Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (20 practical articles)
Two dependencies for one lifetime
2023-12-18 07:22:48

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (1)

Dear parents, I want to say to you: "It has been half a semester since I came to this experimental park. Everything here is very good. Please rest assured. Although I don't have your care, I have met many good students and made many good friends here.

I know you miss me every day and want to talk with me. There are thousands of words you want to say to me, but when you pick up the phone, it becomes a sentence, "Son, is it cold today, cool down tomorrow, put on more clothes and eat more. Are you happy or unhappy?".

Maybe I don't understand why you care so much about my clothes, food, housing and transportation. Maybe as the famous saying goes, "If you travel a thousand miles, your mother will worry. If you travel a thousand miles, your mother will not worry." Maybe you can understand when I am the head of the family.

I know I have always been your pride in your hearts, but I haven't done my best yet. For example, English has always been very good, sometimes the answer sheet is sloppy... and so on. However, I will continue to work hard and do my best.

Thank you for your kindness to me. I will study hard and do my best to make you proud of me!

Mom and Dad, I love you!

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (2)

Dear Mom and Dad:

How do you do!

Before I was born, you named me "Zhe", hoping that I would become a wise person, and prepared a large number of books and bright study for me; When I first learned language, I was taught to sing children's songs, learn to count and recite Tang poems, which made me outstanding among children of the same age. However, I am still not satisfied with your approach!

Mom and Dad, do you know? From the day when I was in the first grade of primary school, you always kept me under strict control. Whenever you want to go out, you always say to me: "Don't watch TV, and do a good job of Maths Olympians and One Lesson and Four Exercises." In the conversation between you and me, you always have to learn, and say that you should memorize "good words and good sentences, idiom proverbs, famous aphorisms..."

I don't understand why you do this. I just feel that my homework is like the "Wuzhi Mountain", which makes me breathless. I hope that one day you can play with me in the sand, catch small fish and pick wild flowers together.

You know what? I once had a dream that you and I were catching butterflies in the flowers and playing on the swings in the garden. I became a happy angel and played carefree. I really want this dream to come true, but when I wake up, you want me to practice calligraphy and do mathematical olympiad.

Knowledge is the ladder of human progress. Learning knowledge is naturally important, but it doesn't have to be learned in books. I think we can learn more knowledge in play and discover more knowledge that others don't know in practice. Therefore, how I hope you can give me some time to play, give me freedom, let me learn knowledge in games, discover knowledge in practice, and explore the mysteries of nature!

Wish you

Healthy and happy!

Your daughter Xuanzhe


Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (3)

Dear Mom and Dad:

How do you do!

I've always wanted to say a lot to you, but I can't find the right time. Today, the teacher assigned us a composition "Mom and Dad, I want to tell you", which just gave me a chance to tell you my heart.

Mom, you have given me selfless help in life and happiness. Every day when I take the school bus to school, my mother always says to me, "Be careful!" I used to think you were too wordy and would talk back to you sometimes. Now I know you care about me. Every day, you always prepare rich meals for me to eat after school, but I am always picky about food, and I don't like your cooking. Mom, here I want to say to you: Sorry!

Dad, every holiday, as long as you have free time, you always accompany me, play badminton with me, and tell me jokes. When I go to cram school, you always don't care about your fatigue. Pick me up and pick me up. In the evening, you will also help me with my study. If there are questions I don't understand, you will always patiently tell me until I understand them. You are more nervous than I am before each exam. You urge me to review again and again. If I do well in the exam, you tell me not to be proud. If I do poorly in the exam, you will encourage me and cheer me up. Dad, here I want to say: Thank you!

Finally, I want to say to you: Mom and Dad, you have worked hard! May you always be young and happy!

Your son: He Yuande

February 23, 2011

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (4)

Mom and Dad, there are some things I want to say to you, but I have been holding back my courage. Today, I summon up my courage to tell you my truth.

On my tenth birthday, you took me to KFC in order to leave me a good memory. Where you can satisfy me, you try to satisfy me. Not only that, you also invited many friends to play with me. At that time, I was extremely happy. If it were not for you, my life would lack a lot of happiness. Thank you, Mom.

I remember one time when I did my homework, there was a very easy question that I didn't work out. You didn't blame me at that time, but taught me in a gentle tone. You are not afraid to waste your precious time, and you are not afraid of any tiredness until you teach me. Sometimes you will ask me several similar questions to see if I have a real grasp. If it were not for you, there would be more and more topics that I did not master, and less knowledge that I would learn. Thank you, Dad.

Another time, when I was doing my homework, I couldn't do a question and didn't want to ask you, so I checked it with my mobile phone. When you checked my homework, you found that it was not my own language, so you asked me: "Did you write it?" I shook my head. Finally, you learned from your mobile phone that it was really not written by me, and you earnestly taught me: "It is not important whether you can write it. What is important is whether you are honest or not."

Thank you, Mom and Dad. You are like two big trees, and I am like a short seedling. Under your care and care, I am growing up happily, and I will always love you.

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (5)

'Father En is higher than mountain, mother En is deeper than sea'. Mom and Dad, if I dare not face what you said, I will talk to you in the form of composition.

Mom, I want to tell you that I like you very much at any time because of your kindness, your encouragement, and your kindness to me When I'm free, I always buy clothes, shoes, pants for me It's too expensive to buy a dress by yourself, so I don't want to buy a dress Mom, I can never repay you for your kindness to me. Dad, I want to tell you that I love you very much, but can't you let me go to bed earlier? Although you always say‘ There are so many homework in the extra-curricular class, and I ask you to write so late every night, just to make you feel less tired before the class! ' But I still don't like writing so late. It makes me tired and sleepy. And the next morning I had to get up very early, which made me sleepy and distracted in class. Dad, thank you very much for your love and care for me. I also like you very much, because you are the father who takes me to the park with your generous hand holding my little hand; It was my father who blocked me with an umbrella in the rain, but he was wet; It is the father who will buy me whatever I want to eat in the wind and rain; It is also the father who scolds me for carelessness if I write a wrong question.

Father love is like a mountain, mother love is like water. Mom and Dad, I love you! Because I know, Mom, you always leave the good for me, and the bad for yourself. Dad, you are always tough on the surface, but soft on the heart. I was asked to shop by myself when I was very young, but I always followed me secretly

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (6)

Dear Mom and Dad:

I haven't talked on the phone for a long time. How are you living in other places? Are you healthy? My daughter wants to say a lot to you.

You go out to work, although thousands of miles away, but I can't stop missing you. Mom and Dad, do you know how much I miss you? I often hide in the quilt and cry quietly. You are all in front of me. Sometimes I feel so lonely. I spend the day reading and writing homework in my room. I am afraid of the night, of dreaming about you, of waking up to find that it is just a dream, an impossible dream. I think of you all the time. Your kind and kind faces appear in my mind all the time. Your gentle voice echoes in my ears all the time, making me feel your missing and love for me.

I remember how happy our family was when we were young! You cared about me, loved me, played games with me, and took me to the park all day long. Although there was no good food or beautiful clothes, I felt that I was the happiest child in the world at that time. However, with the development of society and the advancement of the times, you two have also entered the trend of working. The happy and beautiful life has quietly left me, leaving only long-term loneliness and yearning. I can understand your practice, in order to earn money for my study. I am grateful to you for leaving your happy family and leaving home to work in other places! Unconsciously, you have been working outside for four or five years. I am twelve years old and have been in grade six of primary school. During this time, I would like to thank my teachers and classmates for their care and joy. Last week, the teacher took some of our left behind children to Wuhu Pedestrian Street to play!

Mom and Dad, every time you call home, when I hear your voice, my tears can't help bursting into my eyes, my heart is pounding, and I want to say a lot to you, but I am too excited to say anything each time. Finally, I could only summon the courage to say, "Mom and Dad, take care of your health when you are away, and I will study hard." When you hang up the phone, I have been standing dumbfounded. I still remember that time, when I came home, I overheard my grandmother saying that my mother was ill and very serious. At this time, my heart was like thousands of steel needles, and there was an unspeakable pain. My heart was like a knife! Since then, I have frowned every day, especially worried about my mother. Later, Dad used all his savings to cure his mother. My mother is healthy and I am happy.

Mom and Dad, you work outside all the year round. You can't eat well, sleep soundly and spend too much money. Please don't worry about me and work with ease. I am determined to set up lofty ideals, study hard, and strive to become a good student with excellent character and learning. At home, become a good helper for Grandma. Be a good student of the teacher in the class. I will cherish my youth, study hard, repay you and my teachers with excellent results, as well as my grandparents who raised me. Mom and Dad, I love you!

I sincerely wish my parents good health and good luck! Face every day with a smile!

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (7)

Since I was born, I opened my eyes for the first time to see this beautiful world; To learn to walk, the first step on the road of life; Then to carry my schoolbag and walk into the hall of knowledge... Every step of my growth is condensed with the efforts of my parents. Mom and Dad, I want to say to you: "Thank you for your selfless efforts and care for me. You have worked hard."

I remember one time, probably because the stove and the adobe bed at home were too hot the night before, I felt a headache when I got up, my face was pale, and I was sweating cold. When my parents saw that I was wrong, they quickly touched my forehead, which was very hot. Mother hurriedly found out the thermometer to measure 39 degrees. So they took me to the hospital without saying anything. When I got to the hospital, my mother was busy registering while my father held me and told me stories. It was not easy to get home after seeing a doctor. I took medicine and fell asleep. My mother repeatedly told me before going to work. Before leaving, my father repeatedly told me not to forget to take medicine for me and to make some light food for me at night. But unexpectedly, I slept until the next day. When I opened my eyes, I found my father lying beside me dozing. When I woke up, I was busy pouring water and medicine for me. I saw that my father's eyes were full of blood. He stayed by my side all night without sleeping. Looking at Dad's busy figure and Mom's concerned eyes, I want to say: "Mom and Dad, my health comes from your careful care, thank you."

There are many examples of this. Once, because there was a lot of homework, my father accompanied me until late at night. He didn't go to work until all the homework was finished. As a result, he was busy until dawn without closing his eyes; Another time, the school arranged parent-child manual homework. My father went on a business trip, and my mother came back late again. The next morning, I got up and saw a beautiful handicraft on the table. It turned out that my mother came back and did it while I was sleeping... No matter how busy, my father and mother would arrange parent-child travel in winter and summer vacation. They said it was to let me see the outside world more, Don't be a frog in a well; No matter how tired, my father has been tutoring me in composition since my third grade. They said that composition is the beginning of life. These are my parents. They always spare no effort for my growth.

My parents are the first teachers in my life. My parents have taught me kindness, courage, optimism, perseverance, and gratitude, equality, and respect. I want to say to my parents: "Mom and Dad, today I am proud of you, and tomorrow you will be proud of me. Thank you for your efforts to me, and I will always love you."

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (8)

Dear Mom and Dad:


After 13 years, I have become a junior high school student.

Today, my son wants to tell you that I have grown up.

I know that there are many setbacks and difficulties on my path of growth, and I will face them bravely. I would rather step on the gravel. Although it hurts my feet, I do not regret it, because I firmly believe that after the gravel road is completed, it will be a smooth sunshine road.

When I was in primary school, I often failed in the math exam because of carelessness. I remember a math exam, but you didn't blame me. You gave me encouragement, which helped me regain confidence. Confidence is like an inexplicable force.

Whenever I encounter setbacks and failures, "It doesn't matter. One failure is nothing. Next time, try hard and believe in yourself." My mother always reminds me of her words.

Therefore, I wipe away my tears and welcome the sun of tomorrow again. I am not afraid of failure.

Finally, the effort did not disappoint the man who wanted it. He got high marks in the later exam, and his confidence rose again.

When I entered junior high school, I was no longer as naughty as I was in primary school. My parents work outside, and still remember to call me every day to tell me how to study and live. You have worked hard, and I believe my son can do everything well!

Mom and Dad, I can't forget the encouragement you gave me. It will grow with me!

Love your son: Liu Kai

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (9)

"Fen, Fen, Fen." The lifeblood of students. This sentence is vividly reflected in our primary school students at this stage. If the exam fails or fails, it will definitely cause a "big earthquake". After the earthquake, he would chatter endlessly until he was exhausted from chattering. But I had no choice but to listen. Once, I failed my math test, and when I got home, I was shocked for a long time.

The score will determine my happiness and pain.

I know you criticize me and nag me for my good, but I don't know that score is really so important, and it really occupies a place in your heart? The reason why my exam results are good or bad completely comes from your parents. The more pressure you put on me, the heavier my burden will be. I just want to do well in the exam, otherwise it will be "earthquake" when I go home. In this way, my mind is not concentrated at all during the exam, and this exam must be bad. If we do not do well in the exam, we should also encourage them and not always criticize them.

In addition, I will be locked in a "big iron cage".

Sometimes we should be happy, free and relaxed after the homework left by the teacher is finished, but we are overwhelmed by the homework assigned by the parents. If we make a mistake, we will be fined twice. I often can't look up.

Dear Mom and Dad, I have countless reasons to ask you. I don't want to be a bird in a cage. I want to be a sensible and free elf.

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (10)

Since I was born, I have been with my parents all the time. I feel very happy! Time flies. Now that I am a primary school student, I have learned to be grateful and know that it is not easy for my parents to raise me. I want to say to my parents: Mom and Dad, I love you!

Mom and Dad, after I became sensible, you taught me a lot of principles of life: when I accidentally got a lot of food on the table when I was eating, you told me the story of "weeding day at noon, sweat dripping down the grain", which made me deeply understand that every meal is hard won; When I was tired of learning dance and piano and wanted to give up, you told me that "you can't do things by halves", which made me know that only by persevering in everything can I achieve good results; When I am not confident in the face of challenges, you told me to "believe in yourself". Slowly I can face all things with confidence, even if I fail occasionally, I will not give up!

In addition to school study, my parents also let me learn dance and piano. Sometimes I will complain about you because I want to go out and play like other children every day, but I know that my parents let me learn these things so that I can have more skills when I grow up. I also know that many children want to learn, but have no chance to learn.

I want to study hard, make progress every day, live up to the teachers and parents' teaching, and strive to become a useful person to the society!

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (11)

Dear Mom and Dad:


Mom and Dad, maybe you will be curious about how the daughter who gets along with you every day and talks about everything can write to you. Mom and Dad, I want to tell you or suggest something by writing.

Mom and Dad don't know how you feel when you watch more or less traffic accidents on TV every day. Mom and Dad, although you are adults, how much traffic knowledge do you know?

Mom, you are a timid person. Don't talk about cars at ordinary times. You dare not ride even electric cars, so you often ride green and safe bicycles. But I want to talk about bicycles with you.

Mom, according to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Road Traffic Safety, bicycles should drive on the right side. When you drive on the road, you should walk along the "road" with your motor vehicles. If you don't have a bicycle lane, you should drive on the right side of the lane (within 1.5 meters from the right side); If there is a bicycle lane but it is occupied and cannot be passed, it can use the adjacent motorway for passing and quickly return to the bicycle lane after passing the occupied road section; Miss Wang in our class told us about the knowledge of bicycles crossing the road. She told us that when bicycles are out of date, they should push their carts across crosswalks or overpasses. I want to tell you this knowledge, do you know? From 2001 to 2007, there were more than 16000 to 7500 deaths and more than 65800 to 2800 injuries due to bicycle accidents. What terrible data! I hope some parents who ride bicycles should obey the traffic rules!

Dad, you are a driver. Although you obey the traffic rules, I want to tell you something about motor vehicle driving. When driving a motor vehicle on the road, a motor vehicle number plate shall be hung, an inspection conformity sign and an insurance sign shall be placed, and the motor vehicle license shall be carried with the vehicle. The number plates of motor vehicles shall be hung in accordance with the regulations and kept clear and complete, and shall not be deliberately covered or defaced. Those who drink, take psychotropic substances or narcotic drugs under state control, or suffer from diseases that hinder the safe driving of motor vehicles, or are too tired to drive safely, shall not drive motor vehicles. No one may force, instigate or connive a driver to drive a motor vehicle in violation of road traffic safety laws and regulations and the requirements for safe driving of motor vehicles. Also, when you pass the school, slow down and whistle as little as possible.

Dad, did you know that in 2009, according to the report of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, 238351 road traffic accidents occurred nationwide, causing 67759 deaths, 275125 injuries, and direct property losses of 910 million yuan. My daughter hopes you will not be a "road killer" and obey the traffic laws

Mom and Dad, as well as many parents. I would like to tell you our children's voice: we are your children, your love and care. For us, we hope you will consciously abide by the traffic laws and create a harmonious sky for our growth.

Grade 6: Normal teacher

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (12)

Mom and Dad, I will never forget that

When I was about four years old, you quarreled for some small matter. You quarreled like a lion roaring. It seems that you can hear your quarrelling voice from a hundred and eight thousand miles away. The whole room was full of your voice, and I covered my ears. I wanted to go to Dongying to eat KFC, but this wonderful thing fell through because of your quarrel.

Mom and Dad, although this matter has become a thing of the past, now you sometimes quarrel over a little trifle. Mom and Dad, I want to tell you that in the future, you can't fight for a little thing. You should actively deal with problems, and you can't solve all kinds of problems by fighting.

Mom and Dad, I hope you will follow my advice and set a good example for your children!

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (13)

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you that I love you very much. There are several things buried in my heart, and I have always wanted to tell you, but several times I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to say nothing. Today, I take this opportunity to tell you my heart.

I remember one time after school, I ran home excitedly and finished my homework quickly. Looking at your busy figure in the kitchen, I said, "Mom, let me help you wash the dishes, I thought to myself, "I am kind enough to help my mother with housework, but my mother even said that I would only make trouble." Suddenly, I found the floor particularly dirty, and thought, "Even if I can't wash the dishes, I can always mop the floor!"

So I rolled up my sleeves and picked up a mop to clean. Just then, Dad, you came back and saw it. Then he said, "What are you doing with your mopping floor? Put it down quickly and do the Olympic math. You will only drag the floor more and more dirty." "But Dad, I really want to help you do some housework within your power." "No need, do the Olympic math quickly."

Mom and Dad, I know you are for my good, but can you let me learn to do something within your power? I am already a fourth grade student. Please give me more opportunities to cultivate my independence.

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (14)

Walking through the streets and alleys of the city, you can see the beautiful scenery of the city. Fourteen years of dust did not leave too many traces on me, but they broke my heart

My parents have raised me for 13 years, and they brought me to the world. I really appreciate them. For me, their sideburns are white, and I don't know when they have many silver threads. Wrinkles have also climbed up their corners of the eyes, and their weather beaten faces are full of traces of years.

Thirteen years ago, a loud cry opened your smile. For thirteen years, you have endured hardships. Who blocked the drifting snow for me in the cold wind; Who is the constant guard at my side when I am ill; Who sent me a warmth in the cold? They are parents and only parents. Only parents can shield us from all the wind and rain; Only parents can always encourage and encourage us behind our backs; Only parents will break their hearts for us

However, because of this, my parents are incredibly demanding of us, which makes me totally unbearable.

In kindergarten, no matter how bad my painting or writing performance was, they always said to me with a smile, "It's OK. I will work hard next time." When I went to primary school, I found that everything had changed. The overwhelming number of examinations came, and every day the calculation and a large number of papers and exercises of different types made me unable to adapt at all. Until later, When I was deducted 20 points due to poor exam discipline, my home test paper was torn to pieces, which made me wake up from the atmosphere of kindergarten.

Gradually, I got used to this rhythm and began to study and think hard. In order to do well in the exam, I studied hard. Gradually, my leisure time became less and less. I became a learning machine completely. I relaxed, and the exam results pulled me from infinite regret to reality. The parents' reproof and the teacher's disdainful eyes completely broke my defense. The parents said that achievement is secondary, and morality is the most important, but they care about achievement more than anyone else.

Achievements, achievements, what is there in the eyes of parents besides achievements, what do they want for face? They taught me with great care, let me study hard, but the next day just like a cloud.

In order to make me study more attentively, my parents "blocked" all things I could talk about. They said it was for my good, but they never let me keep my privacy, and they doubted me casually.

Mom and Dad, I know that only the results will allow me to enter a good university, have a good job, will not let you worry about in the future, will make you happy, but I am not a learning machine, I want to have my private space, my privacy, my freedom

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (15)

Mom and Dad, you have worked hard! Thank you for your hard work over the years to teach me and bring me up. Every day, I go out early and come back late, with black eyes hanging on my face, which makes me feel sad.

I love you! Mom and Dad, you are like the sun, shining on me; You are like candles, lighting the way of life for me; You are like a key, opening the way of knowledge for me... Mom and Dad, I love you!

Mom, in life, you can take me to whatever I want, what you buy for me, and where I want to go. However, Mom, you have too high requirements for me, which makes me nervous every time I take an exam.

In my memory, it was like a white cloud, drifting to me. Since I was in the fifth grade, you said, "You must be within the top six in the class!" My grades were also done according to your instructions. I remember that time, I got the top nine students in my class. When you came home, you kept on saying: "There are only 37 students in the class, and the top ten students are necessary. You are the ninth student. How can you get a good junior high school exam? How glorious it is for you to learn from those good students, all of whom are first and second..." You told me for at least half an hour, you know, I study so hard, After listening to your words, my self-esteem has been hurt by you, and I am also very aggrieved. Your expectations of me are higher and higher every time. My pressure is very heavy. I am careful every time I take an exam, for fear of this mistake and that I didn't write. Dear mother, can you not be so strict with me?

Dad, you are a mountain, bearing the burden of your family. Although you are very busy, you smoke every day. At home, I often say that smoking has three advantages: first, you will not be bitten by dogs. 2、 Always young. You can see the reason behind this: the back of a smoker will bend. When the dog saw it, he thought he was going to hit it with a stone and ran away. Forever young because smoking is not good for the body, for a long time, the grade died gently, in heaven, is forever young! Dad, please smoke less! Even if it is a few pieces less!

Dear Mom and Dad, without you, there would be no me. You are my sun. I hope you will agree to my little request. No matter what the result is, I still love you deeply!

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (16)

Mom and Dad, on weekdays, you are busy with things in the hotel. I can't talk to you from the bottom of my heart. As it happens, today's composition teacher assigned us a composition, which is "Mom and Dad, I want to tell you". I am so happy that I can take this opportunity to write a composition and tell you my heart!

Dad, I want to say to you: "Dad, you are hard! You go to bed very late every night. You can't get up every morning, but you still have to get up. Take me to breakfast. After breakfast, you have to drive me to the composition teacher's home to make up. Although we are late every morning, I don't blame you. Because you are very tired, you can't get up on your own every morning. You set the alarm clock. I see it in my eyes, but it hurts in my heart. You must be very tired when you are busy in the kitchen every morning, while I look at my mobile phone. Dad, you have worked hard! I love you! "

Mom, I want to say to you: "Motherly love is in March. It is you who accompany me to spend a happy childhood. Every time I want to eat something, you will do your best to help me buy it. Mom, you have worked hard! Thank you for taking care of me and caring me when I am injured or ill. Every afternoon when I go home from cram school, you will cook delicious food for me to supplement my nutrition. Mom, you have worked hard! I love you too! "

Mom and Dad, thank you for your tolerance when I did something wrong; Thank you for your meticulous care for me in life; Thank you for teaching me how to be a man.

"Every drop of kindness should be repaid by the spring." I must study hard in the future. When I grow up, I will repay your kindness and make you laugh.

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (17)

Mom and Dad: Hello!

Today is my birthday. I'm 10 years old!

When the delicious cake was placed in front of me, the burning candles were beating. When I want to blow out the candle, I make a wish: Thank you, Mom and Dad, and wish you happiness!

Remember, when you played the piano when I was young, you accompanied me to play the piano every Saturday, rain or shine. Every night, you are by the piano to help me. Encouraging me. Through my female Li, I finally got the third grade. Thank you for your guidance to me --- Mom!

In the four years of school, it is you who pick me up in heavy rain or snow, so that I can go to school safely and go home safely. Thank you, Dad!

When my academic performance and playing the piano have made great progress, you always praise me and encourage me to continue to work hard to achieve better results! When I step backward, we will encourage me not to be discouraged, help me find out the reasons, and let me correct. Thank you, Mom and Dad!

In short, I love you - -- Mom and Dad, I will never let you down on my hope. I will study harder and play the piano. Become a pillar of the country.

Daughter: Xu Yalun


Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (18)

Dear Mom and Dad:

I have seen the email you sent me. Thank you, this email let me see your sincere love for me when you were in Hengyang. But now, your love for me has disappeared, disappeared in the vast sea of people in Hengyang, disappeared in front of my eyes. But don't be sad.

I know that you are all focused on your work, and it is also appropriate to make more efforts to work. Working hard is to help the bureau and the bank. It doesn't matter if you don't love me. I will take care of myself and don't need your help any more. So you don't need to worry about me. To say the truth, as long as you focus on your work, I will be very happy!

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (19)

Mom and Dad, the teacher asked me to talk to you with a pen. I have a lot to say to you, but the most important thing is: "Mom and Dad, can you spend more time with me?"

I know it's not easy for you to support your family. There are a lot of expenses at home. In addition to our living expenses, we have to deduct money for insurance every year, but the salary is very small. Therefore, you work very hard, almost 12 hours a day. I understand you very much. I will finish my homework quickly every day and manage my brother well. I can also teach my younger brother about the problems he doesn't know, and try not to let you worry.

Mom and Dad, you are really busy! Every month, you only have two days to rest, but these two days there is not much time to accompany my brother and me. You are busy helping grandma cook and doing all kinds of housework. Although you are my father and mother, I always feel that I spend more time with my classmates than with you. Even if it is winter vacation and the Spring Festival is coming, you will return to your hometown together, and you will be busy buying New Year's goods and visiting relatives. In my memory, you are always busy.

I remember that one day in November, my teacher asked me and my parents to participate in the practice of "Little Farmer". I came home excitedly and told you the news after you left work, but you still said "no time". The next afternoon, when I saw other people's parents coming one by one, talking and laughing with the children, I felt very sad. When I arrived at the practice base, the parents took pictures and played with their children in the field, and I stood alone beside them. At that moment, my eyes were full of tears, and I tried hard not to let them fall. My heart was particularly aggrieved: why do other parents have time to accompany their children, while my parents have no time?

Mom and Dad, can you spend more time with me? Even if we just go out for a walk together, my daughter hopes you can have a rest for a while.

Mom and Dad, I want to tell you (20)

Mom and Dad, you see me as a pearl, hold me in your hands, dare not grip too hard, afraid of crushing; They dare not hold it too loosely, and they are afraid of falling to the ground. In this way, I grow up under your care.

Dad, I want to say thank you! Because every time you are frustrated, encourage me to tell me that "failure is the mother of success". Don't be discouraged and continue to work hard, and one day you will succeed. This sentence has been encouraging me, and this courage has rushed to me.

Mom, I want to tell you that I understand. I know that you teach me the truth of being a man, not for anything else, but just to make me a good person, just like red candle, which only wants to illuminate the starting point of others, it is so simple.

Dad, I want to say sorry to you! Because I am usually stubborn, disobedient and playful, which makes you worry a lot. But, "eat a mat, gain wisdom", I will change.

Mom, I really want to say sorry to you! Because I sometimes misunderstand that you have worked hard, but now I am not that ignorant little girl. From now on, I will be considerate to you.

Mom and Dad, I just want to tell you to rest assured! Because I bravely face all difficulties and setbacks. Keep stepping forward until the invisible end.

Mom and Dad, although I won't get the first place forever, I know I'm the only one for you. But your love is unique, and others can't give it to me.

Mom and Dad, I still remember last time I threw my schoolbag away when I came home, and then I turned on the computer and played. When I was halfway through the game, you suddenly came back, and I had nowhere to escape. You caught me. Mom and Dad, you began to discipline me. I also talked back from time to time, which made you even more angry. In retrospect, I really think it's funny that I was so ignorant and ignorant. I'm sorry! Mom and Dad, after your lessons, I now understand that the first thing to go home is not to open the computer, but to open the schoolbag and take out the homework to be completed. In fact, sometimes as long as we can communicate more and understand each other more, we will get along better.

Mom and Dad, I hope you can understand me more in life, and I will also understand you a little bit. If you come together to believe me and cheer me on in learning, then I will become more excellent!