Elephant Excellence (6 in total)
never give up
2024-03-26 07:05:55

Elephant Excellence (1)

In an ancient forest, there are thousands of animals. One day, the forest environment was being destroyed more and more severely and was facing extinction.

One day, the king of the forest gathered the animals together and said to everyone, "Our forest is badly damaged. We are facing extinction. We should take action to save the forest!"

The animals listened to the king of the forest and all took action. In order to make the forest more prosperous, everyone was working hard.

Soon, there was an old tree grandfather who was only seventy-eight years old and was wearing a brown robe. Suddenly, a group of pests ran into his stomach, making him cover his stomach every day, frown, and cry stomach pain. The pests in his stomach were even more ecstatic and excited. One day, the woodpecker flew over and asked kindly, "Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" "I have a group of pests growing in my stomach and they bite me every day." The woodpecker swore, "I will come to treat you tomorrow morning." Then he flew away. Early the next morning, Woodpecker kept his word. He got up before dawn and went to cure Grandpa Shu with his medicine box and white coat. "

The woodpecking bird will help grandpa feel his pulse, catch insects, and recover from his illness.

The little monkey: "whoosh" climbed up the tree and broke off the branch bitten by the insect.

The little squirrel was even busier. He bit off a ball of pinecones with his sharp teeth, and then split the soil with his claws to bury the pinecones - it was planting trees! Only the elephant did nothing all day and wandered around every day. Everyone asked him why he didn't work. He said, "I don't have anything to do. What can I do, The elephant suddenly exclaimed in surprise, "I've found my use, my nose is useful." Then the elephant ran home happily. Since then, there has been no elephant everywhere. For example, when the monkey breaks down the bad branches and leaves, it can ask the elephant to help. For example, when the grass is dying, the elephant rushes to take a sip of water to moisten the grass

On this day, the elephant did many things for the forest to make it more happy.

Elephant Excellence (2)

One day in the summer vacation, my mother, Huihao and her mother went to Shanghai Zoo to ride elephants.

Soon we arrived at the zoo, and Huihao and I went riding elephants together. How tall the elephant is! It's almost as high as a floor. I found a ladder next to the elephant. I climbed up the ladder carefully to the top of the ladder, but I could not reach the elephant's back, only its belly. Someone had to carry me onto the elephant's back. Hui likes to sit in front of me.

When we had settled down, the elephant began to walk. I felt as if I would fall off at any time. So I held Hui's good waist tightly. Hui Hao looked very bold at ordinary times, but she was afraid. She was so scared that she cried out "ah", which made me even more afraid. So I followed her. I didn't know whether to cry or laugh, but I closed my eyes and didn't dare to look at the ground. I hope the elephant can walk faster, but I'm afraid it will fall. The elephant didn't care whether I was afraid or not, and walked slowly. Although it's only a small circle, I feel it's a long way. After walking for a while, it seemed that I could never reach the end. I forgot my fear, so I became impatient and shouted, "Hurry up, hurry up!"

At the end of the journey, I still wanted to ride. Although it's terrible to ride an elephant, it's also fun!

Elephant Excellence (3)

Today is a big day for me. I will have a "close hug" with Thailand's national treasure - riding an elephant.

When I came to the elephant riding field, a pungent smell rushed up, but the lovely elephant and baby elephant made me forget the smell. Next, I began to choose my "heart pounding elephant"! After wandering around the elephant field for a few times, I chose my image. It was also 11 years old, and it is also an unquestionable "woman man". We are sincerely connected!

Sitting on an elephant, you have to constantly "recharge" it - feed it bananas and sugar cane to walk slowly, or it will ignore you. Elephants walk leisurely. But after a while, the elephant stepped into the "smelly ditch" with a sound of "dong", making us covered in mud, and then strongly whipped up his tail, as if to hint at his companions or complain. Sitting on the elephant's back, he kept shaking. Go into the river! The elephant wagged its tail and seemed very happy. As soon as I entered the river, the water splashed one by one. My clothes and shoes were flooded! However, I am very happy, also very happy!

Elephants are very cute, look forward to the next intimate contact!

Elephant Excellence (4)

Elephants are Thailand's lucky animals and national treasures. In ancient times, elephants were not only an essential means of transportation in daily life, but also the mounts of the king of China in war. Because Thailand is famous for its elephant riding and I have always wanted to ride an elephant, my friends and I went to a small forest in Chiang Mai to feel the taste of elephant riding.

As soon as I sat in the chair on the elephant's back, I felt uneasy. Because the elephant's back is very high, the chair does not seem to be firmly installed, as if it is easy to fall off. The elephant shakes when walking. It feels very unstable. In addition, the mountain road is not only muddy, but also rugged. Sometimes it climbs, sometimes it goes downhill. Especially when it goes downhill, the elephant almost stands upright. My whole person seems to be about to throw out. My hands tightly grasp the handle, my face is pale with fear, and my teeth are cold, A heart plops, plops, and jumps all the time, afraid of falling down. It turned out that the feeling of sitting on the elephant's back was far less comfortable than imagined.

Later, the mountain road became smoother, and I gradually found that elephant riding was also a kind of enjoyment. As long as you relax, you will never fall off the elephant's back. At this time, the elephant seemed hungry, and its walking became slower, so I took out the bananas and sugar cane prepared in advance. The elephant seemed to feel it. It stopped at once, stuck its long nose on the elephant's back, opened its mouth and looked at us with a smile, as if to say, "Thank you!" I put the sugar cane on the elephant's trunk, and the elephant immediately rolled the sugar cane and put it in its mouth. It was a lovely situation. While I feed it, I enjoy its charmingly naive appearance until I finish feeding the food.

After a delicious meal, the elephant began its journey again. After the mountain road, we came to the river, and we began to take the waterway. Stepping into the water, the elephant began to be naughty. When he saw an elephant walking in front, he used his nose to absorb water and spray it, so they began to fight a water fight while walking. "Oh, my god!" I was unlucky enough to hit the bait, which made my clothes and pants wet. Alas, the elephant is really naughty and angry! The happy time is always so short. The end of the elephant tour in the forest is coming soon. We also have to say goodbye to the lovely elephant and the trainer.

The elephant's journey across mountains and rivers ended with laughter, but I will never forget the joy the elephant brought me!

Elephant Excellence (5)

Elephants are animals that live on the prairie. They are huge, and the lions and tigers have to give way to each other. But, have you ever ridden him? How do you feel? Now, let's see how I feel about riding an elephant!

As soon as I sat on the elephant, the elephant started to walk. Every step of the way, the range of shaking was very large. My mother was frightened and shouted, "Ah! Ah!" But I didn't think so. I felt very comfortable. It was just the range of shaking the baby to sleep. If the elephant had a bed on its back, I would fall asleep in less than two minutes.

Do you know why people riding elephants sweat less in hot days? Because the elephant ear can act as an "electric fan", the huge, fan like elephant ear needs only one fan, and a gust of foul wind will come, but this is better than the wind from electric fans, fans, and air conditioning fans. Because this wind is natural, I feel the cool in the wind and breathe the fresh air in the air.

We are lucky. Our elephant is going to have a bowel movement. I felt the elephant's back slightly upward, and a camel green, stone shaped stool came out in response. My mother subconsciously covered her mouth and shouted, "Nannan, it stinks. What are you looking at?" I didn't answer because I smelled the fragrance of grass, which is more fragrant than the most fragrant perfume in the world, The most fragrant mosquito repellent still smells good, because the fragrance is from nature, and nature is the most attractive. Despite what high-tech humans use, they are still constrained by nature after all.

I looked at the elephant's back, and found that it was not only hard, but also very thick. It protected the elephant's body from external invasion like a battle armor.

Riding an elephant is really an interesting thing. I will never forget the feeling on the elephant's back.

Elephant Excellence (6)

Running and running, suddenly they saw an elephant. Rabbit Lanlan said, "Uncle Elephant, please find a way to drive away the tiger and save us." The elephant frowned and his eyes brightened, and came up with a solution. It eagerly said to the rabbits, "Come on, climb onto my nose, and I will send you to the hillside with my nose." The big box filled with water and waited for the attack of the tiger.

After a while, the tiger did come, and he asked angrily, "Have you seen a pair of fat little rabbits. As a result, the impact was so strong that the tiger fell to the ground. The tiger felt that a swarm of bees were flying in his head, and he was dizzy. Before the tiger could react, the elephant threw the tiger into the sky with its trunk. Elephants win by outwitting.

Lan Lan and Jingjing were very grateful and invited their lovely uncle elephant home to have a full meal.