dead." I walked over and saw that it was dead. There were several ants beside it. There was only an empty shell on the body. When the breeze blew, it gently swung, as if it had lived. I was puzzled and asked, "How did it die?". It stung people and died. Grandpa replied. "Why does it sting people?" "Because you destroyed its home, it will go all out", Grandpa said. I can't help thinking of the general frame of the wasp fighter that day. I really want to glue the horse honeycomb.

Since then, I have not seen a wasp in the garden.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (12)

As the saying goes: hornets can't poke their nests. But in this, I made a beehive.

The summer vacation is boring these days. In addition to watching TV, I still watch TV. I think it would be great if I could do something interesting! Suddenly, there were bursts of "buzzing" sounds coming from my ears. I thought it was a fly, but when I looked up, it was a big hornet. I was scared and hid quickly. I knew it was a bright idea.

I heard my father said that you can't poke a hornet's nest. I don't believe in this evil. So I got some brave friends and made arrangements to poke a horse's nest. First, I tried to poke a horse's nest. Second, I might have honey to drink. We have found towels, wallet bags and other equipment to prevent being stung by wasps. We took the bamboo pole and quietly followed the wasp to its nest. It turns out that its home is in the woods not far from my home. Not high from the ground, there is a wasp nest the size of a fist. I looked at it and swallowed my saliva. I thought: You are finished now.

In order to prevent being stung by wasps, I sit in the rear and command the battle. I asked my partner to cover his face with a towel, cover his hands with a vest bag, and then poke the beehive with a bamboo pole. "Ba", the hornet nest fell on the ground. I was just going to go up and have a look. Who knows, the hornets in the hornet nest, a large group of swarthy, swarthy, swarming, flying straight to us like small fighter jets. My friends and I ran around, only to hate that my parents had lost my two legs. I fled to my home and closed the door quickly, but I was stung twice and cried out in pain. The little partners have also become one by one defeated soldiers. They have swelled up here and there. And the wasps hovered triumphantly in the air.

Hey, it's really impossible to steal chicken and eat rice. It seems that you can't stab a beehive.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (13)

After reading "Stabbing a Horse's Honeycomb", I felt 100 words

The text "Stabbing a Horse's Honeycomb" tells the story that the author, out of curiosity, poked out the hornet's nest and was stung by the hornet. Praise the spirit of hornets who dare to fight with those who destroy their lives and swear to defend their homes. It makes the author feel that it is a sin to destroy the home of wasps and their life. He "decides not to do anything to hurt others". This spirit also shocked me and made me understand a truth: before doing anything, you should think carefully, and then try again. Don't do something harmful to others because of curiosity.

Fourth grade: Tong Huan

Funny stories of childhood - honeycomb briquette 450 words

When I was young, maybe it was in kindergarten. It was very strange to watch fireworks and firecrackers during the Spring Festival. I thought it was very interesting. What's more interesting is going back to my hometown. My hometown is in the countryside of Jiangsu Province. Digging earth, pulling radishes and playing with mud are very attractive to me living in the city. It is it that pulls me back to my hometown. But I always make jokes when I am young and ignorant, especially in the house. I am very impressed.

Once I went back to my hometown and stayed for several days, which was the longest time.

Somehow, I was hungry, so I went straight to the kitchen. When I was young, my mother followed me, even my sister.

Smoke curled up in the kitchen. Grandma was busy cooking! I looked left and right curiously. It's really different from rural and urban areas! Suddenly, my eyes lit up and stared at the corners of the room. After a while, I asked, "What are these black balls?" I didn't know the concept of cylinder at that time. My mother was glad to see me asking, and smiled and said, "This is honeycomb briquette." I was happy when I heard that it was "Mei". Plums are not sour and sweet. They are very delicious. So she smacked her mouth, stretched her head forward, and then asked, "Can this Mei be eaten?" My sister suddenly jumped up, "Of course it can be eaten! Eat your mouth black!" After saying that, she also made a mouth shape for eating. Seeing that I was at a loss, I gave a sound of "puff" and laughter filled every corner of the kitchen. I just realized that they were teasing me!

I lowered my head and blushed. I wished I could find a crack in the ground. After a while, I quickly ran out of the kitchen. I really wanted to grow more legs and quickly left this "place of right and wrong".

Since then, when I saw my friends, I held my head and chest high and told them that the honeycomb briquette was "round, with many small holes in the middle!"

Second day of the 23rd Middle School in Luoyang, Henan: sundanjun415

Composition on reading notes: After reading the "Daughter of the Sea", you can feel 100 words

"The Daughter of the Sea" tells the story of the little mermaid's pursuit of happiness but her final failure. I don't like this outcome very much.

If the little mermaid did not hide after saving the prince, the prince would not think that it was his neighbor's princess. But she is too timid.

If the little mermaid can find a way to tell the prince her idea after she becomes a man, for example, she can write, draw, and gesture. The prince may understand the love of the little mermaid

But without supposition, the little mermaid still turned into foam, but she did not despair. I would like to be a good child to help her have an immortal soul as soon as possible.

Grade 3: Wu Di

Ma Fengwo's Composition (14)

splendid! It's summer vacation, and back to the fresh and beautiful countryside! There are countless strange things that fascinate me, and many embarrassing things that I am ashamed to say. Now I will tell you something secretly, but you can't tell others.

Two years ago, on the day of summer vacation, I said goodbye to the boring and heavy study life and came to the countryside with my sister. Before I could sit down, my cousin, who was half a year older than me, quietly reported the "enemy situation" to me: there was a beehive behind the old house.

When my sister saw my eyes shining, she kept laughing beside me.

The next morning, while Grandma was not paying attention, the three of us quietly came to the back of the house. A beehive the size of a tea cup was hanging on a horizontal bamboo pole, and several wasps were crawling outside. After observing the "enemy situation", we began to check the equipment: my sister wore the light green dress her aunt bought for her birthday, and held a bamboo broom;

My cousin is holding a long bamboo pole, but he is wearing a big cotton padded jacket. "Alas, be careful of heatstroke", my sister and I whispered, "What a country bumpkin..." Look! It's time to show me. I put on a set of "fencing suit", wore a red hat, and held an electric mosquito swatter. A generation of female Xia came!

After preparation, I led the team to the position. "Hum, the hornet's nest is not very big! Attack!" "Kill!" Cousin rushed up and immediately stabbed the bamboo pole into the beehive. With a "buzz", a dozen wasps emerged from the inside and attacked us fiercely. "Run!" The sister hiding behind threw down her broom and ran away. Where's your cousin? Where is he? When I saw it, my cousin had already run to the side and squatted, with his head tucked into the cotton padded jacket. coward! I'm not afraid, a female Xia. "Hurry!" I shouted wildly, holding up the electric mosquito swatter and rushing forward.

"Ouch! It hurts." A wasp stung me in the face, which made me throw the electric mosquito swatter, turn around and run away. How could I care about the image of a chivalrous woman.

My sister hid in the toilet and shouted, "My sister, bees are afraid of water..." There was no sound. A wasp flew into the toilet, and my sister was so scared that she shouted, "Ah!"... I ran from east to west, from west to east, and finally jumped into the small

The stream plunged into the water. After about ten seconds, I felt bored. I looked up. Oh, my god, the wasp is still outside. What should I do? The wasp sting really hurt. I stayed in the water all the time and didn't dare to come out. Finally, Grandma pulled me out of the water. "Bees are afraid of fire," Grandma told me later. But I never dared to poke my beehive again.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (15)

I remember one time, when my friends and I saw many bees in the flowers, we were going to catch some, thinking that there would be honey in the future. We folded a lot of paper gloves and came to the big garden, and the "bee hunting operation" began. "Hum hum hum", a plump "hair ball" flew to the flower, I looked closely, oh, it was a big bee! I crept close to it and caught the bee as fast as I could. "Yeah, I caught it!" I put it in the jar and looked at it proudly. However, after a long time, the little partners were still fighting for nothing. I walked around and stared at a big tree. "Hey, come and see, there are so many bees here!" I shouted to my friends. The kids came at a gallop, and after watching for a while, they immediately "started". When we were concentrating on catching, a small partner shouted like discovering a new continent: "look that! There is a beehive!" We "brushed" our head up, and there is a beehive.

We hurried to find the bamboo pole, but the beehive was too high for one bamboo pole to reach. So we found wire again and tied the two bamboo poles together. We took the bamboo poles in our hands and confidently moved forward in secret. I thought: this time we will see the right time to "Shua", and the head of the bamboo pole will fly past, and you will all be in my bag. But when my pole touched the beehive, "Buzz Buzz Buzz" bees flew out, "Oh, no! This is hornets, run!" A large group of hornets poured out, like small fighter jets flying straight to us. My friends and I fled everywhere, only to hate my parents for missing my two legs. I fled to my home, closed the door and hid in the cupboard.

Although it's been a long time, I can't help being happy when I think about it now.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (16)

It was the summer vacation the year before last, and I participated in an interesting closed summer camp. One morning, some of our "best friends" slipped into the mountain after breakfast. We looked left and right as we walked, looking for "prey". The big trees nearby provide us with shade and cool wind. Not far away, there is a small rectangular pavilion full of green ivy. My eyes brightened: "There is a hornet's nest over there! Let's go and have a look!"

Excited, we ran to the small pavilion and gathered under the wasp nest. Looking up, this wasp nest looks dry on the surface and tottering. The most important thing is that there are no wasps "buzzing" outside the honeycomb. It seems that there are no wasps living inside. Without thinking, I immediately found a big stone on the ground and wanted to drop the beehive. Unfortunately, the stone seemed to sink a bit, affecting the alignment. I rubbed it gently on the side of the beehive and fell off, while the beehive just shook slightly, without any intention of falling off.

It was so busy that everyone started to shake their hands and yell to see who could knock it down. Only stones and branches flew towards the beehive like rain. But somehow, the beehive was hanging there. Finally, a student made a big move - he was like Monkey King Sun Wukong reincarnated, waving a "golden stirrup" that he had picked up from nowhere, shouting and poking at Ma Fengwo! succeed! The honeycomb finally fell down and fell into the opposite bush. We are all nervous at once. Will there be hornets flying out? The excitement just passed away, and the forest was suddenly so quiet, only the cool wind was still blowing slightly.

We stared at the trees. For a moment, I regretted that I had just found this wasp nest. Now we may be stung by wasps at any time... My sweat turned into cold sweat. After a long time, it was still quiet, and no wasp was "born in the sky". "Whew!" I patted my chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, there was a loud cry in the air: "Ah! Hornet --" I was so surprised that I ignored nothing and ran to my death. My mind flashed the picture of "wild bees dancing wildly" that I saw in the movie. God, if they stared at me, I would be miserable. My friends also ran after me in panic. Our speed was estimated to have broken our own record. Even so, I still felt as if there were a bunch of aggressive avengers behind me - hornets chasing me, and what would wait for me would be a lot of miserable fate! So I ran faster

We all "scurried" for a long time, but we couldn't run any more. We were paralyzed. It seemed that there was nothing wrong behind us. I looked back with fear. There was no wasp. We only saw a small partner snickering at us from afar. We knew we were being cheated by his posture of laughing too hard, So he is the "hornet"! Everyone was so angry that they turned around and ran to the hateful guy. Now it's his turn to flee in confusion!

We laughed, cried, cried, enjoyed our childhood and felt the beautiful life

Childhood is full of fun. We are innocent and mischievous, and we don't know how lofty the earth is... But what's wrong with that? I will hide these memories deeply in my heart, in the place called "Innocence".

Ma Fengwo's Composition (17)

I remember that at that time, I had to patrol around our "battlefield" every time, but in the following days, everyone hid at home. Why on earth? It turns out that our "battlefield" has been full of our enemy - wasps. We had a secret discussion about how to wipe out the enemy. At this time, someone proposed to drive them away. Everyone came up with a method - stabbing a horse's nest. The next day, after breakfast, we took out the "treasures" of our own home one by one: electric mosquito swatters, sticks, hot water, gloves... Everything was ready. When I came under the eaves, I took the lead and shouted, "Go! Go!" I took the lead to poke the enemy's nest with my stick. The hornet's nest opened a hole, and then the enemies inside flew out in a dense and dark way. The "soldiers" turned pale at the sight of it. They were so frightened that they were all scared to death. Some throw down the "weapons" in their hands and run around, some squat with their heads in their arms, and some run with crying and shouting... What about me? The "vanguard" in the first row has been stung like a puffy bread by the enemy.

These hateful bees make me ache. Later, I never dared to "patrol" under the eaves again. It is true that once bitten, twice shy.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (18)

The thing is, it was a sunny, cloudless weekend. I had an appointment with my friends to fly kites together. Early in the morning, we packed our things early and were ready to start. When we arrived at the destination on the first day of the month, a gentle breeze began to blow, which was very comfortable. And this wind force is just right for us to fly kites. It's really right for us to fly kites at the right time and place. It seems that it's a wise choice for us to fly kites today.

But there were only a few kites. We were a large group of people, so we had to divide into groups and queue up to play. But some of them like doing things. He is Xiao Ming who lives next door to me. This classmate has always been fond of making troubles with all kinds of things since he was young. It is said that several pieces of his alarm clock have been broken. His parents can't help him, but they think that the imagination and practical ability of the child can't be blocked in this way, so they have to take moral education. But he just didn't listen. He was always curious and began to do all kinds of damage.

Now, while all the little friends were flying kites, he climbed the tree again alone. It didn't matter to climb the tree, but he accidentally stabbed the wasp nest on the tree with his hands, which scared him to slip down the rolling belt. Fortunately, he didn't get hurt. Seeing this, everyone rushed to comfort him and checked whether he was injured, but did not notice that the wasps were attacking. As a result, the originally relaxed kite flying activity ended with collective home healing.

I poked a hornet's nest. I'm so angry and admire Xiaoming.

Ma Fengwo's Composition (19)

There is a hornet's nest in the forest i. The kitten wants to test the power of the hornet and says to the tiger, "If you dare to poke the hornet's nest, I will give you the ticket for the circus."

The tiger poked hard with a bamboo pole, and the wasp swooped down like a fighter and stung the tiger on the head. The passing father cat and Mr. Ma were attacked by the wasp

The kitten trembled with fear and said, "This really poked the hornet's nest!"