I Became a Bigger Composition (3 Collections)
Life is as light as tea
2023-10-15 00:02:26
primary school

I Grow Large Composition (1)

If I become a big writer

In daily life or work and study, everyone has written a composition. The composition requires a complete text structure, and must avoid the appearance of open-ended composition. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a small editor to help you sort out if I become a big composition, welcome to learn and reference, hope to help you.

Hum! What's so great about you. I went into the room breathlessly, closed the door heavily, locked it with a "click", and fell on the bed.

I thought to myself, "If only I could grow taller and bigger all at once. I could use clouds as pillows, the sky as quilts, the sun as my golden ball to play with, and the moon and stars as my puppet props. How wonderful it would be to swing freely and carefree!" I thought, suddenly I had grown into a giant more than five meters tall, and I was still growing rapidly.

I swaggered out, only to hear a loud "bang", the floor was collapsed by me, the ceiling was smashed to the top floor balcony by my head, and my feet also stepped on the first floor. I had to roll forward in a group. I saw that the flowers, trees and buildings within one meter around me had become a wolf trail. As soon as I took a step forward, the ground sank into a big pit as high as eight meters. All the buildings collapsed, and all the cars immediately disappeared.

I had no choice but to squat in the same place. But as soon as I squatted down, there was a big pit tens of meters deep. Then, the ground around was sinking. Suddenly, the ground was below the sea level. Countless water poured towards me, and I hurried forward. However, the more places I walked, the lower the ground level, and the more water poured, and I had to keep running.

At this time, mankind has started the "Mars migration" plan, and all the people on the earth have moved away. And I also found a plateau and sat down. The sea has retreated with the moon and no longer flows forward. It was a bright and starry night for a month. There was no light on the earth. It was dark in front of us. There were no insects, no human voice, and no other biological breath.

I looked at the moon in the sky. I remember that today seems to be the Mid Autumn Festival. However, the moon in the sky is not as round and beautiful as I imagined, but it seems to be missing something. It is a little dim, like being covered with a veil. At this time, the sky began to rain, like endless sorrow, dripping into my heart. "Alas, it's so lonely. Even Chang'e has moved home. It's better to be smaller than I used to be..." Thinking, I fell asleep in a daze.

When I woke up, I was sleeping in my own bed, and everything around me had not changed. At this time, the sun is slowly rising. I look at the red and non red east and gently say to myself: "I will always be the best, please grasp today.".

I Grow Large Composition (2)

"Class is over!" said the two frightened teachers, and the students ran out like a gust of wind. By the way, I just became bigger and broke the roof. I quickly ran out of the classroom and looked in the mirror. I was still growing tall! What to do, what to do! I thought to myself, if I am so long and so... tall, what can I do? Thinking, I began to cry. Tears drop by drop, no! The classroom turned into a big swimming pool in a short time after the outflow of tons. I had to dry my tears and walk out of the classroom into the street.

When people saw me, they were first surprised and then started shouting. My grandpa, who is usually over 80 years old, runs faster than Liu Xiang when he sees me now! I was just about to say, "I'm not a bad person!" But someone had already called the police, and a policeman with a tall loudspeaker shouted to me: "The people in front are not strange, not outside!" The poor policeman was frightened by me. I didn't know what to say, "The thing in front, you... you mustn't move!" I had no choice but to walk 1000 meters long legs from Huludao to Shanghai. This thing is really fun. There are some flying insects flying in the air. I looked closely and saw that it was nothing but the fighter "J-20".

Big big... big big. I'm still getting bigger. Uranus and Neptune, in my opinion, are just as big as eggs. Big big... big big, the universe is so big. Greatly... Greatly, it turns out that only 10 universes are as big as the earth.

What just happened is recapitulated again. I was still a primary school student. I returned to the hard chair with the sweet strawberry flavor of lollipop in my mouth, but the "bigger lollipop" on the corner of the table made me understand what was going on.

I Grow Large Composition (3)

At this time, the students had noticed me. Even the tall, handsome teacher Su was dumbfounded at me. The students began to question me. Listen! "Di Lanting, what kind of medicine have you taken? You are so tall..." I can't answer what you said. I swallowed and my mouth was bitter, but I was sure I didn't eat anything.

Finally, I stayed up until class was over. When I walked out of the school, I heard a big hole on the ground with a "click". My face turned red at once, and I walked carefully on the road for fear of stepping out another hole. Pedestrians also pointed at me, and some children were able to put a big egg in their mouth when they saw me

Alas! When can I get back to normal?