Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (15 Collections)
cool breeze
2024-05-12 04:21:34
Grade 3

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (1)

In the morning, I went to the park to play. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a fragrance. I hurried to the lotus pond.

The lotus has bloomed a lot. The lotus leaves are squeezed like big green discs. White lotus flowers appear between these big disks. Some just spread two or three petals. Some petals were all unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus. Some of them are flower buds, which look like they are full and about to burst.

There are so many white lotus flowers, one by one. Look at this one, it's beautiful; Look at that one. It's also beautiful. If you look at this pool of lotus flowers in front of you as a large living picture, then the artist's skill is really great.

I suddenly felt like a lotus, standing in the sun in snow-white clothes. A breeze blew, and I danced, and my white clothes fluttered with the wind. Not only me, but also all the lotus in the pool are dancing. When the wind passed, I stopped dancing and stood there quietly. The dragonfly flew over and told me the joy of flying in the morning. Little fish swam under my feet and told me the good dream I had last night

After a long time, I remembered that I was not a lotus, but I was looking at it.

On Wednesday, when my mother and I were free, my mother took me to the park to play. As soon as I entered the park, it seemed that there was a fragrant fragrance coming at me. I ran to see a pool of lotus, which was very beautiful.

There are many colors of lotus flowers, such as pink, white, green, and various shapes. Some are still flower buds, some are fully unfolded, some are only unfolded two or three petals, and others seem to be about to crack.

A gust of wind blew, and some of the lotus in a pool bent down, as if greeting me. Some swayed and swayed, as if they were dancing for me to see, and some petals fell off, as if they were crying.

How beautiful the lotus is! I love lotus.

Some students like peonies with national beauty and natural fragrance, others like lotus with delicate fragrance, and others like charming and lovely wild flowers. But I like the lotus flowers that come out of the mud without being stained.

In summer, the lotus flowers are all open. The stamens of the lotus flowers are like buns, the petals are like sunflower seeds, and the green lotus leaves are like disks, mirrors, and the moon. A white lotus is reflected on the green lotus leaves. A fresh breeze blows and ripples rise in the lotus pond layer after layer.

It seems that I have also become a lotus. Wearing white gauze, I dance on the lotus leaves, and butterflies fly past.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (2)

Our campus is a beautiful garden, and the lotus pond is a beautiful scenery in the campus.

Today, under the guidance of our teacher, we walked there in a neat line. The elegant fragrance of the lotus has come to my nose before I get close to it. Everyone said at the same time: "How fragrant!"

When we got to the lotus pond, we first boarded the small bridge. On both sides of one end of the small bridge are small stone lions, with their big mouths open and sharp teeth exposed, like roaring toward the distance. The railings on both sides of the small bridge are pasted with exquisite patterns, including the magnificent Great Wall, the magpie climbing the plum blossom as a symbol of good luck, and the picturesque scenery of the south of the Yangtze River.

After crossing the small bridge, we came to the Hexin Pavilion. As its name implies, it is located in the center of the river. The pavilion roof is made of red glazed tiles. Seen from afar, it becomes a sparkling lake. The six pavilion corners rise up like six dragonheads and six eagles are spreading their wings. Doesn't that mean that we are marching towards a higher goal? The crown like pavilion roof is supported by six red painted stone pillars. The railings around the pavilion are beautifully designed, with four stone benches and a stone table in the middle. Sometimes students sit inside to study and enjoy the cool... It's so comfortable!

I stood in the pavilion and looked down. There was a layer of duckweed on the river. It was green, like a green carpet. You see, the little fish are playing under the duckweed, like a naughty child playing hide and seek, and sometimes making a "squeak" sound. The west side of the river is covered with lotus flowers. The lotus leaves are squeezed, like large green discs. They are very beautiful! Look carefully, there are pink flowers and bones hidden behind the lotus leaves! They are like shy little girls, unwilling to show their beauty to us. And some of them seem to be showing off themselves, and lotus leaves have sprung up. Some of these flowers are in bud, others are in full bloom. The flowers in full bloom are the most beautiful! Pink petals, golden stamens, like smiling faces of dolls, very cute! I think: although the safflower is good, it needs green leaves to set off. Just thinking, a gust of wind blew, and the lotus flowers and leaves shook. At this time, I seem to be one of them, dancing with them, totally intoxicated with the charming scenery!

After a while, I woke up from the charming scenery. Look around, the flowers are red and the willows are green, the wall paintings are pleasant, and the green leaves and red flowers in the pool form a wonderful meticulous painting.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (3)

The so-called kitsch is stereotyped! But you perfectly interpret what it is to stand out. Every time you bloom, I feel a different freshness!

Walking beside the pond, lotus leaves are closely woven together. Looking around, the lake is green. The tall and upright lotus stretched her body and crept up from the bottom of the lake. The petals spread out one by one in order, just like the skirt of a girl in full bloom.

The lotus has a variety of forms, some of which are as delicate and shy as a newborn baby, while the lotus leaves are like her warm coat; Others are like a group of dancers, walking with light steps, and the beautiful dance moves dazzle me! What a unique coat! "The lotus leaves from the sky are mercilessly green, and the lotus flowers from India are very red"! Without the luxury of peony and the seclusion of chrysanthemum, it is really refined! Lotus, you captured my heart!

Not only that, there was a faint fragrance of lotus in the air, refreshing. The dragonfly leans on a lotus canopy. What a beautiful picture! It's a pity that I don't have the magic to make time last forever!

The gentle breeze lifted the lotus skirt, revealing her clean body. God, there are so pure angels in such dirty water. "Come out of the mud without stain, and wash the clean ripples without demon" is from this moment!

However, the sky was not beautiful, and the rain gradually drifted into the sky. The rain fell on the petals in a bustling way, crystal clear, and ripples appeared on the water surface, which made the fish drill underwater. Slowly, it began to rain heavily, and I ran to the house to hide from the rain, full of worries about the lotus

I was surprised to see the lotus standing in the storm through the window. Although the lotus leaf has been washed away by the storm, it still protects the lotus with its weak body. What a refined love!

It was really a storm. It soon cleared up. I stepped out of the puddle slowly. A lot of petals were knocked off. I picked one up and put it in the palm of my hand. I admired her carefully. It was really a work of art. How delicate the texture is! I can never find a flower that can match her.

I looked up at the sky and unexpectedly set up a rainbow across the banks of the lotus pond. What a different picture.

On the way home, my mind is still the lotus swaying in the wind. In the hustle and bustle of the city, she is the only one who is extraordinary.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (4)

In the morning, I went to the park to play. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a fragrance. I hurried to the lotus pond.

The lotus has bloomed a lot. The lotus leaves are squeezed like big green discs. White lotus flowers appear between these big disks. Some just spread two or three petals. Some petals were all unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus. Some of them are flower buds, which look like they are full and about to burst.

There are so many white lotus flowers, one by one. Look at this one, it's beautiful; Look at that one. It's also beautiful. If you look at this pool of lotus flowers in front of you as a large living picture, then the artist's skill is really great.

I suddenly felt like a lotus, standing in the sun in snow-white clothes. A breeze blew, and I danced, and my white clothes fluttered with the wind. Not only me, but also all the lotus in the pool are dancing. When the wind passed, I stopped dancing and stood there quietly. The dragonfly flew over and told me the joy of flying in the morning. The little fish swam under my feet and told me the good dream I had last night

After a long time, I remembered that I was not a lotus, but I was looking at it.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (5)

On Wednesday, when my mother and I were free, my mother took me to the park to play. As soon as I entered the park, it seemed that there was a fragrant fragrance coming at me. I ran to see a pool of lotus, which was very beautiful.

There are many colors of lotus flowers, such as pink, white, green, and various shapes. Some are still flower buds, some are fully unfolded, some are only unfolded two or three petals, and others seem to be about to crack.

A gust of wind blew, and some of the lotus in a pool bent down, as if greeting me. Some swayed and swayed, as if they were dancing for me to see, and some petals fell off, as if they were crying.

How beautiful the lotus is! I love lotus.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (6)

"The lotus leaves meet the sky and are infinitely green, while the lotus flowers are very red in the sun." This is a good chant of Yang Wanli, a poet of the Song Dynasty. In fact, I also like lotus very much.

Summer is the season when lotus flowers are in full bloom and lotus leaves are fragrant.

Look, the lotus pond is full of green lotus leaves. They are crowded one by one, like big green discs. Through the dense layers of lotus leaves, we can see the dark green lotus stems with small thorns on the water. The small fan like Cao pieces on the lotus stem set off the graceful pink lotus flowers in white. Some of the flowers were in full bloom, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy; Some just opened a few petals, like a shy girl smiling at passers-by; Some are still budding flowers and bones, full and ready to burst

The breeze is blowing, and the lotus pool is suffused with microwaves. The lotus leaves and flowers are also gently swaying, as if dancing. Several dragonflies are attracted to fly over the lotus pool. This is really an elegant and simple landscape painting!

After a rain, the lotus pond also presents another scene. The lotus leaves seem to be fairies who have just bathed, standing in the pond. A gentle breeze passed by, and on the big green leaf plate, drops of crystal clear water rolled back and forth like pearls, sometimes to the east, sometimes to the west, sometimes to the pool... forming a new scene of the lotus pool after rain.

I love the beautiful lotus that brings fragrance to people because it embellishes and beautifies people's lives with its gorgeous beauty.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (7)

When summer came, the lotus bloomed. My mother and I happily rode to the West Lake to watch the lotus. When we came to the beautiful West Lake, we could smell the fragrant flowers from afar. We walked on and on, and there was a landscape of "endless green leaves connecting the sky, and lotus flowers looking red in the sun" in front of us. The tourists who came to watch the lotus were so crowded that they couldn't wait to take photos.

Summer is the season of lotus blooming. When I came to the lake, I saw so many lotus flowers. Some were in bud, some were slim, some had just shown their faces, and some were already in full bloom. How beautiful the lotus is! Red like Xiangyun torch, white like snow, pink like the rising sun in the morning. So many lotus flowers are really colorful.

There are dragonflies, water spiders and water mantis on the lotus leaves. They are playing games. The lotus leaf is green, big and round, like a sun umbrella.

When the lotus withers, there will be delicious lotus seeds. There are also lotus roots growing in the sludge, which are delicious vegetables, and can also be made into lotus root powder.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (8)

I like summer best, especially the lotus in full bloom in summer.

Summer came to the earth quietly with light steps. I also came to the Iron Man Park, but not to the lotus pool. "Ah!" A faint fragrance pierced my nose, and it must be the lotus.

I walked quickly to the lotus pond. Look, the beautiful lotus comes out of the green lotus leaves. How beautiful! Lotus green stems, green, tender, pinch, as if water will flow; Their gestures are even more graceful. Some of them hold their heads high like proud princesses, some are tall and straight like graceful young girls, and some are like naughty little dolls, which are especially cute.

A gust of prestige blew, and the lotus began to dance with the wind. They stretched their arms and twisted their soft waist like fairies ready to fly into the blue sky.

I came to the lotus in a small boat, and could not help but chant: "The little boy supports the boat and stealthily picks white lotus back. If he doesn't understand the hidden trace, the duckweed will open together." Ah! I have never observed it so carefully. I gently touched the petals of the lotus with my small hand, which is delicate and smooth. There are nine lotus seeds on the yellow lotus canopy in the middle, small and exquisite. Looking at the beautiful lotus, I couldn't help thinking that the lotus is not only beautiful, but also selflessly contributes its fruits. Lotus seeds can be processed into good medicine for curing diseases: lotus roots can be a delicacy on the table. How great is the contribution of lotus to mankind!

Although the lotus is not as fragrant as roses, nor as noble as peonies, I love it. I love its mud free spirit and its dedication.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (9)

Whenever I see lotus, I will think of Zhou Dunyi's "Love Lotus". I love the lotus of a gentleman among flowers.

The lotus grows in water. In the morning, the lotus leaves are dotted with crystal dew, like stars in the sky. The lotus stem is straight and independent, like a tall soldier standing on the water. When the lotus was still a flower bud, many dragonflies played on it. The lotus slowly bloomed, and the white and pink petals spread out to reveal the yellow stamens and small lotus buds, like lovely dolls showing a bright smile.

On the water surface of the old Yellow River, lotus leaves are like a green carpet one after another, and lotus flowers are dotted on the carpet. From time to time, one or two pleasure boats appear on the water surface. I can't help thinking of the poem "The lotus leaves are endless green and the lotus flowers look red in the sun".

Lotus is treasure all over, and its root is lotus root, which can be made into various delicious dishes; When the lotus withers, there will be a lotus canopy. The lotus seeds inside can be used to make porridge. The lotus heart has the function of clearing heat and removing fire.

I love beautiful and pure lotus.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (10)

At the weekend, I went to Sihai Park to watch the lotus.

Entering the park, I smelled a faint fragrance and hurried to the lotus pond.

Wow! How beautiful! The pale pink lotus covered the lake like a pink ocean. Some of the lotus flowers in various shapes straighten their waists, like soldiers, fighting to protect their homes; Some half bent, like a kind grandfather; Others waved to us and smiled, as if to say "Welcome, welcome to your arrival."

The lotus in this pool, blooming, looks like the smiling faces of children! Those budding flowers and bones are like shy little girls, with their heads down and whispering! The lotus is bathed in the sun, laughing and cheering happily.

The lotus is surrounded by round lotus leaves, which also looks like the "moon" of the Mid Autumn Festival. Crystal beads of water roll and crawl on the "moon". The lotus leaves are crowded, you don't let me, I don't let you, it seems that they are showing off their beauty.

A breeze blew, the lotus danced on the water, the butterflies came to dance with them, and the fish swam happily, accompanied by the accompaniment. When the wind passed, the lotus stopped dancing, and the bees flew over to tell her the happiness of honey collection today... The adults couldn't help picking up the camera "click, click" to leave this beautiful moment.

Lotus, you are so beautiful! You make me happy and intoxicated!

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (11)

One day in the summer vacation, my family went to the park to play. Just entering the gate, a faint fragrance came to my nose. I walked forward with the fragrance. Oh, the lotus in the pond has already opened. The dark green lotus leaves look like big round plates, very green, and small drops of water roll on the lotus leaves, which are as transparent as pearls. Lotus flowers are blooming one after another, white and pink; Some are in full bloom and some are in bud. They are extremely beautiful. The naughty dragonfly fluttered its wings and sang from flower to flower.

I was entranced when my mother came to me and said: "Although the lotus is not as elegant as peony, nor as fragrant as plum blossom, it is a gentleman among flowers. It is so unknown that it gives off bursts of fragrance and coolness for the heat. Although the lotus grows in the mud, it is so pure and beautiful. We should live like the lotus and keep noble character. After listening to my mother's words, I love the lotus even more. I love its graceful posture and its quality of "coming out of the mud without dyeing, and being clean without demon".

When I left, I reluctantly hoped that the lotus would always open like this and keep its beauty.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (12)

On Saturday morning, my father and I went to Jinshui Lake to play.

As soon as we entered the gate, we saw a lotus pond, where many people were taking pictures, and we also took some pictures.

There are many lotus flowers on the water. Some are like shy girls, half exposed under the lotus leaves, but they can't hide them; Some of them are like proud children, with their necks stretched high, thinking that they should be photographed by tourists; There are also beautiful girls who like to wash their faces with water!

The unknown lotus leaves under the lotus flowers are also very beautiful. Some of them are like small umbrellas, some are like a big hat, and some are like a big plate for people to eat.

The lotus tents there are also scattered in the whole lotus pool. Some of them swim in the water like a big fat baby, and some of them float in the water like emeralds. They play between lotus flowers and lotus leaves, which is very beautiful.

Standing by the lotus pond, a gentle breeze blew and smelled the fragrance of lotus, which made people feel comfortable. It was really fragrant!

Originally, I heard from my father that people in ancient times liked lotus flowers and wrote many articles praising lotus flowers. The poem I learned was Yang Wanli's poem "The lotus leaves are endless green when meeting the sky, and the lotus flowers look red when reflecting the sun". Through this real appreciation of the lotus, I know how wonderful the lotus is. I hope you can also come to Jinshui Lake to see the beautiful lotus.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (13)

In the morning, I went to the field to play. When I came to one place, I could not help but stop. The beautiful scenery in front of me attracted me. It was green, and pink stood among the green.

That's a beautiful lotus! One after another, just like a shy girl standing there. A dragonfly flew over and stopped on a beautiful lotus flower. I thought of a poem: "The little lotus just showed its sharp corners, and the dragonfly had already stood on its head." I felt that I had entered a beautiful picture. There were poems in the picture, and paintings in the poem. There is a lotus canopy hidden under the big lotus leaf. It's a pity that I didn't see the moment when the flower bloomed.

Some people think that the beautiful lotus is the most beautiful when it is in bud, some people think that the beautiful lotus is the most beautiful when it is in bloom, and some people think that the beautiful lotus is the most beautiful when it is transformed into a lotus. And I think the moment when the beautiful lotus quietly opens its petals is the most beautiful. Yes, in this world, beauty often only lasts for a moment.

I don't know when the dragonfly has left, leaving only the beautiful lotus. Strange to say, this flower is pink when it is not in full bloom, but becomes white when it is fully bloom. Now, with our pink dream, will there be a white success waiting for us in the future!

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (14)

Primary School Students' Composition of Describing Lotus [Part 1]

In the morning, I went to the park to play. As soon as I entered the door, I smelled a fragrance. I hurried to the lotus pond.

The lotus has bloomed a lot. The lotus leaves are squeezed like big green discs. White lotus flowers appear between these big disks. Some just spread two or three petals. Some petals were all unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus. Some of them are flower buds, which look like they are full and about to burst.

There are so many white lotus flowers, one by one. Look at this one, it's beautiful; Look at that one. It's also beautiful. If you look at this pool of lotus flowers in front of you as a large living picture, then the artist's skill is really great.

I suddenly felt like a lotus, standing in the sun in snow-white clothes. A breeze blew, and I danced, and my white clothes fluttered with the wind. Not only me, but also all the lotus in the pool are dancing. When the wind passed, I stopped dancing and stood there quietly. The dragonfly flew over and told me the joy of flying in the morning. The little fish swam under my feet and told me the good dream I had last night

After a long time, I remembered that I was not a lotus, but I was looking at it.

Primary School Students' Composition of Describing Lotus [Part 2]

On Wednesday, when my mother and I were free, my mother took me to the park to play. As soon as I entered the park, it seemed that there was a fragrant fragrance coming at me. I ran to see a pool of lotus, which was very beautiful.

There are many colors of lotus flowers, such as pink, white, green, and various shapes. Some are still flower buds, some are fully unfolded, some are only unfolded two or three petals, and others seem to be about to crack.

A gust of wind blew, and some of the lotus in a pool bent down, as if greeting me. Some swayed and swayed, as if they were dancing for me to see, and some petals fell off, as if they were crying.

How beautiful the lotus is! I love lotus.

Primary School Students' Composition of Describing Lotus [Part 3]

Some people like peonies with natural beauty, some people like lotus with elegant fragrance, and some people like charming and lovely wild flowers. But I like the lotus flowers that come out of the mud without being stained.

In summer, the lotus flowers are all open. The stamens of the lotus flowers are like buns, the petals are like sunflower seeds, and the green lotus leaves are like disks, mirrors, and the moon. A white lotus is reflected on the green lotus leaves. A fresh breeze blows and ripples rise in the lotus pond layer after layer.

It seems that I have also become a lotus. Wearing white gauze, I dance on the lotus leaves, and butterflies fly past.

Primary School Students' Description of Lotus (15)

There are many colors of lotus flowers, such as pink, white, green, and various shapes. Some are still flower buds, some are fully unfolded, some are only unfolded two or three petals, and others seem to be about to crack.

A gust of wind blew, and some of the lotus in a pool bent down, as if greeting me. Some swayed and swayed, as if they were dancing for me to see, and some petals fell off, as if they were crying.

How beautiful the lotus is! I love lotus.

Chapter 2: Lotus

Miss Spring left silently, and Miss Xia came with her brisk steps! In summer, my mother took me to Grandma's house to play. There is a lotus pond beside Grandma's house. In the lotus pond, a lot of lotus flowers are blooming. The lotus leaves are squeezed like big green discs. White lotus flowers emerge from these discs. Some just spread two or three petals; Some petals were fully unfolded, revealing a small yellow lotus canopy; Some are flower buds, which look like they are about to break. The white lotus flowers, set off by the lotus leaves, look particularly beautiful.

Chapter 3: Lotus in Summer

When summer came, the lotus bloomed, and the lotus leaf was like an umbrella to protect the frog from the rain. It rained heavily, and dragonflies rained under the lotus leaf. After a while, the rain stopped, and frogs and dragonflies came out one after another

After a rain, the lotus also has spirit. Some of the lotus flowers have opened, some have lost, only the lotus canopy left, and some have just grown out

Dragonflies are black, red, yellow and green. Dragonflies catch mosquitoes on lotus flowers. Frogs seem to open their mouths to catch insects to serve farmers. Grass grows near the pond. Birds in the sky are chirping, as if to say, what a busy summer!

The scenery in summer is so beautiful!

Chapter 4: Lotus Lake

You see, the sun shines on the lake, reflecting the wave light of scales, just like a colorful and beautiful picture.

The lotus leaves are covered with white lotus flowers. These lotus flowers have different postures and shapes. Some lotus bloomed, emitting bursts of fragrance; Some just spread two or three petals, just like Liu Sanjie sitting on a boat, watching the achievements of the reform and opening up of the motherland; Some of them are budding flowers and bones, like small and exquisite torches, bloated as if they were about to crack. A gust of wind blew, and the flowers in the pool danced with the wind. Several dragonflies flew by, and one fell on the lotus, intoxicated with the elegant fragrance.

I love the fragrant lotus lake.

Chapter 5: I Love Lotus

Some people like peonies with natural beauty, some people like lotus with elegant fragrance, and some people like charming and lovely wild flowers. But I like the lotus flowers that come out of the mud without being stained.

In summer, the lotus flowers are all open. The stamens of the lotus flowers are like buns, the petals are like sunflower seeds, and the green lotus leaves are like disks, mirrors, and the moon. A white lotus is reflected on the green lotus leaves. A fresh breeze blows and ripples rise in the lotus pond layer after layer.

It seems that I have also become a lotus. Wearing white gauze, I dance on the lotus leaves, and butterflies fly past.