Lazy People (Top 5)
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2023-12-25 03:00:30
Grade 6

Lazy people (1)

There are four heavenly kings in our class. They are all very lazy people. They don't do homework all day long, and they have to play noisily in class. They have to work hard. One of the girls was not tall, but she looked beautiful, except for a scar on her nose. Her name is Tingting.

She just plays all day long and doesn't know how to do her homework.

Once, she was making up her homework. She sat on the seat with a pen in her hand and kept looking around. Suddenly, I saw a smile on her face, her eyes fixed on a place, and she did not move. I looked down her eyes and saw that she was watching some students jump rubber bands outside the window. She is also thinking about playing. Just because the teacher appointed a classmate to supervise her to finish her homework, she had no way to sneak out to play.

At this time, the student in charge of teaching her was urging her to do her homework again. She had to pick up her pen and write again. However, she only wrote two words and then looked up at the classmate. She saw that the classmate was not looking at her at this time, and talked to the next classmate. She has deserted again. The classmate talked with someone for a while and looked at her again. Seeing that she was not doing her homework, he urged her to do it quickly... So she did it for more than half an hour before she finished a problem. The students next to her urged her to do it. However, she still had many problems that she could not do, so she waited for the people next to her to teach her. In this way, she did it more slowly. Because every time she writes a parenthesis, she asks the students next to her for every number. The student next to her was so angry that she said, "Do it yourself, don't ask people everything! Use your brain." She stopped doing it. The man had to show her. She did it again. After doing this for a while, she stopped again. I walked over to see that she was watching others play again. When the man saw her, he said to her, "Tingting, don't stop, move! Do it!" The students next to her stared at her, and she started again. During the whole lunch break, she finished an assignment.

When she finished the homework, she asked the person next to her to help her hand it in. But she took advantage of the opportunity to play, regardless of other homework she did less.

Alas, she is really lazy!

Lazy People (2)

"Yue'er! Why are you still sleeping? Get up quickly and wash your smelly socks! I've told you many times that 'strength' is inexhaustible, and you haven't heard the old people often say that strength is a 'strange', and today makes it still there tomorrow? Why do you hesitate to spend a little effort? Look at how many pairs of smelly socks you have? One pair, two pairs, three pairs..." Alas! My mother is asking me to wash socks again. I have asked for it three hundred times. I don't let people be quiet for a while on weekends. It's really annoying! I quickly retracted my head into the quilt - let my mother's chatter go back to the last century!

I graduated from the sixth grade immediately. My homework is piled up into a mountain every day. I don't even have the strength to do homework. How can I wash socks! Alas! It's no good to grow up! When I was in kindergarten, it was so good. I played, played games, sang and danced all day long. That was my favorite. At that time, there was no homework to write, let alone washing socks. If only I could go back in time and change back to that time!

"Wang Yueyan, don't stand there in a daze. Come here and play games!" Eh? Did you call me? Deng, a kindergarten teacher, shouted at me from afar. I rubbed my eyes and looked left and right in surprise - slide, mushroom house, swing... yeah! I'm really back in kindergarten! It's so cool! I ran to Mr. Deng, playing games! Goodbye, my homework! Goodbye, my smelly socks! After the game, Mr. Deng gave each of us a lollipop. The taste in my heart is sweeter than this lollipop!

It was time for lunch in a twinkling of an eye, and I thought to myself, "Except for playing, this is the day I want to live." After playing all morning, I was really hungry. But I don't want to move after taking one bite. I'm so tired - I have to eat with a spoon! I don't have the strength to get the spoon! If only someone fed me! I looked at Mr. Deng eagerly, but he always turned around without looking at me.

It seems that I have to be smaller. When I return to my baby, someone will hold it all day long. When I cry when I'm hungry, someone will feed me. I don't need to do it myself! That's the life of the immortals!

I'm still thinking about it. It's really getting smaller. I lay in my father's arms. My father held me and shook me around. He still hummed a nursery rhyme to amuse me (Dad, please stop humming. It's a noise with five tones). I really couldn't listen anymore, so I wailed in protest. My father immediately said painfully, "What's wrong with Yue'er, are you hungry?" While talking, the pacifier had already been put into my mouth. The sweet smell of milk slowly slid down my esophagus into my stomach. It was so cool! This is the good day I yearn for!

However, I was not satisfied with this kind of life for less than two days. Because every time I take milk, I have to keep sucking, and all my strength is used up (I finally realize what is called "no strength to take milk"), which makes me breathless. Not good! Not good! Can't be a baby anymore! I can't watch my strength be exhausted!

Let me go back to my mother's stomach. That would be better. The umbilical cord will automatically deliver nutrition to me. I don't even need to open my mouth, and I don't need to spend any effort. That's the best and best life!

I really went back to my mother's belly. But why does the space here become so small? I can hardly breathe. Oh, I remember. Since my mother gave birth to me, her weight has gone up in a straight line. She has been reducing weight with her tummy band. I'm out of breath. My whole body looks like a piece of cake. I'm really squeezed to death. I couldn't help crying, "God, is there any place in the world where I can stay?"

Expert comments:

It is quite unexpected to write "the laziest person" in such a way. Curly Curly's creative ability is so strong that even Old Zhou has to say - admire, admire!

When students write "the laziest person", no matter how magical the content of imagination is, they basically follow the same pattern in form: that is, describe the lazy person's various lazy forms. Curly's composition can be said to completely break this pattern. She did not exaggerate "my" laziness like others, such as being lazy to eat for a month and washing clothes for a year. Instead, she skillfully transformed "lazy to do" into "not to do". Adults are lazy if they don't want to eat by themselves. Babies are lazy if they don't eat by themselves, which is natural because they can't eat by themselves. In order to be lazy, "I" began to "degenerate" to "do nothing", that is, first "degenerate" to kindergarten, then "degenerate" to infants, and finally "degenerate" to become a fetus. Finally, I didn't have to do anything by myself. It can be said that it is the transformation of this concept that has made this composition a qualitative leap to a very high level. If you haven't said anything, just praise!

Lazy People (3)

Sometimes, when I lie in bed, I feel that life is really boring and alive. What is the meaning? Is this the way to sleep? No, I think life can be more meaningful and valuable.

During the summer vacation, my sister and I made a rule that one day we played computer games and had a rest. What about my study time? Is it just abandoned for nothing? I always want to go out to cram school. But why can't I find it? The reason is that I am too picky, and I say again that this is not good, and that is not good, so that time is always delayed. I remember the other day, my classmate Hu Haiwei and I went to the book center to buy the homework assigned by the English teacher. But after looking for a long time, Hu Haiwei didn't see it. He said, "Why don't we go to the book store?" I replied, "It's too tired. Don't." So we went home empty handed.

I still remember the last time my father asked me to buy some vegetables for him, when I was playing computer. Dad said, "I will turn off the computer if you don't go." I said rebelliously, "OK, you can turn off it, it doesn't matter. I don't want to play anymore." Dad was very angry and turned off the computer directly. When I ran to the hall and turned on the TV to watch it, my father also turned off the TV. I continued to fight with him and ran to the room to sleep. Dad had no choice but to go by himself. After my father left, I felt ashamed of my actions. Why am I so lazy? When my father came back, he said, "Don't eat tonight!" I said angrily, "If you don't eat, don't eat. Hum!" When the food was cooked, a smell of fragrance came to my nose. Wow, it smells good, and my belly is so delicious! I swallowed a mouthful of saliva and continued to endure. My father walked into my room and said, "I'm going to eat." I was shocked. Why did my father ask me to eat?

After that, my father was a little cold towards me. The next time, my father was mopping the floor, and I whispered, "Dad, let me come." My father looked at me, and from his eyes I felt that he did not seem to be indifferent to me. He gave me the mop directly, and I happily dragged it. From then on, Dad began to talk and laugh as before.

Don't be too lazy in life. Laziness makes people hate you, think you are beautiful, and make people feel sad about you. I hope everyone can not be lazy, hard work is a good child!

Lazy people (4)

There are four heavenly kings in our class. They are all very lazy people. They don't do homework all day long, and they have to play noisily in class. They have to work hard. One of the girls was not tall, but she looked beautiful, except for a scar on her nose. Her name is Tingting.

She just plays all day long and doesn't know how to do her homework.

Once, she was making up her homework. She sat on the seat with a pen in her hand and kept looking around. Suddenly, I saw a smile on her face, her eyes fixed on a place, and she did not move. I looked down her eyes and saw that she was watching some students jump rubber bands outside the window. She is also thinking about playing. Just because the teacher appointed a classmate to supervise her to finish her homework, she had no way to sneak out to play.

At this time, the student in charge of teaching her was urging her to do her homework again. She had to pick up her pen and write again. However, she only wrote two words and then looked up at the classmate. She saw that the classmate was not looking at her at this time, and talked to the next classmate. She has deserted again. The classmate talked with someone for a while and looked at her again. Seeing that she was not doing her homework, he urged her to do it quickly... So she did it for more than half an hour before she finished a problem. The students next to her urged her to do it. However, she could not do many problems, so she waited for the people next to her to teach her. In this way, she did it more slowly. Because every time she writes a parenthesis, she asks the students next to her for every number. The student next to her was so angry that she said, "Do it yourself, don't ask people everything! Use your brain." She stopped doing it. The man had to show her. She did it again. After doing this for a while, she stopped again. I walked over to see that she was watching others play again. When the man saw her, he said to her, "Tingting, don't stop, move! Do it!" The student next to her stared at her, and then she started again. During the whole lunch break, she finished an assignment.

When she finished the homework, she asked the person next to her to help her hand it in. But she took advantage of the opportunity to play, regardless of other homework she did less.

Alas, she is really lazy!

Lazy people (5)

A lazy person

Tang Chao, the fifth (second) student in Wuzhen Zhicai Primary School, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province, has four heavenly kings in our class. They are all very lazy people. They don't do homework all day long, and they have to play noisily in class. All of them have to work hard. One of the girls was not tall, but she looked beautiful, except for a scar on her nose. Her name is Tingting.

She just plays all day long and doesn't know how to do her homework.

Once, she was making up her homework. She sat on the seat with a pen in her hand and kept looking around. Suddenly, I saw a smile on her face, her eyes fixed on a place, and she did not move. I looked down her eyes and saw that she was watching some students jump rubber bands outside the window. She is also thinking about playing. Just because the teacher appointed a classmate to supervise her to finish her homework, she had no way to sneak out to play.

At this time, the student in charge of teaching her was urging her to do her homework again. She had to pick up her pen and write again. However, she only wrote two words and then looked up at the classmate. She saw that the classmate was not looking at her at this time, and talked to the next classmate. She has deserted again. The classmate talked with someone for a while and looked at her again. Seeing that she was not doing her homework, he urged her to do it quickly... So she did it for more than half an hour before she finished a problem. The students next to her urged her to do it. However, she could not do many problems, so she waited for the people next to her to teach her. In this way, she did it more slowly. Because every time she writes a parenthesis, every number will ask the next student. The student next to her was so angry that she said, "Do it yourself, don't ask people everything! Use your brain." She stopped doing it. The man had to show her. She did it again. After doing this for a while, she stopped again. I walked over to see that she was watching others play again. When the man saw her, he said to her, "Tingting, don't stop, move! Do it!" The students next to her stared at her, and she started again. During the whole lunch break, she finished an assignment.

When she finished the homework, she asked the person next to her to help her hand it in. But she took advantage of the opportunity to play, regardless of other homework she did less.

Alas, she is really lazy!

Instructor: Feng Yongkang