What Happened in School (20 refined articles)
Every year is like a song
2023-12-07 01:12:38
primary school
topic of conversation

What Happened in School (1)

My life at school is colorful. We listen carefully in class and play happily after class. In this colorful life, many things have also happened. Some make people laugh, some make people regret, and some make people moved. But the most unforgettable thing for me recently is the recycling of empty bottles.

I don't know since when, our teacher Li has gradually let us contact the class on environmental protection. In the recent class of Pinshe, we will also learn some units about environmental protection. Even the recent class meeting class, we also take environmental protection as the theme.

Maybe he was influenced by Miss Li. Our class is becoming more and more conscious of protecting the environment. One morning when I came to the classroom at school, my good friend Xiongziyou came to me with small steps. Seeing that there were no other students around, he said mysteriously in my ear: "Since yesterday, I have collected some drink bottles in one place. Every day, every little makes a mickle. We will sell them for a good price. My mother said, a bottle costs five cents and a box costs three cents." He also said, five cents and three cents. I'm thinking that 20 bottles are worth only one yuan, and 200 empty bottles are worth only 10 yuan. Can we get a good price? No way, who called him my good friend? I also think that collecting empty bottles can make the classroom more tidy. Recycling empty bottles is also recycling resources, which is in line with our original intention to protect the environment. I have to agree with him. Now we have something to do. Our eyes scan the whole class like x-rays. Once we find an empty bottle, we will run to collect it. We also told the class the location of the box where we emptied the bottles. After a class, we found that our actions were not in vain, because our empty bottle boxes were already full.

The next day, our plan was still implemented. This matter was heard by Miss Li, who supported our action very much and told the whole class. Then, our small box was replaced by a large box, and more and more students participated. Just today, we sold the collected bottles for 5 yuan.

At first, I thought Xiongziyou was stupid, but now I think my opinion at that time was stupid. I think I often have ideas and plans, but I always talk on paper and lack the executive power like Xiong Ziyou. Even if others think it is small, I feel it is enough for me to remember for a lifetime.

What Happened in School (2)

In the noisy crowd, wipe your eyes and tears away.

Wenzhou Captain School is a place many people dream of. Time passes quickly, and a year goes by imperceptibly in every vivid and interesting skill class. The school opening ceremony is like yesterday. Today is the day to say goodbye to our partners.

We were filled with confident smiles and sat in the audience with confidence. With a loud and powerful "I announce that the graduation ceremony of the 7th Young Pioneer School of Wenzhou City has officially started", it means that we are about to officially part in more than an hour.

As we all know, an award ceremony will be held during this period. This is not only an evaluation of us, but also an award for us - excellent students.

I know in my heart that the hope of standing out among these 200 or 300 people is very slim, but I have a strong desire to get it. "The third squadron has won outstanding students..." I clenched my hands and broke into cold sweat from time to time. Half a minute later, I finished reporting my name, but I didn't hear my name. The other two friends of Cangnan won the supreme honor. I swallowed my saliva. They tried to smile and congratulate them, but they were in no mood to listen. Coming here is like a road full of thorns. I don't understand why they behave mediocrely like me but get so much more than I do.

I was very aggrieved and had an indescribable taste in my heart. Tears were swirling in my eyes. The time is fixed at the moment when they go on stage to receive the award. They smile and hold the award certificate high in front of their chest, while I look at the podium where the lights are gathered, silent

People have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs. The next starting point is at the next stage.

What Happened in School (3)

Finally, school was over. My classmates and I were very happy and excited. When we lined up in the corridor to go home from school, something unpleasant happened.

Upstairs are the third grade students. They are also in the queue. A little boy spit on our class Lili. At that time, she burst into tears, sobbing all the time. " Mr. Chen just came up to him and said, "Don't cry. I'll go up and have a look. It's several years and several classes." After that, Mr. Chen walked up. The captain of the road team took over.

On the way home, I kept thinking: "They are all third graders, why do they still do this?"

Today, my heart just couldn't calm down. I kept thinking about why the third graders did such behavior?

The next day, the teacher told us that the children in Class Two, Grade Three were spitting. The student came in and apologized to Lili. Lili was very happy. They shook hands and smiled.

I finally got this right, and my heart calmed down, but I also want to praise him: "It's still a good boy to know his mistakes and correct them. I will be very polite in the future, and I believe you."

What Happened in School (4)

Tonight, as usual, learn your specialty. Students have come to their own specialty classes to study.

I am learning calligraphy in the calligraphy class in the art building, and the word "do" I wrote is almost finished. Suddenly, a pungent smell of preserved eggs came on. I thought it was the stink of farts, but I didn't care. The smell of rotten eggs was getting stronger and stronger, which made my eyes close. The calligraphy teacher quickly closed the window and let us go out for a breath. I just walked out of the door, and the smell was even stronger. I pinched my nose and looked at the violin class, who also picked up the violin. I looked around again and saw that the students were running. At this time, the calligraphy teacher shouted: "Go to the classroom quickly!" I listened and ran downstairs. Zhang Mengting resolutely handed me the red scarf. We ran to the door of the science and education building and bumped into our elder brother coming down from the building. A big brother told me that there was stench upstairs. Hearing this, I stumbled down again. I thought: "Now there is only the dormitory, so go to the dormitory." I thought and ran to the dormitory.

When we arrived at the dormitory, Mr. Zhao opened the door. Miss Zhao waved and asked me to come in quickly. I went to my bedroom and went to the toilet to get wet. After wetting, cover your nose. Then he ran to bed and sat down with his eyes closed. After sitting for a long time, I went to the playground after someone shouted "Assemble on the playground". Shortly after arriving at the playground, the odor dissipated. Teacher Zhao led us back to the dormitory in line.

When I arrived at the dormitory, I knew that the ammonia gas leaked from the fertilizer plant!

What Happened in School (5)

Alas! If it hadn't happened just now, I wouldn't blame myself.

Just now our class rope pair is practicing rope on the playground. The students jumped over one by one seriously and ran back quickly. I didn't know what was going on, but I accidentally tripped Xiaoming up, and he fell to the ground, breaking his face!

He cried in pain, but I stood there motionless and at a loss, and the students hurriedly called the teacher.

Some students said, "Xiao Li runs too fast." Others said, "Xiao Ming runs too slowly." Others said, "In collective projects, we should cooperate with each other and not blame each other.

Listening to the students' comments, I shed tears sadly.

The teacher asked me what happened? And asked me to apologize to him: "I...... I...... I hesitated to say a word, and I tried to comfort myself that I was OK. Thinking of this, I said loudly to Xiao Ming:" I'm sorry. "He said naturally:" It doesn't matter. "Since then, I and Xiao Ming have become better friends.

What Happened in School (6)

At noon on Friday, after dinner, I heard from my classmates that there were books sold by the famous writer Shen Shixi downstairs, so I ran downstairs without hesitation. When I ran downstairs, I was stunned by the sight. The people here are really me! The students crowded around the stalls selling books, like a wall of people, with three floors inside and three floors outside. After many hardships, I finally squeezed into the crowd, so that the whole person was almost broken. The bookstall was crushed by crazy students. The book I finally got was crowded out by others, so I had to look at it eagerly and trample it. Once again, I crowded into the crowd. Finally, I bought another book. I held it tightly for fear of being squeezed out again, so that I could get out of the crowd with all my strength. I ran back to the classroom happily with this hard won extracurricular book. I couldn't wait to open the book and read it with interest.

What Happened in School (7)

Each thing is like a crystal clear pearl, linked together like a beautiful dazzling necklace, shining in the long river of memory... These beauty comes from a variety of things, and one thing is unforgettable to me.

"Wow!" A cry - exclamation came from the small garden. Let's go and find out!

Come into sight, a snow covered landscape! It turns out that "wow" is the exclamation of students. The snow began to fall again. I looked up and saw snowflakes flying in the sky - the snow elves sent us gifts! The grass becomes white, beautiful and bright, adding a sense of art to the campus.

I don't know who shouted "everyone come to have a snowball fight", and all the students stopped exclaiming and praising. Find the snow from the big green leaves and the grass, knead it into a small circle, and throw it away like a classmate. "Pa!" and "Ah!" came two voices. "Ha ha..." I'm not reconciled to being hit. I turned to pick up the snow on the leaves and hit them. He didn't want to be outdone and hit me too. We playfully "develop in many ways", throwing at one student and another. After throwing, he fled the "crime scene" like a fly. The poor student didn't understand the situation, so he froze there and was thrown away by other comrades because he was distracted. We laughed happily!

Snow adds beauty to our campus, gives us a happy time, and gives us laughter.

What Happened in School (8)

It is always easy to have friction with classmates in school. How to solve this problem at this time

That was a beautiful morning! The light blue sky is like a pure velvet, and a few leisurely clouds are floating leisurely. The bright sunshine has set the clouds with bright yellow gold rims. After I wash, I go to school.

During the Chinese class, the teacher announced that the first prize winner of the composition contest was that she just sat in front of me. I am always confident, and I only won the third prize this time. To my surprise, she did not feel elated about it, but listened carefully as usual. If it were me, I would show off everywhere. Somehow, I have a feeling that I can't explain clearly.

The bell rang again, and she hurried in. Just as she was about to sit down, my foot touched her chair. As a result, I hooked the chair aside with my foot, and she fell to the ground with a "plop". The classroom suddenly seemed to pour into a pan of boiling water and burst open - all the students around laughed until they could not stand up. She looked back at my complacent expression and quickly guessed that it was my "masterpiece", so she glared at me.

I thought she would tell on me, but she didn't. I felt uneasy all morning. I want to say sorry to her, but I can't pull that face down!

Just a narrow road! After school, I met her again on the school road. She smiled at me as if nothing had happened. I was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do. Watching her coming to me, I hesitated and said, "Sorry, I am...... In the morning." Unexpectedly, her answer surprised me again: "In the morning? I didn't care about anything in the morning. As a classmate, how can we remember this little thing?" My heart swelled with guilt!

Fortunately, I corrected in time, otherwise, I would lose a friendship worthy of collection.

What Happened in School (9)

There are many things happened in the school, but this event is the most unforgettable for me.

One afternoon, the teacher asked some people to check their winter vacation homework to see if they had finished it. The teacher called the people sitting in front of and behind me. At that time, I was sitting horizontally against the wall. The people sitting in front of and behind me wanted to celebrate, slapped their hands and said, "Yeah!". At this time, my right eye was scratched by a person's nail and became red. I subconsciously covered my right eye. All the students sitting around me noticed that I had to "inform" the teacher, and I said, "No!" Later, I had to go to the clinic to look at my eyes. The doctor gave me an ice bag and asked me to cover my right eye. As soon as I covered my right eye, I felt a cold, numb feeling and a little pain. Careful students helped me pack up my schoolbag, copied my homework, and sent me to the clinic. Huang Chuyan, who accompanied me to the clinic, chatted with me, so that I could quickly get rid of the pain. I was very moved to ask me if it hurt and comfort me from time to time.

After school, I rushed out of the door and rushed to my mother with my schoolbag on my back. I told my mother what had happened. Then the teacher came over and explained it once. I went home. On the way, my mother also cared about me and said to me, "It's OK, it's OK! It will be OK in a moment"

I can never forget this, because the concern and comfort of my classmates moved me!

What Happened in School (10)

Every day, in our school, many things happen, one of which makes me understand a truth, and it also makes me hard to forget

This is how it happened. We girls were shooting in PE class that day, but every time I could not shoot, which made me very headache. Zu Yi came to teach me how to shoot basketball. Zu Yi first took the ball to show me how to do it, but I could not learn how to do it. Every time I shot, I still could not shoot. Zu Yi told me to take a small step with my right foot when shooting, Holding the ball with both hands, I practiced repeatedly according to the movements taught to me by Zu Yi. I wanted to give up several times, but I still felt a little unwilling, because if I gave up the practice, I would betray the pains taught by Zu Yi, and my hard work was in vain. After all, I had learned several lessons and had to test in the future, so I could not always hide from this sport! So I began to practice again. After several weeks of practice, I finally made a few shots. I felt very happy and felt that the hard work of these weeks was not in vain, but I felt that the number of shots was still very small. After all, I only made three or four shots in five or six weeks of school. I began to practice shooting again, After several weeks of hard practice, I can finally shoot a few goals in one class. I am really proud of myself, and I am very grateful to Zuyi for teaching me how to shoot during this period.

This matter impressed me hard. It was unforgettable because I had a sincere friendship with Zuyi. Zuyi taught me again and again without any impatience. She encouraged me to repeat these words every time my mind flashed "give up". This matter made me understand that I should have confidence in everything, Nothing can be done well without confidence.

Grade 5: Star Purple Glass

What Happened in School (11)

School life is colorful. There are good things, bad things, happy things and unhappy things. There will also be conflicts between students, but they will always be resolved. What I want to say today is something that happened in my own mistakes.

At noon one day, Mr. Xu and Mr. Yang were talking. I heard only a few words, but told Xu Yining about it with added fuel. I said how Mr. Xu said you were bad, and that Mr. Xu was misunderstood by him. It was all my fault. I shouldn't tell Xu Yining what I didn't hear clearly. Later, the truth came out. Teacher Xu knew that it was I who told others what I didn't hear clearly. Mr. Xu didn't criticize me either. I was thinking: I was really confused and made a big mistake. Here I want to say sorry to Mr. Xu. I hope Mr. Xu can forgive me for doing something wrong for the first time.

This matter is unforgettable. I really do a thing I regret most. I must correct it in the future. I must be realistic and respect my teachers. My classmates should unite with each other, work hard, study hard, work hard, learn skills, and become a useful person in society when I grow up. I love my campus!

What Happened in School (12)

Alas! If it hadn't happened just now, I wouldn't blame myself.
Just now our class rope pair is practicing rope on the playground. The students jumped over one by one seriously and ran back quickly. I didn't know what was going on, but I accidentally tripped Xiaoming up, and he fell to the ground, breaking his face!
He cried in pain, but I stood there motionless and at a loss, and the students hurriedly called the teacher.
Some students said, "Xiao Li runs too fast." Others said, "Xiao Ming runs too slowly." Others said, "In collective projects, we should cooperate with each other and not blame each other.
Listening to the students' comments, I shed tears sadly.
The teacher asked me what happened? And asked me to apologize to him: "I... I... I hesitated to say a word, and I tried to comfort myself. Thinking of this, I said loudly to Xiao Ming:" I'm sorry. "He said naturally:" It's OK. "Since then, I and Xiao Ming have become better friends.

What Happened in School (13)

Our favorite class is physical education. But today's physical education class is a little special. The teacher asked us to run around the playground for 10 laps. After hearing the news, we looked at the physical education teacher sadly.

We started to run. We ran with hatred. In the process of running, I accidentally twisted my foot, but the physical education teacher asked me to continue running. I was very sad.

At the end of the run, the students gathered around and asked with concern: "How is it? Does it hurt?" I said: "It's OK. It doesn't hurt much." The students said: "The PE teacher is too vicious. It's disgusting that you should continue to run if your foot is sprained."

Suddenly, the physical education teacher came to us, and the students ran away. When the physical education teacher came, my heart was afraid, and my legs were trembling, afraid that the teacher would say something about me. What surprised me was that the teacher, who was said to be vicious by the students, would care to ask me if my foot was sprained just now. Does it hurt? I said excitedly, "It's OK, it's not painful." The PE teacher then left with confidence, and the students came to me again and asked, "What did the PE teacher say just now?" The students all opened their eyes in surprise.

I love my PE teacher, of course, the students also think so!

What Happened in School (14)

Students get along every day and meet each other every day. It is inevitable that something will happen when they go to school. Today, I want to talk about something between Sun Sikuang and Sun Sikuang.

There was a math exam. There was no sound in the classroom, only the pen tip rustled on the paper. When I finished the last question, this question baffled me. I pondered and racked my brains, but I still couldn't figure it out. I turned my head and saw Sun Sikuang writing all over. I thought: Sun Sikuang and I are good friends, and he will tell me. I tore off a piece of paper, which said: "The answer to the question, I kneaded it into a paper ball and returned it to Sun Sikuang's seat. He opened the paper ball and wrote on the back.". My heart is secretly happy. This is really my brother. When I got the paper ball, I couldn't wait to open it. There were three words on it, "Don't cheat". I was so angry that I stamped my feet.

"Ringing......" Class was over, so I had no choice but to hand in the test paper. I walked to Sun Sikuang angrily and said angrily, "Why didn't you tell me the answer to the thinking question during the exam?" I asked without waiting for his explanation. He just smiled and said to me: "If I tell you the answer, you will cheat the teacher and cheat yourself. You still don't understand this problem. If you encounter such a problem again, you will still not be able to do it." Then he taught me to do this thinking problem in detail. I was finally enlightened. I also understand that true friendship is honest.

What Happened in School (15)

Alas! If it hadn't happened just now, I wouldn't blame myself. Just now our class rope pair is practicing rope on the playground. The students jumped over one by one seriously and ran back quickly. I didn't know what was going on, but I accidentally tripped Xiaoming up, and he fell to the ground, breaking his face! He cried in pain, but I stood there motionless and at a loss, and the students hurriedly called the teacher. Some students said, "Xiao Li runs too fast." Some said, "Xiao Ming runs too slowly." Others said, "The collective project should cooperate with each other. Don't complain about each other. Listening to the students' comments, I shed tears of sadness. The teacher asked me what happened? And asked me to apologize to him: "I... I... I hesitated to say a word, and I tried to comfort myself. Thinking of this, I said loudly to Xiao Ming:" I'm sorry. "He said naturally:" It's OK. "Since then, I and Xiao Ming have become better friends.

What Happened in School (16)

Troubles at School Composition (I)

Things that annoy me

Everyone has the experience of happiness and trouble when growing up. Here, I want to talk about my troubles.

Every day, the teacher assigns a mountain of homework. We do and do it every day. There is no end to it. Every night, we should do it at 10:00 or 9:30. So much homework is pressing us out of breath, we hardly have time to rest.

What bothers me most is the score after the exam. Whenever I take an exam, my parents will keep asking me about my score. If my score is good, I will be praised. Otherwise, I will be scolded. Remember that time, I got 74 points in the math exam. When I went home, I felt that today's journey was particularly long. I walked for 50 minutes on a 20 minute journey. The trees around them also bowed their heads, like children who had made serious mistakes, and the surroundings were deserted.

When I got home, my mother asked me: "Xiaoye, how many points did I get in the exam today?" My voice was so low that I could hardly hear it: "74 points." "What?" When my mother heard the score, her face turned from sunny to cloudy, and I couldn't help but "cluck" in my heart. "How did you get such a score? Didn't you review it yesterday? It must be that you weren't serious." My father also came to me at the sound of the sound, and my mother cooked a bowl of "mixed doubles" type "bamboo board fried meat" for me. After "torture", they were still angry and ignored me.

Another time, I got 99 points in the exam. My mother and father smiled into a flower, and the dinner was very rich. When I saw an acquaintance, I praised me. I thought to myself, "Is the score also your child?"

This is my trouble. Will your troubles be the same as mine?

Troubles at School Composition (II)

A thing happened in the school There were many things happened in the school, some sad, some happy, some funny, some touching... I'm talking about a thing that students in the class care about each other. That day, in the second class, I didn't know why Xiao He vomited. The teacher asked him about it. He told everyone that he came to school with illness in order not to miss his homework. He vomited because he felt sick after taking medicine. Xiao Chen, his deskmate, quickly handed him a handkerchief. The monitor Xiao Luo went to fetch a broom to clean vomit without waiting for the teacher's order. Xiao Zhao also went to fetch a mop when he saw it. Even Xiao Xie, who is usually the most naughty, went to the bathroom to fetch water to mop the floor. The students over there also helped Xiaohe to vomit in the toilet under the arrangement of the teacher, and someone opened water for him to gargle. With the help of everyone's concerted efforts, Xiaohe soon stopped vomiting, and the classroom was cleaned. Xiaohe excitedly said, "Thank you." The students said, "We are classmates. Your business is our business, and this is what we should do.". The teacher was also excited: "Students, your performance today is very good, your spirit of mutual assistance should be maintained, and now we continue to teach".

Troubles at School Composition (III)

"What Happened in School": "Rubber." "Alas! I can't help you!" I handed the rubber over, "Can you stop asking me to borrow rubber?" "No!" Hey! Still so righteous! Alas, it's really unlucky to meet such a person as my deskmate! Ask me to borrow my eraser every day. Even a "happy fruit" like me will be annoyed by him. Does he forget to bring an eraser every day? One day, I accidentally saw the eraser in his pencil box, which was as big as a palm. I thought: "Today is the 'Great Liberation of the People', and finally I don't need to borrow his eraser! Yeah!" Thinking of this, I began my homework with confidence. "Rubber!" As usual, the hand that crossed his "territory" reached out again. I used to push the rubber past. Suddenly, I remembered the big rubber I saw today. So I took the eraser back. Probably seeing that I had not put the rubber in his hand, Qin Zhengfei was a little impatient and turned his head over. Seeing that I was full of seriousness, he shrank his nose and worried, and begged me like a Buddha: "Oh, please, Chen Renhui, please. Chen Renhui amused me, but thought of the big rubber again. He said like asking," You want to fool me? Take the rubber! "Qin Zhengfei asked playfully," What rubber? "I saw him play dumb, Without saying a word, he turned over the hole in his desk. "What are you doing?" "Look for your eraser!" It looks like a "mountain of books", with pencils falling everywhere. Ah! Rubber! I took out the eraser with a sense of urgency and waved in front of him, saying, "What is this?" He scratched his head, "You found this eraser?" He seemed to see a baby, grabbed the eraser in my hand and wiped it vigorously... Alas! I can't help him!

Troubles at School Composition (IV)

What happened at school

Our school not only has many interesting stories, but also has many sad and touching stories!

Let's follow me and play back the sad stories that happened before! The story happened just a few hours ago. This is a shocking and sad picture, and it is still vivid in my eyes. Here's the thing. We used the break time after class to play catch up in the corridor. We ran like arrows in the corridor. Jiayao stood on the corridor. Zhang Qianlei's clothes were caught by her accidentally. I don't know what force pulled Zhang Qianlei to the ground! At the beginning, they began to argue with each other, and then they started to fight with each other. I don't know if Jiayao has never encountered such a thing before. She cried loudly and attracted the teacher. Under the teacher's education, Zhang Qianlei apologized to Jiayao.

The teacher's teachings let us know that students should be united and friendly, not to quarrel, let alone fight. This event made me understand the value of friendship between my classmates, and made me cherish the rare friendship even more!

Shanghai Changning District North Grade 25: Huang Yilin

Troubles at School Composition (5)

One thing happened in the school gradually. A semester is going to pass. When I think of the last thing, I can't help laughing. Once, in an English class, the teacher taught us to read words again and again as usual. "Cooking listener" teacher read and motioned to everyone to read with her. One word, the teacher changed the word "sweeping the floor" and everyone read with the teacher again. When the reading met, the teacher wanted to test everyone to see if they had learned it. So, The teacher's eyes looked around every corner of the classroom, looking for the "unlucky person" who was named by her. Finally, the teacher's eyes turned around and looked at Liu Wentao. "Liu Wentao" shouted, and he stood up. I can imagine what kind of mood he was in at the moment. He must be very afraid, and I never thought of it. There were 55 people in the class, It was he who was unlucky. The teacher took a card and asked Liu Wentao to read it. The card said "sweeping the floor". He paused for a moment. I think he was probably wondering what to read. The whole class stared at him with 54 pairs of eyes and waited for his answer. After a while, a few words were squeezed out of his mouth. Before he finished speaking, the whole class roared with laughter. Even the teacher could not help but smile and bent over. At this time, Liu Wentao's expression was blank. The teacher forced a smile and said: "Cooking floor? Can your floor be used for cooking? If so, what is your floor made of? "After hearing this, Liu Wentao lowered his head and couldn't help laughing when thinking about what he had just said... Look! How interesting our English class is! It's full of happy atmosphere~

Troubles at School Composition (6)

Worried composition of homework

The Worry of Homework Composition (I)

Bored! Bored! Bored! All day long is homework, homework, homework! As long as we go to school every day, it means doing homework: nature homework, moral homework, English homework, as well as the impressive math homework and the impressive Chinese homework.

Every time I go to school, I see the smiling faces of my classmates, so sincere and amiable. I wonder why they are still happy without being overwhelmed by mountains of homework? Why am I different from them when I see the homework?

I have many wishes, the biggest wish is to abandon the hateful homework, to be a happy bird, fly freely in the blue sky, fly to the fields, fly to the mountains, watch the trees and grass grow higher and higher, smell the fragrance of wild flowers, listen to the happy singing of birds, let the heart intoxicated in the embrace of nature, let hope fly in the universe!

But hope is hope. When I get home at night, I am too busy: after I finish writing math and Chinese, I naturally write English!

Naturally, there will be happiness after being upset. My homework was rated as "the best homework", and I feel happy. I hope to be praised, but I'm eager for freedom. As long as I mention homework, I'm still bored! Bored! Bored!

The Worry of Homework Composition (II)

"Little boy, never troubled, carefree and happy" Whenever I hear this song, my heart is always sour.

When I was in kindergarten, I saw my neighbor's little brother and sisters carrying schoolbags to school. I couldn't envy them more. But when I really went to school, there were many troubles.

With the continuous improvement of grade, more and more homework, coupled with various interest classes outside the classroom, I am really overwhelmed. Every day after school, looking at the piles of homework, I will sigh. Thinking: When can I finish my homework? I dare not go out to play and read my favorite extra-curricular books. I'm afraid I can't finish my homework, so I have to try my best to keep writing in my homework book every day. Day by day, the days have passed.

How I wish I could have some time of my own to let my parents play badminton with me, watch TV for a while, and play with the children in the neighborhood. How I want to go back to kindergarten! Get rid of all troubles and be a carefree child again.

The Worry of Homework Composition (3)

In my three years of primary school life, homework is something I have to do every day. The word "homework" is also the most familiar and hated word among students. Speaking of the story about me and homework, my mind immediately recalled the scene of doing homework before.

That afternoon, just after half a class, the Chinese teacher went back to the office with a stack of papers and walked to the classroom. In a flash, the students in the class were silent, and everyone was shocked. They rubbed their eyes as if they didn't believe what had happened. Then, the classroom was like fried oil, and the students talked about it. At this time, the Chinese teacher said: "In order to make you better in this final exam, I decided to make three papers, three pages of autonomy, and a newspaper for you." Just after the words ended, the students quarreled. Some of them looked up to the sky and sighed, "No, I may have to do eleven o'clock! Protest!" Some whispered: "The Chinese teacher is really bad, and has no human feelings at all." Even some students looked at the Chinese teacher with pleading eyes, as if angry, but wanted to move the Chinese teacher, so that he could change his mind. We all thought we could "liberate" when the teacher saw a light in front of us, but the language teacher said a disheartening sentence: "Well, today you can write a composition of at least 600 words about the scene of the protest." Help! Why is the teacher so cruel? Are we forced to work under the "Five Elements Mountain" before giving up? English and math teachers, too, not only did not reduce our homework, but also added more, like schadenfreude. Is God unfair to our pupils? "How annoying!" has become my pet phrase.

The troublesome homework! Like an endless desert, we go farther and farther, and never find the end. But I still want to shout out: "I want to reduce my burden!" That is my biggest dream. I hope our primary school students can get rid of the bitterness of doing homework and have happiness and freedom!

Troubles at School Composition (7)

An Event Happened in the School The bell rang clearly. As usual, I closed my books and happily went to the desk of XX and said, "Come out of the classroom with you?" "No, don't look for me anymore! I won't play with you." This strange answer left me stunned. She used to be my deskmate and a student with excellent character and learning. We have always been good friends. In learning, we help and encourage each other. What happened today? Did I hurt her unintentionally or did something go wrong? From then on, she deliberately avoided me. When she saw me, she bent her head and pretended not to see me. On the way, she met: if I was in front, she would slow down; if I was behind, she would speed up her pace and walk forward. I am very distressed by this mysterious thing. I don't want to lose this good friend. I want to find out the reason. I told my mother about this and hope to get help. Mother smiled and said, "As you grow up, you will encounter more confusion. While learning the textbook knowledge, you should also learn to think with others and improve your ability to solve problems!" And she said, "It is best to calm down and observe the development of the situation before deciding how to do it. But as long as you are sincere to others, you don't have to mind how others treat you, let alone affect your studies. " One day two weeks later, the student said to me, "It's not my intention not to play with you. It's classmate XX who told me not to play with you. I didn't know how to deal with it at that time. I'm also very depressed these days. My mother criticized me after knowing this: 'Students must unite and love each other, and we can play together better...' I was wrong, please forgive me!" Students, Have you ever been confused by such things? Honesty and fraternity are the foundation of life. Only by doing more self-criticism can we make progress and "study hard and make progress every day". Broadcast manuscript for the first semester of Class 3 (2) of Shijiu Primary School

Troubles at School Composition (8)

One thing happened in the school One thing happened in the school was over, and the students lined up one after another. However, something happened in our class: "We were queuing up to go home. There were third graders upstairs, and they were also queuing up. A little boy spat on Lili's hand in our class. At that time, she burst into tears, sobbing all the time." Teacher Chen just came up to him and said, "Don't cry. I'll go up and have a look. It's several years ago.", Mr. Chen went up. The road captain took the team down. On the way home, I kept thinking: "They are all third graders, why do they still do this? The next day, the teacher told us that the children in Class Two, Grade Three were spitting. The student came in and apologized to Lili. Lili was very happy. They shook hands and smiled. I finally got this right, and my heart calmed down, but I also want to praise him: "It's still a good boy to know his mistakes and correct them. I will be very polite in the future, and I believe you."

Troubles at School Composition (9)

What Happened in School (17)

An incident in school 400 words (1)

Something happened in the class

The previous lessons were good, but something unexpected happened in the third lesson.

During the break, a small mouse sprang out of someone's desk. I heard from my classmates that a mouse was in the class, so I hurried to see it. As soon as I came near the classroom, something dark ran past my eyes, which scared me a lot. It turned out that this was the mouse, which frightened the students in the class everywhere.

After lunch, when I came back from the toilet, I heard my classmates say that the mouse was on the curtain. I went under the curtain and shook it. A dark thing moved on it. It was the mouse. I kept shaking under the curtain, thinking: Don't drop the mouse on my head where it likes. At this time. The mouse suddenly fell off the curtain and onto the floor. When the mouse came down, the students cried out in alarm. Teacher Zhang in our class saw it and hurriedly picked up the broom to fight. The speed of the mouse was comparable to that of the electric car, and the defense was impossible to prevent. Teacher Zhang hit many times but missed, and the broom shell was knocked off. At this time, the mouse seemed to be in evil, suddenly stopped and was hit by Mr. Zhang. The whole class cheered when the mouse was killed. Mr. Zhang swept the mouse into the garbage shovel and asked a classmate to take it out. Later, I didn't know what happened.

The next day, when I went to the bathroom with my classmate, I accidentally found the mouse dead in the sewer. The "mouse incident" ended like this.

An incident in school 400 words (2)

One unforgettable thing Composition (1)

In my mind, there are many unforgettable things, but one of the most unforgettable things is that I cooked for the first time.

It was the summer of that year. At noon, when I came home from school, I shouted, "Who is cooking today? I am starving". When I got to the restaurant, I found my parents were not there. I was worried. I saw a note on the table, which said: "Son, we won't come back today. You can cook for yourself.". Seeing this note, I thought to myself, "Hum! It's just cooking. Who can't? Today I will show my hands to them.". What should I do? Just make my favorite egg noodle.

First, I took two eggs. Holding the egg in my left hand, I firmly knocked on the bowl with my right hand. Without talking about it, the egg was smashed by me, and the yolk spilled on my hand, so I had to knock again. I took another egg in my hand, and learned the lesson of the last time. This time, I knocked on the egg with a little force, and it just knocked into the bowl. I danced happily. Then, After hard mixing, I began to mix the noodles. When the noodles were ready, I used a kitchen knife to cut them. I cut them left and right, and let me cut them in disorder. When the noodles were ready, I was turning on the induction cooker, and the water inside boiled, I put the eggs and noodles into it and cooked them together. After seven or eight minutes, the noodles were ready. In the middle of the process, I turned on the TV, I began to watch my favorite TV play. After a while, I walked to the restaurant and saw that the noodles were already ripe. I quickly poured the noodles into a bowl. Fortunately, they were not so bad and could still eat. I heard my father said that adding some vinegar and spicy would make it better. Then I added some vinegar and spicy, and finally I tasted my "masterpiece". Ah, it's not bad, but it's a bit spicy. I nodded proudly and ate my own noodles.

Mom and Dad will be happy when they come back to taste my noodles.

This is my unforgettable first time. I never thought that I would burst into laughter when I saw you. How about you?

An unforgettable event (2)

The long road of life is rough and arduous. There are too many stars in the sky to count what happened, but the thing I can't forget is that.

It was the day of last semester's summer vacation. My brother and I went to play in the flowers and felt bored. So my brother and I discussed what to play. He said, "We can wrap some pests in paper and burn them." I also thought it was a good idea. I flew home, took two pieces of paper and got ready.

My brother and I started catching pests. I'll pack it and he'll catch it. I tore up the paper one by one and put it aside for them to wait for the "task". The younger brother's action was so fast. Within a few minutes, the first stop was Lipin, a green Tetrigo Meng. Its tentacles swing restlessly, as if to know its tragic fate. I wrapped it as fast as I could. The second grasshopper Meng also "reported," and soon there were more than a dozen. Looking at these little things, my brother smiled and said, "Say goodbye to the world!" We took those pests to the old guard and put them together to form a small hill. Then, I took out the lighter and opened it beside the paper ball. Immediately, the flames started everywhere. I was not worried about the fire, because there was a cement floor below. However, the flames were burning all around. The relentless fire tongue "added" to the earth and rushed towards me. I was too hot and sweated. No, the fire will spread to the wooden table. Now I'm sweating so much that I'm worried. I'll bring my broom to put out the fire. The broom is almost on fire. Later, when I saw the flame, my partner also came to help.

The fire finally went out.

From this incident, I know that everything should be considered before action, not mindless, not to set fire. This taught me that I will never do it again.

An unforgettable event (3)

In life, there are many people and things happening around us every day. The content is various, but the center of more things in life is "love"

Sometimes, a warm word, a cup of hot boiled water, a thick hug, and a few harsh words of scolding warm my heart and leave a deep impression. An unforgettable thing 600 words composition

It was a cold winter, with sharp wind, light snow and dark sky. There were not many people on the street, only saw the vehicles coming and going at full speed. When we came to the underground passage, we saw an old woman over 50 years old and a little girl of seven or eight years old standing at the intersection. They didn't want to be beggars. They didn't have a begging bowl, nor did they write their painful life experiences. Just standing there quietly, I stood beside them and looked at them. After a long time, a cough broke the original silence. The little girl came up to me and said, "Sister, can you lend me some money? I thought I saw the wrong person. They are also beggars. But the little girl said to me," Sister, you just stand here. Don't go. I will pay you back. My heart was shocked by this sentence. My judgment was wrong. She is not that kind of person. Later, she came over and returned the money to me. ", I asked her: How did you get the money? She didn't say anything and took my hand to a square. She saw that the old lady asked people everywhere if they needed to polish their shoes. The little girl also walked by

Go and shout together.

At this moment, a force pushed me to their side, but I felt ashamed. Finally, that force defeated my vanity. I also ran over and shouted together, so three people stood in the snow in the cold winter for an afternoon. Although their hands were red with cold, their hearts were warm. Looking at a handful of coins in her hand, the old lady and the little girl were very happy, and I also stood beside them laughing. They put the coin in their pocket. At this time, I gave it to the old lady. She was surprised and said to me, "This money is yours. Why do you give it to me?". I said: This money should be yours. You taught me how to clean my shoes, and let me know how hard it is to make money. So this money should be given to you. The grandma finally accepted my money and watched the old and young people slowly disappear in the crowd holding hands. I didn't smile. That day, I will never forget it. Suddenly, I was a little awe of myself, very satisfied with myself, and unknowingly I did a hot thing to help others and happy myself.

An Unforgettable Event (IV)

One summer morning, the most unforgettable thing happened to me.

On that day, my parents and I went shopping. We passed a crossroad and were about to cross the road. My mother was very worried about me: "Be careful when crossing the road. Don't read." I didn't listen to my mother, but read by myself. My mother had no choice. Cross the road! I was at the end, my parents were in the middle, and when I came to the middle of the road, suddenly a red car roared.

Seeing that the car was about to hit me, my father pushed me aside, but his body was scratched. My mother and I hurried to call the 120120 car. My mother and I were like ants on a hot pot. The 120 car pulled my father away. I used to think that my father was not great, but through this, I felt how great and brave my father was. I would rather sacrifice myself than others.

This event is unforgettable and unforgettable

An Unforgettable Event (5)

Childhood is colorful. Childhood is colorful. Childhood is like a overturned bottle of five flavors. One of the most unforgettable things in my childhood is that when I was three years old, I played in my grandpa's house. There was a big yard with some flowers planted in it. I liked to catch ants there. But today, when I caught them, suddenly a ant with one wing flew over. It was buzzing while flying, as if to say, "You have the ability to catch me, come!". As soon as I saw it challenging me, I was furious. I started to catch it regardless of the situation. I used a move called "sunflower flower catching chicken hand", and it used a move called "walking on the waves". Now I am simply Zhang Fei eating the weight. I have an iron heart and must catch it. I used another move called "nine yin white bone claw" to catch it. When I just caught it, It stung me with its poison door concealed weapon "Rainstorm Pear Flower Needle", and I immediately sat on the ground and began to cry. This cry shocked the world and the ghosts and gods. My father came to me and asked, "Why are you crying? How could this happen?" I cried and said, "With wings, stinging people!" My father

An incident in school 400 words (3)

400 words of inspiration

At school, teachers often teach us to be happy to help others and take the initiative to help people in difficulty. I keep this sentence firmly in mind, as long as I meet people in difficulty, I can help, I will do my best to help.

Just a few days ago, something happened that inspired me. When I passed a station on my way to school, a white haired old man came into my sight. She was about seventy years old, wearing dark blue clothes, leaning on crutches, and saw her moving her feet. The old man carefully distinguished the front of each bus as she walked

The sign, she looked at the bus that had just stopped, and finally shook the handrail and got on the bus. Seeing the old man get on the bus, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. But she got off the bus again, and I was going to help her. At that moment, a boy with the appearance of a student came to the old man. He walked quickly to the old man, holding his arm in his hands, and asked what was going on with his head lowered. He helped the old man to go forward while asking, She did not hesitate to lend a helping hand, and was even more happy that the student could send the old man to the destination she wanted to go. I think: as long as we all treat others with a beautiful love, as long as we

All people are constantly pouring a spring of love into the society, then our society will be full of love, and it will become better!

Inspiration of Xiao Cao 500 words

I like beautiful peonies, graceful daffodils, romantic red roses and fiery azaleas, but I prefer strong and unyielding grass.

The grass is unknown. When people exclaim and praise those charming flowers, who thought of grass, who knows how to praise grass? No, However, the grass doesn't care about those vanity, it just silently sets off the flowers to make them more beautiful.

The grass is strong and unyielding. They are pressed

In order to grow under the stone, no matter how hard the stone is, or how narrow the stone crack is, they all grow up firmly and break through many difficulties. Success is always in favor of

What Happened in School (18)

Since the teacher held the class team meeting, there has been an upsurge in the school to do good deeds. The reason is that the teacher has repeatedly stressed that we should do good deeds regardless of interests. The following things have happened since yesterday: "The blackboard newspaper in the classroom was designed by someone, and the dust in the classroom was cleaned by someone. The chalk that has been used for a long time has been replaced with a new one. The creaking door in the classroom has been repaired. The broken window has been replaced." The above odd cases can prove that, The students have a clear attitude towards doing good deeds. Because I want to see who did it, I often squat in the classroom to observe. A long time has passed, but nothing has been found. It seems that the students do good deeds thoroughly, alas... It seems that I can't find it.

The storm has not passed yet, and the classroom appears again.

What Happened in School (19)

Grade 4 writes a story that happened in school Model essay 1

School life is colorful. There are good things, bad things, happy things and unhappy things. There will also be conflicts between students, but they will always be resolved. What I want to say today is what happened in our class.

The bell rang, and we all returned to the classroom after the science class. At this time, from time to time in the corridor came laughter and "he is really stupid", "look at it", "I will raise it a little bit". I walked to the corridor curiously. It turned out that several boys were using mirrors to reflect. When they went further, they took a small mirror to reflect the light onto the wall, and just a few curious freshmen were jumping to fight. Those boys were upstairs laughing. At this time, the reflected light was shining on the face of a little boy. Three or four students went to hit that student's face, and the group of boys laughed even more forward and backward. At this time, I couldn't stand it anymore. I went forward to stop them and said, "You are playing with others as toys. Others are like clowns for you to play with. Your behavior is immoral, and you can't base your happiness on others' pain." My words made them speechless, flushed, and felt that they had done something wrong.

Let's play a civilized game together, hoping that this will never happen again.

Grade 4 writes a story that happened in school Model essay 2

Every day, in our school, many things happen, one of which makes me understand a truth, and it also makes me hard to forget.

This thing is like this. On the day we were in PE class, we girls were shooting, but every time I could not shoot, which made me very headache. Zuyi came to teach me how to shoot basketball. Zuyi first took the ball to show me how to do it, but I could not learn how to do it. Every time I shot, I still could not shoot. Zuyi told me to take a small step with my right foot when shooting, Holding the ball with both hands, I practiced repeatedly according to the movements taught to me by Zu Yi. I wanted to give up several times, but I still felt a little unwilling, because if I gave up the practice, I would betray the pains taught by Zu Yi, and my hard work was in vain. After all, I had learned several lessons and had to test in the future, so I could not always hide from this sport! So I began to practice again. After several weeks of practice, I finally made a few shots. I felt very happy and felt that the hard work of these weeks was not in vain, but I felt that the number of shots was still very small. After all, I only made three or four shots in five or six weeks of school. I began to practice shooting again, After several weeks of hard practice, I can finally shoot a few goals in one class. I am really proud of myself, and I am very grateful to Zuyi for teaching me how to shoot during this period.

This matter impressed me hard. It was unforgettable because I had a sincere friendship with Zuyi. Zuyi taught me again and again without any impatience. She encouraged me to repeat these words every time my mind flashed "give up". This matter made me understand that I should have confidence in everything, Nothing can be done well without confidence.

Grade 4 writes a story that happened in school Model essay 3

School is our little paradise, where we live a colorful life every day. I'm going to talk about something that happened in our English class today.

Our favorite English class is the group competition, which will continue this Friday. The class is divided into four groups, each group has 10 people. I am the fourth group. The rule of the game is that the student who answers one question correctly will be given 1 point to his group. The competition began, and the students were eager to compete for the group. When the teacher opened the big screen, all the students at the meeting raised their hands when the question came up. Some students could not wait to stand up and shouted, "Teacher, I, I, I." The first few questions were answered by our group students first. Look at the score, we were 3 points higher than the second place. I think our group won, but just when I had a dream, the third group caught up. When the game became extremely hot, our group's students were very nervous. Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly, the last question appeared on the screen. Gao Haifeng of our group lived up to expectations and resolved the crisis. Our group narrowly won the third group by one point. Just when we thought we were about to cheer at the end of the game, the English teacher said, "Check your homework as part of the score of the game." I was worried that someone in our group had not finished their homework well. After checking the homework, the result was that our group had one more person whose parents did not sign than the third group, so our group and the third group were tied. I thought it was good to keep the first place. Smiles rippled on our group's faces again. At that time, the bell for class ended. The teacher announced the result of the competition, and the third group won. Our group's face turned from sunny to cloudy. Only one of our group's classmates shouted, "Teacher, it's unfair." The teacher smiled and walked out of the classroom. Our hearts are like overturning the Wuwei bottle, which is very unpleasant.

In fact, at the beginning, I also felt that the English teacher was unfair, but when I think about it, there will always be winners and losers in the competition, and the results are not important. The key is to make us better master knowledge through the competition. But if the homework is not completed properly, it is a problem of learning attitude. If the learning attitude is not correct, it will not be good, so the English teacher is fair.

Grade 4 writes a story that happened in school Model essay 4


"Oh! I can't help you!" I handed the eraser over. "Can you stop asking me to borrow the eraser?"


well! Still so righteous!

Alas, it's really unlucky to meet such a person as my deskmate! Ask me to borrow my eraser every day. Even a "happy fruit" like me will be annoyed by him. Does he forget to bring an eraser every day?

One day, I accidentally saw the eraser in his pencil box, which was as big as a palm. I thought: "Today is the 'Great Liberation of the People', and finally I don't need to borrow his eraser! Yeah!" Thinking of this, I began my homework with confidence.


As usual, the hand that crossed over his "territory" reached out again. I used to push the rubber past. Suddenly, I remembered the big rubber I saw today. So I took the eraser back.

Probably seeing that I had not put the rubber in his hand, Qin Zhengfei was a little impatient and turned his head around. Seeing that I was full of seriousness, he shrank his nose, looked sad, and begged me like worshiping the Buddha: "Ouch, please, Chen Renhui, please, Chen Renhui..."

I was amused by him, but I thought of the big eraser again, like asking: "You want to fool me? Bring the eraser!" Qin Zhengfei asked playfully: "What eraser?" When I saw him pretending to be silly, I said nothing and turned over the hole in his desk.

"What are you doing?"

"Find your rubber!"

It looks like a "mountain of books", with pencils everywhere. Ah! Rubber! I took out the eraser with a sense of urgency and waved in front of him, saying, "What is this?" He scratched his head, "You found this eraser?!" He seemed to see a baby, grabbed the eraser in my hand and rubbed it hard

Alas! I can't help him!

What Happened in School (20)

There is one thing that I always keep in mind, because it has given me a profound education.

One day, it was drizzling. After school, I went home alone with my schoolbag. I had just left the school gate when I saw a man with a crutch on his right arm walk into the school gate. He leans to the right, moves his crutch forward, turns his left foot from outside to inside for a circle before landing, and immediately follows his right foot. He walks like a stupid duck. How ridiculous! I walked two steps behind him. I thought it was fun for him to walk, so I learned from him later. The right foot slowly landed after drawing a big circle in the air, and stamped heavily on the ground. As I learned from him, I thought, "What is he doing here?" He seemed to be aware of it, so he stopped and turned back. Looking at me helplessly. I stopped at once and turned to the school gate. As I walked, I looked back at him. Suddenly, my feet slipped and I sat on the ground. He looked back and saw that I fell down. He quickly came forward, bent down and helped me up. As I wiped the dirt off my body, I said, "I shouldn't have done that just now!" He smiled bitterly and said, "Never mind!". I was just fine when I came to pick up the child! "

After hearing what he said, I couldn't help admiring him. Without waiting for me to say more, he walked to the school. Looking at his tall figure and firm pace, I felt even more ashamed.

Under the same blue sky, different destinies and different situations have shaped many strong people who have firm will, strive ceaselessly, and are physically and mentally disabled. We healthy people should care about and help them, not despise and laugh at them. I can't help singing a song: "As long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world."

Part 2: Interesting things on campus

Campus life is like a bunch of waves in the river. There are calm water, ripples and surging waves. My campus life is full of joy and interest.

It happened in the fifth grade. "Ding Ling Ling" The class bell rang, and the students immediately returned to their seats, silently waiting for the teacher to come to class. After a while, Mr. Li came. He only held a book and a pen in his hand, but there was no textbook. The teacher slowly walked up to the platform and said, "Boys and girls, let's play a game today." Just after the speech, the students cheered and shouted excitedly, "Long live the teacher! Long live the teacher!"

First, the teacher said the rules of the game: "I tell the first person an action word, and then he will perform the action. Then, the first person will show the action to the second person, and the second person will show the action to the third person. This is how it is passed. When it is passed to the last person, the last person will say the action word. Remember, only actions can be used, not words. ”The teacher called six female students up, and the teacher wrote the action words on the book, and then showed the book to Xiao Xin. Xiao Xin began to have some confusion. After a while, Xiao Xin smiled and said to the teacher, "Oh, I understand." Xiao Xin put her left hand on her right hand, and then scratched her hand and face, making the students laugh, Xiaomeng showed Xiaoying what Xiaoxin had just done. When the last person arrived, the teacher said: "Students, can you guess what they are doing?" The students answered with one voice: "It is the Monkey King, the Monkey King." Finally, the teacher said to Xiao Xin: "Xiao Xin, what is the mystery." Xiao Xin said, "Xiao Monkey scratches."

Next, the teacher invited five male students to come up and continue to play the game. The teacher wrote the answers on the book and showed them to the teacher just now. It seemed that there was something in his mouth, and then he hit his chest with his hand. Then Xiaojun passed the action to Xiaowei. When the last person arrived, the students said loudly, "It is the gorilla that eats."

The bell rang, and the students spent the class in laughter.

Part 3: Interesting things on campus

The campus life is colorful, and the interesting events in the campus are as numerous as the stars in the sky. The brightest and most dazzling one is still that one.

Today, our school is going to hold a singing contest for the sixth grade. We are very nervous. The funny and humorous teacher Liang seemed to see our thoughts. He cleared his throat and said to us: "Dear students, before coming to the stage, let's do a set of relaxation exercises. Breathe in, breathe out, fart!" We could not help laughing, laughing past, feeling much more relaxed.

"Deng Deng Deng", we walked onto the stage one by one. You know, we are the first to enter the stage, and we are inevitably a little nervous. But when we stand side by side on the stage and face hundreds of thousands of audiences, we all suppress the tension in our hearts and straighten our backs for fear of losing face to the class.

Then, the melody of "Singing to the Motherland" sounded. The conductor Xiaoqi looked at us with a smile, as if saying, "Don't be afraid, students, relax!" She waved her arms and sang along with our rhythm. Encouraged by her smile, we all relaxed a lot and sang more loudly. We still firmly believe that we should not lose face for the class.

The loud singing is like the surging waves, so powerful that you can see the bright red flag flying in the air. The golden five pointed star shines more brightly in the sunlight, making you seem to be able to see the magnificent sunrise, roaring waves and steep cliffs. This song contains everything!

The students looked up one by one and were energetic, as if they were strong and active petrels. The neat queue, with its clean white and fiery red, is extremely shocking.

The passionate and vigorous "Singing of the Motherland" ended, and the students all burst into smiles one by one. In the end, our class won the first prize. We surrounded Teacher Liang and jumped and danced. The campus was filled with laughter.

This is an interesting and meaningful activity, which makes us understand the importance of unity and benefits us a lot.

Chapter 4: An incident in school

I can't remember the day, and I understand a profound truth. Up to now, we still remember the scene when we held together

"Come on, come on, work hard, and you will win immediately!" Such words rang in my ears again. It was a physical education class. We were having a tug of war competition! Look, our faces are all sweaty and red, all of us look like calves. Sweat drips on the hot plastic. It has been 5 minutes, but it has not yet come to an end. The physical strength will be overdrawn.

At this moment, one of the other side's "warriors" fell to the ground at once. We wanted to take the opportunity to exert ourselves, and we could easily win the game. But the kind brain stopped us, and a gentle breeze blew. They were all classmates in the same class. Can't you give a little love to that classmate?

The team-mates put down the straw rope in their hands, walked to the student's side, and helped him to the shade. Some of them held mineral water in their hands, and some held small towels to wipe sweat for him. He finally woke up with everyone's efforts. When he woke up, his first sentence was: "Who won? It's all my fault that you are involved." Everyone turned their heads to the other side of the playground, looked at the lonely straw rope, smiled and said to him: "We have won, we have defeated the dead and won the friendship!"

The teacher later said to us, "At last, when you hold together, you are the most united. Unity is strength!"

After the event, when evaluating the best collective award, our class deserved it. It was none other than us. On the back of the certificate of award, the head teacher wrote a paragraph: "Children, you are the best! In the face of interests and friendship, you chose the latter. The beautiful world must be beautified by people with this spirit, which is why we put unity and friendship together. I really see your innocence and kindness this time. You must pass on this virtue, and your future will be more wonderful! Come on! "

Article 5: An event on campus

Today, all the teachers in the school went to the music room for a meeting.

I went to the office with my classmates who took the make-up math exam in the band to hand in the exam papers. As soon as we arrived at the office, we knocked on the door first, and heard a thin voice with a nasal cavity saying, "Please come in." As soon as we entered the door, we habitually bowed and said, "Hello, teacher!" But a burst of "hahaha!" laughter came out. We saw that it was some students, and there was no teacher in the office! We said angrily and laughingly, "It's you! This is a crime of imposter."

Those students laughed more happily: "Ha ha ha! I was cheated! I was cheated!" The office hid students? I couldn't help wondering: "What are you doing here?" "Actually, it's nothing. We are just playing here." One of the students replied. The conductor of the band said, "Let's play together since the teacher is not here." So we stayed in the office and played games with them.

We chased and fought in the office, and also looked at this desk. That desk looked, and found many secrets of the teacher: some played computer games, some watched movies, some chatted online, some changed homework, some prepared lessons... We also saw that the teacher didn't accept the students' gadgets on the desk, and we played with this, Play with that... Some students dare to touch the teacher's computer and look at the teacher's documents

After playing for a long time, I looked at the time. It was almost time for class. I began to worry that the teacher would come back. If the teacher saw me, I would be criticized. I quickly slipped out of the classroom. As soon as I got out of the door, I saw the teacher coming back. After carefully saying hello to the teacher, I rushed back to the classroom like a rabbit. I sat down breathlessly: "Wow! How lucky! Those who didn't slip out in time must have been criticized! Hee hee! I'd better be wise!"