New semester of primary school (16 practical articles)
Follow the wind and fog
2024-02-07 05:30:06

New Semester of Primary School (1)

Time is flying and everything is changing. Many changes have taken place in Class 4, Grade 4. At the beginning of the new semester this year, we entered the fourth grade. Our Chinese, math, English and other teachers have changed. In particular, the head teacher has changed to our favorite teacher Zhang, who is very different from the former head teacher. Many changes have taken place in our class. The main change is "three more". Which three more?

The first "more" is more homework. In the third grade, I usually finished my homework at about seven o'clock in the evening, and then read my favorite books. But when I was in the fourth grade, there were a lot of homework. Every Chinese class had to prepare for the new class. Usually, I had to extract good words and sentences. Every day, there were a lot of mathematical calculation problems in mathematics. What was more terrible was that sometimes a wrong question would be punished for copying many times. Once, I was punished for copying the questions on the math test paper ten times. I often need to do a lot of punishment homework, so I can finish it at almost nine o'clock every day. I was worried that if so many assignments were added to each grade, would it be possible to go up to the next level in Grade 6? The assignments would not be completed until midnight? It's terrible to think about it.

The second "more" is to read more. In the past, there were very few students in our class who loved reading. It seemed that Wu Yinan and we were the only two. In the third grade, there was a big bookcase in our class, which was the library of our class. But hardly ever, our head teacher, Mr. Zhu. The first rule was that everyone could borrow freely, but soon it was changed to only the students with good grades. But after a while, the teacher refused to let anyone see the library. But because there are some books that are very interesting, I want to read them very much. Once I took one secretly. Mr. Zhu also punished me. However, in the fourth grade, our teacher Zhang encouraged students to read more books and recommended many books to Cao Wenxuan and Shen Shixi. Now almost all of our students have read "The House of Grass" and "The Wolf King's Dream". Mr. Zhang asked us to do excerpts when we read books and share stories in the class. Now our whole class likes to read extra-curricular books, and the library in the back of the class can borrow them at will. In the third grade, only students who have learned well can enjoy the right. Now we can borrow them directly. It is really "the Yan in front of the old Wang Xie Hall flew into the homes of ordinary people".

The third "more" means more fun. Since the fourth grade, our class has organized many extracurricular activities. For example, our class has a birthday party every month to celebrate the birthday of our classmates. We also organized a New Year's Day party and a tug of war competition. This year, I also won the 27th place in the winter long-distance race. Our class also won the second place in the table tennis competition. We all took an active part in these activities, and our classmates felt a sense of collective honor. The students feel a lot more friendly.

Time is flying and everything is changing. I hope there are more and better changes in Class 44.

New Semester of Primary School (2)

I'm in Grade Six this year! There are many changes in the school. One is that there is no water dispenser in the classroom, but there is a "public direct water dispenser" in the toilet. After class, you can only go there to collect water; Also, science, art, music and information technology should be recycled.

There were also some minor changes in the class, which had never happened in the past four years: three people left, and one of them was still my close friend; This time back, many people in the class were tall, some of them even surpassed Mr. Zhu, while I was two places behind, probably because I didn't exercise this summer!

I haven't changed much this summer vacation, but all the previous "bad habits" have come back. One is sleeping late, and the other is not exercising. I will try to get rid of them.

As a student in the sixth grade graduation class, I will try to change my bad habits. To keep good habits, I should first change the habit of sleeping late, then try to get more exercise, and then make up my lost position, and then lose a few kilograms of meat.

As a student in the sixth grade graduation class, I will study hard and make progress every day. I will try to write my own characters well so that the symbol "character?" will not appear in the exercise book.

As a sixth grade graduating class student, I can't bully the weak, nor can I be self righteous. I must do my own job - learning, so that I can be a qualified student.

New Semester of Primary School (3)

The new semester has begun, and the Teachers' Day is coming soon. The students are busy buying greeting cards for teachers. At this time, I couldn't help but send a card to my mother, who works silently at home.

When I came to the stall, I was dazzled by piles of greeting cards. I shook my head vigorously after picking. I felt that the card was too gorgeous and gorgeous to be vulgar. My mother, who was based on simplicity, did not like it. Besides, my mother was diligent and thrifty, and hated to spend a penny in half. She did not advocate that I spend money on it. On second thought, I finally decided to make one!

Spent, racking their brains, and finally made a simple card with infinite affection. The neat words on it read: "At the highest level, you are meticulous. I remember all of you. I can't repay you for your selfless efforts.". Mother, you are the teacher, who silently encourages people. When I encounter problems, you will accompany me, comfort me and encourage me. What you said made me hear that it was heart and warmth... I quietly designed the joy and emotion of my mother after this card.

The mother said, "Tong Tong, you are too high. As long as you study and think for yourself, you can."

Yes, every time my mother sends me these words, the gorgeous packaging is precious, giving me strength when I fail, courage when I am depressed

My mother allows me to study and pursue the ideal with ease. She manages the family's livelihood from morning to night and works outside. Every time I go home, my mother's white hair and the sharpening knife become thinner and thinner. There is always unspeakable sadness and emotion

Mother is the most intimate person. They take care of her meticulously. I will repay her and love her selflessly. Only by working hard can the old mother be happy; Only when we study hard can we be happy for our hardworking mother; The diligent and frugal mother felt that she had grown up!

Oh, mother, your care, I will never forget, I also share the burden on your shoulders, but I will work hard, I understand, a greeting card to stretch your tired face, I also want to send you a greeting card, a card full of my excellent "greeting card"!

New Semester of Primary School (4)

In the sound of firecrackers and laughter, I ushered in a new semester. In winter vacation, without exception, I feel depressed - the sky is overcast, the cold wind is cold, the flowers and plants are bare, and even sometimes the smiling face is put on. This is great. School is beginning!

You can see the familiar figure again!

Xue Jia, Wang Jiaqi, Chen Shunbo, Jiang Lingyan, Zhao Tingting, Chen Jinye... Wu Jieer, Ge Dayang, Tang Hengyu, Wang Han, Gu Yifan, Zhu Jiawen. This is great. School is beginning!

You can see the familiar smile again!

The warm and cheerful smile makes people feel warm and soluble as the sun shines; The innocent and lively smile, which makes people feel that there is not a trace of variegation and hypocrisy, has been happy to the heart; The shy smile, although "off and on", saw the sincere friendship between students, without a trace of "righteousness". School begins!

The campus is alive again. School begins!

The campus is again filled with the sound of books, laughter, laughter, and noise, forming a passionate song!

Comfort and whispering constitute a lyric song. School begins!

You see, Huagu Duoer is listening to the pace of spring in bud, and wicker branches are listening to the rhythm of spring rain to draw out new buds. School begins!

Listen, the continuous spring rain caresses the river's small hands with delicate jade hands, making it itch, laughing, playing music, gentle, beautiful, warm spring wind pats the small hands, "sand, sand", willow branches dancing, fainted the river, and then turned round and round, clapping - dizzy. The new semester has brought me new life; The new semester has brought me new vitality.

New Semester of Primary School (5)


In the twinkling of an eye, the golden autumn arrived. Congratulations on entering the sixth grade.

In the new semester, you are facing an important turning point in your life. This is also your last year in primary school life.

Yilin, in the past five years, you have been an excellent student. You have made progress, worked hard, and worked hard. At home, you are a good boy who is clever and sensible. At school, you are a good student who respects teachers and unites classmates. In the past five years, you have had a good time.

No matter how good the past performance is, it only represents the past. You will be confronted with new teachers, new journeys and new goals. No matter whether your goal is to be among the best or to be admitted to an ideal middle school, you should remember that different goals and the common goal are to study hard. Only in this way can you reach the other side of success.

Yilin, you are an emotional student. From grade one to grade five, you have experienced many teacher changes. You cried for a long time when you changed teachers in the third grade. You didn't adapt to it for a long time. When you change your teacher in the fifth grade, you still can't adapt quickly. You can't say that you are not good at remembering the past. In the future middle schools, high schools and universities, this situation will follow you all the time. Just hope to keep your feelings for teachers in mind, and turn your reluctance and love for teachers into your motivation for learning. Every teacher hopes to see that the students he has taught are excellent.

Yilin, you have always been very independent in your study. Chinese and mathematics are not difficult for you. As long as you listen to the lessons carefully and finish your homework carefully, it is not difficult for you to get good results in the exam. It is your English. Through this summer vacation, you also saw many bloggers writing articles in English in the school's Infolink blog. You must find that there is a big gap between yourself and them. In the future English learning, you must strengthen the practice of writing English.

Yilin, you like reading, which is a good habit, but you should read some history books consciously from now on. Learning history can show patriotism, life and reason.

Diana, Department of History, School of Education, Columbia University. Professor Nowitz said: A nation without a historical mind is a forgetful nation. When they wake up, they will not know who they are.

Sima Qian once said: People who live in a country should not know Spring and Autumn Annals. Many of our great politicians and scientists have rich historical knowledge. The famous astronomer Zhu Kezhen wrote the Preliminary Study of Climate Change in China in the Past Five Thousand Years after studying the history, local chronicles, ancient poems and travel notes of China and grasping the clues of climate change in ancient China. The Chinese nation has a long history, which is the greatest wealth left to us by our ancestors. So we must be enthusiastic enough to get close to history.

Of course, you must also stick to your favorite blog. Although you won't blog as frequently as you do in the summer vacation, it is necessary to update your blog every week. School Communication is like a big lecture hall. The weekly appointment of teachers in small towns, the excellent essays of excellent bloggers, and the ardent expectations of parents will make you learn more and use more. Benefit for life.

As the saying goes, a good beginning is half the success. Yilin, in the new semester, I also give you a little advice. First, set a goal for the new semester. As the saying goes, only with a clear goal can we have the power to move forward!

First, adapt to the new teacher as soon as possible. Include their teaching methods. Let yourself wake up from the biological clock of the holiday as soon as possible, and invest in new learning in the best state as soon as possible.

Second, in the first to fifth grades, you know that the teachers in primary schools are nannies who help you step by step, while the teachers of six years are in line with the teachers in junior high schools. They are not going to teach you hand in hand anymore. I think that to adapt to the teacher should be to learn to study actively. In addition, the new teacher's way of teaching must be different from that of the previous teacher. You should also change your listening habits, concentrate, take notes, and try to make a good start in the new semester.

Third, make reasonable use of extracurricular time. You know, life in grade six must be tense, but you should also take some time to read extracurricular books and increase extracurricular knowledge. I also want to write my reading experience into a blog to record every bit of my life and improve my writing level. You should watch TV channels such as 100 forums and the Light of Science and Technology at a fixed time to broaden your knowledge horizon.

Fourth, clarify your learning objectives. To learn, we must set our own goals. Step by step, make a down-to-earth progress. First of all, your English homework is not very good, and you are not interested in history at all. You must work hard on these two subjects. Try to keep ahead in all subjects and try to be the first in the whole grade!

Fifth, timely exert a little pressure on yourself. If it's too easy sometimes, you should assign yourself some tasks, such as doing exercises, writing a composition, etc., and put some pressure on yourself to make your study more motivated. There is a good saying that only under pressure can we have the power to move forward!

Sixth, form the good habit of diligence and perseverance. Never give up when encountering difficulties, and actively think of ways to solve them. No matter what you do, you should strive to do the best, start well and finish well, and develop a good habit of resolving difficulties. Now that you have your own learning goal, you must stick to it and work hard. As long as you persist, I believe. Your sixth grade life will be more and more wonderful!

The wind is silent when it is quiet. When it runs, it has a song; When the water is still, it is silent. When it runs, it has a song; The mountain is silent. When there are climbers, the footsteps and echoes of the pioneers are songs.

Yi Lin, finally, I wish you the last year of your primary school career, use your efforts to sing your most beautiful songs and draw a satisfactory circle for yourself.

Message from Yilin

New Semester of Primary School (6)

The new semester, a new beginning, I waited for a summer vacation of the fifth grade finally began.

I was both expecting and panicking because the fourth grade exam in the past was too unsatisfactory. I was really worried that the teacher would judge the fifth grade exam according to the fourth grade score. Unexpectedly, the teacher did not do this, but regarded us as a new person. I believe I will study hard in the new year.

The fifth grade is a turning point, not like the fourth grade. The fifth grade is very serious, and we should learn to discipline ourselves and manage ourselves. My learning plan is: "Listen carefully in class and answer questions actively, review and think about questions carefully after class, and do homework well after going home without mistakes, respect teachers and love children." If I can complete the above points, My academic performance will definitely be greatly improved.

I believe that victory is ahead, and I will do it '!

New Semester of Primary School (7)

Time is like the relentless flowing water, which has drained my five years in primary school. In a twinkling of an eye, the winter vacation will be in the past, and a new semester is coming. Looking back carefully, what have you done in the past five years? But I can't remember anything. Is it true that what flows to my alma mater is a blank memory? No, I hope that in the last half of my primary school life, I will do everything well. In this half year, I must cherish every second of my time and strive not to let myself be wasted.

When the new semester comes, everyone will have new plans. What is my plan? In fact, my plan, like others, is to study hard in the new semester, listen carefully to the teacher, and speak actively in class. Not only that, but also often participate in various activities, which is far from enough. I also hope I can get good results in the graduation exam. I know that it is very difficult to do this, but as long as you stick to it and never shrink back, it will become very easy.

I think that people's hopes will change at any time. Each of us has different hopes at different times and under different circumstances. In the new semester, my hope is to remember my alma mater forever, because this is the primary school where I have lived for six years after all! At the same time, I also hope to do something for my dear 'alma mater' in the last six months and leave something beautiful. I think I will do it with practical actions. In his life, no matter what he has become, a celebrity, a great man, or an ordinary person, he will always remember his alma mater and have very deep feelings for him. I also want to be such a person.

I know that everyone thinks differently, because everyone has different aspirations and goals. Now that I am growing up, my new goal is not to be a great man, nor to be an artist, nor to become a scientific giant. But when I grow up, I will enter a better university and find a stable job. It is enough to do extraordinary things for the country and the society in their ordinary posts and contribute their own strength.

Everyone has new plans in the new semester, so you must be the same as me! Let's join hands in the new semester and move forward together towards our goals!

A long winter vacation has passed, ushering in a beautiful spring. At the moment when everything recovers, a new semester begins again. Facing the first ray of sunshine in the morning, we return to the beautiful campus and begin the journey of a new semester.

In the past journey, we had laughter and sunshine, which has become a permanent memory. Now we have locked it with a lock, and everything in front of us is new. See? The new semester is beckoning to us. After five years of training, we are not all soldiers. Wipe the dust off our hearts, take our weapons, and get ready to go. The goals of the new semester are hitting us!

We have ushered in a new semester. At each new starting point, each of us will have a kind of expectation: I will be more wonderful tomorrow. Therefore, I must be looking forward to a better future, showing myself the new atmosphere to welcome the new semester. Today's teachers and students take care of themselves in the office. The classroom is clean, which creates a vitality of 300. A new atmosphere of harmony and progress. I believe that under the influence and encouragement of this new weather. I must make new progress in the new semester.

In the new semester, I have a new goal - not to be a giant of language, but to be the master of action! I learned that success is not achieved by dreams, but by my own actions

Of course, in the new semester, we should make new achievements in our study, which requires unremitting efforts! A hard work will gain a harvest. Learning is not an interest, but a responsibility. It is something I should do and must do well. At the same time, learning must be burdened. There is no pain. There will be no progress and promotion in the process of tiredness. Isn't that true for both the past and the future? I turn my joy and sadness into the help and power to move forward, so that I can constantly overcome difficulties and make new progress. Success is our joy. Behind success is our hard work. Without hard work, there is no gain, no pay, no gain. I am about to enter junior high school, so I should cherish this precious time to enrich myself and turn my ideal into an irresistible power!

There is no end to learning. Strive for your goal! A new semester has begun again, and a new journey has begun. Let's sail Yang Qixin! I want to refuel. In the colorful primary school life, study hard. This is a sprint. Facing a new journey, there may be ups and downs. I will overcome all difficulties and avoid all the shoals to reach the other side of success.

New Semester of Primary School (8)

The new semester has begun. When I walked into the campus, I saw that the playground and basketball court had not changed, but the towering trees with reliable walls had disappeared. What was the matter?

It turned out that several osmanthus trees were newly planted in the school. The rows of osmanthus trees were green and overcast, and their shapes were also very interesting, like green balls. My son's growth composition: I found many changes in the new semester. Two tall ginkgo trees were planted on the right side of the playground. Their leaves could not withstand the autumn wind. They fell from the trees one after another, like beautiful butterflies. It was beautiful to dance in the campus.

Come to the classroom, enter the door and see, ah, our TV has changed to LCD, everyone's desk has put new books, there are knowledge rich Chinese books, math books full of numbers, art books full of patterns... There are many students have changed new bags, I am no exception to change bags, stationery boxes.

Looking back at the podium, ah, our teacher has changed into Mr. Zhou. I saw that Mr. Zhou was a medium-sized man in a black and white skirt, quietly sorting out books in front of the podium. Some of the students below were talking, but she also pretended not to see. I also carried my schoolbag and walked down to talk to the students. Time flies by and I'm going to sing. I handed in my homework in a hurry. I thought I could pass the homework I did conscientiously during the holiday. Unexpectedly, the teacher turned over one of my books and read it. Suddenly, I saw two columns of my quality report that I didn't write. In front of my singing classmates, I asked me to go down and said, "Please write this before you hand it over to me!" I walked down gloomily and thought: How strict the teacher is! It seems that I should better control myself!

New semester, new look, the school tree has changed, books have changed, teachers have also changed, I also want to take a new look to meet new challenges in the new semester!

New Semester of Primary School (9)

It is another new semester, an ordinary new semester, but there is a little more progress. Maybe, some people become clever. Maybe, what awaits us is a new prank

The long winter vacation has passed, the cold winter has passed, and the days when we could sleep in have passed. What greeted us was a new semester, a vibrant spring and a learning life full of laughter. This semester, I will certainly seize the good time in spring, arrange a happy, relaxed and efficient learning time for myself, and adapt to the learning life in the best and fastest way.

The new semester is coming with a brisk pace, and the New Year is coming. The sound of "clapping" fireworks and firecrackers is still heard on February 26 and 7. We will also move towards a new world of learning in this sound of firecrackers. This semester, I will strive to "go up to the next level": get rid of bad habits, keep good habits, ask for the right questions, be better, and learn to make progress, Be a good student who helps others and strives to be a good student with excellent character and learning.

This semester, during various festivals and holidays, I will go to the countryside to enjoy the pastoral scenery, see the green wheat seedlings, touch the strange stone windows, pick some lovely wild flowers, and feel the coolness of the stream... I will also listen to the chirping of birds, touch the small buds, and smell the fragrance of flowers in the sunny spring

My new semester, I make the decision; My study is up to me.

New Semester of Primary School (10)

In the blink of an eye, the new semester is coming. Don't be arrogant if you do well in the exam, and don't be discouraged if you do badly in the exam. The new semester is coming. Let's stand on the same starting line and cross the finish line together.

I did not do well in the exam last semester, and my parents were very disappointed with me. I will listen carefully and get a good result in the exam.

This semester I will arrange a study plan for myself and do everything according to the study plan. First of all, I ask myself to study hard, keep clean, and help others

1、 In class: No small talk, no small action, listen to the class carefully, and listen to the teacher's words, be criticized for serious repentance, and be praised for perseverance. After class: review the knowledge taught by the teacher in class, or discuss it with the students. At home: homework is overfulfilled, the font is neat, and less smearing. It's better to have no mistakes.

2、 Wash your face and brush your teeth every day, and comb your hair well. The clothes should be clean, and the corners of the clothes should be clean. It should be less dirty as a whole.

3、 When you see someone in need, you should help him. If you really can't do anything, you should help him out. This song is really true: as long as everyone gives a little love, the world will become a beautiful world.

I hope the study plan is useful to me. I really need to learn it well, and I can't let my parents down any more.

New Semester of Primary School (11)

The happy winter vacation has passed, and we are looking forward to the arrival of the next semester with excitement.

Looking back on last semester's math, I felt ashamed. I remember one time when I was in a math class, when the teacher was giving a lively lecture on the platform, but I was distracted. I took my pen and flicked it back and forth, but it bounced on the teacher's body as soon as I made up for it. At that time, all the students in the class laughed loudly, and I kept my head down and did not dare to make a sound. The teacher picked up the pen that fell on the ground, walked up to me and said, "Peng Chujie, is this your pen?" I stood up ashamed and said, "Teacher, I'm sorry I was wrong!" The teacher smiled at me, touched my head, and said, "If you know your mistake, you should return the child. You must listen carefully in class. Only in this way can you improve your academic performance. I believe Peng Chujie is the best!" The teacher's earnest words made me feel more ashamed.

Now I understand how important learning is. I promise to study hard next semester, listen carefully, and change to be a child if I know my mistakes. I will win the first place in the exam, enjoy learning, and strive to improve my academic performance.

New Semester of Primary School (12)

On the first day of school, I was already a fifth grade student. I walked into the school gate and went to the playground to see which class I was in. But there were so many people there that I managed to squeeze in. I searched and found my name finally. I was in Class 5 (2), so I ran to my classroom. When I went to the class, I saw many fourth graders in the same class. I think: this should be our fate.

When the bell rang, our new head teacher came to the classroom. He was tall, with bright eyes, a tall nose and a big mouth. How handsome! Ringing bell...... Class is over.

After a while, the bell rang for class. At that time, the math teacher came in from the door of the classroom. I saw that the math teacher was not tall, and she also wore glasses, big eyes, small nose, and small mouth. How lovely!

In the third class, the head teacher came to help us adjust our positions. My position was the penultimate table in the third group. I shared the table with my former best classmate. Do you know who she is? Let me tell you something. His name is Zheng Shuwen. I'm very happy that I can sit at her table.

I like our class best. That's how I feel in the new semester.

New Semester of Primary School (13)

School is about to start. In order to welcome the new semester, I have made new plans for the new semester. My new plan for the new semester is arranged in this way.

1. Don't relax every day. Listen carefully in class, especially when the teacher analyzes the problem, and do not be absent-minded. Review the lessons you learned that day and preview the lessons you will learn the next day.

2. Stick to getting up early every day, read 15 minutes of Chinese and 15 minutes of English.

3. Finish your homework carefully, so that you can not only find the shortcomings, but also consolidate your knowledge. Chinese homework should be neat; Math homework should not be sloppy, and should be carefully checked and checked after writing; English homework writing should be standardized.

4. Respect the old and love the young, respect teachers, be ready to help others, and take care of the environment. When you see garbage, pick it up and throw it into the dustbin

This is my new plan for the new semester. As long as I finish according to the plan after the start of school, I will have a happy and full new semester.

Excellent students.

New Semester of Primary School (14)

I'm in the fifth grade. I'm thinking, what will I do in the new semester? I thought about it and finally came up with a good idea.

I am a boy who likes reading. It is better to set a half hour reading time in the evening. Now we are about to graduate. We must study hard to get into the dream Tsinghua University. I didn't like to raise my hand in class before, but now I'm so big. How can I go to college without opening my mouth? Also, don't talk with your classmates in class, and don't make small moves. After class, there is enough time to play and talk. Go to bed early at night and get up early in the morning. Don't be late for school. This is the most basic. Play computer only once a week. It only takes 2 weeks to buy some school supplies with a little money.

Today, I bought some book covers. I remember that one semester my book cover was torn. I just destroyed the cover of a good book. I stuffed it into my schoolbag. Fortunately, there is a cover to protect the book. This book doesn't fold much, but its cover. Alas! So I decided to protect the book cover so that it would not be in a tattered state.

I have a bad habit of putting the books I read in the box so that they can have a good dream. Even after a year or two, I will not watch them, but watch TV or new books. It's really new and old! But now I want to change. The more books you read, the more knowledge you have.

This is my plan for the new semester, hehe!

New Semester of Primary School (15)

In a twinkling of an eye, entering the second semester of Grade 6 means leaving my alma mater in a few months. This semester is more tense than last semester, and our learning pressure is increasing.

My math score in the final exam last semester was only 83.5. I usually get 90 points. Check carefully, alas! I wrote a wrong number, and the division number was written as the multiplication number. Alas, it was carelessness that hurt me! Hum! I must get rid of my carelessness this semester! In mathematics, I must refuel. I decided to review what I learned today and consolidate it in the rest of my homework. It's like planting a good sapling and adding a pillar to make it stronger.

I also found that the lack of extra-curricular knowledge of Chinese and the frequent filling of ancient poetry led to a "short circuit" in the brain. For example, what was Jiang Feng's last worry about sleeping? "Click" My brain is short circuited again. "What is it?" I muttered Ding. Go away! " I handed in my paper regardless of three or seven or twenty-one. As soon as I left the classroom, the answer came back. It was "Frosty Night"! Alas! Another point has been lost for nothing! I think I should recite a poem every night and 365 days. Over the past year, I have accumulated many stories!

I believe that if we persist in this way every day, our scores will definitely rise, and the entrance examination will have an absolute advantage!

Friends of my classmates for six years will be separated in a few months. I hope the wind chimes outside the window will bring my 63 wishes to you.

New Semester of Primary School (16)

The summer vacation is over in a flash, and it is time to usher in a tense and busy 'learning phase'. In the new semester, I will become a third grade student!

In order to keep good grades, I made a study plan:

1 Listen carefully in class, no talking, no turning back;

2 The operation shall be completed on time;

3 characters should be written correctly and cleanly;

4 Prepare school supplies for the next day every night;

5. Insist on preparing lessons;

Persisting in reviewing lessons, Confucius said, "Review the past and learn the new.".

I also have the following requirements for my academic performance: in order to improve my writing level, I should read more extracurricular books such as composition books at ordinary times, and keep my Chinese score above 90 points; When doing math problems, we should use our brains and think more, and keep the score around 95; Keep listening and reading English every day, and the score should be above 95 points.

I believe that if I can adhere to the above points, my academic performance will rise steadily. I will also strive to be a good student with excellent moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor skills. Let's wait and see!