I Love Grandpa (Collection of 19)
Flowers bloom on the other side
2024-04-10 08:57:50
second grade

I Love Grandpa (1)

A few days ago, my grandfather and I fell out because he liked to snore when he slept, which made me not sleep well all night and had a thick circle of black eyes.

Early in the morning, I "got up" and found my grandpa missing. Hum! Whatever, I can have a good sleep without him. I don't need to listen to his annoying grunts anymore.

After washing, I sat down on the sofa and watched TV, but a photo album in front of me attracted me. Eh? Whose photo is in it? I opened it and found it was my childhood photo. Suddenly, a photo "pulled" my eyes in the past. This photo recorded that my grandfather took me to ride a rocking horse when I was young. I suddenly had this picture in my mind: When I was a child, my grandfather took me to an amusement park. I deliberately got more and more. My grandfather's eyes were bad. When he didn't find me, he cried like a child. Looking at this photo, two lines of warm things left from my eyes. Grandma saw me looking at the photo and said to me, "Hey, your grandpa didn't snore on purpose, just because of you...". "What, because of me, what does it matter to me that she snores?" I still have some persistence. Grandma said calmly, "When you were young, you were naughty. Grandpa cared about you very much and never left you. Now he is also old and tired, so he has the habit of snoring." After listening to Grandma's words, I was stunned, and tears poured down like rain. I felt guilty for last night's behavior.

So I sent a message to my grandpa by SMS: Sorry, grandpa, come back soon.

At night, I felt my grandfather's deep love for me from the sweet snoring, and I soon fell asleep.

I Love Grandpa (2)

I have seen countless hands, but none of them left a deep impression.
During the summer vacation, I went to my grandpa's house to play. After dinner, Grandpa took my hand. At the moment when I held both hands, I almost cried out: Is this a hand? Why is it like cutting bark? I wanted to pull back my hand, but it wrapped the iron hand tightly.
I looked down and saw that the whole hand was wooden, and there were calluses everywhere, like several layers of taut cowhide. My fingers were thick and long. One finger was like three uneven dead branches, and the veins were like earthworms in the hand. The whole hand is very big. It's a giant.
Why did these hands become like this? When I asked him, I knew that these hands had been cutting wood, carrying water, grinding tofu, caring for four children, and farming for more than 50 years. If it was made of iron, it would have been polished long ago.
I love these hands.

I Love Grandpa (3)

My grandpa always dotes on me: I eat slowly, so he deliberately slows down the pace of eating and eats with me because he is worried that my parents will scold me; I cried out to buy this and that, and Grandpa bought it for me without thinking; I like to lose my temper. Grandpa always comforts me, gives me food I like, tells me stories, and makes me happy

That time, Grandpa got pneumonia and coughed every day. It was the Mid Autumn Festival at that time. Relatives sent a lot of fruits and a box of moon cakes to visit Grandpa. Looking at the beautiful gift box and the moon cakes, my mouth is watering. Grandpa quietly handed me a mooncake: "Come, get one to eat!"

As soon as I put my hand out, I drew back, swallowed my saliva and said, "Mom said that you like mooncakes best. You can eat them yourself!"

Grandpa touched my head with his rough hands and said with a smile, "I'm old and my taste has changed. I don't like these things for a long time. You can eat them!" Then Grandpa put the moon cake into my hand again. Since Grandpa doesn't like to eat, I'm not polite. I took a big bite out of it. At this time, my mother came out of the room, looked at me holding my grandfather's favorite moon cake, and immediately asked my grandfather: "Dad, this moon cake is a filial piety to you, and it is your favorite food, how could it be given to your granddaughter?" But my grandfather said to me with a kindly face: "Oh! I told you! I'm old, and I don't like these things anymore!" Then grandpa held me in his arms and watched me eat the moon cake sweetly. His wrinkled face was full of love. It suddenly dawned on me that grandpa didn't like mooncakes, but he loved me more than mooncakes. That little moon cake has expressed Grandpa's love for me!

This is the love Grandpa gave me. He taught me that true love is a kind of compassion, a kind of concealment, and a kind of great love. Now, when I see that small round moon cake, a warm current comes to my heart

I Love Grandpa (4)

As the saying goes, "Although a sparrow is small, it has all the five internal organs." Grandpa's garden just answers this sentence. Grandpa's garden is located in the southeast corner of the house, where the four seasons are fascinating.

Look! Spring girl came to all parts of the world with the magic "potion" and sprinkled it. It was really magic, and green buds suddenly appeared in Grandpa's garden. Morning Glory stretches out its hand and tries to climb up. Peony, as the "queen of flowers", naturally refuses to lag behind. Cockscomb also opens its fan. It is full of vitality and spring!

In summer, the children of catkins left their mother mischievously and drifted to the outside world. Sister Liu Shu was also combing her long hair. Sister Lotus was also in full bloom at this time, as if to compete with others.

Autumn is my favorite season. At this time, my grandpa's garden was full of fruits and fragrant fruits, and all the fruit trees were bearing fruit. I often climb up the tree to pick fruit to eat, but my grandfather always stands under the tree and says to me with worry: "Slow down, be careful!" Of course, the most regrettable thing is that the flowers in the yard are dying, and the withered and yellow leaves fall, just like butterflies flying, only the chrysanthemum is still competing for beauty.

Before Sister Qiu could play well, Grandpa Winter was about to change shifts, so Sister Qiu had to leave bitterly. Grandpa Winter performed his magic, and the land was suddenly covered with snow and turned into a white carpet. My brother and I had a snowball fight in the yard and made a snowman. We had fun!

This is Grandpa's garden. The scenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter is very charming. I love my grandfather's garden. This is my paradise.

I Love Grandpa (5)

"A star flies across the sky, knowing that there will be a life left in the world!" My dear grandfather told me this. So far I haven't forgotten, because grandpa left me and went to another world.

In the past, I always leaned close to my elderly grandfather to listen to him. When he told me that people would die, I was only six years old and could not understand. My grandfather told me that people were like stars and disappeared in a flash. At that time, I didn't believe that a star was beautiful and could not be so bad!

Until one day, I understood

That night, I accidentally saw a star fall down. In a flash, I found that the star seemed to wave to me, and it seemed to blink. At this time, I remembered my grandfather's words: when a star falls, a person will leave. I hurried to Grandpa's place. I wanted to tell him about it, but -- a large group of people were crying in my grandpa's room. I rushed over, shook my grandpa's hand, leaned down in front of the bed, and cried loudly. Although I was eight years old at that time, and understood people's life, old age, sickness, and death, I could not restrain myself, and cried loudly. Looking at my grandpa's half closed eyes, tears spilled in the door of memory

Remember, I was always there when I was young. At night, when we were under the moon, I snuggled up beside my grandfather and listened to his story happily. My grandfather laughed and told me stories again. No matter my throat was hoarse, he still told me stories. From my grandfather, I know many stories, which are wonderful and wonderful. My grandfather pointed to the moon and told me, "There is a beautiful Princess Chang'e, and your favorite white rabbit." Then, he vividly described it, and I always asked with surprise and indignation, "Grandpa, the Jade Emperor is really bad not to let the Princess Chang'e come out!" "Ha ha!" My grandfather laughed heartily and twisted my nose, "You really have compassion, good boy," he said. "When I grow up, I will go to the moon to save the princess!" I said with my mouth cocked. Grandpa smiled again, and he said, "Well, grandpa will go with you when the child grows up." After that, I will hook up with grandpa, "hook up, hook up, 100 years unchanged..." A hoarse voice and a crisp voice combined to form a beautiful song.

Now I grow up and know that there is no Chang'e on the moon, which is an ancient legend, but my grandfather told it vividly. Today, I know why that star waved and winked at me. Now, I can't be with my grandpa. Whenever I hear other children calling grandpa, I will think of grandpa's figure and his love for me. Tears fall down involuntarily, and my heart is almost broken.

Although grandpa has not spent a long time with me, I have been thinking of you all the time in recent years. I can't forget your kind face and kind words. It is you who make me grow up happily.

Grandpa, can't you come back and look at me? Just look, Grandpa, I will always think of you and love you!

I Love Grandpa (6)

In that year, my parents had to go on business, and I could only come to my grandpa's house. At about 8:20 in the morning, my parents sent me to my grandpa's house and left in a hurry.

As soon as I entered the gate, I saw a piece of green. I could not help but walk to the tomato. In a leaf full of vitality, you can vaguely see several small persimmons growing healthily. The little persimmons are close to the leaves. The green color is mixed with a little red. It looks so attractive that people can't help smelling it again and again with their noses. Ah! A faint smell of persimmon made my saliva stay quietly.

Suddenly, a large leaf not far from me moved, and vaguely saw a thin, small, big man, tired man. I hurried over and looked closer. It was Grandpa. "Oh! The baby is back!" Grandpa said and coughed.

I don't know when the sun went to work. I feel dizzy and want to vomit. But Grandpa continued to work like a strong soldier. Drops of sweat fell into the soil. However, Grandpa is not afraid of fatigue. "Cough, cough, cough..." Grandpa coughed weakly. The lips are dry and cracked; The nose is full of two nostrils; The hair is wet as if it had just been washed; Sweat soaked through the shirt. Sometimes grandpa met with hard grass roots, he raised his axe with both hands, his upper teeth clenched his lower teeth, and tried his best to "attack" on the ground. Sometimes he hoes with ease, and a smile appears on his mouth. When Grandpa bent down and straightened up, his ribs could be seen through his shirt.

I thought grandpa worked so hard, so I brought him a glass of water. But grandpa pushed with both hands, "Don't come here, or you will trample on the vegetable field soon."

Since then, Grandpa's diligence has been printed in my mind. I often say to myself: "I want to learn from my grandfather and be a hardworking person like him". I hope students can learn from my grandfather.

I Love Grandpa (7)

My grandfather is nearly 80 years old. His hair is gray, his eyes are small, his ears are long, and the wrinkles on his face show that he is old, but he is very healthy. I love my grandfather very much. I like listening to his stories and jokes best.

One night during the summer vacation, we sat outside and chatted. Grandpa told us a joke.

In ancient times, there was a family who wrote a couplet during the Spring Festival. The couplet said: "Many people are ill, but few are rich.". The left couplet says: wine vats are good for vinegar vats. The right couplet reads: Raising pigs is bigger than the death of the head of the mountain mouse. He happily pasted the couplet on the door, and some people with little education passed by his door, laughing and looking up when they saw the words written on the couplet. Originally, they regarded the couplet as "more people, less disease, less wealth". Wine making is just good for making vinegar jars. The pig is bigger than the mountain mouse.

After hearing the story, we also laughed to our hearts' content.

This story tells us that whether it is modern or ancient, it is very important to fully understand the characters, otherwise it will make a joke.

My grandfather is really great. He has such great knowledge in telling jokes. I love my grandfather.

Grade 3 of Dongguan Houjie Zhuoyen Primary School: Zheng Xiangyuan

I Love Grandpa (8)

Grandpa has gone, forever. But, look at the flat path, the clean alley, the clumsy little ones in the alley... Who can forget him?

After the heavy rain, the alley was muddy, so my grandfather brought furnace slag and sand from a distance and paved the path flat; In the morning, when people were still asleep, Grandpa had already cleaned the alley; There is also the small cart, which is not convenient for Grandpa to make when he sees another bureau going in and out. Grandpa is always quiet and stubborn. As long as he wants to do something, no one can stop him. But in my memory, he has never been angry. He often smiles on his dark face and looks so enthusiastic. Last winter, my neighbor Grandpa Li's old disease, bronchitis, recurred and coughed all day. I don't know where Grandpa got a folk prescription, saying that he needed a big radish with red arsenic. He immediately ran back, picked up the radish that had just been buried with soil, picked up three or four and left. Dad was puzzled: "Dad, what are you doing with the radish?" "Treat Old Man Li!" Then he walked out of the door without looking back. Grandpa is always busy. He finds work when he has no work. He carved out a wasteland. At first the family knew nothing about it. Occasionally one day, my grandpa hurried back after lunch, and my parents only knew about it when they asked. After harvest, Grandpa brought back the vegetables and gave them to the neighbors to taste. None of the neighbors did not say that he was a good old man. It was freezing, and everything outside the window was trembling in the cold wind. "The cleaners are lazy again, and the public toilets outside can't get in!" the neighbors cried bitterly. The words reached Grandpa's ears. He found a steel bar and put one end into the boiler. When the steel bar was burning red, he picked up the hammer and kept knocking. After a while, the steel bar was sharp. Grandpa picked it up, looked at it from side to side, then weighed it and nodded with satisfaction. Then he put on his hat and gloves and walked away with the iron catalpa and steel bars. In the toilet, our building is only separated by roads. My mother accidentally saw my grandpa cleaning it from the window. She was worried: "Jing, hurry to call your grandpa back. What a shame!" My brother hesitated: "Can I call him back?" My mother kept silent helplessly. More than an hour later, Grandpa came in from outside. Oh, Grandpa has become an old man of ice and snow. His white beard was covered with ice, and his eyebrows and eyes were all white. Mother said, "Don't do those chores in the future, and there will be no shortage of others!" Grandpa smiled and said, "I'm not tired." Grandpa is such a person, thinking of others all the time. Everyone who knew him said, "What a good old man!"

I Love Grandpa (9)

My grandfather is a kind and amiable old man. Grandpa is tall and strong, with gray hair and few wrinkles on his bronze face. He looks very kind. He often wears a pair of old-fashioned cloth shoes and walks quickly. Although he is an old man, he is very strong. It's not like an old man in his 70s at all.
Whenever I get up in the morning, I always see the meat buns, fried dough sticks and soybean milk bought by my grandfather. No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, you will see such scenes. At this moment, my heart is warm.
My grandfather also cares about me very much. He won't let me do hard work. Every day after school, he will remind me to drink water and ask me about my homework. If my learning task is completed, he will let me sit on the sofa and watch TV for a while.
Grandpa loves me, cares about me, and likes me more.
Whenever my hair is long, Grandpa always smiles and says kindly, "Your hair is long, come with me to get a haircut!" After winning my consent, Grandpa will pat my head, touch my face, and then hold me on the tricycle and say, "Sit tight, I'm going!" Only heard the clatter of the wheels... looked at Grandpa's back. So I grew up, and my hair was always regular and beautiful.
I remember that every time my grandfather asked me, "Are you hungry? Go shopping when you are hungry!" He would go to the nearby supermarket to buy some delicious food, so I couldn't wait to eat. Although I eat fat, I am not hungry at all. But I will not let go of good things. Grandpa always smiled and watched me eat.
Grandpa not only cares about my life, but also about my study.
No matter in winter or summer, when my parents are away, my grandfather always sends me to the foreign language school seven or eight miles away on foot. My grandfather sends me to the air-conditioned classroom while he is waiting for me outside. Grandpa sweats outside in summer and gets cold outside in winter.
Tell me where you can find such a good grandpa.
I like my grandpa very much!

I Love Grandpa (10)

I have a handsome and lovely grandfather. He is my favorite person. I like him very much.

Grandfather had big bright eyes under his dark eyebrows. His gray hair was always combed neatly. Although his face was thin and tall, he often wore a kind smile. My grandpa is very strong and powerful. I tell you that although my grandpa is almost seventy years old, people who don't know him will think he looks very young when they see him. I often call him "Grandpa, a beautiful man".

Grandpa likes sports very much. His favorite is dancing. Every morning, whenever he has time, Grandpa will ask his partner to have a good dance. He often tells me confidently that he is the best dancer. Grandpa often sang a song and danced softly while cooking in the kitchen. He was very intoxicated!

Grandpa has a super good temper. He especially dotes on me and everyone in the family. No matter who wants to eat, he will try his best to meet our requirements. When it comes to dishes he can't cook, he will buy special recipes and learn to cook them for us. Grandpa never loses his temper and always speaks softly. When he speaks loudly at home, he seldom speaks in harmony with anyone. When he encounters problems, he always patiently tries to reason with me.

My grandpa picks me up every day after school. On the road, sometimes he would teach me to sing. Although they were all revolutionary songs, I still liked them very much. Sometimes I would tell my grandpa about the interesting things that happened in the school with rapture, and he would laugh with me. Along the way, our grandparents and grandchildren always had endless words. Grandpa is the person who cares about me most. I love him very much.

This is my handsome and lovely grandpa. With such a good grandpa, I feel happy!

I Love Grandpa (11)

My grandfather is an engineer, a little fat, he has a pair of almond eyes, a tall nose always with a pair of big myopia glasses, his face also has a lot of beans. Once, when Grandpa was talking to me, I suddenly found that Grandpa's teeth were fake!

Grandpa has a small shortcoming: he likes to snore when he sleeps, but he sleeps very fast. Whenever I didn't lie down, Grandpa's snoring sounded, "boom, boom" was like thunder.

At ordinary times, Grandpa is an amiable person. He is very serious about his work. When he checks his work, he always looks serious. His hands are always behind him when he walks. Everyone is afraid of him. When I came home from work, my grandpa always smiled at me and listened to me like a changed person. This is my favorite grandpa.

I Love Grandpa (12)

I have a grandfather who loves me.

Grandpa is over sixty. Some white hair grows out of my hair unconsciously. It's all for my family! The eyes often show warm eyes, which have given me courage, confidence and warmth. Grandpa has a pair of rough hands. These hands will warm me when they hold my little hand, give me confidence when they touch my head, and give me courage when they give me a thumbs up.

Once, my pencil box was left at school. I thought to myself: Mom will say something about me. I quickly told my grandpa about it. Although it was still snowing outside, Grandpa went to school. I found my pencil box. When Grandpa came home, he was already wet, his face was red with cold, and his hands were cold. At this time, I felt very sad. Grandpa suffered so much for me. I must study hard and repay my grandpa when I grow up.

Ah, Grandpa, I love you!

I Love Grandpa (13)

I have a grandfather who loves me. When I was young, I grew up with my grandparents and was regarded as a treasure by my grandfather. I would give whatever I wanted, even if I ran far away to buy what I didn't have. At that time, Grandpa had a very strong body. But after I went to primary school, I went back to Shiyan with my mother, far away from my grandfather, and less often. Last time I went back, I felt that my grandpa was obviously aging and had more white hair quietly. I could not help feeling a little sad in my heart.

Although my grandpa was older, he was still so hardworking. He walked downstairs quietly to do things at the beginning of the day. I often heard Grandma say that when the neighbors around got up and opened the door lazily, Grandpa had been busy with many things and began to sit at the door leisurely. Maybe you will say that the old man is so old, but I think this is Grandpa's good habit of getting up early for many years. Grandpa has retired at home. He has not only the habit of getting up early, but also the habit of being hospitable. My grandpa lives on the roadside. When there are good food and wine, there may be only one or two guests. My grandpa will invite the familiar drinkers on the road to the dinner table in a few words. This is the most troublesome thing for my grandma, so I have no complaints. But my grandpa always said that eating and drinking would be fun?

Grandpa often can't stay idle, so he will walk around the field, sweep in front of the door, and stroll in the street. Today, my brother goes to school in the city and seldom goes back. I know my grandparents are also so-called empty nesters. My brother and I agreed to call my grandfather five times a week. Their surprise and excitement can be heard from the voice of the phone. It seems that they have been waiting for our call. Because I have to go to school, I have to go to cram school during the holidays, and there is very little time to go back. Grandpa will arrange Grandma to accompany me for a few days every other time. Sometimes when I meet someone who is about the same age as my grandparents on the road, I will think how lonely my grandparents would be if my brother and I didn't go back.

Last summer vacation, I went back, and my brother and cousin also went to my grandfather's house. Grandpa naturally prepared my favorite lobster, eel and so on. One day, my brother and cousin were playing mobile games with relish, and I was slouching on the swing alone. Although there were bursts of cool wind, I could feel the coolness, but I also felt a bit bored. Grandpa and Grandma came back with vegetables from the ground, and I hurried to pour a glass of water. Grandpa drank happily while holding a water cup, and asked me what I was doing at home in the afternoon. I said that the two of them had been playing with their mobile phones. After watching TV for a while, I played on the swings outside. The next morning, I got up and saw a brand new mobile phone. Grandpa said he bought it for me. I know grandpa bought mobile phones after he saw that his brother and cousin both had mobile phones and rode far away in the morning. When I said: Mom and Dad said that I am still a primary school student, and it is not suitable for me to use a mobile phone. This mobile phone is so expensive, and I can't take it. Maybe grandpa saw that I insisted that I couldn't have it. After breakfast, he returned the phone and bought us some delicious food. I know grandpa wanted to buy it for me because he loved me. He must be disappointed.

I love my grandfather because he is hardworking and he loves me very much. Every time I leave my grandpa's house, how reluctant I am to leave, I can't help crying. I am like a small sapling, growing strong and strong under grandpa's irrigation, and gradually growing taller.

Grade 6: Dongyi Xiao Bing

I Love Grandpa (14)

Grandpa has been dead for several months, but I often dream of him at night. In his dream, he has white hair, wrinkles and a kind smile.

Grandpa was an old Chinese doctor. People in the neighborhood come to see grandpa whenever they feel uncomfortable, and every time they are cured by medicine. Grandpa planted many herbs in his backyard. In addition to giving medical treatment, he treats these herbs. One moment watering, one moment weeding, one moment fertilizing.

Since I was sensible, I have been very interested in helping my grandfather loosen the soil and hoe the herbs. Every time I come to this small pharmacy, I always ask questions:

"Grandpa, what kind of flower is this?"

Grandpa will answer patiently:

"This is called single leaf red peony. Its root and skin can be used as medicine."

Then I would ask, "What kind of disease does this herb cure?"

Grandpa told me:

"This medicine can cure cold and pain; it can also cure stomach and intestines burning and heart qi deficiency."

I inquired: "What is a lack of morale?"

"You are still young. You can learn in a few years!"

Grandfather is highly skilled and respected. One day, an old man had a fever, which was very severe. He rushed to the doctor when he was ill. His son invited a witch doctor who claimed to be a miracle doctor. The witch doctor closed his eyes, folded his hands, and murmured. He pretended to make a gesture with both hands. He grasped the east and the west. After making a solemn gesture, he took out a paper bag and said it was a magic medicine. If he took it, he would get rid of the disease. Then he took the money and ran away.

When people were about to give the medicine to the old man, someone opened the medicine of the witch doctor and shouted, "It's all ashes made of wood chips mixed with loess. How can it cure the disease?" So they invited the grandfather home. Grandpa diagnosed the old man at once. First, he felt his pulse and looked at the old man's tongue. After asking, he prescribed some medicine and said, "Give the old man a drink right away. After drinking the medicine, cover him with a quilt, and sweat will heal."

The next day, the old man's illness was much better. He not only stopped his fever, but also got up to eat porridge. On the third day, Grandpa could go to the market to buy goods. Everyone said, "Dr. Zhang's medical skill is really brilliant!"

Grandpa is not only skilled in medicine, but also compassionate. Uncle Li, a neighbor, is a lonely old man, weak and ill. Grandpa often treats his illness for free and never charges a penny.

Although grandpa left us, his glorious image always flashed in my mind! Grandpa, I love you!

I Love Grandpa (15)

I have a good grandfather. He is very kind to me and loves me very much. Why, you don't believe it? Let me tell you about it!

My grandfather has been very thrifty all his life. His socks have a big hole, but he is reluctant to spend money to buy new socks. Instead, he gives me all his money as pocket money. And even more surprising to me, my grandpa happily took a package of lucky money and said: "Take it. It's rare for you and your parents to come to our hometown and play for a few more days to get some money! Play must be for money, come on, grandpa will give you money, your parents will not give you money, grandpa will give you money, take it to buy food, it's OK, your parents will tell you, grandpa will help you! ”Although my grandpa talked about the idea, yes, my parents don't give me pocket money, but I also know very well that my grandpa usually needs to eat and drink, and he also needs money. He usually saves a penny and a half to be my lucky money? Is that grandpa too unworthy? He usually gives me pocket money. I'm so embarrassed to ask for grandpa's money again. So I shook my head and said, "Grandpa, I can't take this money, and it's not easy for you!" Grandpa pretended to be angry and said, "What, you, you look down on grandpa?" I shook my head more severely and said, "No, grandpa, I don't look down on you." Grandpa took the opportunity to put the money into my pocket, Grandpa is really trying his best!

Well, this is my grandfather who loves me!

I Love Grandpa (16)

It's going to be a holiday again soon. I want to go back to see my grandparents. Since I worked in the summer vacation, I have never gone back. My grandparents must miss me. When I think of my grandfather's kind eyes, I feel very warm.

I remember my grandpa always took me to take a bath. When I was young, I didn't know how to wipe my grandpa's back. I always ran around mischievously, playing with my brothers, and finally I ended up with a cold. At that time, the happiest thing was that my grandpa would buy me a piece of hot fried sugar paste every time I washed. At that time, every bit was happiness. Now the bathhouse and the person who sold the sugar paste are no longer there, But my memory has been preserved.

My grandpa used to be a Red Army. No matter who he was always so kind to, I feel sorry for him. In the eyes of others, it is a small thing, but it is always painful for me. Once when I was playing outside, I remembered that there was a big pool where my grandpa lived. That time, I accidentally dropped my glasses into it, but it was still the deepest place. I was helpless. With my strength, it was hard to get it up. I thought I would drown half to death. I was helpless. At this moment, my grandpa came here. It was a scene I will never forget. I have forgotten my grandpa's age at that time, But I clearly remember that my grandfather went down to the water in his chest, picked up his glasses with his feet, and went home. At that time, I didn't know what to say. I ran to a place where no one was, and shed the first tear in my memory. My grandpa may not remember this long ago. The five brothers have caused me so much trouble, but I can't forget the scene where my grandpa picked up my glasses that summer.

Every time I go back to my grandpa's house, my grandpa always kills a chicken for me to make my favorite pancakes. But at that time, I always regard going back to my grandpa's house as a trouble. There is no computer, no friends, and my brother doesn't take me to play. Now that I have grown up, maybe one day, my grandpa will leave me and go to another world. How can I see my grandpa then, So I go back to see my grandpa when I have time. I don't like my second brother to wash my grandpa. What I can do is to make my grandpa and grandma happy.

Some people always regard the elderly as a burden, or even bully the elderly. I hope those people remember that without the elderly, there will be no us. For those who bully the elderly, the only thing they can see is that they will never stand by. I just hope that if my grandparents, grandparents, have difficulties, there will also be good hearted people to help. Our society needs this spirit, isn't it?

Grandpa, I love you.

I Love Grandpa (17)

Father's love is as heavy as a mountain, and mother's love is as deep as the sea. Apart from father's love and mother's love, grandpa's love for me is also great.

My parents go out to work every year and leave me to grandpa. When I was young, I lived with my grandfather in a small room of less than 30 square meters. The life was very hard, but my grandfather cared about me very much.

I remember once, when the heavy rain had just passed that day, the breeze was still blowing on my back, and I felt a little cold on my body. That day, my grandfather and I were going to visit my grandfather who was over 60 years old, but the conditions were very bad at that time. Mud roads are more difficult to walk after being washed by rain; As I walked, I saw many huge puddles in front of me. I looked at those huge puddles and was stunned. When I was about to rush over, I saw my grandpa had taken off his shoes, rolled up his trouser legs, bent his waist, and looked at a treasure with his kind eyes. He said kindly, "Come up quickly, don't get your trouser legs muddy." When I was about to refuse, it had already started to rain, and the rain fell on my grandpa's white and black hair, which was more obvious, It seems that there are several small black spots on the snow, which makes people feel uncomfortable. When I think of it, I jumped on my grandfather's back. Only in this way can I not hurt his heart, but let him smile like an angel.

No matter how great the father's love is, no matter how kind the mother's love is, the world is the same. Grandpa loves me no more than them, and he will not lose them. All of them are love!

I Love Grandpa (18)

My grandfather's name is Xia Zheng. He is over 60 years old. He has gray hair and wrinkles all over his face. He speaks slowly, is in good spirit, and walks happily.

My grandfather worked hard in the factory, and his skills were very good. He took many apprentices with him, and the disciples said he was a good teacher, because he passed on, helped, taught and taught without reservation, so that the apprentices learned a lot of skills in a short time.

Now I am retired and spend my old age at home. He likes me very much. My sister and I were brought up by him. My grandfather is so hard! I love my grandfather. I hope he will live a long life.

I Love Grandpa (19)

Grandpa loves flowers, grass and love - especially me. Grandpa is kind and kind. He is tall and thin, with a flat head, big eyes, a high nose and a small mouth. Grandpa likes planting flowers, grass and trees. There is a garden in front of my house. There are many flowers and plants in it. It is full of vitality all the year round. With grandpa's careful care, flowers and plants grow very luxuriantly.

I remember once, Grandpa was trimming flowers and trees. His face was very kind, like looking at his grandson. Carefully cut the flowers, click click...... The flowers and plants are trimmed neatly. Then, water and fertilize. Although grandpa's garden is not so big, he has more than 60 years old and has many flowers and plants, so this work is very hard for grandpa. I went to help Grandpa. But my grandpa said kindly, "Tong, you didn't do this job. Come here, grandpa, go and play!" I nodded and ran to the corner to look at it secretly. I saw my grandpa working hard to water one basin after another, step by step, that old face, that kind face, I will never forget. Finally, all the work was done, Grandpa said; "Good growth, the grown fruit will be eaten by Tongtong!" I cried, both happily and deeply moved.

Another time, I played games with my friends. I saw the roses planted by my grandfather were blooming. So I picked several branches for decoration. Grandpa came back and was very angry when he saw the flowers. But grandpa never lost his temper, and I was afraid. At this time, my grandfather said earnestly: "Tongtong, this flower is alive. If you take it off, it will hurt. You see how well it opens. Would you mind not doing this in the future?" I nodded solemnly and said to my grandfather: "I will never pick flowers again. Grandpa smiled and patted my head.

Grandpa loves flowers, grass and me more. Now grandpa still plants flowers and trees. But as soon as I have time, I will help grandpa take care of flowers and plants together. I will love him as my grandfather loves flowers and grass.