Composition Maple Leaf (15 required)
man 's life is like a dream
2024-05-27 00:20:28

Composition Maple Leaf (1)

The autumn wind is bleak and the leaves are fluttering

Accompanied by the autumn wind, stepping on the roadside weeds. Walk alone in the maple leaf forest which is orange red. Let the autumn wind blow my mind. At this time, my mood is like a snowy sky. There are thousands of "why" in my heart, but I can't find the answer. The happy scene in the same room with them in the past has reappeared before my eyes. It flutters in my heart like the falling maple leaves.

Thinking about everything, I unknowingly saw tears winding on my cheeks like two crystal lines. The salty tears fall to the corners of the mouth, but the feeling is bitter and astringent. Look up at the maple trees beside the road. One or two pieces of red maple leaves that fall occasionally draw a beautiful arc or two in the air and slowly fall to the ground, lying quietly. Looking at these maple leaves lying on the ground, I could not help feeling sour. At this time, I really feel bad! Why do people have joys and sorrows?


Another season of falling maple leaves. When I walked in the red maple leaf forest this time, everything around me was dazzled by the maple leaves, but at this time my mood was extremely happy.

Hi! The autumn wind is still bleak, the leaves are still falling, and the past is no longer like smoke.

Composition Maple Leaf (2)

Composition of Maple Leaf

In your daily study, work or life, everyone has written a composition. You must know all kinds of compositions very well. In your composition, you must focus on the theme, make in-depth exposition around the unified theme, and avoid rambling about, loose theme or even no theme. There are many things to pay attention to in composition. Are you sure you can write? The following is a collection of Maple Leaf essays by my editor for your reference only, and I hope to help you.

"Blue sky, blue sea, green mountains, seagulls flying in the sky; American maple leaf, red campus..." The melody of understanding reverberates in my ears. Under the summer sun, the rising school flag seems to be shining with hair. At this time, the Maple Leaf School Flag and the Canadian National Flag were on both sides of the five-star red flag. Three flags were fixed at this solemn moment, flying in the wind over Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf International School.

Every Monday morning, we begin our wonderful week in the solemn ceremony of Maple Leaf Campus. As a freshman of Maple Leaf, although he is new here, he has already felt the unique charm of Maple Leaf - paper bridge contest, ball games league, art festival... providing opportunities for Maple Leaf students to show themselves without interruption. Just a few days ago, our school just held the opening ceremony of the art festival - on a sunny Monday morning, after the flag raising ceremony, music suddenly came. Just when everyone predicted what would happen, some students in the crowd suddenly began to dance. Then, the whole English teacher dressed in the art festival t-shirt ran to the playground and began to dance. The opening of the festival was announced with the sound of a salute. When it was sorted out, cheers came from the playground, and the long-awaited festival finally opened. Have you ever experienced such an interesting opening ceremony? Do you want to get involved?

In Maple Leaf, the teacher encourages students to develop in an all-round way. All kinds of elective courses are for students to make full use of their spare time to develop hobbies. I also took two courses, fencing and taekwondo. First, I wanted to exercise myself; The second is to cultivate hobbies and enrich the after-school life.

In these short months, I really felt the implication of the sentence "education is not watering but lighting a fire", because the maple leaves have given me too many surprises. On the occasion of the sixth anniversary of the school, I wish Maple Leaf a better development. I believe that in the near future, this fire will become more and more prosperous, reflecting 9.6 million square kilometers of land. May Maple Leaf truly become the "bond of friendship between China and Canada and the cradle of international talents!"

Composition Maple Leaf (3)

Fluttering Maple Leaf Composition

In real life or work and study, many people have written compositions. According to different styles, compositions can be divided into narrative, expository, practical, and argumentative. What kind of composition can be called excellent composition? The following is a collection of fluttering Maple Leaf compositions by my editor for your reference only, and I hope to help you.

Fluttering Maple Leaf Composition 1

In the golden autumn of October, Miss Qiu came with a light step. She gently waved her sleeves, and the earth became colorful.

A burst of autumn wind blowing, maple leaves like a string of small bells issued a clear sound, sometimes singing in a low voice, lingering branches; Sometimes it flutters with the wind and plays with the breeze. Maple leaves whirl and turn mischievously in the wind, some like colorful butterflies dancing in the air; Some are like flaming birds flying in the air; There are also red flags flying with the wind, which are very eye-catching.

I walked under the maple tree and found that there were many maple leaves on the ground. You pulled me, and I pulled you around. Looking from afar, the ground seems to be covered with layers of golden carpet, which is extremely beautiful! Walking on the soft "carpet", you will hear the sound of "rustling", like a soft music playing around you. The maple leaf hit me playfully, and I quickly reached out to catch a piece of it, and looked carefully: the maple leaf has five corners, and its shape is like a small and exquisite fan, and also like a beautiful and exquisite crown. It is smaller than my palm. I gently stroked the maple leaf. It is neither as smooth as the leaves of the apple tree nor as rough as the leaves of the plane tree. But the color is very thick, red like a burning fire, the red extends from the root to the middle of the leaf, and the five corners of the leaf are slightly withered and yellow; The bright red leaves and veins are firmly connected together, just like a pair of inseparable "good friends". The maple leaves also send out bursts of fragrance, which is really refreshing!

I followed the footsteps of the autumn wind, intoxicated with the flying of the maple leaves, and my heart also followed the maple leaves up and down, like a boat sailing to the endless sea, which could not help but make people daydream.

Fluttering Maple Leaf Composition 2

At the age of two, he met her for the first time. Just when the maple leaves were flying, she greeted the bright sunshine with her sweet smile. A simple meeting made him unforgettable.

He was 2 years older than her, but he and she entered the same primary school. In the first grade, she didn't know what love was. At that time, she only knew that there was a big brother in the school, but she didn't know his name, only that they were familiar with him. In primary school, he and she go to school together every day and go home together without saying a word. Maybe they can't find a reason to say something.

He and she went to Tongyi Middle School again, maybe by coincidence or maybe God's joke! In the maple leaf season, they go to school and finish school together. Is it their coincidence? Did they agree? But they didn't say a word. He seemed to be able to read her eyes; She can also see through his heart. They are walking in the season of maple leaves······

In high school, he and she were lovers in the eyes of others, but only they knew that they had not said a word, but they did not deny it. It was in the days when the maple leaves fluttered, he didn't meet her, he thought it was just a coincidence, but one day, two days... until the maple leaves no longer fluttered, he still didn't wait for her.

It has been ten years since he took his wife's hand and walked on the road covered with maple leaves. Under the tree where he had waited for her, he told his story about him and her. She no longer exists, but the maple leaves still flutter.

Composition Maple Leaf (4)

When autumn comes, most of the leaves gradually turn yellow and dry, but one kind of leaves will turn into my favorite orange, that is, maple leaves.

Maple leaf is the leaf of maple, which is generally palm shaped, and the whole leaf looks like a heart. Maple leaves have rough surfaces, green and dark green on the top of the leaves, and small hairs on the roots below the leaves. In autumn, leaves will change into new clothes. Some things are orange, others are red. These maple leaves make the beautiful autumn more beautiful.

Whenever I see the maple leaves in autumn, I will think of Du Mu's "Mountain Walk": stop to sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February. Like poets, I love the maple leaves in autumn!

Composition Maple Leaf (5)

I love autumn, and I prefer colorful leaves, especially maple leaves.

The color of maple leaves is bright red now, but it is green in spring, because at that time the leaves contain phytocyanin, which likes sunshine very much, and the leaves also show a vibrant green color. In autumn, the phytocyanins are destroyed, and the anthocyanins in it appear, so the leaves are red. So, in my eyes in autumn, only maple leaves are the most attractive.

The shape of the maple leaf is also different. When it falls in the wind, it looks like a red butterfly, dancing in the air. From the shape, some of them are like a shining five pointed star, flashing in our hearts, and some of them are like fat dolls' hands swinging back and forth, as if they are saying no, or waving to welcome you. Come to the autumn world, this is another poem that reminds me of stopping the car and sitting in the maple forest at night. The frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February. What a beautiful poem, it writes the beauty of maple leaf and the author's beauty of maple leaf.

I love autumn, I love the colorful autumn, all kinds of leaves, especially maple leaves.

Composition Maple Leaf (6)

With a light step, she came to the world. She seemed to be a magician. She held a magic wand to the tree, and the leaves on the tree immediately changed into gold. But some leaves refused to change into the clothes given by Qiu, and still wore the green dress given by Sister Chun. Of course, the most eye-catching thing is the maple leaf in a red evening dress.

When I was at school, something slowly floated onto my shoulder. I took it down carefully with my hands, and then I watched it carefully. It is a maple leaf, a maple leaf that wants to return to the embrace of the tree root mother. How beautiful it is! I looked up, wow! A lot of maple leaves, they are still holding their mother tightly, can not bear to leave. Seen from a distance, it looks like a burning fire. Close up, they look like small sparks. At this time, I turned my eyes to the maple leaf. Its veins crisscross like streams! Looking at it, I remembered how similar the fingerprints were. I have collected this flaming maple leaf.

"Stop and sit in the maple forest at night. The frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February"! How beautiful it is!

Maple leaves in autumn, I love you!

Composition Maple Leaf (7)

"Stop and sit in the maple forest at night. The frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February." This sentence is about maple trees. I like maple trees best. There are several in front of my house.

Maples are not as tall and straight as pines. Its trunk is so thin that it can be surrounded by two hands. It looks so delicate. The trunk doesn't feel very hard, but it is a bit rough, like the old man's hand through wind and frost, engraved with the traces of time. Its branches are medium in length and a little green. One of its leaves is very interesting, like an open hand, and its stem veins are very obvious.

Spring looks like a warm green cloud from afar; In autumn, the leaves take off their green clothes and put on their red dancing skirts, which is a burning fire from a distance. Maple doesn't seem to like publicity. Even if it has some achievements, it will never show off. Just like its fruit, it is hidden under the leaves and needs careful observation to find it. At first, the fruit was green, with a pair of green and thin "wings" on both sides, just like the bamboo dragonfly. Soon, the fruit turned from green to red, still slightly red and plump. I can't help thinking: a strong wind blows, and the tottering fruit is blown to the sky, flying in the sky, playing like an elf, and then finding a fertile land to settle down.

Maple is so beautiful, but it doesn't make much of itself. It silently dedicates itself to the world, which reminds me of sanitation workers. They took no pains to clean the ground. Although there is a lot of garbage every day, which is troublesome to clean, they never complain and always remain unknown. It is hard to imagine what the world would be like without them. They are as selfless as maple trees and are "road angels".

Maple trees decorate nature and noisy cities silently. They are like inconspicuous stars in the sky, but they try their best to bloom the only light for the world. I love maple trees.

Composition Maple Leaf (8)

In nature, there are many scenes and things full of romantic feelings; In life, because romance will be more joyful; Think that romance will be more colorful; Because of romance, maybe sad. I was deeply affected by the romance of nature. The maple leaf has taught me romance and made me fall in love with romance.

When autumn comes, I walk on the hillside. The mountains are colorful and dazzling, with green in the middle of red, and purple shadows in the canyon. At the distant hilltop, I saw a bright red floating at a glance. I was very excited. I ran closer. The red color all over the mountains appeared in front of me. All the vitality of those maple trees were burning. They danced in the mountains like a red skirt, making people feel the passion and romance of Spanish girls. They were deeply attracted by the fire like romance of maple leaves. They are using their own bodies to brighten the hillside, their own colors to brighten the autumn, and their own souls to infect romantic people. However, as soon as winter comes, they will be over. But Maple Leaf still uses its own life to beautify people and make their lives full of romance. Isn't this worth learning? No matter what will happen in the future, cherishing the moment is to enjoy life romantically, and strive to make my life full of romance, so that I can have the joy brought by romance.

However, everything has two sides, and Maple Leaf is also sad, but I can still feel the romantic atmosphere.

Maple leaves are often used as a spokesman for missing people. Unfortunately, when maple leaves fall one by one, it is often the most sad time. As soon as the wind blows, it inevitably looks bleak. Just like a beautiful love story, the withered maple leaves are the most tear jerking. "The falling maple leaves are like missing, and I light candles to warm the autumn at the end of the year", but as the lyrics say, even if the bleak maple leaves fall sadly, we should learn to warm our hearts with romance. Maple leaf is not like other tall trees, waiting for death reluctantly and quietly. Instead, it rotates its body with the autumn wind, tries to draw the most beautiful arc, and then returns to the earth lightly. We should also be like Maple Leaf, no matter when, we should be full of romance, greet tomorrow with a heart of expectation, and live romantically with an elegant attitude. Even in the ruins, we should create romance and look for heaven like maple leaves. Maple Leaf is trying to make its own withering full of romance, which will make the next round of romantic life full of expectations.

Understanding nature and maple leaves has taught me how to live romantically and how to create romance. Everything in life should be done well, so that we can be as full of romantic enthusiasm as maple leaves. Life is like a huge canvas, and we should be as romantic as maple leaves to draw a colorful life.

Composition Maple Leaf (9)

Hearing the maple appreciation reminds me that several years ago, our family went to a mountain village in the south to find a place to stay, and they first threw off all their fatigue and had a big sleep. At the beginning of the day, we heard insects chirping and birds chirping. It was the beginning of the day. After changing our clothes, we walked into the forest and quietly enjoyed the beautiful maple leaves.

Maple leaves have red, yellow, brown... all kinds of colors, which make people feel relaxed and happy. Pick up the leaves on the ground, throw them into the air, and take a picture before they fall completely! " The "Maple Forest" is suitable as a scenic spot for painters to paint and an important landscape for poetry writing.

Listen and think quietly, how beautiful the world is. Birds singing, flowers smelling, insects chirping and birds chirping are modern people's favorite sightseeing wonders, favorite sounds, and favorite maple scenery. It's almost a place of paradise, surrounded by mountains, towering in front of you and me. Colorful maple leaves with majestic mountains are really a beautiful scenery.

Composition Maple Leaf (10)

It is autumn now, and soon, in late autumn, the red maple leaves will fall again. It is this maple leaf, which is not special in the eyes of ordinary people, that reminds me of that unforgettable past

I still remember clearly that I met Sasha when I was in kindergarten, and we were good friends at that time. In the first grade, we were lucky, not only in the same primary school, but also in the same class. Normally, I should cherish this friendship more, but I don't know how to cherish it. My feelings with Sasha began to disagree slowly, and finally she came to scold me. I went to tell the teacher that the teacher was saying something about her, and so on. Next, at the end of the first grade, she was transferred to No. 1 Road Primary School. At first, I thought it would be good, but soon, I thought I was wrong. I could not live without Sasha, a friend, and I regretted it very much.

Two years later, in the autumn, I saw her again, and we talked as if nothing had happened. Before parting, Sasha picked up a red maple leaf and asked me to look for the same one to prove that our friendship never ended. So, in autumn, I would take the red maple leaf to a row of maple trees to look for it. I often use my feet to separate the overlapping leaves first, keep my eyes on those leaves, search one by one, sometimes find a more similar one, immediately pick it up and compare it. Sometimes, when I look up, I will not miss one or two leaves, but always look at them carefully. I stood under the maple tree. I didn't feel the fire like enthusiasm of the maple tree. What I felt was just the deep friendship! Now, it is autumn again. I believe that as long as the friendship between Sasha and me continues, the same red maple leaf will hang on the nearby tree, waiting for me to pick it. Because when the maple leaves turn red, Sasha and I will meet again.

Composition Maple Leaf (11)

Every Sunday, my brother and I often go to Zhishan Park to climb the mountain. There are many big trees with luxuriant branches on the mountain, among which maple is my favorite.

I remember one early summer, when my brother and I were tired of climbing, we leaned against the maple tree to rest. The green leaves blocked the sun for me. Its leaves are as big as palms, with small serrations on the edge. They dance with the wind, as if they are welcoming me. A few months later, in autumn, my brother and I came to the maple tree again, and I found that the wind leaves were not green, but red. My brother waved to me with a maple leaf in the distance. I thought my brother was playing with fire. I shouted, "Don't play with fire, brother, and continue to climb the mountain." After listening to my brother, he said, "That's not fire, it's maple leaf." I looked closely and found it was indeed maple leaf. But I think maple leaves are green, why do they turn red in just a few months?

When I got home, I asked my father, who said: "It is caused by seasonal changes. The leaves of plants contain a special pigment called anthocyanin, which is a" chameleon ". It is red in acid solution. With seasonal changes, such as temperature and sunshine, the main pigment components in leaves also change. In autumn, the temperature decreases and the light weakens, which is beneficial to the formation of anthocyanins. However, the leaf cell fluid of red leaf trees such as maple is acidic, so it will become red ".

On another weekend, I went to Zhishan Park to see the maple leaves in autumn. This reminds me of Du Mu's poem: Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February. Nature is so wonderful and beautiful!

Composition Maple Leaf (12)

Spring is a green world. Autumn is the land of Dan.

Green is the color of sowers and pioneers. People say it is hope, youth and life. This is a wise saying.

In summer, the green becomes thicker, deeper and denser. Life is full and abundant. Life moves in the sound of cicadas and frogs, grows in the heat and depression, and stands the test in the storm.

So, when the cool wind rises, autumn comes. The mountains are red and the maple leaves are like pills. Dan is the color of maturity, the color of fruit, the color of harvester, and the color of breeding new life.

Sowing, germinating, spitting leaves, flowering and fruiting.

Pregnancy, birth, growth, frustration, maturity.

Everything in the world runs through this common process. Moreover, nature and the world are interlinked everywhere.

In May this year, he visited Australia. May is in the southern hemisphere in late autumn. The grass and trees are golden; The woods are golden.

Mr. R, a ceramic artist from Castle Peak Valley, South Wales, was a guest. At that time, it was too late to see the surrounding scenery clearly, as if it was a wooden house in the forest. The next morning, the whole green mountain was quiet. Walking into the courtyard, there was a maple tree in front of me, which was bright red. Maple leaves hung all over the ground.

I went back to the house to get the camera, tried the lens again and again, and always felt that there was something missing. If it were a painter, he would paint a gorgeous oil painting, but I am not. Looking at the maple tree, I felt like a sad old man hanging his head in the morning wind.

At this time, the door of the wooden house opened, and a girl of eight or nine years old jumped out. She is Rebecca, Mr. R's granddaughter, the treasure of their family. Seeing me staring at the maple tree, Little Rebecca ran to the bottom of the tree, picked up two red leaves, jumped back and forth, humming that only she knew the tune.

The first ray of sunshine fell into the valley and shone on the red maple trees and Rebecca's golden hair. At that moment, I moved the shutter and left a picture that I was satisfied with and my friends liked. Later, an Australian friend gave the picture a title: Life in Autumn.

At that moment, I suddenly understood that the maple leaf is like a pill. Maybe because it has a jumping and happy life, maybe it itself is a life with rich connotation, it makes people feel true, good and beautiful, and feel its real value, and feel so real. The red leaves of Fragrant Hill in Beijing can naturally make people relaxed and happy; If there were no tourists like flowing water in the mountains and birds singing up and down in the woods, people might feel lonely again.

Maple leaves are like pills, showing long-term vitality. "Frost leaves are redder than February flowers" is the true maturity and beauty after experiencing this state.

Composition Maple Leaf (13)

Feng is blind. He hasn't seen any color. He likes color, especially when he hears people around him talk about color. He likes white best because there is only black in his world. Maple is tired of black.

Like other blind children, Feng also went to a school for the blind. The teacher took special care of him. Somehow, he was always happier than other children, perhaps because he was an only child and his parents' expectations made him feel very happy; Maybe because a girl wrote a letter to him, he felt that there were still people in the world paying attention to him; Perhaps because his family is very rich, he has a position among the disabled.

Feng wants to see the beautiful world. He checks it regularly and asks his mother to describe people on the street to him every time he goes there. I wonder if he can feel purple, yellow and red. Whenever his mother described it to him, Feng's face was always filled with confused excitement, excited confused expression, which made his mother's heart moist and her eyes moist.

Feng learned how to use computers, and he wanted to make his empty and boring life a little smart. Maybe it's because Feng has a good understanding, maybe it's because God cares for him. Before long, Feng had learned 90% common sense. He began to try to surf the Internet, of course, without chatting. So the days passed. In the season when the maple leaves fluttered, Maple fell in love on the Internet. A girl named Sunken. The calm life had some twists and turns, and the turbulent Feng had less miscellaneous interests. He became addicted to the Internet.

In fact, a person's fate is not plain sailing.

He met Sunken on a bench full of maple leaves. They talked about today, tomorrow and yesterday. When Feng could not extricate himself, the sinking stole everything from him: his heart, his wealth, his god, he broke his heart.

In fact, the calm is not life at all. Since then, Feng has become quiet. Maybe it was the sinking that hit him, or maybe it was the sale of everything after his father went bankrupt. Feng didn't go to check again, so he decided to spend his whole life feeling about it. But when he turned on the computer again, none of his friends were left. Why? Feng fell into deep meditation.

The computer was sold, and my mother said she would buy it later.

It's so boring. Autumn is coming and the maple leaves are falling. Pieces by piece.

Composition Maple Leaf (14)

Maple leaves are deep red and gorgeous red.

In the past years, in autumn, I have learned about maple leaves. Du Mu's poem "Stop and sit in the maple forest at night, and the frost leaves are redder than the flowers in February," is reminiscent and emotional. In the bleak autumn, the moving maple leaves do not make me fascinated.

The loveliness of maple leaves also lies in that when other leaves pass through autumn withering and falling leaves, they are red and gorgeous. She can stand the wind and frost, stand the autumn, fight the west wind without fear, wear the severe frost and become more beautiful, showing a fearless look. Just a little bit, praise, maple leaf, other, frankly, its red.

Some people say that although the maple leaves are red, they are in the dead autumn after all. "The West Chamber" aphorism: "You are full of red leaves, full of blood in the eyes of others!" The parting of maple leaves, compared to blood, follows people's mood. But in me, it is autumn, rather than maple leaves, whether to say death or blood; The maple leaf redness is compared to blood, which is just that it can resist the murderous spirit! Maple leaves are also red and lonely. You see, there are many red leaves in Xiangshan; Yellow chrysanthemums in Dongli, green pines in mountain streams, tall and straight bamboos, fragrant plums, or with them, or blooming in succession, are all accompanied by maple leaves, showing their own style in cold resistance.

In autumn, I took the maple leaf, which made me brave to overcome and devote in all positions, and carried forward the spirit of the times. Fight against cold and heat, and fight on all fronts. Very ordinary, but a hero of the times. I think it is appropriate to use the maple leaf as a metaphor for heroes.

I salute the maple leaf, its red!

Composition Maple Leaf (15)

In my diary, I treasure a red maple leaf. When I open my diary, the first thing I see is this red maple leaf, which seems to take me to the forest full of birdsong

Last summer vacation, I spent it at my grandmother's house in the countryside. There, I met a group of enthusiastic "wild boys". However, what made me unforgettable was the little girl who tied the knot.

It was a sunny afternoon. I was taking a nap. The chattering outside woke me up. Needless to say, it was the "wild boys" who asked me to pick up the bird's nest. I rolled up.

The wild scenery is charming, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. Entering the forest, we stopped talking, but the noisy footsteps still startled the birds.

"Bird's Nest." The "King of Nose" saw a black spot on the tall and straight camphor tree.

We all stopped. The "King of Nose" tightened his belt, spat in his hands and heart, and climbed up the tree "sideways", which was as fast as a monkey. I stared at him nervously, sweat oozing from my forehead.

thank goodness! He finally landed safely. Holding a pair of birds with plump feathers. I am happy.

"Here." He handed me the bird. I smiled at him gratefully and carefully held the birds in my hands.

The bird wailed in my hand and broke free. The more I feel that the little creatures are cute.

"You, put the bird back into the nest quickly!" A silver bell like cry suddenly rang behind me. I was startled and turned around to see that it was a little girl talking!

She was about 14 years old, with a pair of beautiful bows tied in her hair and a dustpan in her hand, looking at us sullenly.

"Hee hee, it's a little girl." "The snot king" wiped a drop of long snot with the back of his hand and said in a strange way. We all burst into laughter.

She closed her mouth tightly, tears swirling in her eyes. "Can't you put it back?" she shouted, and her little face turned red.

"Yes, but if you can pick off a maple leaf, I will put the bird back into the nest right away." "The King of Nose" pointed to a towering maple tree.

"Will" her army.

I looked up. What a big tree! I felt dizzy and tried to blink my eyes. It is still midsummer now, and the maple leaves are not all red, but there are also several maple leaves that are more red than those in autumn, dotted in the surrounding dark green, which is particularly conspicuous.

"Just go up." She gritted her teeth, wiped the sweat on her forehead with the back of her hand, took off her green sandals, and climbed up the tree vigorously.

I was too frightened to breathe and stared at her. Even the "king of snot" opened his mouth.

A pair of birds circled overhead, making bursts of wailing sounds. The bird in my hand struggled to free itself. My heart suddenly felt pity for the birds.

The little girl climbed higher and higher, and the bow tied on her head gradually became invisible. The sound of birds around seemed to be encouraging the kind and brave little girl. She finally climbed up the maple tree. I let out a long breath.

She purposefully picked up a piece of fiery red maple leaf and picked it off. She carefully put it into her pocket and slowly slid down the trunk.

My heartstrings are tightened again. Don't let anything happen.

It was a girl from the countryside. She finally came safely, and sweat on her forehead ran down her red cheeks. She gasped for breath, obviously tired, but that pair of bows still stopped on the dark hair like a pair of flower bows.

"Hey, here you are." She smiled at me and handed me the red maple leaf. I carefully held the bird to her.

She gently brushed the bird's feathers, and the bird gradually stopped crying in her hands and meekly closed its eyes. The little girl smiled, and her delicate face became more beautiful.

I was surprised and asked her, "Why do you like birds so much?"

The little girl raised her head and smiled shyly: "Since I was sensible, I have known that birds are our friends, and people in our village love them very much. But they......" She looked at the "wild boy" and suddenly stopped talking.

The little girl quietly sent the bird back to its nest in the tree. The bird noise gradually subsided. She took the dustpan and left. I gazed at the fiery maple leaf for a long time, and felt that it was like that little girl's kind and hot heart

I have always treasured this precious maple leaf. Whenever I open my diary and see this maple leaf, it seems that I hear the little girl saying to me: "To be a man, you should have a kind and honest heart."