200 words after reading Yugong Moves the Mountain
Cherish each other at sunset
2023-09-17 03:12:41

Once upon a time, there was an old man named Yugong. There were two mountains in front of his house. The mountains were called Taihang Mountain and Wangwu Mountain, respectively. They had to detour in and out. So Yugong and his family decided to move the two mountains away. There was an old man named Zhilao who laughed at Yugong for digging mountains at such an old age. Yu Gong confidently said that if he died, he would have a son, and his son would have grandchildren, and grandchildren would have sons. This will be passed down from generation to generation, but the mountain will not rise. One day, it will be sure to dig the mountain flat. The god of heaven was moved by Yugong's sincerity and sent Tianjiang to move the mountain away.

This story tells us that as long as we have firm determination and efforts, no difficulty can be overcome. Especially in our life and study, we should not be intimidated by difficulties, but should face difficulties and make efforts to finally solve them.