Quotes about struggling circle of friends
Sunflowers at sunrise
2023-03-25 08:17:45

1. When I was young, I fell down and cried, hoping others would know and support me. When I grow up, I fall down and keep quiet, so as not to be known by others, I get up and continue to run.

2. Some people struggle for fame all their lives, but the number of people at his funeral depends on the weather of the day.

3. I like cactus. There is a pot of cactus on my balcony. Whenever I see it, my heart will be full of courage to struggle. When I am lonely, I will look at it and see new hope. The cactus is my guide.

4. It will encourage and motivate you to make more arduous efforts to achieve what they have done.

5. If the result makes you feel sorry, please thank yourself for your efforts.

6. The current situation is like this. I don't mean to offend anyone. I don't care whether others like me or not. Just do my best. I don't cheat or want to be cheated. I can't bear to say anything, but don't argue, don't compromise, know my responsibility, and know to work hard. One thing is the same. You respect me, and I will respect you

7. No longer decadent, firmly towards the goal. To pursue the life I want.

8. Nobody knows about it in the cold years, and everyone knows about it.

9. Struggle, boy! strive! From today on, you will counter attack.

10. Struggle can free us from our own bondage and make us become companions of the best and greatest people.

11. When encountering setbacks, we should have the faith to march forward, act immediately, adhere to the end, never give up, the successful person will never give up, and the person who gives up will never succeed.

12. While young, while still energetic to struggle, should have a dream to struggle for the mother is just! Achieve a better self

13. Everyone will grow old. I only hope that I can be happy with the only years in my life. If I want to have the love of life and death, including the love of life, I will grow old seriously.

14. In fact, we are all lonely and alone, but life is like this. We should live happily.

15. After searching the pockets of the dead, the living people followed the dead body. Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no firm direction; No direction, no life. The ideal piano must pluck the strings of struggle to play the beautiful music of life.

16. Our age is not suitable for sadness, but for struggle and struggle.

17. Don't set limits for yourself, work hard and realize your dreams happily

18. There are many obstacles in life that you have to go through. Anyone can help you for a while, but not for a lifetime. Don't rely on, don't pray, relying on will only make you weak, praying is just a kind of comfort. Self strength is the absolute truth. It's better to have a firm back, plant the seeds of faith, and let the strong tree grow higher and higher in the heart!

19. Yesterday was the first day, and today is the second day. From two people in a small family to more than n people working together, hoping to succeed faster, even if pain or fatigue, come earlier!

20. I said goodbye to the memory, but did not say goodbye to youth.

21. The troubles in life are often too narrow to accommodate. It is always a cloudy day to harm others. Always blame yourself. It's sunny everywhere. good night!

22. Since we have chosen this road, we are doomed to be alone with each other, just like the sunset of the world, so lonely that there is only one figure left.

23. The happiest thing in the world is to strive for ideals. Lose to money, the most hurt is to lose to another woman; For a woman. Losing to family is not so hurt. Love is lost to time.

24. We should have the simplest life and the most distant dream. Even if the weather is cold tomorrow, the horse will die after a long journey.

25. What emanates from the body is no longer cowardice, but persistence.

26. You should not only shine like a diamond, but also be strong as a diamond.

27. It is important to be hopeful, no matter how bad the moment is. Because you never know what will happen tomorrow. While young, dreams are still there, as well as poetry and distance.