Observation on planting garlic seedlings (20 collections)
Maturity after innocence
2024-03-27 05:48:50

Observation of garlic seedlings (1)

Saturday, October 14, cloudy

In class this morning, the teacher said we would plant garlic. I was very excited. The first thing I did when I went home was to plant garlic seedlings.

I chose a white and tender garlic from left to right, and began to peel it. I first followed my mother's example, holding the garlic in one hand, and tearing open the "false stem" with the other hand. Just listening to the "click", the "false stem" cracked a big crack. Then I peeled off the skin of each garlic, revealing a white and fat "baby garlic", and the baby garlic seemed to say, "Ah! I can finally breathe! " I blew a breath gently, and the garlic skin flew away quickly... Then I found a small porcelain plate, poured some water, soaked garlic babies in water, and put them on the sunny balcony, and my garlic babies were planted!

Time is like a snail, walking very slowly. After three days, I ran excitedly to see baby garlic every day as soon as school was over, but they didn't move at all. It was like sleeping. But I'm not discouraged at all. I thought to myself: Garlic babies, come on! Hurry to sprout and stop sleeping late!

Two days later, as soon as I woke up, I ran to the balcony eagerly. Wow! Those green buds struggled hard and finally burst out of the "clouds"! My heart is so happy that it seems that a sweet and cool wind is passing through my heart!

On the seventh day, garlic babies have grown into garlic seedlings. Some of them are like "Sunshine Teenagers". They absorb the moisture of the sun and work hard to make progress; Some are like white haired old people bending down to absorb nutrients from the water; Others are like soldiers ready to go, with straight backs. They compete to grow and grow

Two weeks later, the garlic sprouts finally grew up, like green saplings. Garlic cloves are not as white, plump and shiny as before, becoming withered and shriveled, like a mother who gives nutrition to a healthy baby, but withers and grows old.

The vitality of garlic is so tenacious that a few small garlic cloves can grow into lush garlic seedlings with only some water. Nature is wonderful!

Observation of garlic seedlings (2)

After finishing my homework on October 26, I remembered the task our teacher assigned us - planting garlic sprouts. I picked up more than ten sprouted garlic sprouts in the kitchen. I called my mother over and put the garlic sprouts in a small cabbage shaped plate with me, and then poured some water. In this way, garlic seedlings are ready. Let's give Xiaosuanmiao another name. I took out a small label and wrote the word "Kui" on the top of the biggest one, and then wrote "Wufu" on the second one. The third one wrote "Sunwalker", the fourth one, "Windrunner", the fifth one, "Sword King", the sixth one, "I love Luo", the seventh one, "Naruto", the eighth one, "Xi", the ninth one, "Crazy", and the youngest one, "I am human". I have named you Xiaosuanmiao. You must be very happy. Xiaosuanmiao, please grow up quickly. I love you. On October 26, I came to see the little garlic sprouts again. The little garlic sprouts have begun to grow. The white garlic skin is wrapped with green buds. I like green best. They are full of the power of life. On November 1, under my careful care, the little garlic sprout grew up slowly, growing all the time. Watching them grow up day by day, I was very happy, as if I was raising a child. In a few days, I can eat garlic sprouts. However, at that time, I will definitely be reluctant.

Observation of garlic seedlings (3)

The teacher assigned us an assignment to observe the growth of garlic seedlings. Now let's take a look at the observation diary of planting garlic seedlings, 400 words, for your reference only!

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings 400 words 1

My family has raised several small garlic seedlings, and now the garlic seedlings have grown very tall. Now, let me tell you about the growth history of garlic seedlings!

First, peel off the garlic, and then take a clean, transparent glass cup. Then put the peeled garlic into the glass. From a distance, the garlic in the glass looks like a newborn baby, white and plump. It's very comfortable to watch. Then add a little water and you're done!

Day 1: Garlic basically has no change.

The next day: there are some "hairs" on the tail of garlic, which is actually the root of garlic seedlings. It is the "heart" of garlic sprouts. If you pull all the hair out of these garlic sprouts, they will be... tragic. He has also grown some tender green garlic sprouts, which are still edible. If you think the garlic sprouts are tall enough (about 30cm), you can ask your mother to cut the garlic sprouts, and then boil them and eat them.

Day 3: The garlic sprouts have grown very high. The lower layer has grown up, and then another layer has begun to grow. The lower layer hugged tightly, just like a pair of life and death brothers holding tightly together. They worked together to finish the last bullet, then hugged and shouted: "Kill! Drive all the devils out of our home!

Day 4: The roots of garlic sprouts grew very long. Of course, garlic sprouts have strong water absorption ability. Remember to water the garlic sprouts every day, or they will die.

This is my garlic sprouts, children, what are your plants? Come and share with us!

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings 400 words 2

A few days ago, my mother took me to the supermarket to buy garlic sprouts. I asked curiously, "Mom, how did garlic sprouts grow?" My mother smiled and said to me, "Let's go home and try it!"

When I got home, I first learned that the "mother" of garlic seedlings was garlic. I put garlic in a plate full of water and carefully observed it on the sunny windowsill.

The next day, I found tiny white whiskers under garlic. I asked my mother: "What is that?" My mother told me: "That is the root of garlic, which means that garlic cloves are about to sprout." I suddenly understood, and continued to observe patiently and carefully.

After three days of careful "care", all garlic cloves have sprouted. No, no, there is one who is indifferent. But I firmly believe that it will be "moved" by my patience. Come on, little garlic!

Another day later, the little garlic was really "influenced" by me, and sent out buds. I felt an indescribable joy in my heart. Its spirit of "perseverance" is very good, and I also want to learn from it!

After a few days, the garlic seedlings have reached the climax of growth. They absorb water very quickly and have to be watered once every two days. Of course, they also live up to my expectations for them. They grow fast, and the tallest ones are one foot long. Come on!

A few days later, the garlic clove began to rot. It had placed all its hopes on the children and selflessly contributed nutrition to their children - garlic sprouts. I was deeply moved by the great "maternal love". The spirit of sacrificing my own life for children is very valuable. How great it is!

Through planting garlic sprouts and careful observation, I know the growth process of garlic sprouts and some truth of life. Do you think I observed carefully?

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings 400 words 3

On the day of October 4, my mother and I carried a small garlic seedling in a small water basin, looking forward to his growth?

At first I was curious about what it would look like when it grew up? I thought it would be a stout little guard, but after a few days, I saw that it did not change much, so I gave up. After two or three days, I found that he actually grew roots at the bottom. My mother told me that it is also called a beard. I was curious about it again.

On October 7, the little garlic sprout grew a thick green sprout on the top of its head. The next day, I observed the garlic sprout. She grew a small green sprout in the thick small teeth, and the whiskers at the root grew longer. I hope you will grow up quickly. After two or three days, several small garlic sprouts are almost the same height? I don't know who will be higher?

In this way, I observe her every day, bask in the sun with her, listen to music with him, is it really a very happy thing? On October 15, the garlic sprouts grew too fast, so I changed a bigger water basin to observe it.

On October 15, they had grown taller than the pen. Alas, I don't know how tall they could grow?

Through this observation diary, I learned about the slow growth process of plants and learned a lot about plants.

From now on, I will continue to pay attention to you. Come on, my little garlic.

Observation of garlic seedlings (4)

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings in grade four 1

In order to make the garlic sprouts grow stronger, I put three plates of garlic sprouts on the balcony, ah! These three plates of garlic sprouts are really eye-catching, so lovely green. I suddenly found that the inside of the two plates of garlic sprouts moved out of the house was about the same height as the outside, while the plate on the balcony was obviously high on the outside edge, while the one inside was slightly shorter. What's going on here? I told my father my doubts. Dad smiled and said, "The sunny side of the outside receives enough sunshine, so it grows taller." It seems that the role of sunshine is really great!


The garlic sprouts have grown to more than half a foot high. Mother said, "You can cut it off and eat it, or you will get old." When she cut the garlic sprouts, her mother deliberately left a centimeter at the root to let it continue to grow. Eating my own garlic sprouts, my heart is sweet.

Through planting garlic seedlings and observing the growth process of garlic seedlings, I felt the fun of planting, and also felt the fun of science! In fact, science is everywhere in our life. As long as we observe carefully, we can understand its mystery!

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings in grade four 2

Today, my mother took a head of garlic and asked me to plant it. I saw that the garlic was round, like a small leather ball. How can I grow it? Mother smiled and said to me, "You can tell by breaking it off yourself." I broke it off and saw that there were a dozen "brothers" crowded together! My mother said, "Only by taking good care of it can it survive." I nodded.

After breakfast, I immediately carried a basin of water to garlic. Mother quickly stopped me and said, "Don't pour too much water, or garlic will drown.". I hope it can grow up quickly.

At last, my efforts have paid off. At night, I saw a sprout of garlic. I observed carefully that it was very small and tender green.

After dinner, my father said: "Garlic has many functions, it can cure colds, but also can stop fire." He picked up a clove of garlic and ate it with relish, and asked me if I wanted to eat one. I quickly shook my head and said: "No, garlic has a strange smell, and students will laugh." My father said: "It's OK, just gargle or brush your teeth after eating garlic." I listened to my father's words, ate a slice of it, and did as my father said, and it was not smelly at all.

I hope my garlic will grow taller and bigger soon.

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings in grade 4 3

In June, I found a garlic plant at the bottom of the building, took a cigarette box, put it in, filled it with soil, and took it home curiously.

I put some water in it and kept telling: "You should grow faster, let me see if you are handsome." One day passed, several small roots like whiskers grew under garlic. I found this unexpected surprise and was very happy. I thought: My green onion has finally grown, oh yeah! Hurry to fertilize it and water it.

Everything comes to him who waits. A few days later, garlic sprouted a young plant. It was fresh and small, like a newborn baby. One is slender like a leaf on the neck, the other is like a fat garlic body, and the other is like a leg like beard. It looks very funny. It seems to say: "I am the most beautiful garlic in the world!"

Soon, garlic grew up and was no longer as shy as before. It grew three emerald green leaves, swaggering like a firm "soldier", like performing a special task. Look at him: as soon as the wind blows, he will look east and west, and stick to the camp. A gentle breeze blew, and I saw it raise its head to see if there was anything unusual around. When I added water to it, it raised its leaves, which seemed very arrogant. Its center became round, and finally changed from one section to ten sections. The leaves grew longer and longer, and finally, they all hung down. I think it must be garlic that has stuck to the camp for a long time, without rest day and night, plus fatigue, and has not cut "hair" for a long time. Of course, "hair" will become longer and longer.

Garlic, I hope you will always be healthy, more upright and stronger than before.

Observation diary of planting garlic seedlings in fourth grade 4


Grandpa planted a lot of garlic this year, bringing a lot to his mother. Mother picked some large and plump garlic and put them on a plate with clear water.

I asked my mother curiously, what is this? Mother said, "Plant garlic sprouts!" Isn't it planted in the soil? Can it grow in water? I'm very strange. My mother smiled and said, "You will know in a few days." I searched the Internet curiously. It turns out that as long as there is water, proper temperature and air, seeds can germinate and plants can grow. I suddenly wondered what would happen if I planted several pots of garlic and put them in different places? So I soaked three plates of garlic with my own hands, one on the balcony, one beside the heater, and the other in the shade to see what would happen to them.


Today, when I went to change the water for the garlic sprouts, I was glad to find that there was a small crack on the top of the garlic clove beside the heater, and a little light green bud was exposed inside, just like a chicken just sticking out its mouth from the egg shell. Reach out and feel soft, so cute! There are some white hairy roots on the tail of the garlic cloves, holding the plate firmly and standing there. The plate on the balcony only showed a little white bud. The plate in the corner did not respond at all... I asked my mother to know that garlic sprouts need a certain temperature! Because the temperature in the shade is very low, garlic did not germinate, and the temperature near the heater is the highest, so it germinates earliest.


Today is the sixth day. The garlic cloves on the balcony have grown two sharp dark green leaves, just like the "Y" in the English letter, full of vitality and vigor. The hairy roots are longer than the previous two days. I looked at them happily as if they were little dolls. Look at the garlic cloves. They are not as plump and solid as before. They have become soft and flat. They are smaller than when they were first planted. They also have some purplish red color, probably because the nutrients are absorbed by the garlic cloves! Next to the heater and in the shade, they are tall and thin, yellow and soft, looking listless. What's going on here? My father told me that because there is sunshine on the balcony, the sunshine can make plants grow stronger. Through inspection, I found that the garlic sprouts and sunlight had photosynthesis to produce chlorophyll, which made the garlic sprouts grow greener.


Garlic sprouts grow very fast. Every day, I can hear the sound of them "brushing" upward. The white jade like stems and jasper like leaves hug together, living like a neat grove. The long white whiskers, like the old man's whiskers, are firmly standing on the plate, crisscross, tightly intertwined, even by hand can not be pulled apart. Today, I took a ruler to measure the garlic sprouts. Strange things happened. The garlic sprouts on the balcony that sprouted earlier were only more than 5cm long, while those beside the heater and in the shade were more than 6cm long, and some were already 8cm long. Why do those who can't see the sun grow faster than those who can see the sun? I really can't think of the reason, and I haven't found a reasonable explanation on the Internet. So I went to ask the science teacher. Teacher Liu told me: "My child, your discovery is very interesting. It is the auxin in the plant that is doing something wrong. The auxin secretes more in the backlight, so it grows fast." Teacher Liu also praised my scientific vision and spirit. I am very excited on this day!

Observation of garlic seedlings (5)

first day

After dinner, my mother began to peel garlic cloves. Ah! I'm very happy to plant garlic sprouts. My mother chose some white and fat garlic cloves as seeds, and I helped my mother choose seeds nearby.

After selecting the seeds, my mother brought an empty plate, placed the selected garlic seeds on the plate one by one, and then poured water on it. I thought to myself: "The head of garlic cloves is bare, no soil, only water, can they grow garlic sprouts?"

on the third day

Just two days later, the top of the garlic clove opened, revealing a bit of light green buds, like a chicken's mouth just sticking out of the eggshell. It is soft when you touch it with your hand. Then look at their roots, some short fibrous roots have grown, standing on the plate. I was afraid that the garlic cloves would fall, so I pressed them down one by one. My mother saw it and said, "Don't press it, little fool, it will kill them." I asked hurriedly, "What should I do? They are easy to fall." My mother smiled and said, "In a few days, when the roots grow long, they will not fall." After listening to my mother's words, I was relieved. I thought of the question on the first day and asked my mother. She said: "Garlic cloves have nutrients themselves. As long as the temperature is appropriate, there is sufficient sunlight and air, and they can grow without soil." Oh, so the mystery in my heart has been solved.

The Fifth Day

In a twinkling of an eye, the garlic sprouts grew to one centimeter high, and the fibrous roots were twined in the plate like thin threads. Among these garlic seedlings, one is tall and strong, like "Mu Tiezhu". I gave it a red dot as encouragement; There is one that is the shortest. I gave it a blue dot and hope it can catch up. Today, a small clove appeared on the garlic sprout. I thought it was sick. Mother said: "That's the split leaf." I knew it was a false alarm.

Day 10

Garlic sprouts grow very fast. Every day, I seem to hear the sound of them "brushing" upward. The white jade like stems and green leaves embrace each other like a small bamboo forest. The long fibrous roots are firmly standing on the plate, crisscross and tightly intertwined, and can not be pulled apart even by hand.

Day 14

The garlic sprouts have grown to more than half a foot. Mother said, "You can eat it, and you will grow old if you don't eat it." When cutting the garlic sprouts, mother deliberately left one centimeter to let it continue to grow. Eating my own garlic sprouts, my heart is sweet.

Observation of garlic seedlings (6)

Wednesday, September 10

Today, our teacher assigned us a special assignment to write an observation diary.

I thought about it for a while. What can I grow? Plant garlic! I found five cloves of garlic and peeled them off. I found a jar that had not been used for a long time, and then went to the yard to dig some fertile soil and put it into the jar. Put the garlic into the soil and expose a little sharp.

Look forward to their healthy growth!

Saturday, September 13

After school, four cloves of garlic sprouted. They are small, sharp and tender, very cute! They seem to be spitting out their tongues mischievously and making faces at me! What fun! But the rest of them are still languidly refusing to get up, playing games with them and growing up together!

I really like them!

Sunday, September 14

This morning, the last garlic clove woke up. It poked out its small head, as if playing hide and seek with me!

There is a thin layer of skin under these young plants, as if they are wearing a white dress.

Observation of garlic seedlings (7)

October 29, Monday, cloudy

On the fifth day, Xiaosuan had a new change. At the beginning, Xiaosuan Miao's clothes were light green. Today, Xiaosuan Miao has sprouted new shoots of tender green from the light green clothes. I couldn't help but reach out and touch them. They are sharp, soft and comfortable. Ah, I don't know what will happen to Xiaosuanmiao tomorrow?

Tuesday, October 30 Sunny

On the sixth day, I came to see my little garlic sprouts, and was surprised to find that they had grown a third layer inside, a little like green grass. Looking at my carefully cultivated garlic sprouts, I couldn't help taking a sip, "Wow"! How spicy! However, the taste is not bad, it can be said that hot in the mouth, sweet in the heart.

Wednesday, October 31 Sunny

On the seventh day, the garlic sprouts were advancing by leaps and bounds. The longest one was as high as my pen. Moreover, the roots of garlic were intertwined like seaweed. Seen from a distance, it looks like white coral.

I love my garlic sprouts.

Observation of garlic seedlings (8)

Last week, when my mother and I peeled garlic, we had a strange idea: why not plant a plate of garlic seedlings and observe its growth law? Of course, my idea was supported by my mother.

First, we decided to use the soilless cultivation method to put the peeled garlic on a small plate. It is required that these garlic roots must be downward and tightly held together. But these garlic babies are too disobedient. You hug me and push me, and then you stagger. With the joint efforts of my mother and I, we finally subdued them. You see, they are now neatly arranged together, like a group of lively and lovely cute babies. I said to myself, "You should grow up quickly!"

The next day when I came home from school, I rushed to the balcony and was surprised to find that some of their heads had spit out a little green buds, looking at the world in a bright, bright and naughty way. On the third day, after careful observation, I found that the green buds had grown taller, and the color was greener. There are also many white roots growing at the bottom of it, which are hard and strong. The growth of the fifth day was even more exciting. The green buds broke through the inner coat and finally grew green leaves, sharp and flat, five or six centimeters long, with a particularly lively appearance. The root whiskers at the bottom become longer and thicker, and they are intertwined like friends who have been reunited for a long time to embrace tightly, protecting the happy growth of garlic seedlings. On the seventh and eighth days, the water became a little turbid. The garlic sprouts grew unevenly, some straight and tall, some short and thin, and the highest one was thirteen or four centimeters. It was high and happy.

In the following days, although the garlic began to crumple, the garlic seedlings were still trying to absorb nutrients, growing upward

Observation of garlic seedlings (9)

Thursday, October 10, 20xx Sunny

Today, I planted some garlic. At first, they did not change, and "clothes" were tightly worn. One day later, when I came home from school in the evening, the first thing I had to do was look at my garlic soaked in water. God! The clothes that used to be tight were split, and each garlic clove was separated. In addition, a small garlic sprout was exposed on each garlic clove. I'm surprised that the little garlic grows so fast! I feel that they have grown taller. I pick up the garlic and have a look. Ho! It turns out that each garlic has more than ten roots. What changes will they make in the coming days?

Friday, October 11, 20xx Sunny

Today, when I came home from school, I threw away my schoolbag eagerly and couldn't wait to observe the garlic I planted yesterday. Wow! The garlic changed a lot overnight: its roots grew another 5mm, its roots stood in the water, and other parts were exposed. The garlic sprouts have grown a lot, about 1cm long, and the clothes have been taken off and attached to the garlic in pieces. What will happen next?

Saturday, October 12, 20xx Sunny

Today, I couldn't wait to walk to the window sill and observe my garlic. Today, the garlic is basically unchanged. The clothes have been taken off. The roots have grown by 5mm, and the garlic sprouts have grown by 2cm. In addition, green buds have grown on the garlic sprouts, which is not far away from the day of making garlic sprouts. Will there be any changes next?

Monday, October 14, 20xx Sunny

Today, I came to observe my garlic. I found that the sprouts grew very fast. They grew 2 cm and their roots grew 3 mm overnight. A "root forest" was formed in the water?

Observation of garlic seedlings (10)

October 12 Saturday Sunny

I like to eat garlic sprouts, because the vegetables made from garlic sprouts are fresh, tender and delicious. After school this afternoon, I began to learn how to plant garlic seedlings according to the method my grandmother taught me. I found some fertile soil in the community, smashed it with a shovel and put it into an idle flower pot. I broke the garlic into garlic petals and inserted them into the soil in rows, exposing a little tip, spraying a little water, hoping for their healthy growth!

The next day, I hurried to see the garlic sprouts. I found that the sprouts had not yet sprouted, and the third, fourth, and fifth days had not changed. I was worried and depressed. On the sixth day, the garlic sprouts finally stuck out of the soil. I was surprised and delighted, and danced happily. It is found that the color of garlic sprouts is light green, very beautiful, and the buds are white, very small, only about four or five millimeters. I poured some more water and felt that they were more energetic. They seemed to nod and smile at me. They were really a group of cute little garlic sprouts!

Friday, October 18th Sunny

A few days later, the garlic sprouts have been three or four centimeters high, and the whole body has turned green. Some have grown several small leaves. When you touch them, they feel very smooth, without any unevenness, like boiled eggs peeled. When watering, they seemed to grow slowly. I moved the flowerpot to the balcony, and the sunlight made my little garlic seedlings have a better living environment.

October 20, sunny Sunday

My 'little garlic sprouts' have grown six or seven centimeters long, completely turning into emerald green, and the leaves have also grown into strips. The number of the original two pieces has changed into five or six pieces. Some of the leaves are arranged in rotation, and some are in opposite arrangement, just like a group of small ants climbing trees. Some climb high, some climb low, and some climb as high. It's really fun! Take a closer look at the stem of the garlic sprout, which is three centimeters long, about two centimeters thick, and a little white. It is the same as the ordinary garlic sprout, but it is a little small.

Saturday, October 26, sunny

Garlic sprouts grow very fast. I seem to hear them growing up every day. The white jade like stems and green leaves embrace each other like a neat grove. I love this "grove" very much. I have to watch it several times every day. Just like my good partner, he accompanies me every day and brings me infinite fun.

Suddenly one day, my mother said, "The garlic sprouts can be eaten. If you don't eat them, you will be old." My mother deliberately left two centimeters long when cutting the garlic sprouts, so that they can continue to grow. It's lunch time. I put the garlic sprouts I cut into my rice and ate the garlic sprouts I planted myself. I'm so happy!

Observation of garlic seedlings (11)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011 Sunny

After lunch, the teacher began to peel garlic cloves. Ah! I'm very happy to plant garlic sprouts. The teacher selected some white and fat garlic cloves as seeds, and I helped the teacher choose seeds nearby. After selecting the seeds, the teacher brought an empty plate, placed the selected garlic seeds on the plate one by one, and then poured water on it. I thought to myself: "The head of garlic cloves is bare, no soil, only water, can they grow garlic sprouts?"

September 26, 2011 Monday Sunny

A few days later, the top of the garlic clove split, revealing a bit of light green bud, like a chicken's mouth just sticking out of the eggshell. It is soft when touched by hand. Look at their roots, some short fibrous roots have grown and stood on the plate. I was afraid that the garlic cloves would fall, so I pressed them down one by one.

The teacher saw it and said: "Don't press it, little fool, it will kill them." I asked hurriedly: "What should I do? They are easy to pour."

The teacher smiled and said, "In a few days, when the roots grow long, they will not fall down."

After listening to the teacher, I was relieved. I thought of the question on the first day and asked the teacher. She said: "Garlic cloves have nutrients themselves. As long as the temperature is appropriate, there is sufficient sunlight and air, and there is no soil, they can grow."

Oh, so it is. The mystery in my heart has been solved.

September 30, 2011 Friday Sunny

In a twinkling of an eye, the garlic sprouts grew to one centimeter high, and the fibrous roots were twined in the plate like thin threads. Among these garlic seedlings, one is tall and strong, like "Mu Tiezhu". I gave it a red dot as encouragement; There is one that is the shortest. I gave it a blue dot and hope it can catch up.

Today, a small clove appeared on the garlic sprout. I thought it was sick. The teacher said, "That's a split leaf." Then I knew it was a false alarm.

Observation of garlic seedlings (12)

October 1st

Today, I took a small cup, wrapped some garlic, put some water in the cup, put the wrapped garlic in the cup, put it on the balcony, and waited for the garlic to sprout.

October 3rd

Today, when I was changing water for garlic, as soon as I picked up the cup, I found something green on the garlic. I thought it was a weed at first. When I was going to pull it out, I looked carefully. It was a bud about three centimeters long. It was green and had some garlic flavor.

October 5th

Today, I changed water for garlic again. "Wow!" I shouted and immediately measured the garlic with a ruler. The garlic sprouts grew to one decimeter in two days! I'm very happy. I want to eat scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts in a few days.

October 7th

Today, I was going to change the water for the garlic sprouts again. At a glance, I noticed that the garlic sprouts had grown a lot again. I immediately took a ruler to measure them again. It was 20cm, great! Excellent! You can have scrambled eggs with garlic sprouts this noon.

Observation on garlic seedlings (13)

If you ask me, this garlic grows really fast. It's 7cm overnight, and it doesn't grow tall again.

But No. 1 garlic has always grown crooked, and the seedlings have gone to the root. I asked my grandmother, hoping to find the answer, and she said, "It's because you tied it too tightly before, so that it can't have enough space to grow up, and naturally it will be crooked." Oh, so it is.

My father asked me a question yesterday, "Do you know why some crops grow so well and so quickly under the greenhouse?" I shook my head, and he said: "It is because there is enough sunshine in the greenhouse, not dry, not wet air, and the temperature and humidity are just right. Do we have a try? You put the poor garlic on the windowsill to let it absorb sunlight and fresh air. What will happen? " "Oh, I know." I turned and moved the garlic, which was lower than other garlic, to the windowsill.

Today, I saw that the garlic was growing fast. The garlic became greener and the seedlings grew taller, obviously surpassing the others. It was straight and beautiful. I made a medal "Crop Expert" and stuck it on my father. He smiled happily.

But the garlic that had been treated with pesticide has only grown 2cm. The garlic sprouts are not green at all, just like malnourished bean sprouts. Seeing this situation, I really want to say, "Please stop the occurrence of pesticide incidents."

Garlic, I pray that you will grow quickly. When school starts, I will bring you to the school to show it.

Observation of garlic seedlings (14)

Everyone has many firsts in his life: riding a bicycle for the first time; First cooking; The first time I went home alone... I can't remember many firsts. Some firsts are deeply impressed in my heart, such as planting garlic seedlings for the first time.

On Sunday morning, Mr. Zhao gave us a hard task - planting garlic seedlings. After school, I ran all the way home, found a garlic, stood by the pool, opened the airtight quilt of baby garlic, and woke him up. Then, place them in fertile soil and let them settle down.

The next day, when the garlic babies had drunk enough water and basked in the sun, they began to sprout. At this time, the first thing I saw was its top, with an irregular small opening around it. I thought to myself: Baby Garlic finally wakes up! Another night, Baby Garlic not only stuck out his head, but also stretched his neck. I quickly found a ruler to measure, wow! It's three centimeters! It grew too fast, and overnight, it changed from a little baby to a little brother!

In the following days, Suanmiao grew up quickly as if he had been enchanted by a wizard. In the morning, I moved it to the most sunny place and let him take a sunbath. At this time, it was like a small soldier in military uniform, saluted to the sun. In the evening, while watering it, I sang for it: "The garlic sprouts are really cute, happy and strong!" The effort did not fail. Under my careful care, the garlic sprouts grew up healthily, and the white jade like garlic petals were neatly arranged in the soil. The straight seedlings, verdant and dripping, looked from a distance, were like a pot of plants that made people happy.

A small piece of soil, a few cloves of garlic, and a ladle of clear water can become a pot of unique potted plants, bringing people infinite surprises.

Observation of garlic seedlings (15)

January 30, Monday, sunny

A few days ago, my parents and I went to Beijing for a visit. When we left home, I added enough water to the garlic sprouts. Look today, ho! The garlic sprouts have grown so high, about 25cm high, and the roots are 6cm or 7cm long.

Today, my mother suggested frying dishes with garlic sprouts. To be honest, I was a little reluctant. After discussion, I left two pots to bring to the class at the beginning of school, and the rest we made into delicious food.

However, my mother asked me to cook this dish with garlic sprouts and scrambled eggs. First, I picked and washed the garlic sprouts one by one, cut them into sections, and then beat two eggs in a bowl and mix them well. When the preparations are ready, the cooking begins. I put a spoonful of oil into the pot. First, I poured the beaten eggs into the pot. After a few times of stir frying, the eggs were cooked. After pouring out the eggs, I put another spoonful of oil into the pot. Then I put garlic sprouts into the pot for several times of stir frying. Finally, I poured the scrambled eggs into the pot and put some salt into the pot for two times of stir frying. This dish of pure green pollution-free food is OK.

This dish is yellow and green with nutrition. It's really beautiful and delicious. Ha! It is mainly the fruits of their own labor, of course, I feel happy after eating!

Observation on garlic seedlings (16)

Tuesday, November 15, 20xx Sunny

Grandpa planted a lot of garlic this year, bringing a lot to his mother. Mother picked some large and plump garlic and put them on a plate with clear water.

I asked my mother curiously, what is this? Mother said: plant garlic seedlings! Aren't garlic seedlings planted in the soil? Can it grow in water? I'm very strange. Mother smiled and said: You will know in a few days. I was curious to check on the Internet. It turns out that as long as there is water, proper temperature and air, seeds can germinate and plants can grow. I suddenly wondered what would happen if I planted several pots of garlic and put them in different places? So I soaked three plates of garlic with my own hands, one on the balcony, one beside the heater, and the other in the shade to see what would happen to them.

Observation on garlic seedlings (17)

The garlic at home has sprouted again. It's green. I can't bear to see them put into the pot by my mother, so I chose some big green garlic to plant in the pot.

Garlic sprouts grow quickly, green and water smart. Like a newborn baby, their skin is delicate and soft. They shyly open their bright, transparent and delicate eyes, look at this beautiful new world in surprise, and can't help but gently touch its green, shiny, soft and tender sprouts.

Within a few days, they had grown into cute little girls. They straightened their green waists and showed off their beauty to attract attention.

A week later, they were surprisingly tall. The gentle and generous ladies occupied the position of the original little girls, which made people gasp and praise. They stand on the high head of garlic and look down at the flowers and plants on the flower racks, which makes us more fond of these "queens" garlic seedlings.

Looking at these green and slender garlic seedlings, I felt very happy, but my mother fried them! Just fry it. I thought to myself, fortunately, I took a group photo with them in advance, but these garlic shoots taste really good.

Observation of garlic seedlings (18)

Planting garlic sprouts - observation diary

first day

After dinner, my mother began to peel garlic cloves. Ah! I'm very happy to plant garlic sprouts. My mother chose some white and fat garlic cloves as seeds, and I helped my mother choose seeds nearby.

After selecting the seeds, my mother brought an empty plate, placed the selected garlic seeds on the plate one by one, and then poured water on it. I thought to myself: "The head of garlic cloves is bare, no soil, only water, can they grow garlic sprouts?"

on the third day

Just two days later, the top of the garlic clove split, revealing a bit of light green buds, like a chicken's mouth just sticking out of the eggshell, touching it with your hand. Look at their roots, some short fibrous roots have grown and stood on the plate. I was afraid that the garlic cloves would fall, so I pressed them down one by one.

Mother saw it and said: "Little fool, don't press it, you will kill them."

I quickly asked, "What should I do? They are easy to pour."

Mother smiled and said, "In a few days, when the roots grow long, they won't fall down."

After listening to my mother, I felt relieved. I thought of the question on the first day and asked my mother.

She said: "Garlic cloves have nutrients themselves. As long as the temperature is appropriate, there is sufficient sunlight and air, and there is no soil, they can grow."

Oh, so it is. The mystery in my heart has been solved.

The Fifth Day

In a twinkling of an eye, the garlic sprouts grew to one centimeter high, and the fibrous roots were twined in the plate like thin threads. Among these garlic seedlings, one is tall and strong, like "Mu Tiezhu". I gave it a red dot as encouragement; There is one that is the shortest. I gave it a blue dot and hope it can catch up.

Today, a small clove appeared on the garlic sprout. I thought it was sick. Mother said: "That's the split leaf." I knew it was a false alarm.

Day 10

Garlic sprouts grow very fast. Every day, I seem to hear the sound of them "brushing" upward. The white jade like stems and green leaves embrace each other like a small bamboo forest. The long fibrous roots are firmly standing on the plate, crisscross and tightly intertwined, and can not be pulled apart even by hand.

Day 14

The garlic sprouts have grown to more than half a foot. Mother said, "You can eat it. If you don't eat it, you will grow old."

When my mother cut the garlic sprouts, she deliberately left one centimeter to let them grow.

Eating my own garlic sprouts, my heart is sweet.

Observation of garlic seedlings (19)

First, we decided to use the soilless cultivation method to put the peeled garlic on a small plate. It is required that these garlic roots must be downward and tightly held together. But these garlic babies are too disobedient. You hug me and push me, and then you stagger. With the joint efforts of my mother and I, we finally subdued them. You see, they are now neatly arranged together, like a group of lively and lovely cute babies. I said to myself, "You should grow up quickly!"

The next day when I came home from school, I rushed to the balcony and was surprised to find that some of their heads had spit out a little green buds, looking at the world in a bright, bright and naughty way. On the third day, after careful observation, I found that the green buds had grown taller, and the color was greener. There are also many white roots growing at the bottom of it, which are hard and strong. The growth of the fifth day was even more exciting. The green buds broke through the inner coat and finally grew green leaves, sharp and flat, five or six centimeters long, with a particularly lively appearance. The root whiskers at the bottom became longer and thicker, and they intertwined like friends who had been reunited for a long time and hugged tightly to protect the happy growth of garlic seedlings. On the seventh and eighth days, the water became a little turbid. The garlic sprouts grew unevenly, some straight and tall, some short and thin, and the highest one was thirteen or four centimeters. It was high and happy.

In the following days, although the garlic began to crumple, the garlic seedlings were still trying to absorb nutrients, growing upward

Observation of garlic seedlings (20)

Today, when I came home after school, I said to my mother, "Mom, I want to plant a plant and observe its growth process." My mother was very happy and suggested that I say, "Just plant garlic seedlings!"

Mother found plump garlic cloves. The garlic cloves are milky white and chubby. They are still on the table! It seems that the two ends of garlic cloves are about to spit out new green. Then my mother brought a basin with about ten centimeters of water. I had just arrived to put the garlic cloves into the basin, and she stopped me suddenly and said, "Don't worry, the garlic cloves will be soaked." I asked curiously, "How can the garlic cloves live?" Without saying a word, my mother found bamboo strips to put the garlic cloves into the basin. In this way, my garlic cloves are like cute babies, lying quietly in the arms of the "Pot Mother" and falling asleep.

Wednesday, October 22 Sunny

Today, when I got home from school, I couldn't wait to visit my little garlic babies. I went to the table and saw that the garlic babies were still quietly lying in the arms of the "Pot Mother". However, their bodies were fatter than yesterday, probably because they had sucked the water bar all day and night, and their stomachs were propped up. A few big garlic babies began to grin, and small buds came out from inside, white and tender, like a small tongue sticking out of the small mouth. Very cute! I happily ran out and told my mother: "My baby garlic sprouts!"

Friday, October 24th Sunny

Today, my garlic babies have grown into small garlic seedlings. I saw that the bottom part of them was white, and the more they went up, the more green they were. The green part was white, and the white part was green. It was particularly beautiful. When it grows to about six centimeters, it will be divided into two branches. If you don't look carefully, you think the two branches are connected. If you look carefully, you will find that there is a small groove between the branches. I looked carefully again. It turned out that not only the garlic sprouts were growing tall, but also the roots were growing, like the old man's beard. The beard is intertwined, just like the old man's beard, which is very interesting!