Talk to Mosquitoes (Selected 17)
Across the world
2023-11-16 08:20:21
second grade

Say to mosquitoes (1)

A year has passed, annoying mosquitoes, you must not remember me! But I can't forget you. You always keep me awake all night long.

Take one night last summer. As soon as I entered the sweet dream, you jumped to the window singing the "song of triumph". After hearing your song, I immediately felt sleepy and jumped out of bed. I waved a big fan with my nimble hand to meet your challenge, but you made me unable to defend, making me bow down. When I was vigilantly defending the front, you wound around to my rear, stabbed me in the back with your poisoned "needle", and greedily enjoyed a nutritious "delicious meal". Now, you are very comfortable, but I didn't sleep well all night. The next day in class, I was always listless. I didn't listen to what the teacher said at all. Fortunately, my mother didn't know about it, otherwise I would be treated as a "fried pork with bamboo shoots".

Another time last year, Grandma came to visit me from her hometown with her own green watermelon. Good news for you. As soon as I opened the watermelon, before I had time to taste it, you had enough convenience to use your "unique weapon", which has been exposed to countless bacteria, to suck heartily, but still refused to give up. You are also afraid that others will not know it is your masterpiece, so you will leave your wings and legs, which is very impressive. Seeing this scene, my lungs were almost blown up.

The above masterpieces are countless. Summer is coming again. In order to welcome you again, I asked my mother to prepare delicious mosquito killers and fragrant perfume for you. You should hurry up and don't let me down!

Say to mosquitoes (2)

In the summer, the "cute" mosquitoes came to my side. Here, let me express my heartfelt words to you!

"Amiable" mosquitoes, you are not good at all! When summer comes, you will come to our house with friends and bite my parents and me wantonly. Whenever I open the door, I will see five or six mosquitoes coming to my house as guests. Every time you bite us, we will "chase" you everywhere. You scared to run around and play hide and seek with us, but didn't you finally fall into the palm of our human hands? Wake up, there is no end to suffering, turn around and stop biting us!

Now, I solemnly put forward several requirements to "you": 1. Don't come to my house again. There are plenty of delicious meat on the street for you to eat. Please don't patronize my house again. If you come to my house again, I will shoot you! 2. If you sing your best "Noise Divine Comedy" in our ears when we sleep at night, you will still be killed! 3. Don't use your "sharp mouth" to make "hills" on us, which will make us scratch with all hands and feet. If you do it again, try to kill you!

Ah! "Dear" mosquitoes, people who have been bitten by you all over the world are itching all over, and their teeth are itching for you! If you bite us again, we will use all force to destroy your "mosquito army". If you don't believe it, try it!

Say to mosquitoes (3)

Mosquito brothers:

Hello! I know you like me and will come to see me every night. I really admire your perseverance. Since summer came, you have been patronizing my room. Now it is almost winter, and you have been accompanying me. However, you did bring me a lot of boring things.

Do you still remember? That night, I got up to go to the toilet and went back to bed to sleep after going to the toilet. Then you came to me to "chat". You are so old that I can't sleep because you keep nagging in my ear. I will kick you away with my hands. But I didn't expect you to be so cheeky and still stay here. I had to turn on the light and prepare to turn you out. I aim at your direction and attack. But I failed because you were too flexible. I didn't lose heart and attacked you again, but it was the same. Never mind, come again! I started attacking again. It may be because the enemy is too strong and has been defeated several times in a row. After such a long struggle, I haven't got any results. Maybe because you are tired of playing, you fly away. It seems that I can finally sleep soundly. I looked at my watch. My ancestors! It was more than 5 o'clock. I went to bed at the end. Because I didn't sleep well, I didn't have any spirit in class, and I was lazy all over, so I was scolded by the teacher. Hum! It's all your fault.

Another time, you brought a friend with you. Maybe you want to come here to have a big meal. You both kept humming in my ear, which made me upset. I turned on the light and waved with both hands. Eh, why is the sound much lower. I see: it seems that I have destroyed your friend. Maybe you saw my "mosquito killing process" to avoid death, so you didn't dare to disturb me again.

But the good times are not long. You come again. Brother Mosquito, I know that my flesh is sweet, but you can't always catch me! There are many big world like me! There are many even beyond this scope. Please! Let's go! Go to another place, if you come again, I will completely collapse! If I were more serious, I would be ready to stay in a psychiatric hospital.

Room owner: Tan Yiyao

November 9

Say to mosquitoes (4)

Mosquito brothers:

Hello! I know you like me and will come to see me every night. I really admire your perseverance. Since summer came, you have been patronizing my room. Now it is almost winter, and you have been accompanying me. However, you did bring me a lot of boring things.

Do you still remember? That night, I got up to go to the toilet and went back to bed to sleep after going to the toilet. Then you came to me to "chat". You are so old that I can't sleep because you keep nagging in my ear. I will kick you away with my hands. But I didn't expect you to be so cheeky and still stay here. I had to turn on the light and prepare to turn you out. I aim at your direction and attack. But I failed because you were too flexible. I didn't lose heart and attacked you again, but it was the same. Never mind, come again! I started attacking again. It may be because the enemy is too strong and has been defeated several times in a row. After such a long struggle, I haven't got any results. Maybe because you are tired of playing, you fly away. It seems that I can finally sleep soundly. I looked at my watch. My ancestors! It was more than 5 o'clock. I went to bed at the end. Because I didn't sleep well, I didn't have any spirit in class, and I was lazy all over, so I was scolded by the teacher. Hum! It's all your fault.

Another time, you brought a friend with you. Maybe you want to come here to have a big meal. You both kept humming in my ear, which made me upset. I turned on the light and waved with both hands. Eh, why is the sound much lower. I see: it seems that I have destroyed your friend. Maybe you saw my "mosquito killing process" to avoid death, so you didn't dare to disturb me again.

But the good times are not long. You come again. Brother Mosquito, I know that my flesh is sweet, but you can't always catch me! There are many big world like me! There are many even beyond this scope. Please! Let's go! Go to another place, if you come again, I will completely collapse! If I were more serious, I would be ready to stay in a psychiatric hospital.

Room owner: Tan Yiyao

November 9, 2011

Say to mosquitoes (5)

Mosquito, you are not good! I haven't seen you these days. Have you grown fat again? I can't bear your torture!

In the dead of night, when I was just lying on the bed after taking a bath and preparing to have a good sleep, you launched a "surprise attack". You raised your "spear" and flew to me. When I was preparing for a "personal attack", I started to counter attack with the ancestral secret recipe of "ten slaps on mosquitoes". Unexpectedly, you ran fast and narrowly escaped death. You said you should run away if you ran away. Instead, you called a group of "elite soldiers" to attack me. When I saw ten "swords" stabbing me, I didn't dare snub them, but it was too late. We had to take thirty-six strategies to "hide" and cover our whole body with quilt in a hurry to escape the "devil's claw". Who knew you had the brains of Zhuge Liang? You quickly asked two small mosquitoes to come in and launch a "one-on-one fight" again. I could not afford your big "discount", so I had to open the quilt. Just came out, you had already lurked beside and led the whole army forward, Mommy! That's the only idea in my mind: fight! Instead, you came to "beat" me with more mosquitoes, and I fought until dawn. You ran without a trace. Because of my lack of sleep, I became a "panda" and got a lot of trouble!

Mosquito, I want to tell you, come to my house again today! It's my treat. Order mosquito repellent incense today. When you get hooked, come and taste it quickly.

Say to mosquitoes (6)

Damned mosquitoes:

You are too bad!

You are like a virus vampire killer, spreading diseases everywhere, making our lovely bodies red and swollen, making us complain incessantly every day.

At night, you gather your troops and attack us in groups. Your "buzzing" sound makes it difficult for us to sleep, tossing and turning in bed to drive you away. Because of you, my eyes have become panda eyes, listless.

When I sweat on my back, the thick smell of sweat attracts you. You revolve around me. You can't drive away if you want to. Look, my red and round bags are the "good thing" you did, which made me scratch every moment, but the more I scratch, the more itchy, the more I scratch!

Because you give me "red envelopes" every day, I just "happily" clap my hands and "say hello". Now don't be complacent. My big electric mosquito swatter will kill you, and the toilet water will help us to kill you regardless of everything. And the poison gas bomb mosquito repellent incense will also kill you!

In addition to these, the spider, a master insect hunter, will also ambush in the corner or on the electric light. If you are not careful, you will be worried to die. When you are entangled by the spider web, you still don't know what's going on!

If you want to mend your ways, I can help you. You can absorb water or eat garbage instead. If so, you will certainly change from the bad reputation of "public enemy of the people" to the good reputation of "world geek"!

Well, that's all for now. I hope you can mend your ways as soon as possible!

Yang Junjie

June 27, 2019

Say to mosquitoes (7)

Dear Mr. Mosquito


You have a pair of big eyes and an extraordinarily slender body. I'm afraid the slimmest girl in the world is not as light as you. But you look so cute -? Mr. Mosquito, when summer comes every year, you will bite me all over. It's unbearable. First of all, I thank you very much for your kindness to me, but this kindness is too heavy for me to bear!

Every time you sing the terrible blood sucking song, "Buzz, Buzz", our family will prepare many "gifts" for you - mosquito incense, mosquito nets, toilet water... These are all carefully prepared for you. Are you satisfied?

In fact, I think the sacrifice you made to suck my blood is too great. You suck my blood once, and I will lose at most 0.1 percent of my blood. But you have to risk your life. How unworthy it is! What do you think?

Although I hate your arrival, it always brings me trouble, but when you come, it also means that the warm summer is coming. If you can change your recipe and eat the cool big watermelon with me, how wonderful! Do you believe it? It tastes much better than my blood!

Dear Mr. Mosquito, you really make me happy and angry! I wish I could get along with you one day.

May you become a vegetarian soon!

Friends who love and hate you

Say to mosquitoes (8)

A letter to mosquitoes

Mosquito: After countless times being treated as dinner on the plate by you, I am determined to write a letter to you.

Ah, Sister Mosquito, I have only three small wishes. You must promise me that you are not allowed to play in my house, because when you are tired of playing, you will fall on me to rest. I will slap you down and leave half red, half purple and five fingerprints. 2 Don't bite one beautiful pimple hill after another on me. 3: No late night visits. I can't stand your family's classical folk song "Buzzing Song".

Mosquitoes, if you are really ungrateful, I will be rude.

Finally, I wish you: "Go away early"

On July 29, 2012, a man covered with bags

Say to mosquitoes (9)

Are you getting fat again? You must not remember me, but I can not forget you! You are the one who makes me feel like an enemy every night. I never slept well!

Every hot night, as soon as I entered my dream, you came running to me with a "buzzing" march. As soon as I heard your song, my spirit was one of "vibration", and I immediately jumped out of bed, and my sleep suddenly went to the clouds. Because I know that once I am watched by you, I will be "kissed" by you crazily. The next day, I will surely be covered with your "traces of love". You are so enthusiastic! Therefore, I have to wave my hands to welcome you, but you are always beyond defense. Whenever I look ahead cautiously, you sneak into my back and attack me cunningly, then hold up the poisonous needle of cold light, unkindly pierce my skin, and greedily enjoy a nutritious "delicious meal". You are so comfortable now, but I have to clean up your mess. Maybe I will be attacked by your brothers and sisters, aunts and concubines. I didn't sleep well. The next day, I was not only listless in class, but also criticized by the teacher. When my mother learned about it, I had to have a half day of "politics class"! You really hurt me!

Not only that, but you also robbed my food! My father just bought the Hami melon from the fruit shop. Before I could enjoy it, you came buzzing over, carrying countless tiny needles stained with bacteria. That night, I had a fever and diarrhea. My mother said I ate too much, but I think it must be your fault. The cantaloupe you enjoyed made me eat bad! I really hate you!

Now, spring is coming to an end, and your wild summer is coming. In order to welcome you and thank you for your "love" for me, I have asked my mother to prepare delicious mosquito killers and mosquito repellent incense with strong fragrance. I think you will like it. Come and taste it early!

Say to mosquitoes (10)

Hello, Miss Mosquito. Although I call you that, I don't like you very much.

On a quiet summer night, when I am about to enter a sweet dream, you are always flying around my ears, making a whimpering sound that makes my ears restless, and also makes my sleep and food difficult. From time to time, when I am unprepared, give me a "big red envelope". But I don't like this "big red envelope". I'm sure no one likes this "big red envelope". What's more hateful is that you only sting those children and babies. How can their white and tender skin stand up to you?

If you only bring "big red envelopes" to human beings, that's OK, but you also spread diseases.

Remember the SARS that year? The whole country panics. When people know that you are the culprit, they turn pale when talking about "mosquitoes". In addition, you can spread many diseases, such as dysentery, viral colds, etc.

Mosquito, now you are a famous person in the whole country, because you have been admitted to one of the four pests! Mosquitoes I hope you disappear on the earth!


Say to mosquitoes (11)

Mosquito brothers:

Hello! I know you like me and will come to see me every night. I really admire your perseverance. Since summer came, you have been patronizing my room. Now it is almost winter, and you have been accompanying me. However, you did bring me a lot of boring things.

Do you still remember? That night, I got up to go to the toilet and went back to bed to sleep after going to the toilet. Then you came to me to "chat". You are so old that I can't sleep because you keep nagging in my ear. I will kick you away with my hands. But I didn't expect you to be so cheeky and still stay here. I had to turn on the light and prepare to turn you out. I aim at your direction and attack. But I failed because you were too flexible. I didn't lose heart and attacked you again, but it was the same. Never mind, come again! I started attacking again. It may be because the enemy is too strong and has been defeated several times in a row. After such a long struggle, I haven't got any results. Maybe because you are tired of playing, you fly away. It seems that I can finally sleep soundly. I looked at my watch. My ancestors! It was more than 5 o'clock. I went to bed at the end. Because I didn't sleep well, I didn't have any spirit in class, and I was lazy all over, so I was scolded by the teacher. Hum! It's all your fault.

Another time, you brought a friend with you. Maybe you want to come here to have a big meal. You both kept humming in my ear, which made me upset. I turned on the light and waved with both hands. Eh, why is the sound much lower. I see: it seems that I have destroyed your friend. Maybe you saw my "mosquito killing process" to avoid death, so you didn't dare to disturb me again.

But the good times are not long. You come again. Brother Mosquito, I know that my flesh is sweet, but you can't always catch me! There are many big world like me! There are many even beyond this scope. Please! Let's go! Go to another place, if you come again, I will completely collapse! If I were more serious, I would be ready to stay in a psychiatric hospital.

Room owner: XXX

November 9, 20XX

Say to Mosquitoes (12)

A letter to mosquitoes

Mosquito: After countless times being treated as dinner on the plate by you, I am determined to write a letter to you.

Ah, Sister Mosquito, I have only three small wishes. You must promise me that you are not allowed to play in my house, because when you are tired of playing, you will fall on me to rest. I will slap you down and leave half red, half purple and five fingerprints. 2 Don't bite one beautiful pimple hill after another on me. 3: No late night visits. I can't stand your family's classical folk song "Buzz Song"

Mosquitoes, if you are really ungrateful, I will be rude.

Finally, I wish you: "Go away early"

On July 29, 2012, a man covered with bags

Grade 4: Lin Yupeng

Say to mosquitoes (13)

Dear Mr. Mosquito: Hello! You have a pair of big eyes and an extraordinarily slender body. I'm afraid the slimmest girl in the world is not as light as you. But you look so cute -? Mr. Mosquito, when summer comes every year, you will bite me all over. It's unbearable. First of all, I thank you very much for your kindness to me, but this kindness is too heavy for me to bear! Every time you sing the terrible blood sucking song, "Buzz, Buzz", our family will prepare many "gifts" for you - mosquito incense, mosquito nets, toilet water... These are all carefully prepared for you. Are you satisfied? In fact, I think the sacrifice you made to suck my blood is too great. You suck my blood once, and I will lose at most 0.1 percent of my blood. But you have to risk your life. How unworthy it is! What do you think? Although I hate your arrival, it always brings me trouble, but when you come, it also means that the warm summer is coming. If you can change your recipe and eat the cool big watermelon with me, how wonderful! Do you believe it? It tastes much better than my blood! Dear Mr. Mosquito, you really make me happy and angry! I wish I could get along with you one day. May you become a vegetarian soon! Your love hate friend: Huang Kangyi

Say to mosquitoes (14)

Hello! I know you like me and will come to see me every night. I really admire your perseverance. Since summer came, you have been patronizing my room. Now it is almost winter, and you have been accompanying me. However, you did bring me a lot of boring things.

Do you still remember? That night, I got up to go to the toilet and went back to bed to sleep after going to the toilet. Then you came to me to "chat". You are so old that I can't sleep because you keep nagging in my ear. I will kick you away with my hands. But I didn't expect you to be so cheeky and still stay here. I had to turn on the light and prepare to turn you out. I aim at your direction and attack. But I failed because you were too flexible. I didn't lose heart and attacked you again, but it was the same. Never mind, come again! I started attacking again. It may be because the enemy is too strong and has been defeated several times in a row. After such a long struggle, I haven't got any results. Maybe because you are tired of playing, you fly away. It seems that I can finally sleep soundly. I looked at my watch. My ancestors! It was more than 5 o'clock. I went to bed at the end. Because I didn't sleep well, I didn't have any spirit in class, and I was lazy all over, so I was scolded by the teacher. Hum! It's all your fault.

Another time, you brought a friend with you. Maybe you want to come here to have a big meal. You both kept humming in my ear, which made me upset. I turned on the light and waved with both hands. Eh, why is the sound much lower. I see: it seems that I have destroyed your friend. Maybe you saw my "mosquito killing process" to avoid death, so you didn't dare to disturb me again.

But the good times are not long. You come again. Brother Mosquito, I know that my flesh is sweet, but you can't always catch me! There are many big world like me! There are many even beyond this scope. Please! Let's go! Go to another place, if you come again, I will completely collapse! If I were more serious, I would be ready to stay in a psychiatric hospital.

Tan Yiyao, Grade 5, Lianyuan First Primary School

Say to mosquitoes (15)

Mosquitoes, I want to tell you

Wang Jinguo, Class 4 (12), Experimental Primary School, Sanmen County

Gentlemen, mosquitoes:

Hello! I am an ordinary primary school student. I know you have the habit of eating blood, but do you know what your habit has tortured me into? Do you know how much we humans hate you?

When the hot summer night comes, I will enter your "sweet harbor". When I want to sleep, you will rush to give me a "kiss delivery", causing me to get up in the middle of the night and fight against you. But you are always "agile", jumping up and down, making me find you very hard. After a while, I became exhausted, and all the cells in my body that wanted to defeat you were "annihilated", and I was "kissed" by you countless times. Looking at your complacency and listening to you still singing the "hum hum -" song, I really don't like it, but sleep comes again and again, I am quietly hit by your "sweet plot" again, and I have no resistance at all. The next morning, I found that my body was full of your "traces of love", and my face seemed to be wearing "smoke makeup", thanks to you!

Gentlemen Mosquito, you will not only make me sleep soundly, but also make me eat uneasily. Sometimes when our family is trying to enjoy delicious food, you always come to join in. At this time, my mother found out mosquito repellent incense, and my father picked up the electric mosquito swatter. I took the insecticide and started to hunt you down collectively. But you were so flexible that we "generals" could not beat you "soldiers". When we returned to the table dejected, we found that the delicious food was already cold, and sometimes we found that you would leave one or two companions to join in the soup, so that mother had to cook the soup again.

Gentlemen Mosquito, I want to say to you: Can you converge a little? Or, can you reform? Because you have countless bacteria on your body, and your reproduction speed is as fast as the modern bullet train. In the long run, our earth will become a mosquito planet! I also know that "the country is easy to change, and the nature cannot be changed". It is difficult for you to change your habits, and it is almost impossible to slow down your reproduction speed. However, with the development of human science, we will not wait to be captured or killed. On behalf of mankind, I formally declare war on you. We will use our intelligence to invent a high-tech product - powerful mosquito killer, which will make you unable to survive on the earth, unable to stand on the earth, and uproot!

A man who wants you to go straight

February 26, 2012

Teacher's comment: The little author uses clever personification and fashionable words to make the article interesting, and also makes readers feel the dislike of mosquitoes and the helplessness of human beings. He also puts forward the latest idea from the perspective of a child: declare war on mosquitoes! It's a good exercise.

Instructor: Li Aiping

Say to mosquitoes (16)

Zhi Yuxin

Mosquito, I want to ask you: "Did you fly when you were young?"

The mosquito said, "No, no! When I was young, I couldn't fly. At that time, I was a kind of larva called larvae. I was hatched from eggs and lived in water. I like to eat bacteria and algae. When I grew up, I became a mosquito."

Mosquito, I want to ask you: "How do you suck blood?"

Mosquito said: "I have a long tentacle on my head, and it has several small thorns inside. Two of them are used to fix the position, one is used to detect blood, and the other is used to suck blood. I like weak light, so I like people who wear dark clothes. I also like people who always sweat and have high temperature."

Mosquito, I want to say to you: "You know what? I hate you very much."

The mosquito asked, "Why?" I said, "Because you can spread bacteria and viruses. You see, if you suck the blood of a patient, you will have bacteria and viruses in your body. If you suck the blood of a normal person, the normal person will be infected."

The mosquito was silent.

Mosquito, I finally want to say to you: "Welcome to our house. We have prepared mosquito killer, electric mosquito swatter, mosquito repellent incense and mosquito net to entertain you. In summer, I will try to wear light colored clothes and play by the river less."

The mosquito listened, rolled its eyes and flew away.

[Mosquito, I want to tell you]

Yang Xiaohan

On a sunny morning, I woke up from a dream and just wanted to stretch comfortably, but I felt itchy all over. I checked carefully and found that there were several puffy pink bags on my body.

Mosquito, I want to tell you, don't you think you've gone too far? Can you ignore others' feelings for your own benefit? I really want to slap you to death!

In an interesting composition class, there was a "buzz" in my ear. I was immersed in the wonderful explanation of the teacher, and did not want to pay attention to it. But my legs are aching and itchy, and this hateful mosquito is attacking me again!

Mosquito, I want to tell you, don't you know that your "buzz" will affect others' learning? Are you deliberately trying to undermine everyone's concentration? Your behavior is too bad!

I made up my mind to kill this mosquito, but I felt itchy all over again. It was the "army" of mosquitoes!

Mosquitoes, I want to tell you, do you think you are very strong? Do you think human beings are weak?

Finally, I saw a mosquito stop on the door. I thought, here comes my chance! So I quietly approached, raised my hand high, and quickly patted it! I killed the mosquito with a sound of "Pa"! I looked at the red palm and couldn't help laughing, but I completely forgot the pain.

Mosquito, I want to tell you that I finally killed you! It turns out that you who seem to be proud must have a hard time!

[Mosquito, I want to tell you]


I have an "old friend" who has been with me for ten years - a mosquito as small as an ant and shiny black.

Old friend, if you can listen carefully and keep your words in mind, I want to say something to you: recently, when I was sleeping, I was dreaming a lot, and I was very tired all day. I want to have a good rest. Don't disturb me all the time. Sing around my ears and suddenly wake up half of my dream. You know how it feels. So I hope you don't sing in my ears while I'm sleeping.

Besides, you will suck my blood and make me itch. You suck blood, I understand you very much, because you want to have a baby, if you don't suck blood, you may starve to death. There will be small bags where you bite. If you bite too much, many small bags will gather together, just like a toad, ugly and itchy. If it is itchy, I will scratch when I am in class and doing my homework. If I scratch, I will be distracted, and my parents will scold me. I even scratched blood once. Can you draw blood as blood, but don't make people itch.

If you really can't do it, let's take a step back. You fly around in the sky every day. Pay attention to who does good and who does bad. You will specifically suck the blood of those who do bad things, such as vicious robbers, thievish thieves, horrible murderers... because they should be punished for doing bad things.

If you are not so smart and can't recognize it, there are so many things with blood on the earth anyway. You should not suck our human blood, but the blood of other animals. You should be able to do this, right?

Mosquito, remember what I said to you. You can share it with your parents and brothers and sisters when you go back. I hope your entire mosquito family can follow the plan we discussed, so that we can live together peacefully.

Look forward to your performance!

Talk to Mosquitoes (17)

In the dead of night, when I was just lying on the bed after taking a bath and preparing to have a good sleep, you launched a "surprise attack". You raised your "spear" and flew to me. When I was preparing for a "personal attack", I started to counter attack with the ancestral secret recipe of "ten slaps on mosquitoes". Unexpectedly, you ran fast and narrowly escaped death. You said you should run away if you ran away. Instead, you called a group of "elite soldiers" to attack me. When I saw ten "swords" stabbing me, I didn't dare snub them, but it was too late. We had to take thirty-six strategies to "hide" and cover our whole body with quilt in a hurry to escape the "devil's claw". Who knew you had the brains of Zhuge Liang? You quickly asked two small mosquitoes to come in and launch a "one-on-one fight" again. I could not afford your big "discount", so I had to open the quilt. Just came out, you had already lurked beside and led the whole army forward, Mommy! That's the only idea in my mind: fight! Instead, you came to "beat" me with more mosquitoes, and I fought until dawn. You ran without a trace. Because of my lack of sleep, I became a "panda" and got a lot of trouble!

Mosquito, I want to tell you, come to my house again today! It's my treat. Order mosquito repellent incense today. When you get hooked, come and taste it quickly.