Composition Cat and Mouse (17 required)
Walk on the clouds
2024-05-25 02:57:11

Composition Cat and Mouse (1)

There was a kitten who stayed in the house all day and never went anywhere. Living by Mao's father and cat's mother every day, I have never seen anything.

One day, the kitten suddenly said to her parents: "Dad, Mom, I want to play outside." Mom and Dad agreed, and said: "OK, you go out to open your eyes!" So the kitten ran out of the house excitedly and went to play. As soon as he went out, he saw a pond. There are many small fish swimming happily. He was so fascinated that he accidentally "plopped" and fell into the pond. But it can't swim, struggling desperately in the water, and finally returned to the shore, like a drowned kitten.

It saw a mouse again and caught him for fun. It jumped at it. When the mouse looked, it was not good! A cat rushed at it, half scared. As soon as he thought about running, he could not run away, so he pretended to say to the cat, "Hello, Brother Cat!" The cat thought that the mouse was very friendly, and said, "Let's make friends!" When the mouse heard, "Brother Cat, please eat fish!" He gave the fish with laxatives to the cat. After the cat finished eating, he went home. As soon as he got home, he had a stomachache. Thinking of the mouse's fish, he came to the mouse the next day to settle accounts. As soon as the mouse saw the cat coming, it knew what the cat was doing. He said, "I'm so sorry about yesterday! It's moldy because I don't want to eat! Let's go! I'll take you fishing!" The kitten believed in mice again. Finally, I caught a fish. The cat was about to eat, but the mouse stopped it. The mouse said that it would be delicious to put some "seasoning". It also put laxatives in the fish. After Mao finished eating, he went home happily. Once he got home, he had a stomachache.

The kitten said angrily, "Damn mice, I don't believe in mice any more!" After that, the cat would catch mice as soon as it saw them, one by one, and one by one, without mercy!

Composition Cat and Mouse (2)

In the past, cats and mice were inseparable friends. They stayed together no matter when they ate, slept or went out to play. Cats found something delicious and enjoyed it with mice, as did mice. They lived happily for several years.

Finally one day, they felt that their life was peaceful and indifferent, and they wanted to go out to explore the lake and open up a new world. After discussion, they decided to go to the big city across the sea to open up their own new world. They went to look for food, tools, etc. and gathered at night. In the evening, they each found a pile of food: steamed bread, ham, bread, 3+2 biscuits, mutton, beef, pork and fish Tools found: big ship, compass, rope, navigation manual They decided to start tomorrow. In order to have enough spirit for tomorrow, they fell asleep with excitement.

The next day, they got up early. Take what they have prepared. They also read a navigation instruction book in advance and knew that the sea water was very salty, so they took several buckets of water with them. They carried the things to the ship and checked carefully to see what was missing before they set out. They got on the boat and began their dream of the lake. The first few days were happy, but after a few days, they ate all the food they brought, but they were still far away from their destination. They were already starving, so they had to fill their hunger with water. But the water was running out, and the last mouthful was left. The two of them began to curse for one mouthful of water. The cat said, "This saliva is mine, get out of the way!" The mouse said, "It's mine, get out of the way, dead cat!" So the argument went on. The saliva had been dried by the sun. They stopped quarrelling and began to complain about each other. The cat said, "It's all your fault!" The mouse said, "Why is it my fault? Who started the trouble first?" The cat was about to speak when suddenly a fish jumped out of the sea. The cat and mouse began to snatch the fish again. The cat said, "This fish is God's gift to me. Don't touch my fish, smelly mouse." The mouse said, "This fish is not God's gift to you. God pitied me for not having food, so he gave it to me. Let go of your dirty hands, dead cat." The cat and the mouse unexpectedly hit each other violently. They gave you one punch, one claw, one foot, one mouthful. Finally, the cat's tail was bitten off by the mouse, The mouse was blinded by the cat. But the fish tried to jump and fell into the sea again. The cat warned the mouse, "You'd better be careful, or I'll beat you or eat you up every time I see you." The mouse said, "I'm not afraid of you. I just want to make trouble for you often. What can you do with me? Dead cat." They finally got to the shore of the boat, and they parted unhappily. Instead of fulfilling their original words, they became a pair of sworn enemies.

This is the consequence of the selfishness of cats and mice, and the reason why cats and mice become deadly enemies.

Composition Cat and Mouse (3)

Speaking of cats and mice, you should be very familiar with them. Maybe they will chase each other and fight with each other in the cartoon Cat and Mouse. But in my story, cats and mice became good friends.

In a corner of a village lived a cat Heihei and a mouse Xiaobai. The most important thing for Heihei, the kitten, is to catch mice every day, while Xiaobai goes out to seek food from Heihei every day. They have met in the village for countless times, so they regard each other as their biggest enemy and want to defeat it!

There is a sinister and cruel cold-blooded animal - python also came to this small village. It destroys everywhere and chases its prey with open mouthed blood. Small animals are scared to flee everywhere and leave the small village where they live. Only Heihei and Xiaobai didn't want to leave. They knew that they could not defeat the boa constrictor alone, so they agreed to act together.

One day, while the boa constrictor was sleeping in the sun at the door of his home, they quietly put some hay and branches around to burn the boa constrictor. But the boa constrictor was awakened. It was so angry that it suddenly lifted its tail and swept towards them. Heihei and Xiaobai fell to the ground in response. The boa constrictor tightly encircled them with its tail, held them above its head, and laughed: "You two little guys also want to challenge me, which is really a dead end!" The mouse Xiaobai jumped onto the boa constrictor's head with the help of Heihei, and it got into the boa constrictor's nostrils, which made the boa constrictor scream but helpless.

In this way, the cooperation of the two "little guys" defeated the mighty boa constrictor, and they successfully defended their homeland. Through this cooperation, they have become best friends and no longer regard each other as their enemies.

Composition Cat and Mouse (4)

Cats and mice are deadly enemies, but one day, I had a thing and made them good friends. What happened? Take a look.

It turned out that yesterday the cat went to visit relatives, and the mouse followed the cat. After a while, the cat noticed something moving behind. God! A dog was staring at the cat, and his mouth watered. The cat ran away immediately, but he could not run away from the dog, and was immediately caught up. The dog opened its mouth and rushed at the cat. At the most dangerous time, the mouse bit the dog's tail, and the dog barked in pain. The cat ran away immediately. The dog thought: the fish that reached the mouth could not run away. But when he ran, he found his tail was hooked. After a while, the cat was out of danger. So cats and mice became good friends.

Another time, I don't know why? There was a cat chasing a mouse all the time. The big cat saw it and sat on the cat's body. The cat felt heavy on its back. The cheap head twisted and fell down, but it was not dead. When it woke up, the cat and the mouse had already run thousands of miles away.

It's strange that a sworn enemy becomes a good friend! Yes, this is how they become good friends, which is not surprising.

Composition Cat and Mouse (5)

There are many animals in the big forest. They have their own houses, but one mouse was forced to live in the cat's house because his parents died. The mouse is too small and is often bullied by the cat.

Once, the animals had a get-together. Large animals can perform on the stage, while small animals can only play gongs and drums. The little mouse was asked to play the drum, but the cat was performing on the stage.

The get-together began, and the little mouse was playing drums for the animals, very seriously. When the cat came on stage to perform, the little mouse began to knock randomly, as if the cat and the mouse were born enemies.

At this time, the cat was angry and ran after the mouse. The little mouse went round and round, making the cat's head dizzy and hit a big lion's leg. The big lion lifted the cat high, left and right, and made it run everywhere. The pain made it cry loudly.

The cat could no longer bear the torment of the lion and left the forest. The mouse is very proud. No more cats eat it, it can live freely.

Composition Cat and Mouse (6)

"Cat King" caught a mouse and was about to eat it when the mouse pretended to be pitiful and said, "Cat King, it's a great honor that I can dedicate myself to you today. I want to sing a song for you to express my gratitude." Cat thought: After listening to the song, eat the mouse. Why not do it at one stroke? As soon as the cat let go of its front paws, the mouse immediately smeared oil on the soles of its feet and ran away.

The mouse became the first mouse to escape from the cat's paw. All the mice came to celebrate for him. The food soon ran out. The mice decided to steal eggs again.

The cat king thought: The mice will certainly celebrate. I might as well go to the kitchen and ambush them first. The mice came to the kitchen and began to steal eggs. One of them held the egg and the other dragged his tail to the hole. Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin is killed halfway - the cat jumps out and catches all the mice.

Although the mouse was sweet and scheming, it escaped once, but in the end it was a moth to the fire - to kill itself.

Composition Cat and Mouse (7)

Cats and mice continue to write composition

Cat and Mouse Continuation Composition 1

"Ah! Tom Cat has been kicked out by the owner, and I can finally take the cheese with confidence!" Jerry shouted. But as soon as he went out, he still walked carefully and stealthily. Hearing a little noise, he hid behind the chair. After a long time, he said, "Yes, Tom has gone!" and swaggered out.

He came to the front of the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and jumped at the cheese when he saw it. Unfortunately, when he jumped at the cheese, the door of the refrigerator was closed, but he was not worried, because every time before he finished eating, Tom opened the door. But this time when he finished eating, the door of the refrigerator was still open, and he suddenly patted his head and said, "Oh, Tom is gone." He could only muster up his strength to eat cheese and hit the door with a "bang". The door was knocked open, and Jerry was also dazzled. Alas! I'm really not used to living without Tom. It seems that I will find Tom again. Jerry walked all over the city, climbed up every tall building, and finally saw it in a trash can. The once extremely brave one, with its untidy appearance and stains, jumped in front of Tom, but Tom could not recognize Jerry and said, "Who are you?" It said, "I'm Jerry, do you want to go home?" Tom shook his head and said, "Think, think!" "Come here, let's do this..." it said. Tom said, "OK.".

Then Jerry first appeared in front of his master, who screamed, "Mouse." Then Tom came and caught Jerry. The master saw and said, "Oh! Tom, even if you make up for it, you can come back if you catch the mouse!"

Since then, the house has become lively again.

Cat and Mouse Continuation Composition 2

One day, the mouse couldn't help but sneak out from the cat who had already fallen asleep.

As soon as the mouse left the house, he ran forward eagerly. As he ran, he thought about sleeping after eating oil. About an hour later, the temple was already vaguely visible. The mouse laughed happily. It used up all its strength to rush to the temple.

The mouse rushed into the temple, found a hoe and came to bury the oil. But to its surprise, the oil had been dug out by someone and disappeared.

The mouse stood in front of the hole, dumbfounded, and did not move for a long time.

Hee, Hee, Hee At this time, a mysterious laughter came from behind. The laughter woke the mouse in a daze. The mouse looked back and saw that it was his brother hamster. The gopher patted the mouse on the shoulder and said earnestly: Don't be so selfish, brother. The cat already knew that you would dig for oil, so he asked me to hide the oil somewhere else first. The mouse looked up at the complacent gopher and lowered its head in embarrassment.

The mouse went out of the temple and went home to sleep. As he slept, he thought, I will never do such dishonest things again.

Cats and mice continued composition 3

Today, Tom was still chasing Jerry as before, but he could not catch him, so he had to watch him go back to his hole. Tom sighed and was ready to eat.

When Tom finished his meal and was having lunch break, the sound of the police siren came from outside. He immediately stood up and ran to the window. He saw that several cars of the rat catchers were parked outside Jerry's cave. Tom was very surprised. He watched as Jerry was captured by the rat catcher. Tom was very sad. He thought of the loss of his playmate in the future and cried sadly. He didn't believe that it was true. His playmate who had been with him for many years was caught so easily. He thought to himself: Jerry, aren't you very smart? Don't you always play tricks on me? Don't you always save the day? Why are you arrested this time. Tom was crying and slapping the balcony.

Many years later, Tom's family had several more cats. Tom was old, and Tom moved his bed to the side of Jerry's hole. Every day, he put Jerry's favorite cheese in front of the hole, hoping that one day Jerry would appear in front of him again and tease him, saying that he was stupid. The new cat often laughed at Tom for being a stupid cat that couldn't catch mice, for never eating fish but only cheese, and for taking mice as friends before. They often throw Tom's cheese out of the window. Tom can only drag his own leg, pick up the dusty cheese and put it outside the hole of the spider web covered mouse.

One day, when the new cats threw the cheese out of the window again, and Tom went to pick it up again, a voice suddenly came: "Mr. Cat, I haven't eaten for several days, can you give me something to eat?" Tom did not know why the old mouse would have the courage to ask a cat for food. When Tom was about to refuse him, he saw the appearance of the mouse.

Surprised, he asked, "Are you Jerry?"

"No, I'm not."

"Stop pretending, you must be Jerry, and you want to play tricks on me, don't you?" Tom said to the mouse with a smile.

The little mouse pleaded, "Mr. Cat, I'm really not the person you said.".

"No, you must be Jerry. You're lying to me."

"Mr. Cat, please calm down first. I'm not Jerry. My name is Jack." Jack answered calmly.

Tom said disappointedly, "Really, you are not Jerry?"


"Well, I'll give you food."

Jack shouted happily, "Great!"

Because Tom saw Jerry's shadow on Jack, he gave him food. Tom went into the room and took a piece of cheese to Jack and said to him, "Here, your food, you should leave here quickly. It's very dangerous here." Tom turned around and was about to leave. At that moment, Jack stopped Tom.

"Wait, Mr. Cat." Jack looked at Tom. "You are as kind as my father said."

"Your father?"

"Yes, my father – Jerry."

"Jerry? You mean Jerry?" asked Tom doubtfully.


"Where is he now? Why didn't he come to me?"

Jack said sadly, "It's a pity that my father is dead. Before he died, he told me that he wanted me to find a Tom's cat and let me apologize to him..."

"Wait, no, Jerry should be captured by the rat catcher. Are you kidding me?" Tom questioned.

"My father used his wisdom to escape from their clutches. Since then, he has always wanted to come to you, but the rat catchers have wanted him everywhere. He will be captured by the rat catchers as soon as he goes out. Soon after, my father died, and I followed his will to find you."

"Jerry was thinking about me before he died," Tom sighed. "Thank you, little mouse, for passing on Jerry's will. Now I'm going back to the house. Bye bye." After Tom persuaded Jack away, he walked on the stairs alone and said to Jerry, who smiled at him in the sky, "I've come to find you."

Tom's soul rose to heaven, and Tom and Jerry met again. "I will catch you this time" "Come on, try"

Cats and mice continued composition 4

One night, when the windmill came out of the hole and saw a piece of meat on the table, it rushed forward. When it was about to start, it suddenly heard someone shouting, "Don't move! That's mine!" When he looked back, it turned out to be a fake. The windmill picked up the meat and ran away.

The windmill ran to the living room, saw a banana on the tea table, quickly took one to eat, and threw the banana peel away after eating. The fake veteran ran over and stepped on it and fell on his feet. The windmill took the opportunity to scatter many nails on the ground. When the fake and experienced people continued to chase, their feet were nailed with blood, so they had to sit down and bandage the wound.

At this time, the son of several carts came out and saw a piece of meat on the ground. He wanted to drag it into the hole, but the hole was too small to drag it in. What should I do? When Che Chefeng saw a knife on the table, he had an idea. It took a knife to cut the meat into small pieces and dragged them into the hole piece by piece. At this time, the windmill and the fake coach came back. The windmill heard the son yelling: "Dad, come in!" The windmill went into the hole at once, and saw several pieces of meat on the table. It immediately understood. He patted his son's head and said happily, "Son, you are so great, you are really my son! I am so proud of you.". So they began to enjoy the delicious food.

Cats and mice continued composition 5

Ringing the bell... Jerry wakes up by the alarm clock. He rubbed his eyes and then looked at the calendar. "Oh, today is the day when my dear Sophia visited my home for the first time, and I have to make good preparations." Jerry mechanically jumped out of bed and tidied up the room.

But when Jerry's alarm clock rang, it also woke Tom. It stretched its waist and gave a very unpleasant yawn. Tom lifted his eyelids with his paw and glanced at the calendar. "Hum hum, today is Rat Hunting Day. Jerry Stupid Mouse, it's time for you to die!" Tom smiled maliciously at the calendar.

Then look at Jerry, who has finished tidying up his room, sitting in front of the dresser and dressed himself: carefully combing every hair, and tying a big bow in his tail and chest... Everything is ready, he sits on the sofa and waits for his girlfriend Sophia's arrival. After waiting for a long time, Sophia did not arrive. Jerry was upset. What if he was caught by the stupid cat? The more Jerry thought about it, the more restless he was. He always decided to pick up Sophia himself.

Sure enough, Tom had ambushed in a corner. It drooled, imagining that Jerry would become a big breakfast for him. But Jerry didn't know all this, and he kept going. When it came to the corner, it felt wrong. But when it was too late, Tom suddenly came out and scared Jerry away.

They chased and ran to the kitchen. There are all kinds of delicious cakes on the table. Jerry ran recklessly to save his life. He didn't pay attention to any cakes at all. Jerry was about to step on a banana peel when he jumped over it. And Tom? As soon as I smell the pastry fragrance, my mind drifts away, but I still chase and look at the pastry at the same time. At that moment, it fell heavily on the floor, and its forehead was beaten by the corner of the wall. It was a banana peel. Jerry saw that Tom was in such a mess, so he saw that he sewed a needle and tied it tightly with a rope. He could not move.

"Ding dong!" The doorbell rang. It must be Sophia. Jerry opened the door happily, and it was Sophia. Jerry showed Sophia Tom, who was tied into a sausage. She was excited and surprised, and praised Jerry's ability. Jerry blushed.

They came to the table and sat down. They had breakfast together and had a beautiful morning.

Cats and mice continued composition 6

Long long ago, a cat and a mouse lived together. At that time, cats did not eat mice.

Winter is coming, so they bought a jar of oil to prepare for winter. The mouse said, "Don't leave it at home. I'm greedy. I'd better hide away and eat it in winter." The cat said, "OK." They took the oil to the temple ten miles away from home and hid it in the dark.

One day, the north wind was howling, snowflakes were flying, and the weather was unusually cold. An old, hungry and cold field mouse came to the gate of the temple. He thought that maybe he could find something to eat in the temple, that is, nothing to eat. It would be better to hide from the wind and snow. He walked into the temple while thinking. When he arrived at the temple, he searched left and right, but there was nothing to eat. He had to go to a pile of hay to sleep first, and then find food. As he lay on the hay, he suddenly smelled a faint fragrance. Eh, this is the smell of lard. He sniffed along the scent. He found a jar and carefully opened the lid. Ah, it was a jar of fragrant, white lard. He danced happily and sang while eating. After a while, he ate his stomach full and fell asleep on the hay.

At this time, the cat and mouse also came to the temple. Because of the heavy snow and cold weather, they didn't want to look for food everywhere, so they thought of the jar of oil. When they saw the field mouse and the half eaten oil, they were angry. The cat pounced on the field mouse and held it down. The field mouse woke up and shouted, "What's the matter? Let me go quickly." The cat said, "You are a man who gets something for nothing and dare to steal our oil." The field mouse heard that it was their oil. He looked at the little mouse, his eyes turned, and said, "Little mouse, thank you. I only ate half of it, and I haven't helped you to transport your half." When the cat heard that they were together, they started to fight with the little mouse. The cat wouldn't listen to the mouse's explanation. The mouse kept running, and the cat kept chasing. When the trouble broke out, the field mouse took up his leftover oil and ran away.

Since then, cats and mice have become natural enemies!

Cat and Mouse Continuation Composition 7

One day, the mouse thought: "The cat is much bigger than me, and its appetite is much bigger than me. It will be uneconomical if it drinks more and I drink less." Thinking like this, the mouse's eyes dribbled and had a good idea.

It was very late that night. The mouse leaned over to the crack of the cat's bedroom door and said, "Hoo hoo, um -" The cat was sleeping soundly. The mouse closed the door quietly and went straight to the temple.

He carried the jar on his back, looked east and west, and walked carefully home. On the way to work, the mouse was out of breath because the jar was too heavy. I really want to put the jar down, but I can't find a safe place to put it down. I have to bite it and walk forward step by step for fear of breaking it.

Suddenly, a dark shadow fell from the sky, which made the mouse instinctively shrink and almost broke the jar. On closer inspection, it turned out to be a big leaf, which was a false alarm. In this way, the mouse was cautious all the way and finally returned home. Afraid of being found by the cat, he hid the jar in the deep grass behind the house.

The next day, the cat said to the mouse, "Today I decided to go to the other side of the mountain for a trip. You can go with me." The mouse was happy when he heard that. "Don't worry. I'll stay and watch the house." The cat left.

The mouse greeted all his relatives and friends and held a grand party. There was a pan of oil on each table, and the whole room was filled with the fragrance of oil. Each mouse had a dance partner. They danced cha cha and cowboy dance. And elected this mouse as their king.

A week passed and the cat came back from the trip. I saw the room full of broken dishes and the empty jar. The cat understands everything. From then on, cats bite mice when they see them. The mice can only hide in the dark and damp ground.

Cats and mice continued composition 8

After 20 years of rat torment, the cat is dying. It decides to catch the mouse itself. So all the cats were gathered for a meeting to suggest how to eliminate mice. The cats all spoke enthusiastically. Finally, the cats chose to put a lot of poison into the cheese for mice to eat.

At this time, the mice also held another meeting to prevent the cats from invading their territory. When everyone fought to the death, saliva flew, and tongue was dry, they heard a series of firecrackers ringing. They opened the door curiously and looked out. They found that many cats came with a big cheese, and the mice could not resist the temptation to eat the cheese, The cats could not help crying happily. After a while, the mice began to foam at their mouths, and their bodies kept trembling. Soon, they all died.

The cats all cheered. It was so simple to kill mice. They bought a lot of champagne on the street to celebrate. All night, the cats drank too much wine. Unexpectedly, due to excessive alcohol consumption, they also died on the street.

Alas, it's really a "lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose lose"!

Composition Cat and Mouse (8)

Heifeng: Warrior of the mouse family, later the water magician.

Tianfeng: Heifeng's father, the elder of the mouse family.

Red Dragon: Fire mage, the leader of the cat family.

Chapter I Heifeng's Fighting Spirit

Since ancient times, mice have always been eaten or killed by cats.

Today, Heifeng and his friends are playing by the river. Suddenly, the red dragon of the cat family came to catch the mouse with a magic wand. He pointed his magic wand at one of Heifeng's friends and said, "Fire cloud......" A flame flew out of his magic wand. When Heifeng saw it, he quickly pulled his friends into the house. Only a small partner had time to escape into the house. The flame flew to him, and Heifeng rushed out to jump on the little partner, so that he escaped. The little friends have all gone home. Heifeng has brought the matter to us

The dragon went to his pulse and told his father, Tianfeng. Tianfeng was furious and said, "They ate your mother, but they didn't expect to hurt you." After saying that, Tianfeng turned and left, which ignited the dry fighting spirit in Heifeng's heart.

Chapter II Entering the School of Magic

A week later, Heifeng was looking for food in the forest. When he looked casually, he found an advertisement: The Animal Magic Academy enrolls students, and if the top 10 students in the competition will be free of tuition. Heifeng was overjoyed. He went home to pack up his things, said goodbye to Tianfeng, and set foot on the road to the School of Magic.

After a long journey, Heifeng finally arrived at the School of Magic. He looked around and learned how to take an exam. At last, his kung fu paid off. He found the headmaster. The headmaster said, "Children, if you want to enter the School of Magic and Magic, there are two ways: one is to pay money; the other is to participate in the competition. To participate in the competition, you must arrive at the playground at two o'clock this afternoon." After listening to Heifeng, he felt that he would win in the competition, so he jumped three feet high.

After noon, Heifeng came to the playground early to get familiar with the ground and get ready for the game. One hour later, other contestants came one after another, and the judges also came. The referee said: "Attention, everyone. Now we announce the rules of the game: whoever can pick wonderful grass from the dark forest within an hour will win. But there are only 10 plants in the forest. The game is now on!" Each player rushed out like an arrow leaving the string, and Heifeng was no exception. They went into the forest, and a fog arose, separating the runners. Black Wind searched everywhere and finally found strange grass on the edge of a cliff.

Just as it was about to pick, a big snake blocked its way. Heifeng pulled a sword from his back and chopped at the snake. The snake was split in two. Heifeng successfully picked the wonderful grass, but on his way back, Heifeng met a contestant who did not pick the wonderful grass. The man was overjoyed and rushed to grab it. Heifeng was very angry and waved his fist at the man

The man had no time to hide, so Heifeng took the opportunity to run away. When he returned to the magic academy, the referee saw that he was the first one to pick wonderful grass. He came forward and said, "Yes, you have been admitted." Heifeng was overjoyed. That night, the coach took him to the dormitory. He looked at his roommate and fell asleep.

Composition Cat and Mouse (9)

On this day, a group of mice gathered together and held an emergency meeting.

"Another companion was taken away by the cat." "Two were caught a few days ago!" "Didn't it say that we would voluntarily hand over a mouse five days later?" Because many companions were killed one after another in recent days, the cat didn't comply with the original agreement, so the mice hid in their holes to discuss a solution.

At the meeting, the mice had their own ideas, but they were rejected one by one. Finally, Mimi, known as the "little prodigy", came forward and suggested that we should hang a bell around the cat's neck. Even if we can't detect the standing cat, we can still hear the cat moving and escape in time. Moreover, with the four feet of the cat, it's like looking forward to the moon in the daytime to untie the bell.

Everyone gave warm applause to the proposal of the "little prodigy" and surrounded him with dancing hands and praises. This countermeasure was also unanimously adopted. However, only the oldest mouse was silent.

When Mimi saw it, he asked strangely, "Grandpa, what? Do you agree?" The old mouse nodded thoughtfully and asked, "Mimi's idea is really wonderful and safe, but I still have a doubt, who should hang the bell?" The old mouse's words made the whole scene gradually quiet down from the bustle, but soon the controversy was open, until now, The mice were still frowning: who should tie the bell to the cat?

Composition Cat and Mouse (10)

You should all know the relationship between cats and mice. Today I tell you a little known version.

One day, a big cat caught a small mouse. Just as the big cat was preparing to have a full meal, the small mouse begged pitifully, "Brother Cat, you are so tall. You can't eat enough after eating my little mouse. Why don't you let me go? I will repay you later." The big cat laughed: "It's ridiculous that a small mouse said that it would repay a cat as big as me. Today I will give you a chance. Go!" The little mouse quickly ran back to the hole.

Just then, the hostess of the big cat came back, and she just saw all this, so she shouted: "You stupid cat, I have worked hard to raise you so that you can help me look after the house. What about you? I won't kill you!" Then she beat the cat and tied it to the post, without giving it food.

The mouse hiding in the hole saw all this. When the hostess went out, it quickly came out of the hole, snapped the rope tied to the cat, and let the cat out: "It's all right, friends, let's run together!" The big cat was moved to kiss the mouse on the forehead: "Thank you, little mouse, thanks to you today, and I will never catch you again!"

Since then, the big cat and the small mouse have become a pair of inseparable good friends. Wherever there is a mouse, there is a cat's shadow.

Composition Cat and Mouse (11)

Once upon a time, cats did not catch mice, and mice were not afraid of cats. They were good friends. Once, they got a barrel of oil together, ready to enjoy it in the long winter.

The mouse is a big eater, and it drips at once. Once, the cat went out shopping and left the mouse at home alone. The mouse looked at the bucket of oil and his empty stomach, and could not help thinking of a sentence his mother often said to him: "Ratty can't go hungry!"

So it opened the refrigerator and began to eat and drink crazily. Not only did he drink all the oil, but he also ate all the cheese, bread, cabbage... everything in the refrigerator. However, he did not realize that the biggest disaster in his life was coming to him - cats are also food!

When the cat came back, he saw the empty refrigerator and was furious. "Good! You have eaten everything - stewed fish, fried fish, pickled cabbage fish... Do you want to die? Hmm!" So you started to chase the mouse angrily. The mouse saw something bad and ran away.

When the mouse became the mouse grandfather, he told his son and grandson this lesson. From then on, the mouse no longer played with the cat, but kept a distance and ran away when he saw the cat.

The cat also told her daughter and granddaughter about it. So when the cat saw a mouse, it jumped on it as if it saw an enemy, and became a good helper for human beings to kill mice.

Composition Cat and Mouse (12)

There is a big fat cat in a family. Its name is Garfield. Every day, the owner will give him plenty of meat and fish to eat, hoping that he can catch mice.

That day, Garfield was patrolling at home and found that the doll had been bitten by a mouse. The little mouse also pulled the owner's leather shoes to the living room, and it stole the apples on the table. So Garfield reported the bad deeds of the master mouse. The master said, "You must catch it for me. If you don't catch it, there will be no food." But the little mouse in the hole heard this sentence. The little mouse had an idea and came up with a good idea. It came out of the mouse hole on purpose. Garfield caught it quickly, and the little mouse pretended to be pathetic and said: Brother Cat, kill me, and dirty your hands. You can let me live and die. Because I have a bad problem. I can't drink milk. As long as I drink milk, my whole body will itch, and then I will die of allergy. You can just leave me alone and let me die of cow's milk allergy. " Garfield turned his eyes and thought: That's a good idea. Feed the mouse some milk, and I won't have to do it myself. So Garfield let the little mouse go, and put a large bottle of milk beside the mouse hole to wait for it to bite. Who would have thought that the little mouse had drunk the milk in a big way, and was not allergic. Instead, he leisurely returned to the hole with a big stomach. Garfield knew that he had been cheated, but it was too late.

This story tells us that we should use our brains in everything we do. Don't trust others' words, or we will be cheated.

Composition Cat and Mouse (13)

When you were young, you must have seen a cartoon, Cat and Mouse. Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse fought so fiercely and interestingly. In real life, I have seen a cat and mouse war.

About two weeks ago, I went to the community to play with my elder brother. My elder brother saw some grass moving in the grass, so he picked up the stick next to him and hit the pile of grass. A black thing jumped out of it. I was so frightened that I didn't dare to approach it. My elder brother was also frightened to step back. There was a fat black cat behind Grandma Zhang, It kicked its back foot and jumped at the black mouse. The black mouse quickly dodged, which seemed that the fat black cat was a little clumsy, which angered it even more. Its sharp claws were shining in the sun. It grabbed the mouse's tail, and the mouse tried to turn its head to bite the cat. The cat was angry and cut off the mouse's tail. The mouse's tail fell to the ground and was ready to escape, The black cat rose up to chase it, but how could the mouse with a broken tail escape the "Black Cat Sheriff"? The "Black Cat Sheriff" put the mouse on the ground and could not move. At this time, the mouse knew that it was impossible for it to escape and had to let the cat kill it.

Suddenly, the cat was careless and its paw slipped, and the mouse fell on the ground again. Taking this opportunity, the mouse ran away.

What a fierce battle! That mouse is really like an ear in the "Black Cat Sheriff". The ear has been knocked off and is still so tenacious. I admire that mouse so much!

Composition Cat and Mouse (14)

One day the mouse came out of the hole to steal food from the kitchen. It said to itself, "There is too little food now, alas!"

Suddenly a cat jumped in front of the mouse and said, "The thief took his life." The mouse quickly begged for mercy: "Sorry, Great Xia, spare my life! Let me go." The cat thought of a good idea: the most interesting thing in the world is not to catch mice, but to play with them.

The cat said to the mouse, "I can let you go, but you should play with me." As soon as the mouse heard that it was not too difficult, he agreed to the cat.

When the cat heard that the mouse was willing to play with it, it let the mouse go. After a while, the cat caught the mouse again. This is repeated over and over again. The mouse jumped up and down angrily and said, "What's the fun of you tossing me about like this?" The cat comforted the mouse, "Maybe you can catch me instead." Hearing this, the mouse immediately ran to the cat with open teeth and claws. But the cat was so flexible that the mouse pounced on it several times, and the cat opened it sensitively. The mouse was angry again, and the cat came up to comfort the mouse and said, "Then I will run slowly." The mouse finally calmed down. Then he made a request to the cat and said, "But you must tell the owner that there are no mice at home." The cat agreed to the request of the mouse.

They played again for a while, but the mouse still didn't catch the cat and was exhausted. Angrily, he said to the cat, "Now let's catch it." The cat agreed. But no matter whether it is cat catching mouse or mouse catching cat, the mouse is willing to bow down.

Soon after, although the cat did not eat the mouse, it did not tell its owner. However, the mouse was tired to death by the cat.

Composition Cat and Mouse (15)

Late one night, the soft moonlight flooded the room. The hosts all fell asleep quietly. The room is quiet.

The little mouse was grey all over, and its four thin legs supported a flat stomach. It had not found food for several days, and its stomach was hungry. Like a thief, he looks around in the master's room and is free. From time to time, it uses its sensitive nose to smell east and west, and turns its flexible eyes.

He looked up and found a huge thing standing on his master's desk. Seeing the keyboard in front of him, he thought to himself: Ah, that dark, square, piece by piece, isn't it just black chocolate? He was so surprised that when he lifted his front paw, he jumped up and jumped onto the desk with a whoosh. Ash opened his mouth and could not bite with sharp teeth. Eh, what brand of chocolate is this? Why is it so hard? Even my iron teeth can't be bitten. How can humans bite? Once again, I did not know which keyboard I met, and a big cat appeared in front of me.

The big cat glared at the round big eyes, exposed its sharp teeth, and shouted fiercely at Grey: "Meow, grey, where are you going?" Seeing the little cat, Grey stood up, jumped off the desk, turned around, ran, hid in the hole, and his heart pounded. Mommy, thanks to my fast running, my life would be lost. Ash dared not come out again. The master's house has been peaceful since then.

Composition Cat and Mouse (16)

One day, two little mice were hungry. One said, "Let's find something to eat." The other said, "OK."

Two little mice went to a family's granary together. Suddenly, two little mice saw a cat, and the two mice talked about it. One mouse said, "You go to distract the cat, and I will move things." The other mouse said, "OK." The little mouse secretly ran to the granary to steal something, and the other mouse held a fish and shook in front of the cat. The cat smelled the smell of fish. The cat stretched out and sniffed everywhere. Suddenly, it saw a small mouse holding a fish, and its mouth watered down. The cat asked the mouse: "Give me this fish quickly or I will eat you?" The little mouse pretended to be afraid and said: "King, I took the fish for you to eat, but if you can catch me, I will give you some more." The mouse and the cat played hide and seek. Because the cat was too fat to catch the mouse, the cat finally gasped, "Where are you, mouse? Give me the fish quickly! ”The mouse came out and said, "I'll give you this fish to eat." The cat said; "Great!" The little mouse shook the fish and the cat immediately ran to eat it. The mouse stole away when the cat wasn't looking.

Back at home, another mouse has stolen a lot of food, enough to eat for a month! The mice were very happy, but the cat was punished by its owner for not eating for a day.

Composition Cat and Mouse (17)

Once upon a time, a cat and a mouse were good friends. They lived in a tree. Cats live on the top of trees and catch birds; Mice live under trees and dig sweet potatoes to eat. In winter, the cat used to only eat and didn't prepare winter food, but the mouse prepared a warehouse of food. When the cat was hungry, he thought of stealing food from the mouse. When the mouse was asleep, he stole a big bag of sweet potatoes. When the mouse woke up, he found that more than half of the sweet potatoes in the warehouse were missing, and he thought: Why is my sweet potato missing more than half? Could it be that I ate that? Later, as long as the cat catches fewer birds, it will steal the mouse's sweet potato to eat. The mouse becomes more and more strange: I didn't eat sweet potatoes, why are there fewer and fewer sweet potatoes? Will someone steal my sweet potato while I'm asleep? That day, the mouse lay on the bed as before, but he did not sleep. He was waiting for the thief. The thief came. The thief was a cat. The mouse was surprised: his ` good friend stole his own things! So the mouse will punish the cat. He took a big bag of sweet potatoes, put poison in it, and prepared to give it to the cat. When he got to the cat's house, the cat saw the sweet potato and ate it greedily. After a while, the cat fainted, and the mouse dug a grave for the cat. Because the mouse put less poison, the cat woke up soon after. When he saw the mouse, he caught it. The mouse could not dodge, and the tail was scratched by the cat. So we see that the tail of the mouse is very short. From then on, the cat would eat the mouse when he saw it.