Kanas Composition (15 compilations)
Ginseng and vinegar don't meet
2023-08-23 07:01:00

Kanas Composition (1)

On the second day in Xinjiang, my parents and I came to Kanas, a paradise on earth that we have long yearned for.

Kanas is located in Altay, the northernmost region of Xinjiang, bordering Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan, and is known as the most mysterious and beautiful place in China. It is said that it is a paradise where immortals live.

On the way, I saw endless grasslands everywhere, just like a green blanket covering the earth. There are scattered white yurts on the grassland. These are the houses where Kazakhs live. They are like bright pearls inlaid on the green grassland. Around the yurt, flocks of cattle and sheep can be seen eating grass leisurely, and horses are running happily. In the distance, tall and continuous mountains are covered with pines and cypresses, and bright wild flowers are all over the grassland.

Along the way, I was overwhelmed by the beautiful scenery on both sides. Before I knew it, we came to Wolong Bay, one of the most famous three bays in Kanas. As soon as you get off the bus, a fresh air comes to you, making you feel extremely comfortable. Looking around, the calm lake is green and clear with silver light. There is an island in the middle of the lake, like a dragon.

According to the guide, there is a legend. It is said that the Dragon King had many sons. One of his youngest sons was disobedient and liked to play around. One autumn, he flew to Kanas and thought the scenery here was very beautiful, so he played heartily in the lake. Unexpectedly, the sky suddenly snowed heavily, and the lake suddenly froze. Bruce Lee was trapped here, and his body became a dragon shaped shoal. Later people called it "Wolong Bay".

Then we took the bus to another classic scenic spot in the scenic spot - Moon Bay, which is an extension of Wolong Bay River. I saw a river just like the moon in front of me. The water was clear and crystal clear. There are two low islands in the river, which are particularly eye-catching. They are like two giant footprints, which are called immortal footprints by local people.

About 3 kilometers north from Yueliang Bay, there is a beach where the river water cuts the forest and grassland into small islands, called Shenxian Bay. This marsh and shoal is illuminated by the sun, and the river is shining brightly. Even the leaves on the trees are swaying and shining with the wind.

After seeing Sanwan, we got on the bus and walked on, and soon came to the famous Kanas Lake. I got out of the car excitedly. I was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of me! The sky is blue and deep, the snow capped peaks in the distance are white, the mountains are full of green trees, the mountainside is surrounded by clouds, and the foot of the mountain is covered with green grass. Then look at Kanas Lake, which is blue and calm, and the lake surface is like a smooth jade.

Silver gleamed in the sun's light. Being among the green mountains and green waters is just like being in a painting!

The beauty of Kanas is dreamy, magical and even more created by nature. Kanas makes me unforgettable!

Kanas Composition (2)

Last year's National Day holiday, I came to Kanas and saw the mysterious Kanas Lake.

The lake there is deep but clear. You can see all kinds of stones in the lake.

The Kanas Lake in October is beautiful and colorful. The red, yellow and green trees in the mountain forest are mixed with white trunks, embellishing the color of the mountain forest. The top of the mountain is covered with a thin layer of white snow, shining in the sun.

In the evening, every family in the village has a wisp of cooking smoke, which is particularly quiet in the shadow of the smoke. The tourists at the lake gradually dispersed. I wonder if the legendary "lake monster" will appear? It made me curious.

Kanas Composition (3)

If you travel to Xinjiang, you must visit Kanas.

On the National Day last year, my father was lucky to visit Xinjiang in seven days because he went to help Xinjiang. After two days' rest in Urumqi, we left for Kanas. Compared with the warm weather of more than ten or twenty degrees in Urumqi, the weather of minus four degrees in the morning seemed unusually bleak and cold. When I got there, I only wore this thin school pants. My whole body trembled with cold, and I had no time to appreciate the crystal and white strings of ice on the leaves. After a while of trouble, Kanas slowly handed over the early sun.

Next to Kanas, there are high mountains everywhere. In autumn, the yellow trees are gradually changing from yellow to red. In the sun, there is still light snow on the high mountains of Kanas. The peaks are white and continuous.

Inside the Kanas Park are Tianshan Mountain and Tianchi Lake. We look up at the green Tianshan Mountain along the stone path around the Tianchi Lake. The various stones are full of wrinkles and moss. On the slightly higher gentle slope, there are several delicate trees hanging down. The yellow and green leaves rush to our faces, which seems to be out of proportion to the nearby trees full of snow. As I walked along the narrow stone path, I looked down at the Tianchi Lake. The lake was green and blue, and the water was as clear as glass, just like "fish pebbles". There is no trace of black in the sky. The silent and clear blue sky and the lake seem to blend into one, but we are just a little colorful in the silence.

Compared with the noisy and bustling urban area of Urumqi, I feel the peace here for a long time. The sound made by stepping on the tiny ice is the only sound in the pure land around Tianshan Mountain. The sun shines on the land surrounded by mountains, and the shining ice shines brightly. People unconsciously slow down their steps and lower their voices. This is the natural dignity of the holy land of Tianshan Mountain. It breaks the violent temperament of human beings with its silent solemnity, It also warns people once again who is the most powerful existence on the earth. It comforts many ambitious and disdainful people and magnifies their insignificance in the holy land. It is just like a sage. In the midst of this noisy situation, he is neither anxious nor irritable, and finally makes everyone wonder that he is free from dirt.

People often say that the top of a thousand mountains is towering and domineering, but Tianshan Mountain is different. The grand scene led by Tianshan Mountain is still standing in the noisy world.

Kanas Composition (4)

Last night we took flight cz2021 from Turpan to Kanas. After taking another bus for nearly an hour, we came to Jiadengyu Town.

This morning, we walked to Kanas National Geopark.

Kanas National Geopark is located in the middle of Altay Mountains in the north of Xinjiang. It is close to the border between China and Kazakhstan, Russia, Mongolia. Kanas means "mysterious and beautiful" in Mongolian.

We went in by tour bus. The tour guide explained while the bus was driving. We got off the bus at Wolong Bay, where the water was clear and green. There is an island in the lake with beautiful scenery. We walked down the zigzag plank road, which was flanked by green and yellow grass. The closer to the lake, the more beautiful the scenery is. Green mountains, blue sky and white clouds are reflected on the calm lake.

Along the plank road, we shuttled through the forest. One side is green mountains and water, and the other side is green forests and grasslands. Suddenly an otter flew past our sight, and my father quickly picked up the camera to take a picture of it.

We walked in the picturesque woods for more than an hour, talking and laughing. What appeared in front of us was a blue crescent shaped lake, that is, the Moon Bay. There is a pair of foot shaped patterns in the bay, which is said to be a pair of light footprints left by Chang'e when she flew to the moon. This legend adds a bit of mystery and tranquility to the Moon Bay.

We continued to move forward while enjoying the scenery along the way. Then we came to Shenxian Bay. The Shenxian Bay is surrounded by continuous lawns. There are tall and straight pine trees and green grass on the lawn.

There are all kinds of colorful flowers growing on the grass. Many insects, small bees and butterflies are flying around among the flowers, and a few of them are also flying up the plank road, as if to guide us.

Blue sky, white clouds, high mountains, lawns, lakes, pine trees and beautiful flowers all make visitors feel relaxed and happy and forget to leave.

By this time, we had walked in this beautiful landscape for nearly four hours. But we didn't feel tired, because we were deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery. At Yaze Lake, we got on the sightseeing bus again and continued to drive forward.

Finally, we came to the mouth of Kanas Lake and stayed here for about half an hour. Due to time and weather, we went back first and planned to come back tomorrow.

Kanas Composition (5)

Today, we come to Kanas National Geopark again to continue to visit the scenic spots that we did not finish yesterday.

We got on the tour bus at the entrance of the scenic spot, drove for nearly an hour to the transfer station, and then got on the tour bus to Guanyutai.

When we arrived at the destination, we got off the bus and saw the smoke around here, as if we were in a fairyland. There are 1068 steps in the fish watching platform, and we began to climb up with the crowd. Along the way, the scenery is constant. The more you go up, the more beautiful the scenery is.

Suddenly several cute white lambs appeared in our sight. A local boy held a lamb and asked his mother, "Auntie, would you like to take a photo with a lamb for only five yuan?" So I picked up the lovely lamb, which was warm and smelled sweet. It was obedient and did not move in my arms. My favorite animal is lamb, and I am also a sheep.

Halfway up the mountain, on one side of the steps is the mirror like Kanas Lake, which zigzags to the mysterious distance. The green lake water is like a piece of beautiful jade inlaid on this land. There are many beautiful flowers on the hillside beside the lake, which makes Kanas Lake more charming.

On the other side of the steps, the mountains in the distance are covered with snow, which looks very beautiful against the blue sky and white clouds; Below is the vast and lush primeval forest; Below is the flat grassland, like a large green blanket.

Come to the highest place, the Fish Watching Pavilion, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of the entire Kanas Lake.

After that, we returned from another plank road and passed the Hundred Flowers Garden. The flowers were fragrant and colorful. The industrious little bee worked hard on the flower, and even the ladybugs came to join in the fun.

After opening the fish watching platform, we took the tourist bus to the border between China and Kazakhstan.

After that, we went to Baihaba Village, which is known as the first village and the best sentry in western China. Baihaba Village is located on the bank of the Haba River, the boundary river between China and Kazakhstan. Baihaba Village is one of the three main settlements of China's only 2000 Tuwa people in Kanas Scenic Area, and it is a typical primitive tribe integrating primitive natural ecology and ancient traditional culture.

Kanas Composition (6)

Leaving the beautiful Tianshan Mountain and bumping for nearly nine hours, my parents and I finally came to Kanas, the "Pure Land on Earth", the place I most yearned for during our trip to Xinjiang. Kanas is a Mongolian language, which means beautiful, rich and mysterious.

We entered the Kanas Scenic Area with the sightseeing bus, and first came to Wolong Bay, which is located at a corner of Kanas Lake.

In the mirror like water of Kanas Lake, there lies a sleeping "dinosaur": its whole body is green, its head is upward, its mouth is open, its front paws are downward, its back paws are upward, and its long tail is straight and lifelike.

In fact, it is an island on Kanas Lake, which looks like a pterosaur, hence its name.

After Wolong Bay, there is the famous Moon Bay. Standing on the high mountain road and looking at the winding lake, you can feel that the moon in the sky stretched its shadow on this beautiful land. The guide brother said that because the depth of the water in the bay is different, the color of the water is also different. The crescent lake bays are like a boat rowing in the water, like a green leaf floating in the water, like a swing in the water

It is said that Chang'e left a pair of footprints when she flew to the moon. It is also said that the footprints were left by Genghis Khan when he pursued the enemy. There is a holy spring beside the Moon Bay. We all go to wash our hands, saying that we can touch the aura.

Next is the Shenxian Bay. The Shenxian Bay is sparkling. It is said that a big pearl fell from the sky and smashed on the water, turning into many small pearls. Therefore, the water here is always sparkling under the sunshine, like many dazzling pearls in the bay emitting brilliant brilliance.

Kanas Lake is the most beautiful. The water of Kanas Lake is green and pure, which looks like a piece of jasper from a distance, shining in the sunlight; Seen from near, it is clear to the bottom, like a bright mirror. The lake is surrounded by dense trees, whose shadows are printed in the lake water. In this situation, who can not be intoxicated?

When the cruise ship slowly passed the lake, it was very beautiful. The cruise ship is going slower and slower. It seems that there is a lake monster under the water. I think if there is no such lake, Kanas will lose half of its beauty.

Kanas has unpredictable water, tall and straight mountains, lush trees, brilliant flowers, mysterious water monsters, and light mist. When we enter it, we are not only deeply attracted by it.

The setting sun is gradually setting. When the sun sprinkles the last ray of light on the earth, the quiet, beautiful and sacred Kanas falls asleep. What a "Pure Land on Earth" - Kanas!

Kanas Composition (7)

Min Kaichen, Class 5 (1), Lhasa Road Primary School, went to Kanas with my father and mother this summer vacation. It is located in the northwest corner of the territory of the motherland, which is the tip of the tail of the "big cock" of China. It is surrounded by mountains, and often can not receive mobile phone signals. It is too remote! The "Discovery" program has specially recorded the series of "Mysterious Kanas Lake Monster", and I have long been fascinated by it. After thousands of kilometers, we finally came to the pure land that fascinated me. We got up early, our hands were purple with cold, and we put on cotton padded clothes. Come to the Kanas River, wow! The water on the river is sparkling, and the clear water flows excitedly, hitting the rock, and the splashes are like jumping pearls; Around the towering ancient trees, there are gingko, birch, Siberian fir, green mixed with a few golden; On the grass beach and green trees beside the river, there are several wooden houses. In the courtyard surrounded by logs, several horses are eating grass. I know that it is the home of Tuva people. They have lived in the deep mountain for generations, unknown and carefree. Taking a few deep breaths of fresh air, I kept "clicking" the camera in my hand. From all over the world, I have passed many places, but the beauty of Kanas shocked me at the first sight. Walk slowly along the plank road by the stream, stop and walk, and see how many "films" were murdered. At the place where the river flows out of Kanas Lake, we put on life jackets and diving suits and began the most dangerous journey - drifting. As soon as we got on the boat, the two helmsmen, namely the coach, seriously taught us various essentials: how to hold the oars, how to lean the body, how to put the feet, and how to work together. They said the water was strong, deep and cold. Everyone was nervous and excited. When the water is gentle, we enjoy the beautiful scenery under the blue sky and white clouds, feel the ease of flowing down, and talk and laugh happily. With a cry: "Attention!" The first vortex appeared in front of us. The boatman took the helm, and everyone tried to skate to avoid it. The ship rolled sideways, and a big wave came to our face. In the cry, we were beaten wet all over, but laughed happily. After bathing and changing clothes, we began to climb the mountain. The goal was to watch the fish pavilion where Professor Yuan Guoying found the mysterious red fish. As the saying goes: climb high and look far. The more you climb up, the more you will see Kanas Lake. But the 2030 meter high mountain is not easy to conquer. The more I climbed, the more tired and hot I got, and my clothes fell off one by one. Breathing heavily, walking and sitting, fortunately, I was supported by the breeze, beautiful scenery and strange lake. Finally, I reached the top of the mountain. After a short rest, I looked down and searched for the legendary lake monster. Kanas Lake has six bends, which are linked together like lotus root. Its color is so wonderful! Some places are as green as emerald, some are as white as milk, and some are as dark as black ink. The tour guide said that it is a famous chameleon lake. Suddenly, the calm of the lake was broken, and several black shadows rushed forward, cutting the water surface and pulling out several water lines. I shouted: lake monster! A closer look shows that there are several speedboats. My mother laughs. I really want to go to Kanas again in autumn. It is said that at that time, the mountains were golden, dark red and dark green, known as the palette of God. Brief comment: The composition did not fall into the fixed mode of writing travel notes, but wrote its own unique feelings

Kanas Composition (8)

Today, I came to Kanas. It is about 160 kilometers away from Burqin County and is known as one of the most beautiful places in China. "Kanas" means "mysterious lake in the valley" in Mongolian. The whole lake is long and narrow, a bit like a curved moon. I climbed up to the fish watching pavilion and looked down at the whole lake. The lake was milky green, like jasper, and different colors would change with the sun and different viewing angles. It's said that there is a monster in the lake, but I didn't see it this time.

Kanas Composition (9)

In life, work and study, everyone has dealt with composition. Composition is a narrative method to express a theme through words. So have you learned about composition? The following is a short collection of Kanas travel essays. Welcome to read them. I hope you can enjoy them.

Finally, I came to Kanas, the pure land on earth. Kanas is in Mongolian, which means beautiful, rich and mysterious. Kanas is located in Burqin County.

We arrived at Wolong Bay by sightseeing bus. In the mirror like water of the lake, there are some islands that are like a lying Stegosaurus. Its whole body is green, its head is up, its mouth is open, its front paws are down, its back paws are up, and its long tail is straight, which looks like a lying dragon.

Then, we arrived at the Moon Bay, whose shape is like a crescent moon, and the water color is changeable. The guide sister said that because the depth of the water in the bay is different, the color of the water is also different. The crescent lake bays are like a boat paddling in the water, like a green leaf floating in the water, like a swing in the water... There is a legend in the Moon Bay that Chang'e left a pair of footprints when she flew to the moon, and there is also a legend that the footprints were left by Genghis Khan when he chased the enemy.

The beautiful Immortal Bay unfolds before my eyes. It is said that this is the place where immortals live, so it is called the Immortal Bay. It is also said that Genghis Khan washed his hands here during the Western Expedition and accidentally dropped a pearl into the lake, so the water here is always sparkling under the sun, like many pearls shining in the bay.

Yaze Lake is flat all around, and the lake is like a mirror. The elder sister of the tour guide said that this is the habitat of wild ducks, swans and other birds. Although we did not see groups of birds, we saw the green grass surrounding the lake, quiet and beautiful, endless grassland, cattle and sheep grazing at leisure, white yurts dotted, and green mountains and white clouds formed a natural giant landscape painting, which is pleasing to the eye.

Because of the time, we ran to Kanas Lake. The water of Kanas Lake was green and pure, shining like jewels under the sun. There were thick trees around the lake, and the shadows of trees were printed in the lake. Who could not be intoxicated with this scene?

The setting sun is gradually setting. When the sun sprinkles the last ray of light on the earth, the quiet, beautiful and sacred Kanas falls asleep.

Kanas Composition (10)

When we arrived at Kanas, the first thing we saw was the green pine trees, white birch trees and strange red pine trees all over the mountains. The scattered European red roofed wooden houses in the forest made us feel as if we had entered Andersen's fairy tale world. Looking around, the distant hillsides seemed to be paved with green carpets, and flocks of cattle and sheep were grazing leisurely, which made me think of a poem: "The sky is vast and the wild is boundless, and cattle and sheep can be seen when the wind blows grass."

After a long walk, we arrived at the "Moon Bay", which is as clean as jade. It is a bright pearl on Kanas Lake. Look, the winding lake water is like a crescent moon, gently falling into the green canyon, emitting a mysterious atmosphere. The lake water in Yueliangwan is clear and crystal clear, and the river is covered with green pines, setting off the lake water more beautiful. The lake water in Yueliangwan will also change color, like a little girl who loves beauty. Yueliangwan has two small water beaches that look like footprints. They are very strange and are called "immortal footprints" by local people.

Then, we boarded the fish watching platform. Standing on the fish watching platform, Kanas has a panoramic view: the sky is deep and blue, the snow is white in the distance, the mountains are full of green trees, the hillside is surrounded by clouds, and the foot of the mountain is covered with green grass.

Kanas Lake is blue and clear, and its surface looks like a smooth jade. There are many speedboats in the lake, and white waves are aroused behind them, just like fish dragging long "white tails". It's really beautiful against the green water of the lake! Under the sun's light, silver light flickered. Being among the green mountains and green waters is like swimming in a painting, which makes people linger! I was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery of Kanas. When the sunset gradually sets, and the sun sprinkles the last ray of light on the earth, the quiet, beautiful and mysterious Kanas falls asleep.

Ah! Kanas, you are a paradise on earth, you are a fairyland on earth!

Kanas Composition (11)

This summer vacation, my father finally promised to take me to Xinjiang, the northwest frontier of the motherland. My father told me that Xinjiang covers an area of 1.66 million square kilometers, accounting for one sixth of our national territory. I once saw a point as big as sesame in Jintan on the map. Xinjiang is many times bigger than Jintan!

Before coming to Xinjiang, I thought to myself: I must go to the Flaming Mountain, which is the place where the Monkey King learned from the West. I also want to go to Grape Valley. I promised Jiang Qintong to bring her big and sweet grapes to eat! In a few days of sightseeing, I found that Xinjiang has beautiful scenery everywhere. What impressed me most was Kanas Lake.

That morning, I was called up by my mother at more than four o'clock. We lived in a small town near Kanas the night before yesterday, but it will take a long time to drive there. I was dragged to the car and went on sleeping. I don't know how long later, my mother asked me to get off. It's already dawn, and there are many people waiting in line at the entrance of the scenic spot. I stood in line and listened to the guide's introduction. The original "Kanas" is Mongolian, which means "beautiful and mysterious lake". It is said that giant "water monsters" often appear in the lake, which will drag horses drinking water into the water. I was a little scared and very curious. I really want to see what the water monster looks like!

After entering the scenic spot and continuing to take the shuttle bus to the mountain, I saw the picturesque scenery along the way, and could not help thinking of a sentence: look at the colored mountains from afar, listen to the silent water near. After more than one hour, I finally got off the bus. I couldn't wait to get off the bus to see the true face of Mount Lushan in Kanas Lake. What caught my eye was the long steps, so high! My mother smiled and said, "How can such a mysterious water monster be seen so easily? Come on, the scenery on the mountain must be more beautiful!" I had to hold my head and climb up level by level. The fish watching platform is really high. It hasn't reached the top after walking for a long time. Just as I was about to shout tired, my mother pulled me: "Look to the right!" I looked up and said, "Wow!" I cried. I was surrounded by white clouds as thick as cotton floating on the mountainside, and we could not see the foot of the mountain. We seemed to be in a fairyland. I forgot being tired and became very excited. Finally, we arrived at the fish watching platform. Coincidentally, the clouds spread and I finally saw Kanas Lake, which was as green as a piece of jade. I looked at the slowly flowing river, the rolling green mountains around, and the snow mountains clearly visible in the distance. It was really beautiful! I stared at the lake quietly, hoping to wait until the water monster appeared. My father smiled and pointed at a high standing camera beside me and said, "Look, this camera is also capturing the water monster! Today, I'm afraid the water monster will not come!" I was immersed in the beautiful scenery and didn't want to leave, but my stomach kept growling in protest, so I had to leave the mountain.

The beautiful trip to Xinjiang left me a deep impression and good memories! Next time, I will come again!

Kanas Composition (12)

Kanas Lake is located in Altay, which means "beautiful, rich and mysterious". Her beauty is totally different from the West Lake in Hangzhou, which is a unique beauty.

The water of Kanas Lake is beautiful and magical. It will show different colors with the change of seasons and climate. On sunny days, it is mainly dark blue-green; On cloudy days, it has a dark gray green background. The water I saw in Kanas Lake was dark green with a hint of blue. Some places are more green, showing a dark green; Some places are more blue, showing a dark blue.

Kanas Lake flows in zigzags along the valley, forming one bay after another. Because of their different shapes, people named it Wolong Bay, Moon Bay, Immortal Bay... just like pieces of jadeite with different shapes. Moonlight Bay is a curved moon set in the valley. The lake is green. The lakeside is lush with trees, just like a wreath of lace on the Moon Bay.

Kanas Lake is the deepest lake in China. It is said that there is a water monster hidden in the lake. The water monster can set off huge waves, devour horses, cattle and sheep on the shore, and stir up a water column of tens of meters high. When we took the yacht to visit Sandao Bay, we only saw the clear lake water, green valley, and even no trace of the water monster. Where is the water monster? The mystery of the water monster has covered Kanas with a thick fog and added mysterious color.

The visit to Kanas made me think of a poem: "The mountains are surrounded by green lakes, and the hot springs are smooth.".

Kanas Composition (13)

There, clear little streams slowly left from the snow capped mountains on the plateau. Thousands of streams converged into hundreds of streams, and these hundreds of streams converged into a big river. Both sides of the river are covered with dark green mountain forests. At first, the river looked like a mirror, reflecting the dark green mountain forests all the time. But later, the mountain forests looked like an unknown dyer, turning the river from colorless to light green, then to green, then to light green, and after the Moon Bay, it was already green. It is so calm, it is not as turbulent as other rivers. Its curved lines just become the moon in the night sky. Apart from the different colors, there is no difference with the moon. Seen from the single mirror telescope, it turned into a piece of crystal jade again.

Follow the river down to a small scenic spot: Wolong Bay. Maybe it is named because it looks like a dragon. The small river flows out of the Moon Bay and into the dragon head of Wolong Bay. In Wolong Bay, because it was June, he became a green dragon.

Beautiful Kanas, I will never forget your green! Compared with you, the green poplars in Shichahai cannot get rid of their yellow background, which seems too weak. The "green wall" beside Hangzhou Tiger Roar Temple seems too thick. For the rest, the water of the West Lake is too clear, and the Qinhuai River is too dark. How can I describe you?

Kanas Composition (14)

Do you know Kanas? Now listen to what I know!

After enjoying the beautiful scenery of Wolong Bay and Moonlight Bay, she finally unveiled her beautiful veil. Further up about 3 kilometers, a beautiful river beach is displayed in front of people. It is a place where immortals haunt.

The river here cuts the forest and grassland into small islands, which are called "Immortal Bay". It is a marsh shoal formed by Kanas River in the low mountain stream. Seen from the backlight of the lake, the river shines brightly in the sunlight. Even the leaves on the trees are swaying and shining with the wind, as if countless pearls are falling freely, so it is also called "Pearl Beach". There are often clouds around here, with mountain scenery, lake water and leaves set off against each other; The green birch forest, the blue Kanas, and the red wooden house are extraordinary and refined, like a dream, like a fairyland, hence the name of Shenxian Bay.

This is the beautiful and "vivid" Fairy Bay.

I love Shenxian Bay and my hometown more!

Kanas Composition (15)

"Kanas, a national 5A scenic spot, is a national geological park, a national forest park, and a tourist resort integrating glaciers, snow sources, streams, and mountains..." Listening to the guide's introduction, I can't wait to see the legendary fairyland. Finally, I entered the scenic spot, and the shuttle bus drove on the Panshan Road. Looking along the way, it was green at the end of the sky. The mountains were green, the grass was green, the trees were green, and even the river was green. I, a child growing up in a desert town, was deeply intoxicated with the green ocean. It's wonderful here. Kanas Bridge is a watershed. The water in the upstream lake is as smooth as a mirror, flowing slowly, like a slow serenade; The water in the downstream is more and more turbulent, and the waves are surging up, hitting the stones and splashing the waves in layers, like an exciting symphony. The weather is sunny from time to time, the sun stings my eyes, everything is bathed in the golden sun, everything is so vibrant; Sometimes it was cloudy, the sun was covered by dark clouds, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened. With a dull thunder, the continuous drizzle fell one after another. We had a cold bath while we were sunbathing just now. It was really Monkey Sun's face - changing at every turn.

We first came to Wolong Bay, where the hills in the middle of the lake rise and fall like a giant dragon. Siberian larch, fir and spruce stand upright on the hillside, like soldiers guarding the border; The white birch stretches its branches and leaves, like a fairy dancing in white gauze. The scenery here is beautiful. The sun comes out after the rain. The fog is so misty that everything is shrouded in it. It's like being in a fairyland.

Then we came to the Moon Bay, where the lake is in the shape of a zigzag, and the middle corner formed a shape very similar to the moon, so it is called the Moon Bay. The terrain here is relatively flat, surrounded by green trees, and there are flocks of cattle and sheep on the grassland. We are in a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, greedily breathing the fresh air. From time to time, cattle and sheep can be heard in the distance, which is very pleasant and makes people forget to return.

Later, we came to Shenxian Bay. There is another legend about this footprint: there was a dragon in the lake that often killed people, so the immortals came to the world to subdue the dragon and trample on its bones and muscles so that it would never turn over, so they left these footprints. Others said that it was left by Genghis Khan, a generation of heavenly pride, when he fought in the south and north.

The next day, we went to the "fish watching pavilion". Walking on the plank road, the breeze is blowing, the faint fragrance in the air is refreshing, and the mountains and fields are covered with grass and flowers. I noticed that the types of plants changed with the altitude. When I first got to the plank road, the flowers were mostly yellow and white, and when I walked up, I could almost only see purple flowers. We enjoyed the scenery while climbing the mountain. When we were tired, we sat on the plank road, watching the flowers swaying in the wind, watching dragonflies and colorful butterflies dancing... Why haven't we arrived yet? The destination is far away. I'm so tired that I don't want to climb any more. My father encouraged me to say that people should be persistent in doing things. On the way, I saw the fish watching platform at the best angle. It is a cylinder, in front of which is the head of a flying bird. Each side has an extended wing, like a soaring eagle. I finally got on the fish watching platform, which is 1068 steps! I am proud that I have conquered the mountains and stepped on them! Without hard work and sweat, how can we see the most beautiful scenery? Standing on the top of the mountain, the view suddenly broadens, and it really feels like "small mountains at a glance". Looking at the snow mountain, white clouds are winding, eagles are circling, and the arc is so beautiful; Overlooking Kanas Lake, the water of the lake is green and quiet. Snow and pine trees are reflected on the lake, forming a projection of different depths and light and shade, which is another ink painting! The yacht in the distance has brought the slowly expanding ripples, adding a bit of vividness to the quiet beauty. Everything is so harmonious and beautiful!

Kanas, I will come again!