One event during the Spring Festival (19 articles are preferred)
Blue sky and clear water
2023-12-09 03:49:24

One thing in the Spring Festival (1)

Spring Festival is our children's favorite. There are new clothes, new pants, and you can play happily. On the evening of New Year's Eve.

My father put 8 thunder gods at the door, which made a loud noise and scared me into the house; My father set off a long firecracker again. After he finished the firecracker, he rushed into the house quickly. The sound of "crackling" was deafening. Even my mother's voice could not be heard clearly. We also covered our ears. I asked my mother: "Why do you want to set off firecrackers on New Year's Day?" My mother smiled and said: "I hope it will be better in the new year."

We began to have dinner and were "toasting"! After eating, my mother took a piece of cloth and spread it on the ground, asking me and my brother to kowtow to my parents. I kowtow to my parents. My parents give me 200 yuan in total. My brother is the same as me! I'm rich! I played a lot of firecrackers outside.

The Five God Whips are so funny! If Zhang Changshu is behind me, I will hold the Five God Whip, and Zhang Changshu will run after me, just like "the bride enters the village" hehe! My brother fired a missile, and the sound was like thunder, "Bang, bang!" The most interesting thing was the sky cannon. There are 32 "missiles" in the sky cannon, which can send out colorful guns. It's very nice! There is also Scud, which is similar to the sky cannon, but it can send out "piazhizhizhi!" coarsely.

I wish my family better every year!

One thing in the Spring Festival (2)

Today is the New Year's Eve. We have been busy since the morning. At night, we were free. At this time, we remembered to set off firecrackers. I took a lighter to light a stick of incense. I am a little afraid of setting off firecrackers. Every year, I watch my father and his family set off firecrackers. I am always a little eager to try. Today, I must conquer this little roadblock to make myself no longer timid. I slowly picked up the incense. When I was near the firecracker, I held back my hand in a hurry. I waited for a while, but there was no response. I went to look for the firecracker. I didn't even touch it. I was disappointed, But I thought again and again: "I should not lose this courage. Failure is the mother of success. The lyrics of a song say, 'How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, and no one can casually succeed' Yes, it is not the time of wind and rain. As long as I am strong enough, I can rise to the wind, cut through thorns, and join the ranks of successful people?" Besides, if you give up now, you will become an old lady going to the chicken house - a fool? I can't let my family look down on me. Looking at that firecracker, it seems to say, "I can't light it!"! I was a little angry. I must put you away. I picked up the incense and walked over the second time. I lit it. As soon as the spark appeared, I ran back. In the past, I saw that the fire was small. I was a little disappointed, so I wanted my father to help me. But I thought it would be too funny to ask them now. I thought: Don't be afraid to stabilize it, it will work. This time I took the incense and walked slowly to the front. "It's OK!" Sure enough, I lit the firecracker.

I succeeded today!

One thing in the Spring Festival (3)

This holiday is really lively, because there is an extra Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the most important traditional festival in China. When the New Year's Eve comes, no matter thousands of miles away, people will rush back for reunion dinner. As the Spring Festival approaches, every family is busy preparing Spring Festival couplets to buy New Year goods?? But also busy cleaning the house, preparing for the Spring Festival??

The days passed quickly. On the New Year's Eve, someone was setting off firecrackers early in the morning, which was very lively. Adults are preparing New Year's Eve dinner. I played happily with my good friends all day. In the evening, the sun looked at the earth for the last time, then closed his eyes and slowly hid behind the mountain. The night came quietly, which covered the sky with a black veil. However, the family sat together, eating and remembering interesting and unforgettable things. At 8 o'clock, the Spring Festival Gala started on time. However, sitting in front of the TV, watching the gala, the gala programs were very wonderful, with beautiful dances and incredible magic?? I was dazzled by the sight.

Near zero, the New Year bell sounded, and the fireworks and firecrackers suddenly made a deafening sound. One of the fireworks bounced into the night sky. The fireworks were like Ana's colorful girl dancing in a crystal dress. At this time, many fireworks followed from the fireworks tube, I thought it was bright meteors that broke the sky. There are many fireworks blooming in the night sky, some like strings of pearls, some like chrysanthemums, some like waterfalls?? Let me dazzle. At this time, the night sky was dazzled by the brilliant fireworks. People sent the old year away and ushered in a beautiful New Year with colorful fireworks!

One thing in the Spring Festival (4)

Spring Festival is a familiar festival for everyone. During the Spring Festival, every family will paste couplets, make dumplings, wear new clothes, and pay New Year greetings to their elders. Every Spring Festival, my favorite thing is to make dumplings together.

Early in the morning, when I was still asleep, I heard the sound of chopping stuffing from the kitchen. I immediately put on my clothes and became my parents' assistant. I saw my gentle and virtuous mother mixing noodles and my father chopping stuffing on the side. I immediately rolled up my sleeves to prepare for a big fight.

Everything is ready. I am responsible for making dumplings with my mother, my sister is responsible for rolling the dumpling skin, and my father is responsible for finding coins. My sister handed me the rolled dumpling skin first. First, I put part of the filling in the center of the dumpling skin, and then carefully squeezed the dumpling skin together. I proudly showed my achievements to my mother, but she smiled and said, silly girl, there is still one step to go. I handed the dumplings to my mother. Wow! The dumplings that used to look like mice now look very beautiful. Mom's hands are really clever! In this way, we happily made many delicious dumplings.

Suddenly, my parents burst into laughter. I'm just a monk in the second place. I don't know why they laugh? My mother petted my face and said, "My baby daughter has become a kitten." But my father retorted, "I look like a puppy." I hurried to the mirror. Ha ha, I really became what my mother called a kitten, and flour danced on my face!

It soon ushered in the New Year's Eve. Our family gathered around the table and ate dumplings with relish. I ate several in a row, hoping to get coins. How happy it is to have a family together! I like the Spring Festival and look forward to it this year.

One thing in the Spring Festival (5)

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and we are all preparing for the New Year's Eve dinner. Among them, the most important thing in our family is to hold a family meeting a few days before the Spring Festival, vote on what dishes to make for the New Year's Eve dinner, and select 12 dishes to make the menu for the New Year's Eve dinner.

Before the family meeting, I would like to ask everyone for their opinions. Everyone should put forward their favorite 3~4 dishes, summarize them into a large table, and give everyone a voting form. Then, I will give the form to my father and mother for checking. After checking, I can formally give it to everyone for voting. Before voting, everyone can canvass for his favorite dish to make everyone like it, so that it can get as many votes as possible. In order to ensure fairness during the voting period, we must sit separately during the voting to avoid plagiarism or discussion. This is a rule that everyone must abide by!

I also have a very important responsibility as a "ticket collector". As soon as the voting ended, everyone handed me the votes. I read them to my grandfather one by one, and he carefully recorded them on the paper. After singing the tickets, I carefully counted the number of tickets for each dish, and then handed it to Grandpa for verification. This process is the most tense and lively. My uncle is the person who can create the most happy atmosphere. Whenever someone votes for the dishes he likes, he will happily say, "That's interesting, I officially announce the selected menu and who will make the dishes. Everyone is happy

Hi, because everyone has his favorite dish elected.

After the family meeting, my grandfather smiled and said to me, "You did a good job. Let me tell you a little trick. You can collect the forms every year, which can not only be used as a souvenir, but also show that you are very responsible." "Oh, I see!" I said happily, because I think my grandfather's concern for me is just praising me.

This year's New Year's Dinner went well, and I feel very happy because I also made contributions. When I ate delicious food, I felt that I did not have a scoring scale with so many words. Seeing that everyone was so happy, my heart was as sweet as honey!

One thing in the Spring Festival (6)

Memory is like a colorful magic box. When I open my own magic box, the unforgettable thing reappears in front of me

On the Spring Festival last year, my brother and my mother went to Tianxiang Park to play. Because it was a festival, the park was crowded with young parents who took their children to play. Everyone wore new clothes and was beaming. The children stood in long lines in front of one of the amusement facilities with candied haws and cotton candy in their hands.

Mom first took us to play "quiet" fishing, dart throwing and face pinching, and then accompanied us to play the thrilling "space walk", "torrent march" and "roller coaster". The most thrilling and unforgettable one is the roller coaster.

My brother and I bought a double ticket. My mother was afraid of heights and said nothing to play the game. My brother and I laughed at her being a coward, and we climbed up a five or six meter high platform along an iron ladder, and then stepped into the carriage from the high platform. An elder brother, a waiter, helped us fasten the seat belt and fasten the door of the carriage. The car started slowly. It was still stable at the beginning. After a while, it gradually accelerated. The faster it went, the steeper it went. Suddenly, it was a sharp turn! The car seemed to lose control and be about to roll over. Everyone on the car screamed and rushed straight up. Almost vertically, the passengers were hanging upside down in the air. God! It was so creepy. Suddenly, I dived, and the car hit the bottom of the valley like a killer. My mind was blank, and my heart seemed to be held tightly by someone. All I knew was to hold the handle tightly, and my hat had been blown off by the wind. My face and neck were cold, but my palms were sweaty. My brother sat beside me, acting indifferent, but his hand gripping the handrail was trembling slightly!

It was easy for the car to stop. I got out of the car as soft as noodles, took the entrance as the exit, and returned to the ground in a cold sweat.

This is an unforgettable thing. It is like a small crystal in my memory, emitting light.

One thing in the Spring Festival (7)

One of the happiest things in this winter holiday is that on New Year's Eve, I went to the square in front of our auditorium with my father, mother and brother to watch fireworks.

There are two rows of fireworks on the square, four in each row. At first, every two soldiers lit a gun. One held a flashlight for lighting, and the other ignited the first row. After lighting the fire, I heard a "boom", which sounded like a landslide, as if the earth had been shaken. I saw something like a small ball flying out of the barrel and into the air. There was another "boom", and the little ball suddenly turned into a big fireworks. In the rush of time and space, big flowers blossomed continuously.

Fireworks are various and colorful. Some fireworks are like a big round ball that will envelop us, some fireworks are like a symbol of Henan TV, some fireworks are like a meteor shower, some fireworks are like a big pearl curtain, which divides the earth in half, some fireworks are like a signal flare without colorful, and some fireworks are like dancing in circles

I am so happy today! Because the fireworks are so beautiful. Watching fireworks this evening is the most interesting and happy thing in my winter vacation.

One thing in the Spring Festival (8)

When the Spring Festival comes, every family will go shopping. Our family is not included, but my father is away on business. My mother and I chose to go to Sun Moon Square.

Sun Moon Square is so big! I'm very excited. I look like a naughty little monkey. Look east and west. The special feature of the square is that there are 12 buildings, one representing a constellation.

I had a good time in it, but it was different when I came out. Eh? Isn't there a lot of cars? Why can't we get a car? After more than an hour, I still couldn't get a taxi. My mother said, "Let's walk home so that I can lose weight." So we happily decided that we should exercise less. After a short walk, we were tired and sweated like Bell, a survival expert, walking in the Sahara Desert.

As we walked, we took photos. Later, when we came to a beautiful place, we saw countless pots of flowers forming a colorful flower bed. The eight characters of "Don't forget your original intention, keep moving forward" were particularly dazzling. I think it is very suitable for us today. I couldn't help taking lots of beautiful photos and playing games here... I don't know how long it took me to get to Changmao Station, which is another station away from home. I jumped up happily. After a short wait, my mother pulled me onto the bus when she saw it coming without saying anything. She thought to herself: All the buses are going this way, and you can take any bus to get there.

But the driver stepped on the gas and passed our door. I was so worried that I was about to cry: "Did you forget to stop, driver?" The driver replied: "Except for this bus, all the other cars entered this station." In order to walk one less stop, I walked two more stops. It seems that in the future, I should ask clearly before doing anything!

I am tired and happy today.

One thing in the Spring Festival (9)

Of course, the happiest thing about the Spring Festival is to set off fireworks!

On the evening of the New Year's Eve, my father was telling me the story of Nian. Nian was a kind of wild animal with a single horn and a ferocious head. Dad glared at the beast and said: "Today is the last day of the December moon," Nian "may come out to eat people, let's go to fire guns to scare" Nian ". I jumped three feet high, danced and said yes, yes!"! With these words, I took my father to shoot a gun.

The yard was decorated with bright lights. My father and I found a place far away from the house with dark lights, because only in this way can we see the beautiful fireworks. I put down my things in a hurry. First, I took out two hand flowers and lit them. Later, I drew a circle in the air with both hands, and drew a fire circle drilled by small animals in the circus; After a while, I used my hands to draw a big eight shaped circle like shaking a big rope; After a while, I took a handful of flowers to dance in a carnival dance, and the firelight jumped up and down with me. There is also a kind of fireworks. I was a little afraid when I lit it. I was afraid of burning my hands. I stretched out my arms, shrunk behind me, and touched the head of the fireworks with flames again and again. Finally, I lit it. I quickly ran to my father's arms and hid far away from the fireworks. The fireworks whooshed, whooshed, whooshed into the sky. The children around looked at the sky. The fireworks exploded in the sky, like colorful flowers blossoming one after another, showing their beautiful smile. We all spontaneously shouted: How beautiful!

The beautiful fireworks and crackling firecrackers are my deepest memory of the Spring Festival.

One thing in the Spring Festival (10)

Today is the New Year's Eve. We have been busy since the morning. At night, we were free. At this time, we remembered to set off firecrackers. I took a lighter to light a stick of incense. I am a little afraid of setting off firecrackers. Every year, I watch my father set off firecrackers. I am always a little eager to try. Today, I must conquer this little roadblock to make myself no longer timid. I slowly picked up the incense. When I was near the firecracker, I held back my hand in a hurry. I waited for a while, but there was no response. I went to look for the firecracker. I didn't even touch it. I was disappointed, But I thought again and again: "I should not lose this courage. Failure is the mother of success. The lyrics of a song say, 'How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain, and no one can casually succeed' Yes, it is not the time of wind and rain. As long as I am strong enough, I can rise to the wind, cut through thorns, and join the ranks of successful people?" Besides, if you give up now, you will become an old lady going to the chicken house - a fool? I can't let my family look down on me. Looking at that firecracker, it seems to say, "I can't light it!"! I was a little angry. I must put you away. I picked up the incense and walked over the second time. I lit it. As soon as the spark appeared, I ran back. In the past, I saw that the fire was small. I was a little disappointed, so I wanted my father to help me. But I thought it would be too funny to ask them now. I thought: Don't be afraid to stabilize it, it will work. This time I took the incense and walked slowly to the front. " It's okay! " As expected, the firecrackers were ignited by me.

I succeeded today!

One event during the Spring Festival (11)

Of course, the happiest thing about the Spring Festival is to set off fireworks!

On the evening of the New Year's Eve, my father was telling me the story of Nian. Nian was a kind of wild animal with a single horn and a ferocious head. Dad glared at the beast and said: "Today is the last day of the December moon," Nian "may come out to eat people, let's go to fire guns to scare" Nian ". I jumped three feet high, danced and said yes, yes!"! With these words, I took my father to shoot a gun.

The yard was decorated with bright lights. My father and I found a place far away from the house with dark lights, because only in this way can we see the beautiful fireworks. I put down my things in a hurry. First, I took out two hand flowers and lit them. Later, I drew a circle in the air with both hands, and drew a fire circle drilled by small animals in the circus; After a while, I used my hands to draw a big eight shaped circle like shaking a big rope; After a while, I took a handful of flowers to dance in a carnival dance, and the firelight jumped up and down with me. There is also a kind of fireworks. I was a little afraid when I lit it. I was afraid of burning my hands. I stretched out my arms, shrunk behind me, and touched the head of the fireworks with flames again and again. Finally, I lit it. I quickly ran to my father's arms and hid far away from the fireworks. The fireworks whooshed, whooshed, whooshed into the sky, and the children around looked at the sky. The fireworks exploded in the sky, like colorful flowers blossoming one after another, showing their beautiful smile. We all spontaneously shouted: How beautiful!

The beautiful fireworks and crackling firecrackers are my deepest memory of the Spring Festival.

One event during the Spring Festival (12)

In the twinkling of an eye, it was the annual Spring Festival, and my mother asked me to make dumplings again.

Starting to make dumplings, I saw my little aunt brought a bag of noodles, my second aunt and my mother brought meat and some spices respectively.

When I started wrapping, I picked up a piece of dough, stretched it, and put some meat into it. Because I couldn't close it, my heart moved. I folded the leather like a bag and twisted the four sides to form a big twist. At first glance, it looks like a big twist on a steamed bun. I laugh. I put a pile of stuffing on each of the noodles, but it didn't fit, so I closed it with a dough and wrapped it into a poached egg. I thought to myself: Mom will be angry to death. But I still smiled and went to make other dumplings.

As soon as the dumplings came out of the pot, I found a fried "poached egg" that turned yellow. Mother found it, thought it was a cake, and fried it with my aunt's cake.

One event during the Spring Festival (13)

Happy New Year is coming, and our family went to Hanoi Paradise Park to play. There are many amusement projects in it. Among them, watching 3D movies makes my memory deep and unforgettable.

The other day, as soon as we entered the cinema, we found that the chair was different from the chair used to watch movies. I asked my mother, "Why is this chair different from the chair used to watch movies?" My mother said, "I won't tell you now, but you will understand after watching it later." What surprised me more was that the service staff asked us to fasten our seat belts. Eh, why, Do you want to drive?

The movie starts. It's a thriller. I feel like I got on a high-speed train. The train went into a cave, drove to the lake, and hit a train full of goods. Suddenly, the goods on the train fell off, and I felt like I had hit my head. I turned my head to the left, which was very dangerous. I almost got hit, It's really safe!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and I felt that the train had reached the edge of the cliff. God, I suddenly felt an ominous premonition that we were going to fall. The chair under the seat is also shaking from side to side, and my heart has been sinking... Unexpectedly, there is a flat track in front of me. The train drove up again. Unexpectedly, there was a spider web in front of it, and there was another spider on it. The train broke the spider web, and the spider fell on the train, which frightened everyone. Finally, the spider was thrown off at a corner. The train kept moving forward, one by one

Until now, I am still thinking about it. It is really breathtaking and exciting. It makes me appreciate what it means to be "in the scene". It makes me think about it endlessly. I really feel the greatness of science and technology. I will study hard and master a lot of scientific and technological knowledge in the future.

One event during the Spring Festival (14)

Before the Spring Festival, the weather in Shanghai suddenly turned cold! My parents took me to Xiamen to play. Because the weather in Xiamen is a little hot, and I have never been to Xiamen.

When we arrived in Xiamen, we first stayed in Xiamen Baolong Pullman Hotel. Our room was surrounded by lakes, and in a large park, my father said it was called "Egret Island" Park! After putting down our luggage, we went directly to the Huandao Road to ride three people's bicycles. The Huandao Road was very busy, and my father suddenly cried out. There was a fountain in front of me. I looked at it and said, "It was clearly that someone was washing the car, not the fountain!" The three of us laughed. It turned out that my father was too tired to ride a bike!

The next day, we went to Gulangyu. We needed to take a boat to Gulangyu. We bought tickets and got on the boat. Many people on the boat were carrying luggage. My father said there were houses on Gulangyu, so tourists could live on the island! Gulangyu is very environmentally friendly. There are no cars or even bicycles on the island. There are many shops on the island, many of which are selling food and small goods. I bought "solid perfume", which is a special perfume. It is solid! I also went to the Shell Museum. There are many shells in the museum. There are also "mermaids" made with lights. She swims in the water, like playing games with Xiaoyu! What makes me unforgettable on Gulangyu Island is that I made a clay cup in the "clay museum" by hand, and I also made two clay butterflies on the cup. Finally, I engraved my name on the cup, and I hope it can be sent home early, and I can use it to drink water! In the evening, Gulangyu Island is full of snacks. I had "nine dinners" with my parents, and I felt my stomach would burst! We returned to the hotel by boat very late!

On the third day, we went to the cruise ship. We were the only family on the second floor of the cruise ship. We had tea and snacks while watching the scenery outside! In the afternoon, when I returned to Xiamen, I also visited the Cat Museum. I went into the cat's room alone and touched the cats intimately!

One event during the Spring Festival (15)

This Spring Festival, my parents and I came to my grandmother's home for the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival, I enjoyed myself very much. Many interesting and unforgettable things happened here, one of which impressed me deeply.

The second day of the lunar new year is the birthday day for my grandfather. I was elected as the "photographer" on that day. I was ecstatic and begged my father to take out his precious camera. Under the guidance of my father, I learned some basic knowledge of photography in a short time, and I can't wait to go out to practice.

My family is walking along the riverside road, where the scenery is beautiful: flowers are in full bloom in cold, rockeries are graceful, and the river is crystal clear... When I saw this beautiful scene, I couldn't help but pick up the camera to capture several pictures in succession. As we walked, we came to a small square composed of flowers, with a big guitar in the center. My sister was very curious, so she ran to "visit" the place at first sight. I took this opportunity to adjust to the "children" mode, and took a few snaps after aiming. My mother and aunt can't stand being impatient anymore. They all asked me to take pictures for them. I switched back to the "smiling face detection" mode and chose a beautiful angle to take some pictures for them. We continued talking and walking, and came to Fuhe. The water surface of Fuhe River is very wide. The water surface is as quiet as a mirror, and the surrounding scenery is reflected in it. In the fog in the distance, I can vaguely see several pagodas and small buildings, which is really like a fairyland on earth!

After seeing the beautiful scene, everyone asked me to take photos for them. I asked them to pose in cool positions, and I left these beautiful moments for them with my camera... When I got home, I turned on the computer, inserted a USB flash drive, and checked the photos one by one. Everyone kept praising me for my good photo. I smiled embarrassed.

This event makes me happy and unforgettable. Because I learned photography, and was recognized by everyone. I believe that in the near future, through efforts, I will become a photographer worthy of the name!

One event during the Spring Festival (16)

In our endless expectation, the Spring Festival finally came with a brisk pace. My family's Spring Festival almost began on the 30th of December. On this day, every family is busiest, and few people are free. I helped my mother clean the glass and mop the floor to clean up, so as to show a new atmosphere in the new year. Of course, couplets, window grilles and calendars are indispensable. After cleaning, the home will become clean, tidy and beautiful.

The second most important thing is to do the New Year's Eve dinner after washing clothes. Adults are busy washing vegetables, cutting vegetables, making dumplings, and making a table of delicious New Year's Eve dinner for us, while we are jumping and jumping, trying to help, but we can't get involved in it. We have to work in a hurry, sometimes causing trouble to adults. When dinner was ready, relatives from Zhenjiang sat together and ate the New Year's Eve dinner with Meimei. On the tea machine, delicious snacks, candy, sweet cakes and fruits were put on the table. Adults ate melon seeds and talked about what happened this year. Of course, my favorite is to exchange a few sweet words for a big package of lucky money. The whole family is talking and laughing together. How lively!

New Year's Eve is certainly happy for me, but I can't accept staying up. After watching the Spring Festival party and listening to the countdown bell, I just wanted to close my eyes and have a good sleep. The sound of fireworks crackled outside the window, making people sleepy and exhausted. The next morning, the first day of the lunar new year, the sun had risen high, and I was still dreaming in the quilt. Until my mother woke me up, the whole family ate breakfast in a hurry, dressed up and went out to pay New Year's greetings. Many people went to relatives' home with our family today to pay New Year's greetings, so the highway was very congested. When I arrived at relatives' home, the time agreed had already passed, but I still got a lot of lucky money.

Soon the Lantern Festival will come, and the Spring Festival will be drawing to a close. The Spring Festival will come slowly in our endless expectation and busyness, but it will go away in silence. What is left is the infinite expectation of the next Spring Festival.

One event during the Spring Festival (17)

As the sun had just set and the couplets were pasted, my mother decided to take me to my second aunt's house for the Spring Festival.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw an aunt I didn't know holding Yingying's sister. When I asked my aunt, I knew that she was a relative of my aunt. Everyone called her Aye, so I called her Aye. I played at my second aunt's house for a while, and my aunt, uncle and brother Pipi came. Now the second aunt's house is very busy. Mother's four sisters come to the second aunt's house for the Spring Festival. When everyone was ready, we began to eat. There are so many dishes on the table. The table is on the third floor and the third floor. Mother said to Second Auntie, "Ah Cui, it's burned enough!" While wiping sweat in the kitchen, Second Auntie said, "Just two more bowls of food!" Two more bowls of food were brought up, but Second Auntie was still cooking, and finally it was done! Adults drink and children drink. In the end, we were full, and the second aunt suggested that Mom, Auntie and Auntie Aye play cards together, in a group of two, two wins in three games, one win in 1000 points, and one drink in the losing group. Mother and Auntie Aye, and Auntie Big and Auntie Second. At first, Aunt Aye didn't agree to play cards. Then the second aunt persuaded Aunt Aye for a long time to play cards. Every game has a joke to laugh at. After three rounds, my mother and Aunt Aye won the second and eldest aunts drinking. The second aunt decided to drink, but the eldest aunt refused to drink, so she found a reason to go home. We laughed when we saw the eldest aunt fleeing.

Our laughter spread to every corner of the Second Aunt's house, and the card game ended successfully in this laughter!

One event during the Spring Festival (18)

During the Spring Festival, my parents and I went back to our hometown for the Spring Festival.

As soon as we arrived, I was deeply attracted by the mountains and rivers of my hometown. I jump and jump for joy. Because I haven't returned to my hometown for many years, everyone doesn't know me, including my little yellow dog. I'm going home from the mountain. All the dogs there rushed at me. I hurried back. Fortunately, I met Brother Qiang and drove the dog back. We went home happily. Grandpa came out to pick us up. Grandma sat far away on the sofa to greet me because of her poor health.

Looking at the sunny weather, Brother Qiang and I agreed to go fishing in the river. So we used cattle as an excuse to come to the cool river. At that time, my heart was pounding for fear that I could not touch the fish. Just thinking of this, Brother Qiang caught two big fish, and we jumped with joy. Hurry home to get some firewood, put some spices, set fire to the river and fish. Burning and burning, I found that the cow was missing, so I had to throw away the delicious food that was coming to my mouth and hurry to look for the cow everywhere. When I came back, the fish was burnt, black and smoking. We looked at each other hesitantly, as if disappointed, but almost at the same time, we quickly picked up the portion we were satisfied with, and ate it with relish. It was delicious.

One event during the Spring Festival (19)

On the day before the Spring Festival, my mother took me and Tian Tian, who had just returned from Beijing, to take a bath in the bathhouse, but unexpectedly

When I arrived at the bathhouse, I thought to myself: I had not taken a bath for so many days, so I must take a hot bath to relieve my fatigue. So I quickly took off my clothes, took my sister's hand and rushed into the bathhouse.

However, instead of cool moisture, it was hot and stuffy air with a smell of sweat. This really hurt me. I was so choked that I turned my head and coughed, as if I had a heavy metal on my chest. I couldn't breathe, and my whole body was hot and dry. Turn around and look around again. Oh, my god, this is not a bathhouse. It's almost the same as those who go to the market!

There were three or four people standing under each shower head; Then there, the aunt who rubbed the bath was even more laborious. She rubbed this and that after rubbing, the customer scolded her for bad reception, and was unwilling to rub the pain; Several children were playing in the pool while adults were chatting. I was stunned by the sound of yelling, cursing and playing.

Hurry up and take a bath, but where to wash is another problem. After walking the whole shower area for more than four or five times, we couldn't find a place, so we had to take a tub bath first. But who is in the mood to soak in such an environment, so we hurried out to continue to find a place.

Look, the shower area is also in a mess. It's difficult to walk a few steps, let alone wash it. A shower head is like a piece of bread to save lives. Four or five people fight for it at the same time. Those who get it are complacent and those who don't get it are eyeing it; Four or five people take turns to rush when they meet someone with higher quality, which makes them feel comfortable; If your quality is not high enough, you can hang on to it! If you are a young man, you can move quickly and hopefully; If you get old, hey, you will change from wife to mother-in-law -- take your time!

But we made a wise decision: first rub and then wash. This is also no way, thanks to the early schedule of rubbing bath, otherwise it would be terrible. After rubbing, we gave full play to the characteristics of sticking to the point. Finally, we grabbed a shower head, but without flushing twice, someone came to "ask for help". We had to let it go, so we slipped past unconsciously for two and a half hours

After the whole bath, I put on my clothes at random. The little patience I had saved before was gone, so I left a sentence "Hurry up, Mom" and took my sister to escape. How interesting it is!