I'm Poplar (14 refined articles)
I have looked back
2023-12-20 01:43:37
Grade 6

I'm Poplar (1)

I am a tall poplar tree. Although I am just a small tree, I don't have the beautiful and fragrant flowers; No fruit is so sweet and delicious; Not as strong willpower as Bamboo Shoots; There is no pair of wings that can fly in the sky, but my life is still wonderful for a reason.

In spring, flowers are blooming. Under the spring rain, I got out of my mother's arms and stretched out to face the new world. The lovely birds were chirping in the branches. The children were circling around me on the playground, and the laughter came from them.

In summer, I became leafy, opened the green umbrella, and the ground was mottled. It gives people a green shade; When the sun was burning, the children were having PE classes. When they were dismissed, they quickly leaned on me to enjoy the cool; Squatting on the ground when bored; Sometimes tell jokes beside me; Sometimes I tell small secrets, but I won't eavesdrop.

In autumn, the air is cool and the sky is clear. Everyone adds layers of clothes. My hair slowly falls off. Some of them follow the wind dolls and fly around the world; Some do not want to move, but are swept away by the cleaning aunt and loaded into the garbage truck; Others were picked up by children and made into beautiful bookmarks.

In winter, my leaves completely fell off, and after rotting, they served as my nourishment, so that they could thrive in spring. It snowed, and my big and small branches were covered with snowflakes, which gradually melted into the ground

My favorite is raising the national flag on Monday. Every time there are wonderful speeches, I can't help applauding them! They are so wonderful!

I will always stand on this playground and accompany children with different but equally lovely faces until I get old

I'm Poplar (2)

I am a poplar tree, not as beautiful and fragrant as flowers; No fruit is so sweet and delicious; There is no pair of wings that can fly in the sky, but my life is still wonderful.

I am a poplar standing in the Gobi. When spring comes, I will not compete with peach and cherry blossoms, but suck the nutrients brought by the soil and rain. In this way, new shoots grow in my body, so green, so tender, and full of vitality. Looking at my new clothes, I was very happy. I silently conveyed the feelings of spring to people. In spring, it is always windy here, but I must stand upright. My responsibility is to prevent wind and fix sand. I love here, the people who are passing by the train, their smiles, and the firm eyes they look at me. The train passes by me, and I lean forward with the wind, wave to them, and lead them into this mysterious and beautiful world!

I am a poplar tree. When summer comes, the Gobi Desert is like a thermal air bag. I stand on the Gobi Desert. The black crowned sparrow is my only partner. It has no bright feathers, but it has the same stubborn will as me. I opened my leafy arms and held them together to keep the warm sun away, leaving a shade in the Gobi Desert. I use my straight back to support a piece of vitality and hope. Accompanied by the breeze, I waved my hands and conducted my band. The sound of "rustling" was the most beautiful music that our band played. Black crowned sparrows jump up and down on my branches and sing beautiful songs, adding infinite vitality to the silent Gobi Desert. I am more like a soldier in green, guarding the Gobi and escorting the future of the Gobi.

I am a poplar tree. Autumn is coming. The frost is white and the dew is clear. Autumn's mother can't wait to put on a gold coat for me. My branches and leaves are as bright as gold. When the autumn wind swept, I shook my golden hair and sprinkled "gold" all over my head. The falling leaves danced like golden butterflies. It is vivid and beautiful to stay and decorate the Gobi Desert. Although the sandstorm, like a devil, attacks us, I never give up, and I am still working hard to defend the border of the motherland and create a happy life for people.

I am a poplar tree. When winter comes, it's freezing cold. It's snowing heavily, and the snowflakes are falling gently. I'm dressed in silver. Although there are only dry tree trunks left, I still stand proudly and dazzle the eyes. The children say that I am smiling like an old man with a white beard!

The weather in the Gobi Desert can be very bad sometimes, and we may be engulfed by sandstorms at any time. But I never give up, and I am still working hard to defend the border of the motherland and create a happy life for people. Because I have always been a stubborn and indomitable person. I will not waver in wind, sand, rain or snow, drought or flood. I just want to be such a poplar guarding the border, like a sentry, standing firmly in the Gobi Desert to complete my mission.

Facing the sandstorm, I squinted and watched the train pass in front of me again; See the sun slowly setting; See the beautiful sunset. He sang in his heart, "A little white poplar grows beside the outpost. Its roots are deep and its trunk is strong. It is watching the breeze blowing in the north of Xinjiang, which makes the green leaves rustle and sound, and the sun shines on the green leaves."

I'm Poplar (3)

If I were a poplar tree, I would not like to take root in the gutter on the roadside, or beside the country road, let alone in the forest. I want to root in the desert, I want to root in the frontier, I want to root in... I want to root in the desert. It doesn't matter if it dries up. As long as I can drive my brothers and sisters, I don't care about my fate. I will use my blood to purify the desert and reduce the sand. I will use my strong perseverance and body to block the sand blowing in the wind, so that she won't blow into the desert again.

I want to take root in the frontier. Be with the border guards, let them take care of me and grow up, let them see me and see a glimmer of hope. I am willing to work with them selflessly on the border of the motherland to make them no longer lonely. I am willing to be their friend all the year round. As a friend, I am willing to share their responsibilities in winter. I also want to take root in Guazhou. Guazhou is the wind farm of the world, with heavy wind and sand, which is one of the reasons why I took root here.

Guazhou is still my hometown, and I want to purify it. Let the people of my hometown no longer worry and worry about sandstorms. I will use fresh air to cure lung disease for the people. I also want to take root in many places. In short, where there is wind and sand, there is me. Let our Earth Mother become healthy and clean.

I'm Poplar (4)

At midnight, I felt a little sick. Roots grow at my feet, arms become branches, blood becomes sap of trees, and flows in the growth rings. Hair turns into clusters of leaves, and hair grows into tree crowns.

I stand on the side of the road, my compatriots, my brothers and sisters are standing beside me. We are like soldiers who are not afraid of lofty snow, wind and frost, or the scorching summer to protect the frontier. The traffic blew their small horns, which was very harsh. We also need to absorb the toxic substances emitted by our car cousins and absorb its harsh noise.

In a twinkling of an eye, I came to the big forest again, and all the scenery of nature appeared in front of me. I have many good friends - Xiaocao brother, squirrel aunt, sly fox sister... We stand here every day to absorb the essence of the sun, so comfortable! After a few months, the forest is no longer so quiet and harmonious. I saw the axe cut down my tree grandpa, and I wondered: What are they greedy people doing? Are they not getting enough? After a while, the birds flew away. The sparrow said to me, "Sister Tree, go quickly, they are going to cut wood." I suddenly realized that when these people saw the fox, they were shocked. They said, "This time we will be rich." They pulled up the fox's head and forced it into the cage. The fox was made to "whine" by them. Human beings came to me again, and the merciless axe cut me down in a flash

Humans, cherish trees! We also have life.

I'm Poplar (5)

If the "if" can be realized one day, then I want to be a member of the nature, but also want to be a poplar tree, because poplar trees can block wind and sand, can consolidate soil, prevent water and soil loss, and can bring shade to people, take root in the border, and defend the territory of the motherland.

Spring has come, my thick branches have grown some soft branches, full of green leaves, showing vitality. When I got up in the morning, Sister Chunyu bathed, washed my face and brushed my teeth for me; Brother Chunfeng combed my hair for me; Aunt Woodpecker made me healthy; The eagle's powerful tenor that day echoed in my ears all day long. At night, the birds send me to sleep with their beautiful and beautiful songs. My branches will set up a nest for the birds to make them happy.

Soon, spring is over and the hot summer is coming. I prefer spring to hot summer, because the sunshine in summer enables me to carry out rich photosynthesis, which not only brings people rich oxygen, but also my green leaves can bring some coolness to people shaded under trees. I remember that on a hot evening, I covered some strong and dazzling sunshine for the old people who were shaded under the trees as usual. The old people talked about their daily life. Old Man Wu said, "Today, our family held a family meeting and solved a lot of problems." Old Man Chi also said, "Oh? This method is good, I'll try it when I go home! Oh! Yes! My family bought a car today, it's great! It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Would you like to go to my home to have a look?" The old people said, "OK! Let's go and drive, let's go!" Before leaving again, the old people shouted to me: "Thank you, poplar tree!" After hearing this sentence, my heart was as sweet as a piece of sugar. As summer passes and autumn comes, the hot heat gradually dissipates, and we will usher in a cool autumn. Although autumn is a good harvest season with rich fruits, it will make my green leaves turn yellow and slowly be taken away by the autumn wind. I cried. Tears rolled down like broken pearls. Winter is coming, and crystal snowflakes are floating in the sky. I put on the cotton coat that Miss Winter gave me.

I try to make my roots deeper in the cold wind, so that I can stand more firmly. Winter went to spring, year after year, I became a tall and straight poplar. Take root in frontier defense and stand guard for the people! If possible, if it can be realized, I will become a poplar tree. I will abide by my responsibilities and fulfill my promise to make the mountains of the motherland greener, the water cleaner, the wind and sand prevention, the city cleaner and the trees shaded. If I were a poplar tree, I would make it. I really want to be a poplar tree!

I'm Poplar (6)

I am a poplar tree and live in a corner north of Yaolin Primary School. I have many brothers and sisters who live near me. I have been in Yaolin Primary School for more than ten years; After countless scorching days; We have experienced countless snowy nights.

Spring is coming, so is Spring Breeze. She gently brushed my cheek. Let me grow green buds. The sun came out, and he shone on me with bright sunshine, warming me. Only a few days later, I grew luxuriant branches and leaves. The birds make their homes in my lush branches, and sing elegant songs for me on the branches every day.

In early summer, I bloomed! Xia Fenggu brews, and my Yang Xu follows her footsteps and waves. Floating, floating, unknowingly floating all over the campus. School seems to have become a dreamland. The white catkins are fluttering in the campus, like white snowflakes and white goose feathers. I cast a shade of trees. After class, some students are reading, some are playing games, and some are playing chess.

Autumn has come, and my lush branches and leaves have now become withered and yellow. Qiufeng girl came, she took away my withered branches and withered leaves. But where did Qiufeng take my fallen leaves? It turned out that Qiufeng took my withered branches and withered leaves to the school playground. The next morning, the schoolmate who cleaned the playground said, 'These poplar trees have to shed so many leaves every day that we have to sweep so many leaves every day. What a nuisance! I really want to cut them all down! '' After hearing these words, my heart was half sad and half helpless.

Winter is coming, so is Dongfeng. She walked past me gently, making me shiver with cold. Sister Snow came and put a white hat on me. Sister Xuehua also put on a white knee length skirt for Mother Earth. My classmates are making snowmen and having snowball fights beside me, with happy smiles on their faces.

Day after day, year after year. In this way, my brothers and sisters and I have been silently guarding and accompanying the children of Yaolin Primary School.

I'm Poplar (7)

Hello, friends! I am a poplar tree, growing on a beautiful and harmonious earth.

However, human beings continue to destroy the living environment of me and my companions, making trees gradually less. Last night, I was sleeping when a red car came to me. I was hit by a car before I reflected. At that time, my body was so painful that I really wanted to find a companion to comfort me. Unexpectedly, the driver of the car said, "Come on, drink more!" He had drunk too much. Hearing this sentence, I really broke my heart.

Others carved words on me every day, which made me suffer a lot. They also pull my branches to play on the swing. I remember one time, a very naughty child tried to pull my branch on the swing and shook it off.

I often say to my companions: "Otherwise, we will not serve humanity, and humanity always hurts us." "No, if we do not serve humanity, they will not accept it! Do you want to be a tree without compassion?" said the companion. Hearing this, I am really ashamed of mankind! We can provide shade, shelter from rain, purify the air... But human beings not only destroy us, if one day we disappear, the earth will have no vitality, no peaches and willows, no singing and dancing, can human beings survive? So human beings must protect trees and build a beautiful home!

Friends, let's join hands to create a beautiful and harmonious home!

I'm Poplar (8)

If I were a poplar tree, I would like to help people. Selfless dedication is my happiest thing, and helping people is my wish, so I want to be a poplar tree.

I want to block the flood for people, so that the abominable flood will not threaten people's lives and destroy their homes, because I know that animals and plants have only one life, but once lost, they cannot be recovered. We should not let the flood damage the crops. If there were no crops, people would have no food and could not survive without food. I want to block the storm for people and prevent it from tearing people's places of residence. If people do not have places of residence in the cold winter, they will be frozen to death, let alone let it hurt small animals. If there are no small animals, the food chain will be disrupted, and many animals will die without food. I want to evolve carbon dioxide into fresh air for people to breathe fresh air, and I also want animals to breathe fresh air. Let them not breathe polluted air.

How I want to block natural disasters that people can't stop, but when there is no wind or flood, people cut us down to use as firewood and furniture, such as people's bathtub. So I want to say to you here: "Humans, you should be sober. You should think about it. Without us to block the flying sand and flood, can you have a good environment now? Now you are still blindly cutting down and destroying the ecological environment, which is equivalent to chronic suicide, because without our protection, you will live in a world with poor environment, and may not survive. We tried our best to protect you, but we ended up in such a situation. Why, you don't love us, why, why? "

Only when you protect us can we protect you. If I choose to do something next time, I also want to be a tall poplar tree to complete my unfinished mission, continue to resist sandstorms, beautify the environment and benefit mankind, because this is my wish.

I'm Poplar (9)

My house is next door to nothing. Some of the seeds that were sent with me by the wind could not hold back the heat and were dried. The other part could not hold up at first, but later, they withered. Only I survived tenaciously.

In the vast Gobi Desert, I am the only one to decorate with green, so it seems very monotonous and boring. In such a desolate and desolate place, it is muddy every rainy season, which has a great impact on my roots. Moreover, on the Gobi Desert, sandstorms and droughts must be overcome in order not to wither. To survive in this place, we need a kind of indomitable spirit. Because you have to accept the sun's exposure, the baptism of the wind. I have lived here for five years. From a seed to a sapling to a small tree, I spent a lot of energy.

The wind mixed with sand roared, which was the message of the coming sandstorm. I straightened my waist: even if I die, I will die with honor, because I live to protect this green!

The sandstorm has passed, and I am dying. But I think I have grown up and matured a little. Indeed, nature has given me many things. One of them is wind and rain. This is our experience from nature. I will grow up every time I pass the test. In this test, those who "pass the test" become stronger, but those who fail will lose their lives, wither and die. This is the invariable law of nature.

Years go by, year after year. I have had many children and grandchildren, and I have grown into a big, thick and strong poplar tree. I often teach my descendants that as long as our will is strong enough, one day the Gobi will become a dense forest.

I'm Poplar (10)

We are a group of trees standing in the yellow dust of the desert.

Our relatives and friends all said that we were very unlucky because we were also trees. Other trees lived in comfortable mountains and plains. What about us? Some trees also said: "You can't even compare with street trees!" Yes, staying in the flying sand all day is undoubtedly a fall in the fall. The only thing we can compare with other trees is a pool of clear water around us, which can quench our thirst and provide us with growth.

Our destiny is to stay here. In this desolate and vast desert, our existence is undoubtedly just a trivial ornament. But have you ever imagined how exciting it would be if a person walked in the desert and suddenly saw an oasis when water was extremely scarce! So our existence is also indispensable.

The night in the desert was extremely cold. We clenched our teeth and shivered in the cold night wind, but we still straightened up and calmly faced the biting cold wind. We stood like this. There was only wind around, and occasionally there were several calls of desert foxes. We closed our eyes until we met the sun the next day. The weather in the desert is very bad, so we have to be worried every day, because we may be swallowed by sandstorms at any time. But fortunately, this moment has not happened at least, although we have experienced some sandstorms of different sizes.

Perhaps, a tired traveler came and greedily sucked the sweet water from the pool and sat down comfortably to enjoy the cool. This is the moment when we are extremely proud. Yes, perhaps some people gave up hope in the desert, but we still continue to provide them with sweet water and fresh air together with the pool.

Standing in the yellow dust of the desert, we are a proud and proud group of trees.

I am Poplar (11)

At midnight, I felt a little sick. Roots grow at my feet, arms become branches, blood becomes sap of trees, and flows in the growth rings. Hair turns into clusters of leaves, and hair grows into tree crowns.

I stand on the side of the road, my compatriots, my brothers and sisters are standing beside me. We are like soldiers who are not afraid of lofty snow, wind and frost, or the scorching summer to protect the frontier. The traffic blew their small horns, which was very harsh. We also need to absorb the toxic substances emitted by our car cousins and absorb its harsh noise.

In a twinkling of an eye, I came to the big forest again, and all the scenery of nature appeared in front of me. I have many good friends - Xiaocao brother, squirrel aunt, sly fox sister... We stand here every day to absorb the essence of the sun, so comfortable! After a few months, the forest is no longer so quiet and harmonious. I saw the axe cut down my tree grandpa, and I wondered: What are they greedy people doing? Are they not getting enough? After a while, the birds flew away. The sparrow said to me, "Sister Tree, go quickly, they are going to cut wood." I suddenly realized that when these people saw the fox, they were shocked. They said, "This time we will be rich." They pulled up the fox's head and forced it into the cage. The fox was made to "whine" by them. Human beings came to me again, and the merciless axe cut me down in a flash

Humans, cherish trees! We also have life.

I am Poplar (12)

If I were a poplar tree, I would like to help people. Selfless dedication is my happiest thing, and helping people is my wish, so I want to be a poplar tree.

I want to block the flood for people, so that the abominable flood will not threaten people's lives and destroy their homes, because I know that animals and plants have only one life, but once lost, they cannot be recovered. We should not let the flood damage the crops. If there were no crops, people would have no food and could not survive without food. I want to block the storm for people and prevent it from tearing people's places of residence. If people do not have places of residence in the cold winter, they will be frozen to death, let alone let it hurt small animals. If there are no small animals, the food chain will be disrupted, and many animals will die without food. I want to evolve carbon dioxide into fresh air for people to breathe fresh air, and I also want animals to breathe fresh air. Let them not breathe polluted air.

How I want to block natural disasters that people can't stop, but when there is no wind or flood, people cut us down to use as firewood and furniture, such as people's bathtub. So I want to say to you here: "Humans, you should be sober. You should think about it. Without us to block the flying sand and flood, can you have a good environment now? Now you are still blindly cutting down and destroying the ecological environment, which is equivalent to chronic suicide, because without our protection, you will live in a world with poor environment, and may not survive. We tried our best to protect you, but we ended up in such a situation. Why, you don't love us, why, why... "

Only when you protect us can we protect you. If I choose to do something next time, I also want to be a tall poplar tree to complete my unfinished mission, continue to resist sandstorms, beautify the environment and benefit mankind, because this is my wish.

I am Poplar (13)

If I were a poplar tree, I would like to help people. Selfless dedication is my happiest thing, and helping people is my wish, so I want to be a poplar tree.

I want to block the flood for people, so that the abominable flood will not threaten people's lives and destroy their homes, because I know that animals and plants have only one life, but once lost, they cannot be recovered. We should not let the flood damage the crops. If there were no crops, people would have no food and could not survive without food. I want to block the storm for people and prevent it from tearing people's places of residence. If people do not have places of residence in the cold winter, they will be frozen to death, let alone let it hurt small animals. If there are no small animals, the food chain will be disrupted, and many animals will die without food. I want to evolve carbon dioxide into fresh air for people to breathe fresh air, and I also want animals to breathe fresh air. Let them not breathe polluted air.

How I want to block natural disasters that people can't stop, but when there is no wind or flood, people cut us down to use as firewood and furniture, such as people's bathtub. So I want to say to you here: "Humans, you should be sober. You should think about it. Without us to block the flying sand and flood, can you have a good environment now? Now you are still blindly cutting down and destroying the ecological environment, which is equivalent to chronic suicide, because without our protection, you will live in a world with poor environment, and may not survive. We tried our best to protect you, but we ended up in such a situation. Why, you don't love us, why, why... "

Only when you protect us can we protect you. If I choose to do something next time, I also want to be a tall poplar tree to complete my unfinished mission, continue to resist sandstorms, beautify the environment and benefit mankind, because this is my wish.

I am Poplar (14)

I am a poplar standing in the Gobi. When spring comes, I will not compete with peach and cherry blossoms, but suck the nutrients brought by the soil and rain. In this way, new shoots grow in my body, so green, so tender, and full of vitality. Looking at my new clothes, I was very happy. I silently conveyed the feelings of spring to people. In spring, it is always windy here, but I must stand upright. My responsibility is to prevent wind and fix sand. I love here, the people who are passing by the train, their smiles, and the firm eyes they look at me. The train passes by me, and I lean forward with the wind, wave to them, and lead them into this mysterious and beautiful world!

I am a poplar tree. When summer comes, the Gobi Desert is like a thermal air bag. I stand on the Gobi Desert. The black crowned sparrow is my only partner. It has no bright feathers, but it has the same stubborn will as me. I opened my leafy arms and held them together to keep the warm sun away, leaving a shade in the Gobi Desert. I use my straight back to support a piece of vitality and hope. Accompanied by the breeze, I waved my hands and conducted my band. The sound of "rustling" was the most beautiful music that our band played. Black crowned sparrows jump up and down on my branches and sing beautiful songs, adding infinite vitality to the silent Gobi Desert. I am more like a soldier in green, guarding the Gobi and escorting the future of the Gobi.

I am a poplar tree. Autumn is coming. The frost is white and the dew is clear. Autumn's mother can't wait to put on a gold coat for me. My branches and leaves are as bright as gold. When the autumn wind swept, I shook my golden hair and sprinkled "gold" all over my head. The falling leaves danced like golden butterflies. It is vivid and beautiful to stay and decorate the Gobi Desert. Although the sandstorm, like a devil, attacks us, I never give up, and I am still working hard to defend the border of the motherland and create a happy life for people.

I am a poplar tree. When winter comes, it's freezing cold. It's snowing heavily, and the snowflakes are falling gently. I'm dressed in silver. Although there are only dry tree trunks left, I still stand proudly and dazzle the eyes. The children say that I am smiling like an old man with a white beard!

The weather in the Gobi Desert can be very bad sometimes, and we may be engulfed by sandstorms at any time. But I never give up, and I am still working hard to defend the border of the motherland and create a happy life for people. Because I have always been a stubborn and indomitable person. I will not waver in wind, sand, rain or snow, drought or flood. I just want to be such a poplar guarding the border, like a sentry, standing firmly in the Gobi Desert to complete my mission.

Facing the sandstorm, I squinted and watched the train pass in front of me again; See the sun slowly setting; See the beautiful sunset. He sang in his heart, "A small white poplar grows beside the outpost. Its roots are deep and its trunk is strong. It is watching the breeze blowing in the north of Xinjiang, which makes the green leaves rustle and sound, and the sun shines on the green leaves."