Describe the school playground (collection of 5)
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2024-04-28 03:57:30

Describe the school playground (1)

The playground is a place where students flow. What is your school's playground like? The following is the composition about the playground compiled by the Chinese fan for everyone's reference.

School playground composition 1

In the morning, a layer of hazy clouds brought me to the campus. Just entering the gate of the campus, I caught sight of the wide and flat playground, and also smelled the faint fragrance.

There are flowers, trees and sports measures around the playground, such as table tennis table, ladder, railing and other measures. There is a basketball court in the center of the playground, and the bright smiles of the students have been scattered on the playground. I don't smell the happy feeling. On the high flagpole in front of the playground, the five-star red flag was flying gently with the wind. It was so red. When the wind stopped, it hung down and surrounded the head of the flagpole. It seemed to be a standing red tassel gun and a towering torch.

Suddenly, a rain fell on the campus, gently covering the campus with a layer of white yarn. The green osmanthus trees, beautiful flowers, tall trees are so green and lovely after being moistened by the rain!

I love the playground on campus! Laughter and applause echoed on the playground.

School Playground Composition 2

There are three playgrounds in my school. The middle playground and the back playground are close to us. In particular, the middle playground is in front of our class. We get along with each other day and night, such as a loving mother who always welcomes us to play.

Every day, the middle school playground is always so clean. The teacher said, "Here is the window of our school." As soon as we entered the school gate, the middle school playground was in front of us. This year, it happened to be the sanitary area of our class. In the morning, we always sweep the fallen leaves on the playground clean. It is certainly spring now, but the tall kapok tree on the right side of the playground is still dressed in yellow, and his "golden armor" is constantly scattered on the playground. Although he is tall and strong, like an armored guard, why doesn't he sprout like other flowers and trees in spring? Kapok tree, do you know how much our burden has been increased by your fallen leaves! I really hope you can grow new leaves quickly and add more vitality to our campus.

The most popular is the flag platform in the playground. Flowers are always in full bloom all the year round. Look, where are the flowers now! The fiery poinsettia, that red cluster, I do not know whether it is flowers or leaves; The pink Begonia flower, with its green leaves, looks very energetic; The purple and white iris is a bit strange. She is not only like a dancing butterfly, but also like a face with clear facial features. There are bright five-star red flags flying on the flagpole. We hold a solemn flag raising ceremony here every Monday.

Now our school's green belt is covered with green artificial grass, which looks more neat. Some naughty junior students are still rolling on the artificial grass! It's a pity that the boys in our class can no longer catch insects on the green belt!

Although the middle playground, a corner of our campus, is not very beautiful, I still love our campus deeply, because there are our dear teachers and classmates here, and we have a happy campus life.

School Playground Composition 3

Adults all say: "Campus is a paradise." For students, campus is not only a paradise for learning, but also a playground for entertainment.

In class, the playground is quiet, and there are always some bright sounds of reading, and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers; You can also see many king coconut trees. They are really tall, as tall as five or six floors; The tree is so strong that it can only be held by two or three children; The leaves of this tree are really long. The leaves are as long as the plantain fan of the plantain girl; Why does the tree go round and round? Let me answer that, because trees also have life, trees also have spring and autumn, one circle is one year old, and now there are about fifty circles, about fifty years old; You can see the flaming camellia flowers in the flower bed blooming one by one, as if shrouded in a gorgeous cloud.

After class, the students rushed to the playground like butterflies to play hide and seek. They had to cover their eyes, open their hands and touch carefully. Several people hid behind the tree, one leaned against the tree, and the other squatted beside the car. A man stuffed a doll for him, but he did not know if he was cheated.

I love the campus playground.

School Playground Composition 4

My school is a small one. There are many beautiful buildings in it: teaching building, function building, north building... But my favorite is the big playground!

As soon as we entered the school gate, we saw a small flower bed. There were many flowers in the small flower bed, especially Christmas flowers. They were red like flames. Behind the small flower bed, there was a vast playground.

There are two basketball courts on the playground, and each basketball court has two upright basketball stands, like a giant steel giant, with open arms, waiting for the students to throw the basketball into their arms.

The flag raising platform is on the north side of the playground. The steps are made of brownish red marble, which looks very solemn. The flag raising platform has three steps, and each floor is decorated with colorful flowers, which are red like flames; Orange like oranges; Yellow like wisps of sunshine...... Very beautiful! The tall flagpole stood upright. The red flag fluttered in the wind, and the five stars looked particularly bright in the sunlight. On both sides of the flag raising platform, there are two palm trees like two powerful sentries guarding our national flag.

There is also a wind and rain court on the west of the playground. The wind and rain court is designed to rain and let us continue to have physical education classes to exercise. And there are many students' works hanging inside, including calligraphy, gouache painting, Chinese painting

There is also a small botanical garden behind the wind and rain court, which is beautiful! There are delicate Belgian cuckoos, fragrant jiuli incense, and beautiful jasmine flowers... Some are polite, some are shy, some are in groups, some are Guilin, some are in full bloom, some are hanging upside down, and some are competing for beauty, which is extremely beautiful!

I have lived in a small village for four years, and have feelings for every tree and grass on the campus. The most impressive one is still the big playground, which gives me a lot of joy; Give me a lot of health, exercise; It left me with deep memories and grew up with me!

School Playground Composition 5

Our campus is very beautiful, with beautiful scenery everywhere. I like the playground best because it is where we play.

In summer, walking on the campus playground, feeling the hot sun, listening to cicadas. At noon, the sun curled up the leaves. The cicadas kept arguing with their long voices, adding a layer of impatience to the sultry sky. At this time, people always take in the easily tired, as if they had just woken up. In the physical education class, the students endured the heat and practiced in the sun. They worked very hard.

In spring, snow melts, spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. The playground is permeated with the smell of new life, with birds singing and flowers fragrant. The flowers are in bud and their fragrance is refreshing. The grass breathed fresh air through the cracks in the soil. It looked out curiously, and a light green color appeared randomly on the ground. The sun comes out, and the sun shines all over the earth. It is not very real, but it is full of hope of life. During the ten minutes between classes, the students played on the playground and felt the unique smell of spring.

The golden autumn is characterized by heaviness and harmony. Gold is its representative color. At this time, the campus has a unique sense of beauty. As soon as the autumn wind blows, the playground is full of coolness. With the autumn wind comes golden leaves, which dance and fall slowly like butterflies. When playing, the students step on it and rustle.

In cold winter, the earth sleeps, everything is so quiet, and winter is a silver world. But who knows that under the snow, the earth is pregnant with new life. The cold wind roared past, and the earth became a heavy and old silver when it was sorted out. The students had a great time playing snowball fights and making snowmen on the white snow.

how? Is the playground beautiful in four seasons? This is a beautiful scene of the school - the playground!

Describe the school playground (2)

My school is located by the beautiful West Lake. There are ancient banyan trees, tall teaching buildings, and solemn flag raising platforms?? But what I like best is the school playground. The school playground is oval. The 200 meter long red plastic track is surrounded by a green rubber court. Seen from a high place, it looks like a green gem embedded in a red lace. There is a high basketball stand in front of and behind the playground, just like two powerful sentries guarding their homes. When the bell rings after class, the students rush to the wide playground like birds out of the cage. Where to play ball, run, play games?? When the bell rang in class, the whole campus was very quiet, as if the time had frozen. Only from time to time, I heard the students' loud reading voice and the teachers' serious teaching voice.

Every morning, students will go to the playground to do radio gymnastics. With the music playing, students will do morning exercises in a neat and consistent manner, leaving the cold behind and ushering in a new day of happiness and vitality. In front of the playground is an ancient banyan tree. It has luxuriant branches and leaves, and its huge canopy is like an umbrella stretching out to the sky. It is accompanied by the growth of generations. In summer, it provides shade for people; In winter, it adds a touch of vitality to the campus. Behind the playground is a solemn flag raising platform. Regardless of wind and sun, it always stands in the middle of the teaching building. The bright five-star red flag was dyed with blood by revolutionary soldiers.

It encourages us to study hard. On the right side of the playground is a beautiful flower bed. Three lovely spherical plants stand side by side; Four towering false betel nuts stand in the flowers; An unknown green tree looks like a graceful girl; The leafy rhododendron reveals the tender red buds?? It's really full of shapes!

Describe the school playground (3)

My school is in the north of a small county town. It is a wide school. The playground is in front of the bishop's building. The playground can accommodate more than ten classes. It is surrounded by roads and trees. It is a beautiful campus.

Entering the playground, I saw a silver stainless pole on the flag raising platform, which was higher than our teaching building. Every Monday, students went into the playground to raise the flag and sing the national anthem, listening to the teacher's words of this week. The flower bed is surrounded by evergreen trees, and there is a huge camphor tree in it. It is as big as a green umbrella, which can shelter students from the cold, wind and rain. So people call it "cool umbrella tree". There is also Red Needle Female Embroidery, which is red, as red as blood, and there are many flowers and grass. There are jasmine flowers on both sides of the playground. The jasmine flowers are full of lavender flowers. From a distance, it looks like strings of wisteria flowers, as well as white magnolia, which is like a bowl with many leaves. There are white cherry blossoms on the cherry tree. Seen from a distance, it looks like snow, falling down from the tree. The ground looks like white snowflakes. When you walk through it, it looks like clusters of cherry blossoms. In August, sweet scented osmanthus bloomed, and so did small golden sweet scented osmanthus. When I walked into the campus, I smelled the fragrance of sweet scented osmanthus.

The playground on campus is really beautiful. It is beautiful and quiet. Many children like to play games on the playground. The playground can make us happy. Can we not praise such a beautiful playground?

Describe the school playground (4)

Model Article I of School Playground:

In the center of our campus, there is a wide rectangular playground.

Ah, our playground is so beautiful!

There are 7 flower beds on the left side of the playground and 6 flower beds on the right side. Each flower bed is planted with a tall and straight Banlang tree. From a distance, Banlang tree looks like a brave guard guarding the playground. From a close view, the Banlang trees are like green umbrellas. With the careful care of the students, the Banlang trees have grown more than 3 meters high. Their leaves are dark green, bright green, dazzling green. Its trunk is from bottom to top, from thick to thin, and there is a circle on the trunk of each tree. In summer, the light yellow flowers are in bloom. They are branch shaped, very soft, like silk ribbons, giving people a sense of dignity and elegance.

There are many strange and beautiful flowers under each palm tree, including purple violets, pink narcissus, dark red sunflowers... They are colorful and magnificent. Every summer, these flowers rush to show their beauty, while emitting thick fragrance, attracting groups of industrious bees and beautiful butterflies. When the breeze blows, the flowers are moving, The butterflies are dancing and the bees are flying. It's very beautiful!

In the extracurricular activity hall, the playground becomes a sea of joy. Students happily play games on the playground: some jump rope, some play table tennis, some do "hawks catch chickens", and some... make the playground full of vitality and vitality.

The playground, I can never look at you, because you bring me happiness!

Model Article II of School Playground:

Our campus is very beautiful, with beautiful scenery everywhere. I like the playground best because it is where we play.

In summer, walking on the playground on campus, feeling the hot sun, listening to cicadas. At noon, the sun curled up the leaves. The cicadas kept arguing with long voices, adding a layer of impatience to the hot weather. At this time, people are always very tired, as if they had just woken up. In the physical education class, the students endured the heat and trained in the sun. It was very hard.

In spring, snow melts, spring returns to the earth, and everything recovers. The playground is permeated with the breath of rebirth, singing birds and fragrant flowers. The flowers are in bud and their fragrance is refreshing. The grass breathed fresh air through the cracks in the soil. It looked out curiously, and a light green color appeared randomly on the ground. The sun comes out, the sun shines all over the earth, not very real, but full of vitality. During the ten minutes between classes, the students played on the playground. By the way, they felt the unique smell of spring.

The golden autumn is characterized by heaviness and harmony. Gold is its representative color. At this time, the campus has a unique sense of beauty. When the autumn wind blows, the playground is full of coolness. With the autumn wind comes golden leaves, which dance and fall slowly like butterflies. When playing, the students step on it and rustle.

In cold winter, the earth sleeps, everything is so quiet, and winter is a silver world. But who knows that under the snow, the earth is pregnant with new life. The cold wind whistled past, and the earth suddenly became a heavy and old silver. The students had a great time playing snowball fights and making snowmen on the white snow.

how? Is the playground beautiful in four seasons? This is a beautiful scene of the school - the playground!

Model Article 3 of School Playground:

My school is a small one. There are many beautiful buildings in it: teaching building, function building, north building... But my favorite is the big playground!

As soon as we entered the school gate, we saw a small flower bed. There were many flowers in the small flower bed, especially Christmas flowers. They were red like flames. Behind the small flower bed, there was a vast playground.

There are two basketball courts on the playground, and each basketball court has two straight basketball stands, like a giant steel giant, with open arms, waiting for the students to throw the basketball into their arms.

The flag raising platform is on the north side of the playground. The steps are made of brownish red marble, which looks very solemn. The flag raising platform has three steps, and each floor is decorated with colorful flowers, which are red like flames; Orange like oranges; Yellow like wisps of sunshine...... Very beautiful! The tall flagpole stood upright. The red flag fluttered in the wind, and under the sunshine, the five stars seemed particularly bright. On both sides of the flag raising platform, there are two palm trees like two majestic sentries guarding our national flag.

There is also a stormy court on the west of the playground. The stormy court is designed to allow us to continue to have physical education classes and exercise. And there are many students' works hanging inside, including calligraphy, gouache painting, Chinese painting

There is also a small botanical garden behind the wind and rain court, which is beautiful! There are delicate Belgian cuckoo, fragrant jiuli, and beautiful jasmine flowers... Some are polite, some are shy, some are in groups, some are alone, some are in full bloom, some are upside down, and some are competing for beauty. It's very beautiful!

I have lived in a small school for four years, and have feelings for every tree and grass on the campus. The most impressive one is the big playground, which gives me a lot of joy; Give me a lot of health, exercise; It left me with deep memories, and accompanied me to thrive!

Model Text 4 of School Playground:

Walking into the gate of our school, you can see the broad small playground of our school. This is our activity place after class.

In the center of the small playground stands a marble statue of a schoolgirl. On the high base, a dignified, leisurely little girl is reading carefully. She sits on the stone bench. Because of years of sunshine and rain, the once white marble has become dim, and there is a lot of dust on the traces of artificial excavation. However, whenever we see this little girl, she seems to remind us to read carefully. On both sides of the statue are neat flower beds, on which several magnolia trees are planted. Every midsummer, they will bloom white magnolia flowers, just like young girls adorning their heads with several jade hairpins, which are beautiful and generous. Tall and straight pines stand on both sides of the bulletin board, stirring us to thrive. Behind the statue is the bulletin board of our school. In the code of conduct column, she told us to respect the elders, dress neatly when raising the flag, and pay attention to personal hygiene and other codes of conduct; In the column of teacher honor, many excellent teachers were introduced, and our head teacher, Mr. Feng, was also honored to be on the list! In the column of outstanding students, there are outstanding primary school students and art experts of this year. Look! The photo of Chen Zijie in our class was also hung in the glory column, which brought honor to our class and made us envy it.

Every time after class, there are many children gathered in the small playground of our school to play, play, and play games. Let's vent our joy here for ten minutes. I like the small playground of our school!

Our school playground is not only a microcosm of society, but also a version of playground. On the runway circling like a giant dragon, there is a galloping figure, which is an eternal scenery. The grass on the football field is a piece of good silk, which grows with us in the sun. Under the basketball frame, the jumping figure and exquisite shooting made a lot of cheers.

Here, we are happy, learning and growing.

Describe the school playground (5)

In class, the playground is quiet, and there are always some bright sounds of reading, and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers; You can also see many king coconut trees. They are really tall, as tall as five or six floors; The tree is so strong that it can only be held by two or three children; The leaves of this tree are really long. The leaves are as long as the plantain fan of the plantain girl; Why does the tree go round and round? Let me answer that, because trees also have life, trees also have age, one year old in a circle, and now there are about fifty circles, about fifty years old; You can see the flaming camellia flowers in the flower bed blooming one by one, as if shrouded in a gorgeous cloud.

After class, the students rushed to the playground like butterflies, playing hide and seek, blindfolded, open their hands, and touch carefully. Several people hid behind the tree, one leaned against the tree, and the other squatted beside the car. A man stuffed a doll for him, but he was fooled by others.

I love the campus playground.