300 word composition describing scenic spots (3 in total)
2024-05-17 04:13:59
describe the scenery

300 word composition describing scenic spots (1)

Countryside, what a desirable place. There are mountains and rivers, like a continuous picture.

My hometown is in Dongyan, a high-rise building. There are picturesque scenery, mountains and water everywhere. It's very beautiful!

The mountains with tall buildings are extremely steep and beautiful, rising up from the ground. From a distance, there is a mountain outside the mountain, and there are trees outside the trees. Only green is connected with green. Closer and closer, you will find that the mountain is very high, and you can't see the top at a glance. Its top seems to be as high as the sky, which is very spectacular!

The water in the tall building is clear and flawless, like a mirror. There are green mountains, blue sky and beautiful flowers reflected in the water. Look, there are a group of children playing with water by the river. How happy they are!

The people in the tall buildings are all very simple. They can't swear, steal or play pranks. They worked hard, no pains, no gains.

The countryside is so special and simple.

300 word composition describing scenic spots (2)

Every place, every corner, there will be scenery, even a small house, dry yellow grass, I think they are beautiful.

I like to stand on the balcony and watch the scenery outside, the gentle but dazzling sun, the boundless sky and the free flight of birds. The scenery. Why are you so beautiful? Why do you want to see it again after watching it once?

I also like to put paper airplanes in the blue sky and watch them fly, turn and fall. Watch it fly high, watch it fly freely. I like to watch the sun set slowly. Because I can't bear it. I love the sun!

Clouds, there are groups. There are passers-by, playful, and traveling. They are all the same beautiful, and there are also different shapes!

The scenery is created by nature. In my heart, it is the most beautiful! There is no flaw at all.

300 word composition describing scenic spots (3)

When spring comes, everything is revived and full of vitality everywhere. Don't believe it, look——

The peach blossoms in the park are bursting out from the branches, red like fire, pink like rosy clouds, white like snow. It is really colorful, which makes people dizzy. The willow trees sprouted new buds. In the breeze, the willows were dancing like graceful young girls. The grass also moved, and then put up a young body. The rows of tall and straight jack poplar on the bank are like guards guarding here day and night

The calm lake reflects the sky and looks bluer. It is like a huge mirror, reflecting the pink and green willows on the shore. People take this opportunity to put aside the tension in the city, go out of their homes, row boats in the center of the lake, and feel the beauty of nature together, making the calm lake ripples. The pavilion in the center of the lake also adds some elegance to the picturesque scenery.

The rolling mountains in the distance are so green, so dense, winding into the distance, connecting with the southern sky.

This mountain, this water, this flower, this grass, as well as the pleasant singing of birds, here, constitute a vivid and charming landscape painting!

I love spring, love the spring full of green, love the spring full of vitality.