600 character composition (16 collections)
Believe in yourself
2023-09-18 00:31:38

Different composition 600 words composition (1)

Today is the first day of the beginning. Last night I tossed and turned. I was so excited that I didn't sleep a night. The first sunshine in the morning came into my room, and I immediately got up. It was another new day. With a good mood, I stepped out of the house at 8:30.

When I came to the school, I went to the first teaching building.

"Strange! There is no one so late?" I felt extremely strange. At that moment, my primary school friend Xiao C called me, "Hey, this time we will sign up on the playground and distribute books."

I am even more puzzled. When will I change to the playground to register and distribute books? When my friend C saw that I was confused, he began to explain to me: "This time, the grade group is a newly graduated college student, which is really high spirited. He wants to change the previous education system and adopt another innovative education method. We have no characteristic classes, and we can go to any class we want to attend."

Hearing Little C's explanation, I suddenly realized that this is a new thing. Curiously, our grade director came to the stage to speak. Little C said to me, "Look, that's him!" I nodded thoughtfully. He began to speak, and the originally noisy crowd quieted down. He said: "I am your grade head, now you can pick up books on the upper left of the playground, and tomorrow we will arrive at school on time!"

The next day I came to class. When I saw the timetable, all three classes were in math. My friend, Little C, asked me, "Which class are you going to take?" I pointed to Class 1 and said, "Take this class. This teacher happens to have the same surname as me." When we came to this class, everyone began to take their places. There was no fixed position. Anyone who wanted to be with us could do. For the first time, we felt the pleasure of freedom in class. Soon, the teacher came, eh? Isn't this our senior? It seems that I have good taste. In the morning, there are all main courses, and in the afternoon, there are elective courses, such as music, art, sports, and computers. Although you can take elective courses, you must take other courses once a week, but you can take more courses you like. Wow! It's so cool!

Another ray of sunshine in the morning came into my room, and I opened my eyes in a daze, oh! It was a dream! However, how I yearn for that free class, no specific class, no specific seat... everything is so wonderful, when can this class be promoted?

Another 600 word composition (2)

Everyone wants to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival, but I had a different Mid Autumn Festival this year.

On Mid Autumn Day, our family sat on the balcony and ate moon cakes.

Dad suddenly took out his mobile phone, ate moon cakes, and scanned his WeChat friends circle on his mobile phone to see every message sent by others. My father looks at the circle of friends at a fast speed, and his fingers move flexibly on the screen. Others can see ten lines at a glance, while my father can see ten lines at a glance, just like a clever butterfly flying in the flowers. Looking at it, he didn't even find the moon cake on his left hand. It was only when Grandpa gently touched Dad with his elbow that he found the moon cake was missing.

When my mother saw my father looking at his mobile phone, she was also unwilling. So she also took out her mobile phone to watch TV plays. My mother was fascinated by the phone, and she would laugh from time to time. She held the phone in both hands, stared at the screen tightly, and refused to leave. I wonder if the mobile phone has some magic power. The mosquito bit several bags on her leg, but she didn't find it. In normal times, when a mosquito bites her feet, she will immediately find it and beat it to death. But this time, what happened to my mother? Is the magic of mobile phones so great? Suddenly, a hero in the TV play on his mother's mobile phone gave the villain a hard bite, and her mother shouted, "Good bite!" But she did not know that she had been bitten by mosquitoes on her legs. My grandparents and I were stunned!

I began to try to persuade both of them, "Mom and Dad, you'd better look at the moon, how round it is! What's good about mobile phones?" I thought my persuasion would work, but who knows, they actually "don't listen to things around them, just look at the mobile phone in hand." They are so serious!

Gradually, the smiles on my grandparents' faces gradually disappeared, and they seemed very disappointed with the Mid Autumn Festival. On second thought, this Mid Autumn Festival is really different. How many people spend this Mid Autumn Festival night with their mobile phones?

600 word composition (3)

The New Year is about to pass. As the saying goes, "Ten miles is different from one another." What about foreign New Year? Will it be affected by China?

For the western festivals, our impression still stays on Christmas, Christmas tree and Santa Claus. In fact, Christmas is a Christian festival, a day to commemorate the Christmas of Jesus, the founder of Christianity in AD 0. Now it has gradually developed into a common festival in many countries. But this is not really the Spring Festival. The New Year in most Western countries refers to the New Year's Day on January 1.

The British usually hold a celebration on the evening of December 31. They will hold a party from 8:00 p.m. to the early morning of January 1. After the party, the British will take wine and cakes to relatives and friends' homes to worship. In Britain, the barber shop will be very busy towards the end of the year. Everyone wants their hair dyed black. Because the hosts think that if the first person who goes to their home to pay New Year's greetings is a black haired man, their home will be lucky; If she is a blonde, her family will have bad luck. When an Englishman enters someone else's house, he goes straight to the fire without saying hello, which means "opening the door is good". On the morning of January 1, when walking on the street, no matter who they met, they would give each other a copper coin, send one out, and others would send it back, in order to make people rich in the new year.

After the New Year bell sounded, Brazilians held torches high one by one and swarmed to climb the mountain. The mountain was completely surrounded and lit up in an instant. Everyone is looking for a golden birch which symbolizes happiness. This sport is called "Seeking Happiness". It is said that only those who are hard-working and strong can find it. When people meet, they will pull each other's ears with their hands, which is said to bring good luck.

After reading this article, you may praise the British New Year, or you may say: "Brazil's customs are too wonderful!" However, the golden mountains and silver mountains are not as green as their own, and it is better to celebrate the New Year in their hometown!

600 word composition (4)

The wind blows gently, the grass dances and flowers dance, a piece of green jump on the paper, interspersed with some wild flowers. Elegant and comfortable. Such as green blanket, warm and comfortable; Such as a beauty, refreshing and gentle.

Sitting alone against a tree. Look up to the sky, see the clouds roll and relax, elegant and fresh; Seen from afar, Bibo is popular, elegant and gorgeous; Under the body, the meaning of green is refreshing. The afternoon nap, of course, has a different taste in my mind.

Hold novels and forget all troubles. In a quiet place, you are comfortable and free. It is ethereal and becomes immortal.

Sitting by the river, the feet play with the fish in the water. The fish kiss their toes, sometimes close, sometimes far away, sometimes roll up a small spray. The heart of leisure rises.

When the wind blows, willows and willows dance with the wind, and grass suddenly surges into a wave. Under the wind, flowers also dance. With a fragrance, the smell of earth is overflowing in the air.

"Buddha smiled." Compared with Buddhism, beauty is not excluded. What kind of flower will make Buddha smile for it? I think that the flower must also be in this quiet bad environment, a shallow, faint flower, perhaps there will be a small insect perched on it, greedily moistening the flower and nature!

Bathed in the sun, the warmth of my heart swells up, prompting countless warm memories. The riverside in the afternoon is so beautiful, and the sweet taste is around my heart. I can't forget the beautiful and beautiful scenery. The refined taste comes to my heart. The faint sweetness, mixed with the smell of soil, moistens my soul.

Everyone has his own unique appreciation of life. Some are colorful, some are elegant, some are passionate, some are melancholy and quiet. The world is full of beauty, color and taste. Some are sweet, some are bitter, some are sour, some are fishy.

Only when you taste carefully, will the taste bloom in your heart.

Flowers bloom and wither. Let's get together and taste the taste that blooms in our hearts!

Another 600 word composition (5)

Close the slightly yellowed title of the book. Although I can't remember how many times I have closed it after opening it, I am still excited when I see the words "Notre Dame de Paris". I will marvel at Esmeralda's appearance. At that time, a kind of beauty existed in the ideal dream. A thin face and slender arms.

There is not even a trace of roughness on the bronzed skin. This is not the kind of image that can be replaced by a layer of foundation liquid. This is because of the sad and ridiculous fate, in that era of decline, after countless times of polishing and purity. I don't know, I don't know whether I will live safely under the distorted and incomplete appearance; I don't know whether I can still keep my innocence at birth under the influence of the evil and warmth coexisting; I don't know whether I will follow my beloved in the nihility of watching movies with her after her death... Whenever I wander around here, I always see a person named Kasimoto, hiding in the shadow behind the crowd, climbing step by step to the unknown cliff, under which she believes in the beauty. How ugly it is, living under a mask every day. That endless hypocrisy has left some good.

When night falls, the lonely and indifferent nightclub removes his mask and some kindness. In the vortex of desire and humanity, he released the real devil. When desire tangled with pure love in his heart, he also suffered, but it was the desire for possession that overthrew those so-called good feelings and love. I have not experienced the ups and downs of that era, the crisscross loneliness. But he felt a little familiar with that evil. This is an unknown feeling. Perhaps in today's world, the most real world is the blueprint of the tragedy staged by Notre Dame in Paris. At first, it will always be at the end - when Esmeralda and Cassimoto are cutting off all links with the world, when two cold bodies disappear in the dust of history. I quietly left two drops of tears as a complaint against that or this hypocritical and ruthless world.

But when the morning light of dawn shines, I will be moved by the once simple and clean world. It is those ugly and beautiful battles that have ups and downs in our life; It is the combination of evil and holy that moves us. Huoxue, when we lie in the white single bed in the mental hospital, comb our hair and talk about life, we will find that the world is so wonderful, and we will realize the happiness of Esmeralda and Cassimodor!

Another 600 word composition (6)

Life is always a sacred topic in people's hearts. It shocks, surprises and moves us again and again. The power of life moves our hearts.

The green street is full of faint fragrance of flowers. It is full of vitality. After I crossed several roads, I found a corner of the street out of tune with the surrounding scene. In this corner, there is a pot of dying evergreen quietly. The leaves have fallen on the ground, and the branches hang down weakly. Only at the root, there is a faint greenness, I don't know what happened. Maybe I thought it was safe, so I took it back and my mother told me about it.

After I took it home, I moved it to the best position on the balcony to let it bask in more sun. I watered it several times a day. I stayed by it while busy, providing it with more carbon dioxide, and kept breathing. After several days of this, it still remained half alive without any improvement. I began to think that it was totally hopeless. I thought that it was not likely to survive until I brought it back. I just wanted to try. Now it is a failure, so I put this plant back to the original corner.

Time rushes by in a week. The sky is like a washed blue silk. The light rain is falling continuously. The raindrops hit my umbrella and condensed into drops and then slowly rolled down. It was still on the street, it was still green, but something changed quietly in that corner. When I found it again, I was deeply shocked. It is no longer dim but looks up and raises its chest, as if telling the world that it has changed. The skin of the dead branches has been shed, and now it is a piece of green. There are crystal water drops hanging on the green leaves. When the breeze blows, it is swaying with the wind. It is so gorgeous. The water drops are shining in the sunshine, deeply reflected in my eyes, and cannot be removed. I took it home again. The longer it grows, the more prosperous it is, and it has become a beautiful scenery in my home.

Life is short, but also tenacious, in a short life like evergreen, never give up. Try your best to bloom the last brilliant moment of your life, do not bow to the fate, and dance out a different feeling of life.

600 word composition (7)

There are many kinds of love. Motherly love alone is unforgettable. Some people say that maternal love is like an idyllic poem, which is pure, fresh and elegant; Motherly love is like a landscape painting, which washes away the ornate carvings and leaves behind natural purity; Motherly love is like a soulful song, melodious and graceful, singing softly; Motherly love is like the warm spring wind, blowing away the snow and bringing infinite spring.

It was one night, I was working on some thinking questions that my mother assigned me. I wrote and drew on the draft paper, racking my brains, and finally finished writing. When I checked the answers to the thinking questions for my mother, I sighed a long sigh, looking relieved. The clock had already pointed to nine o'clock, and I yawned as if I was ready to wash my face and go to bed. Suddenly, the red pen in my mother's hand stopped, and her eyebrows were locked, like an exclamation point. "Yan Wenyu, come here, you made a mistake in this question." When I heard this sentence, I quickly put down the story in my hand, ran to my mother, took the paper and looked at it, a bright red cross woke up. I cocked up my mouth and seemed unconvinced. I grabbed the test paper and buried my head in the calculation...... "Dida, Dida" time passed quickly. In a twinkling of an eye, it was 9:45. The problem had not been solved yet. I turned to my mother and looked at her begging. I hoped she would help me explain it, even if it was just a little encouragement, Mother angrily roared: "If you can't do it today, you can't sleep." The scolding voice fell down like hail.

It's better to ask for others than for yourself. Since my mother didn't explain it to me, I wrote it myself. I thought hard, and finally came up with a way to solve this problem. I was suddenly enlightened. My mother came to me and said softly, "OK, go to sleep."

On that day, I couldn't sleep because my mother's ruthlessness broke my heart.

Maybe you remember when your mother grabbed your ear and pulled you out of the warm bed every morning; I remember my mother chattered about everything every day, but we ignored the loving expression in her eyes. Maternal love is so deep and pure, such as the more mellow wine is brewed, we are intoxicated with it, but we do not know that it is a millennium wine. However, as long as we know what our mother has done for us, we will know that we can never repay our mother for her kindness to us.

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (8)

I am an observant person, always observing the beautiful things around me.

I like to wander by the brook in the morning, sit down on the bluestone board with a good book in hand, and read quietly. The clear and sweet spring symphony is in my ear. In front of me, there is a green lawn. The grass looks around with curious eyes from the ground. But in my heart, there is an incomparable beauty. What a beautiful picture of spring!

I like to wander around the pond on a summer night. On a quiet night, with the gentle breeze, I am intoxicated with the fragrance of lotus. By the moonlight, the rippling blue waves in the pool are quite beautiful. I enjoy sucking the fresh air like honey. Listen! There were bursts of frogs not far away... My heart immediately took a boat to enjoy the warmth of the summer night.

I like to stand in the deep of the forest, where there is no noise, only the beautiful singing of birds and the swaying of branches... At this time, all the erections are dressed in red. With the whispering wind, the leaves dance like butterflies, which is a telegram sent by Miss Qiu; Tell us that autumn has come. I bent over and picked up a leaf and put it in my book to feel the joy of autumn harvest.

I like to walk in the vast white snow, to watch the plum blossom, experience the philosophy of "plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". In the cold winter, the trees are bare. Only plum blossom silently in the ice and snow without competing with flowers, offering a wisp of fragrance for people and bringing the information of spring to people.

My friends, as long as you are good at observing things around you, you can find its subtleties, its uniqueness and its beauty! As long as you put your heart into it, you will find a different scenery.

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (9)

I remember when I was six years old, I went back to my hometown once and played the game of "eagle catching chicken" with a group of friends. It was very intense. The eagle rushed to the left quickly, and the hen immediately turned to the right to block the eagle. The eagle rushed to the right again, quickly grabbed the chicks that had fallen behind and took them to his own territory. The hen was worried and kept protecting her chicks with her wings. The eagle also used a stunt. It pretended to be careless and turned around the hen, and then suddenly slipped under the hen's wings

Everyone fought and quarreled until they reached the Peach Garden. This peach garden is managed by a very strange grandpa Pan. Because he has a strange temper, my friends dare not make him angry. But when we looked at the bright red peach, we couldn't resist the temptation to rush up the tree one by one, grab the peach and eat it. While gnawing, he threw a peach to the bottom. "How sweet!" The children below began to eat peaches. But I never answered. Because my mother taught me when I was young: be honest, not your own things, do not take, do not eat. At this time, Grandpa Pan came, and the little friends scattered in a crowd. But my feet were weak and I didn't escape. I became a "prisoner" and handed it to my mother.

Mother's face changed from blue to white, and from white to green, she shouted angrily: "Get down on your knees!" I said wrongly: "Mom, I didn't eat..." "Dare to quibble!" Mother trembled with anger, grabbed a coat hanger and hit me. I was full of grievances, but I didn't dare to speak out, so I just had to endure the pain.

In the evening, I got to bed early, ready to go to bed. Grandpa Pan came to apologize. He said, "I'm sorry, I asked someone else's child. They said that your child stood under the peach tree and did not steal peaches..."

In the vagueness, a hand gently touched the marks on my body, and it was my mother who touched my body with tears

I still remember that scene.

Grade 5: Fan Yueyuge

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (10)

In study, work and even life, everyone has written a composition. Composition is a speech activity with high comprehensiveness and creativity. So how do you write a general composition? The following is a 600 character composition of my mother, which I have arranged for you. It is for reference only. Welcome to read it.

There is no star in the night sky, and there is no topic to add. I had nothing to do, so I went to the supermarket.

"Wow -" A burst of crying attracted my attention. I saw a young mother urging her daughter, "Stop crying, stop crying, buy, buy" and then put a box of sugar into the shopping cart. She blushed and fled from the "accident scene" under the eyes of dozens of people. I think: Now children are so headstrong, parents are so dependent on her?

"You will shop according to our list in a moment," said another young mother. Hearing these words, I couldn't help being attracted by the mother and daughter. The young mother was wearing a white sweater, a brown gown, black tights and a pair of small leather boots. Her daughter is also very neat and orderly.

What will such a small child choose? I was curious, so I quietly followed them, "Mom, this is soy sauce, salt. soy sauce is seven yuan and eighty cents, salt is two yuan and sixty cents..." The little girl looked at the list for items, carefully checked the price tag, and kept talking to herself, "Ha ha, I know these words too." The young mother's face was always smiling with relief.

"What else do we need to buy?" the young mother reminded the little girl.

"Er... pencil, eraser... milk, eggs..." The little girl carefully checked the items on the list.

"Well, what do you want to buy first?" added the young mother.

"Go to buy milk and eggs first. Look, they are in the front area." The little girl looked around and made a confident decision.

Their shopping went smoothly, and they bought many things in 15 minutes. At the final checkout, the little girl saw a box of candy, smiled and said to her mother, "Mom, let's buy a box of candy!"

"Look at the list. Is there any candy on it?" Mom replied calmly.

"No, but I want to," whispered the little girl.

"Well, if you know the above words, you can put them on the list next time." After thinking for a moment, the young mother gave the little girl a hope and another goal, and the little girl agreed as if she had been blessed.

A four or five year old child can make a list of things to buy and budget in advance. I sincerely admire that mother's educational wisdom!

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (11)

Spring came quietly. Because of the epidemic, we can't look for spring outside the community, but the spring in the community is also beautiful. Let's look for the footprints of Spring Girl!

We walked along the cobbled path to the flower bed. There is a towering tree in the middle of the flower bed. Because of the arrival of spring, it is more luxuriant. There are some beautiful flowers in various forms around the big trees. Those colorful flowers are in full bloom on the earth, red like fire, green like jade, white like snow... Their smell is more attractive, some refreshing, refreshing; Some are fragrant and pungent. Listen, the birds are singing happily on the branches. Suddenly, a gust of wind blows, and the leaves rustle, as if to accompany the birds to welcome the arrival of spring.

Further ahead, there is a lawn. The withered and yellow grass in winter has changed its new clothes in the call of spring. It is fresh and green. Its fat and tender leaves are like fat dolls just waking up. You see, the children took off their heavy cotton padded jackets and put on light spring clothes. They chased and played on the lawn. Their faces were filled with innocent smiles. A warm current rose in my heart.

Then go ahead, you will see a sparkling river, the water flowing, like the sound of spring piano. A few ducks played in the water and plunged their heads into the water for food from time to time. By the side of the river, there are several weeping willows. They have grown new leaves, which are thin and long, like spring stationery, or the whistle of spring girl. Its branches are like filaments, like the long hair of a spring girl. A spring wind blows, and the soft and elegant hair is swaying with the wind. Next to it is a row of holly trees. When you look carefully, new green leaves grow on its top, like a baby. I walked forward and touched it with my hand. Ah! How slippery! Touch the leaves below again. They are rough, like the hands of grandparents.

Spring is coming! We saw her, heard her, smelled her, she was swinging on the willow branches, she was in the gentle voice of birds, she was in the bright smile of flowers

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (12)

This year's Mid Autumn Festival is a little different from that of previous years.

On the morning of the Mid Autumn Festival, my mother said, "Let's make mooncakes by ourselves!" I clapped my hands and shouted repeatedly, "OK, OK, great!" Because I like doing handcrafts best. I called my father and grandmother together. We worked together: my mother and I kneaded the crust, and my father and grandmother were busy steaming and rubbing the stuffing. Everyone was busy. Start making moon cakes. Like my mother, I took a flat crust in my left hand and a round filling ball in my right hand, and wrapped them into a ball. I had just wrapped one, and when I was elated, I inadvertently glanced at the table: how could there be a small thing on the table? Oh, the moon cake I wrapped had a small hole, and the stuffing fell out! I quickly took another piece of cake crust to fill the hole. Maybe because I was too hard, another hole was broken on the other side. I took another piece of cake crust to wrap the moon cake. It took me three pieces of cake crust to wrap the moon cake. This is really a special moon cake!

While making moon cakes, I asked my mother curiously, "Why do we eat moon cakes on Mid Autumn Festival?". After listening to this, it suddenly dawned on me that eating mooncakes is just looking forward to reunion!

After dinner, I excitedly took the moon cake to pay a visit to the moon aunt. The moon tonight is particularly bright, like a large bronze mirror hanging high in the dark blue sky, which reminds me of Su Shi's "Water Melody": When is the bright moon? Ask Qingtian about the wine... After paying tribute to Yuegu, our family shared the mooncakes they made by themselves in the charming moonlight. All of a sudden, I cried out "Oh!". It turned out that I had just eaten my own "triple prize" - three skin moon cake. Everyone looked at me and laughed happily!

This is really a special Mid Autumn Festival. I hope people will stay together for a long time.

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (13)

What is warmth? Warmth is the slightest concern in the cold wind, the lighthouse guiding the route in the storm, the power to survive in despair, and the feeling of warmth when being helped! When you are sick, your parents' care for you is warm; When you are sad, teachers and classmates give you comfort and warmth; When you succeed, everyone gives you warm applause.

Remember that time, we were waiting in the classroom for school. Suddenly, black clouds floated in the sky, covering the sky, and several lightning flashed across the sky. "Hua Hua......" The heavy rain poured down from the air. Looking out of the window, the gorgeous flowers bent down in the rain, the green saplings were depressed in the rain, and all the creatures lost their vitality in the past.

"Oh, my god, why did it rain when school was over?" Without an umbrella, I had to lie in front of the window and watch my classmates leave the campus with umbrellas or under the care of their parents.

"Mom really is not coming to pick me up!" I kept complaining in my heart.

It was getting dark, and the rain did not decrease. I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot - round and round. Mom is not here now. Something must be wrong! Only rushed home in the rain. However, that would make me ill... Finally, I carried my schoolbag and walked out of the classroom.

At the school gate, I rolled up my sleeves and hugged my head. Just as I was about to run, a familiar voice came from behind me: "Don't rush, monitor! That will make me sick." I turned around and saw that it was Nangong Yaqian. "What should I do? I didn't bring an umbrella, and no one came to pick it up." I reluctantly smiled. She raised the umbrella in her hand, smiled and said, "There is it! Let's go together." "Thank you." I looked at her gratefully.

We walked home laughing and talking. Sometimes, he asked me, "Did you get wet?" I shook my head gently every time. Before we knew it, we were at my door. I ran to the door and opened the door with the key. Then I found that her right sleeve was wet: "Yaqian, you... why..." "It's OK, just go back and change it. Are you OK?" She said to me. "Well, it's OK! Yaqian, wait a minute, I'll get a towel to wipe for you, or you'll catch a cold." Before she answered, I went to the towel. When I came out, her thin figure had disappeared in the sea of rain. At this moment, a warm current quietly flows into my heart and flows all over my body. I suddenly felt that my eyes were hot, and the crystal tears fell down one by one.

Whenever I think of this, a warm stream flows into every corner of my heart like honey, and ripples in the sea of my heart. The general warm current is warmth.

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (14)

Different Scenery Composition 600 Words 1

The setting sun, like fire, reddened the Western Hills, reflected the white clouds, poeticized the evening, and brightened the mood.

At this time, the birds chirp and the birds chirp, all eager to return to their nests - the nestlings are waiting for their parents' care, and the parents outside the nest are rushing to enjoy the joy of parenthood. Such scenery is extremely beautiful. Therefore, our family decided to take a walk in the field behind the house to enjoy the intoxicating beauty and warmth of nature.

My father's right hand is holding my left hand, and my mother's left hand is holding my right hand. The warmth is passing through the fingertips, and the affection is spreading in the palm.

We set out.

Under the setting sun, in the wilderness, our shadow was drawn very long, like three rays stretching to the horizon, but the intersection was at our feet.

I am the bridge, connecting the tall father and the gentle mother; I am Miao, and I am accompanied by my mountain like parents; I am the baton that is passed on by my parents.

Gentle wind caresses and walks slowly. There were not too many words along the way. To be more precise, we often kept silent.

We are all content with this silence. Because we all know that some words need not be said, just keep them in mind.

From time to time, my father looked sideways at my mother and me, but he just looked at us quietly with a smile and no words. However, both my mother and I can read deep love from his eyes.

We continued to walk and remain silent.

When the evening wind blew, mother's short hair was disordered, and she subconsciously lifted it with her hand. I tilted my head and stared at her, looking at the more gentle and loving mother in the sunset. Unexpectedly, my mother was so embarrassed by my action that she blushed.

I smiled, and so did my mother.

The sunset glow reflected on my mother's face, making her smile more brilliant.

My father seemed to be aware of the laughter of my mother and me. He turned his head and stared at his mother. Mother's face reddened and father smiled. We just laughed and walked together. The world was full of only this intoxicating smile. I don't know why we laugh, but we are actually laughing.

We continued to walk.

I don't know whether we can reach the end of the road together, but I know that no one will let go until we reach the end.

As the sun sets, the beautiful natural scenery becomes dim.

Under this sky, another scenery is more prominent - father, mother and me.

We are a landscape on the earth.

Love is different

The scenery!

Different Landscape Composition 600 Words 2

The scenery, like a silk chrysalis, covers me in a sentimental world.

Flower burial

You are the most beautiful scenery. "Two curved eyebrows look like a frown, but not a frown, and a pair of eyes look like a joy, but not a joy. The sorrow of two ecological dimples is a delicate disease. Tears are scattered, and the breath is slight. When quiet, it is like a delicate flower shining on the water, and when acting, it is like a willow supporting the wind." Even the proud Wang Xifeng boasts that he has never seen a beauty like you.

You are sentimental and carefree. You always feel that flowers are not clean on the ground and must be buried in the earth to rest. Therefore, there is another scenery in the garden. Yijuan residual clouds, slightest breeze. You wear a long skirt, sit on the stone, carefully handle the flowers, tears whirling; Light hoe, and tears will bury them in the earth. The eyes were filled with tears. "Now I bury the flower people, but I know who it is when I bury the flower?" It's a good song, "Song of Funeral Flowers", and it's a virgin's heart. You depend on the suffering of others, your steadfast and persistent love, and make the "Song of Burial Flowers" miserable and faint, sad and heartrending. Oh! This beautiful "Song of Buried Flowers", this sad feeling, this different kind of you, is the most beautiful scenery, the most precious scenery in the treacherous Jia Family.

Emotional distress

You can ride alone in a boat. The coldness of King Huai of Chu echoes in your mind.

By the river, you are in Gaogang. Hands back chair, head up, no attachment. You see the villagers trying to stay, you hear the children chanting Lisao, and you also feel the chilling coldness of the river. You smiled and sighed: "Enough! It's better to return after being insulted!"

At this moment, the river engulfs you. Is that a farewell on the deathbed, or a continuation of the "long road ahead"?

You are gone. But the scenery composed of you and the turbulent cold river, the clouds and the cool wind is still in my heart. You bought your spirit and dignity with your death, and you will go down in history.

Your jump is the most beautiful scenery, which burns the eyes of King Huai of Chu.

The memory moistened the song again, and the moonlight floated again in the look of frequent passers-by and alienation. The numerous retreats, whether someone will think of that song, that scene, that sadness, that loneliness?

Different Landscape Composition 600 Words 3

There are many beautiful sceneries in nature. There are clear streams, fragrant gardens, forests with luxuriant branches and leaves, vast grasslands, and... But my favorite is the colorful hillsides.

The hillside in my hometown is an old friend I know best from childhood to adulthood. It is beautiful and moving. For so many years, it is still so beautiful. How many times have I been intoxicated!

Spring girl came quietly. Accompanied by the spring breeze, the hill was dressed in beautiful colorful clothes. The hillside woke up. The birds began to sing the songs that had not been finished last year. They were sweet and beautiful, which added a lot of fun to the hillside. The grass poked out a small head from the soil, as if asking: "Partners, is spring coming?" The grass also poked out their heads one after another. When sister Hua'er heard that it was spring, she also opened her smile. Look! One by one, it seems that they are smiling at me! Sister Liu Shu was dressing up when she pulled out her long braid. A breeze blew, and the birds sang more intensely. A singing and dancing party was held here. Grass waved her hands to the music. Colorful flowers shook their heads. Sister Liu Shu waved her graceful figure. A group of butterflies swept over her shoulders and danced in the air. What a pleasure! Miss Chun has gone quietly again

With the heat, Brother Xia rushed to the hillside, which was more eye-catching. Here, a hundred flowers bloom in bright colors. The trees here are shaded, the birds sing and the flowers smell, the birds sing and the birds dance. Brother Xia's arrival has made flowers more prosperous than fire and grass as green as blue. The hillside is a new color. Time went by, and Brother Xia left again

The whole hillside was completely new, yellow everywhere, and the sound of falling leaves everywhere. Mother Dashu is also old, and baby leaves have grown up. They can't wait to ride in Grandma Feng's car and float away. Grandma Qiu changed her back on the hill and left quietly

After Grandma Qiu left, Grandpa Winter arrived. Grandpa Winter put on a snow-white coat for the hillside again. Grandpa Big Tree grew white hair and a white beard. The grass and flowers fell asleep, waiting for the arrival of next spring

In the four seasons, the hillside is full of strange colors. It changes a lot. Sometimes it feels busy, sometimes it feels quiet, sometimes it feels refreshing, sometimes... Can I not be intoxicated with such beautiful scenery?

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (15)

When I sit, I can't help but put my right calf under my buttocks, which is always the case. My classmates often remind me, but as soon as I sit down, my hind legs can't help me, and it itself runs under my buttocks. Later, I reminded myself that after a period of hard work, this "different habit" was changed by me.

I have a good habit of finding out the most important information in the questions, and then use them to eliminate one by one. If there are only two options left later, and one of the two options requires a lot of calculation, then I will find its approximate value. Because I think if there is a big gap between the approximate value and the answer in the option, then the answer to this multiple choice question is the rest. How about, is my habit very useful to you?

When eating, people usually eat the delicious food first, but I don't. When I eat, I will eat the disgusting food first, and then eat the best food. Because I think; These things have to be eaten in the morning and evening. If you finally eat something unpleasant, those unpleasant smells will accompany you after you eat. If you eat something delicious at the end, these delicious things will not only remove the unpleasant smell, but also accompany you for a period of time.

When doing homework, I will set a time for each kind of homework, usually adding a few minutes, so that I can know when all the homework will be finished. Because the estimated time is too much each time, I usually finish my homework within this time. When I finish one item, I will add fuel to myself. This method is efficient and accurate.

Other habits are good and bad. Let's get rid of those bad habits and carry forward those good habits!

Different Composition 600 Word Composition (16)

During the Spring Festival, it is necessary to take a fire fight. The frame fire is made up of 12 to 13 "tables" without a desktop. There are all kinds of fireworks tied to the "table". The fireworks are connected by an ignition wire, and the firing time is controlled by the length of the fuse. It is said that setting off the "frame fire" can gradually rise and prosper in the new year.

The night of the Lantern Festival is the time to set off a fire. The drum team began the parade. The front row carries lanterns to lead the team, followed by a magnificent team beating drums and gongs. In the middle is the man who is rowing the dry boat with his chant. The dry boat is carrying the doll I was born that year. Then followed by a group of percussion teams. "The sound of gongs, drums and trumpets mixed together, which attracted countless people. Surrounded by the crowd, the gongs and drums team went to a fire and set it off.

"Fire curtains" were lit on both sides of the house, and countless golden sparks fell down, shining like daylight. As soon as the curtain of fire fell, a large number of fireworks began to be set off. Green flower clusters, golden ears of wheat, and red bouquets are blooming in the night sky continuously, making it hard to tell who is who. After countless fireworks, with the setting off of the last layer of "frame fire" and "sky lamp", countless flames flew into the night sky. Then people followed the drum team to the next fire fight, which continued all night. The fire set off all night indicates the new prosperity of the coming year. People are immersed in the festive atmosphere. The lights are bright in every house, echoing the fireworks and photos in the night sky. How lively!

It is rare to see the bustling atmosphere and gunfire in the noisy city. There are family and friends reunions and happy holidays. It's a joy to inherit traditional culture, relax and release feelings!

Year after year, the new year is still the same. It suddenly occurred to me that such a good folk custom should not only be seen by our generation.