Compositions are stingy (collection of 16 articles)
Cooked Man with Beancurd
2023-08-19 03:55:49

Composition is stingy (1)

"Girl, when are you going to take a bath? Come out as soon as you're done, don't spread water!"

"Yes, yes, I have only washed it for less than twenty minutes."

On the weekend evening, I finally took Yi Cai in and had a little extra time to cool myself and take a bubble bath. In the bathroom full of quiet and warm air waves, I felt like a happy princess who was enjoying the romantic feeling of the gurgling water flowing across the skin... I was urged and knocked "bang bang" by my mother just after I entered the room The noisy door made me lose my elegance. When did I fall from heaven to reality and complain about this stingy mother in my heart? Speaking of her "Great achievements in economy" may be impossible to tell for three days and three nights

Others praised her as a good wife and mother, and she kept the house clean and spotless. But as her daughter, I know her "stingy" feature - all the rice washing water in the house is collected to empty the toilet, and the water left by washing clothes is used to mop the floor. What's more, a large bucket is put under the sink to wait for the surplus water, It is said that pressing a brick into the toilet water extraction tank is to reduce the amount of water flushed once, and by virtue of the high "dominance" in the home, it is clearly stipulated that the family should not bathe in the bathroom for more than 25 minutes, which makes me very dissatisfied with my usual carelessness. I feel that my mother really can't keep up with the times, as if she was still living in poverty in the old days, Is it necessary to be so frugal

The "bang bang" door is being knocked again. I finally can't stand it. I casually wipe my body with a towel, put on my clothes, and angrily open the door without closing the water. I yell at my mother: "Always save, save, this also saves, that also saves, how much money can be saved in such a trivial contest?" My mother is stunned, then sighs again, enters the bathroom and turns off the tap, To my lingering anger, I said: "My son, I'm not just saving money, but saving water. Our country's water resources are not rich. This year, Yunnan Province suffered a severe drought. They regard water as gold, and if they lose water, they will lose their lives. How much can we save now? Don't let this tragedy happen again!" I suddenly had no land to take in, I am so ashamed that my mother didn't mean to do this, but to save rare water resources. For the sake of most people, this should be what I want to do after reading the scriptures and receiving the education of "water-saving" every day, but my mother, who has been complained about by me, insisted on doing it. I stood by the door for a long time, thinking, reflecting

When night fell, the sky hung with dark blue eyes, and stars dotted in the sky. I reflected in the window every stroke of my oath: join the "water-saving family" with the "stingy" mother

Composition is stingy (2)

Don't be stingy with your smile

In daily life or work and study, we have all come into contact with composition. Composition is a narrative way that people express the relevant knowledge, experience and thoughts stored in their memory in written form. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is a carefully edited composition of Don't be stingy with your smile. I hope it can help everyone.

Human expressions, like words, can express everyone's inner world. Smile is the most beautiful expression bestowed on human beings by heaven. It is like a gurgling brook, giving people the feeling of clarity, remoteness and comfort; It looks like a bud, beautiful and moving, the most beautiful. Smile is the combination of beauty and love. It is a kind of silent and kind language. It can build a bridge of emotion and nourish each other's hearts.

Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, said: "What do we need in the world except sunshine, air, water and smile?" In other words, smile is as important as sunshine, air and water in life. Smile can add color to your life.

Experiments have shown that the desire to impress and favor others does not depend entirely on whether you are beautiful or handsome, but a face with a friendly smile is the hub of impressive. It can be seen that a smile is a person's best thorn, which can open the door of interpersonal intelligence.

In his book On Love, Bulgarian philosopher Kiril Vasilev said: "The smile of love is like a magic key, which can open the labyrinth of the soul. Its light illuminates everything around, adding warmth and sympathy, ardent expectations and wonderful illusions to the atmosphere around." Smile is a comfort. When you are immersed in sadness, A friend's smile will give you warmth like the east wind; Smile is encouragement. When others encounter difficulties and setbacks, a sincere smile will increase courage and strength; Smile is a wish. The child always looks up at the kite with a smile, which is the best wish for the kite; Smile is gratitude. The moon always smiles with the stars and the eternal night, which is its most sincere gratitude to the stars and the eternal night.

The smile of spring is warm and beautiful; The smile in summer is intense and lively, it is intense; Autumn's smile is the fruit, is brilliant; The smile in winter is holy and poetic

In prosperity, smile contains happiness and is full of hope; In a dilemma, a smile is full of anger, hope and victory. Smile is charming, and a pair of smiling eyes is the most touching. Friend, when you face people in your life, whether you have ever met or never lived, please give them a sincere smile! I firmly believe that when everyone in the society will smile at themselves and treat others at the same time, our society is not far away from a perfect place.

My friend, don't be stingy with your smile any more. No matter what you have experienced and what your heart is like now, when you smile at others, what you show is not only a kind of beauty, but also your knowledge, self-restraint and personal will.

Composition is stingy (3)

A mean father's composition

In daily study, work and life, many people have had the experience of writing a composition. They are not familiar with composition. Composition is the flow of words that people express their feelings in written form. How to write a good composition? The following is the composition of my stingy father, which is just for reference. Welcome to read it.

My father is very stingy. He is not willing to spend some money to buy some clothes for himself. He dresses up and makes himself handsome. Instead, he always wears those clothes.

His face was covered with wrinkles early because he drove to deliver goods all the year round. He is a big man in his 30s and 40s, acting like an old man in his 50s and 60s.

Then look at the back of his hand. Because he has been carrying heavy things, his veins are exposed, just like earthworms. Looking at his clothes, he wears almost the same clothes every quarter, and basically does not change. He often said, "Never mind, just eat enough of these fruits. I don't want to eat them."

I didn't expect that such a stingy father would become particularly generous for my study, which surprised me.

I was writing my math homework at home that day. Suddenly, a "roadblock" ran out and blocked my way. I quickly ran to my father with a book and asked him, but what I never expected was that my father had no questions.

Dad frowned and thought about the problem carefully, but he could not figure it out after racking his brains. Then my father took out his mobile phone, opened the homework help, and helped me find out this unsolved mystery. He opened it and said happily, "Yo! There is a teacher here who can explain it to you!" Then he ordered in. When I saw it, I was surprised and said, "Oh my God! Let her steal it from me in the street for half an hour! I won't listen." But my father said, "It doesn't matter. It's not too expensive for you to study, but you should listen carefully!"

I thought to myself, "Dad is always so stingy, how can he pay so much money for me?" Just when I felt strange, Dad added, "I and your mother, as long as you can learn well, you can have anything you want."

I felt a warm current warm my whole body. I know deeply that it is not stingy for my father not to buy clothes for himself. It is not stingy not to buy delicious food for yourself. It's all because she loves me!

Composition is stingy (4)

Applause is recognition and encouragement to others, and also a joy that can be shared. In the face of today's self, I can't connect with the shy boy, nor can I imagine that such a lively and outgoing middle school student was afraid to speak in front of many people, and blushed when he came to the stage. This huge change really happened to my 'body, just because of the applause.

I used to be introverted and shy, only willing to talk with my classmates, and even afraid to go on stage. Once, I was asked to speak as a student representative in a travel activity organized by the school. At that time, I used to speak with a loudspeaker horn. I was a little nervous at first, but I was even more shy because the loudspeaker horn was too heavy and I almost fell down. It was hot and hot that day, and the sun seemed not interested in my speech. It slipped into the clouds and suddenly came out to amuse itself. I hemmed and hawed for a long time. Finally, I lowered my head to finish reading my speech. I quickly slipped down, only to hear a yawn. Others whispered, "It's finally over." At that time, I wanted to dig a hole in the ground to get in. I was annoyed why I chose to speak.

It was another speech that changed me. It was at a parents' meeting. I was the first in my class, and the teacher asked me to speak on the stage. I glanced at the parents and classmates sitting below. They were all looking at me. I quickly lowered my head and read the script stiffly. With a "thank you", I made a gentle bow to the audience. Just when I thought it was over, there was a round of applause, which stunned me for a moment. Then I also applauded and walked down with a smile on my face. At this moment, the sun shines through the window, shines on me, shines on the whole classroom, and there are other meanings in the warmth. Applause can be heard everywhere. To give a round of applause to others is to give encouragement, support and recognition.

Don't be stingy with your applause. Maybe sometimes we can't offer flowers to express our gratitude, support and encouragement, but we can give a applause. It is more beautiful than flowers. Please don't be stingy.

Composition is stingy (5)

"Don't buy it, don't buy it, it's not easy to spend parents' money these days!" Xiaoyi waved his hand, walked out of the store with square steps, and the rest of the students sighed.

Xiao Yi, who is 13 years old, is tall with heavy eyes to show off his erudition. His greatest hobby is to save money - you may have seen stingy, but you may not have seen stingy; Maybe you have seen stingy, but you have never seen a penny broken into two. Such is Xiao Yi, whose "frugality" is his "grey skill".

One day last week, Xiaoyi sat quietly by the window, his book still kept turning, and I could not tell whether he was helpless or satisfied.

"Xiaoyi, can you help me print this newspaper? The copy agency is too expensive, more than 40! More than 40! That's 20 bags of potato chips, 10 pieces of ice cream, and 3 bottles of coke!" Xiaojia's attentive face showed a kind smile, "These five dollars are labor fees, please accept them."

Xiaoyi's eyes sparkled with gold, but I was puzzled by the sharp light of hesitation and annexation. For a long time, Xiaoyi grabbed the money from Xiaojia and carefully put it into his pocket: "It's all brothers, let me do this!" Then he picked up the newspaper Xiaojia put on the table.

"I don't know whether this is for Xiaojia or for Qian," I thought secretly.

Xiaoyi is very popular. His classmates ask him to help them with whatever they want. He is also duty bound. He can do everything with money or without money, but he still has to fight for every corner. His mantra is "All rich people are brothers, don't be so stingy!" Oh, obviously that mantra is to describe himself, but he doesn't think so. No one would have thought that such a miser would hand over the ten thousand yuan he picked up. In his words, "That's ten thousand yuan, ten thousand yuan!" So I became his "buddy"

"Oh, what are you busy with? You are so happy! Yo! Money!" As a brother, I went to celebrate. "Ha, it's you!" Xiao Yi's face vanished ten minutes ago, and what greeted me was a bright face. "If you earn five yuan, please treat me to dinner, hey hey!" I teased with an evil smile. "Oh, don't be joking, this money is for the teacher to buy fruit!" "Oh?" I looked puzzled. "When I was young, my family was very poor and my school was simple. I still remember that my teacher carried me on his back and walked on the school corridor without floor tiles. That feeling is the kind feeling I can still feel now." Xiaoyi seemed to fall into memory.

"At that time, the teacher loved me most. When I was a child, my family could not even eat fresh fruit. It was the apple that the teacher gave me to eat. I really felt warm. That feeling was called sweet. That time, the teacher smiled so sincerely and brilliantly. I also wanted the teacher to feel sweet. I have saved 132 yuan and 70 cents, and there are still......"

I didn't finish listening, but I felt that my eyes were full of tears. I could not see clearly the man in front of me. His greatness seemed to be impacting my insignificance, and his vastness was embracing my world.

It turns out that being stingy is also a kind of happiness. My eyes flash with pain. I stare at Xiao Yi, the five yuan note in his hand, and the sincerity and sweetness he holds tightly.

Composition is stingy (6)

In our daily life or work and study, we are often exposed to composition. Writing composition can exercise our habit of being alone, calm our mind, and think about our future direction. I believe many friends are very distressed about writing compositions. The following is a collection of essays collected by Xiao Bian. You don't need to skimp on compositions. Welcome to read and collect them.

Aesop said, "One cannot always be the first in everything". When we fail, someone will be on the top. We should not be stingy with appreciation, but should look at others with appreciation. At the same time, we should not indulge in undervaluation, because no one is perfect, and we cannot be stingy with our appreciation.

Appreciate others and enrich yourself. In the 1970s and 1980s, the United States has invented many great inventions to explore the universe, making great contributions to the world's exploration of the mysteries of the universe. And then China made Dongfanghong-1 and others to explore the universe. Isn't this the result of learning from American science and technology? If China's Qing Dynasty regarded itself as a great power in China and ignored the Western military machinery, it would be just Rogge's share in the end.

If the students graduated from school in the Qing Dynasty at that time, the lesson of "blood for blood" not only tells us that we should not overestimate ourselves even if we graduated from university, but should look at others with appreciation. People can't always get the first place in everything. Even if they graduate from university, there will always be something inferior to others. Why not be generous, look at others with appreciation, and enrich yourself.

The roadside weeds are not as beautiful as the roses in the greenhouse, but they have the reputation of "endless wildfires and spring breeze", because they have never been stingy in their appreciation of themselves, and they thrive even in a bad environment.

Look at yourself with appreciative eyes and affirm your own value. Ma Yun said, "If you graduated from a third or fourth class school like me, you should look at yourself with appreciation, All of this is because he looks at himself with appreciation and does not deny the embodiment of his family!

No one said that there must be a way out after graduating from college. A third or fourth rate school must be toiling or doing nothing. The key to success is whether you are stingy with your own appreciation. If you look at others with appreciation, you will gain what you don't have, fill your own shortcomings, and improve yourself. Look at yourself with appreciation, affirm your value, and make yourself more stable in the future without hesitation.

Looking at the people and things around you with an appreciative eye can make the sky that the "frog at the bottom of the well" sees more and more open. If you look with appreciation, you will not make yourself conceited and too humble. You will also have less envy of excellent things in your heart, and you will also be able to grow. People will have less heaviness and more pleasure in their life.

You can be stingy with material wealth, but not with appreciation. For college graduates, we should look at others with an appreciative eye, because we have endless knowledge wealth, perhaps what we do not have is the understanding of the social grassroots environment; Those who graduated from third and fourth tier universities need to look at themselves with appreciation. Everyone has their own meaning and value. The previous road may not be smooth, but we can use the time in the future to gradually build a new road to success.

No matter what the road before, it has already become the past. What we need is to look into the future, look at ourselves and others with appreciative eyes, pave the way for the future with flowers, smell the fragrance of flowers, and move towards the future with a brisk pace.

Composition is stingy (7)

In the daily study, work or life, we often see the figure of composition. Composition is a speech activity in which people express their feelings in written form. How to write a good composition? The following is a collection of senior high school students' winter compositions: Don't be stingy with your words, 650 words, for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

Why don't you say this little sentence? Why do you watch happiness fly away? Why didn't you notice her convenience? Are you really too busy?

When did your friends begin to alienate you; Since when, the laughter at home has gradually decreased; Since when, there are only a few words left on the phone; Since when, happiness has gone far

When you walk on the street alone and meet your old friends, happiness is always on your lips. You can shake hands, talk and hug, and leave contact information. But you didn't, just because they didn't say "Hi, hello", they passed by in a hurry, and happiness just flew away.

When you come home alone and see the busy figure in the kitchen, happiness is always on the tip of your tongue. The family can sit down happily to eat, talk and laugh, and tell some interesting things that happened in the school in the unit, but you didn't, so you went into the room to put down things, and then waited for the food on the table. Because of the sentence "Mom and Dad worked hard", you didn't say anything, Happiness just waved its wings and flew away.

When you receive a phone call from an old classmate alone, happiness is always on the tip of your tongue. They can talk about happy, unhappy, sad and unhappy things to their heart's content. But you don't have it. You just exchange greetings and put the phone down. Happiness quietly flies away from the microphone because a sentence "Are you OK recently?" didn't say it.

When you want to write a letter to your dear teacher alone, happiness is always on the tip of your pen. You can sprinkle several pages. People will be moved when they see the letter, but you don't have it. Because you didn't say "how are you, teacher" in your heart, happiness flew away from the tip of your pen without looking back.

Why don't you say this little sentence? Why do you watch happiness fly away? Why didn't you notice her convenience? Are you really too busy too busy too busy?

Friends, from now on, quickly say a few more words "Hello, how are you", let happiness fly around you, let happiness sing around you, don't let happiness fly away again!

Composition is stingy (8)

In our daily study, work or life, we are all familiar with composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. How to write a thoughtful and literary composition? The following is the composition of the miserly times primary school organized by the small editor for everyone. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope it will be helpful to everyone.

In the age of stinginess, there were no tall buildings. Because people were very stingy, and they were unwilling to pay to build houses or build their own houses, people in the age of stinginess lived in caves

Once, a man in the mean age wanted to travel to another age. When he saw the vast forest and boundless sea, he was intoxicated and fell into the river. The river was very deep, and the man in the mean age struggled in the river. When he saw it, a man bent down immediately and shouted, "Give me your hand quickly! I will pull you up, quickly, your hand can reach my hand!"! "But instead of reaching out, people in the mean age scolded," Go away! Why do I give you my hand? "The people on the bank suddenly realized, and quickly said," Take my hand! I'll pull you up! "The people in the mean age immediately grabbed his hand and didn't send it away on the shore. Hehe, the people in the mean age, you said," Give him nothing, and you said, "Take it." He took everything!

The most interesting thing is the election of leaders in the age of stinginess! There was such an election meeting that, after repeated screening, three candidates were finally selected! "The second man said," I will pick up my hair and put it in the box to put it away. "However, the third man did not speak. The host asked him once, but he still did not speak. The host asked him again, but he still did not speak. The host said," This is a mute! "The third man was angry and shouted," Why do you want to listen to my voice?! "Obviously, the third person won the championship

If you still want to listen, come to the age of stinginess! But beware of being taken advantage of by people in the mean age!

In the age of stinginess, there were no tall buildings. Because people were very stingy, and they were unwilling to pay to build houses or build their own houses, people in the age of stinginess lived in caves

Once, a man in the mean age wanted to travel to another age. When he saw the vast forest and boundless sea, he was intoxicated and fell into the river accidentally. The river was very deep, and the man in the mean age struggled in the river. When he saw it, a man bent down and shouted, "Give me your hand quickly! I will pull you up, quickly, your hand can reach my hand!"! "But instead of reaching out, people in the mean age scolded," Go away! Why do I give you my hand? "The people on the bank suddenly realized, and quickly said," Take my hand! I'll pull you up! "The people in the mean age immediately grabbed his hand and didn't send it away on the shore. Hehe, the people in the mean age, you said," Give him nothing, and you said, "Take it." He took everything!

The most interesting thing is the election of leaders in the age of stinginess! There was such an election meeting that, after repeated screening, three candidates were finally selected! "The second man said," I will pick up my hair and put it in the box to put it away. "However, the third man did not speak. The host asked him once, but he still did not speak. The host asked him again, but he still did not speak. The host said," This is a mute! "The third man was angry and shouted," Why do you want to listen to my voice?! "Obviously, the third person won the championship

If you still want to listen, come to the age of stinginess! But beware of being taken advantage of by people in the mean age!

Composition is stingy (9)

In daily study, work or life, everyone must have been exposed to composition. With the help of composition, people can reflect objective things, express thoughts and feelings, and transmit knowledge and information. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is my "stingy duo" primary school composition collected and sorted by my editor. Welcome to learn and reference, and hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Although my family lives in a remote small place, our family's "good name" has been everywhere. The neighborhood knows everything. Is that why? It's also my four "national treasures": grandpa, grandma. Let me talk about it in detail.

Character: Grandpa

Ranking: Second

Cheap star:***

Main example: "I open this shop and I enter the food. If you want to have a taste, leave money“

After my grandfather retired, he opened a snack bar in front of his house. I was a regular customer there, but even though I was his granddaughter, he still asked me to collect money. And it is always clear that your granddaughter will cheat you? (Of course, not once or twice)

Character: Grandma

Ranking: Boss

Cheap star:*****

The main example is: "Borrow something and you must pay it back“

I remember that day, my grandmother and I went to the neighbor's house, Grandma Wang. Shortly after entering the door, Grandma said, "Grandma Wang, last time you asked me if the two pennies I borrowed should be returned.

This is my family's "stingy duo".

Although my family lives in a small remote place, our family's "Good name" has been everywhere. The neighborhood knows everything. Is that why? It's also my four "national treasures": grandpa and grandma. Let me talk about it in detail.

Character: Grandpa

Ranking: Second

Cheap star:***

Main example: "I open this shop and I enter the food. If you want to have a taste, leave money“

After my grandfather retired, he opened a snack bar in front of his house. I was a regular customer there, but even though I was his granddaughter, he still asked me to collect money. And it is always clear that your granddaughter will cheat you? (Of course, not once or twice)

Character: Grandma

Ranking: Boss

Cheap star:*****

The main example is: "Borrow something and you must pay it back“

I remember that day, my grandmother and I went to the neighbor's house, Grandma Wang. Shortly after entering the door, Grandma said, "Grandma Wang, last time you asked me if the two pennies I borrowed should be returned.

This is my family's "stingy duo".

Composition is stingy (10)

Maybe it's because I don't like going out of the classroom. One of the female classmates sitting around me must be my best friend in this class. What's more strange is that no matter how I change positions, this classmate is always around me.

As a good friend of mine, her skin is darker than that of ordinary classmates. I often joke: "You are really a 'yellow man'!" After that, we both laughed and hurt our stomachs.

As a good friend, I usually look like a boy. Most girls love beauty, but she likes to be handsome! Once she told me that when she was in kindergarten, she was often regarded as a boy by her female classmates, chasing her everywhere! After class, she got up from her chair, got ready for class, then gently shook her short hair in front of her forehead, put her hands in her trouser pockets, and walked out of the classroom "swaggeringly". In that way, if you want to say how handsome you are, you will be as handsome as you are handsome, and you will be fascinated by a large number of girls who do not know her (this is just a fabrication, please don't take it seriously)! She is not only used to being like a boy, but also likes playing basketball. In PE class, if there is a boy with basketball, she will be the first to join the team.

She once went shopping with her mother and fell in love with a set of cool clothes, but her mother just didn't help her buy them. She complained to me every day, "Why didn't my mother buy that suit for me? "She's crazy about wanting that suit.

My friend is really different. Do you know who she is?

Ha, by the way, she is Li Yuzhuo!

Composition is stingy (11)

Aesop said, "One cannot always be the first in everything". When we fail, someone will be on the top. We should not be stingy with appreciation, but should look at others with appreciation. At the same time, we should not indulge in undervaluation, because no one is perfect, and we cannot be stingy with our appreciation.

Appreciate others and enrich yourself. In the 1970s and 1980s, the United States has invented many great inventions to explore the universe, making great contributions to the world's exploration of the mysteries of the universe. And then China made Dongfanghong-1 and others to explore the universe. Isn't this the result of learning from American science and technology? If China's Qing Dynasty regarded itself as a great power in China and ignored the Western military machinery, it would be just Rogge's share in the end.

If the students graduated from a famous school in the Qing Dynasty, the lesson of blood is not to tell us that even if they graduated from a famous university, they should not overestimate themselves, but should look at others with appreciation. People can't always get the first place in everything. Even if they graduate from a famous university, there will always be something inferior to others. Why not be generous, look at others with appreciation, and enrich yourself.

The roadside weeds are not as beautiful as the roses in the greenhouse, but they have the reputation of "endless wildfires and spring breeze", because they have never been stingy in their appreciation of themselves, and they thrive even in a bad environment.

Look at yourself with appreciation and affirm your value. Ma Yun said, "If you graduated from a third or fourth class school like me, you should look at yourself with appreciation, All of this is because he looks at himself with appreciation and does not deny the embodiment of his family!

No one said that there must be a way out after graduating from a famous university, and a third or fourth rate school must be toiling or doing nothing. The key to success is whether you are stingy with your own appreciation. If you look at others with appreciation, you will gain what you don't have, fill your own shortcomings, and improve yourself. Look at yourself with appreciation, affirm your value, and make yourself more stable in the future without hesitation.

Looking at the people and things around you with an appreciative eye can make the sky that the "frog at the bottom of the well" sees more and more open. If you look with appreciation, you will not make yourself conceited and too humble. You will also have less envy of excellent things in your heart, and you will also be able to grow. People will have less heaviness and more pleasure in their life.

You can be stingy with material wealth, but not with appreciation. For graduates from famous universities, we should look at others with an appreciative eye, because we have endless knowledge wealth, perhaps what we do not have is the understanding of the social grassroots environment; Those who graduated from third and fourth tier universities need to look at themselves with appreciation. Everyone has their own meaning and value. The previous road may not be smooth, but we can use the time in the future to gradually build a new road to success.

No matter what the road before, it has already become the past. What we need is to look into the future, look at ourselves and others with appreciative eyes, pave the way for the future with flowers, smell the fragrance of flowers, and move towards the future with a brisk pace.

I learned to appreciate life

I really like this continuous rain, falling long, regardless of location, morning and evening, especially the fine March rain. One day, all the dust, noise and disorderly limbs are blocked in the rain. In such weather, no one will disturb anyone, so you can expose your careless side at home and take care of yourself warmly and comfortably. You can think of nothing and anything.

Looking at the world through a thin haze, take your time; Take a look at life from a distance.

Some people hate this continuous rain, which falls long, regardless of location, day and night. The newly washed quilts have not been dried out, and they are not dried at home until the evening; The new shoes you just put on can't show your true face when you go out; The new pants I just bought are not beautiful enough to wear, but they are wet by the rain...... In rainy days, I have a lot of troubles.

In fact, the weather is the same and the things we encounter are the same. The only difference is people's mood.

In our life, happiness and misery accompany each other. Nothing is all good and nothing is all bad, just as sunny days and storms in nature complement each other and set off each other, which creates beautiful seasons for us. There are more joys than troubles in life, but there are also some unpleasant ones. How can we live a relaxed and happy life? It depends on whether you can appreciate, taste and discover.

When it rains, there is no way to dry the quilt. So young housewives can get away from it. They can rightfully watch TV all day and read novels all day. When it rains, they can take off new shoes and pants and replace them with old ones. They can show the nagging adults that they are not "happy with the new and tired of the old". Shoes and pants are always their own. They are not so smart when they wear them tomorrow. Why waste them in rainy days.

Appreciate life, never pessimistic; It is also meaningful to appreciate life. Disappointed, there is also a little gain in melancholy. After victory, there is a little bitterness in the joy; Grow up, there are gains and losses, taste the pain in the joy, just know that happiness is hard won.

Life needs constant review and appreciation. In this way, we will not forget that life is not always smooth, nor ups and downs. Joy and trouble, joy and frustration together, which makes life so charming.

To appreciate life is to enjoy a beautiful life and appreciate its infinite interests.

Compositions are stingy (12)

A big piece of the apple at home is rotten. I'm going to throw it away. My father stopped me at once and said, What a pity to throw such good fruit! Just wash and cut everything!

This is true of all fruits at home. Cut the bad ones and the rest are good. My father's stinginess made me suffer a lot.

There is an ancestral wooden chair and family heirloom at home. Every time I sat down, I was trembling. No, I just sat down and fell apart. Mom grabbed the chair and threw it out, but Dad stopped her. Dad pulled out the tool box from under the bed, and it took him a long time to repair it. But if he sat on it again, the chair would sing.

My father didn't allow me to eat sugar. He said that if I ate more sugar, my teeth would decay. My neighbor Wang Ruixiang ate sugar every day. The students envied him and played with him. I also envy it. I also want my father to buy it for me. At the thought of my father's stinginess, I completely died.

Learn English with some reading pens. At the thought of my father, who didn't even buy me sugar, I felt hopeless. But I still couldn't help talking to my mother about my desire to read the pen. When I got up the next day, I saw my favorite pen reading point. I quickly thanked my mother. Mom said Dad bought it. Is that impossible?

When I went to school, I saw Wang Ruixiang didn't come. The teacher said that Wang Ruixiang had eaten too many sweets and had cavities.

This is my mean father. I begin to like him.

Composition is stingy (13)

First of all, the "stingy" father. Dad's typical "stingy" performance is that he never drives at work and never takes a taxi after work.

Dad takes the shuttle bus to work every day and never drives his own car. Sometimes when he gets up late, I can hear him banging and banging in the bathroom for two or three minutes to relieve himself, wash his face and brush his teeth, and then leave me and my mother looking at each other. I sometimes wonder if Dad can save even the paper towel for cleaning PP?

If you are late for work and can't catch the bus, Dad usually takes 204 to the Binhai Window and walks back. Once when it rained, my father called me to give him an umbrella. I walked back and forth for almost half an hour, and almost fell down

Next is the "stingy" mother. Mother's typical "stingy" performance is to cherish water as life.

When I was still living in the old community, my mother stored the water for washing vegetables in a bucket and put it in the bathroom every day. It was stipulated that our family could only use this water to flush the toilet, which made me have to carry such a bucket at a young age, so I had to practice hard.

Finally, I am the girl! My "stingy" method is most suitable for our children. Dangdangdangdangdang! That is to go to Mom and Dad at night to save air conditioning fees!

In the summer, I asked to sleep with my parents, because I had to turn on less air conditioning.

Although my father was reluctant, he couldn't say I was good, so he pretended to sleep and kicked me off the bed once (hateful, hum!). However, it's not difficult for me to be clever. I moved a mattress to my parents' room the next day and slept on a mattress alone. Ha ha! Can't catch up with me now!

What about? Our family will save a lot, right? Mom and Dad said: "Saving is low carbon." Low carbon even understands that low carbon is protecting the earth! Join our "stingy" family!

Composition is stingy (14)

When did your friends begin to alienate you; Since when, the laughter at home has gradually decreased; Since when, there are only a few words left on the phone; Since when, happiness has gone far

When you walk on the street alone and meet your old friends, happiness is always on your lips. You can shake hands, talk and hug, and leave contact information. But you didn't, just because they didn't say "Hi, hello", they passed by in a hurry, and happiness just flew away.

When you come home alone and see the busy figure in the kitchen, happiness is always on the tip of your tongue. The family can sit down happily to eat, talk and laugh, and tell some interesting things that happened in the school in the unit, but you didn't, so you went into the room to put down things, and then waited for the food on the table. Because of the sentence "Mom and Dad worked hard", you didn't say anything, Happiness just waved its wings and flew away.

When you receive a phone call from an old classmate alone, happiness is always on the tip of your tongue. They can talk about happy, unhappy, sad, and unhappy things to their heart's content. But you don't have it. You just exchange greetings and put the phone down. Happiness quietly flies away from the microphone just because a sentence "Are you OK recently?" didn't say it.

When you want to write a letter to your dear teacher alone, happiness is always on the tip of your pen. You can sprinkle several pages. People will be moved when they see the letter, but you don't have it. Because you didn't say "how are you, teacher" in your heart, happiness flew away from the tip of your pen without looking back.

Why don't you say this little sentence? Why do you watch happiness fly away? Why didn't you notice her convenience? Are you really too busy too busy too busy?

Friends, from now on, quickly say a few more words "Hello, how are you", let happiness fly around you, let happiness sing around you, don't let happiness fly away again!

Composition is stingy (15)

Applause is recognition and encouragement to others, and also a joy that can be shared.

In the face of today's self, I can't connect with the shy boy, nor can I imagine that such a lively and outgoing middle school student was afraid to speak in front of many people, and blushed when he came to the stage. This huge change really happened to me, just because of the applause.

I used to be introverted and shy, only willing to talk with my classmates, and even afraid to go on stage. Once, I was asked to speak as a student representative in a travel activity organized by the school. At that time, I used to speak with a loudspeaker horn. I was a little nervous at first, but I was even more shy because the loudspeaker horn was too heavy and I almost fell down. It was hot and hot that day, and the sun seemed not interested in my speech. It slipped into the clouds and suddenly came out to amuse itself. I hemmed and hawed for a long time. Finally, I lowered my head to finish reading my speech. I quickly slipped down, only to hear a yawn. Others whispered, "It's finally over." At that time, I wanted to dig a hole in the ground to get in. I was annoyed why I chose to speak.

It was another speech that changed me. It was at a parents' meeting. I was the first in my class, and the teacher asked me to speak on the stage. I glanced at the parents and classmates sitting below. They were all looking at me. I quickly lowered my head and read the script stiffly. With a "thank you", I made a gentle bow to the audience. Just when I thought it was over, there was a round of applause, which stunned me for a moment. Then I also applauded and walked down with a smile on my face. At this moment, the sun shines through the window, shines on me, shines on the whole classroom, and there are other meanings in the warmth.

Applause can be heard everywhere. To give a round of applause to others is to give encouragement, support and recognition. Don't be stingy with your applause. Maybe sometimes we can't offer flowers to express our gratitude, support and encouragement, but we can give a applause. It is more beautiful than flowers. Please don't be stingy.

Composition is stingy (16)

Don't be stingy with your love -- 750 words in the composition of "Comments on the First Lesson of School" -- don't be stingy with your love, your love is an indispensable return??

The first lesson at the beginning of school is a must see program. This theme is "I love you, China" What an exciting word! One of the links still fresh in my memory is "love is commitment". In the short story, there is a pair of feet in worn shoes running back and forth. The feet are steady and fast. The owner of the feet is Ma Pengfei, 14 years old. Every day, he ran home breathlessly. Every time Grandma heard the footsteps, her eyes were no longer dim and became extremely bright. He took his grandmother's hand, which he always held tightly when walking, for fear that the blind grandmother might lose a little bit, and her face always wore a happy smile. Grandparents and grandchildren have lived together for 13 years. Grandma's blindness made Xiaoxiao shoulder a heavy burden when she was 5 years old. When Grandma became desperate because of blindness, Xiaoxiao said, "Grandma, don't cry, I'll take care of you later." Her tearful grandma smiled, and Ma Pengfei grew up. After watching the short film, I had tears in my eyes, but I tried hard not to let it flow down. I'm happy for him. I'm glad that he has shouldered this heavy love with his thin body.

Ma Pengfei's life is hard, but he has the courage to bear this love and pay this love, not to mention those of us in happy families? How can we begrudge our love? We should open our hearts and give our love boldly, and repay our loved ones, society and motherland with our love. The loved ones' love for us is exquisite; Society's love for us is wordless; And the motherland's pay for us, our love is invisible! Are you willing to cherish your love for your motherland again?

This year is 2009, and we will celebrate the 60th birthday of our motherland. We will celebrate the birthday of our great mother. We will greet you with sincere love?? When the national anthem rings, stop everything in your hands, stand still, and feel patriotic in your heart. This is love for your motherland; When a disaster occurs in a certain region of the country, we should actively extend a hand of help and hope that the former beauty can be restored there. This is love for our motherland; When you study abroad, you never forget your motherland, and proudly say to others, "I am a Chinese!" You also want to work hard to win honor for your country, which is love for your motherland. There are many kinds of love for our motherland. Let's repay our motherland with love!

Don't be stingy with your love! Although your love for the motherland is small, it is an indispensable return of love for the motherland?? Let's create a blue sky of love!