Suppose composition 600 (collection of 17 articles)
Rose with thorns
2023-11-08 04:14:55

Suppose composition 600 (1)

Science and technology are developing, society is progressing, and people's living standards are getting higher and higher. Now, even memory transplantation has become a reality, which people dare not think before.

If memory can be transplanted, I will transplant the memory of Edison, the world famous inventor, to scientists. In this way, scientists will solve difficult problems as soon as they encounter them. They use machine like brains to create more and better high-tech products for people to use.

If the memory can be transplanted, I will transplant the memory of Newton, the world famous mathematician, to the top students in all classes of all schools. Students don't need to consult the teacher when they encounter problems that they don't understand. They need to ask the "little prodigy" in their class. In this way, not only the teacher's burden has been reduced, but also the good habit of helping each other among students has been formed. This is really the best of both worlds!

If memory can be transplanted, I will transplant the traveler's memory to the blind. The blind will not think that there is no light in the world, and everything is covered by darkness. The mountains and waters that travelers have climbed are presented in the minds of the blind. In this way, the blind person will be pleasantly surprised and cry: "So the light is so sacred and beautiful!"

If the memory can be transplanted, I will also transplant the memory of people who survived the war through untold hardships to those rulers who opposed peace and launched war. Let them also see how much pain the war has brought to people, and let them know that this is their great contribution to society.

Science and technology are developing and society is progressing. I believe that memory transplantation will become a reality in the near future, and I hope that scientists can invent more and better products for people to use.

Suppose composition 600 (2)

Being a pop singer is the dream of all modern people. I have been thinking, if I transplant my idol Michael. Jackson's memory, whether I will become like Michael. What about singers like Jackson?

One night, I went to America to transplant Michael from my sleep. Jackson's memory. When I woke up in the morning, I found that I could sing many songs. I used to know nothing about dancing. Now, as long as I dance with the teacher once, I will dance that dance. Later, I learned many dances: break dancing, moon walking... My parents and relatives and friends knew that I had transplanted Michael. After Jackson's memory, they insisted that I go on TV. The next morning, I wanted to go out, and just opened the door. Unexpectedly, my door was crowded with reporters, who wanted to interview me. I invited all the reporters home and began to answer their questions. "How did you become such a talented person?" the reporter asked. "Because... because of memory transplantation!" I replied.

The reporters burst into laughter and commented: "The child has a problem with his brain. Memory transplantation, thanks to what she said! I couldn't stand their comments, so I said: "Yes, I did have a memory transplant with Michael Jackson. This operation was completed in the United States, and the memory transplant was developed by the largest hospital in the United States. Anyway, it's up to you to believe it or not." After listening to my words, the reporter began to ask questions, and some questions really made me angry. This made me know that memory transplantation has both advantages and disadvantages. Being a star is a very painful thing. So I gave up the idea of being a star and replaced Michael. The memory that Jackson transplanted to me was deleted and I became my real self.

Suppose composition 600 (3)

The heavy snow fell one by one, covering the branches, the earth and the withered grass. These covered withered grass will wake up next year. It's not you.

In the past two years, I have always had a regret in my heart. I feel I am ashamed of you. Soon after leaving you, I miss you inexplicably. You want to console you.

At that time, because the school was just built, the requirements were not too strict, everything was new, and you were new in my eyes. You have a fat body and a pair of round glasses that can change color. I didn't want to sleep at noon, so I ran to the classroom to play, do homework or sabotage, and promote the spirit of sabotage. Later, the teacher in the apartment called you and said I was not there. You hurried to the school, found me and scolded me. Then I don't like you and deliberately make trouble for you. That time, I didn't do eye exercises, so I ran to the playground to play. I thought you would scold me when you saw me that day. I never thought of you, but you said a lot of good things to me and told me a lot of reasons. At that time, the final exam was approaching. These words are still deeply impressed in my mind until now. As the saying goes, the prodigal son will never be replaced. I also turned back in time. Although I have only been a good student for two weeks under your guidance, although it is very short, it is a hundred times better than what I did not realize!

If I could go back three years ago, I would have been a good student since I first met you. Can win honor for you, take pride in me as a student, be a united classmate, have positive energy student. Alas, what a pity!

Time is gone forever, but it's hard for me to turn back. I still regret what I have done. In order not to leave regret, now, I will make up for my future regret. I think, after just reminding me, don't leave any regrets. I should turn over a new leaf and greet the dawn of tomorrow. Today's sun is naturally different from tomorrow's sun. Since today's sun is blocked by sunglasses, tomorrow's sun should sink sunglasses to enjoy the real sun.

The withered grass covered with snow will wake up next spring. Even if it is not the original withered grass, it must be more fresh and green than it is now.

Suppose composition 600 (4)

If the composition is 600 words (1)

If I were a thief, my composition would be 600 words

If I were a thief

Zhao Enyu

If I am really a thief, I must steal

Little by little, in our life, many changes have happened unknowingly. Father's hair turns white little by little, and mother's wrinkles become more and more. If I were a thief, I must steal all the white hair on my father's head and all the wrinkles on my mother's face quietly, so that my dearest parents will always be young and beautiful!

In retrospect, there was a person who always stood in a special position. She had no kinship with us, but paid attention to us bit by bit like her mother. She was our teacher. The teacher should take care of us, and take care of many students at the same time. If I were a thief, I would steal the teacher's hard work, keep the tired figure away from the teacher, and make the teacher always energetic!

In school, our classmates are the most friendly to us. However, as time goes by, the spoon will inevitably touch the edge of the pot. We always have some small conflicts with our classmates. If I were a thief, I would steal all the misunderstandings and conflicts between our classmates, so that we and our classmates can study, live and face difficulties together happily forever, Enjoy happiness together and live in the sun together!

From the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 to the Qinghai earthquake in 2010, people were displaced, lost the most important people and things, and suffered from the "gifts" brought by natural disasters. If I were a thief, I would steal all the natural disasters, so that our earth would be far away from the torture of natural disasters. At the same time, I would also steal all the human "sins" - those piled up garbage, sewage flowing into rivers, so that our earth becomes beautiful, so that our mother earth will always be young!

From the day when human beings were born, something called "war" also came along. Although this kind of thing called "war" gave some people supreme rights, but more of it was to bring people resentment, grief, and injury. If I were a thief, I would steal all wars in the world and let the pigeons of peace fly all over the world, Let the bell of peace ring forever, forever!

At the end of the day, if I am really a thief, I want to „„ I want to steal the lollipop confiscated by my mother „ Steal it back „„

If the composition is 600 words (2)

If I were a magician, my composition would be 600 words

If I were a magician, I would be a very ordinary girl, but I always hope that one day I can have magical magic and become an omnipotent mysterious magician. If I were a magician, I would wear a pointed magic hat, a cloak of invisibility, a wand in my hand, and patrol the sky with a flying carpet every day. If I were a magician, I would first fly over the endless desert, wave my wand and say a few spells. In a twinkling of an eye, the desert has become a vibrant "green paradise", full of green trees and sweet springs. Birds and other animals live happily here. They will no longer have no food, no home and no fear of sandstorms. I will also fly to the poor mountain area, use magic to turn a modern school, turn the boring textbooks into cakes with cream, and turn the characters in the books into dynamic cartoon supermen, so that all children can easily learn and sleep in a world full of cream fragrance. I will fly over the city. If I find the polluted sky and river, I will wave my wand, say a few "magic words", turn the waste gas into oxygen, turn the places with garbage into lawns, make the river clear, and let the lovely fish swim leisurely in the water

After I finished patrolling in the sky, I turned to various shopping malls and gently recited the mantra of "true and false appearance", so that all fake and inferior goods could no longer hide. In this way, customers will not be fooled, and little brothers and sisters will not have to worry about becoming "big headed dolls". If I were a magician, I would use magic to relieve the pain of all patients and let people all over the world live a healthy and beautiful life; I also want to make all the bad people disappear and make the whole world happy, happy and peaceful.

If the composition is 600 words (3)

If I were a drop of water, I would write 600 words

If I were a drop of water composition

If I were a drop of water, I would gather my friends to go to the arid area. From TV, we can see that the drought is particularly serious in some areas, and the lack of water has dried up many farmers and died. So I was going to have a continuous rain there, which irrigated the land and moistened the crops. The farmers regained their old vitality, and the green crops grew healthily. When I saw the harvest in the autumn, I smiled happily.

If I were a drop of water, I would discuss with my little partner to send some sweet and delicious water to some children who can't drink water. Seeing them wipe their mouths, I said happily, "Ah! The water is so good! If there is water to drink every day, it would be better!" Looking at their happy little faces, I smiled happily.

If I were a drop of water, I would come to the spring pool which is no longer beautiful because of water shortage with some friends, let's go down and fill the pool with water. If human beings waste water, I would go underground and use groundwater to make the fountain sing happy songs. Listening to the happy laughter of the children at the pool, my heart was also happy.

If I were a drop of water, I would gather with my friends to form a river and flow into the greenhouses where vegetables are grown. It is said that some areas are dry and vegetables are thirsty. We will flow into the greenhouses and let the vegetables there drink enough. After a few days, the tomatoes became big and red, and the cucumbers removed the beautiful yellow flowers, making the corn golden. People ate fresh vegetables, listening to the farmer's uncle's laughter, I feel happy.

If I were a drop of water, I would make the flowers dried up due to lack of water become cheerful

If I were a drop of water

Humans, please cherish every drop of water, protect water resources, do not cut down indiscriminately, let soil erosion, cherish water is equal to cherish our life. Otherwise, the last drop of water on the earth will be a tear of regret.

If the composition is 600 words (4)

If I could "clone" 600 words of composition

If I can "clone" 600 words, I will "clone" the forest on the earth, so that every mountain and city is covered with green. In the boundless desert, in the uninhabited Gobi Desert, I want to turn them into an idyll with trees and flowers. I want to put green clothes on every corner of the earth, and make the earth full of vitality. If I can "clone", I want to "clone" a lot of food, so that those who can not solve the problem of food and clothing at present can also eat delicious rice like us, without suffering from hunger. It is not enough for me to "clone" food. I will promote this technology to those starving people.

If I can "clone", I will "clone" human organs. Now there are many people who die because of the necrosis of an organ. Some of them are young and promising, and some are just born babies. They don't want to lose their precious lives, but the fact has given them a heavy blow. I can "clone" organs and replace them with new organs in their time of crisis, relieve the pain of patients who are dying of pain, let them have life again and go to the sunny road.

If I can "clone", I will "clone" an earth so that people can live on a new earth; If I can "clone", I will clone the water resources that people rely on to survive, so that people will no longer worry about water shortage; If I can "clone"

As long as we study hard and innovate boldly, I think our dreams will come true eventually.

If I could "clone"

If I can clone, I will first clone many animals and plants, green our earth, and let the earth burst out vitality and charm again.

Our home, the earth, is now on the verge of extinction. According to the astronauts who were lucky enough to fly into space, when they looked at the earth from the sky, they found that some of the lines on the earth had been blurred. This is all "attributed" to human beings. In order to avoid the destruction of the beautiful earth, I will clone many animals and plants to save and beautify the earth.

If I can clone, I will first extract all kinds of cells from the tree species, clone many tree species, and plant them all over the mountains. At that time, all the high mountains and mountains will be in vibrant green. The roads will be lined with trees, and even the houses will be planted with trees, which can be called the "Hanging Gardens of Babylon".

If the composition is 600 words (5)

If the dream is big enough, write 600 words

If the dream is big enough, write 600 words

Struggle changes our destiny, and dreams make us different!

After coming to Guangyi, my mother has been worried. She said that maybe this decision will destroy me. I said, no. I was really bad. I managed to get into the new class, but I didn't learn anything about the next semester of the third day of junior high. The entrance examination is like a fool, and the examination paper is like a book from heaven. I told myself that even if I did, I would go to school with 6A!

Then I failed several times.

I tried silently, although the effect was not obvious. Many people regard me as a fool, who can't work hard. He is a good person, but his IQ is inversely proportional to his appearance.

I have a dream. I hope to be a military doctor in the army one day, but my classmates and teachers all say that I dream, and they say that I have such eyesight! It's not my fault. It's inborn. I can't be the master. But they did not deny that a high degree would not work. My mother said that as long as I worked hard and reached a certain level of culture in the future, my eyesight would not be important.

I look forward to the day when I become a military doctor.

Some people say that I will change, and I may not want to be a military doctor in the future.

But it doesn't matter, does it? I have a dream now, which is big enough for me! A friend of mine once said, "Struggle changes our destiny, and dreams make us different!" I always remember this sentence firmly.

More than a month before the high school entrance exam, I finally caught up. I am quite sure of getting into the ideal high school. But he missed many big exams. I gave up the chance of pre recording for the second time. Later, my performance has been very good, because I missed the exam, my performance seemed very unstable. When the third batch was scheduled, my mother lost her temper and forced me to agree. At that time, the middle school entrance examination had already been completed.

On the day when the results came out, my mother was very happy and went to sign up excitedly. I stayed at school until I completed my volunteer.

My dream made me go to an ideal high school. Will it accompany me to college, to old age and to death?

The future is unknown, but my answer is yes. I dare say, I can!

Because for me now, my dream is big enough!

If the composition is 600 words (6)

Write a 600 word composition of "If"

Write a 600 word composition of "If"

If I could clone

I want to clone countless banknotes to help people in trouble; I want to clone high-rise buildings to take in those homeless orphans; I want to clone beautiful scenery everywhere to make people's lives better. But what I want to clone most is the exhausted resources on the earth.

I once learned a text - Only One Earth. This text clearly introduces the earth to us

Suppose composition 600 (5)

If someone asks me what your greatest wish is, I will answer without thinking: "I want to be a magician.

I really want to have magic. I want to use magic to help people in difficulty. Although the technology is very developed now, people's lives are also very rich. However, there are still some places in our life that are far less beautiful than we thought, such as war, congenital disability, natural disasters, and the deterioration of the earth's environment... I am a boy who loves fantasy, and I always hope that I can have magic to solve these unsatisfactory places.

If I have magic, I want to make the world free of the blood of war, the cruelty of war, the innocent people who died because of war, and the war! All countries live in peace. Sometimes, when a country has difficulties, other countries will lend their hands!

If I have magic, I will restore the brightness of people who will never see in their lifetime, see this beautiful world, and let those deaf and dumb children speak, hear and see like us!

If I have magic, I will also make the snow disaster areas in China no longer suffer from snow disaster. In this way, the children there can sit in the classroom and listen to the teacher's lecture like us: those migrant workers can go home to reunite with their families and have a happy New Year. I also need to repair the holes in the ozone layer, replace the desert with forests, and let the extinct or endangered animals such as the South China tiger, baiji dolphin, kangaroo wolf regenerate The water in the river and sea becomes clear and the air is especially fresh!

If I have magic, I will never let the terrible disaster make people lose their precious lives, make the tragedy no longer repeat, make people no longer cry, and make life more peaceful!

Suppose composition 600 (6)

Most of the characters in the cartoon play can do magic. What little fools and big horned cows are my idols, and I envy them all for their ability to do magic!

If I had magic, I would ride my flying broom to the outside of the earth, wave my fingers and recite the mantra: "Gutana!" In the blink of an eye, the rivers and streams on the earth became clear, the trees that had been cut down grew new green leaves, and the garbage in those corners was cleaned clean and spotless. The exhaust gas from the car is absorbed by the "exhaust gas treatment layer" I installed.

If I had magic, I would ride my flying broomstick to the top of the battlefield filled with gunsmoke, wave my finger, and recite the mantra: "Gutana!" In the blink of an eye, the fierce war would stop forever, and people would shake hands and make peace and never be enemies. The world is full of peaceful flowers. There is no war, no fight, no so-called war. What shotguns, machine guns, grenades, nuclear weapons. The term war has long been destroyed.

If I had magic, I would ride my flying broomstick to the mysterious universe, wave my finger and say the mantra: "Gutana!" In the blink of an eye, human beings have their own second earth, the universe has another earth, people's lives are rich, and college rate commuters begin to take maglev trains to reach their destinations, I started my own work. There are also small passenger planes in normal operation in the air, and the top floor is the parking lot. Scientific laboratories, cloning dinosaurs, looking for savages, and uncovering the mystery of life is not a dream, but a reality.

If I had magic, I would ride my flying broomstick to Sichuan, Wenchuan and other disaster areas, wave my fingers, and recite the mantra: "Gutana!" All the houses that were hit by the earthquake have been erected again. All the houses washed away by the debris flow came back and stood up again. There was no earthquake or debris flow anymore.

If I really have magic, I will achieve what I want.

Suppose composition 600 (7)

If I had a magic wand, I would drive away the haze.

I pointed to the north with my magic wand, and Uncle Beifeng took his bodyguard to Beijing to drive out the haze. They also carried big flags on both sides, which said: Uncle Beifeng arrived, and the Fog Brothers fled. The horizontal couplet reads: The people are safe. I will let Uncle Beifeng blow the fresh air from the north to Beijing and drive the smog of Beijing away. It is better to eliminate them.

Then, I pointed to the south, and the rain in the tropical rainforest came over, carrying a big flag, which said: "Pour the fog to death, kill the people.". I let the rain pour on the haze, blocking the escape path of the haze.

Then, I pointed to the east. The sun god came with his nine sons, each holding a word: conquer the haze and kill the people. With a wave of my magic wand, the sun god took his nine sons to look for the haze, to evaporate it into water and flow it to the ground for purification, and to stand on the left side of the north wind and rain to prevent the haze from escaping.

Then, I pointed out to the West that the Blissful World sent people to help mankind. They carried two flags, one of which wrote: "Persuade the haze to harm no one." The second flag wrote: "If you don't listen to good advice, come and see!"! It turned out that the people of the Blissful World had brought four treasure banners, and the four generals of the Devil Family each took a treasure banner and waved it. No matter what, the wind of the treasure banner could blow away 18000 miles. With my magic wand, the people of the Blissful World obediently waved their banners and stood opposite the sun god.

In this way, they surrounded the haze. The haze was so anxious that it could not help but rush up to the sky. This time, Uncle Beifeng, Rain, the Sun God and the people of the Blissful World had no choice. Seeing the haze was about to run away, I waved my magic wand to the sky, and the Queen Mother appeared. She took out a linen bag and said to the haze, "Stop --" and "Chuckle". The haze was put into the pocket by the Queen Mother. Since then, the haze can no longer harm people!

How I wish I had magic!

Suppose composition 600 (8)

It has been 13 years since I came to this world, but it seems that I am just passing away. I can see clearly from my faltering steps when I was one or two years old to my grasp of life now. Everyone is not sensible when he is born, but he will realize something when he grows up. When I look back on the past, I sometimes laugh and sometimes regret.

In kindergarten, I had many good partners. At that time, besides eating and sleeping, we played. Did you remember? That little orchard? Catch crickets and listen to magpies singing. At noon, lie on a wooden bench for a while. Close your eyes and face the sun directly. Let the sun shine on your eyelids. It feels like traveling in a fairyland. It's leisurely and comfortable.

As I grew older, I entered primary school. In the first few weeks of primary school, I felt very lonely, because those playmates who used to be in kindergarten were scattered, but I also made many friends. At that time, I thought: It's better to stay in kindergarten, without having classes. Although primary schools are not as easy as kindergartens, there is still a lot of time for us to play. For example, we can still be crazy in sunshine sports and physical education classes. Jump rope, run, play football, pull the horizontal bar together

Time flies. Last September, I was promoted to Qingkai No. 4 Middle School. At the beginning, I expected to be as good at school as primary school. However, I failed in my first exam. I also complained and thought: Alas, primary school is better. So I am more tired of learning, and I will do worse in the next exam. I still don't know why. Until my mother said to me, "Ziqian, you can't just miss your lost childhood. That lost childhood will be lost forever. No amount of regret can change anything. Time can never go back. You can only look forward!"

I also had a good taste of my mother's words, understood the truth, and finally made progress in the last exam. Yeah! We should look forward!

If I could go back in time, I would cherish every period of time

Suppose composition 600 (9)

The old house is a quiet and beautiful place. There is no coldness and busyness of new buildings. Everything is so quiet and serene. The warm sun shines on the bluestone slab, the shadow of the old ginkgo tree is pulled long, the chicks are playing and pecking on the ground, the baby dogs are running and barking in front of and behind the house

But in a setting sun like blood, the old house collapsed.

Since then, it has become a place that haunts me. When talking about the old house, the parents' eyes show their nostalgia and sadness. That is their root, their eternal hometown. If the old house can come back, I will hug again in the place full of joy.

The summer heat can't stop me from playing. There is a clear stream in front of the old house, and there is a dock stone beside the stream for adults to wash clothes. Over the years, the dock stone has been polished round and smooth by the stream, with dark gray and brown spots, indicating its long history. I rolled up my trousers, barefoot, "kick kick kick kick kick" and ran across the overturned quayside at that time. The stream gently passed through my ankle, like a small snake cold, but as soft as the spring breeze in March. Light red shrimp, big eyed fish, shuttle and play between my heel and toe, itchy and naughty! "Bark, bark!" Xiao Qi, the little nurse dog, ran and barked at the water's edge. Sometimes the chickens who were looking for food on the ground had to make way for this "crazy" dog to run happily.

"Po, go back to the house!" A head popped out from the kitchen. Grandma was calling me! "Hey, here we are!" I again "thumped" across the water wharf. The little nurse dog ran back to the shed and went to enjoy the cool. I also crossed the old threshold and ran into the old house. Thick wooden walls stand straight between the rooms, separating the living room from the room. I wiped my sweat and sat on a small bamboo chair, smooth and cool. I took a palm leaf fan and gently shook it. Grandma hit a little well water to wipe her face, which made her feel cool!

The stream is full of happiness; Trees are full of shade; The old house, bearing the childhood of several generations, fell down quietly. If the old house can come back, I will enjoy playing in the old house.

Standing on the site of the old house, my mind drifts away gradually

Suppose composition 600 (10)

If I go back to the Tang Dynasty, my composition will be 600 words

When I returned to the Tang Dynasty, I would first compare literature with the emperor; When I return to the Tang Dynasty, I must see Wu Zetian's king style; When I returned to the Tang Dynasty, I would also like to see if Concubine Yang really fell like the fish and geese in the book.

At night, I took a bath and went to bed. At about 12 o'clock, I heard someone calling me, so I quickly got up. Suddenly, a kind old lady appeared in front of me. She claimed to be a space-time envoy. She asked me, "Which dynasty do you want to go to?" I thought for a while and said, "I want to go to the Tang Dynasty." The space-time envoy took out her "flying carpet" and took me to a black hole. She asked me to put on an eye mask and said that time travel would hurt my eyes. About a minute later, the time and space envoy asked me to take off the blindfold, and I saw a huge building. I thought about it, and speculated that it should be the legendary palace. The time and space envoy said to me: "We will meet here one day later. You can't be late, or you will never go back, and you can't destroy history!" After that, the time and space envoy drove away with a flying carpet.

I think, how can the time and space envoy know that I want to come to the palace? Anyway, I have to hurry to find a way to enter the palace.

What do I think my modern dress looks like? It's a little like a little witch. Well (because my clothes are black) I went to the guard and said, "I'm a witch." Then I took out a fluorescent stick, and I said, "I want to see your emperor." They believed it, let me in, and took me to the imperial study. The guard in front of the room is the emperor who is dealing with official business. You can go in when the emperor is ready. After saying that, he left. I saw that he had gone far away. He could not listen to his words and rushed in eagerly.

When I saw the emperor, I said to him: "I am a witch. Let me ask you a question. If you can answer it, I will tell you your future. If you can't answer it, take me to see Princess Yang. How about that? The emperor said:" OK, I will bet with you! "

I asked you, "What does it mean to catch the king first? The emperor said," It's not simple. It means to catch the leader first. "I said," It's wrong. I should catch the king first if I lost something. "The emperor was teased by me, so he took me to see Princess Yang as promised. When I saw Princess Yang herself, wow, she was so beautiful that I didn't know how to describe her. She has a pair of big, watery eyes and is very beautiful; A small mouth like a cherry, and eyebrows like a curved moon, so beautiful! She was dressed in pale yellow gold silk, wore a gold hairpin on her head, and wore a golden pearl necklace around her neck. Her pink face was full of spring, her eyes were moving, and she looked forward to life

"Get up, get up!" Mom told me to get up, ah, it was a dream!

Although it is a long Meng, it still makes me unforgettable.

If I go back to the Tang Dynasty, my composition will be 600 words

If you return to the Tang Dynasty, you are an elegant woman, with silver hairpin shining and lips like rosy clouds. Take a Baoma Xiangche to see the peach blossom and listen to the flowing water. A tear trace caresses your melancholy.

If you return to the Tang Dynasty, you are a talented woman, with clouds and neon clothes, and you can move the lotus step gently. Under the watch of candlelight, I dress up alone and play the guqin lightly. A stack of poems scrubs your slanted melancholy.

If you return to the Tang Dynasty, you are a sweet woman, sailing on the lake, holding oars and singing. The scholar who cherishes the sword is still afraid of the cold spring. A corner of the sleeve catches your crimson eyes.

If you go back to the Tang Dynasty, you are a passionate woman. When you become red, you become wine, and the fragrance floats. Through the shadow of the moon, the lamp is dancing and the tears are coral. A red mole lights up your lonely dream.

Tonight, it is no sin to imagine. You are waking up and swimming your soul - just as we did not lose the old agreement and meet again at the next ferry.

From the involvement of a red line, salvage the welcome sails

If I go back to the Tang Dynasty, my composition will be 600 words

If I went back to the Tang Dynasty, I would go back to the temple where Tang Sanzang lived and listen to him talk about the Dharma of the Tang Dynasty. After that, I will ask him about the difficulties and obstacles he encountered on the way to get scriptures, and how he overcame them. Whether there are Monkey King, Pig Bajie, and Sha Wujing as mentioned in Journey to the West.

If I returned to the Tang Dynasty, I would go back to Qin Shubao to ask me to learn double swords, I would also go back to Cheng Yaojin to ask me to play with axes, and I would also go back to Xue Rengui to ask me to use Fang Tian's painting halberd. I will also tell them about Bruce Lee's exploits of dominating the Wulin with his bare hands, making people in the Tang Dynasty become Bruce Lee's admirers.

If I returned to the Tang Dynasty, I would find Li Bai and ask him to take me around the world. He would tell me how to feel the beauty of nature and how to write poems. I will also tell him about the poets in history, how to praise him, and whether he is elegant, bold or depressed.

Suppose composition 600 (11)

Since I came to the world, I have been playing the role of a girl. If there was an afterlife, I would try to be a boy, then what would I do?

If I were a boy, I must put "courage" first. Courage may be the symbol of boys. In learning, we should dare to imagine, dare to try, and do what we cannot do. In addition, it should also be reflected in life. You can't be scared out of your soul by a bug or a cockroach like some people.

If I were a boy, I would focus on learning, give full play to my logical thinking, make top grades in the class, less rebellious psychology, and become the teacher's right-hand man. In this way, I would not have to grow up in the beating and scolding of teachers and parents.

As a boy, if sports are not good, it will be a shame. Therefore, if I were a boy, I would certainly exercise well. It's better to be a basketball expert at the school sports meeting. You can shoot heartily on the court. How awesome!

If I am a boy, I must have good manners. I must not be like some people. Not only do I play tricks on others all day, but also I often play tricks on some small animals to scare girls. In this way, I can show my cleverness and fearless courage.

As for appearance, we can't decide by ourselves, but I don't have high requirements for appearance, and it doesn't matter if I can't become a "school grass", as long as I have the upper middle level.

Of course, as boys, there are also unfair times. Girls can use tears to vent their dissatisfaction. Boys can only remember that "men don't tear lightly", and the bitter water can only be swallowed.

If I were a boy, I would not make girls cry, nor would I let my parents work hard, nor would I escape responsibility. I would not give up easily, nor would I be indecisive... If I were a boy, and could do the above, it would be close to perfection, but after all, there is no perfect person, and there will always be defects and regrets. But whether I am a boy or a girl, I will take every step of my life steadily!

Suppose composition 600 (12)

With the development of society, people's life is getting better and better, but some things make us happy and worried. I'm glad that science and technology are very developed, which has brought us a lot of convenience. The worry is that the pace of life is getting faster and faster. Everyone is busy with their business and wants to live a good life. What can we do?

At that time, I thought, if only an intelligent robot could help us selflessly. For example, when you come home after a hard day's work, just say, "Open sesame." The door will open; When you walk through the door, it will take the initiative to bring your slippers; When you come to the table, it will help you prepare a delicious meal; When you finish eating, it will help you wash the dishes, sweep the floor and mop the floor; When you sleep, it will sit beside you to tell you stories, sing songs, and let you fall asleep. When you get up, it will make you breakfast and make your bed; When you go out to play, it will give you a pair of white wings to take you around the world. Do you also want to have such a considerate helper?

I also thought that if there was a talking pericarp box, it would be better. When it sees that you are going to throw garbage on the ground, it will say: "Don't litter, don't litter, throw it into my mouth quickly!" At this moment, you may say: "It's none of your business! I can throw it wherever I like!" It will kindly say to you: "I let you throw garbage into my mouth, because it is good for environmental health. So I asked you to put garbage in my mouth. " After hearing these words, you may lower your head in embarrassment and say, "Thank you for reminding me, or I will destroy the environmental sanitation!" After that, you will throw the garbage into its mouth. Look! How clean our environment is like this.

Technology makes our life more beautiful, convenient and comfortable. I believe that modern science and technology will continue to create miracles and improve our lives.

Suppose composition 600 (13)

Today, after the teacher finished the text "The Story of Prometheus", I closed my eyes in a daze for lunch.

When I open my eyes, ah! Why am I in the forest! I looked around. Eh! Why are there so many insects on the ground! I looked at myself again, my God! How did my clothes turn into leaves? When I was curious about everything, a wild man in strange clothes came with a javelin in his hand (the javelin was very simple, and a sharp stone was firmly tied to a long branch with a rope at the head of the javelin). The man pointed his javelin at me and forced me into a stone array. There are many people like him in the stone array. When they see me coming, they point a javelin at me, forcing me to a young man. When they point a javelin at me, they take back the javelin and kneel me on the ground. They also kneel on the ground, saying, "Long live the minister, long live the minister." They kowtow as they speak. When the young man waves his hand, they stop kowtowing and just kneel on the ground. The young man came up and said, "Get up.". I stood up in fear and walked to the young man to write a composition. The young man asked me my name and why I came here. With these words, we caught up with each other, and the young man took me to dinner at the meal point. I was surprised to find that the food in their mouth was a poor person who could not escape the sad fate of dying. Everyone ate its meat raw, and their mouths were full of blood. I can't eat any more. I'll pick wild fruits nearby.

A few days later, I found that there was almost no one here. People hunted each other, were forced by wild animals, and endured natural disasters in the stone array. I think if I bring fire to them, maybe they will be all right. I hit a stone with a stone in a dry day, and finally I got a spark with great effort. I was so happy that I made a fire and called the young people. Ask the young people to pass the fire to everyone. Everyone said it was a good thing, and I told everyone how to make a fire. Soon everyone came out of the stone array and learned to hunt animals. Everyone is happy for this new life

Suddenly there was a flood and a burst of laughter. Ah... The teacher splashed water on my face. It was a dream!

Suppose composition 600 (14)

If I change, guess what I will become?

Look! Look! There is a big wishing star in the sky! Ha ha, that's what I changed. How about I become the leader of the Wishing Star. Among all the wishing stars, the leaders are brighter and bigger, making more wishes. I can make five wishes.

I always heard from my ancestors that the wild fruit forest scenery is very beautiful. I want to see what the Wild Fruit Forest looks like. So I came to the Wild Fruit Forest.

When I arrived at the Wild Fruit Forest, I was surprised by the sight. The leaves on the trees were few and yellow, and the grass on the ground hung its head, looking weak.

God, I can't help making a wish: let the environment become better! At this time, a breeze blew, the grass became green, the trees became dense, and everywhere became full of vitality.

Until one day, when I came to the street and saw many solar and wind powered amphibious vehicles, I knew that China had already entered the high-tech era. Somehow, I had a strange idea: since China has entered the high-tech era, other countries should be the same as China! I have a look here and there. It is found that only large countries have entered the high-tech era. Small countries lag behind large countries and are often bullied by large countries. I do not hesitate to wish world peace. A beam of sunshine will fall and the war will disappear.

Then I made a wish: let Ebola virus leave the world and let blind people have bright eyes.

But now I can only make one more wish. But you should know that once the wishing star uses the last right to make a wish, it not only means that it can't make a wish, but also means that it will disappear.

But let me think: my dream is to make the earth better. So I slowly closed my eyes and carefully made the last wish: let Taiwan return to the motherland, then disappeared with a smile.

Suppose composition 600 (15)

If I can change, I will become a cloud. When I am happy, I will make room for the sun. When you are unhappy, it rains.

One day, there was a drought in a village. The Jade Emperor said, "Well, look at the drought. Go and cure it." I gladly accepted the order. When other clouds saw this, their mouths were all crooked with anger. "Look at her, who walks like her." After receiving the order, they dared not delay and set out immediately. It will be here in a minute. The sun was so arrogant when he saw me. He was not angry. He shouted, "Hey, little brother, why are you here? Go out!" I didn't pay any attention to him, but he shouted, "Little brother, take my words for granted! Look at my Meteor Fist, one blow will blow you to Java!"

It ran towards me fiercely. "Kuang" made a loud noise, and he was kicked far away by me, his face was swollen. He said with a sad face, "I forgot that the Meteor Fist is the moon's skill." Wuwuwuwu... I was just about to leave, when I heard his cry, I turned my head to see his injury. He stopped crying immediately and shouted angrily, "What are you looking at?" Hey, I want to bandage you. Hum, good heart is like a donkey's liver and lung. "Look what you are doing!" Look at the sun at this time, and it makes me angry: "Hum, I can promise that you will not go back to one cloud, but one cloud!" "Hum, I won't play with you, just play by myself. I have to go first, and I have to go to disaster relief." Then I flew away quickly. The sun also left angrily. Recalling the scene at that time, I couldn't help laughing and got stuck on the branch accidentally. I shouted in frustration, "Well, now it can be widely known." But fortunately, this is just a small tree that is not very strong. I twisted from side to side, and unexpectedly came out. However, an accident happened again, "Pa", and I landed first in the face. It's a pity that I am so beautiful. The most tragic thing is that I fell on the hillside and couldn't stop for a moment. I unexpectedly rolled down the hillside like a ball, covered with weeds and leaves. I became a real big flower ball.

At two or three o'clock in the night, I limped back to the palace. I had to take a good bath, or the big flower cloud would not make the little friends laugh. I have to keep this embarrassing thing in my heart.

If composition 600 (16)

If you say, "What are you doing, kid?" I will quietly ripple the water in the cup, smile gently, but make no noise.

I will squat quietly at the corner of your desk and watch you work.

When you push away the bed, half squint your eyes, walk through the living room and come to the kitchen where you are boiling water, you will pick up a small glass, pour bright water, wet your dry tongue, but do not know that you are holding a small me.

When you have eaten breakfast, sit in front of the computer and look up information, pick up the cup and cover your hands, I will give you all the temperatures I can feel in the cup.

But will you know that this is the temperature your child conveyed to you?

When you take a cup to pour a glass of orange juice in the evening, I suddenly fall onto the chair and become your child again, and beg you to let me eat another biscuit.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you all day!"

"Mom, guess."

If I became a cat, just for fun, jumping up and down noisily, napping lazily on the chair, gently and rhythmically swinging my tail, Mom, would you know me?

If you call out, "Where are you, kid?" I'll rub my feet at your feet, but I won't say a word.

When you work, I lie down behind the computer. It's very warm there. You will see a furry tail, look down, and a furry butt. You pat that butt, but don't know that the tail and the butt belong to your child.

When you feed other cats, I will squat in the distance and tremble my beard.

You took out the cat food again at night, and I would jump back to the ground and become your child again, so I begged you to let me drink a box of milk.

"Child, where did you play again?"

"Mom, guess again."

Suppose composition 600 (17)

We live on the earth, and cannot leave the sun every day. If there is no sun, we cannot dry our clothes, and we cannot feel warm when wearing them.

If there is no sun in the world, we cannot eat vegetables and sweet and delicious fruits in spring, the flowers will not bloom so brightly, the crops will not grow rice, and human beings will be starved to death. I'm afraid the consequences are unimaginable.

If there is no sun in the world, the world will be dark, the world will never be lit up, there will be no sunny morning, there will be no tomorrow, and the day will never end. We will not see magnificent rivers and mountains decorated like fairies, flowers and trees sprinkled with silver powder like butterflies, and even the azure sky. If there is no sun, Everything on the earth will not survive, only waiting for the death bell to ring, the color of the flowers will change from bright color to pale white, until withering and withering, in the dark, the children's laughter gradually becomes silent, students can't learn, people can't work normally, can't live normally!

If there is no sun, the four seasons will be just a legend. Spring, when birds sing and flowers smell, is a good season for all things to recover. The sun rises slowly from the east, which means that a new day has arrived. Xiaohua smiles happily, grass is dancing happily, willows are straight, hair is dancing in the wind, and orioles are running to join in the excitement, It's singing happily and has gone far away... If there is no sun, it will be just "past tense"!

It is conceivable that if there is no sun, all things in the world will face the danger of survival and death. Would you like the time without the sun?