Classic Anti Japanese Movie Soldier Zhang Ga 500 Words
glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn
2023-09-01 19:12:32

In this winter vacation, after watching the film "Little Soldier Zhang Ga", I had a deep impression on Gazi. How I admired him! The film Little Soldier Zhang Ga mainly tells that during the Anti Japanese War, Zhang Ga and his grandmother were dependent on each other. In a Japanese raid, Zhang Ga's grandmother was unfortunately killed by Japanese devils. In order to help her revenge, Gazi wanted to be the 8th Route and a scout, but Captain Qian thought he was too young to agree. Gazi didn't lose heart because of Captain Qian's words. With his insistence, he became a member of the Small Eighth Route, and old Uncle Zhong gave him a wooden gun. During a fight with the Japanese invaders, I was unfortunately arrested and locked in the enemy's blockhouse. When the enemy was not on guard, Xiao Gazi took the opportunity to ignite and burn the blockhouse... When I finished watching this movie, I was full of admiration for the soldier Zhang Ga. Look at his eyes, he showed his wisdom and a little defiance. Gazi was captured by the Japanese invaders in the blockhouse. Not only was he not nervous, he bravely looked for an opportunity to escape. Finally, when Xiao Gazi learned that the Eighth Route Army was coming to rescue him, he knocked out the Japanese guards, poured kerosene from the kerosene lamp on the straw, and set the whole bunker on fire, making great contributions. I really admire his spirit.

Xiao Gazi is not only smart and brave, but also naughty and playful. When he wrestled with Little Fatty Dun, he wanted to use his agility to move around Little Fatty Dun like a monkey, but he was finally thrown to the ground by Little Fatty Dun, but Gazi did not admit defeat at all. The laughter of his friends made his face red. Looking at Gazi, I thought of myself. How rich our life is now, with a bright future, we will not be connected with the people of the Anti Japanese War, and we do not have to live a life of fear. There are still many people suffering from hunger and poverty. We can live a happy life. Teachers, parents can take good care of me. We should learn the spirit of soldier Zhang Ga. The film Little Soldier Zhang Ga gives me a deep feeling. It is not only the courage, alertness, mischief and intelligence of Little Soldier Zhang Ga, but also I learned a lot from him and thought of a lot