Mother Accompanies Me (18 compilations)
Storm Harvard Road
2023-12-04 06:10:54
third year in high school

Mother accompanies me (1)

The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and our family has prepared large and small packages to return to our hometown for reunion and visit the elderly. My mother looked very happy. She told me that it was the place where she was born and raised.

Finally, I got home. I couldn't wait to jump out of the car, salute my mother-in-law, and rush into my mother's childhood room to "look for memories". This room has not been used for a long time. There are pictures of my mother and aunt in the drawer. The mother in the picture is thin and small. My mother told me that she was ten years old at that time, in the third grade, as old as I am now, but she could cook and fry by herself at that time! On the dusty bookshelf was my mother's childhood extracurricular book "Youth Literature and Art". My mother said that her grandfather had ordered it for her. The day when the book came was the happiest day of her childhood. Opening a yellowing album, I saw a picture of my mother wearing a red scarf, or beside the flag raising platform, or in the chorus line. There was another picture of her reading poetry. It was said that she also won the first prize in that reading. The content of the reading was My Future Is Not a Dream.

The mother in front of me is similar to the mother in the photo. What is different is that my mother still smiles sweetly as before. What is different is that my mother is not that cute little girl now. She has become the mother of two little girls, guarding my sister's childhood, taking us to Tiananmen to watch the flag fly, taking us to the choir, teaching us poetry reading, He often said to us: "Come on! Your future is not a dream!"

Mother accompanies me (2)

My mother is a Russian teacher. She works in a senior high school. Today, I'm going to work with my mother to see what my mother looks like at work.

My mother woke me up early in the morning and kept saying, "Hurry up and do this and that", which made me nervous. After breakfast, my mother and I went out and waited at the bus stop. I complained that my mother felt like fighting this morning. My mother said that it was the right time to take this bus to work. It was neither early nor late, and I would be late if I delayed for a while. During the rush hour, there were a lot of people on the bus. My mother and I stood in the middle of the carriage. My body was shaking. If I could not stand steadily, my mother held me in her arms. Relying on my mother, I feel safe and happy. It was not easy for my mother to go to work like this every day.

When I got to work, my mother wiped my desk first, poured water for me, arranged me to do my homework here, and hurried to class with textbooks. I sat in the office doing my homework. The door was open. The sound of students reading came from the corridor. The sound of my mother's lecture also came to my ears from time to time. After a class, my mother returned to the office and began to help me check my homework and explain difficult problems to me. Just after the lecture, my mother went to class again before she could have a drink of water. I secretly followed my mother to the door of her class and looked at her from the crack in the door. She stood on the platform and was writing something on the blackboard. She explained to the students while writing. After writing for a while, her mother put her hand down, shook it twice and began to write again. I know that my mother's shoulder is uncomfortable again. My mother said it was an occupational disease. After class, my mother has to write lesson plans and correct homework, so there is no time to be idle.

My heart loves my mother very much. My mother's work is so hard. I must listen to my mother, not make her angry, and help her do what she can.

Mother accompanies me (3)

Today is Saturday, because there are activities in the supermarket, so my mother and I go shopping together.

We were walking in the supermarket when suddenly I came to a shelf selling peanut oil. I looked down and exclaimed, "Wow, this peanut oil is only 30 yuan! Mom, let's buy a bucket!" Mom nodded and said happily, "OK, OK!" So we bought this bucket of peanut oil. We went to the counter selling electric rice cookers again, and I thought, "This electric rice cooker must be very expensive, but I still don't want to buy it." At this time, I heard a man exclaim, "This electric rice cooker is too cheap!" At this time, I hesitated. Then he raised his head. My god, it's only 67 yuan. Isn't this cheap normal? I didn't think I opened my mouth wide. My mother looked at my behavior and asked curiously, "What are you looking at?" I stammered, "Mom... you, look!" My mother looked up and was also surprised. She opened her mouth wide and said, "It's amazing!" So we happily bought an electric rice cooker again. We took another turn before leaving the supermarket.

The things in the supermarket are really cheap today!

Mother accompanies me (4)

The soft spring breeze sent off in the children's laughter, and summer came with a brisk pace. In this early summer, we ushered in a happy Children's Day!

On the day of June 1, the school was closed, and I said, "Mom, please take me to play for a while. Last year we went to Jinan. Where do we go this year? There are three days of holidays? I thought in my heart that my mother would definitely take me to Tianjin Haichang Polar Aquarium, where there are sea lion performances and sea dolphin performances. How wonderful! But my mother said: "Son, my mother has something very important to do today, so I can't take you to play. After this period of time, can we go again after your summer vacation?" No, I'm going today. My mother threw cold water on my good plan, and I began to have a small temper! Seeing that I was unhappy, my mother turned pale and said, "Well, let's go to Wanda and take you to eat some delicious food. Then there is Children's Town, and you can go to play for a while." Looking at my cloudy face, my mother was relieved!

When I arrived at Wanda, I was attracted by all kinds of programs on Children's Day. I hurried to see them. In the past, my mother would hurry to take pictures for me. But when I got ready, I saw my mother talking about WeChat constantly and pressing her mobile phone quickly for a short time. She didn't mean to take pictures for me until I called her. At that time, it was nearly noon, my mother said, "Let's hurry to have a meal, and then go home." My June Day ended in such a hurry.

When I got home, I ran to my grandma and complained: "Today, my mother always looked at my mobile phone and ignored me. This is the most boring Children's Day." But Grandma said: "My son, your mother is very tired. You can sleep for hours every day without looking at her. As soon as you have time, you should hurry up to revise the script. The propaganda of their group culture into the grass-roots level has begun. She should speak different scripts according to different passenger transport companies. As the deputy leader of the branch, she should help the members to improve the propaganda script. The birthday of the July 1st Party is coming, and your mother has to line up a 14 for the company From planning to script writing to video production, it's not easy for her to do all the stage presentations. You should understand her. It's not easy for her to take you around today. " From my grandmother's description, I realized my mother's hard work!

Later, I quietly opened my mother's WeChat and calculated that there were more than 1000 WeChat messages flashing. What a huge amount of information! I was dazzled by the various contents of the revised manuscript. I asked my mother: "Why do you help people to revise their manuscripts

In fact, my mother has prepared gifts for you. Look at the members of the Jinling Dance Charity Volunteer Team walking into the handicapped children. My mother and these volunteer friends bought gifts for their children. In order to accompany you, these aunts also brought greetings on my behalf! In the future, you can also join in and be a caring volunteer. Your volunteer clothes and ID card are ready for you!

It turns out that my mother has already prepared such a meaningful gift for me. I am ashamed of my childishness, and I am looking forward to my first volunteer activity! This Children's Day is the most meaningful one for me!

Mother accompanies me (5)

Today, it was sunny and sunny. I accompanied my mother to the countryside to measure the farmers' blood pressure and check their health.

The road there is just opened. The road is bumpy and uneven. The road is full of stones and sand. The road is still winding. When I was riding, I accidentally overturned my bike. My mother's hands and feet were bleeding. Although I didn't fall, I was scared to cry. Mother had to park her car there and walk. We walked and walked, and finally came to the village where my mother wanted to go. We went to every old man's home to take their blood pressure and check their health. Mother also told them some health care knowledge.

Today, I realized how hard life is in the countryside. Their houses are dilapidated. Although they are old and sick, they still have to work in the fields. Looking at their hard and tired life, I feel how happy I am. Today, I also learned how hard my mother's work is. I must study hard and behave well in the future to live up to my mother's hard work.

Mother accompanies me (6)

My father is an outside worker and my mother is an operator. She is often away from home on New Year's Day. This year, the Mid Autumn Festival came again. It turned out that my father and mother had promised to accompany me at home, but on the Mid Autumn Festival, my father went to deal with the line fault again, and my mother took the shift of a sick colleague. Yes, this Mid Autumn Festival is another time for me.

Mother accompanies me (7)

When night fell, my mother was going to work overtime. I didn't miss this opportunity to compete for merit, so we went together.

When I came to the office, I saw, God! With so many documents, when will the seal be printed? But is mother different? More than me!

One, two, three...... Damn it! I had to reprint it because it was so blurry accidentally. Oh, be careful next time.

"Wang Zhiyuan, please check the documents," said his mother. I heard that and began to work. "1, 2, 3, 4..." The first book dazzled me. "It's not easy to work!" I thought.

109 documents are finally checked. Oh, it's not easy to earn money! Adults work hard every day. We should study hard to repay them

Mother accompanies me (8)

Today's children are mostly led by grandparents. In addition to kindergarten, grandparents and grandparents get along most with children, which is also the lifestyle of many families with children. Parents are busy all day and never have time to take care of their children. But when they finally want to take good care of their children one day, they find that they cannot communicate with their children, and their parents have become insignificant to their children. Therefore, parents should spend more time with their children and do things they like.

I remember last year, because of the need of work, Tianma and I had to travel frequently. Every week, I spent three to four days outside. For three or four months, I had to go back and forth like this. One day, I said to me with dissatisfaction every day, "Mom, you haven't played with me for a long time, and you haven't come to the kindergarten to pick me up." When I heard that every day has such a big opinion on me, I suddenly realized that I haven't played with every day for several months, and I'm very tired when I get home at night. Even the chat and story telling that we usually have together have been replaced by my father, A sense of guilt inevitably welled up in my heart.

Like many families, we are double earners. We spend a lot of time at work and hardly have any time to accompany our children. However, it has been proved that the result of doing so is to lose a kind of kinship, an indispensable love of parents in the process of children's growth - children do not need you to buy many toys for her, and she only needs you to accompany her, which is enough.

The healthy growth of children is not only guaranteed by rich material life, but also needs the care and comfort of parents and family. Nowadays, many parents, especially fathers, are very busy. They are busy with their careers, making money, as well as their own entertainment and playing cards. That is, they lack the time to talk with their children's hearts, sing children's songs, tell stories, play games, and play hide and seek with their children. As soon as the children have this requirement, they will send a message: "Go to play by yourself. Don't you see I'm busy?" They have no idea what the children really need.

The key to contact between parents and children is not the number of contacts or the length of time, but the quality of contact. Even if parents only spend a few minutes with their children, as long as they concentrate on their children, they can let them feel your feelings and love for her.

So, when we are with children, we immerse ourselves in their world wholeheartedly. Don't always take being busy as an excuse. As long as parents are careful, spend more time with their children and act, they can give them more love, happiness and happiness.

Mother accompanies me (9)

Mother looked at the girl's hard work and smiled kindly. Step out of the door quietly, knock on the door gently, and walk to the kitchen. Soaked a cup of thick, slightly steaming milk. Then he walked to the girl's room and put it beside her silently. She stroked the girl's soft short hair and touched her head. The girl grinned an innocent smile with her slightly tired face. Mother put the distressed pupil on the pupil of that day and smiled: "Don't be tired, take a rest early." The girl hummed and slightly sped up her homework. Mother continued to mention the sweater, quietly accompanied the girl. The moon outside the window peeps into the room and reflects a warm picture.

Mom Accompanies Me (10)

My mother is a fickle person. A few days ago, she was also addicted to cross stitch, and recently she was in love with dancing. This is not true. These days, she "holds" the computer to watch dance teaching videos.

After dinner that day, my mother suddenly had a whim and asked me to be her partner to dance Slow Three with her. Of course, I didn't want to. I shook my head. My mother saw it and thought of a plan. I came over and touched my head with a smile and said, "Son, if you practice with me, I will reward you with a set of Smiling Cat Diaries.

First of all, my mother asked me to put my right hand around her back, put her left hand on my shoulder, and then let my other hand hang in the air with her right hand. My mother said to me, "Son, take three steps forward with your left leg, and I will take three steps backward." As I was just beginning to learn and practice, I stepped on my mother's foot several times, which made her cry "Ouch" in pain. I was also sorry. I said to my mother, "Don't practice today!" My mother hurriedly said, "No, no, we have to continue to practice." After repeated practice, this basic action was OK. Next, it is more difficult. My mother said to me: "First, take a step forward with your left foot, then take a step outward with your right foot, and finally put your feet together, and then take this step in the opposite direction." I practiced several times, and tripped myself because of my clumsiness. When my mother and I were at a loss, my father called out the dance video for me to see, and I sat on the sofa with my mother carefully watching the video, not missing any picture. After the video was over, my mother and I learned the action on the video and began to jump. If there was something wrong, we had to correct it. After practicing n times, I finally learned that I could dance to the rhythm of music with my mother in a similar way. My father said humorously: "It seems that you can go to the Dance Forest Assembly!", and my mother also said, "Of course, our mother and son will beat the invincible in the Dance Forest Assembly. The champion is me".

My mother saw that I was tired enough and that she was "scarred", so she said to me, "I will practice today and give you the books I promised you at the weekend.". I cheered, "Long live my mother! Long live my mother!" Then my mother piled up a sentence, "You have to dance with me tomorrow!" "Ah!" I fainted!

This dance practice not only enabled me to get my favorite extracurricular books, but also helped me learn some basic dance skills. It is really "perfect for both".

Mom Accompanies Me (11)

Mom has been very busy recently. She has been reading in the evening because she has to take the senior accountant exam. On the morning of September 4, I had an exam in Nanjing, and my father and I agreed to accompany my mother to the exam.

Since my mother usually works in Suzhou, we bought the same high-speed train. On the afternoon of September 3, my father and I started from Shanghai, and my mother got on the train at Suzhou Station. My family met on the train and felt very special.

When I arrived in Nanjing, my father and I played with ease. My mother worked hard. It was very hot that day. My mother finished the exam. She said that the exam had a lot of questions and her hands were sour, but she did well in the exam. I'm so happy for my mother!

Then my mother suggested taking me to her alma mater, Nanjing University. That day was the day when freshmen entered the university, so the campus was very busy. Many parents sent their children to school, which reminded me of the day when I went to university. Hehe!

My mother took me to the campus first. My mother said that those teaching buildings, physics buildings, libraries, small auditoriums It hasn't changed. It's still as friendly as it was ten years ago. The school is so big. I want my mother to hold it when I walk around.

Then we went to the living area. My mother said that the living area had changed a lot. There was a new dormitory building. We also went to the Xiba Shed where my mother used to live to take pictures. My mother said that Xiba Shed had also been renovated and raised.

It was almost time after a round of walking, we hurried home to the railway station. My mother got off at Suzhou Station first. I really couldn't bear to leave my mother. My mother and I were reluctant to leave. I looked forward to seeing my mother again at the weekend.

Mom Accompanies Me (12)

When night fell, my mother was going to work overtime. I didn't miss this opportunity to compete for merit, so we went together.

When I came to the office, I saw, God! With so many documents, when will the seal be printed? But is mother different? More than me!

One, two and three copies. Damn it! I had to reprint it because it was so blurry accidentally. Oh, be careful next time.

"Wang Zhiyuan, please check the documents," said his mother. I heard that and began to work. "1, 2, 3, 4." The first book dazzled me. "It's not easy to work!" I thought.

109 documents are finally checked. Oh, it's not easy to earn money! Adults work hard every day. We should study hard to repay them

Mom Accompanies Me (13)

Today, it was sunny and sunny. My mother and I got up early and went to the market in the twenty mile river in the suburb. We had not yet reached the market when we heard shouts. "Factory direct sales, exquisite double-sided sofa cushions, five yuan each, five yuan each".

Entering the market, ah, it's really lively! All kinds of shouts came to my ears one after another, "Pure hand-made cakes, buy one catty and get one catty free". "Guangxi tangerine is delicious but not expensive, all are sweet". Listening to the rhythmic shouting, my mother and I watched as we walked. Suddenly, we heard someone yelling "local eggs, local eggs". My mother said to me, "Let's go and buy some local eggs.". So we walked in the direction of the sound of peddling. When we got closer, we found that an old man was selling eggs and duck eggs. The old man was wearing an old style black coat, with deep wrinkles on his dark skin engraved with the vicissitudes of time. He looked very simple and thrifty. "Grandpa, can you make it cheaper? I'll buy more" asked his mother. "You need more. The eggs are seven cents each, and the duck eggs are eight cents each." The grandfather replied. "Well, let me have 100 of them," my mother answered brightly. Grandfather picked up eggs and duck eggs with his scrawny hands, but he was very skilled, and soon enough to pick up the amount we wanted. After Mom paid, we continued to pick other things.

This suburban market is really bustling, full of noisy noise everywhere, but my mother and I returned with a full load.

Mother Accompanies Me (14)

Today, when I was going to do my homework, I said to my mother. Mom heard it and said quickly.

"Wait a minute, today, Mom has time, Mom will accompany you with your homework, OK?" I nodded, indicating that I agree with Mom.

I first wrote the Chinese preview homework, because the preview was simple, and it was finished in a short time. So I took out my Chinese book, took out my pencil and prepared for preview. My mother has been sitting beside me, looking at what I wrote. If I see that my writing is not standard or correct, there is a lack of skimming and stamping? It is also written in the form of similar words. I was writing. I didn't know what the word "Di" was for rent, so I asked my mother that she could rent stupid Di. I quickly wrote it online after listening to her. As I wrote, I remembered my mother: she worked so hard, got up early to cook and go to work every day, and now she is accompanying me to do my homework. My eyes are full of tears. Eyes almost shed tears. He also whimpered a few times.

At this time, I realized how hard my mother worked for me and my brother.

Mom Accompanies Me (15)

Today, we had a holiday. As soon as I came home, my mother asked me to do my homework. I dared not disobey my mother's words, so I promised.

When I got home, I opened my schoolbag, took out my homework, opened my pencil box, and began to do my homework. My mother sat beside me, staring at my homework. What I wrote first was a math newspaper, and I was writing. Suddenly, I found that a problem could not be solved, and I thought for a while. If I didn't think of it, I asked my mother; "How to write this question?" My mother, who was working beside me, stopped her work, looked at the question and said to me; "If you read the question several times, you can circle all the useful information, and then combine these conditions to think about the answer to this question." I followed my mother's instructions, and soon I knew how to do this question.

Ah! When the newspaper was finally finished, my mother smiled at me and said; "The writing is really fast. Let's continue." I picked up the English homework again. The English homework is so simple, and I will certainly get praise from my mother. In order to finish it quickly, I wrote the words very hard. My mother looked at it and said to me: "Tear up the English homework and rewrite it." I asked my mother in reply; "Why?" "Look at what you wrote." Mother said angrily. I took a look at it. "It's true." I said again. I tore and wrote. This side is much better than the previous side.

My English homework is finally finished, my mother said to me; "Well, let's write it down here today!" I jumped up happily.

Mother Accompanies Me (16)

In study, work and life, we are all familiar with composition. Composition is a kind of speech activity, which is highly comprehensive and creative. Do you know how to write a standard composition? The following is a collection of my hair dyeing essays with my mother collected by Xiaobian for everyone. Welcome to share!

One night, my mother said she would go to the barber's to dye her hair. I was just fine, so we went together.

After arriving at the barber shop, the waitress aunt first washed her hair with her mother, then dried it, then mixed a cream and a liquid together, and then brushed her mother's hair with a small brush. Fifteen minutes later, my aunt brushed again. Thirty minutes later, my aunt washed my mother's hair thoroughly. Then an uncle came to trim his mother's hair. His action was very quick. I was dazzled and my mother's hair changed immediately.

When I walked out of the barber shop, my mother was fashionable and beautiful, and I almost didn't know her!

Mom Accompanies Me (17)

I accompany my mother to have a tooth extracted

Saturday, March 31, cloudy

My mother had a standing tooth, which was often painful. My mother decided to pull it out. I was afraid of my mother's fear, so I accompanied her to pull it out.

When we arrived at the hospital, the doctor gave his mother an anesthetic in her mouth. After a few minutes, the doctor picked up tools and began to pull out her teeth. The doctor's technique was very good. In two minutes, the tooth was pulled out smoothly. Then the doctor picked up a ball of cotton and asked his mother to bite it, saying it was to prevent bleeding. Because the doctor gave my mother anesthetic, my mother's mouth was numb, and she wrote a bloody composition. I was very distressed.

Mom Accompanies Me (18)

The winter vacation has begun, and the New Year is coming. Seeing my mother busy every day, I also wanted to help her do something, so that morning, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy New Year's goods.

Walking to Ginza Supermarket, I saw red lanterns and couplets hanging at the door. The supermarket is crowded with people, and its goods are much more abundant than usual. The supermarket is already full of strong New Year flavor, with red lanterns, golden "Fu" characters, red Spring Festival couplets, and red Chinese knots. I was attracted by the dazzling books at the door. The salesman said, "Books cost 12.80 yuan per kilogram." I want my mother to buy things and stay there to read books, such as How Steel Is Tempered, 100000 Why, Five Thousand Years in the World, and If You Give Me Three Days of Light. Mother said, "Go shopping first, and buy books when you leave.".

The salesperson in the supermarket kept introducing the promotional products to everyone. One after another, I kept urging my mother to hurry up. My mother bought my favorite chocolates, melon seeds, peanuts, candy, fruit juice... My mother also paid me 32 yuan to buy a big gift bag filled with my favorite food. Before leaving, I bought a copy of "If You Give Me Three Days of Light". Because my mother asked me to read more books during the holiday.

My mother and I are carrying big bags and small bags of New Year goods. Although we are tired and sweating, my heart is still full of expectations for the New Year.

Looking at the full supply of New Year goods, I think we will be very happy this New Year.