Meeting Love at the Corner (15 refined articles)
Half a Little Love Song
2023-11-14 04:16:01
Grade 6

Love at the Corner (1)

When turning again

Love never came

That fairy tale

Has become a beautiful lie

Love and be loved wait at the same angle

Degree of corner

The miracle that determines the encounter

And the regret that passed by

Looking forward to the coming of love

Non-stop corner

When love goes from different angles

There will be no love around the corner

Love at the Corner (2)

Memories are like postcards, pearls, and candies. When I recall them, I can't help but smile when I chew candies.

That day, it was raining heavily. After I ate my last breakfast, I looked at my father expectantly, which was very obvious. I just want my father to send me. As a result, my father didn't seem to understand. He said, "After eating, go to school. Today the road is slippery, be careful." He continued to eat breakfast. There is a misty mist in my eyes. I tried to squeeze it back. Grab the bag, run outside and say, "Mom, I'm leaving."

As I walked on the road, my hand with the handle of my umbrella was red with cold, and my nose was red like a clown. I thought to myself, how can my father do this? It's OK to follow me for a while. If the weather is good, I won't care about it. But it's so bad today, and it's raining heavily. Hum, Dad is so bad... The more I think about it, the more angry I become. Forget about something else. The homework assigned by the teacher... Alas, I don't seem to have any homework with me. Go home and get it quickly. I ran up, ran to the corner of the door, I saw a familiar figure is my father. I asked my father, "What are you looking at here?" My father stammered, "No... No, what are you doing?" Hum, I don't go to work. I'm sneaking around here. Hum, I told my mother to go.

While I was telling my mother, my mother suddenly cut in. "In fact, your father didn't go to work just to see you off. As a girl, he didn't trust." "Why didn't he just see me off?" "Although his family is better now, he doesn't want you to form a habit and be more independent."

Hearing these words, I couldn't help shedding tears. Although it was raining, a warm current rushed into my heart.

Love at the Corner (3)

"Who I met at the corner of love? I won't let love cry. You are me and my beauty.

notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

I hummed a ditty and wrote ancient poems from memory. "Oh, I was afraid that Shuangxi could be called a Meng boat. I tried to think about it and couldn't help looking out of the window.

The light rain kept on falling, and there was no place to vent the sadness in my heart, but it added a few worries to the sky full of light rain. "Alas, I'm afraid Shuangxi Meng boat can't carry many worries." I sighed. Yes, that's it! Suddenly, I woke up with a start and hurriedly lowered my head to write the poem.

When the bell rang, the students flew out of the classroom like birds and walked through the rain with small umbrellas. They merged into a colorful river, flowing to their own destination at the corner of their respective homes, and melting into the warm harbor.

And I don't have an umbrella. The beautiful red umbrella was robbed by my sister because my father preferred my sister. I had to wait for my father's arrival under the spacious eaves.

Little by little time passed in the rain, but the figure I waited for never appeared.

Looking at the seemingly endless rain today, I gritted my teeth and rushed into the rain curtain. Let the rain hit my face, wet my hair, lonely my sad mood.

At the corner of the house, a familiar but unfamiliar figure came into my eyes in a hurry. It was my father. My father walked up to me and was about to speak when his cell phone rang, "Who did you meet at the corner of love?"

Father handed me the umbrella and turned to answer the phone. I was so angry that I wanted to break my father's umbrella, but I didn't have it because I found my father's cell phone ring had changed again.

How I used to like Blue and White Porcelain, and how I adored Preferential, but now I am fascinated by Luo Zhixiang's Love Corner.

My father is still talking on the phone sideways, talking about things at work, and has rarely contacted my father so closely. Father is always busy working. When he comes home, he just plays with his sister. He holds her and sits on his lap, tells her stories and plays games with her. Watching my sister cry joyfully and cry coquettishly, I felt like a wisp of air.

However, my father's ringtone has changed again.

When I liked Blue and White Porcelain, my father's mobile phone ring was Blue and White Porcelain, and I secretly laughed at my father for being an adult and also chasing stars; When I worshipped "Preference", my father's cell phone ringtone was changed to "Preference". I secretly hated how annoying my father was and what other people liked.

Looking at my father who is still talking on the phone, in the thick rain curtain, I suddenly understand that my father is not in pursuit of fashion. The reason why he changes his mobile phone ring tone so frequently is just for a daughter who is becoming more and more distant from him. It turned out that my father had never ignored me, and he had such a subtle insight into all her thoughts.

In an instant, the warmth is so dense, just like this continuous rain curtain, overwhelming the sky and the earth. Who does Love Corner meet? My father, and his silent love.

Love at the Corner (4)

God lost my heart on the beach, and I was stranded. Around me is a long and endless beach. The sand is yellow and dim.

I am a little lost. Is this my destined position?

Whenever night falls, I look at the sky from afar and envy the stars that people look up to. They are bright and dazzling, radiating eternal brightness. However, I also saw the deep sky behind the stars. It was the boundless darkness that set off the dazzling stars.

But I am not reconciled.

I turned around and saw a light.

The raging sea is in anger, pregnant with the power to destroy everything. The huge waves were lit up by a small beam of light. At the edge of the high cliff stood a woman who shrank in the storm, but her hand was like a standing stone pillar, holding a bright light. Elk, the sad sister, did not choose to wait for her brother to go to sea quietly in her shelter from the wind and rain, but stood on the cliff and lit the bright light of hope with courage and perseverance.

The high cliffs let Elk's lights blend into the starlight. I marvel that she has found her own position in watching her family. Although her watch has become eternal, her lamp is always bright and the position she stands has become an eternal direction.

I began to think about my own position.

When the day comes, the hot sun is the master of everything.

I was surprised to stare at the sun, which is a unique position, a position where all things can look up.

However, I was afraid of my ridiculous ideas. Who can replace and become the sun?

A huge figure passed in front of me, and the earth trembled. He is a man chasing the sun. He seems never tired, a pair of firm feet have already worn out cocoons, but the enthusiasm remains, the confidence remains. He is still holding his head in the direction of the sun, which is his eternal coordinate, and he devotes his life to return to the origin.

The hot sun burned his eyes, but I saw his eyes burst out of strength and fire, as if they had burned into two fireballs.

I suddenly felt sad for him. He was looking for a position he could not reach.

But I was wrong. I saw Kuafu end his pursuit. He entered the light of the sun on the yellow wood and became nirvana in the burning. There he got rest and eternal life. From then on, it burned into a great totem.

I was shocked. Kuafu is constantly running and struggling towards his position in his heart. In fact, he has found his position in the running, no matter whether he succeeds or not.

I finally understand that there is no predestined position, no unreachable position, unless you put yourself on the beach forever.

While my heart has not yet weathered into a stone, I am far away from the beach to find my place and my value.

I believe that, as long as I want, courage and faith will make me shine and emit gold like light.

Love at the Corner (5)

Provence, how beautiful; The sun shines on the earth; A new day is coming. Provence, the hometown of lavender, is there. The legendary heroine is waiting for her love. At the end of each summer, she fantasizes about the attitude of happiness when it comes, and a smile of happiness appears on her lips; Look up at the sky and believe that happiness is right in front of you - Provence, a place full of love, is so magical and beautiful; Lavender's flower language is thought-provoking. Love is just like this blooming lavender, which is beautiful every time. Every corner can meet love. Oh, it turns out that love has been spreading - Grade 6: Hometown of Xunyi Grass (original name: Aixun Deer)

Love at the Corner (6)

"Corner Encounters Love" is a TV play. I believe everyone has seen this TV play, but I met hope today.

I live in a reorganized family, because my parents divorced, all the property and children were awarded to my father, and my mother left me without taking anything away. After my mother left, my father married a stepmother. Since then, I have not been as lively and lovely as I used to be. My grades have been declining. It is like being pushed suddenly. I fell into the abyss, which made me unable to extricate myself from it. I started playing computer games, playing QQ, playing truant... I just wanted to attract my father's attention, but my father did not notice. That is to say, my eyes were dark at this time, Only when you are sad, sad and degenerate, you always feel that the end of the world is coming, but you cannot stand up and face the reality.

This kind of life lasted more than a year. In this long year, I feel that I have lost my mother's love forever, and lost everything. Although the teacher is always correcting my homework and asking for help, I can't be happy. Because my mother's love for me reminds me that "mother's love" is leaving me, so I continue to fall, I continue to lie, continue to copy my homework, I began to quarrel with my classmates... Until the second unit of the fourth grade volume II exercise, I wrote the idea I had buried in my heart for a long time - "Mom, I want to tell you". Mr. Hu told you this composition on the spot, and also let the students say how they felt after listening to it. From what the students said, I realized that the students and Mr. Hu encouraged me, and they wanted me to climb out of the abyss and come out of the shadow. I finally crawled out, and gradually I came out of the shadow. Now I can see hope every day, see the clear sky, and the bright sun shines on me

It turns out that there is no obstacle in life. As long as there is hope, there will be a bright tomorrow. Hope is around the corner.

Love at the Corner (7)

In order to beautify the classroom and give students a more comfortable and warm learning environment, we put several pots of flowers and grass beside the book corner in the classroom. Chlorophytes, aloes, green apples... Although they are not expensive, they also add a trace of green to the classroom.

During the holiday, because there is heating in the classroom, we are not afraid of flowers and plants being cold, so we stayed in the classroom and prepared to water them when we are on duty on the holiday.

At the end of the year and the beginning of the year, an epidemic situation made people panic, but on the seventh day of the first month, I went to school to work in the way of two and one lines home and school.

When we arrived at the school, after completing the inspection of the school perspective, we went to the classroom of Class 4, Grade 5 to see the flowers and plants that had not been touched for a long time. Seeing that they are hungry and thirsty, I feel a little pity for them. Quickly replenish them with water and let them have a good drink

Because of the epidemic situation, the school received a notice from the superior that in order to do a good job in the prevention and preparation before the start of school, it needs to do a good job in disinfection in advance. In order to achieve better disinfection effect, in addition to the window opening ventilation and disinfection liquid disinfection by the teacher on duty during school, our school also set up the regular disinfection with the disinfection lamp turned on. It is also the turn on of the disinfection lamp that makes these flowers lose their original vitality and become withered, yellow and withered. In particular, the pot of green apples is dying. I quickly moved them to the office to save their lives. Although I felt that there was little hope for life, I didn't want to abandon the pot of green apples. Instead, I put it on the windowsill in the water room.

Then, I spent more time on duty at the school. Every time I went to the water room to collect water, I would look at it. Sometimes I would collect the dried leaves, but I didn't trim them. I don't remember that a few days later, I went to the school on duty again. When I went to the water room to collect water, I found that this pot of green apples had been trimmed, and only the root had a one centimeter long flower stem left. To my surprise, there were green buds in the middle of the still wilting flower stems. I was overjoyed and took more care of it. I am ashamed to ask who helped me trim and take care of the dying green apple. I know, it must be our headmaster Liu, because he is on duty almost every day. He is a serious person and has broken his heart for the school. And he is also a caring person. His office is also full of all kinds of flowers and plants, and the pots are fresh and growing happily. Our fifth grade office and the principal's office are on the same floor. The revival of this pot of green apples must have his love.

Slowly, the pot of green apples began to grow leaves, and gradually prospered.

It is lucky. When it is about to be abandoned by me, it is now green because of the loving care and encouragement of the pruner and its own efforts.

The story of the rebirth of a pot of green apples taught me a lot. I reflected on the road I had gone through and felt a lot. Many things are like this. From the perspective of Lvluo, as a growing person, what we can do is not give up every love easily, and stick to moving forward. From the perspective of the pruner, we can not be stingy with every bit of love, such as flowers and plants, such as the world. Never give up, never give up, and stick to moving forward. Perhaps, the corner will encounter love, will also encounter a different sunny day. This is the call of the heart, this is the dedication of love. As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world.

Meeting Love at the Corner (8)

Back home again, step by step on the stone road washed by the rain. Walk to the end of the flagstone road, then walk in from a small path, step on the soft mud, with the smell of soil after the rain, look up at the corner, the pear tree.

The pear tree grows in the corner, and the tree pole spreads and stretches outward in the direction without walls, as if it wants to reach something but cannot touch it! It is about two meters away from the ground. Although it is not as coiled as a cotton tree, it also has a taste of immortality. The branches are densely covered with green leaves, and the pear flowers and bones are scattered under the leaves, just like "when you call out a thousand times, you will hold the pipa hair to cover your face". It is shy and cute.

The next few days were covered with rain, and the pear trees stood quietly, standing alone in the corner silently guarding the budding pear flowers.

I listened to a book on my pillow all night. It was the Plum Rain Festival. I lay on my bed, and the raindrops gently knocked on my window, as if to say something. Gradually, gradually, everything became blurred.

In the morning of the next day, I was awakened by the light, and the singing of birds sounded out of the window from time to time, as if today was different from the past. I eagerly pushed the window open. The moment the sun rushed into the window and shone on my face, I seemed to hear the sound of slightly broken skin. The pear tree in the corner successfully attracted my attention. It was full of white, shiny white, and attractive green. The pear flower was a flower overnight, but the next moment it bloomed so white. At that time, I really understood what it was like to "suddenly look at the wind at night, thousands of pear trees bloom", which was magnificent and magical. The morning sun gently sprinkled on the pear petals, The pear flower is shining, and it seems that you can see the petal lines. It has been creeping from the flower stem to the edge of the petal. That is the expansion of life. There are a few drops of dew on the petal. From a distance, you can see the black bricks and black tiles. The white flowers and the green leaves contrast with each other, forming a picture I love in the corner.

What you like is not always sunny and put in the most prominent position; Love will sometimes be in the corner, waiting for you, meet it.

Meeting Love at the Corner (9)

The setting sun spreads all over the campus, and the sunset glow burns red on the horizon. "You come to catch me! You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" In the corner outside the campus, there are many playful figures.

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in my sight, close, close, a pair of angry eyes were searching for my figure in the crowd, sharp eyes made me afraid. "Dad --", I ran away. "You run, you still run, you know how to play after school, and you don't remember to go home!" Dad yelled at me while chasing me. Suddenly I was caught by a big hand. "You are so naughty, go! Follow me home!" My father twisted my ears and walked quickly. I tried hard to break away from my father's powerful hand, and followed my father with grievance and sadness.

Dad's steady pace was rattling. I ducked my mouth, rubbed my ears, and followed my father several steps behind me. While walking, he still looked at his father from time to time. Seeing his father didn't look back, he thought angrily, "Really, I don't care about me at all. My ears are red. You don't feel distressed at all. Doesn't Dad really love me?"?

When I got to the corner outside the campus wall, I was far away. I hurried up a few steps and suddenly looked up. Suddenly, I saw my father slow down, slightly deflected his head, looked aside, and his eyes were full of expectation. The eyes only lasted for 3 seconds. After a moment, my father hesitated slightly and took a big step forward. Just this look was seen by me who accidentally looked up. I stopped and felt happy. My mouth slightly tilted upward, so I quickly ran forward with a smile and carefully held my father's hand. My father looked as if he had not seen me, but his thick hands held my tender hands tightly. In the setting sun, two figures walking side by side, one high and one low, appear to be very harmonious. The afterglow of the setting sun sent my father and me away, and then quietly faded away, while the constant warmth in my heart was flowing.

Dad's gentle fatherly love was vividly displayed in a negligible look in the corner. I finally understand that my father, who seems to have a heart of stone on the outside, is like a spring in the heart, gentle and delicate.

Meeting Love at the Corner (10)

On the bank of the lake where I grew up, I left fourteen footprints, which are the marks of my growth. I have struggled, I have worked hard, this is my life; Laughing and crying, this is my growth. When I look back, I find that love has always accompanied me on the road.

With a heavy heart, he pushed the door open, and his heart pounded on his chest. Alas! I failed the exam again. I must be severely criticized by my mother this time. I really don't know how to face my parents. Sure enough, when my mother heard the news that I failed in the exam, her mouth became a "0" shape, her two thin eyebrows were deeply twisted together, her face was angry and helpless, "Do you know how much I have worked for you, how can you not know how to make progress......"

Although I knew I would be scolded earlier, my mood still fell into a low ebb, and even the last glimmer of hope was also shattered in the sound of scolding. In the wind and rain, I ran out of my house and ran far away. The sky is overcast, like my mood, it seems that there are countless grievances to tell me. I roared at the red maple forest, trying to vent all my unhappiness. I felt worse than anyone when I failed in the exam. Why do you still treat me like this. As if with a deep breath in my heart, I kicked a stone off my feet and fell into the nearby pond in a rage.

The bleak autumn wind caressed my coat, and it passed my ears like a sharp blade, leaving a perfect arc. There are sparse maple leaves hanging on the branches. They sway their tired bodies as if to comfort me and slowly dispel the haze in my heart.

I walked aimlessly into a piece of houses and found that I was home after this corner. Thinking that my mother must still be waiting for me at home, a trace of regret suddenly rose in my heart. But the one who should come should come. I gritted my teeth and walked quickly to the corner.

Everything in front of me had to stop me again. Mother was standing in the yard, her clothes covered with water mist, and her face was worried. At the moment when we looked at each other, I found that my mother had another sense of vicissitudes of life. "When the weather is cold, add more clothes." My eyes were covered with mist, I went forward to hold my mother's hand and walked home together. Silence is better than sound.

Now when I think back on this matter, my heart is still full of excitement. At the moment of that corner, I understood the deep maternal love and hit my heart with its unique rhythm.

The corner meets love, that silent love!

Love at the Corner (11)

I stood at the corner of the corridor again and sniffed hard. The air was full of the smell of fatherly love... Yes, I still remember that moment.

When I was eight years old, children and I played, chased, and played hide and seek in the corridor. The corridor was winding, and it seemed that it would never end. My friends and I were playing. I just ran. Unexpectedly, I stepped on a watermelon skin, lost my balance, and fell down heavily. My friends quickly picked me up and sent me home. My eyes were full of tears.

Because my mother was away from home when she had something to do, my father was the only one at home. He was wearing leather shoes, carrying a bag, and preparing to go out. Seeing that I was helped back by my friends, he said nothing. Looking at my wound, I thought I would gain some comfort and care, Unexpectedly, he just said softly, "It's not too serious. Don't be so delicate. It's normal to bump and bump. Now I have something to do and I'm out.". "What kind of father is this? When my daughter was injured, he didn't have a word of comfort, not even a look. He didn't care about me at all." I thought angrily. "Why are you unhappy?" asked a partner who might have seen my thoughts. "Nothing." I squeezed a smile from the corner of my mouth. I stood on the stairs silently, looking at my father's back, "Maybe he will look back at me next second". I comfort myself. But his father still walked so firmly that he seemed to have nothing worth looking back at. But at the corner of the corridor, at the moment when he turned around, he seemed to turn around carelessly, looked at me deeply towards the stairs, then tightened the windbreaker, took the leather bag, and disappeared at the corner... It was this look that made me feel that this was the true meaning of my father's love, and it made me brave to face the difficulties in life

My tears fell quietly when he turned around, and I cried. The so-called fatherly love was hidden quietly in the corner of the corridor, hidden in the seemingly casual back, the kind of father's unique eyes always warm me

Love at the Corner (12)

Love is the most sincere thing in the world. It makes human beings special in the food chain and becomes the most advanced animal.

One day, I accidentally overslept and ran to school with a bag of milk in my mouth and a steamed bun bought by the roadside in my hand. Just a turn away from the school, a painful and weak moan led my eyes to a ragged old woman. She seemed to have only eyes and teeth white, as if she had never taken a bath. She looked at me pitifully and said, "Please be kind, I haven't eaten for several days..."

At ordinary times, I would certainly give her some money, but I'm going to buy a new issue of the magazine after school, and I don't have much money... I'm a little hesitant.

I think it's important to buy magazines. I can't buy them in two days. Anyway, she said that she hadn't eaten for several days, so it would be better to give her a steamed bun.

I took a steamed stuffed bun and handed it to her. She took it with a wistful look and swallowed a mouthful of water. I thought she would devour the steamed stuffed bun, but she shouted "Lanzi" at her back. I was stunned for a moment, and then found that there was a little girl behind the old woman, who looked like her granddaughter. The old woman handed the steamed bun to the little girl. The little girl reached out her small hand like an eagle's claw and took a bite. When she was about to take another bite, she suddenly thought of something and said to the old woman, "Grandma, I'm not hungry. The day before yesterday, I ate half a piece of sesame seed cake. Yesterday, I also ate some biscuits. I'm not hungry now. You can eat it."

The old woman touched the little girl's head and said, "Silly child, how can grandma not know if you are hungry? Eat quickly, grandma's body is strong!" Just then, their stomachs began to growl at the same time, and they laughed at the same time.

At that moment, I saw the bright eyes of the girl. Her eyes were so clear, like a pool of water, and my heart suddenly rippled: I thought that love was the kind of "defeated by your sweet smile". Grandma and the little girl had to give way to each other when they ate a steamed bun. This selfless love made me feel that love could be so great and warm! At that moment, I suddenly felt guilty and ashamed of my previous thoughts.

I put the money I had on my body into the old granny's broken bowl. The truth is priceless. Maybe this can make the corner move longer. I feel my chest. It's warm here.

Meeting Love at the Corner (13)

Love is the most sincere thing in the world. It makes human beings special in the food chain and becomes the most advanced animal.

One day, I accidentally overslept and ran to school with a bag of milk in my mouth and a steamed bun bought by the roadside in my hand. Just a turn away from the school, a painful and weak moan led my eyes to a ragged old woman. She seemed to have only eyes and teeth white, as if she had never taken a bath. She looked at me pitifully and said, "Please be kind, I haven't eaten for several days..."

At ordinary times, I would certainly give her some money, but I'm going to buy a new issue of the magazine after school, and I don't have much money... I'm a little hesitant.

I think it's important to buy magazines. I can't buy them in two days. Anyway, she said that she hadn't eaten for several days, so it would be better to give her a steamed bun.

I took a steamed stuffed bun and handed it to her. She took it with a wistful look and swallowed a mouthful of water. I thought she would devour the steamed stuffed bun, but she shouted "Lanzi" at her back. I was stunned for a moment, and then found that there was a little girl behind the old woman, who looked like her granddaughter. The old woman handed the steamed bun to the little girl. The little girl reached out her small hand like an eagle's claw and took a bite. When she was about to take another bite, she suddenly thought of something and said to the old woman, "Grandma, I'm not hungry. The day before yesterday, I ate half a piece of sesame seed cake. Yesterday, I also ate some biscuits. I'm not hungry now. You can eat it."

The old woman touched the little girl's head and said, "Silly child, how can grandma not know if you are hungry? Eat quickly, grandma's body is strong!" Just then, their stomachs began to growl at the same time, and they laughed at the same time.

At that moment, I saw the bright eyes of the girl. Her eyes were so clear, like a pool of water, and my heart suddenly rippled: I thought that love was the kind of "defeated by your sweet smile". Grandma and the little girl had to give way to each other when they ate a steamed bun. This selfless love made me feel that love could be so great and warm! At that moment, I suddenly felt guilty and ashamed of my previous thoughts.

I put the money I had on my body into the old granny's broken bowl. The truth is priceless. Maybe this can make the corner move longer. I feel my chest. It's warm here.

Meeting Love at the Corner (14)

700 Words of Love at the Corner Composition 1: Love at the Corner

The setting sun spreads all over the campus, and the sunset glow burns red on the horizon. "You come to catch me! You can't catch me! You can't catch me!" In the corner outside the campus, there are many playful figures.

Suddenly, a huge figure appeared in my sight, close, close, a pair of angry eyes were searching for my figure in the crowd, sharp eyes made me afraid. "Dad --", I ran away. "You run, you still run, you know how to play after school, and you don't remember to go home!" Dad yelled at me while chasing me. I ran as fast as I could, begging for mercy while running out of breath: "I will go home to do my homework, don't hit me." But as soon as I finished speaking, I was caught by a big hand. "You are so naughty, go! Follow me home!" Dad twisted my ears and walked quickly. I tried hard to get rid of my father's powerful hand, and followed him with grievance and sadness.

Dad's steady pace was rattling. I ducked my mouth, rubbed my ears, and followed my father several steps behind me. While walking, he still looked at his father from time to time. Seeing his father didn't look back, he thought angrily, "Really, I don't care about me at all. My ears are red. You don't feel distressed at all. Doesn't Dad really love me?"?

When I got to the corner outside the campus wall, I was far away. I hurried up a few steps and suddenly looked up. Suddenly, I saw my father slow down, slightly deflected his head, looked aside, and his eyes were full of expectation. The eyes only lasted for 3 seconds. After a moment, my father hesitated slightly and took a big step forward. Just this look was seen by me who accidentally looked up. I stopped and felt happy. My mouth slightly tilted upward, so I quickly ran forward with a smile and carefully held my father's hand. My father looked as if he had not seen me, but his thick hands held my tender hands tightly. In the setting sun, two figures walking side by side, one high and one low, appear to be very harmonious. The afterglow of the setting sun sent my father and me away, and then quietly faded away, while the constant warmth in my heart was flowing.

Dad's gentle fatherly love was vividly displayed in a negligible look in the corner. I finally understand that my father, who seems to have a heart of stone on the outside, is like a spring in the heart, gentle and delicate.

700 Words of Love at the Corner Composition 2: Love at the Corner

When I was young, I was very afraid of my father's harsh words and expressions, and sometimes even a little bored. However, a few days ago, I accidentally saw a few lines of words with a big corner of 80 degrees.

I am about to enter junior high school, and I am very nervous about my study every day. In addition, I am a little slow in my homework. I can't finish it until 9:00 or 10:00 every night. When Dad saw me, he often complained that I didn't hurry up. Once I wrote too late, combined with a hard day's work, I fell asleep on the unfinished homework. My father pushed the door and came in. Seeing that my homework was not finished, he woke me up angrily and said, "What are you doing?", Then he pushed the door open and went out. Then the door closed heavily... The harsh voice deeply hurt my heart. Does Dad really care about me? My nose is sour, and my eyes are wet with tears. In the following two days, I was very indifferent to my father, and my father no longer complained about me. I could see that what I said that night also hurt my father's heart. I felt a little regretful. I went to my father's room. Just as the words "Dad, I'm sorry" were about to exit, I was taken back by my grievance and dissatisfaction with my father. As long as I left, I accidentally saw a few lines in my father's diary:

"Tonight, I saw the child lying on the desk asleep. It really distressed me! Although I am also looking forward to the success of my son and the success of my daughter, the child's body is the most important thing after all. My words are really sorry for the child, and the child is not easy! I hope the child will not blame me."

On this piece of paper, there are clear traces that have been wetted by tears. At this moment, I understand: Dad's harsh words are love for me; Strict eyes are love to me; Everything is love for me. I hugged my father and said to him, "Dad, I'm sorry!" My father smiled, so happy and kind.

There are many things in the world that are not far away from you, but you can hardly find them. When you turn the corner, you will find many things you never thought of, just like this ordinary father love.

700 Words of Love at the Corner Composition 3: Love at the Corner

In the second year of junior high school, I was very nervous and eager to learn. If I was not careful, I would be thrown far away by others. So I ran like a robot all day, doing the next thing by inertia.

After school in the afternoon, I rode my bike to ride home against the cold wind. I opened the door, pushed the cart, and dumped my schoolbag in one go. The next step was to go to the desk to eat. I wolfed down and did not belch. Then I dragged my schoolbag to the study at the corner of the small corridor, and wrote fast. Every day.

That night, after picking up dinner, I dragged my schoolbag and ran to the small corridor as usual, but slowed down when I turned into the study - an unprecedented event. I even suspected that my brain was short circuited at that time to make such an unconventional move. Suddenly, the sound of the TV disappeared --- just after I turned the corner, its sound disappeared on time and quickly! It was like a drop of water evaporating in the air, and all around me there was silence, which was almost suffocating. A few seconds later, the mechanical brain finally gave instructions. I turned around gently, moved carefully to the corner, and peeped out my head quietly: my parents were sitting about one meter away from the TV, staring at the news subtitles under the screen, frowning, concentrating, and leaning forward, presumably to catch more sound waves, and leaning sideways, The ears are almost stuck on! Reluctantly, I looked back and saw that they would rather listen to the TV than turn it up a little bit. I felt moved and guilty: the quiet environment I studied in these days was created by my parents, but I thought it was the credit of the door, because every time I ran into the study, Never paid attention to the "secret" in this corner.

How many times have I passed that corner, but I didn't find the love waiting at the corner. In the future, I will walk slowly through the corner, because I know that there is love at the corner.

Meeting Love at the Corner (15)

That is a picture I experienced personally, that is, which night, which corner, that yellow light, a pair of dependent mother and daughter, an indelible oil painting

It was a moonless night, and even the stars were hidden. Everything was very quiet, just like the eve of misfortune. It was quiet and cold. In that small shop, the story unfolded quietly

I didn't see the beginning. When I stood outside the window with a cup of hot tea in my hand, the man was already in the shop. I knew the owner of the shop. Usually, before going to school, I would buy some fruit with him. The boss, 11 middle-aged women in their forties and fifties, had just graduated from college. When the family was climbing, the boss opened the shop to help the family not be so hard pressed, The income is not much, but enough to make the family richer. But the boss's daughter is not very sensible. Every day, she must go out with smoky makeup. The sky is slightly dark before she returns. She is not anxious to find a job or share the burden of the family. Instead, she goes around and knows a group of social people. The boss is not angry. He knows that his daughter wants money to go out for fun, but does not stop it. Maybe it was the one her daughter got into trouble with, or maybe it was the one who was drunk. Seeing the only halo in the darkness, she came in without thinking, smashed the fruit in the store, lifted the shelf, and beat the boss. The daughter came back after her mother was beaten, and the perpetrator had already fled the scene. The boss was huddled in a corner outside the shop, and the shop was no longer viable. The boss was choking, his body twitching, and nobody knew him. The neighbors came to comfort him, shook their heads helplessly, and finally walked away. The daughter watched a group of people walk away coldly, and had to go forward. I didn't know how to comfort my mother, so she threw down the valuable bag. Regardless of the boss's work clothes, she held it straight. Surprisingly, The boss didn't dodge this time, but obediently nestled in her daughter's arms, just like she held her daughter when she was young.

The matter was so settled that no one called the police and no one investigated. Why didn't I call the police? To be honest, I'm just a junior three freshman. Who wants to make trouble for themselves? The life is still living, but the difference is that my daughter's smoky makeup is replaced by plain words, she wears professional clothes, and goes out on time and leaves work on time every day. The shop was closed. It is said that the boss suffered from a disease that can't be frightened at the beginning. I can't remember what it is. I only remember that my daughter's eyes sparkled when she said this, which is not only moving, but I see more regret. Maybe I blame myself for being too ignorant, but fortunately, my daughter found her responsibility, In the stream of Xixi people, they are always accompanied by mother and daughter.

The corner of Keqing made a mother get the love she deserved. Fortunately, the accident touched those of us who watched. Maybe if I stop it, there will not be a tragic scene, but there will not be a happy ending. Maybe... I can find something new at the next corner. Society depends on corners, corner people, corner things, family also depends on corners, corner touch, corner love