It used to be (17 compilations)
I always believe
2023-12-05 07:04:07
Junior 1

Originally always (1)

Close quietly, the fragrance suddenly rises everywhere, which is a refreshing fragrance that moistens people's hearts. Listen to Grandma telling stories with relish, smelling the fragrance of flowers, as if to melt in them.

Frogs and cicadas are crowing all around, one after another, as if telling the story of the quiet summer night. I sit around here with my neighbor's children. The kind and gentle old man, who is my grandma, leans on his cheek and listens to the old story that has been repeated dozens of times. At night, there is no brilliant lights, only a door lamp with a little light shining under the shade of the trees, listening to the story of us. A fresh wind blowing from somewhere, carrying the ordinary but not vulgar smell of purple jasmine, was extremely comfortable. Even Grandma, who was fond of talking about it, stopped and said with sincere and deep praise, "This flower is still so fragrant and pleasant." We all closed our eyes and listened to the voice of purple jasmine, quiet and beautiful.

This flower has always been Grandma's favorite. The bright pink petals are small and exquisite growing on the sturdy stems. Each plant has dozens of flowers and bones. At that moment in the evening, it bloomed with a smile. The scene was very spectacular, like thousands of strange stars falling on the earth, simple and unadorned. In the countryside, wherever you go, you can enjoy their graceful appearance in the evening. It is also a plant with high medicinal value. Its roots can be used for medicine, clearing heat and detoxification, promoting blood circulation and regulating menstruation. Such a beautiful and useful flower is deeply loved by rural people.

In my room, I thought about my favorite jasmine in the country with my grandmother alone, but I felt a little sorry. I guess I haven't seen this kind of flower for a long time. It may be an accident that I passed by an exquisite flower shop and was attracted by the fragrance coming from it. The smell is slightly turbid in general, because all kinds of wonderful fragrance are fused together and spread to the distance continuously. I felt that the fragrance was unusual. I walked into the flower shop and saw all kinds of flower shapes. I found it in a corner that seemed abandoned. A plant with red and yellow petals and a few strands of stamens in the middle was sweet like honey. I stepped forward in surprise, and there was another refreshing fragrance. It was the purple jasmine. Although it was decorated very brightly in the garden shop, the inexplicable affection would not change.

My mind was so hot that I immediately bought this potted flower from the shop assistant, gave it to Grandma with this affection, and quietly put it in a darker corner, desperately longing for it to bloom again early to convey my love to Grandma.

When the evening came, I just listened to my grandmother's surprised exclamation: "It's purple jasmine!" I couldn't help laughing. Yes, it is this kind of flower that is common in the countryside, but rare in the city. She has too many thoughts and thanks on her. It is a beautiful memory of my childhood.

Another night, there is no longer a lively atmosphere around. Only my grandma and I slowly talked about the same old story again next to the pot of inopportune purple jasmine. The breeze failed to blow the fragrance again, but the aroma that could be put into the nose could not be removed in the nasal cavity for a long time, yes! At that time, my childhood was also such a peaceful night and an old man who loved me. He told stories drowsily under the moon. It turns out that she has always been with it, thinking of the past.

At the end of the month, I seemed to hear the voice of jasmine breaking through the soil. It was Grandma's love for me sprouting again!

Originally always (2)

When I walk in darkness, it is you and your love that give me light.


The sun slowly set, and the moon stuck out of his head. The bright moonlight shines on the teaching building, all the lights in the classroom are on, and the rustling office voice comes from one classroom to another, like beautiful songs.

Finally, the bell of class was heard from the radio. Alas. The class is finally over, I sighed. The students came out one after another. " Oh, it's getting dark. Fortunately, my mother brought me a flashlight. Otherwise, I can't go back. "I said to myself.

Walking alone on the way home, only my own shadow accompanied me. When I walked to the entrance of the alley and looked at the dark alley, I suddenly felt a bit afraid. Thinking of the flashlight my mother brought me, I gently opened the flashlight, and the light suddenly came out, illuminating my way forward.

Although I am a little man, to tell the truth, when I walk at night, I still have a little timidity in my heart. At the moment, how I wish my mother and father could come to pick me up, even if there was only one person! But this is my own imagination. They are busy working every day and have no time to pick me up. Every time after school, I watched the students being picked up by their parents one after another. There is an indescribable loneliness in my heart. But he comforted himself: What are you afraid of? I'm a little man.

Alas, don't think so much. Hurry home!

I finally got home. Mother is busy in the kitchen. When my father saw me coming back, he immediately poured a glass of hot water and said with a smile, "Is my son thirsty? Drink some water before you go to do your homework. "Of course I'm not interested in drinking water, so I went to my room glumly.

After a while, mother's meal was ready. My mother and father asked me to eat more, one after another, one after another, soup. And I, with a droopy face, ate a few mouthfuls and then went to do my homework.

Back in the room, I plunged into the sea of questions again. When I was scratching my head for a question, the door was pushed open gently. When I turned around, my mother was holding the milk. He put the milk beside my desk. " I'm not hungry. Go to bed! "Mother seemed to have something to say. But she found that I didn't want to hear it. She turned and walked out of the study.

The night deepened. I was still working on the problem. Suddenly, there was a power failure. I went out to look for my flashlight. In the living room, mother leaned on father's shoulder, and they all fell asleep. In order to accompany me to do my homework, but they don't want to disturb me, so they chose the living room closest to me and walked with me in this silent way. When I think of this, I suddenly feel my nose is sour. The love of my parents has always been there.

Back to the study. I think. Do it a little longer. So he opened another book.

The night deepened.

But love is like a light.

Always on.

Originally always (3)

How many times have you tried?

I grabbed my hair sadly and collapsed on the sofa. In order to get into the school basketball team, I practice whenever I have the chance, never miss any period of time when I can play basketball, and constantly ask for advice from students who are good at basketball. But in the end, I lost the election.

Tears tear the sky in front of us in two, one is the real darkness, the other is the unreachable light.

I dragged my heavy feet and walked out, trying to find the tree to talk and relax, so that my depressed heart could be relieved. Just when I went out, a withered and yellow leaf hit me on the face. The leaf surface was full of wormholes and many cracks, which was extremely ugly.

The tree still leaves leaves in spring, which has long been the object of discussion: the superstitious old lady said that it was a magic tree, an ominous omen; The middle-aged people bet day after day when the tree will wither; The sanitation workers kept complaining about why they had to clean the fallen leaves from beginning to end of the year; The merchant looked at it with calculating eyes, wondering whether he could cut down the place that was not eaten by insects to make furniture

I walked up to the same unfortunate tree, and the cold wind flowed to the deepest part of my heart. Holding up the mottled leaves, I looked up at the tree, but was stunned.

——This, this or that tree?

The top of the tree is energetic, the twigs are with new shoots, a hazy green air is enveloped in the crown of the tree, and the birds are singing in the wind. Several old people spread their legs and leaned comfortably on the rocking chair, while the poker in their hands rattled. Children are jumping left and right, chasing hide and seek with the shadow of trees. The wind softened, quietly took away the fallen leaves under the tree, and also took away the pain of the tree. The air was full of vitality, so happy and lively!

It suddenly dawned on me. In winter, trees must also be accumulating strength! Although those lingering leaves bring hardship and ridicule to it, it needs only a wind and an opportunity to radiate new vitality - spring is always in its heart. The wind in my life may not come yet. As long as the hope of spring lasts forever, I will not fear the cold and pain.

At this time, the last leaf on the tree fell on my shoulder, and I held it tightly, as well as the latent spring.

Originally always (4)

In every spring, there will always be a lot of colorful, but I just found it recently.

It was also a spring day, and the weather was very sunny. It was mid spring, and naturally a hundred flowers bloomed. It was very beautiful. But I was at home every day. After finishing my homework, I prepared and reviewed. While studying, I also complained about my study. It seems that the whole world is gray.

It was Friday night. I wrote my homework for a while, then fell on the sofa and complained to my mother: "On the weekend, I didn't say that I should leave less homework, so that people could relax and relax, but I left so much homework."

My mother was shocked when she heard this. I felt strange. Normally, after listening to this, my mother did not respond at all. What happened today?

My mother said softly, "Tomorrow morning, let's go to the park for a walk." I agreed. Think, tomorrow will know the answer.

The next morning, I was called up by my mother. I hurriedly packed my things and went to the park together.

It was spring at this time, but the scenery could not enter my eyes at all. I just followed my mother with doubts. But it's nothing special!

When I came to the small wooden bridge, I finally couldn't help asking, "Mom, what are you bringing me here for?" Mom just turned her head and asked faintly, "Don't you find the scenery here beautiful?" The scenery? I suddenly realized and looked at everything around me. There were many trees, flowers and plants, flowers like brocade, pink peach flowers, white apricot flowers, pale yellow winter jasmine flowers... All of them welcomed our arrival with open smiling faces, and the colorful world unfolded in front of me. It turned out that my world was only gray, but from that day on, my world became colorful.

My mother's soft words still linger in my ears: "Remember, the spring that can let you relax has always been around you."

My mother's words often remind me of a story. A man felt that his life was boring, so he went to see God. God just gave him a snail and asked him to take a walk with it. Impatient, he finally found that the flowers on the roadside were God's intention, and sighed: "So, spring has always been around me!"

In life, we may have many necessities, but when we are free, we might as well calm down and look out the window, and you will find that spring has always been around me.

Originally always (5)

The gray tall buildings stand up, blocking the sun, the thick clouds cover the sky, and the inextricable haze is floating in the city. In the dark city, pedestrians walk in a hurry and live a life of walking corpses. The air is heavy and depressing, which makes people breathless. Where are you now?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and let the sun break through the clouds and shine on the earth. In the wind, there is a little fragrance of soil, with the smell of melting snow. I realized: Oh, spring is coming.

On both sides of the road, a little sprout of grass appeared on the bare brown soil. They inquired around, said hello to each other, and celebrated the joy of new life; In the community, several roses have grown new green leaves, and the long dormant buds on the branches are ready to move, slightly opening their mouths, revealing the bright red petals inside; In the school, the long bare branches of ginkgo sprouted little buds, which seemed very cute.

The air in early spring is still a little cold. With the chilly spring breeze, I came to the river.

The ice in the river is gradually melting, making the air near the river very cold, but also very fresh. Occasionally, a string of bubbles appeared on the river. It was the small fish that noticed the arrival of spring. The weeping willows beside the river bend over and hold their hair against the river, occasionally humming songs, slowly swaying with the spring breeze, expressing their love for spring.

Looking up to the sky, a group of geese are flying in the sky, singing twice from time to time, with a little joy in the voice, which is the expectation and joy of returning home. In the distance, several swallows are chirping, and they are sharing future plans with their partners. The air looks more sweet.

At this time, the sun completely broke through the clouds, giving the earth layers of golden brilliance, adding a little warmth to the air, and bringing a long lost warmth to everything.

When I returned to the city, I suddenly felt that everything was so different. It seemed that everything was covered with a layer of warmth. The once cold city is now full of vitality and vitality. Pedestrians on the road seem to feel the arrival of spring and show a knowing smile.

In this beautiful early spring season, I suddenly realized that you, my nature, had always been here and never left.

Originally always (6)

I stepped onto the stage with a feeling of uneasiness and sat down slowly under the spotlight. There were a few scattered applause from the audience. I stroked the keys, and the familiar touch instantly pulled me back to that day.

Under the guidance of my teacher, I sat on the chair and played the first note in my life. Since then, the piano has become an indissoluble bond with me. At that time, I thought how interesting it was to play the piano. When my hands danced gracefully on the keys, a touching song was born. The beautiful melody made me fall into infinite reverie. I thought in my heart that I would become a pianist in the future.

But with the beginning of the course, I knew how difficult it was to play the melody. For a hand shape, put your hands on the keys without moving. For the sake of speed, the fingers keep bouncing. There are also various symbols, piano words. After a class, my arms ache.

In the sixth grade, I was overwhelmed by the pressure of heavy study and entering a higher school. How could I have time to practice the piano? In the face of difficulties, I flinched, I gave up the piano. I put the piano book into the box, pushed the piano to the corner and covered it with cloth, and put it into study. As the days passed, the dust on the cloth became thicker and thicker, and the beautiful melody could be heard at home.

I thought I would never meet the piano again, but that concert changed me. The piano master played, and the melody filled the whole venue. As on that day, I was intoxicated in the beautiful concentration. It was the thunderous applause that woke me up. Plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold. How can I give up when encountering some difficulties? That's my dream!

Since that day, the beautiful melody has appeared in my home again. That dream has taken root in my heart.

At the end of the song, I stood up from my chair and gave thunderous applause. I experienced the pride for the first time. When I looked at the piano, I had mixed feelings. The melody had always been there!

Originally always (7)

Love is an eternal topic for us. People nowadays always think that they lack love, but this is not the case.

I remember that it was a winter morning. I had a big quarrel with my mother because of a small matter, so I didn't say a word. I carried my schoolbag on my back and ran to school, ignoring my mother's loud voice behind me: "Son! You come back for me! Go out after breakfast! You can't eat lunch now and you can't have food!" Of course, I can't go back to eat again for the sake of face, I could only walk to the school without saying a word, thinking: cut, who wants to go back! The big deal is not to eat lunch, what's the big deal! "

Before I knew it, I had come to the school at the gate. At this time, a sense of hunger came. I felt a spasm in my stomach and pain. My legs almost softened. It was impossible to go home. I had to bite my teeth and run to the class and lie down on the table to pretend to sleep. It was not very eye-catching. The teacher stood on the platform and sprayed so many knowledge points, but I didn't listen to a word. All morning, I always feel that there are many delicious foods flying around in front of me, and everything I wanted to catch disappeared, which undoubtedly increases my hunger. I thought to myself, hey, it's hard to buy a daughter. I knew it would be like this if I didn't have a breakfast. What I said would make me eat breakfast? Now, it's a dilemma. My mother called me so fiercely this morning. I don't know if I have lunch at noon

The days of starvation are really like years. I look forward to the stars and the moon. I don't know how long I have been looking forward to it. Finally, I look forward to the deep bell of class. I put my schoolbag on my back and walked weakly on my way home. The sky was overcast and the piercing cold wind was attacking me mercilessly. The blue and clear sky at ordinary times has become overcast. The bright and beautiful wild flowers in the past have disappeared. Even the energetic poplar trees in the past are also depressed at this time. I don't know how long it took me to finally walk to the door of my home and hover at the door.

I opened the door and saw my mother, who was mopping the floor, saw me coming back and hurried into the kitchen with a bowl of steaming porridge in front of me. I hurriedly took it and swallowed it down. My eyes were wet with tears... Usually, my mother asked me to eat porridge, but I would not eat it. Why is this porridge so delicious today?

Love is everywhere. There is a good saying that "there is no lack of beauty in the world, just a lack of people who find beauty". The same is true of love. As long as we are good at finding, we will feel love. We have never left before!

Originally always (8)

I found it thousands of times in the crowd. When I look back, the love is in the dim light.


Through the gaps in the curtains, there is boundless darkness outside the glass, which is quiet and peaceful; In the window, the yellow light is slightly shining on the white desk, and the sound of mosquitoes and flies comes out slowly

I don't have a mind like a spring of water, so I like to express my feelings through words with such thoughts, immerse myself in them, and like to read. "The theme of this competition is" Letters from Home "..." Listening to the content announced by the host in front of the stage, a small idea arises quietly. It will be more interesting to read letters from home with my mother.

With a little anticipation and excitement, I knocked on my mother's door. After the sound of "click", the white flashing computer reflected a big shadow on the wall. My mother was busy with her head down. "What's the matter?" Mother looked at me with puzzled but loving eyes.

I grabbed my speech and whispered, "Oh, nothing. Well, I just want to invite you to join me once, just once -- the speech contest." I didn't want to increase my mother's burden and keep her busy, but I said, "I think we will be better together." I carefully explained the reason, a little nervous, afraid of hearing a negative answer.

Sure enough, my mother tightened her eyebrows and unexpectedly refused: "I'd better not make a fool of myself." When I heard the answer I had already guessed, I still felt disappointed. Why didn't my mother sacrifice again because of her love?

Since my mother refused, I had to attend by myself. I have fixed practice time every day. Although I read well, I always feel less. After practicing again, it was late at night. I was thirsty and got up to fetch water. I opened the door and recited from my ear.

"It's so late, why hasn't mother slept yet? Tomorrow's work is still waiting for her!" I muttered softly, and the voice of reading became clearer with my steps. At that moment, the heartbeat missed a beat, tears flowed down the cheeks, and the mother's voice was extremely beautiful at that night. Originally, love has always been there.

So we practiced together, all the cadences, all the broken sentences, and repeated drills. Night is our best practice time, and all objects are our listeners. This is undoubtedly a warm moment for my mother and me.

The game started on time, and I held my mother's hand tightly. The warmth of her palm slowly soothed my nervous heart. The nervous mood before going to the stage disappeared after looking at my mother's peaceful but firm expression.

"On the 17th......" With the voice of the host, my mother and I walked onto the stage and smiled at each other. Use recitation to express all the love in the world. Really, love has always been there.

Originally always (9)

I stood in front of the hospital's eye chart. The doctor pointed to the arrow on the chart and asked me which direction it was pointing. I tried to look at the eye chart with my eyes open, but I couldn't see it clearly. It was still a hazy group. My heart is very anxious, but it has no effect.

The blue sky makes people yearn for how free it is to fly in the sky. This dream, I think, can always accompany me until it really comes true. It was not until the time of this vision examination that I knew that maybe this dream could not be realized. The blue sky in my heart seems to be mercilessly blocked by a dark cloud.

This dark cloud makes me feel that all the efforts I have made in the past have been wasted, and I have paid a lot, but I have not received any return. My dream has just begun and is nearing the end.

On the way home, I didn't say a word to others and tried not to think about it. The environment on the bus became very depressed, so I went home.

After returning home, I went to the study to do other things to relax myself, but I couldn't concentrate on reading. Listening to music made me more irritable, so I sat on the chair and did nothing, staring at the desk lamp.

Dad understands my feelings very much, Just tell me: "If you have time to be in a daze here, you might as well do something else. Nothing is absolutely impossible. Maybe you will succeed from other places in the future, and you can use these to compensate for shortsightedness. You may not be able to fly a plane, but you can go to research and develop more advanced planes. You can also get inspiration from this event and go to research After you invent a radical cure for myopia, your eyes will be cured and you can fly a plane again. As a pilot, many celebrities have their own shortcomings, but they have changed their destiny with their own efforts.

After my father told me, I felt that my dream could still be realized. The dark clouds were also scattered after a little rain. What greeted me was a blue sky. It turned out that the blue sky was always there.

It used to be (10)

In an ordinary winter, the cold wind whistled, and all the trees outside had lost their leaves. The land should be full of vitality, but there is no spring green, green vitality, the image of spring coming, has not appeared for a long time.

On the playground, we are running a race.

Finally, it's my turn. At the PE teacher's command, I flew straight to the end like an arrow from a string. But when the wind was blowing under my feet, an electric shock came from my ankle. "Damn it, I twisted my foot," I cried, slumping to the ground.

But the distance was too far, no one heard my cry for help. Just when I was disappointed, there was a sound of footsteps behind me. I turned my head back, and when I saw that Kun was right, I swore

I am very biased against Ah Kun. He not only has poor grades, but also has some mental problems. I despise him from the bottom of my heart. Every time he wants to come up to talk to me, I always roll my eyes at him and say, "Go away." For an arrogant person like me, I have no friendship with Ah Kun.

Just a few days ago, I fought with him because of a small dispute. Our friendship is as cold as winter.

Now Ah Kun extended a helping hand to me who could not stand down, but I was still stubborn and stubborn, so I didn't want him to help me and scolded him bloody. But Kun helped me up without saying anything. This surprised me.

We didn't say a word when Ah Kun helped me to the infirmary 20 minutes away. Although the cold wind whistled on the road, there was no spring green on the trees. But I feel as if my heart has been melted by something warm; It feels like a flower is blooming in my heart.

I looked at Ah Kun and wondered why I had to deal with such a lovely person? My attitude towards Ah Kun has gradually eased.

On the way back to the classroom, I finally lowered my proud head; I said sorry to him with a red face. He stopped suddenly, looked at me showing my teeth and smiled. I looked at him and smiled. This makes me feel happy.

At that moment, I noticed a bare tree. At the end of its branch, two particularly green leaves grew, shining in the sunlight.

It turns out that friendship has always been around me.

Originally always (11)

When I was young, I loved to play at my sister's house next door. I still vaguely remember that there were sunflowers in the courtyard. She is lonely but brave to face the sun, and her waist will never droop.

In my impression, the sister next door seems to be able to do anything. She can wash clothes, cook, sew, and tell stories... But her life is very hard. Her father fell into a ditch on his motorcycle at night and died because of drinking wine before she was born. Although his mother was very sad, her mother still lived and ate well for her, but she died of depression after she was born. Therefore, she had only one grandmother, an old man. How could her life not be bitter? Although her grandmother was illiterate and did not read many books, she was a very hardworking, capable and warm-hearted person, so the sister became a girl who could do a lot of work under the cultivation of her grandmother. Unfortunately, Grandma died when she was 11 years old. At that time, I was three years old.

I heard from other aunts that the sister refused to be helped, but she was alone. She would go to the woods near the school to listen to the lessons secretly all afternoon. Sometimes she would forget the time herself. At that time, she only did two things every day, one was to listen to lectures, the other was to plant food in the field. After years of exposure, her skin has turned dark yellow.

When I was five years old. When I first walked into her house, I felt very strange. I still remember the furnishings in her house that year: a bed, a chair, a small table, and probably the rest of the furniture was sold by her to support herself. She took me by the hand and led me to her vegetable garden. The thin yellow sunflowers caught my eye. I pulled his clothes and whispered: "Sister, what kind of flower is this? Why is it so small?" "This is called sunflower. She always faces the sun, and must be full of hope for tomorrow." She smiled and explained to me that the sun shone on her face at that time. Her smile was like the spring breeze in March, and my heart was warm. I like listening to her story telling because her voice is pleasant, and the stories she reads are also very interesting. But although I didn't understand her at that time, I just liked her voice, so I took my storybook to her every day, and she won't be bored. Instead, he smiled at me and told me stories. I spent my childhood there.

Later, my family moved away to the noisy market. And that sister has never seen her again, and she has become my memory after all

Last year's exam, I didn't do very well, but my math, which I have always been proud of, has become my lagging subject. On the way home, I suddenly saw a sunflower, and I remembered that my sister was also a good friend. So I begged my parents to take me back to my hometown to the place where I was born and childhood. I knocked on the door next door, but no one answered. I pushed the door and entered. The yard was also covered with dust. Following my memory, I walked into the vegetable garden. There was no food in the morning, only dusty soil left. I looked around, but there was no one I longed to see. Disappointment has filled my heart. But at that time, it seemed that I was called again. When I turned around, only the pole was left, but there were many sunflowers around him, which were thriving and unattended. At this time, a gust of wind blew, and they shook their heads, but their backs did not bend. Seeing this, I can't help understanding something. I know I want to "never bend my back" like them

It turns out that the thin but brave sunflower has been

It used to be (12)

Life is long and the journey is far away. We have seen many landscapes, either gorgeous or gloomy. But the eternal thing is that sunshine, a touch of warmth and inspiration in winter, has always been there.

I like summer because I like the bright sunshine. The clear sky in summer is brilliant, and the sky is so blue. Even if the sweat drips in the hot sun, this love is also steadfast. However, I thought that the sun would leave me.

I remember once, I agreed to meet my classmates somewhere. I got on the bus alone. It was bustling. I was crowded into a small corner and stood there. I hummed a song and dreamed of playing with my classmates. I couldn't help grinning. The sweet taste of happiness permeated my heart. Suddenly, a voice came into my ear, which was particularly harsh: "Look at the little girl in front, she is really short, and she is also wearing a junior high school uniform, tuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttuttut. Coincidentally, the bright sunny day soon became gray, and the sky was hazy, as if it would rain soon. "Even the sun will abandon me? Sure enough, I am so short, strangers laugh at me." I thought sadly. Tears kept turning in my eyes, and I tried not to let them flow down.

When I arrived at the destination, the students looked up and down at me: "Good, wear shorts!" I smiled, but dared not look into their eyes. Is there any slight contempt in those eyes? Although I felt very uncomfortable, I still spent the afternoon with them. Gray clouds still hang over me. The music I listen to is not pleasant, and the hot pot I eat is no longer delicious.

On the way home, I walked lonely and suddenly saw a thick grass. I leaned over and looked, greeted with a faint fragrance, which was the vitality of grass mixed with the smell of soil. I saw the small grass standing upright and upright, which was no inferior to the tall and burly plane trees beside. There was a drizzle in the sky, and the rain on the big tree fell on the grass. It suddenly bent over, "Ah, it seems." Before the words fell, the stubborn grass stood up again, just like the original.

I suddenly thought of the insistence of grass in the wind and rain countless times, and thought of it standing up again and again. Who says grass is weak? Who says grass is no better than trees? Although it is small, it has great energy and strong will. At this time, it was still raining, but rarely, the sun appeared in the sky. A beam of sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves and onto the grass, which stood straighter. This painting is really beautiful!

I am also grass, small but powerful. No need to rely on whose light, I want to find my own sunshine. Because the sun has always been there.

It used to be (13)

"It's finally New Year!"

I have never rested since the holiday.

I was so excited that I ran to my mother and asked her, "Are you going to buy New Year's products?" My mother said with a frightened face, "Boy, you must be stupid. Today is the 30th anniversary of the Lunar New Year. I bought the New Year's products online for several days." I was momentarily disappointed: "Why don't you take me to buy them?" My mother touched my head and said, "You don't have time. It's convenient online." I walked back to my room alone and thought, "It's a kind of atmosphere to buy New Year's products. The taste of New Year is really weak."

After the New Year's Eve dinner, everyone sat on the sofa. "Ding" WeChat rang, and I opened our group. It was my aunt who sent the scene of their New Year celebration in Changsha: everyone was staring at their mobile phones, and no one watched the Spring Festival Gala on TV. Someone said, "Ready to grab the red envelope!" Then everyone finally raised their heads and asked eagerly, "Which group?" Then they lowered their heads neatly and jabbed at the screen. I raised my head to look around me. It seemed that this scene was copied, and I was also in this scene. It's still a long time before 12 o'clock. I have many tasks to plan for myself every day. I came to my room, turned on the desk lamp, and looked at the same light that had been bleached, thinking: "It's a feeling to watch the Spring Festival Gala, and the taste of the year is really weak."

It may have been a long time since I lifted my sore neck and rubbed my swollen eyes. At this time, Grandma walked into my room with a bowl of hot dumplings in her hand. She said to me with a smile, "Yao'er, it's really hard to study for the New Year. I'll make every drop of refined meat to get a bowl of dumplings and help them quickly." The aroma of dumplings came to my face, and the hot steam made me feel warm. Look at Grandma again, the wrinkles on her face are overflowing with kindness. A bite of dumplings is really a big bite of meat. I joked with my grandmother: "Grandma, you must wrap it too solidly. I will have nothing to do for a year."

"Pa!" The firecrackers sounded from all sides of the house at that moment. People on TV are also loudly congratulating on Happy New Year. My mother shouted at me downstairs: "Son, come down and set off firecrackers!" I quickly picked up the few dumplings left in the bowl, took my grandmother's hand and said: "Grandma, let's set off firecrackers!"

The bright fireworks broke the tranquility of the night, like an orange meteor falling suddenly, drawing a long track in the deep and serene starry sky. At this moment, I thought: "What we celebrate New Year is to get together with our families and feel the warmth of home. The taste of New Year has always been there."

It used to be (14)

Spring is a poetic season, a season filled with fragrance, a season of pink and willow green.

Seed · Germination

A seed, born incomplete, went down with the autumn wind and survived a cold winter. When spring comes, when the warmth comes, it will break the ground quietly and pull out three tender leaves like love. It stands with several friends. I went through a lonely and lonely winter vacation, and the familiar bell rang in my ears again. Brother, are you all right? The entrance exam, many expectations, and so on to fail. Why is this? It is also possible to play more. When I look back, my winter vacation mainly focused on entertainment and learning as accompaniment. The gains outweighed the losses and even regressed. In the grass, it just showed its head. Its leaves were dark and light, and one of them had three petals. Friends rejected it.

What should we do next?

Bud · Growth

It is neither humble nor overbearing, and has a dream: to become a four leaf clover. However, once this was said, the friends not only did not help but also laughed at it. His laughter mingled with his uneasiness, and he longed for miracles. After the ranking, the old class came to me and told me that I only got more than 200 places. Three days later, the old class found me again and gave me an ultimatum: if I failed to enter the top 120 in the next monthly exam, my parents would come back to accompany me. When I heard this, I was frightened and immediately got up. Every day, it tries to absorb nutrients from the soil and accept the baptism of rain.

If I try hard, can I succeed?

Four Leaves · Mature

The results were given: 138 points in mathematics, 144 points in English, 91 points in Chinese, a total of 373 points. From the old class, I got "good news": my grade total ranking is 118. After one section, the next goal is 100. One day, he woke up and found that he had succeeded and was recognized by his peers.

Successful, she is still there.

Although the spring flowers have faded, their fragrance is still there. The vitality is always there, and spring is always there, no matter when.

It used to be (15)

In life, work and study, we always have to get in touch with composition, which can be divided into timed composition and non timed composition according to different writing time limits. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is the composition of the original mother's love carefully arranged by Xiao Bian. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

Finally, school was over, and I returned home with a feeling of trepidation.

Today is a special day. The reason why it is special is that it is my annual birthday. But I always felt uneasy along the way.

In previous years, I hardly had a good birthday. Every year's birthday is not like a birthday, because it is almost the same as usual.

In recent years, my mother has never given me a birthday gift, only a small cake each time. Whenever I see other students talking excitedly about what gifts their parents have given me, I can only envy them silently in my heart.

It seems that there are no gifts this year. I thought to myself.

Thinking, I entered the house. As I expected, it was a simple dinner and a small cake. But my mother came up with a smile and said, "Happy birthday! Go to your room to find a gift!" I was stunned. A gift? is that true?

Then my mother urged me again and I went to my room.

When I touched the gift box, I felt as if there were several books in it. finished! It should be a reference book!

I opened the gift box in despair, but was stunned again. Isn't this the 'football book' I want? I suddenly remembered that a few days ago I told my mother that I wanted these books, but my mother didn't answer me, so I forgot, but my mother remembered!

Suddenly, my mother came to me, sighed, and said, "My child, I hope you can forgive me. I didn't buy you a gift before, because I didn't want to spoil you. But after hearing your wish a few days ago, I realized that you need some happiness in your growth period, so I prepared a gift for you, hoping you can forgive..."

My eyes suddenly wet. I mistook my mother for not loving me. It turned out that she just loved me in another way. Looking at the book beside me, I felt as if my mother's love was hidden in it and in my heart

Always (16)

In real life or work and study, the most familiar thing is composition. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is, from the compressed simple language that can be understood by oneself to the developed external language form that has standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. Do you know how to write a good composition? The following is the original composition of the moon carefully arranged by Xiao Bian, for reference only, welcome to read.

When the doorbell rang, Lonely was listening to "Fireworks" with earplugs and looking at the dark outside, she was ill.

Today's moon has gone wrong again, just like a mother who is never around. Lonely, I can't see anything but stare at the restless purple wind chimes under the window lattice.

Lonely has always wanted to have a purple wind chime hanging under the window lattice to enjoy the leisurely sound of the wind caressing the bell when bored, but it was only a dream until the day when the little girl upstairs was invited to sit in Lonely because she knocked at the wrong door.

The little girl was playing in the lonely room, always boasting that the lonely room was so beautiful. A string of tinkling wind chimes was missing from the window, so the purple wind chimes that the little girl also liked were sent.

Lonely wanted to tell the little girl that she was busy, and she was also very busy. But she couldn't bear to let the little girl know that people will have so many troubles when they grow up. She didn't want to mix gloom into the girl's pure and innocent world, so she didn't say anything.

In fact, although the little girl is very young, she also has a lot of troubles. She always complains to Lonely that her mother always forces her to eat things she doesn't like, learn ballet that she doesn't like, and shut her up at home at weekends so that she can't play with other children. She doesn't understand her at all. The lonely girl always smiles to comfort her when she complains that her mother really loves her. What mother in the world doesn't love her child? Loneliness is always so considerate.

People who can understand people always can't understand themselves. They are lonely but don't know why they have so many troubles. Why do they suppress so much and don't make themselves happy? Why can the leisurely purple wind chime not be found in her own life while the little girl can have it so simply?

Lonely accidentally knocked the vase off the cupboard when she turned around, fell on the ground, and also hit Lonely's heart. Splash a piece of dust

The little girl is really ignorant. She always has a hard time with her mother and cannot understand her mother's love for her. In fact, Lonely didn't pick up the pieces on the ground, because the door bell came through the long and quiet living room. She wanted to open the door first.

The door was opened carelessly.

Mother stood in front of the door cluttered with big bags and small bundles of hair. Suddenly, she was lonely and stunned. It was a bit unexpected. Didn't mother go on a business trip? Why did you come back suddenly?

The mother kissed and looked at the desolation, as if she were admiring a priceless treasure. Looking at the lonely and haggard face, my mother asked why she didn't notify her when she was ill. It was only when the teacher called that she knew her daughter was ill. Her lonely heart was like a ball of crumpled paper. She always thought that she was not paid attention to by the teacher, and her mother didn't seem to care her too much deliberately, and I gradually got used to forgetting the so-called "love". So I have been living alone without temperature.

Looking at her mother's hard work, she was moved by the desolation on the side. At this time, she thought that the little girl's mother loved her daughter as much as she could, but the little girl was too young to understand anything, but one day she would understand. What about me? Ask yourself lonely?

Mother gently swept the debris off the floor, gently afraid of leaving traces.

Lonely cry. She was just sad. Why did she never think about her mother? Why did she love her so much, but she always turned a blind eye to her?

A bright moon rose out of the window, shining dark and warm light in the center of the boundless sky. Through the glass, let the desolation be infinitely warm. In fact, the moon is always there.

Always (17)

I used to hold his hand rarely, act coquettishly to him rarely, talk with him rarely, and he was always cold, which made me dare not approach him for a time, but one day, I began to walk into his world, began to understand him, and really touched the silent and caring love.

It was a cloudy and rainy Monday. Just the day before Monday, my naughty hurt my ankle, which was very serious. After a day, the swelling remained. On another rainy day, my mood suddenly fell to the bottom. When school was over, my classmates all walked out of the school gate. Only I was still at the school gate hesitating whether to go home in the rain. What should I do with my feet? Just when I was not holding chess, I saw a tall figure in the rain. Holding a big umbrella, I smiled. It was Dad. Dad walked up to me, smiled slightly, and squatted down, I bent down, handed me the umbrella, and cried kindly, "Come on, girl, Dad will carry you". I did as my father said. My father's thick and broad shoulders made me feel warm and comfortable. My father walked on the muddy road, and I felt that every step my father took was so hard and steady. I wished my schoolbag could be lighter and I could be thinner, Maybe my father will not be so tired. His face is dripping with sweat, and his black hair is also mixed with silver. I said to my father painfully, "Let me go down by myself", but my father just said flatly, "It's OK, Dad is not tired!" Suddenly, I can no longer control it. I secretly shed tears, just to reassure my father. At that moment, I really understood my father's love for me, that is, at that moment, I really understood my father's love for me, that is, at that moment, I found that love has always been there!

Love needs communication. After communication, you will find that love has never left. Love has always been there!