Observation of Small Ants (15 in total)
Look left and right
2023-12-07 04:51:48
fourth grade
practical writing

Observation of small ants (1)

Today, I found some ants in the back garden. Soon, another big green insect came. After these ants found the big green insect, the ants immediately surrounded the big green insect. I opened my eyes wide when I saw that they were going to fight. I like science class better. If I observe more animals and answer questions in class, I will be praised by the teacher. So I observed carefully.

When I saw that the big green worm was about to be bitten to death by an ant, the big green worm tried to crawl around, as if it was about to escape from the palm of the ant's hand. But they were caught by ants. The big green insect struggled to climb up to a green leaf. The ants can't see the big green worm. The big green worm finally escaped from the ant's palm. The ant failed, and the big green worm was very happy.

Ants are insects. They will eat some small pests, but not every time they catch insects, they will succeed.

Observation of small ants (2)

On the dark grey bricks covered with emerald green moss, there were five or six small brown red ants. In retrospect, it was a bit creepy. I used a magnifying glass to observe carefully, and felt that ants were wrapped in skin layer by layer. The body of an ant consists of four sections. The first section is shaped like a head drop, about the size of a sesame. The mouth is a thin clip. When you eat, pinch a bit and swallow, pinch a bit and swallow again. Today, I found that ants have eyes! Its eyes are round and smooth, embedded on both sides of the face, bright in the dark, and quite divine. Don't forget, there are two long and thin antennae on its head! The two antennae originally extended straight forward, but when they reached half way, they suddenly drooped. The drooping part twisted and twisted like a fine twist, and dropped to the ground, swinging slightly. The second and third sections are orange, twice as small as the first section, round and naturally connected. The tail is gray, about the same size as the head, and it is also drop shaped. Ants have six thin legs. Don't underestimate that leg. Each one can bend flexibly, and each one is very powerful!

I caught an ant with a magnifying glass, and it immediately found out that it was anxiously snorting and running around against the edge of my magnifying glass. It accidentally fell into a small pit and fell on all fours. It waved its front foot vigorously, as if waving at me! Finally, he struggled to get up and ran towards the middle. After running for several seconds, he suddenly fell down and did not move. I quickly shook the magnifying glass back and forth, left and right, and the ant immediately went to find a partner. I was taken in! Now I know the trick of ants - play dead!

I also found two ants carrying a dead earthworm. One ant crawled on the dead earthworm without moving, and the other was pulling and pulling hard at one end. At one time, six legs were kicking on the ground, while buttocks were pouting upward, and at another time, they were anxiously turning around to do something. After a while, another ant left, and there was only one left. It was pulling on the side and lifting in the middle. The dead earthworm really moved! I really wanted to help it. First, I rolled a stick with toilet paper, and then slowly poked the dead earthworm to make it closer to the ant's home. As a result, the ants ran away! I find ants are smart and agile. They hide when they find danger and will protect themselves. Although ants are small, they are alert!

Today, I explored the world of small ants and found many secrets of ants. I know that its unique skill is to "pretend to be dead". It is smart, agile, and knows how to retreat from difficulties

There are many secrets in the ant world, I will continue to explore!

Observation of small ants (3)

Today, I went to my grandfather's house with my parents. There, I found a small ant. I caught some flies with my mother and gave them to the ants. The ants ate some of the flies we gave them. They moved a little bit of the way alone, so they stopped moving and left. I think it is to find its partner to help, right? One minute, two minutes, three minutes... five minutes later, the ants still didn't come.

One minute later, I saw that the little ant came back on its own. It bit and chewed on the fly again, but could not help it. Then, one, two, three... more ants ran out of the hole to help move the flies. In less than an hour, the flies were all moved into the hole. Why could they move so fast? Because it is impossible to rely on the strength of one person alone, and we must unite. We must work together to move larger food back into the hole. If they don't work together, it's estimated that they can't finish moving at night!

After observing the ants this time, I know that although the ants are small, they can move even a giant caterpillar when they are united. I really realized how powerful people are!

Observation of small ants (4)

In the afternoon, when I was playing, I found a group of ants by accident. I was fascinated by them. Suddenly, the popcorn in the pocket fell out, and the fragrance was overflowing. I saw a small ant flying in, found this delicious food, and flew away to the group, using its tentacles and other people's tentacles to click a little, and spread ten, ten, one hundred, one thousand, one thousand. After a while, all the ants knew about it and rushed forward. The popcorn was crowded. I saw through their intention at a glance - to transport the popcorn away. When I saw it, I laughed in my heart and said that I really overestimated myself!

The little ant seemed to understand my heart, and put on an unconvinced look, running around, as if trying to find a way. Suddenly, he stopped and seemed to think of a wonderful way to say to them: "Listen to me, when we get together and push a little bit, a few ants stand in front of him, wait for the popcorn to move, and then run to the middle to lift it."

Do what you say. The big ant pushes hard and the small ant lifts! It's amazing that we succeeded.

The spirit of perseverance and cooperation of small ants is worth learning.

Observation of small ants (5)

I often see a lot of ants in the grass downstairs of my community, and sometimes I often go to observe them.

The whole body of the ant is black, with six slender legs and a antenna on its head, like a small antenna. This small antenna is amazing! It is not only a tool for ants to communicate, but also can be used to sense the smell of food and identify directions.

What I admire most about ants is their ability to move. When it rains, the ants move in groups. One by one, they moved food to another house one by one like weightlifters. Their moving team is very neat. They can move things more than ten times larger than them together, and they will move the house in a short time. As the saying goes, "When people are united, Mount Tai will move."

In fact, the perseverance and perseverance of these little creatures can be seen from the move of ants. They are really extraordinary! If we can have such perseverance and perseverance when we study at ordinary times, we will not be afraid of failing in learning. I can't help but pay a little respect to these ants.

Once, I took a small biscuit and put it in front of a small ant. After smelling it, the ant looked left and right. It may feel unable to move it, so it climbed back into the hole. After a while, a group of about thirty or forty ants came out of the ant hole. The leading ant's antennae moved violently, as if to say, "Brothers, hurry up or the food will be robbed by other animals". They lifted the biscuits together and climbed into the hole.

Ants are small, but they have a good spirit of unity. We should learn from the ants.

Observation of small ants (6)

On the dark grey bricks covered with emerald green moss, there were five or six small brown red ants. In retrospect, it was a bit creepy. I used a magnifying glass to observe carefully, and felt that ants were wrapped in skin layer by layer. The body of an ant consists of four sections. The first section is shaped like a head drop, about the size of a sesame. The mouth is a thin clip. When you eat, pinch a bit and swallow, pinch a bit and swallow again. Today, I found that ants have eyes! Its eyes are round and smooth, embedded on both sides of the face, bright in the dark, and quite divine. Don't forget, there are two long and thin antennae on its head! The two antennae originally extended straight forward, but when they reached half way, they suddenly drooped. The drooping part twisted and twisted like a fine twist, and dropped to the ground, swinging slightly. The second and third sections are orange, twice as small as the first section, round and naturally connected. The tail is gray, about the same size as the head, and it is also drop shaped. Ants have six thin legs. Don't underestimate that leg. Each one can bend flexibly, and each one is very powerful!

I caught an ant with a magnifying glass, and it immediately found out that it was anxiously snorting and running around against the edge of my magnifying glass. It accidentally fell into a small pit and fell on all fours. It waved its front foot vigorously, as if waving at me! Finally, he struggled to get up and ran towards the middle. After running for several seconds, he suddenly fell down and did not move. I quickly shook the magnifying glass back and forth, left and right, and the ant immediately went to find a partner. I was taken in! Now I know the trick of ants - play dead!

I also found two ants carrying a dead earthworm. One ant crawled on the dead earthworm without moving, and the other was pulling and pulling hard at one end. At one time, six legs were kicking on the ground, while buttocks were pouting upward, and at another time, they were anxiously turning around to do something. After a while, another ant left, and there was only one left. It was pulling on the side and lifting in the middle. The dead earthworm really moved! I really wanted to help it. First, I rolled a stick with toilet paper, and then slowly poked the dead earthworm to make it closer to the ant's home. As a result, the ants ran away! I find ants are smart and agile. They hide when they find danger and will protect themselves. Although ants are small, they are alert!

Today, I explored the world of small ants and found many secrets of ants. I know that its unique skill is to "pretend to be dead". It is smart, agile, and knows how to retreat from difficulties

There are many secrets in the ant world, I will continue to explore!

Observation of small ants (7)

Today in my hometown, I saw several ants crawling on the ground.
I wonder where their cave is? So I followed them. I walked slowly behind them, and suddenly I saw a small hole through which they got in. It should be their home. But after a while, no ant came out. I ran home and took a small piece of bread. I put it not far away. An ant came out and bit a small piece of bread, Then one by one, they made small buns one by one. Soon, all of them were put into the hole. Suddenly, I saw a small caterpillar. It slowly came over with open teeth and claws. The ants were ready to fight with it. They bit here, and then it was killed by the ants.
I think the ants are small, but they are strong in unity. I like them very much.

Observation of small ants (8)

There are several ant holes in my grandma's yard. When I'm free, I squat in front of the ant holes to watch the ants.

All the ants in Grandma's house are black. I picked up an ant with a stick and looked at it carefully. Its body is divided into three parts: round head, thin chest and relatively large abdomen. There is also a pair of thin and long tentacles on the head. These little ants are always busy running back and forth, as if they can never stop. It turns out that they are moving food into the hole! Once, I saw a small ant looking at a dead fly. The little ant looked for a while, then ran to the opposite side of the other ant, touched the other ant's whiskers with its tentacles, and soon a large group of small ants came. Together they moved the dead flies into the hole. I thought to myself: the strength of the small ants to unite is really great! Once, I took a small ant from the hole. Suddenly, all the ants in the hole came out. Are they looking for companions? I quickly put the little ant back into the hole, and soon, the other ants slowly returned to the hole. How interesting!

I like the small but industrious and united ant!

Observation of Small Ants (9)

Today, I took a small piece of chocolate and went to a clearing near my home to observe the ants transporting food. Before watching the ants transport food, I noticed that the little ants seemed to have no eyes. How did they transport food? Through observation, I found that the ants walked freely and felt everything with their antennae. Let's talk about how the ants transport food! As soon as a small ant finds the food, it will go back to the Ant Castle and ask more ants to carry it home for everyone to eat!

Small ants are really small, but many people have great power, and everything can be done! Observe everything with patience.

Observation of Small Ants (10)

On Sunday morning, the sun was shining brightly. I was walking alone in the quiet and pleasant community. Suddenly, I saw a zigzag black team in the grass. When I came closer, it turned out to be an ant team. The ants in my memory are so small that our eyes cannot see them. There should be thousands of ants in such a team. Where are they going? Today, I decided to get to know ants.

Well, I have a good idea. Let's do an experiment first. I quickly went upstairs to get a paper cup and filled it with water. I wanted to catch some ants and put them in the water to see if they could swim. I went downstairs with a glass of water and saw that the ant team was still moving forward slowly. I caught a total of five ants and put them in a water cup. The little ants were at a loss for the sudden "flood" and kept splashing in the water. After a while, the ants calmed down and gathered together, as if they were discussing how to escape from the "flood disaster area". The ants were so smart. They swam to the edge of the paper cup and pushed and pulled each other. Soon, they finally escaped from the "disaster area". Miraculously, when the ants outside saw their missing partners returning safely, they raised their antennae as if they were welcoming their friends home, which made me dumbfounded.

My eyes followed the ants and made a strange journey with them. The little ants are walking towards a red object. What is it? Oh, it was a small piece of watermelon that had been bitten by someone. The ant walking in the front seemed to say, "The friends found food in front of them, let's work together to move the food back to the hole!" The ants started to act, and they moved into a small hole one by one. Look! Isn't it near a big tree? This is their nest. One by one, they carry watermelon slices several times bigger than their own bodies. Ants are the real strongmen. I don't know how long it will be before the ants finally move the watermelons. They gather together to enjoy the joy of victory, and enjoy the food exchanged with sweat and persistence.

If I had realized at this time, shouldn't we also learn from ants! As long as everyone works together and unites, everything will be done well. One chopstick is easy to break, while ten chopsticks are not easy to break. It's almost noon, and I don't want to go back, because I'm so proud today. I saw the process of ants moving food, and also saw the nest of ants. Do you also want to observe ants? Then come with me!

Observation of Small Ants (11)

Since Gong Zheng told me about his observation of ants in the last Chinese class, I have followed his instructions.

I put my foot in the air above the ant, and I found that the ant stopped moving. I took my foot back, and it left again. The ants will play dead to protect themselves.

Later, I did another experiment. I surrounded the stone around the ant to prevent it from coming out. Its antennae were like detectors and kept shaking. It quickly climbed onto the stone with six small feet and then turned it over. It would also escape from the cracks in the stone. How clever the ant is!

It's also fun for ants to move. Once ants disperse to look for food, if they find food that an ant can't move, they will go back to their old nest to gather everyone to move together. This is the strength of unity!

Ants are so interesting. Let's protect them and make them our good friends!

I believe that as long as I observe carefully and think carefully, I will certainly find more.

Observation of Small Ants (12)

Tuesday, July 4, 2017 Sunny

On this day, I came to visit the family of ants again! I came to the wall and squatted down to observe the ants.

This time, the ants are warmly welcoming me. Some of them took a leaf, others pushed a stone. I couldn't help laughing! They led me to their house, which was a small deep hole. I think they come and go. Are they going to fight a war? Because I saw many ant holes under the roadside, and my body was a little red. This should be the red ant! I still remember a movie I saw, which was the fight between red ants and black ants! If I were a black ant, I would rush forward with my army and defeat the red ant!

The world of little ants is so vast! I should always observe them!

Observation of Small Ants (13)

There is an ant hole at my door. There are many ants in it. I often put food for them. They will be attracted by the fragrance every time, and they can move the food every time.

The little ant has a small body, a black head, and a body, which is very cute. I once observed the ants. I found that the ants were missing. I thought they were sleeping soundly, so I shouted to the hole: Little ants, get up! Suddenly an ant came out, and I put it on my hand. It seemed to be drunk and walked around on my palm. Then I saw the second one and the third one... They all wanted to be drunk. I hid in a hurry for fear that the ants would climb on me. I thought for a moment, and suddenly remembered: I haven't put food for them today! I must have missed breakfast. I'm so hungry!

When I finished taking the food, I saw no ants. They probably returned to the hole again. As soon as I put down the food, I saw the little ants coming out. They were all fighting for food!

Look, how worth observing!

Grade 4 of Gaotiezhai Primary School in Weiyang District, Xi'an, Shaanxi: Wang Wendan

Observation of Small Ants (14)

It's said that ants have the ability to work together. I want to do an experiment to prove the ability of ants to work together.

One day, I found some ants in the soil near my grandfather's garden, so I set up a "maze" beside them. There were many obstacles, such as bridges made of wooden sticks, bottles made of plastic foam, and several big puddles... There were also many delicious things, such as sugar, rice, biscuits, chocolate Cake...... Then he squatted down to observe, and saw an ant wandering around in the "maze", probably looking for the way home. At this time, the ant seemed to smell the delicious smell of cake, and hurriedly climbed from the plastic foam here to another plastic foam with something to eat through a wooden stick. I quickly observed with a magnifying glass, and saw that the abdomen of the ant contracted violently, so that I could pick up a small piece of chocolate, and then hurried back to the ant nest.

I think, is that enough? I waited beside the ant nest for ants to come out. I don't know how long it took, but the ant took some workers and climbed out, then hurried to the "maze", and then there were ants coming from the nest, one after another, forming a long queue of ants. They went back and forth alternately, While walking, I touch the ants passing by with the tentacles on my head. I don't know whether to leave information or cheer on my companions. I saw ants working together to move sugar, rice, biscuits, chocolate, cake, etc. into the house without missing anything. They had already finished work before I could reflect. They are very fast and only take a minute or two.

It seems that ants really have the ability to work together.

Observation of Small Ants (15)

Today, I was going out to play. When I closed the door, I found a biscuit in the corner of the door. When I came home, I went to see the biscuit again: "Ah! Why are there so many ants?" I shouted.

Hearing this, my mother rushed to me and said, "Sweep out the biscuits quickly, or there will be ants everywhere in the house.". I said, "Wait, let me observe first." I found a magnifying glass and I had a question: "Why do ants walk in a row, In this way, ants will lose their way and run around.

It seems that we should really observe things around us while playing.