Family photo (20 recommended)
Be calm
2024-01-13 04:07:46
Grade 6

Family photo (1)

I have a family photo, which is my favorite photo.

I remember that it was the winter of 20xx, when my parents came back from Zhejiang. Looking at my parents whom I haven't seen for many years, I feel strange and happy. Later, I couldn't resist the temptation of lollipops, and soon became very close to them. The days with my parents are so happy, I feel like I am soaked in honey. However, the happy time is always so short. After the Spring Festival, they are going to work in Zhejiang again. I am extremely reluctant to give up, but I know that for the sake of family life, I cannot pester my parents. So our family happily took photos of the whole family. That day, I wore the most beautiful clothes. Mother is wearing a red down jacket, which is radiant. Dad is handsome in a brown fur coat and black trousers. We posed with a happy smile on our faces. The uncle of the photo studio seized the moving moment and left this precious photo for us.

After my parents left, I missed them very much. When I thought it over, I took out this family photo and looked at it carefully.

I cherish this photo because it is the only family photo in our family.

Family photo (2)

[Chapter 1]

On Sunday, my family took photos of the whole family. This is the wish of my parents and I, because my father is usually very busy at work and can only see me once in a few months. I haven't had family photos with my parents since I went to school. This family photo is one of the summer activities we have been looking forward to together.

We take life photos, angel photos and costume photos. My favorite is ancient photos. Because I saw the old costume photos of my classmates before, which were very beautiful and envious. This time, I finally got my wish.

When I was taking photos, I chose a vest with red flowers on the outside and a light pink dress on the inside. The makeup artist coiled up my braids, put on my wig braids, and inserted some beads. I looked at myself in the mirror. How beautiful! Just like the children in costume dramas. My mother wore a cheongsam, which was also very beautiful. My father wore a long gown, which was also very handsome. The photographer selected a background of an ancient mansion for us, moved a mahogany table and a grand master's chair, and put a birdcage on the table. After a look, he was not satisfied, and replaced a basket full of grapes. After everything was ready, he began to take photos. My mother sat on the grand master's chair, I was beating my mother's back, and my father stood beside my mother.

Next, I took a spring festival couplet with "extensive financial resources". In front of it, there was a cluster of peach blossoms, and I took a single photo. I thought each one was beautiful. Finally, I chose an ancient costume photo to put on my piano.

What a happy and happy day!

[Chapter 2]

I have a family of four, including omnipotent mother, honest father, intelligent elder sister, and of course, I, the bookworm boy.

For several years, my mother has taken the position of "family cook". The food cooked by my mother is like a fairy who cooks in person, which makes people enjoy endless aftertaste. Mom's speed and effect of housework are really good. My mother loves to help others. I remember that last time I had a meal, my mother helped others cook all the time, but in the end I didn't eat anything.

The elder sister is very knowledgeable and is the brain trust of the whole family. I will ask him any questions I don't know. But my sister's temper is not very good. If you wake her up in her afternoon nap, she will not hesitate to yell at you, making you uneasy.

Dad is fat and has a beer belly. He can tell jokes and make me laugh every time. She is very brave. For example, he can't drink, but he insists on drinking.

I am a complete little bookworm. I have included all my novels in my team to expand my knowledge and enrich my knowledge.

I love this happy family, and I love happy families more.

Family photo (3)

Part 1: Family photo

Today, I got up early. In order to take a family photo, I went to the photo studio with excitement. This is my first time to take such a grand picture. When I arrived at the photo studio, it was really big! We walked up to the second floor and selected the first dress. My little sister dressed me up and I danced in front of the mirror with satisfaction. I was ready to take a picture, and I was happy to pose. The photographer was a humorous big brother, and he would make us laugh every time he posed.

It took several hours to finish the shooting. I was really tired, but I still had a happy day with me!

Part 2: Family photo

We took a picture today. Our class took a picture together.

Not only our classmates, but also many of our teachers took photos together. The uncle who took the picture said aloud; 1、 Two, three. Let's talk together; Eggplant. I'm looking forward to seeing our photos. After taking photos, we went to the computer class. Today, I got another 100 points in dictation. I'm very happy. I will continue to refuel!

Part 3: Family photo

We just learned My Home, and Miss Han asked us to look at the family photo.

When I saw the photos, I remembered the scene that day. My parents accompanied me and my sister to play and take photos.

Chapter 4: Family photo

Today is Tuesday. I went to take a picture with a big family of my classmates. We stood in four rows. The first row of students were squatting down, the second, third and fourth rows of students were standing on the steps. The steps were row by row higher, so that the faces of all the children in our class would be photographed.

Uncle Wang, the photographer, shouted: "One, two, three eggplants, everybody do the action together. This photo has our whole class of children and teacher Liu. All the children in our big family are the best.".

Chapter 5: My family portrait

Miss Han asked us each to bring a family photo, but my family photo didn't come out. At my mother's suggestion, I drew a family photo myself. My mother showed my father the picture I had drawn, and my father said that it looked very similar.

In class today, I handed this picture to Mr. Han, who showed it to the students in class and said that it would be better to paint it with color.

My heart laughed.

Chapter 6: Family photo

Today is the first time for me to take a group photo with my classmates. I am very happy.

Next to me are Dong Ziyang and Sun Wenze. The students in the first row are all squatting, the students in the second row are all standing on the steps, and the third row is the same as the fourth row. I stand in the middle of the fourth row. When the teacher took a picture, I jumped up and opened my hands.

Most of the students used their small hands as guns. Some children hold up their hands to make a victory gesture. I look forward to seeing our family photo earlier.

Family photo (4)

A funny family photo was born. In the center of the photo sits a little girl in fashionable clothes. We can see that the little girl must have a cheerful personality. But now she leans her head sideways and falls weakly on her mother's shoulder; Mother was wearing a black coat and a red scarf with a rich ethnic style. She leaned on her father's shoulder limply, obviously too tired to talk; Although his tall and powerful father was tired and short of breath, he pretended to be very energetic and supported the mother and daughter like a pillar; On the other side of the picture are the little girl's grandparents. Grandma wears fashionable clothes. It can be seen that although she is old, she still follows the trend. However, even the most fashionable grandma could not bear the physical overdraft. At this time, she could not leave the help of the oxygen bottle for a moment, so she had to lean on grandpa's shoulder and inhale oxygen in a big way regardless of her image; Grandfather dressed very simply, and his expression and movement were also very simple. He was just tired, holding a water cup and drinking water. After reading the photos, everyone must want to know what happened to the family? Why are you so tired? In fact, the reason is very simple. This photo was taken by my family when we went to Huanglong for a trip. Because Huanglong is located on a plateau with thin air, people who come to play usually suffer from hypoxia - and our family is "very unlucky", all of us are "hypoxic" without exception! In order to make the trip less difficult, I "directed" the shooting - I asked the whole family to "pose" in a position they thought was the most tired, and then shoot. Before shooting, I also carefully checked and adjusted everyone's posture, expression and state, and finally formed this special family portrait. After the shooting, I also gave a performance score to all the actors who participated in the shooting: Dad and Grandma had the best expression and action, and deserved the first prize; My grandfather and I were inferior and won the second prize; Mother failed in her performance, so she was forced to give her a third prize?? This is my favorite family photo I recommend for you.

Family photo (5)

Grandparents live in their hometown. They come only during the Spring Festival.

It was a sunny day. My mother said, "It's rare for us to get together. Let's take a family photo!" I jumped up happily and said, "OK, OK." So five members of our family came to Weiwei Bride Photography Center.

When we arrived at the bride of Weiwei, we were warmly received, and hot tea and snacks were prepared for us. The service was really considerate. Before taking a picture, simply put on makeup and change clothes. The first suit was Tang costume. My grandparents, my parents and I took a group photo first, and we all laughed happily. Then I took a group photo with my grandparents, my father and mother, my mother and grandma. Then my parents and I changed into parent-child costumes and took some group photos, which was very handsome. One of my favorite pictures is taking a picture with my father beside the white piano.

After an hour, we finally finished shooting.

I think our family is a happy family.

Family photo (6)

I have a warm, harmonious, happy family. Home gives me warmth. Home is the source of happiness for each of us.

My family has three members: I, my father and my mother.

Look, this family photo is our family photo. It was taken on the first day we moved into our new home, recording the new beginning of our family!

I love sports

I am a little boy who loves sports. I like running, swimming, volleyball, basketball and softball very much. When selecting class cadres, everyone unanimously elected me as the sports committee member. In the physical education class, I seriously worked as a little assistant of the physical education teacher to help students complete physical exercise. In April this year, the school held a volleyball match, and the whole class selected 10 students to form a team to participate in the game. Every day after school, I organized everyone to go to the playground for training. At the beginning, the volleyball in the hands of the team-mates went up and down, as if they had their own ideas, they always did not listen to orders, and everyone was made to run all over the court by volleyball, which was really funny. After a month of hard training, the team's level of serving, passing and passing has improved significantly. Through the joint efforts of everyone, the team finally won the third place in the grade volleyball match.

A loving mother

My mother is a civil administrator who is engaged in providing for the aged and raising children. She is very busy every day because there are more than 300 elderly and children in the welfare home who need help. At first, I didn't understand my mother's work. I thought my mother should accompany me more. No matter how my mother explained it to me, I couldn't accept it. Once, my father and I went to the welfare home to pick up my mother. From afar, I saw a group of mothers in law and grandparents around her. It seemed that they were talking about something. When we got closer, I vaguely heard a mother-in-law sobbing, "Thank you, Chief Jiao. If you hadn't found me sick in time last week, you would have sent me to the hospital immediately. Now I have gone to see Marx!" Mother smiled and replied, "Grandma Wang, you are very serious. This is what we should do within our scope of responsibility. Our goal is to make you have a sense of security and dependence for your old age!" Looking at my mother, my eyes were moist. Suddenly, I felt that my mother's petite figure had become tall. Mom, you are my role model, I like you!

Tough Dad

My father is a hydropower engineer. All the electricity we use in our life is made from the water energy of Jialing River. My father's math score is very good. Whenever I encounter a problem that I can't solve, I will consult my father. I remember one time when I was doing homework, the last question was an additional question. I took a look at it and found it difficult, so I immediately ran to ask my father. My father scanned the topic, frowned and asked me seriously: "Have you read the topic carefully? How many times. I thought my father would teach me a lesson. But, unexpectedly, my father lowered his voice and said to me quietly: "My child, before doing the problem, you must read the problem carefully, think about it carefully, and analyze it carefully. As the saying goes," Read the problem three times, and see what you mean! "After listening to my father's words with a long focus, I understand that although my father is strict, he really loves me!

A strict father, a loving mother and I love sports form a warm home. In 2017, our family was awarded the honorary title of "Most Beautiful Employee Family" by Sichuan Federation of Trade Unions! I love my home!

Family photo (7)

I want to take a family photo

Before I really grew up

I think I still have an innocent smile, without the vicissitudes of time

This small home is still our whole heaven and earth

When the sun sets, the afterglow glides through the alley, reflecting the tiger head knocker

I always ride on the stone lion in front of the door, polished and polished for a long time

Wait for my sister who finishes school later, and then wait with me

Parents waiting to return late

I want to take a family photo

Before my sister gets married, she can always hold my arm

We can still whisper, a secret we have kept all our lives

She is not covered with lampblack and has no child's burden

Not as fat as I imagined, and life is boring

Don't say I'm not big, take a snapshot of my family!

I want my sister to hold my arm again behind my parents

Don't laugh Look at the camera

I want to take a family photo

Before the parents are old, I will give my mother a wedding dress

Do it once. I owe you more than 20 years. This time, I will make up for it

I think you will say: The rose is too beautiful, and you can hairpin a lily!

Father, put on this suit. I think my sister will say:

My father was so powerful that he never lost his demeanor!

I think I will still see your gray sideburns

Take a snapshot. The light in the photo studio is good

I will wear the suspenders I liked as a child, and a handsome bow tie

Be careful, sister! Don't step on the hem of your mother's dress.

Family photo (8)

Whenever I see this family photo, I am happy.

It was a picture when I was visiting Nantong. In the middle of the picture was a little me, leaning on my grandmother's shoulder, wearing a cap and a sweater as if nothing had happened. On one side are Grandpa and Grandma. Grandfather's smile was the most brilliant, and the wrinkles on his face showed infinite satisfaction and happiness. Mom carried the flower bag, dressed in fashion, patted my face with her hand, and Dad was also very happy, with a full smile. We were standing on a lawn, and an uncle helped us leave this beautiful moment.

That day, it was on a vacant land at the foot of the Wolf Mountain, which was chosen by Grandpa. Because here the grass is green, red, yellow and purple flowers are colorful, as if heaven and women scatter flowers and stars are dotted. The Langshan Mountain behind us is majestic and magnificent. We are all smiling and friendly. How nice! Everyone was very happy, but I was still sleeping, snoring like thunder, and my drool was almost flowing out. I don't remember. I should be dreaming! I saw a flash of white light and wrote down this warm and happy thing.

This is a family photo, a symbol of happiness and harmony. I love it, and I like it.

Family photo (9)

There is a family photo on the wall of my master bedroom. The inlaid white wavy frame sets off the red background in the picture, which is warm and harmonious.

When I was in kindergarten, I often sat on my parents' bed with my brother and watched TV. This family photo is hanging above the TV. My brother often teases me because of this family photo

I was sitting on the bed enjoying the happiness brought to me by the TV when suddenly a "unknown object" appeared near the door - my brother was holding a pillow, wrapped in a sheet, which looked very funny. He walked up to me, jumped on the bed, and casually sat like a frog. Then he stood up, loosened the pillow and sheets, and faced me with his right hand raised in front of him, as if to get something. His head leaned forward, and the corners of his mouth drooped down... Looking at him, I picked up the pillow and waved it to him, welcoming my brother "hahaha, hahaha...", laughing wildly.

I sat down on the bed and said angrily, "No, you can't do that! Always imitate the actions in my photos." My brother ignored my anger, and the laughter still reverberated in the room. At this time, I was angry with him and cried.

Yes, the right hand was raised in front of me, as if to take something. The head was leaning forward, and the mouth was facing down, which was the shape of this family portrait when I was about two years old. I didn't understand anything at that time. Alas, now this action has become the laughingstock of my brother. Remembering the "treacherous" look in my brother's eyes when he imitated, I would like my father to beat him up.

Whenever my brother imitates my actions, I always imagine that one day he will be far away from me. How wonderful it would be! However, it was not long after the move, and my brother went to high school and had to live in the school, but I was inexplicably sad. In order to hide my heart, I shouted: "Great! Great!" However, I showed a reluctant smile, and even my three words "Great" changed their tone. He looked at me and seemed to understand something. When we looked at each other for less than two seconds, I quickly turned my eyes to the left. I found that his eyes were less dissolute than before, suffused with quiet soft waves.

Family photo (10)

Today, my parents and I went to the Golden Lady Studio to take photos of our family.

When we arrived at the studio, the staff greeted us warmly and poured us coffee. There were a lot of people taking photos. We waited for a long time to put on our makeup, which lasted more than two hours. After my mother made up, I didn't look like my mother. My father also frowned. It was my turn to make up. I was afraid I would be like that. Fortunately, the makeup artist didn't change me and my father much.

Finally, it was our turn to take photos. The photographer asked me to take photos with my father, my mother and me, and my father to take photos with me behind his back. I was so happy. Finally, the three of us took several family photos together, and the photographer often made us laugh. At that time, he took a picture of our smiles. He said that we were really happy! I lead my father on the left and my mother on the right. I will laugh happily without him teasing me!

It's said that we have to wait a month after taking photos. I really want to see our family photo as soon as possible! That must be the best family photo!

Family photo (11)

Look! My "family photo".

This is a family photo I took with my father and mother in May Fourth Square, the most famous square in Qingdao.

The sculpture in the middle of the May 4th Square is like a big round football. My father told us that this represents the blood of soldiers. People built this sculpture to commemorate soldiers. Their dedication to the people and the motherland is immortal. On the left is the magnificent Olympic Sailing Center, in which the torch seems to be still burning. The five rings on the square glitter in the sun, and behind it is the vast sea. The sea and the sky are the same color, and the gulls and water depend on each other. The waves in the sea are higher and higher, and the white waves are waving bouquets of flowers. A group of children on the beach in the distance are playing! My father suggested leaving a group photo here, so we asked a Qingdao uncle to take this photo. Qingdao people were so enthusiastic.

This is the "family photo" of our family. Do you think it's very happy.

Family photo (12)

My aunt and her family, who have been away from their hometown for a long time, are coming back from Australia. This news makes me happy.

The impression of my aunt still lingered eight years ago. Before my aunt and her family went abroad, our whole family together took a family photo in the West Lake Park, one of the few scenic spots in Fuzhou at that time. The scenery in the photo looks old and has a sense of age.

After eight years, I have grown from a baby to a big girl, and Fuzhou has undergone tremendous changes. As soon as they got home, I couldn't wait to take them to the historical and cultural block of Fuzhou - three lanes and seven alleys before I could overcome the jet lag. When my aunt was still worried about the traffic jam and hesitated, I had taken them to the entrance of the Shangteng subway. The clean and tidy ground in the station hall, the convenient and fast ticket buying machine, and the civilized and courteous passengers have been constantly praised by their aunts. In the carriage, my aunt was staring at the station display screen beside her, trying to find the memories of the past night from the familiar station names, but the memories had not yet started when they arrived at the station. My aunt was surprised and said, "It's really fast. It took us half an hour to drive to Dongjiekou eight years ago, but now it's only ten minutes. It's very convenient." Satisfaction and happiness twinkled happily in her slender crow's feet.

Walking along the ancient streets with three lanes and seven alleys, the green flagstone road, the winding alleys, the antique residential buildings, the dazzling commercial streets, the solemn and solemn former residences of celebrities, and the fashionable tourists are silently telling about the past and present life of old Fuzhou. Immersed in the thick cultural atmosphere, I deeply feel that time flies and time waits for no one. The crowded ancient streets of three lanes and seven alleys once again left a happy moment for our whole family.

The next day, my aunt proposed to go to another famous new landmark of Fuzhou in Australia - Jinniushan Road. From a distance, the road of Jinniu Mountain looks like a silver dragon, hovering in the sky among the green hills and green vines. Wandering on the footpath designed with hollowed out steel frame, the scenery is pleasant, the air is fresh, and accompanied by the gentle singing of birds, it is simply a fairyland on earth. My aunt looked at the beautiful scenery of Rongcheng from a high place on the viewing platform, and extended her arms to embrace the circuitous Minjiang River on the opposite side. KAZANG, I took the selfie stick and fixed the happiness of our whole family forever.

On the self-service photo washing machine, she soon got these two precious family photos. Her aunt had mixed feelings. She said that the photos had stories, which carried the memory of urban changes and recorded the pace of the country's take-off. As a Chinese living overseas, she wants to convey the sound of happiness to the world!

Family photo (13)

Today is Monday, August 22, 2006. The weather is sunny.

There is a family photo on the wall of Grandma's house. In front of the beautiful landscape painting, there are two old people, one is my grandma, the other is my grandpa. Grandfather is over 80 years old, and Grandmother is over 70 years old. Looking at their smiling faces, they seem very happy. Sitting beside them were my uncle, my second uncle and several aunts. My mother was also in there.

In the front row are Grandma's grandson and grandson. I am Grandma's youngest grandson. The one wearing skirt and pigtail is me. Grandma loves me most. The happiness is that grandma and great grandchildren hope that children can grow up healthily, aunts can work smoothly, and grandma and grandpa can live happily together.

Family photo (14)

I have a family photo. On the left is a tall and handsome father, and on the right is a beautiful and generous mother. I hold the hands of my parents and stand in the middle.

My father is tall and round with a pair of bright eyes. My father is a famous cook. He likes cooking very much. He can cook any kind of food and it is delicious. Every time I eat delicious food made by my father, I feel happy and proud of having such a chef father. My father always smiles contentedly when he sees me eating with relish.

My mother has long black hair and a pair of clear and bright eyes under her thick eyebrows. In my memory, my mother is a kind and strict person. Every day when I go home, I must conscientiously finish my homework and pass her strict inspection before I can play. Otherwise, I will greet her "bamboo shoots and fried meat". But usually, she always smiles at me and often calls me "baby, baby", which is very kind. My mother is also a beauty lover. Every time she goes out on the street, she will pick up many beautiful clothes and various cosmetics, and carry them back in big bags and small bags. This is my mother's little secret. Don't tell anyone!

I am a naughty little boy, with a pair of bright big eyes, and my eyes are always turning around. I have a wide range of interests, such as writing compositions, playing basketball, practicing calligraphy, reading extracurricular books, and so on. Among them, I like writing compositions best. Every time the teacher assigns us to write compositions, I will carefully conceive and write new and interesting things in life into the articles. The teacher always praises my articles for their blood and flesh, full of spirituality. I think writing compositions is really a kind of enjoyment!

My home is ordinary but very happy. I love my parents. I love my home!

Family photo (15)

On the snow-white wall of my home hangs a "family photo". There are three people here, each in high spirits, giving people a feeling of being ready to speak.

Look, the fat one is right in the middle. The man whose bright eyes are shining with wisdom is my father. He is a teacher and an engineer of the human soul. He has opened doors of knowledge for children and cultivated many talents for the country. He works diligently.

Look, my mother is sitting beside my father. She is also an intellectual. Every day when I am free, I read extensively in my study. Every time I ask her to eat, I have to call her several times before putting down the book.

Oh, standing on my father's right is me, wearing a short skirt, studying in the Second Primary School of the city, and learning various cultural knowledge under the guidance of the teacher.

The picture of the whole family in the bright frame is said by my classmates that I have a happy home.

Family photo (16)

Look! This is our family photo. The photo shows a gentle father, a strict mother, a beautiful sister and a naughty me.

Dad is very gentle and never beats or scolds us. When I make mistakes, he always patiently tries to reason with me. On one occasion, I did very badly in the Chinese exam. When I got home, I handed my test paper to my father with trepidation. Dad looked at the paper carefully, and instead of criticizing me, he said gently, "It doesn't matter. Come back and review what you don't know, and try to get an ideal score in the next exam." Then he smiled kindly at me. My hanging heart, finally put down.

But when I got to my mother's place, the style of painting changed. "Why did I get a little score? 86! Look at other students. How did they get their grades? Don't you study like you? Correct your mistakes." Alas, my mother is always so strict, which makes me feel terrible. Another time, the teacher asked us to go home to recite the text, and I hesitated. At 9:00 p.m., I didn't recite any of the text. Suddenly, my mother burst into my room and said loudly, "You can't carry the text tonight!" Scared, I hurried to full power, recited carefully, and recited it in a short time. It seems that Mom's "high-pressure policy" is effective.

In our family, my sister is famous for her love of smelly beauty. Every morning, my sister gets up from bed. She would rather not eat than make up first. She took the cosmetics that her colleague had just brought back from the United States to smear on her face. Soon, a beautiful woman with exquisite makeup came out. Then, it was time to change clothes. My sister was holding two clothes in her hand and one in her mouth. She compared this one in front of the mirror, tried that one again, and hesitated for a long time. Finally, I picked a blue skirt with stars and put it on. She said: This one can best highlight her elegant temperament. Once, I took my sister's cosmetics out of the bag, mixed the shiny eye shadow into the water, stirred it with an eyebrow pencil, and poured it into the flower pot as fertilizer. When my sister came back to know it, she was furious and gave me a tough lecture. Then I knew how wrong I had made. It was because I had no intention of destroying Sister Aimei's "beauty magic tool"!

This is my "family photo", which reflects that we are a happy and happy family. In this family, everyone loves and cares for each other. I love them, and they love me, too. I am the little princess in their hearts, and I am also the happiest person in the world.

Family photo (17)

On my computer desk, there is a happy family photo. It was a Sunday, my parents took me to shoot at my aunt's house. Four aunts like to collect calligraphy and paintings. In the background of my picture, there is a picture of "Hundred Cranes". Strange to say, I counted 98 cranes in that picture several times. My father and mother didn't believe me and teased me that I didn't learn math well. So the three of us counted together, but two were still missing. Just when we were puzzled, Aunt Si said, "This is the secret that distinguishes this painting from other paintings. The Hundred Crane Painting must be 100 cranes, but we can't see all of them, is it magic?"

But I wanted to know why, so I asked my mother for the answer. Mother said, "It's Sunday, and they want to relax. Maybe the two cranes are playing hide and seek with us." When three members of our family were laughing together, "click" was heard, and Aunt Siyi filmed the happy moment for us. In the picture, my mother smiles so brightly, my father smiles so happily, and I smile so sweetly!

Family photo (18)

When I talk about the family photo, I think of the family photo taken in Huangshan in 20xx.

That day, my parents and I went to Huangshan to play together. We arrived at the Pepper Peak. The whole mountain was thick at the bottom and became sharper and sharper. In that photo, I was riding on my father's neck, and my father held my leg tightly for fear of losing me. Mother stood beside her father with a happy smile on her face.

And one sitting under a hundred year old pine tree. When it comes to the century old pine tree, everyone will think that it is very thick. In fact, its diameter is only 20 cm. At that time, I was riding on the branches below. My father was on the left and my mother was on the right. I am very excited, because I ride on a hundred year old tree for the first time, and its age is 20 times that of me!

I will treasure these two family photos and let my descendants see what I looked like when I was young!

Family photo (19)

I have two family photos and two treasured family photos. They are not only hidden in my album, but also in my heart.

The first photo of the whole family shows three people - father, mother and me. The father in the picture is handsome, the mother is tender, and I am lively and lovely. We stand together in harmony and beautiful. Looking at this family photo, a scene came into my mind involuntarily. It was October 20, my birthday. In the birthday song of my parents, which was not very neat but full of infinite love and blessings, I closed my eyes and made a wish quietly in front of the flickering candlelight. After making a wish, my parents held my little hands and cut the cake together. Three pairs of hands of different sizes put together and cut a sweet and delicious cake, leaving a beautiful memory.

The second photo of the whole family is very unique. There are 53 people in the photo. It is a group photo of my fifth grade. We in the picture are all blooming with flower like smiles, sweet ', which makes people have endless aftertaste. At the teacher's side, we 51 students are like 51 shining stars. Little by little over the past five years, the joys and sorrows of the past five years, the songs and laughters of the past five years, the sighs and sighs of the past five years, all of which are hard to forget, will not forget the earnest teachings of teachers, will not forget the profound friendship of students, will not forget the competition to climb up the grid. In the twinkling of an eye, we are already classmates in the graduation class. We don't have much good time to get along with teachers and students. However, no matter where we are, we will never forget every minute and every second in Xiangyang. This family portrait will also be carefully collected.

My two family photos give me happiness and comfort, and I will never forget them.

Family photo (20)

On New Year's Day, we went to pay New Year's greetings to our grandparents early in the morning. When I entered the door, everyone arrived. There were 11 people in total, including my uncle's family, my uncle's family and my grandparents. Wow, what a big family!

Adults are talking. I play with my two sisters. We are very happy. It's time for lunch, because there are too many people, so we split into two tables. Grandpa proposed to take a family photo at the dinner table, and we all agreed.

So we went to the Yanfang Photo Studio in Erqi Square and found that there were so many people taking photos. Several of us waited patiently nearby. Aunt and Auntie were busy making up, and two younger sisters also shouted to draw eyebrows and apply lipstick. We waited for a while, and finally it was our turn. The photographer asked his grandparents to sit in the front row, his younger sister to sit in the middle, my older sister and I to stand on both sides, my uncle and aunt to stand behind them, and my aunt and father to stand beside them. The photographer shouted, "Ready!", and we all said, "Eggplant!" The flashlight flashed. OK, it was successful!

Everyone walked out of the photo studio happily. I think today was very interesting!
