Taste of Dragon Boat Festival (4 chapters are preferred)
My world alone
2023-12-27 04:00:25
Junior 1

Taste of Dragon Boat Festival (1)

Today is the annual Dragon Boat Festival again. People are very happy. People everywhere are buying glutinous rice, red dates and various beans for the festival. Their faces are full of festival smiles. But I know that today is the day when Qu Yuan, the great poet of our country, threw himself into the river. The Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Qu Yuan, a minister of the State of Chu. It is the day when he threw himself into the river. People should express their grief. This reminds me of a sentence: "The deceased suffered a lot, but today people are happy." Maybe it has been a long time, and this sadness has disappeared, leaving only memories.

I admire Qu Yuan most.

Qu Yuan, named Ping and Yuan, also called himself Zhengzheng and Lingjun. He came from the nobility of the State of Chu, assisted Huai Wang at the beginning, served as an assistant, and was a senior official of Sanlu. He advocated making clear the law, giving meritocracy, innovating politics, linking Qi to the east, and fighting against Qin to the west. Therefore, he was slandered and dismissed by aristocratic sons Lan, ministers Le Shang and Zheng Xiu.

After the death of King Huai of Chu, King Qingxiang succeeded to the throne, and Qu Yuan was framed by Yin Zilan and Le Shang, a senior official. He was exiled to the Yuan and Xiang rivers in Hunan, but he always loved his motherland. In 278 BC, Baiqi, the general of Qin Dynasty, conquered Ying Capital of Chu State. Qu Yuan was overwhelmed by the danger of the Chu State and the sufferings of the people. He was unable to save the life and death of Chu State, but also deeply felt the collapse of his political ideal. About the fifth day of May this year, he threw himself into the river to die. When local people heard the news, they rowed boats to save and put zongzi into the river to prevent fish and turtles from eating Qu Yuan's body. This is the origin of the dragon boat race on the fifth day of May.

Qu Yuan's political career was sad, but he left many excellent poems, such as Li Sao, Nine Songs, Tianwen, Nine Chapters, etc. Take his masterpiece Li Sao as an example: this poem has 373 sentences and 2490 words, which is the longest lyric poem in Chinese classical literature. Li Sao is a masterpiece of romanticism that shines through the ages.

Qu Yuan enjoys a high reputation in the history of Chinese literature and has a great influence on later generations. Li Bai said in "On the River" that "Qu Ping's ci poems suspend the sun and the moon". This represents the admiration of later generations for his works.

This year's Dragon Boat Festival is an unusual day for every Chinese, and we personally realize the significance of self-improvement and hard work. Today, we praise Qu Yuan's patriotism and carry forward his spirit, but we will not worry, because we believe that tomorrow's China will be stronger, more prosperous and stronger!

Taste of Dragon Boat Festival (2)

The Dragon Boat Festival is coming, and I recall that every time the Dragon Boat Festival was held, the fresh and elegant fragrance of dumplings was very unforgettable. I think the Dragon Boat Festival this year will surely be fragrant with zong leaves!

This morning, I got up early. When I woke up, the delicious smell of rice dumplings came to my nose. It made you want to eat when you smell it. So, I quickly washed the wrasse and rushed to the kitchen with the faint fragrance. I took out a zongzi from the pot and put it in the bowl. I sat at the table and ate it with relish.

The tempting rice dumplings make people salivate. The leaves of rice dumplings emit a unique fragrance. When I peel the leaves of rice dumplings, I see that the glutinous rice is still steaming, crystal clear in the sun, emitting a strong and attractive fragrance, mixed with strands of rice dumplings leaves, refreshing. Its four corners are stubbornly cocked up, looking lovely! I couldn't wait to take a bite on it, and my mouth was full of rice fragrance. Take another bite, and you can see the delicious stuffing wrapped in the white and fat glutinous rice. The filling is sweet. With rice, it's not too sweet; When sweet stuffing is mixed into rice, it has a special taste. The faint sweetness slipped into my mouth. It is tender, smooth and refreshing, not greasy, but also chewy. The more you chew, the more delicious it is. It's delicious and sweet! Really delicious! I almost bit off my chopsticks. It's really delicious. I feel so good!

This year's Dragon Boat Festival dumplings really let my greedy cat eat a lot! Each time, the dumplings are always delicious and appetizing, making people drool when they look at them. As long as you have such zongzi on your table, you are sure to gobble it up.

Can eat such delicious dumplings, I think, only when the Dragon Boat Festival! Isn't this a happy and beautiful taste?

Taste of Dragon Boat Festival (3)

China is a country of ceremonies. In thousands of years of history, there have been many festivals enjoying both refined and popular tastes, such as the red Spring Festival, the bustling Lantern Festival, and the harmonious Mid Autumn Festival. Now another important festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, is quietly approaching. Now let's go to taste the taste of the Dragon Boat Festival!

History -- the Taste of Tragedy

Thousands of years ago, Qu Yuan saw Li Sao, written by Zhu, spread through the ages. This poem comes from a tragic story. Qu Yuan was a patriotic poet. He found that Zhang Yi, the prime minister of the State of Qin, was angry with King Huai of Chu and removed Qu Yuan from his post. In an instant, the State of Chu was in danger. Qu Yuan was imprisoned in the East Emperor's Taiyi Temple. He was wronged, filled with grief and indignation, and jumped into the river in despair to commit suicide. The plot of the story can be imagined. The miserable Qu Yuan has suffered a lot of humiliation and torture. How can he not be miserable?

Zongzi -- a delicious taste

Qu Yuan's story makes people nostalgic. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, people made a delicious food - "Zongzi". "Zongzi", as its name implies, is a glutinous rice ball wrapped in the color of zongzi leaves. In these dumplings, there are bean paste stuffing, red bean stuffing, lean meat stuffing, etc. Many delicious fillings. Think about pulling out a piece of zong leaf, a smell of glutinous rice with the fragrance of zong leaf drilling into the nostrils, making people salivate, eating and tasting the stuffing in the center all makes people excited. How can you not give this missing to Qu Yuan, who is patriotic, caring for the people and serving the motherland, when he smells the delicious dumplings?

Dragon Boat Race - Taste of Victory

In order to welcome and celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, my hometown often holds dragon boat races. Crowds of people sat on the boat at the head of the river. One person at the head of the boat played drums and paddled behind. At the command, the boats all rushed to their opponents. A sonorous and powerful slogan, as well as a sound of joy and encouragement, makes the boat rowing faster and faster. At the critical moment, a boat head rushed out. That is the boat of victory. With a share of hope and joy, who can not be happy at this moment?

Dragon Boat Festival has the taste of misery, fragrance and victory. After a festival, you will taste the taste of life.

Taste of Dragon Boat Festival (4)

In fact, in the past few years, whether we lived in poverty or in prosperity, we both went out for a walk in the morning on the Dragon Boat Festival. I can always pick mugwort and wild flowers on the farm. Breathe the unique fragrance of mugwort and enjoy the warmth of the husband singing along with the woman. It's really very happy.

I remember that it was the first Dragon Boat Festival after our retirement, just in time for my daughter to be at home. The night before last, when I was cooking rice dumplings in the kitchen, my daughter came in and suggested, "Get up early tomorrow, let's drive to the mountains of Xinfeng for an outing!" "OK, that's a good idea!" I agreed quickly. At that time, my family had just bought a Songhua River minibus, so it was the first time to take a special bus to go for an outing.

At more than four o'clock in the morning the next day, Lao Jiang got up and started the car, then wiped it clean inside and outside. After my daughter and I got on the bus, Lao Jiang drove off.

In the spring of May, all eyes are green, and the green grass is dotted with yellow, white or pink flowers. The air is filled with the freshness and vitality of spring. On the way, I saw three or two passers-by coming out for an outing.

It was less than ten miles from home to the mountain. After a while, we came to the foot of the mountain and stopped at a suitable place. The three of us walked up the mountain.

On the way, we walked on the dew, breathed the smell of grass, listened to the voice of the call and response in the forest, and we talked and laughed about the wind, sweet in our hearts. There is no shortage of watery wormwood on the mountain, unique wild flowers, and fresh wild fruits. The daughter was so happy that none of them wanted to let it go. There are many kinds of wormwood in the forest, and they are similar. Only ginger can identify the real wormwood, so we show them every time we pick one. Unconsciously, we came to the end of the mountain forest, stood on the top of the mountain and looked down. Below was a piece of corn field, with ridges zigzagging along the mountain. The young plants grow less than half a foot above the ground, but they are very strong. They wave to people frequently with the breeze. Look up again. The eastern horizon is inlaid with a gold border. How beautiful!

When the forest showed wisps of dawn, we went down the mountain along the original road. Although we wet our shoes and dirty our hands, we returned with a full load and also gained a heavy feeling of kinship.

After moving to the city, far away from the fields, Artemisia argyi, an indispensable part of the Dragon Boat Festival, can only buy.

It was the Dragon Boat Festival the year before last. Lao Jiang said, "Let's go to the morning market tomorrow to see how people in the city spend the festival." To be honest, if we talk about the Dragon Boat Festival, the city can't catch up with the countryside. Although there are many people selling mugwort and gourds, they are colorful; The people coming out for the outing are also surging like a tide, bustling, but it makes people feel noisy, less quiet and busy. The two of us strolled in the crowded stream of people and bought mugwort and gourd. Then, we walked all the way, talked, and went home to boil eggs and eat dumplings, which was the Dragon Boat Festival of the city people.

Today, on the fifth day of May, things are different from people. People who "hold the hand of their son and grow old together with their son" have gone far away. The dull Dragon Boat Festival, which used to go together, has become an extravagant hope. I woke up at more than three o'clock in the morning and turned over and over. My heart was very bitter. I cried a lot, but my heart could not calm down. So I decided to get up and go out for a walk alone.

As always, the people who went out for an outing kept shouting for business. I looked at these in my eyes and thought of something else. Walking from one side of the morning market to the other side, I wanted to relive the feeling of walking side by side with ginger, but I always felt cold from inside out when I was alone. "Go back," I said to myself, "the past is really past!"

The children are all here, but it's the same Dragon Boat Festival, the same dumplings, but not the same taste!