450 Words of Happy Composition (16 Collections)
Fish playing near the broken bridge
2024-05-29 04:28:54
topic of conversation

450 words of happy composition (1)

Just after the midterm exam, the "May Day" holiday came. I proposed to my mother that "my holiday is my decision", and her mother readily agreed. I had a wonderful holiday according to my own ideas.

On the first day of the May Day holiday, the sun was bright, birds were singing and flowers were fragrant. It was a good day to go out and play. So, my parents and I set out to travel to Hangzhou. We went to the West Lake to watch the water of the West Lake: several green waves appeared faintly in the West Lake, and a gentle breeze blew. The lake surface, which was as flat as a mirror just now, immediately began to show fish scale ripples. Shining silver in the sun, the lake looks like pearls. The breeze blew and the lake was calm again. This scene makes people sigh with emotion: "It's good to see the glittering water, and it's strange to see the mountains covered with rain. If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it's always appropriate to wear light and heavy makeup.". The West Lake is really a fairyland on earth!

We stayed in Hangzhou for one night, and then set out to visit Shanghai. The Oriental Pearl is really spectacular here! When I looked up, the Oriental Pearl was shining in the sunshine, just like a big silver ball. Standing on the top, you can see the towering clouds. There are many tall buildings on both sides of the Huangpu River. The overpass in the distance is complex, and you can see everything. As the sun sets in the west, the whole Shanghai is ablaze with lights and beautiful!

At ten o'clock in the evening, we went to see another movie - the final battle of Avengers Alliance 4. It's a pity that I didn't go to Disneyland in limited time. On the third day, we went home happily, just like a "white dove" flying in the blue sky, that is, a plane.

The happy time always passes quickly, and the holiday will be over in the twinkling of an eye, but the happiness of the May Day holiday will leave good memories in my heart.

450 Words of Happy Composition (2)

When the Spring Festival comes, we will paste couplets, make dumplings, set off firecrackers, eat dumplings and reunion dinner... Children like to set off fireworks on the evening of the Spring Festival, and I am no exception.

Soon every night will be here. My mother and I came to the Third Ring Road with some fireworks. There are a lot of people here. It's very busy.

I chose a place with fewer people. I picked up a piece of fireworks called "Torch" and asked my mother to light it. My mother smiled and said, "My son is a torchbearer!" I also laughed. When I came back to my senses, the fireworks had been put out. Since I have only one "torch", it is a bit disappointing. But I thought: How can I defeat my little pig who is not afraid of nothing.

I took out my second firework, called UFO. I don't know how strong I am. I can't wait to light it. A fireball rushed up into the sky and exploded in the air. How beautiful! I can't help exclaiming: UFO really deserves its reputation. Suddenly another fireball rushed into the sky and exploded... I was intoxicated with fireworks.

I took out the third fireworks... the fourth fireworks

My fireworks are finished, but the Third Ring Road is still crowded and the sky is still so bright. Spring Festival is really fun, I love you, spring!

450 Words of Happy Composition (3)

On the National Day, Niuniu, I and Maomao went to Shunyi to play together. We met many children and went to pick them together.

We drove to pick together. When we arrived at the picking garden, we advanced to the watermelon greenhouse. "Why is it different from the watermelon I saw before? All the watermelon I saw before grew on the road?" I asked. The uncle of the picking garden told me: "Because the temperature is low now, and the watermelon needs to grow in a higher temperature environment, we must set up a tent to maintain a higher temperature." "Why is it smaller than summer watermelons?" My uncle said, "The varieties are different, so the sizes are different."

When picking carrots, I thought it was very difficult, so I pulled them out with a little effort.

When I picked tomatoes, I saw many colors! There are half red and half green, half orange and half red, red and orange. There are round, oval and deformed shapes.

We went to the fishing garden to fish. Brother Maomao caught a big fish weighing four or five kilograms. Sister Feifei's father caught a small fish and a big fish weighing five or six kilograms. Sister Wenrui's father caught a big fish weighing four or five kilograms.

What a great harvest today!

450 words of happy composition (4)

Happy mountain climbing

"Come on, I won't wait for you." I said to my good friend halfway up the hill. In the morning, it was cool. I found a good friend to climb Mount Liu.

I feel that there is great strength and vitality in my body but I can't break it out, but my friends are tired. "Let's go. Let's have a rest at the top of the mountain." "I'm tired. Let's have a rest." "Let's go. Look, the top of the mountain is in front of us, and we are approaching victory. I climbed to the top of the mountain in one breath yesterday. Let's go!" My voice is not doubtable. Finally, with my encouragement, my friend climbed to the top of the mountain with me. Liu Shan is not high, and many roads have been built. We went straight up. Walk around the mountain along the concrete steps and see the viewing platform. My friends and I have a good understanding to speed up the pace.

"Go up!" The stairs are narrow. I am in front and my friends are behind. I began to climb the observation deck. I don't know how many layers I climbed, and finally I reached the top. Standing on the observation platform, you can really see all the small mountains. The curve of the mountain is beautiful and graceful, and the nearby lush trees cover everything. In the distance, the floodplain looks like covered with a layer of gauze, and the light blue and gray blend together. The water connects the mountain, the mountain blends the sky, and the sky echoes the water, like a clever ink painting.

My friends and I were chanting ancient poems, laughing, shouting, and wrapped in happiness.

After going down the mountain, my parents just arrived at the foot of the mountain. Breakfast was eaten outside, and my appetite doubled. By this time, the sun had crept out quietly, and the air was a little warmer.

"Bye bye, see you at 5:30 tomorrow!" I waved goodbye to my good friend. Tomorrow, we will continue to enjoy the happiness brought by sports.

The joy of mountain climbing

In the morning, I came to the foot of the mountain in the park. This climbing was an activity we agreed to last week.

Ready, start. After running for more than ten meters, I gasped for breath. After running for more than ten steps, I felt my legs were soft and I couldn't walk at all. I had to rest next to a big tree next to me. During the rest, I changed from the first to the last. I can't fall behind! This is when I felt the explosive force came. I screamed and ran again. After a few more steps, I finally lost my ability. At this time, my mother came up behind me and said to me, "You should climb the mountain step by step, be down-to-earth, or you will waste your energy." After listening to my mother's words, I won't compete for the first place any more, and will come step by step. When I climbed halfway up the mountain, I looked down, wow, I seemed to have seen the whole Panzhihua: Jinsha River is rolling, very spectacular! The magnificent Bingcaogang Bridge spans both banks; The factories standing across the river are arranged neatly; Nearby, the buildings at the foot of the mountain are well arranged. Unexpectedly, my hometown is so beautiful from a high place. Fortunately, I slowed down, otherwise I would have missed the beautiful scenery. Unconsciously, we have reached the peak. Standing on the peak, although a little tired, but the gentle breeze blowing, people feel refreshed! I said proudly to the mountain, "I conquered you!"

Climbing the mountain, I really feel a lot of happiness!

The joy of mountain climbing

On holidays, my father took me to climb mountains in Jiaxian County. The mountain there is very high, and the chain next to it seems to be hanging from the top of the mountain, which is really scary.

One day, when my father and I climbed halfway up the mountain, my father said, "Where are we going to climb?" I said, "Of course, climb down." My father said, "Why climb down?" I said, "I'm a little afraid." My father didn't answer my question. I was a little curious. Just as I was preparing to go down, an uncle suddenly came out of the top, I thought to myself: Is that uncle a bad guy? I thought to myself: I can't care so much. I should save my life first. Just when I was about to pick up a stone and hit it, the uncle said, "I'll teach you how to climb the mountain!" I said, "OK." I climbed down immediately, and my uncle climbed down like me. Just as I was about to climb the mountain, I thought, "I can learn the same skill again soon." My uncle said, "Are you ready?" I said, "OK," and my uncle said, "Let's climb!" I tried to climb up, one moment climbing on the chain, another climbing with hands and feet, just like a gorilla. After a while, when I was about to go up, I accidentally slipped down. When my uncle saw the rope, he immediately put it down and let me catch it, I grabbed the rope and immediately climbed up like a monkey. After a while, I finally climbed down. I thought: This time, I learned to climb mountains. I must learn swimming here when I come back.

This time, I learned the same skill again, and I feel very happy and happy.

Mountain climbing is the happiest

I like mountain climbing very much. I have climbed all the mountains near my home. It's the happiest mountain climbing. I can experience all kinds of fun from it.

I remember a time when my friend and I went to climb a wild mountain near the Xiang Lake. When we got to the foot of the mountain, we found that there was only a faint path in the bushes, winding up and down to a huge stone. We climbed along such a path. The mountain became steeper and steeper. We had to grasp the trees and shrubs nearby to climb up. Finally, I found a mountain road made of stone slabs. The stone slab is covered with branches and dead leaves, and the feet creak on it, as if they are accompanying us. The trees on the mountain are very tall and dense. There are many white mushrooms along the road. They are also full of wild flowers, and many bees are flying on them. The scenery on the mountain is beautiful. I was too tired to climb, but I managed to hold on and finally reached the top of the mountain. Standing on the top of the mountain and leaning against the railing, you can have a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery. The Xianghu Lake in the distance is shining in the sunlight, like a bright mirror, and the sand beside the lake is shining with golden light... I can't help but say: "If you want to be poor, you can go up one floor."

I still like mountain climbing. I think mountain climbing is the happiest thing. Do you also like mountain climbing? Let's go together!

It's so happy to climb the mountain

At the beginning of the summer vacation, I was "consigned" to Hong Kong, where my father went.

The next afternoon, my father took me to climb Taiping Mountain.

We walked along the mid mountain elevator in Central to the foot of Taiping Mountain. Finally, we saw the climbing path of Taiping Mountain. The path was very steep, and I was shocked. I started to give up: I'm afraid that even athletes will be tired when they climb to the top of the mountain, let alone me? But my father did not hesitate to urge me to leave quickly. I had to cheer myself up and climb up.

Sure enough, within three minutes, I began to feel my feet were getting sore; After climbing up for another three minutes, I could feel the sweat flowing down my cheeks. At this time, I saw a bench on the right slope, so I said to my father, "Dad, can you sit down and have a rest?", I suddenly got energetic, let go of my steps and continued to climb.

On the way later, I found that there were really many animals and plants: when I went to the bathroom, I saw a gecko climbing on the wall; When passing the drinking pool, I saw a wasp drinking water again; There is another cicada standing on the leaves, peeling off its shell

I finally reached the top of the mountain. Although it was hard, I felt the happiness of climbing the mountain. Especially when I looked at Central from the top of the mountain and saw the charming night view of Victoria Bay, I was very excited. Mountain climbing is hard and happy.

450 words of happy composition (5)

Reading is a happy thing. Reading can not only make oneself see "higher and farther", but also learn more about the mysteries of nature; It can also let oneself understand the reason, get out of those fearless little things that bring you a boring mood, and walk into the happy garden in the book; It can also make your brain more and more flexible in the process of "digesting" the essence of the article.

I like reading very much. I can also say that I am a "little book fan". Once, I spent a long time on my homework, and my mother quarreled with me, and I said, "If I didn't write slowly, I didn't write slowly!" Finally, my mother and I got angry, walked into the room, closed the door, picked up a book, Happy Fairy Tales, and read it with interest. Soon I entered the wonderful world in the book. The interesting story made me laugh heartily, Those unhappy things in my heart just like dark clouds disappear quickly!

Once, I read a book that introduced how Lang Lang practiced playing the piano hard. I saw that Lang Lang often practiced countless tunes in order to play the piano music. I finally understood the meaning of the phrase "no pains, no gains". I am also a piano beginner. I used to dislike playing the piano very much and thought it was a waste of my time. But after I read this book about Lang Lang's success, my view on playing the piano has changed dramatically. I begin to like playing the piano. I have learned that learning anything requires perseverance and hard work. When I learn to play the piano now, I am not only learning a skill, but more importantly, the process of practicing playing the piano is also a process of tempering my perseverance. Every time when I hold a get-together at school, when I smoothly pop every note and perfectly reproduce the soul of the music, the notes beating between my fingers bring me into the music world, where there are not only quiet lakes, but also magnificent oceans; There are not only warm spring breeze, but also fierce cold wind; There are not only lively sports scenes, but also deep night sky. The students are intoxicated, so am I. The most important thing is that I am not only intoxicated with this wonderful music, but also intoxicated with the joy of success.

Look, reading has not only increased my knowledge, but also taught me that there must be perseverance in doing anything, and that "where there is a will, there is a way"!

450 words of happy composition (6)

Gorky said: "Books are the ladder of human progress". Reading can make people smarter and let us learn more knowledge. I am just a "little bookworm" who likes to crawl around in all kinds of books.

In every corner of my home, books are the most common. It can be seen everywhere on the desk, beside the pillow, and at the table. Every time I eat, I will take a book and read it while eating. When I see the highlights, I often forget to eat even the meal. My mother always tells me about this, "You should eat well when you eat, and read carefully when you read. It is not only difficult to digest while eating, but also difficult to digest the contents of the book..." But I always go in one ear and out the other, and the books in the corner of the table are still piled like a hill.

Whenever I read a book, I am always fascinated. I often forget everything else in the story of the book. One weekend, I was reading a book, and my mother reminded me that the online class would start ten minutes later, but I was so fascinated by it that I completely forgot the time. I don't know how long later, my mother again reduced: "Jiang Hanqian, are you in class?" I suddenly remembered my mother's previous reminder, and ran to the computer. The lecturer was already spouting, alas! I even missed robbing gold coins before class.

Although, reading can make us understand more truth, learn more knowledge and become more competitive. However, reading can only be more focused at the right time and in the right environment, so as to better absorb the "energy" that books give us.

450 words of happy composition (7)

Today is Children's Day on June 1st, our festival. In this festival that belongs to us, parents and teachers will not stop us, let us play heartily. I had a very happy day.

In the morning, I walked into the school gate with a happy mood; Listen, everywhere is full of laughter. We are not bad either. The explosion of balloons and the slapstick sound are combined. When I entered the classroom, I hurriedly gathered the performers to dress up. After dressing up, I only heard "Celebration of June 1st, the literary performance begins now!" thunderous applause came from the audience. The students' programs are very wonderful: there are good dramas, funny sketches, jokes, brain wrenching brain turns, and wonderful magic tricks. After watching all kinds of programs, it's really amazing!

The garden party begins! The students poured into the stalls like the tide, and suddenly the school became a sea of joy. After finishing this project, the students can't wait to play the next project. How lively it is! I am looking for projects suitable for me in the crowd. At this time, I was attracted by a project crowded with people in front of the stall. I ran to have a look and found that those people were guessing IQ questions. "IQ question, interesting!" I ran up to get a piece of paper. It was too simple! I immediately put out the note and reported my answer to the teacher. She quickly gave me a lottery ticket. I thought, "It's so easy to get the ticket. If you don't take it for nothing, take another one!" So I won four times with her, but there are too many people who think like me.

Time flies, and the happy garden party will soon end. Students will happily return to the classroom, tell their own experiences, show off and compare their own things, and see that other students have gained so much.

450 words of happy composition (8)

·The happy "June 1" Children's Day finally came. On that afternoon, the school organized us to play games in our own grade. The rule was: when we entered, we should give a ticket to play. If we win, we can get a lottery ticket, and then take the ticket to trade.

·Each of us had four tickets. Some people could not wait to get them and ran out, but they were pulled back by the teacher. They had to wait on their seats for the teacher to issue an order. After all the tickets were handed out, the teacher gave an order: "Dismiss." We rushed out like arrows leaving the string, took our own tickets, and played games excitedly. I just ran there and saw a queue like a long dragon in front of me. I was surprised, but I still went to line up. After a while, I was in the first few places. At this time, someone seemed really unable to bear it. They pushed hard forward, and the people in front were unwilling to lag behind. They pushed their hips backward. In this way, they pushed back and forth. Finally, I got in. I showed my hand in the game, successfully defeated my opponent and won a lottery ticket. Then I went to Class 3 (5) to grab a chair. I was dizzy and dizzy, but I still won. When I had one ticket left, the pity thing happened. There was no lottery ticket for five classes, but I was very happy because I had won two victories.

·This afternoon, the school was full of vitality and excitement, and the students were in high spirits. "61" should be so unrestrained, because it is our festival!

Brief comment: The key is how to write, and the emphasis is a bit biased.

450 words of happy composition (9)

In the hot summer vacation, I went to Shenzhen by train with my parents and sister Hao.

On the train, we were talking and laughing when we saw the green hills flying backwards outside the window. It was dark before I knew it, and I was tired too. I fell asleep on my mother's body. When I woke up, my mother told me that I was almost there. I jumped up with joy and hit my head. I didn't feel pain, so I stretched out my head and looked out.

A tall building appeared in front of me, and I counted it one by one. There were 28 floors in total. Each floor was carved with various patterns. I was very envious, and thought: If I lived in that building, how wonderful it would be

We got off the bus. Aunt had waited for us for a long time. We happily got on the bus. Uncle drove slowly so that we could see the beautiful city

I heard my brother said that there was a Happy Valley in Shenzhen, and I really wanted to go there early. My uncle saw my mind at once, and the next day he took us to the Happy Valley. I was happy like a happy bird, bouncing into the Happy Valley

The first thing I went in was to swim. Sister Hao and my aunt changed their bathing suits and went into the water. There was a four story slide in the swimming pool. When I slid down from there, my heart jumped at my throat. When I slid to the height of one floor, I opened my eyes and saw, ah! I was about to slide to the bottom. I bravely reached out my hand and waved to Sister Hao. We laughed happily. We also played many interesting games

When we got home, we thought: I will study hard in the future, and I will go to college and work in the big city

450 words of happy composition (10)

I have thought about what is the happiest thing: when a person runs wildly on the unmanned runway; When my tears dance on my face without worry; When the weather is boring and suddenly a cool breeze blows; I think I was the happiest at that time!

I once asked a cleaner: When were you happiest when you went from an ambitious boy with dreams to a lonely old man at White Hair Rock? "When I knew that only I could sweep the street cleanly, and when I knew that my clean road had brought a little happiness to pedestrians, I thought I was the happiest at that time! Although I am no longer what I used to be, at least I can still face my life, my own life, and my own happiness“

Helen, a literary miracle, was asked: When God mercilessly snatched your eyes, when life deceived you again and again, when you abandoned yourself again and again, when did you think you would be a little happy? "I am happy, I think God is always fair, you take my eyes, let me lose the soul of literature, when let me dig and shake up, let me find the soul of literature of the heart; Although he deceived me, at least let me know that life will never become a perfect full stop, but I am trying to change my life into a comma close to the full stop; Although I have abandoned my only confidence, I believe that I will say to myself confidently that what normal people can do, I can do as well, and I can do better than them. So I think I will be happy!

Do you think you will be happy if you want to do the same thing day after day, year after year? At least I won't, but when asked about the Olympic giant Liu Xiang, he said: Although the boring life is boring, I think of XX years, I think of crossing that hurdle, I think of the last zebra crossing, I think of standing on the highest podium, I think of when the five-star red flag rises above my motherland, I think of when the national anthem resounds in the hearts of people all over the world, I think no matter what kind of life is, it will be full of fun and passion!

Thinking about my failure, I am very happy. At least I have got another way to success from my failure; I am happy to think of my loss. At least I can conceive a confident start from my loss; I am happier when I think about my own success. At least I understand from my success that I have gradually become successful

450 words of happy composition (11)

Instead of washing my face, brushing my teeth and eating, I ran downstairs and went to the roof with my good friend Xiao Chen to have a snowball fight. "Hum, dare you hit me!" Xiao Chen saw that I was wearing a padded jacket, secretly picked up a small snowball and hit me directly on the back. How can I, a "woman man", give up? I immediately ran to the window sill with a lot of snow, picked up a small snowball beside me and hit her in the stomach. She immediately hit me back, but because I was bending down to catch the snow, she missed. Eh, where is Xiao Chen? Oh, so she hid under the eaves, so I can't easily hit her. She is bending over with her back to me. It seems that she is preparing a snowball! Seeing her like this, I don't want to give up, so I began to store "bullets". oh dear! Originally, she saw that I was storing "bullets" and attacked me. Unexpectedly, I was hit overhead by Xiao Chen's snowball. Hum! I hit her right away. Ha ha, I hit her on the mouth. Fortunately, she kept her mouth shut. Otherwise, she would eat the snow! We laughed.

"Ma Yueran, come down here! How long have you been playing on it!" Oh, my mother started to play with her "Lion Roar Skill" again. I slipped away first

450 Words of Happy Composition (12)

Last January, I had my first snow circle in Harbin. It was very cold in Harbin at that time. When I got off the bus, a cold wind blew and I shivered. But when I thought of getting to the ski resort earlier, I would be able to ski earlier, and my mood immediately became excited. I ran to the ski resort, grabbed a ski circle and climbed onto the ski path. So I want to ski. What's the difficulty? However, when I looked down at how steep the ski run was, I could not help shivering again. So I had to let my mother play with me. We sat on the snow circle and rushed down from high. The wind whistled in my ears, and the scenery on both sides quickly receded, which was very exciting!

After playing for several times, I found that playing snow circles was not as terrible as I thought. I began to try to play by myself. The first time I played snow circle, I was still a little afraid. But I thought, "Liu Zihao, why can't you play when others are playing?" So I gathered my courage, closed my eyes, heard a whoosh, and rushed down the snow circle. When I opened my eyes, I found that I had slipped below. I thought, "It's not as hard as I thought." I climbed the ski trail again and again and enjoyed myself. At this time, my mother asked me to go back, and I had to leave the ski resort reluctantly.

This is the happiest thing in my childhood.

450 words of happy composition (13)

Childhood is the age that most people miss.

Childhood is also a golden age of cognition or exploration.

Today, I want to talk about my happy childhood.

I remember once, I went south to Foshan to catch shrimp. When I arrived, I picked up the rod and bait to catch shrimp. Put the erbium on the hook and let it sink.

I waited and waited. Two minutes passed, five minutes passed, and ten minutes passed. The shrimp didn't bite; Twenty minutes later, the shrimp didn't bite. After another 15 minutes or so, the buoy sank. "The shrimp got hooked," I thought.

So he picked up the fishing rod and pulled it up. Shrimp seems to know its situation, and I have to deal with it. I pull the pole, it pulls the rope, a fierce scene. Later, the shrimp was pulled up, which also aroused a lot of water spray. Then I caught several more shrimps. When I caught each shrimp, I struggled desperately. Finally, I caught the shrimps, but I had taken a "cold bath".

I remember another time when I went to Zhuhai for a tour. In a water park in a hotel in Chimelong, Zhuhai, I just slipped down the slide to have a look. So he walked around. Suddenly, a stream of water shot me in the face, and I immediately countered with a water gun. After shooting, I found it was a water jet.

Now, my childhood has gone forever, but those interesting childhood stories that represent my happiness still reverberate in my heart. Therefore, we must cherish the memories of childhood!

450 words of happy composition (14)

In the hope and expectation of people, the new year is coming. She wears beautiful clouds and passes through the storms of time to welcome us into the future. Looking back on the road of trials and hardships, we have no regrets; After reviewing the countless days and nights we have worked hard, we will work harder and harder. In the new year, stand in front of the threshold of the New Year, let your dreams fly, and gallop happily in the free world.

While welcoming the New Year, let's sing and send our best wishes to all the teachers and students around us. Let's immerse ourselves in this warm, joyful and exciting atmosphere and feel the youth of the New Year wholeheartedly.

With that excited, joyful and happy mood, we embrace the new year with renewed attitude, our love and our joy. Let's take a confident and leisurely step, step on the golden breeze, beautiful and harmonious rhythm, and ripples in the new year's crazy waves.

In front of us is a new starting line and a broader world, which stimulates our impulse and passion to forge ahead. As time goes by, we hope that our partners will extend their limited youth in this long time, and let us grow a lush green behind us.

450 words of happy composition (15)

This year's May Day is coming, my father said, "Let's do barbecue together today." My father called me and my brother to buy food materials. When we got to the supermarket, I asked, "What do you want to buy?"? My brother said, "Buy leeks, beef, ribs, ham sausage, fish, shrimp balls." We were in a hurry to find the ingredients. We tried our best to find all these ingredients, and then we returned with a full load.

When we got home, my father and brothers prepared all the barbecue tools, and then washed those tools several times. We first inserted them into the food, and we also found some charcoal to put in. The barbecue oven started to burn. First, put the ingredients on the barbecue oven, bake for two minutes, turn over a surface, bake for two minutes, and then put some pepper MSG, cumin, onion, Then the father said, "Son, how did you become a little black man?"

When I looked at the food I had worked hard to make, I tasted it. I put more MSG and cumin, but I knew that no matter what the taste of the production process I experienced personally, labor brought me happiness.

450 words of happy composition (16)

A happy day with 450 words of composition - At the beginning of March, the teacher informed each student that the 28th was the school art festival, and each student had to participate in a project. What am I going to participate in? My best skill is painting, but I also like pottery, and T-shirts... After a long struggle, I finally chose to apply for pottery. My mother also bought clay for me to practice at home

On the morning of March 28, I got up early, took the small bag my mother had prepared for me, and set out.

I came to the classroom of Class 1 (6) with other students who applied for ceramic art projects in the class, and found a place. At the teacher's command, I quickly took out the clay, compared with the patterns in my mind, rubbed, squeezed... In a few minutes, my work was completed. With a small round head, long ears, and a cute body, a toothpick can be used to portray the expression, and a vivid "Bilody" rabbit will be completed.

In the afternoon, there is a group dance competition for Grade One and Grade Two. Our class drew the sixth performing team. I watched the dances of children in other classes with my friends, including enthusiastic Latin dances, as well as gorgeous folk dances... The wonderful programs kept our eyes riveted and were very beautiful! Soon it will be our turn to take the stage of Hua Mulan. On the stage, we devoted ourselves to the rhythm of the music, dancing out the beauty and strength of Mulan, reflecting the uniqueness of women

The day of the art festival is my happiest day. I hope every day can be an art festival!