Composition on Pressure High School (10 pieces)
Booming Flowers and a Full Moon
2023-11-16 01:28:29
high school

Composition on Pressure High School (1)

If we are compared to a spring, the pressure is equivalent to people pressing the spring with their hands, and the power is equivalent to the rebound of the spring.

In our daily life, stress is everywhere. For example, how to turn pressure into motivation is the key to our success at work, at home, in the entrance examination.

I have such an experience.

At the end of the sixth round of this year's Haizhu District High School Chess Championship, I happily told our team leader teacher about my first six sets - five wins and one loss. After listening, the teacher looked at me with two eyes and said to me: "Common sense, now it's the critical moment to win. You must win the next set! If you lose, our group ranking will be reduced. Moreover, your chance of winning the prize is very small. Our team's hope is all up to you. Come on!"

After listening to the teacher's words, I felt that the whole Tiandou was pressing on me, and I was too stuffy to breathe. I sat down slowly, holding my head in my hands, frowning and meditating quietly. When the teacher saw me like this, he said to me, "Think of a good chess path and play steadily. You will win!"

Yes, what's to be afraid of? Go ahead! I stood up, calmed down, and walked to the arena.

On the field, I performed incisively and vividly. In the tenth round, I grasped the weakness of the other side, then abandoned my son to attack and kill, and entered the game to win!

Because I won such a crucial set, our school won the third prize in the group and I won the fifth prize in Haizhu District.

When I stood on the podium, I thought: what would have happened if I hadn't turned pressure into motivation?

I think that only by turning pressure into power can we achieve success step by step!

Composition on Pressure High School (2)

In this competitive society, we are always under pressure. Teachers' criticism, parents' scolding, and peer children's ridicule will make us feel the existence of pressure

From Monday to Friday, we listened attentively to the teacher in school during the day, and carefully finished the homework assigned by the teacher when we got home in the evening. The holiday came to let us rest and relax, but our parents always let us go to this class, that class, and the rest of the time to do homework, This makes us unable to take a rest. Every week under such circumstances, we go back and forth, and sometimes even feel that life is so boring. Whenever we face various examinations, our parents will buy us various guidance papers in the bookstore for us to do. After the examination, we always compare us with the children they know, Praising other children how good it is. This makes us lose confidence. Although we have made some progress, parents always compare us with our better classmates. No matter how hard we try, in the eyes of parents, we will always be a child who does not love learning.

I really don't know what adults think. It seems that their children are always worse than others' children. Why do parents only let us learn and criticize us? Why do adults complain about us when they have something to do? I really hope adults can get rid of these habits.

Composition on Pressure High School (3)

Growth is a journey that everyone must experience on the road of life.

I have heard such a story: on the African savannah, every morning, when the sheep opened their eyes, the first thing they thought was: "I must run faster than the fastest lion. Otherwise, I will be eaten by the lion." At the same time, the lion woke up from his sleep, and the first thought flashed into his mind was: "I must run faster than the slowest sheep. Otherwise, I will starve to death. " So, almost at the same time, the sheep and the lion jumped up and ran towards the sunrise. Due to the pressure of survival, sheep became "masters" of running and lions became "hunters" of grassland.

In life, we don't have the pressure of survival like sheep and lions. But the pressure of study and work still exists. It is this kind of pressure that makes us continuously successful and progressive. Without these pressures, no one can predict what our life will be like.

The pressure does bring us a lot of pain, and even runs away from home and betrays our parents regardless of their family. However, under pressure, we have experienced the joys, sorrows, joys, sorrows and bitters of life, giving us physical exercise, ideological maturity and enlightenment in growth.

At the student stage, the pressure from teachers and parents almost makes us breathless, but why don't we think that this may be another way that teachers and parents care about us? Therefore, when we feel this pressure, we should not shrink back because of hard work, let alone resist because of boredom, but under this pressure, we should try our best to show our strength and live a better life.

In the future growth process, no matter how much pressure we encounter, as long as we know that only if we have the courage to try this pressure, can we gain new experience and exercise.

The pressure of growth will enable us to take the first step to success; The growing pressure will make us overcome more difficulties in our future life and study; The growing pressure will give us a new starting point.

Composition on Pressure High School (4)

This is the pressure, too much or too little is not appropriate. More will make you nervous; Less, then decadent study, not to advance is to retreat. Pressure is a quick and clear alarm clock, which makes you wake up from a deep sleep and feel confused; Pressure is also a long whip full of thorns, urging you to continue to move forward. As "water can carry a boat, it can also capsize it", so does pressure. As for when to let go, you can only rely on yourself to slowly master the pressure and get ahead. The ancients only described the advantages and disadvantages of pressure. The way to master it is still to rely on yourself to explore slowly. Our task is to turn pressure into power to support us and support us to move forward.

A trainer picked up a glass of water in class and said: "The weight of this glass of water is not important. What matters is how long you can hold it for? Anyone can hold it for one minute; one hour, you may feel sore hands; one day, you may have to go to the hospital. In fact, the weight of this glass of water is the same. However, the longer you hold it, the heavier you feel. This is just like the pressure we bear. If we put pressure on ourselves all the time, no matter how long it takes, we will finally feel that the pressure becomes heavier and heavier and we can't bear it. What we have to do is to put down the glass of water, take a rest and then pick up the glass of water, so that we can hold it longer... "

Pressure enables people to tap their potential and unleash their greatest strength. There was a story that made me recall it for a long time: a wolf chased a rabbit and wanted it to be its lunch, but finally the wolf didn't catch up and let the rabbit run away. A leopard laughed at it and said, "Fool, you can't run away from a rabbit." But the wolf calmly said, "I just run for a meal, but the rabbit is for its life!" After all, an empty bucket is easy to be blown down by the wind, but if you add a few spoons of water to it, it will not be easily blown down by the wind. In fact, we are just like a wooden bucket. Water is like the pressure in life. If we don't have pressure, we will have no power. Although these pressures sometimes annoy us, they can prevent us from being knocked over by the storms in life, just like without high pressure, oil will not emerge on its own.

The world has already taught us to be grateful to our parents, teachers, society and nature, because they have contributed too much to us. However, has anyone thought that if there is no pressure, where will the motivation come from? Without power, how will the world develop? In the face of pressure, we should not be pessimistic, but should be optimistic about it, and do not refuse pressure. Let pressure sharpen your blade!

Composition on Pressure High School (5)

This is the pressure, too much or too little is not appropriate. More will make you nervous; Less, then decadent study, not to advance is to retreat. Pressure is a quick and clear alarm clock, which makes you wake up from a deep sleep and feel confused; Pressure is also a long whip full of thorns, urging you to continue to move forward. As "water can carry a boat, it can also capsize it", so does pressure. As for when to let go, you can only rely on yourself to slowly master the pressure and get ahead. The ancients only described the advantages and disadvantages of pressure. The way to master it is still to rely on yourself to explore slowly. Our task is to turn pressure into power to support us and support us to move forward.

A trainer picked up a glass of water in class and said: "The weight of this glass of water is not important. What matters is how long you can hold it for? Anyone can hold it for one minute; one hour, you may feel sore hands; one day, you may have to go to the hospital. In fact, the weight of this glass of water is the same. However, the longer you hold it, the heavier you feel. This is just like the pressure we bear. If we put pressure on ourselves all the time, no matter how long it takes, we will finally feel that the pressure becomes heavier and heavier and we can't bear it. What we have to do is to put down the glass of water, take a rest and then pick up the glass of water, so that we can hold it longer... "

Pressure enables people to tap their potential and burst out of power. There was a story that made me recall it for a long time: a wolf chased a rabbit and wanted it to be its lunch, but finally the wolf didn't catch up and let the rabbit run away. A leopard laughed at it and said, "Fool, you can't run away from a rabbit." But the wolf calmly said, "I just run for a meal, but the rabbit is for its life!" After all, an empty bucket is easy to be blown down by the wind, but if you add a few spoons of water to it, it will not be easily blown down by the wind. In fact, we are just like a wooden bucket. Water is like the pressure in life. If we don't have pressure, we will have no power. Although these pressures sometimes annoy us, they can prevent us from being knocked over by the storms in life, just like without high pressure, oil will not emerge on its own.

The world has already taught us to be grateful to our parents, teachers, society and nature, because they have contributed too much to us. However, has anyone thought that if there is no pressure, where will the motivation come from? Without power, how will the world develop? In the face of pressure, we should not be pessimistic, but should be optimistic about it, and do not refuse pressure. Let pressure sharpen your blade!

Composition on Pressure High School (6)

The pressure is the torrential autumn rain, but you can see the rainbow after the rain; Pressure is a long dark night, but after dark, you can see the dawn on the horizon.

Because of the pressure, the dull graphitization turned into brilliant diamond; Because of the pressure, the seeds gather the strength of winter, break through the ground, and dye the world green and icebound; Because of pressure, withered and decayed trees grow green buds.

I can't give a perfect definition to explain what pressure is, but I understand that pressure is a wealth. As long as you bear it properly, you will find that many pressures can fly in front of you.

Gibran once said: We cannot reach the dawn except through darkness. Isn't it under the pressure of darkness that many people have a bright chapter in their life? Sun Tzu Bin broke the art of war, and Sima Qian endured humiliation and wrote the Records of the Historian. Didn't they all bear a lot of pressure and let themselves shine into stars and grind into pearls in hardship and darkness?

Maybe if we were born healthy, we would lose Haidi's struggle in the wheelchair and have the opportunity to bear pressure under the eyes of people who don't write; Perhaps, if the future is bright, we will lose the opportunity for Zhang Mi to write good sentences and look for history under the pressure of hopeless future; Maybe everything is just that God gives us too many opportunities to bear the pressure of becoming great.

But is there less pressure around you? Pressure of entering a higher school; Interpersonal communication and coping pressure; Have we learned to bear the pressure of various small hardships and setbacks? Learn to let pressure shine in front of you as a fortune, a happiness? Meng Ziyan: If the sky is going to take on a great task for us, we must first work hard, work hard on our muscles and bones, and starve our body and skin. Pressure is indispensable around us. Without pressure, there is no power, but too much pressure will make us feel tired. Therefore, we should treat it simply and let the pressure soar.

If you treat it simply, you will find that it is actually the driving force of your efforts, because you know how to work hard, and your life will become very full. Don't always be afraid of it, you should treat it correctly. It is because of it that life has different benefits.

I believe: pressure can fly lightly, as long as you treat it correctly, everything is possible, and the dawn may be coming to you through the vast darkness.

Composition on Pressure High School (7)

The glory of senior three is due to the thorny path on earth. If you rush, you will be the king, at least the king of this path. At that time, you won not only the glory of the king, but also the admiration of the world. If, unfortunately, you are pushed back or left on this path forever, then we can only stand temporarily or forever under the stage to cheer and roar for those kings. Youth is a fleeting moment. After many choices, we set foot on this road - Huarong Road, success or failure in this battle. If you succeed, the fish will cross the dragon gate; If you lose, you will return to nature. As a result, senior three has become the carrier of pressure. As for the degree of pressure, it is not personal.

Pressure is a door to the front. The original meaning is many, that is, to apply grease and powder to people. The root of the problem is the problem of quantity, which is the reason why quantitative change leads to qualitative change.

Pressure is a stack of books on the desk, a roll of paper, night and night of candles - in exchange for a pair of myopia, a red cross, a drop of sad tears. As a result, we are tired physically and almost psychologically. The double pressure makes us feel helpless. The mountain in front of me that was feared by the people was even more sacred. When my eyes were dazzled and my heart was depressed, I had the idea of escaping. When I looked back, I was glad that it was not reality. Of course, the pressure comes from the heart, just as "whether you are happy or not depends on the standard in your heart". Therefore, those friends who are not willing to live under the heavy pressure of life can let themselves degenerate and enjoy the noise in the complicated reality or the loneliness of the soul all the time and everywhere. However, all this is not easy to ask for, unless you are bloodless and ruthless and mindless, because the pressure was originally placed on you, and it has its own indelible passivity and reality. If it all starts from personal pursuit, there is no pressure at all. It should be the power of the soul.

Senior three is a light fog in autumn morning, hazy and real. Where the breeze passes, the fog is thick and thin. I picked up a leaf in the air and put it between my lips, cold and smelling. Suddenly, a beam of light was refracted, and jade beads fell on the ground moist. The moment of leisure you stole in your busy days, you might as well go to the street to breathe fresh air and bask in your long depressed heart. Maybe the good mood of the day will start here. However, a good mood needs careful care to last. Therefore, there is no need to rejoice over a victory in the round examination, just as there is no need to cry over failure. After all, it can't decide anything. To win the final victory, we can't just fight for it all day long.

If pressure is inevitable, let's face it calmly; If the positive pressure is too great, let's change our posture and pass sideways. Perhaps, you will be surprised to find that the stressful life will be different!

Composition on Pressure High School (8)

The increase of pressure, for us students, is academic weight gain. However, this seems to have become the pressure of the people behind the students.

When I was young, I always liked to eat with a spoon by myself and refused to let my mother feed me. That clumsy little appearance always made my mother laugh, and my mother always praised me as an independent girl. But now, I don't seem to be so independent. Whenever something happens, someone always finishes it before me. And who is that person? That's my mother.

In the morning, bread and milk are always stably placed on the table, and I don't need to bring them from the kitchen myself. The cartoon cup is filled with a cup of warm water and placed next to the breakfast. That is a cup of water that I must drink every day when I get up. Even the toothbrush when washing was crowded with toothpaste. Entering the room, the shoulder strap of the schoolbag is hanging on the chair. When the zipper is opened, there are all neatly placed books inside, all of which are textbooks and homework needed for the day. Turning his head, he saw that the quilt on the bed had been paved neatly, and the sheet and pillow pad had also been paved. Pick up your schoolbag and walk to the entrance. A pair of sneakers line up. The shoelaces open, as if to greet me. At night, when I got home, I waited for my mother sleeping on the sofa and a bowl of hot supper. As soon as I opened the chair, she woke up. After I finished supper, she washed the dishes, entertained me to sleep, tucked me in, turned off the lights, and then crept back to the room.

Every day is like that. I am just like a machine, repeating every trivial thing. There is nothing I need to do except study. When I said to my mother, "Let me come, at least let me squeeze the toothpaste by myself!" She always replied, "Your main task now is to learn. With so much pressure, I can do other things for you." Really, the pressure is high? Why do I think my mother's pressure is much greater than mine. Whether it's WeChat or QQ, chat records are almost all about children's learning. Even the gallery is full of pictures of the grade line of the middle school entrance exam and the admission line of each middle school.

Mom, please have a rest. Don't worry about these little things for me anymore. I will be independent and do my own thing well. How I hope you can smile again when I make my own quilt, prepare my own breakfast, and pack my schoolbag, as before.

Composition on Pressure High School (9)

People all say that only when there is pressure, there will be motivation. I personally think this sentence is very correct. If you are oppressed by pressure, you will create a sense of oppression. To get rid of the sense of oppression, you must keep moving forward and make progress.

Just like the "different" quality inspection of the US military during World War II, the producers had a strong pressure. Because no one is willing to joke with their own lives, they have to desperately improve the quality of the parachute to avoid their own death probability of 01%. The US side's uncertain pressure method may be extreme, but it can effectively promote manufacturers' attention to products.

There is no best, only better. Some people in life feel that they have been in a better position and give up their efforts, so they stagnate. Just like us in senior three, some people think that their achievements have been good enough and let themselves go. The results over time can be imagined. When you stagnate, someone will always surpass you. In fact, you are retreating, so none of us should be satisfied with our current situation. We should give ourselves appropriate pressure to move forward bravely and pursue higher goals without stopping.

But there must be a certain limit to the pressure, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Under the pressure, you will get motivation and rush out of the barrier, but on the contrary, too much pressure will oppress you and make you feel depressed and helpless. This result is quite different from our original intention.

Leonardo da Vinci, the famous painter, how could he insist on painting "eggs" again and again if he did not exert pressure with his teacher? How could he have achieved anything in the future without the pressure he gave himself?

However, under heavy pressure, what distorts is the body rather than the direction. No matter how much external pressure, we should stick to our original direction and strive for it, rather than give up easily. Only in this way will we be pleased with our efforts and persistence when we are strong.

I am a traveler who shuttles through the crowd to find my dream and direction. The dream is a journey destined to be lonely. There is no lack of doubt and ridicule on the way, but I will not be discouraged. I will regard them as a kind of pressure, and then work harder. Success comes from continuous efforts, and pressure will generate momentum. I think I will use time to prove that the pay is proportional to the return.

Composition on Pressure High School (10)

High School English Composition 1 on Stress

Stress is an inevitable part in our normal life. Many kinds of things, such as natural disasters, war and death can cause too much stress in our life. But according to a psychologist, on a day-to-day basis, stress may result from the small things: taking an exam, waiting in line, and having too many things to do in a limited time.

We all need stress to add flavor, challenge, and opportunity to life, but too much stress can seriously affect our physical and mental well-being, It reduces the body's immunity and harms the brain, If the stress lasts a long time, it may cause physical illness, insomnia, headaches, backaches, ulcers, high blood pressure-even heart disease.

When stress does occur, it's important to recognize and deal with it. There ore some methods we can try. A large number of physical activities can reduce onxiety. Shoring our stress with others can be enormously helpful. Making time for fun such os listening to music may be good medicine. Sometimes even crying is on efficient way to releose stress.

In a word, we should take a right attitude towards the stress.

High School English Composition 2 on Stress

As is depicted in the drawing, one youngster screams that he can’t bear the heavy presure from his work and the fierce competition. It is quite true that many youngsters, especially white-collar workers, are loaded with an increasing amount of stress and tension. Like the man depicted in the drawing, they fear that they will be overwhelmed by the great stress and tension.

As a matter of fact, stress isn’t a bad thing as it is often supposed to be.Unless it gets out of hand, a certain amout of stress is vital for providing motivation to go forward and courage to meet difficulties and challenges. Stress is a natural part of our everyday life in the competitive society. Like it or not, there is always stress of one kind or another. And it seems that there is hardly any way to avoid it or get rid of it. Moreover, as the pace of modern life continues to quicken, pressure seems to on the increase all the time.

The problem lies in how one can cope with stress coming from work and competition. In my opinion, we should first of all plan nour work and life in a rational way. Don’t set too high a goal beyond one’s own capacity. Besides, we should learn to regulate ourselves and find right outlets to relieve pressure.

The best way is to relax ourselves by engaging in sports, parties and tours.

As described in the picture, a young man is screaming loudly, saying that he can no longer bear the pressure of heavy work and fierce competition. Indeed, many young people, especially white-collar workers, are overwhelmed by the increasing tension and pressure. Like the man depicted in the picture, they worry that they will be overwhelmed by great tension and pressure.

In fact, stress is not as bad as people often think. Unless it can not be controlled, certain pressure will generate momentum, encourage people to forge ahead and have the courage to meet difficulties and challenges. In a competitive society, pressure is a part of daily life.

Whether you like it or not, there will always be some kind of pressure in life. It seems that there is no way to avoid or get rid of pressure. In addition, with the accelerating pace of modern life, the pressure seems to be constantly increasing.

The problem is how to deal with the pressure from work and competition. In my opinion, we should first arrange our work and life reasonably. Don't set your goals too high, beyond your ability. In addition, we should learn to adjust ourselves and find ways to release pressure. The best way is to relax and take part in sports, parties, tourism and other activities.

High School English Composition 3 on Stress

As everyone knowsstress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.As the pace of modern life continues to increasewe are always feeling on the go from morning till night.And it is hard to slow down.It seems to us that everyone around us is aggressive.Thereforewhatever one doeshe feels under stress all the time.It is clear that stress has much to do with the life in a competitive society.

Different peoplehoweverthink of stress quite differently.Some believe that stress is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be.They are of the opinion that a certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and to give purpose to life.Others argue that stress contributes to one’s mental decline and hence endangers his health.According to themrelaxationthe opposite of stressis essential for a healthy mind and body.

Personally I'm in favor of the former view. I think it is impossible to avoid stress when one is completely developed to the care he pursues. In my opinion is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. With the increasing pace of modern life, we always feel that it is difficult to slow down from morning to night. In our opinion, the people around us are all positive. Therefore, no matter what a person does, he will always feel pressure. Obviously, there is a lot of pressure and living in a competitive society.

Different people, however, have different views on stress. Some people think that pressure is not usually considered as a bad thing. They believe that a certain amount of pressure is very important to provide motivation and life for the purpose. Others believe that stress leads to a decline in people's intelligence, which endangers their health. According to them, relaxation, as opposed to stress, is necessary for physical and mental health.

Personally, I agree with the former. When a person is fully engaged in his career, I think it is impossible. In my opinion, only when the pressure is out of control, it will lead to poor performance and poor health.