I dreamt of composition (16 refined articles)
Red wine knocked over the earthly cabinet
2023-08-10 03:38:21

I dreamt about composition (1)

I once met the future me in my dream. In the future, I will be an inventor, who has invented many machines to help people travel conveniently and save manpower... But my most proud invention is a robot that automatically makes all kinds of equipment.

This robot, which automatically makes all kinds of equipment, has a huge round body and a hole in its round head, which looks like the big white in Super Marine. There is a triangle door on his stomach, and his hands are the switches of the machine.

If all kinds of waste metal materials are found, he will automatically suck the metal into his stomach from the hole on his head, sort it out, turn his hand, and select the equipment to be manufactured, which can be fighter planes, anti-aircraft guns, snipers, or Long March series rockets, Shenzhou series spacecraft, Tiangong series space stations, and finally wait for 30 minutes, You can get the equipment you want from the door on his stomach. In fact, he is also an intelligent garbage collection robot. It is easier to deal with ordinary garbage and turn waste into treasure.

At special times, he can also become a refuge. In fact, his round body is as solid as an iron wall. In case of war and disaster, refugees can hide in his belly. Like Noah's Ark, he protects human beings from the ravages of war and disasters.

You see, my invention is not very powerful. I'm looking forward to meeting the future me again, in my dream, in reality

I dreamt about composition (2)

Am I in heaven? Such a wonderful place is more beautiful than a garden!

Alas? How did I fly? I'm afraid of heights! But I feel so safe.

Flying into the jungle, the trees here seem to never lose their leaves, evergreen leaves. It's beautiful. Take a closer look. There are one or two small notes on each branch. They are colorful and beautiful. They add a little decoration to the monotonous green. The colors are quite matched. It seems that they are all gradient colors, which is really eye-catching!

Officially entering this beautiful "park", where there are many flowers I have never seen before, the "staff" stopped me at the door and asked for "tickets". The "staff" are very small and are little angels. The "tickets" are music works that I have completed. I gave them copies of my music work "Flying Dream, Flying Heart", They put a stamp on my head. I looked in the mirror and saw that I was already a little angel, wearing a white ring on my head and white clothes. This was the first time I had seen such clothes. They gave me a note on my head, and I became very small. I carried a small basket in my hand. The "staff" said that the basket was used to collect notes and various symbols I needed.

OK, we can go now.

I searched all the way, looking for some notes, musical terms, tune and beat that are suitable for me. There are many camellias in the garden, so the camellias are all hung with notes and light fragrance, a very strong southern pastoral flavor, which penetrates people's hearts; Lily grows in a low and flat place in the garden, and there are music terms hanging on it, all in Italian, but I know their meaning, and I usually see them in music scores; I found some terms representing liveliness and allegro and put them in baskets; The tulips grow on the hillside in a small area. There are 24 key numbers in size and 24 colors of flowers on the tulips. I found some bright key numbers, such as g major and d major; There is a brook between the two hills, which is clear and transparent. There are also small fish and shrimp in it. There are narcissus flowers in the brook. The narcissus flowers are hung with rhythm symbols. I selected some rhythms suitable for the music I want to make.

There are many big trees in the garden. There are many swings hanging between the trees. What are they for? When I looked back, many little angels like me were sitting on it and writing their own songs. Oh, I see. I also sit on it and organize the materials I just picked into a song. It took me two hours to finish this piano music. I named it "Memories of the Virgin Mary", which is a western music. This music is the evidence of coming out of the garden and the harvest of your coming to the garden. I am also the first time to write western music, hoping to pass it, otherwise I will have to rework.

I took my own works and looked around the garden. What a wonderful trip and what a wonderful memory. I didn't expect to pass the music theory test when I left the garden. But I'm not afraid. I've already learned it, so I don't have to worry about their test content. When I saw the little angel in front of me with a worried face, I smiled secretly. I saw that many of the angels in front had failed and returned. I was nervous at first. It was my turn. The questions they asked me were very simple. A total of five questions were asked around intervals. Although this part was my weakness, I was lucky enough to answer them correctly.

At the last stage out of the garden, I took out a copy of the music I had just written and handed it to the "staff". After they reviewed it, they gave me some suggestions: a little more semitones, more freedom, and no fixed rhythm. After all, this is my first time to write western music. It is inevitable that there are some imperfections. They let me pass.

I flew out of the garden with my own works and singing happy songs. This trip I will never forget, let me learn how to write western music, and have so many memories and memorials. This is my harvest. I will often come to this beautiful garden full of happiness and fantasy, let it continue my happiness and talent, and complete my dream as soon as possible? Music producer.

Come on! The dream is in front of us. We must work hard to become a music producer we want to be. Come on!

I dreamt about composition (3)

Recently I read a book called "The Sun Dreams of Me", which tells about the childhood of a girl named Niuniu. The main character, Niuniu, is lively and lovely. She is a little poet who doesn't care about anything and is not afraid. In beautiful places, where there is no tension, she will grow poems. However, as she grew older, she gradually became mature, and the inspiration for writing poems did not know where to go. Suddenly one day, while her mother was reciting poems to her, Niuniu wrote a poem about her childhood, which surprised her very much

After reading this book, I couldn't help but think of the sentence Niuniu said. The sun dreamt of me and said to me, "You will succeed, I believe you." How meaningful this sentence is, reflecting the expectation for the future, but also with a little sadness, which makes my aftertaste endless.

No matter what you are facing is happiness and happiness, or pain and misfortune, you should bravely face the front and the light. Just like Niuniu, childhood is always beautiful. From the growth of Niuniu, I learned what childhood is. Childhood is like a piece of white paper, on which I use my pen to draw my emotions; Childhood is like a beach, with many colorful shells on it, adding luster to the beach. Childhood is beautiful and carefree.

The life of childhood is so desirable. Every day I spend it in laughter and laughter. Childhood is short. Although I am still in my childhood, it will gradually leave me. When I grow up, I will be as busy as my brother in endless learning every day. So I will cherish it more and spend every day seriously.

When I grew up and recalled my childhood, as the hero wrote: "My childhood was a small white flower, standing on the top of a tall tree, looking around all day long. My childhood was a beautiful bird, drilling through the forest, playing hide and seek with friends. Let's enjoy our childhood.

I dreamt about composition (4)

Dream is a word full of countless beautiful fantasies. At the same time, it is virtual and unreal. Dream, it can bring me too much laughter, too much happiness. Sometimes, I prefer to live in a dream, because in a dream, I can enjoy everything without worry. In the deep memory of everyone, there must be a person who wants to dream most. Of course, I am no exception. What I want to dream most is my amiable grandmother.

I vaguely remember that when I was very young, my parents sent me to my grandmother's house because of their busy work. Since then, I have thrived in the warm embrace of my grandmother. Unconsciously, when I reached the age when I should go to kindergarten, my parents were ready to take me back. At that time, I sat on the ground crying because I was reluctant to leave my grandmother. After all, crying could not solve any problem, although I cried bitterly.

Since I left my grandmother and came to Nanyang, I have seldom seen her again. After I went to primary school, I could only go back to my husband's home in winter vacation and summer vacation. Every time I applied to my mother for going back, my mother didn't refuse, but said to me, "Although you are so active now, I guess you won't go back when you grow up and beg for help." Every time, I resolutely rejected my mother's idea. "Even though everything in the world will end, my feelings for Grandma will last forever." I thought to myself.

In fact, I know that in the future, the study will gradually increase, the time to return home will be less and less, and the time to accompany grandma will also be less and less. So, I really want to dream of Grandma every day, her kind smile, her knitting sweater for me, and her nagging me

Although everything around me is changing now, my feelings for Grandma will never change. I will bury this feeling in my heart forever and hide it in my dream

I dreamt about composition (5)

Winter has gone and spring has come. The old house in the alley behind my house is already covered with dust

In the alley behind the house, only Grandma Wang lives. She often sits on an old rattan chair, holding a large palm fan, and slowly fans it.

At the end of the alley, there is a public toilet. There is no household toilet in our row of street houses. Every family has to rely on the public toilet at the end of the alley to go to the toilet.

Since Grandma Wang moved into that room, I have used the toilet more and more. I said I was going to the toilet. In fact, I was looking for Grandma Wang. Her mother nagged every day: "I haven't seen how much water you drink. Why do you go to the toilet eight times a day?"

As soon as I get to Grandma Wang's house, I can't wait to rush in and ask, "Grandma Wang, what's good?". Sometimes, I can taste some delicious snacks.

Every time I want to go home, Grandma Wang's eyes will flash a trace of reluctance. Every time, she would grab a handful of candy and put it in my pocket, telling me to "slow down on the road, don't fall". I didn't know how to refuse. I peeled off a candy and put it in my mouth. Then I left Grandma Wang's house with a spring.

Around the Mid Autumn Festival, round moon cakes always appeared on Grandma Wang's table, all of which were my favorite food, as if they were specially prepared for me. "Come on, have one. This is your favorite bean paste filling." Grandma Wang smiled kindly, and her head was shining with silver. I ate the moon cake with relish, and she handed me an orange. After tasting the delicious food, if she still had time, Grandma Wang would tell the story of Chang'e flying to the moon, cowherd and weaver girl. Even though I have heard and read these stories countless times, I always listen with great interest and ask with great expectation: "Then what? The next paragraph, the next paragraph!"

Grandma Wang cares about me so much that I plan to give her some gifts when I am moved: my own paintings, my own handmade works, and the snail shells I picked up... Although I have prepared gifts, I forget to bring them to Grandma Wang every time because I think about what she has to eat. I always think about next time, next time

Time flew by in the next time. On that day, Grandma Wang's house was empty, and her daughter picked her up. She moved to a city far away from here.

At that moment, I remembered Grandma Wang's fruits and snacks, the vivid and wonderful stories, the gifts I had not sent, and the farewell and thanks I could say in the future. I was extremely regretful. We always say it's a long time, but how long is it? How long can we stay together?

At night, I closed my eyes and made a wish: Let me dream about Grandma Wang again. I will send my little gift to her thousands of miles away.

I dreamt about composition (6)

I dreamed 500 word essay (1)

Four semi propositional compositions in Dream

Four semi propositional compositions in Dream

I dreamed of the messenger of desire

★ Yu Hao

Today, as usual, I was walking leisurely on the way to school. When I came to a corner, a woman with white skirts and white wings suddenly appeared in front of me.

When she saw me, she smiled and said, "Hello! I am an angel of desire. I come from the country of angels. I secretly flew into the world for fun, but now I have had enough fun, but I don't know how to return to my motherland. Can you help me?"

Surprised, I replied for a long time: "Can you help me realize a wish first? Then I will help you find a way to go home!"

The wish angel nodded and said, "Of course, go ahead, what wish?"

I was secretly delighted and immediately said, "Can you let my parents stop being strict with me?"

She did not answer, but quietly flew into the air, splashed the water with the "Wish Water Bottle". Suddenly, my eyes became completely new! I hurried home to see if my wish had really come true? I walked into the house and saw my mother busy serving dishes. When she saw me coming back, she immediately showed a bright smile and kept saying, "Come on, kid! It's time to eat!" I was surprised. Did my wish really come true? Because at such times in the past, my mother always asked me, "What did you learn today? Did you listen carefully when you learned?". I sat down on the chair with some doubt, and my mother said, "Big son, my darling, look: what did I do for you today? I made you some dishes of your favorite dishes." I saw countless dishes on the table, all of which made me salivate.

At that time, my father also came to the table. He always ate with a dark face and pursed lips. He never smiled, but this time he came to me with a smile and said to me with a smile: "Big son, what do you want to do today? What do you want to play with?" I don't think I will miss this opportunity. I must let myself do things that are difficult to achieve at ordinary times, Take this opportunity to achieve the following, so I immediately said crisply: "I want to play computer."

"Good! Just let you play for as long as you want." I was so happy. Then I played computer in a daze, day and night, until I was exhausted. It was really uncomfortable!

At this time, I thought of the past days. Although my parents had strict discipline on me, I still lived a very practical life! But now because they dote on me too much, I feel that life is meaningless?

In order to return to my original day, I came to the corner again, waiting for the appearance of the angel of desire, but this time, she did not come

"Why are you still sleeping late? Hurry to do your homework!" Suddenly, a crazy cry sounded in my ear, and I was suddenly awakened, only to know that this is a dream! Listen to the lion's roar, I thought to myself, ha ha, this attitude is more suitable for me

Teacher's comment: The little writer's dream trip made him realize that the life he had been longing for was not so beautiful, but the reality was more reasonable. This article has a novel idea, which originates from the original ideas in children's own hearts. The writing reveals the sincerity, innocence and interest.

I dreamed of the Holy Vase

★ Fan Shiyi

That night, I went to bed at eight o'clock. Because the teacher wanted us to write about what I dreamed, I wanted to make a dream trip for my dream.

"Hoohoo" I fell asleep. At this time, I seemed to come to a prairie. I walk slowly. The grassland is really beautiful! There are endless grasslands, bright flowers, happy birds, flocks of horses, cattle and sheep. I am intoxicated with the beautiful scenery, like walking in a fairyland. Eh? I kicked something. It was a bottle. When I saw that it was engraved with two words: Holy Bottle! "Wow!" I yelled. Is this the legendary "pie falling from the sky"? I opened the bottle in a hurry, and a cloud of fog immediately floated out, and then a voice was heard: "You are lucky, I can help you realize three wishes!"

"Great! Why am I so lucky?" I was surprised in my heart, silently calculating my three wishes, and opened my mouth: "I want to live a long life!"

"OK, but there will be a price!" it said to me.

"It doesn't matter, as long as my wish is realized, any price can be paid!" I said excitedly.

"Good!" An old woman with a wrinkled face and a cat's waist looked at me and said, "Son, why are you so old?"

"What? You are my mother? How could it be? My mother is young, beautiful and gentle! How could it be like you?"

The old woman became angry at once, and her face changed shape: "You don't think I'm old, can you see what you look like first?" Then she put a small mirror in front of me. When I looked at the mirror, I almost lost my temper! Too old! Too old! I really can't accept this fact. So, I kept shouting: "How can I become so old? No, God Bottle, I want to change back! I want to be young!"

At this time, a mist flashed, and then a young woman floated to my side. She gently patted my head and said, "Son, dear, come and nurse!" I wanted to speak, but I could only say the voice of "wow" - I turned into a baby! This is too small!

I couldn't stand it any longer, and cried again immediately! "Holy Bottle, I want to change back to my original appearance!"

A cloud of mist flashed by, and I returned to the grass again. I walked along the familiar road, wondering why? I kicked another thing, looked down, it was a magic bottle again

"No, no, no!" I woke up from my dream

Teacher's comment: The Holy Bottle does not necessarily bring happiness to people. It can make people realize an unrealistic desire. It really has to pay a price, and it is better to let nature take its course. What the little author brings us is not only the imagination of a dream, but also a lot of thinking about life philosophy.

I dreamed that I became a great writer

★ Song Zihao

"Hip Hop, Hip Hop! Today I become a great writer!" I kept shouting because I had published 1121 works. Look at my books. They stack like mountains and drown me.

At this time, I heard someone ringing my doorbell. When I opened the door, a man came in and asked me politely, "Is this the home of the great writer of Song Dynasty?" I lifted my chest proudly and said with my nose, "I am!"

The man immediately gave me a large package and said respectfully, "Here is your contribution fee! Then he took out another book, bent over to me and said, "Song Dynasty writer, can you sign for me?"!

But good things bring bad things. Since I signed that person's name, there have been many people asking for my signature. Even when taking a bath or going to the toilet, there are people knocking at my door, shouting and asking for my signature. I'm bored. Life can't go on normally. I don't want to live such a signature day anymore!

Suddenly I woke up. It was a dream! However, being a great writer is very tired, but it's still a good taste. After waking up for half a day, I am still immersed in the feeling of being surrounded by fans!

Teacher's comment: A dream about dreams represents a desire of the little author's heart. Imagination comes from careful observation of reality and exquisite experience in the heart, so it is so true and gives people a sense of reality in dreams.

I dreamed that I became a fairy

★ Lu Xin

"See the Queen Mother." I knelt down slowly.

"Please get up!" said the Queen Mother with dignity.

I stood in an immortal temple surrounded by fairy clouds. The clothes I wore were really strange. They were floating gently, shining like colorful clouds. The sleeves were very long, about eight meters long. When I walked around, my body was also floating. It felt really impressive! At this time, a strange looking person took me to the Queen Mother, who was lying on the yellow bench, her eyes half open and half closed, as if thinking about something. The expression on her face was unpredictable.

The people below all looked at her carefully and looked at her silence. For a long time, she opened her eyes, looked at the gods below, and said, "Who knows where there is still room in our heaven?"

The fairy court suddenly became lively, and the immortals began to discuss: some said that "there is a shortage of peach pickers in the Peach Garden"; Some say "there is a shortage of flower pickers in the back garden"; Others said, "There is a shortage of fans for the empress in the fairy court."

"Eh? Fan is not bad, is it? Let's call you Fan Fairy!"

At this time, I knew that I was a new fairy, and I thought I always wanted to be a fairy! This is not my idea. That's great! Have a good experience of being an immortal! I was secretly happy.

I bowed deeply to the Queen Mother and opened my red lips: "Thank you, Queen Mother."

The Queen Mother smiled and gave me a gold fan. Of course, it was for the Queen Mother to fan. The gold fan was heavy, and I didn't feel tired at first! I walked to the Queen Mother's side and gently fanned the fan, so a gentle breeze slowly began to blow.

In the evening, the Queen Mother personally sent me to my place. It was a very beautiful place. Amid the smoke, there were also furniture suitable for our modern people. It was really everything. It was very complete, including tea cups, tea tables, and beds. Oh, yes, there were curtains hanging in front of the bed. The light purple flowers on the white gauze were really beautiful! When people see it, they will feel like entering a fairyland. At this time, I am really "dancing like a fairy"!

But the next day, I felt tired. My wrists were sore, my waist was sore, and I didn't feel lighthearted when I walked. I was no longer excited about being a fairy. It was hard and boring to fan such heavy fans all day! When I was helpless, suddenly I woke up and realized that it was just a dream!

It's not good to be a fairy!

Teacher's comment: a fairy dream, a romantic dream trip! The young writer's imagination is bold, and the description is also very delicate, vivid and interesting! The language is full of the innocent and simple taste of children. This is a unique taste of children, which is worth tasting!

I dreamed 500 word essay (2)

1. Complete the title "I Love Me" and write a narrative article.

2. "I Dream" can be designed from the perspectives of examination, learning, social and current affairs, curiosity, science fiction, family and friendship. For example, I Dreamed that the teacher cried, I Dreamed that I was a teacher, I Dreamed that my mother was laid off, I Dreamed that a rainbow bridge was built on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, I Dreamed that I entered the time tunnel, I Dreamed that they were reconciled, and I Dreamed of the teacher's advice.

3. Choose one of the following options and write a complete article with the topic "Feeling".

Options are ① nature; ② Online life; ③ Sports life; ④ Happiness; ⑤ Land.

4. "I 1. Each examinee has his own hometown, his own parents, his own teachers, and his own collective learning and growth (school, for which he has made efforts)" (choose some phrases to express specific events

I dreamt about composition (7)

I dreamed that I became a raindrop

In our daily study, work or life, we always have to contact or use composition. With the help of composition, people can achieve the purpose of cultural exchange. So the question is, how to write an excellent composition? The following is my dream that I became a raindrop composition. I hope I can help you.

One night, I had a wonderful dream - I became a small raindrop.

In the evening, I finished my homework and lay in bed ready to go to bed. Suddenly, I heard the drip drip sound of rain vaguely. Unconsciously, I fell asleep. Suddenly, I found that I became a light rain on the grass, on flowers, on willows, on the earth!

In spring, there are all kinds of flowers. I fell on peach blossom, rose, pear flower... I became pink, bright red, tender yellow

In summer, the grass grows tender leaves, and the leaves pull out new green leaves... I become all kinds of green: tender green, emerald green

In autumn, red maple leaves fall on the ground, just like beautiful butterflies. There are all kinds of fruits: apples, oranges, pears... I suddenly became all kinds of colors: red, orange, yellow

In winter, I have been frozen into small snowflakes even before I fell on the ground. Falling on the house is like bringing a white hat to it, and falling on the horseshoe shaped road is like laying a white carpet on the road!

"Ding Ling Ling" "Ding Ling Ling" It was the alarm clock that rang. I woke up from my dream in a daze. So I had a wonderful dream!

I dreamt about composition (8)

I dreamed that I became a butterfly

In the study, work and life, when it comes to composition, everyone must be blind. Composition is a transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from a concise and understandable language through compression to an external language form that is developed, has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. When you write a composition, you always have no way to start? The following is a composition about my dream of becoming a butterfly written by a small editor for everyone. It is for your reference. I hope it can help those in need.

Everyone has dreamed! For example, I am no exception when I dream of becoming another person, a fish, a star, etc.

Today, the teacher assigned a lot of homework. When I was writing about my homework, I wanted to be a teacher so that I wouldn't have to do homework. As a result, I wrote, but fell asleep

"Help! Help!" a dragonfly shouted. Hearing the cry for help, I woke up and saw a dragonfly fluttering its wings in the opposite direction. I want to help it, but there is a river in the middle. I was thinking about how to cross the river, and then my body grew up and my hands became wings. Surprised, I fanned my wings, and I really flew. I turned into a beautiful butterfly!

Fly, fly, and finally fly across the river. When I saw a frog trying to eat the dragonfly, I was very worried. Suddenly, I found a branch near my feet. So I picked up the branch, flew behind the frog, and carefully smashed the frog down with the branch. Later, the frog was knocked unconscious by me. I quickly took the dragonfly by the hand and flew to the other side.

When I got to a safe place, I asked the dragonfly in a hurry: "Did you get hurt?" She said gently: "It's all right! Thank you, sister, you're so kind!" I said: "Or you can call me sister later, and I'll call you sister! OK?" She immediately nodded. So we had a good time

"Wake up for me, have you finished your homework? How dare you sleep here with your textbook as a pillow!" Instantly, I woke up, and saw my mother slapping the table beside me, and said angrily with a straight face. I can't help it. I have to do my homework obediently.

In fact, sometimes it's good for people to become other animals! People can't change their own destiny. If they want to change their own destiny, they must change their way of life!

I dreamt about composition (9)

I dreamed that I became the word "You"

Liu Zichen, Class 3, North School, Dongqiao Primary School, Jiangyan City

One day at noon, I lay in bed. Before I knew it, I fell asleep and gradually fell asleep.

I dreamed that I was sitting in bed watching TV. Suddenly, a light flashed in the TV, so I jumped in and got into an old dictionary.

As soon as I got inside, I found that I had turned into the word "You". I slipped out of the room when Grandpa didn't notice.

I was walking in the street?, When I came to a gas station, I dodged for fear of being found. When I was careless, I slipped on the water on the ground. I immediately became oil. When the gas man saw the oil, he quickly added me to the car to refuel. The car drove for a while. I found my left hand was gone. I climbed out of the tank and washed myself by the river beside the bamboo forest, I'm back to my original shape. At this time, my stomach has been "cooing" straight. I saw the pandas eating bamboo leaves, and I also wanted to taste the 'taste of bamboo leaves'. I didn't care about three or seven or twenty one, but I picked up the bamboo leaves and bit them, but I just bit them, and turned into a flute. A little girl who passed by saw it, picked up the flute, and played beautiful music. Blow, blow, my voice was hoarse. I quickly spit out the bamboo leaves I had eaten, and they returned to their original shape. I took the opportunity to escape when the little girl was so frightened that she was at a loss. I ran to a tree, sat down and gasped for breath. Suddenly, a flash of light appeared in front of me. I thought I could finally go home, so I jumped in.

On my way home, I suddenly heard my mother say: "Liu Zichen, get up. If you don't get up, you will have no time to learn sketch." At this time, I realized that I was dreaming.

I dreamt about composition (10)

I dreamed that I would have a day in 2025

Ha! hello everyone! I am Zhang Yizhe in 2025, and now I am a staff member of XXXXX Research Institute. Let's see how I spend my day.

In the morning, the machine alarm clock wakes me up. The sound of the alarm clock can be changed. The song I changed is Childhood.

After getting up, I sat at the table and pressed a button on the table. Roger, the robot nanny, appeared in front of me immediately. This is the z94 robot I invented and can do all housework. "Master, we have dinner." After that, he opened his stomach and took out several dishes from it. I saw what my appetite was. There were cashews, shrimp with green peppers and braised beef------

After eating, I had to go to work. I went to the garage. After scanning me, the scanning system in the garage recognized me as the owner. The garage door opened and a car like a shark appeared in front of me. The car was called Shark 1. It was super fast, and the computer drove automatically. I sat in the car and said, "Go to XXXXX Research Institute and arrive in ten minutes." Before the words were heard, the car started. A cup of coffee appeared in a slot on the right side of the steering wheel. I waited while drinking coffee------

Ten minutes later, I arrived at XXXXX Research Institute and struggled with my colleagues. After working hard all morning and noon, I finally developed a new drug that can make people feel good in any environment.

During the afternoon break, I sat on the high fiber sofa and watched the World Cup finals of automobile football. (The ball hit the goal by the car hitting the ball) The game was very fierce between China and the United States. Finally, China won the championship with a good score of four to one. This game shows that the quality of Chinese cars and the level of the racing drivers are world-class. Seeing this, I fell off the sofa with joy.]

In the evening, I went to the park alone to miss what happened when I was a child------

In the evening, I returned home, and after washing and gargling, I lay down on the bed I made. (This bed is very soft, very comfortable to sleep on, which can eliminate fatigue, and is also effective for cervical vertebrae.) I gradually fell asleep------

"Get up -- bed -- it's --!" I was very frightened. When I opened my eyes, it was my mother. "Get up quickly, it's 7:35!" Mother said. "YES!" I said, thinking: It was a dream, but it will come true soon.

I dreamt of composition (11)

Recently I read a book called "The Sun Dreams of Me", which tells about the childhood of a girl named Niuniu. The main character, Niuniu, is lively and lovely. She is a little poet who doesn't care about anything and is not afraid. In beautiful places, where there is no tension, she will grow poems. However, as she grew older, she gradually became mature, and the inspiration for writing poems did not know where to go. Suddenly one day, while her mother was reciting poems to her, Niuniu wrote a poem about her childhood, which surprised her very much

After reading this book, I couldn't help but think of the words Niu Niu said. The sun dreamt of me and said to me, "You will succeed, I believe you..." How meaningful this sentence is, reflecting the expectation for the future, but also with a little sadness, which makes me memorable

No matter what you are facing is happiness and happiness, or pain and misfortune, you should bravely face the front and light... Just like Niuniu, childhood is always beautiful. From the growth of Niuniu, I understand what childhood is. Childhood is like a piece of white paper, on which I use my pen to draw my emotions; Childhood is like a beach, with many colorful shells on it, adding luster to the beach. Childhood is beautiful and carefree. The life of childhood is so desirable. Every day I spend it in laughter and laughter. Childhood is short. Although I am still in my childhood, it will gradually leave me. When I grow up, I will be as busy as my brother in endless learning every day. So I will cherish it more and spend every day seriously. When I grew up and recalled my childhood, as the hero wrote: "My childhood was a small white flower, standing on the top of a tall tree, looking around all day long. My childhood was a beautiful bird, drilling through the forest, playing hide and seek with friends. Let's enjoy our childhood.

I dreamt about composition (12)

Recently I read a book called "The Sun Dreams of Me", which tells about the childhood of a girl named Niuniu. The main character, Niuniu, is lively and lovely. She is a little poet who doesn't care about anything and is not afraid. In beautiful places, where there is no tension, she will write poems. However, as she grew older, she gradually became mature, and the inspiration for writing poems did not know where to go. Suddenly one day, while her mother was reciting poems to her, Niuniu wrote a poem about her childhood, which surprised her very much

After reading this book, I couldn't help but think of the sentence Niuniu said. The sun dreamt of me and said to me, "You will succeed, I believe you." How meaningful this sentence is, reflecting the expectation for the future, but also with a little sadness, which makes my aftertaste endless.

No matter what you are facing is happiness and happiness, or pain and misfortune, you should bravely face the front and the light. Just like Niuniu, childhood is always beautiful. From the growth of Niuniu, I learned what childhood is. Childhood is like a piece of white paper, on which I use my pen to draw my emotions; Childhood is like a beach, with many colorful shells on it, adding luster to the beach. Childhood is beautiful and carefree. The life of childhood is so desirable. Every day I spend it in laughter and laughter. Childhood is short. Although I am still in my childhood, it will gradually leave me. When I grow up, I will be as busy as my brother in endless learning every day. So I will cherish it more and spend every day seriously. When I grew up and recalled my childhood, as the hero wrote: "My childhood was a small white flower, standing on the top of a tall tree, looking around all day long. My childhood was a beautiful bird, drilling through the forest, playing hide and seek with friends. Let's enjoy our childhood.

I dreamt about composition (13)

"Excuse me, who are you?" asked the angels. He Yan opened his eyes and saw that the angel in front of him had white wings and long legs to talk to himself!

He Yan answered nervously, "I am He Yan, let's make friends!" "Great! Great! We welcome you to be friends with us." The angels cheered. He Yan then relaxed and asked, "Where is this?" "This is the kingdom of angels." The angels explained. When the leader arrived, he said to Heyan, "Nice to meet you. Come with me to visit our country!".

"Wake up!" His mother was calling, and he said to himself, "Is there really an angel in the world?"

I dreamt about composition (14)

Excellent semi topic composition: I dreamed of Zhang Ji

One night, I was alone at home. It was getting late, and I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, I found that there was a silence around me. On this bleak autumn night, the moonlight was fading away, and a crow was echoing in my ears. All this made me feel afraid.

I looked around, and everything made me feel strange again. There was no one's shadow in the silent night, and I walked lost. Suddenly, I saw a man driving on the fishing boat and stopping in front of me. I asked hurriedly, "Excuse me, sir, where is this?" His eyebrows were locked and he said coldly, "Suzhou City, Hanshan Temple." Suzhou City, I thought in my heart, is he Zhang Ji, the great poet? But the dignified expression was painfully written on the face. I mustered the courage to say, "Excuse me, sir? "The man still did not change his face, and said:" I am a scholar, full of ambition, in order to serve the country. Now, when I am alone in the Hanshan Temple, who will remember me as a fallen scholar? "My heart can not help sympathizing with him. Through his words, I finally learned that my judgment was correct. I asked tentatively: "I have heard so much about your name, and dare to ask if you are Zhang Ji, a famous poet?" The man nodded, bowed his head, and then looked at me in surprise.

He said to me: "After ten years of hard work, there was no name of Zhang Ji from the top to the bottom of the imperial list. At that moment, my heart was completely broken." Yeah! The lonely Hanshan Temple is just like the lonely you. It's getting late and cold. Who still thinks about Zhang Ji?

I am not willing to let a great poet go down. I said to him: "There is Gusu City, Hanshan Temple with you; there are fishing boats, there is autumn water with you; and I, the same lonely person, talk about things with you. Why bother?"

He looked around. The moon is about to set, and I still don't forget to paint a light around. A few maple leaves like blood were flying in the air. He seemed to suddenly realize that he said to me: "Yes, wandering is not to go to the appointment of death, nor is it a sublimation of life! Thank you, little girl!" I felt relieved when I saw his closed eyebrows open.

At this moment, he cut off all his troubles and forgot all his pains, leaving only joy! I said happily, "Don't thank me! You are knowledgeable and have plenty of time to show your ambitions. If you really want to thank me, why don't you give me a poem? I will have a memorial in the future."

What a beautiful autumn night! "I have to thank the autumn night, the accompanying landscape, and the little girl who accompanied me." He said, so he picked up his pen and splashed ink at one go, and "Mooring on the Maple Bridge at Night" came out!

He gave this poem to me. A poem called "Night Mooring on Maple Bridge" is like a maple leaf, which has dyed the land of Suzhou red; Like a cluster of chrysanthemums, it brightened the sky of the Tang Dynasty. He looked at me and smiled

At this moment, I suddenly heard someone calling me. When I opened my eyes, I knew that it was a dream. It was my mother.

Excellent composition in junior high school: I dreamed of my future

In a burst of thunderous applause, I mounted the podium of the Nobel Literature Prize set up by the Royal Swedish Academy of Literature. My reason for winning the award is: "With beautiful thoughts, I have made unprecedented contributions to human spiritual life, and it is also another revolution in the history of world literature." I put on a brilliant medal and bowed deeply to the audience. Heads of state, business tycoons and celebrities in the literary and art circles all attended my award ceremony - they are my loyal readers. Looking at the crowd of celebrities, I fell into deep memories of the past

In the past few decades, I have wandered around and visited almost every part of the world just like the hero in Around the World in Eighty Days. When I traveled to Africa, I was touched by the simple local environment and the poor and backward life of people. I wrote a novel on this topic, which immediately aroused strong repercussions around the world. People gave generously one after another, flying to Africa like snowflakes, with boxes of food and clothes. The United Nations deplores the inadequacy of its work, publicly apologizes to the people of the world, and vows to help Africa develop and lead a prosperous, happy and happy life. I visited Latin America, where I was deeply impressed by the sunny natural landscape, warm and romantic cultural customs, and warm and cheerful people. I wrote many beautiful and colorful travel notes, so Latin America suddenly became unprecedented prosperous, the number of tourists soared dozens of times overnight, and the economic income once again broke the record. I have passed through some developed capitalist countries, where the material life is rich, and the emptiness of people's spiritual life has caused me to think deeply. A series of my problem novels have been published one after another, which has aroused widespread concern around the world. Newspapers all over the world have published editorials to "seek an explanation" from the government. I have also been to places full of flames of war and smoke of gunpowder. The huge disaster brought by the war to mankind made me shed tears of sympathy. I stayed behind the door for five years. A masterpiece, War and Peace, was finally published. In just one week, more than 10 million copies were printed and issued, setting a new world record. After reading this profound work, heads of state unexpectedly sat down to negotiate

Applause drew me back from my reverie. When I walked off the podium, people came up to shake hands with me, congratulate me and express their respect for me. As I socialized, I went out. I have been away from home for too long. I want to end my trip and go back to my hometown.

I finally embarked on the return journey. Looking out of the window at the blue sky and white clouds, my heart is tied to my hometown. I don't know how long later, the plane finally landed smoothly. Ah! I miss my motherland day and night! Get off the plane and look around at the play - everything is so wonderful and refreshing; The air filled with the fragrance of flowers came to my face, making me relaxed and happy - is this the land where I was born and raised? Oh, the most beautiful scenery in the world, originally gathered here! My motherland mother, I'm back. Did you hear the earnest call of an overseas son? I want to use my pen to describe a more wonderful you to the world! Although the dream is illusory, the ideal is real; Although the dream always wakes up, the ideal is eternal; Although the dream is in another distant world, the ideal is not far away in the future. When dreams and ideals are combined, success will come quietly under the momentum of hard work, and miracles will emerge as the times require!

Middle school students' semi topic composition: I dreamed of my mother

If my mother was a green bamboo, I would be that bamboo shoot. Under my mother's nourishment, I bravely broke through the ground; If my mother is a gentle spring breeze, I will be the green grass. Under my mother's touch, I will grow greener and greener; If my mother is a big tree, I will be the bird. Where my mother is, I will be my warm home

At noon on Sunday, after having a delicious meal carefully prepared for me by my mother, I'm going back to school. My mother helped me with my luggage and accompanied me to the roadside to wait for the bus.

Suddenly, my mother seemed to think of something and said to me eagerly, "Meiqing, wait for me here!" Then she ran home like wind. After a while, my mother came back panting with a bag. Out of breath, she asked, "Has the bus left yet?" When she knew that the bus was still in the future, her mother patted her chest and said, "My child, take the corn to school to eat, and don't be hungry to yourself..." My mother began to nag at me again

Far away, the bus came. Mom took out a brand new ten yuan note from her pocket and handed it to me. I quickly waved my hands and said, "Mom, no need, the money you just gave me is enough!" But my mother just put the money into my hand: "Take it. When you finish eating corn, you can buy some biscuits to eat. When you are hungry, you can buy a bottle of water to drink in PE class. When the car comes, go up and watch out!" Finally, Then he raised his voice: "At school, we must get along well with our classmates and study hard!"

Holding the hot ten yuan, I got on the bus. When the door closed, I waved to my mother through the window, and my mother also waved to me. As soon as I turned the corner, when I looked back, my mother was still standing there, looking at me all the time. All of a sudden, the tears that had been swirling in the eyes could no longer be controlled and ran down the cheeks

At night, lying on the dormitory bed, thinking about my parents and home, I fell asleep unconsciously. I fell asleep, I dreamed. I dreamed of my mother.

Just before dawn, my mother got up and was busy in the kitchen. Boiled porridge, fried vegetables, and steamed an egg for me

As the sun rose, my mother bent over to pick tea in the green tea garden with a tea basket on her back. Her skillful hands fly up and down in the tea room, like a pair of naughty butterflies playing among the flowers.

Suddenly, mother's hand stopped, one hand supporting the thigh, the other hand sticking into the waist, and slowly straightened up the waist. It was so slow and difficult. Mom, have you suffered from lumbar strain again? It must hurt, right? Looking at the big big tears on my mother's face, I woke up with heartache.

Mom, I dreamed of you. Are you all right? You must pay attention to rest. Don't wear yourself out! National Day is coming, so I will go home to help soon.

Mom - I love you!

I dreamt about composition (15)


I think I'm dead, falling in the starlight all over the sky. Vision is meaningless in front and behind, as if it is the sky, the earth, and people.

Everywhere you see it, it's all vicissitudes. It is the yellow sand all over the sky that covers all traces of life, or the helplessness of the end that conceals a hint of rebirth.

The floating clouds and wandering people mean that the setting sun is the reason for human feelings.

But when I look far into the distance, there is no human breath. What kind of power is it? Only I can penetrate the confusion of dreams.

Come to the dead end of life? Little by little, the bone marrow coolness extends from the spine to the brain, followed by the piercing coldness and loneliness.

I heard Aurora's whisper and gladly waited for the coming dawn, which showed another world, my awakening.

A little green, and began to jump in the desert.

It was a green apple with tenacious vitality, which eventually lost its power to the wind. The proudly raised leaves drooped, and then withered quickly.

I can't bear to see it, but the omnipresent perspective makes me have to follow my own wishes, and I have to see it. At the moment when the withered and yellow color spreads from the edge of the leaf to the vein of the leaf, the green pineapple suddenly bursts into strong vitality. The center of the rolled up leaves unfolds, giving a wonderful glimpse.

The blooming of the green pineapple is a brief reflection and the swan song of life.

Sighing, I pity the wonderful but short life of this green apple.

Then came a scene that surprised me: thousands of green apples burst out of the ground, embracing the beauty of life. They sang: "Blossom of green apples Blossom of green apples Blossom of green flowers..." I cried, but there were no tears. I laughed, but there was no sound.

The blossoming of the pineapple is the hope of life and the eternal bloom.

I don't know what this dream symbolizes, but I unfortunately like its boundless green.

That is the paean of life.

I dreamt about composition (16)

I invented a solar car without pollution. This solar car not only does not pollute the environment, but also is very convenient. Its exhaust gas can be turned into oxygen that is good for people's health by using special machines on the body. This not only purifies the environment, but also has great benefits for people's health.

Unlike today's cars on land, solar cars float in the air, surrounded by white clouds. You don't need to drive, and the car will become automatic. You can take advantage of this time to do what you want to do.

Solar cars can never run out of fuel, because solar cars can convert the energy of the sun into fuel for cars.

If you want to go anywhere, just say it. After arriving at the destination, the solar car will automatically fold, float to your palm after folding, and then disappear. If you want the solar car to appear, just say "appear".

Solar cars can also prevent sunlight from coming in, because the windows are made of "display mirrors", which can absorb sunlight. People inside the car still look outside, but can't see sunlight.

"Wow!" I woke up with a sound. I looked around. I was still at home. Although it was just a dream, I believe that as long as we take the science express, our dreams will come true.