Let's talk about the sprint sentence of the college entrance examination. Let's talk about the pictures of the college entrance examination (90 selected sentences)
Acacia turns into red tears
2023-02-13 23:51:54
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1. I am always ready to win the college entrance examination!

2. June is the season of struggle, and June is the season of harvest. After the college entrance examination, the good news came in a hurry. I hope you will continue to work hard and swim in the ocean of knowledge of institutions of higher learning. I wish you a bright future!

3. The bell of the college entrance examination is about to ring. No matter whether it is a storm ahead or chasing the wind and lightning, I hope you can talk and laugh freely. Believe yourself, you will be able to jump the dragon gate and get high marks!

4. No effort, no gain. Only the uphill road is the most difficult. If you believe you can succeed, you will succeed. Work hard, I hope it will belong to you.

5. Enter the examination room with lofty aspirations, the eagles spread their wings and let them soar, and the steeds bravely rush. After ten years of hard work in the cold window, I succeeded in the gold list at one fell swoop. I wish you the first prize in the college entrance examination and a bright future!

6. Those who always want to win will lose, and those who are not afraid of losing will win.

7. Never regret your youth until June.

8. During the class hours, I thought hard, rubbed my hands before the exam, scratched my cheeks during the exam, and fidgeted after the exam. When the results were announced, the laughter burst into tears! Do you know? Do you know? Life should be brilliant with sweat! I wish you a bright future!

9. For a hundred days, let's ride the wind and waves to stand on the tide, and show our true colors! Come on, college entrance exam! Ollie!

10. Time hastily reduces the years and gains success! Struggled side by side across the college entrance examination and entered the university! In order to keep moving forward, we must make a great future! Brother, spell it!

11. Don't panic in case of death, but be more careful in case of change.

12. Feeling kindred and kind, I will never give up after three years of high school. In June, the Toad Palace was in a hot mood for reporting teachers, and I was determined to win the prize.

13. Within a day, between palaces, and the climate is uneven. Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; head-bowed, like a willing ox I serve the children.

14. The college entrance examination is around the corner. I hope all college entrance examination students can enter the arena easily! Answer the question carefully! Check carefully! Xiaoxiao hands in the paper! Please believe: as long as you pay hard work, there will always be fruitful harvest!

15. I will give you confidence and determination. You should feel at ease with yourself, face the exam questions calmly, care about yourself, pay attention to your physical and mental health before the exam, and ensure that you are wholehearted! College entrance examination, I wish you success!

16. Try and win.

17. Today we are nervous; Tomorrow we will go to the examination room, and the day after tomorrow we will all be liberated. On the anniversary of the college entrance examination, let's give our best wishes together to review the years when the passion was burning, and also to the broad examinees!

18. God rewards those who work hard. Every effort once made will be rewarded a hundredfold. No matter what the answer is, as long as you have worked hard, don't regret it. I wish you success in your college entrance examination.

19. Come on for the college entrance examination! As your dearest friend, please calm down your mind, control your emotions, face the college entrance exam with a normal mind, forget one after the exam, and let yourself relax and have a good rest.

20. It is still a matter of trying to determine who will win the race.

21. Strive to create value and strive to achieve the future!

22. Set up two books, develop one book, and have no regrets about youth.

23. No pains, no gains. No pains, no gains!

24. The campus square is full of flowers and students have different opinions. Joy and laughter came from the good news, as sweet as honey. Meet and greet Joy Yan, encourage each other to study again. Most famous universities have set sail back to Hongye Exhibition. Wish you success in your studies!

25. Be kind to your hobbies. Don't let them make way for learning. Let them serve for learning!

26. Exam too high, be rich and handsome, and defeat the "second generation of officials"!

27. The biggest enemy in life is ourselves. Let's go beyond ourselves, challenge our limits and win the exam!

28. I want to succeed, I want to laugh till the end

29. Success and excuse will never live under the same roof to choose success. People who can't choose excuse will certainly not succeed.

30. Faster, higher and stronger. Leading is the gold medal.

31. The moon flower has a strong fragrance, and the good news is beautiful. Happiness spreads tens of thousands of times, and relatives and friends celebrate each other. If you drink, you will succeed, and your dream of learning will come true today. Re entering the university is a talented person with a bright future. May your future be bright.

32. Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. You don't need to wake up at any time. You can swim every day. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new life. You must not be worried. Have a good dream tonight!

33. If you don't have a history of struggle filled with tears when you think about it, your life will be in vain.

34. Success can be achieved through hard work, and victory can be ensured through persistence.

35. People who are full of admiration will never reach the other side of success.

36. I wish you success. The road to success begins at your feet.

37. The most important thing in the world is not where we are, but where we are going.

38. Set yourself up in the dream and reality, and then concentrate on your goals and do your own things.

39. Struggle is the rudder of destiny. Don't have any illusions, don't give up a chance, don't stop working hard.

40. Tense and orderly, efficiency is the key.

41. The college entrance examination is to move forward and bid farewell to the past. Your future is vast.

42. Young people should work hard and study hard as early as possible. Ten years of sharpening a sword, preparing for the college entrance examination. Since ancient times, the way of heaven has paid for diligence, and only by giving can we get rewards. Relax before the exam is the most important thing. I wish the college entrance exam a success!

43. A person who can see things from the perspective of others and understand the spiritual activities of others should never worry about his own future.

44. No matter what the results are, there will always be results after experience! Friends of the college entrance examination, bless you and pray for you! May the dream come true where it began!

45. Only by gaining can we test the meaning of cultivation, and only by contributing can we measure the value of life.