's Crossing Composition (16 Collections)
Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon
2024-05-29 04:38:53

Dui's Crossing Composition (1)

Crossing Senior One Composition

In the ordinary study, work and life, we always have to contact or use composition. According to the characteristics of writing proposition, composition can be divided into proposition composition and non proposition composition. Is there no clue when writing a composition? The following is the composition of Senior One at the intersection that Xiaobian helped you sort out. Welcome to share.

Crossing Senior One Composition 1

The spring breeze is green on the south bank of the river, and the red sun is thin on the west mountain. How many samsaras, how many degrees of opening and closing. The footsteps of history passed through the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, leaving the Pre Qin and Han Dynasties far behind. Jinyang, with its unique flavor, entered the history.

However, when people chant "death and life are also big", a seed that will frighten people is sprouting. He, a glass of wine, a poem is life, a pure hermit, but also a wonderful work in the literary world.

Without wind and rain, there is no rainbow. How can life be less bitter. The seed of genius is only covered by a broken eaves. Such a dilapidated family needs a poet to support it, which is more difficult than climbing the Shu Path to the sky. It can be said that the building is going to collapse, and it is hard to support a tree. With tears in his eyes, the poet said goodbye to the five sons who had no food or clothing, and began his career as a wandering official.

Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Being an official is like being a slave. What an officialdom! Living in the temple, you can hold a pillar and chant "There is no missing thing in the holy pilgrimage"; The self righteous can only "keep the dust on the paper for thousands of years". Then he began to rely on water. With a heart of supporting his family and the idea of never disturbing the people, the poet became an official for a while. How can he bend for five bushels of rice when he is upright and magnanimous? The poet's heart is like the mountain and the green spring. It is clear and clean. How can it contain a trace of dirt? But the officialdom is so turbid. The simple poet is tired.

The officialdom became corrupt day by day, and the atmosphere became more and more dull. The poet felt very bored. An idea intrudes into the heart, realizing that the past is not remonstrated, and that the future can be pursued. He seemed to be standing at a crossroads. no The poet really stands at the crossroads of his life. A gust of wind, the strong grass fell, and two roads appeared invisibly. Looking around, the wide road was full of water and horses, and people shouted and scolded; Glancing back at the secluded path, the wind is bleak and the thorns carry the way, which makes people shudder. The poet stood at the crossroads, hesitating, letting the wind blow his skirt.

He finally mustered up the courage to run to the path. The poet drives a towel cart, sometimes paddles a boat, and draws the wine cups like songs. The officialdom, the place where tears were shed, is slowly passing away in the poet's mind. In an instant, he felt fresh and natural. The joy was so great that the poet walked between Tingke and wandered in the mountains and fields, drinking from the wine cups and making the pines proud. Poems filled with the spirit of mountains and waters poured into the earth like flowing water.

The poet stepped on the flowers and plants in the western mountains, and stepped on the mulberry and bamboo trees in the southern mountains. Holding Dongli Youju, he smiled when recalling the desolate intersection. Qiyan flowers are blooming!

Crossing Senior One Composition 2

Because, that is my time, not just by the distance of the road can be determined. I still want to go farther, and I want to go farther, to find my own broad sky in the distance.

"Daughter, how are you going to fill out this form?" Dad asked me at the dinner table. His hand pointed to the volunteer table.

"I think it's good to fill in school B. It's close to home, and people are comfortable. How can we do it?" Mom said.

"But I prefer to go to school A." I stopped counting rice grains and said lightly. Yes, I like the campus where everyone speaks English. It is surrounded by green trees and is a beautiful and dreamy place.

"Alas, alas, I'd better listen to the children." Dad was obviously more inclined to my side, so he began to help me speak.

"Go, what do children know? No matter how good the school is, they cannot learn by themselves. Besides, School B is not bad." My mother was obviously incoherent and angry at my refusal.

I was stuck with my mother, so she chose to sigh, and I chose to go to the bedroom.

I have always been known as a "good girl". I listen to my parents, wear clothes I don't want to wear, read books I don't want to read, and attend interest classes I am not interested in. So should I continue this time?

On the desk in the bedroom, there is a picture frame with a sentence from the bright moon: live your life in your own way.

It is like the dawn of the night, sweeping away the whirlpool that has lasted for more than ten years: yes, this is my time, this is my choice. It can not be determined only by the distance. I still want to go further, and I want to go there to find my own broad sky.

I believe that youth bears not obedience, but ideals.

Now I am sitting in the campus I once dreamed of, with the rustle of wind passing through the leaves in my ears. A sun shines into the classroom, so transparent and beautiful. I then understood that only those who are determined and persistent can grasp the youth at the complex intersection of life.

Crossing Composition (2)

Waiting at the intersection Junior high school composition

In daily study, work and life, everyone has written a composition. Writing a composition is an important means to cultivate people's observation, association, imagination, thinking and memory. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a junior high school composition waiting at the intersection of Xiaobian to help everyone. For reference only, I hope it can help everyone.

The summer night is very quiet, the moonlight is leisurely, flowing on the quiet path. The cool wind gently brushed the grass, which had endured the scorching sun all day, and happily breathed the unique fragrance of grass.

In my memory, that little figure ran happily to the quiet intersection by the light moonlight. Go to the evening primrose, lean down, get close to the star like flowers, close your eyes, and take a few mouthfuls of it. The refreshing fragrance is still unforgettable.

At that time, at that intersection, Grandma would always be slightly slouching, counting the stars in the sky and bathing in the silver moonlight with me on her back.

Grandma came to the intersection as usual, put me down gently and sat on the bench beside the sidewalk. She stroked my little head and said, "Kiki, let's wait here for Grandpa to come back!"

After I nod my head gently, I will go to the nocturnal incense cluster at the intersection. The evening primrose is blooming heartily. The light yellow flowers are like stars, and the faint fragrance comes out quietly from the light yellow flowers, as if it permeates the whole intersection. The light yellow flower has a cluster of golden stamens in the middle of its petals. I couldn't help grabbing at the branches, breaking off one, running excitedly to Grandma, putting flowers in her hair and saying, "Grandma is so beautiful!" Grandma opened her mouth and narrowed her eyes, but the wrinkles on her face were deeper.

The moon crept into the clouds. In the dim moonlight, the lights in the distance seemed to redden half the sky. But at this time, the evening primrose continued to spit out the fragrance that had been brewing for a day. The cool wind is blowing gently. I don't know where the fragrance of flowers is going. I look up and look at my grandma. "Grandma, I haven't seen grandpa for a long time. Where has he gone? He won't come back. Do you think grandpa can smell the fragrance of flowers?"

Grandma smiled at me, used her thick and thin hands to touch my face habitually, and said, "Yes! Sure! Your grandpa will smell the fragrance of flowers and come back along the scent of flowers!"

I looked at the fork road in front of me and thought: Which way will Grandpa come back? Can Grandpa really smell the flowers at night?

The night is getting deeper and the moon is hiding more tightly. Grandma and I waited quietly under the street lamp, and the fragrance of the previous flowers seemed to fade. I looked at the intersection facing the front again, and I thought: Grandma had returned disappointed several times. Will we be disappointed again this time?

I don't know when Grandma stood up. Gently said to me: "Qiqi, let's go back first!"

"Hmm!" I nodded and ran quickly towards the Nocturnal Fragrance bush, folded some and handed them to Grandma, saying, "Grandma, let's take them back and leave them for Grandpa to smell, OK?" Grandma turned her face away, didn't speak, just nodded gently, then picked me up and walked slowly home

In the dream, my grandma and I were still at that intersection, waiting for grandpa. Hazy, we waited for grandpa.

Under the dim light, I took my grandparents' hands and walked toward home, with the fragrance of flowers accompanying me all the way through the night

Crossing Composition (3)

Choose intersection composition

Whether in school or in society, we can't help but get in touch with the composition. With the help of composition, we can vent our feelings and adjust our mood. I believe that writing a composition is a headache for many people. The following is a cross road composition for you to choose. I hope it can help you in need.

Choose intersection composition 1

A forest is divided into two paths. I chose the one that is inaccessible, which has determined my path in life.

——The Unselected Road

I walked alone in Jiushan. Spring is just in time, and the branches and buds on the trees are green and young. The young birds are beginning to learn to fly, flowers are blooming, and everything is growing quietly... On the roadside, a girl is clamoring to eat ice cream, and the adults say, "No, children should listen to adults!" I can't help but frown and get upset. That's what I heard most from childhood.

Yesterday, I quarreled with my parents.

Many people in my family study medicine. They have been influenced by doctors since childhood. They think that doctors are great and sacred in saving lives and helping others. So I had a dream from childhood to become a doctor.

When I was young, I was in poor health and often got sick, so I dealt with many doctors. I am afraid of the smart western medicine and like the kind old Chinese medicine. Old Chinese doctors are always smiling, and they still have a nice smell of herbs. Once, I felt that the medicine was bitter and refused to drink it. My mother ordered me to say, "Be honest! Be sure to drink it!" The old Chinese doctor across the street calmly opened a medicine cabinet with a smile, took out a herb, and said, "If you put it in here, it won't be bitter. Do you want to taste it?" I asked him to promise angrily, and he also smiled and said to me, "If you hang up, you can't change for a hundred years!" Indeed, The original bitter medicine juice implied a trace of sweetness. That sweetness, really miraculous, suddenly melted my fear of bitter medicine. It is said that this medicine is called licorice. Since then, when drinking bitter medicine, my mother always put some in. Chinese medicine students are amazing!

Yesterday, I told my parents about my dream of becoming a traditional Chinese medicine. Unexpectedly, they all objected. They think that modern people prefer Western medicine and there is no future in learning Chinese medicine. I was angry and sad. After all, should we obey our parents' advice or stick to our own ideals? I couldn't help but cry. In my tears, I saw my grandfather's absent-minded shadow. My grandfather was a student of traditional Chinese medicine. When he was dying, he often talked about the past. Every time he mentioned the patients he had cured, he would unconsciously laugh, and his smile was immersed in the ravines of years, making him fearless of illness and pain. He said that the smiling face of the patient was what he wanted to see most. In a trance, I felt as if my grandfather said to me gently, "Don't forget your original intention and stick to your ideal.". A breeze blew, and I looked up. I had the answer.

Life is so short. If you don't work hard for your dreams, wouldn't it be a wasted life? When you stand at the crossroads of life and face a choice, which road will you choose? A Lama said to his disciple, "Please choose the difficult one." Yes, if you live like others, what's the meaning of life? Standing on the road of your choice, you can look at it from afar. It may be desolate, but it has a different style. It may be full of difficulties, but it has a different taste.

Choice is smart, but it needs persistence!

Choose intersection composition 2

In this world full of temptations, whenever we stand at the crossroads of life, we are faced with a variety of choices. More people are eager to pursue the beauty of spring, the arrogance of summer and the charm of autumn. But no matter what choices we make, from beginning to end, what we do must be worthy of our conscience and worth of our life.

Standing at the crossroads of life, what we need is a complete soul, a clear mind and transcendental reason, so as to avoid being lost and going astray.

For example, we set an ambition when we were young, which is our ideal choice. From that moment on, we kept forging ahead towards the set goals and realized our dreams. But everyone in the world is different. Sometimes, we don't know whether this choice is suitable for us or whether we can achieve anything. Therefore, we should have the wisdom and keen insight to find things.

When Goethe was young, Hou set his ambition to become a painter. For this reason, he made painstaking efforts to improve his painting skills, but always with little effect. When he was 40 years old, he traveled to Italy and saw the outstanding works of the great masters with his own eyes. Finally, he came to his senses: even if he spent his whole life, he could hardly make a contribution in the painting industry. In pain and hesitation, he resolutely decided to give up painting and turn to literature. Finally, he became a great poet.

Choice does play a role in our success. Perhaps, in the initial choice, we made a mistake. But after all, there is no way out. Change the direction, maybe we can finally reach a more perfect state.

Goethe, although his efforts in the first half of his life have taught no lessons, he adjusted his goals in time and made accurate choices. So he made some achievements on the road of literature.

Therefore, life is boundless. Only by choosing the right path can we realize the value of life.

No matter what we do, we need to make a choice with a clear conscience in order to reach the other side of success in the turbulent world, in our trivial daily life, and in the world of red and red.

In the end, you will find that the new feeling is not only pleasing to the eyes and refreshing, but also makes people feel spring like moisture and thick poetic.

I believe that when I stop to choose in Musheng's life, what I will see will not be loss and confusion, but the pride and happiness of youth; I also believe that one day, our cocoons will fall off layer by layer, and our souls will be transparent and soft. A butterfly with beautiful wings will dance in the sun.

Let's make a firm and unrepentant choice! Break free from shackles and live a satisfactory life

Dui's Crossing Composition (4)

It is believed that most people will do this. In many things, we tend to covet small interests at the moment, but lose larger interests later. This is a short-sighted approach. To be precise, it is our human nature: greed.

I also have to admit that I also have the nature of greed: I passed a crossroad, and I had to cross an "l" shaped road, that is, I had to cross two roads to get there. When I got to the crossroad, I found that the light on one side was green, and I thought that this one might be faster, so I walked over. After a while, the next light was not on, but the light I just faced was on, So I waited patiently again. For a while, the light opposite was also passable. Only I was still standing there. How regretful I was at that time. If I didn't choose this first come benefit, how could I miss the great joy later?

In the article "Hurt Zhongyong", because Fang Zhongyong had a good pen and ink since he was young, the literary talent and truth of his works were very good, so his greedy father did not want him to study, but took him everywhere every day to interview people in the same county. People used money to ask him to write. Over time, his talent declined because his education did not meet the standards, and later even became mediocre. We only covet the immediate interests, so we will lose more and even affect others. Remember: get one, miss one.

No matter in the campus or in the society, there are some things that do everything to get people to count votes in order to become an official. One student wanted to participate in the election of the class committee in the class. He asked several students to vote for him on the day of voting, otherwise he would not be rewarded by him. Finally, he became the class leader. But because he learned nothing, many things in the class would not be solved, and some activities were not organized. As a result, the class was often criticized by the school leaders. Just because we covet the gifts he gave us, do we give such a man with no words as monitor? Can't we resist even this temptation? Have we not thought about the damage to the whole class because of our selfishness?

At the crossroads, it taught me a lesson. It told me how a person's greed would lead to serious consequences. We must resist the occurrence of greed everywhere, so that it will cause heavy harm to all of us. After these unfortunate events, we should not repeat the old drama to make the tragedy happen again. Remember: To stop greed is to benefit the people. If you want to become a qualified national hero, please start by rejecting "greed".

Dui's Crossing Composition (5)

The intersection originally means the beginning of a road and the intersection of several roads. But in my opinion, the intersection is a choice, and the choice is made by the heart. Sometimes it will choose selflessness, sometimes it will choose selfishness. However, it is the choice again and again that has made our quality and future.

It was a hot noon. I was so hungry that I rushed out of the school gate to look for lunch. Although there was only one word "eat" in my mind at that time, the anxious figure across the road still attracted my attention. Yo, isn't that my classmate's mother? To tell the truth, that classmate and I were not on good terms. Yesterday, he gave me a small report. I stopped to look at it for a while, and understood that he must have forgotten to bring the art equipment for the afternoon class. His mother sent it to him. There was no one in the mail room and no one I knew. I was thinking, would you like to help me? If he didn't have art tools, he would be criticized by his teacher; On second thought, why should I do this? He didn't think about me when he made my report yesterday. Besides, if I helped him, I would not have enough time to eat. I'd better ignore it.

I turned around to leave, but I saw the anxious figure of my classmate's mother. My heart softened. Forget it, he was my classmate after all, and he also helped me in the first day of the junior high school... Thinking of this, I immediately ran across the road to say hello to my aunt, took the things in her hand, and before my aunt thanked me, I ran into the school gate. But the god of fate wanted to play a joke with me again. I couldn't find that classmate for a moment. I ran all over the playground to find him. When I handed the art tools to him personally, my heart was very stable and happy, and he also said thank you to me several times. In this way, we became very good friends. To tell the truth, I think it is amazing that I have gained a friendship, and that small "intersection" witnessed the beginning of our friendship.

There is no doubt that this is the right choice. Although I didn't have time to eat at noon that day, I didn't feel hungry all afternoon. I think it must be the happiness of helping friends that outweighed the feeling of hunger. I didn't realize that I was hungry until the delicious food was served at home. That night, I ate three bowls of rice at a time, which frightened my mother. She was afraid of me. But I didn't tell her the reason. I kept the secret in my heart with rice. Only I and that classmate knew it.

Since then, I have been more helpful and made more good friends. I always think that there are many intersections in life. As long as you make the right choice with your heart, you can achieve a good quality and a bright future!

Dui's Crossing Composition (6)

There are thousands of roads and crossings in one's life. Maybe every intersection of every road leads to different places, so everyone has different results.

Someone once said to me, "You can only succeed if you take the right road and choose the right intersection." This is of course a well-known truth. Guests also know that success is not just talk about it. It is not that if you want to take the right road, you will take the right road. It is not that if you choose the right intersection, you will not encounter the wrong intersection. There are so many roads and intersections in the world. How can we find the way to success with just one sentence? After all, the fate is fair. Some people are born rich, so their life must be smooth? Can those lighthouses built with money really withstand the cruel wind and rain? Why not build it brick by brick? Probably because I think things are too simple, I don't want to work hard for them. These are people born rich, but what about those born poor? Do they have to suffer from poverty from birth? Of course not. "The sword comes from sharpening, and the plum blossom comes from bitter cold". Compared with those who are rich, the poor need to work harder and find the right road and intersection.

In fact, people are different, not rich and poor, because this is a natural difference, and whether to fight or be responsible for life is an acquired difference. When the rich and the poor are at the same starting line, maybe the results are different. Rich people may use their high-end knowledge to avert danger; Poor people may use their own built sheds to withstand the storm. Everyone chooses a different road, and the intersection is naturally different. Everyone has different ways and attitudes to deal with difficulties, and the results are naturally different. The rich should not be too arrogant, and the poor should not be too inferiority complex. In this way, we are all the same.

In your life, you will encounter many intersections, some of which may lead you to the top, and some of which may lead you to fall into the abyss. Take the right road, choose the right intersection, and follow your heart where you should go.

Dui's Crossing Composition (7)

No one gets lost on the straight road, but there are always people who lose their way at the fork in the road. Standing at the crossroads of life, it is our spiritual choice to decide which direction we go.

Some people can make the right choice. Metaphysics prevailed in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and Zhuang Zi's "Leisure Journey" has aroused many people's yearning. "The water hits three thousand li, and the wind rises to nine thousand li" is so handsome and heroic! For a time, there were countless fans, and works of escapism and laissez faire flooded and rose. Another wise man chose an unusual road, insisted on himself, and was very sober and unmoved. He was Wang Xizhi! He insisted on his style of writing and chose to oppose the style of "feeling is empty and desires are few, especially good at metaphysics". With a stroke of his pen, he wrote a beautiful prose that is sparse, simple, clean, simple and natural. His Preface to Lanting Collection has become a treasure in the treasure house of Chinese literature! He used his firmness to choose "floating like clouds, posing like a startled dragon", so that he could get a place in the literary world.

Some people go astray because of a wrong idea. Fortunately, someone pulls him back. After Lin Xiangru chose "national urgency before personal hatred" at the crossroads of life, he not only embarked on the right path, but also let Lianpo's once lost heart wake up. The story of "making peace with each other" makes future generations see shining footprints in the long river of history, a kind of firmness showing from beginning to end, a kind of firmness showing the lost and later firmness.

Some people unfortunately choose the wrong way and sink deeper and deeper into the quagmire of misstep. King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty chose to laugh at the beauty and abandon the country. Empress Dowager Cixi handed over the dignity of the nation to foreigners for the sake of the survival of the dynasty. Those short-sighted people make choices, leaving behind too much painful thinking in addition to the bleak history.

When we take the first step on the road of life, we are doomed to have many crossroads waiting for us in the years to come. There is a long way to go in life, and we have many choices to face. We should learn to be cautious when facing many choices.

Let's face the crossroads of life cautiously and bravely, and stride towards glory!

Dui's Crossing Composition (8)

At the end of the fork in Grandma's house, there was a small street without street lights. Every time I went to school, I would pass there.

Before the third grade of primary school, my grandmother always sent me to school and picked me up after school. After the third grade, I grew up, and my grandma's legs were not convenient. Even so, she would still wait for me at the fork every time after school, no matter how late. She is erect and thin, and sometimes covers a bottle of hot milk with her clothes. At this time, my heart will always be full of happiness. Every time, I would hold Grandma's hand to prevent her from falling down. Sometimes I would tell her interesting stories about school. We were like friends who talked about everything.

In the sixth grade, because I had to prepare for the entrance examination, my study pressure was getting higher and higher, and I had no free time to chat with my grandma, but my grandma still waited for me at the fork every night

The teacher said that I am capable of going to No. 6 Middle School, and if I try harder, I may be admitted to Class 2+4. I can go to a good junior high school and have a good learning environment, which is of course a good thing. In fact, I wanted to go to No. 5 Middle School because it was very close to my grandmother's house, so I could still eat delicious food and still see the familiar figure at the intersection.

Standing at the crossroads of life, I hesitated. This side of the road is the key middle school of the city, and the other side of the road is the school near my grandmother's home. I must make a choice by comparison.

On my birthday that year, my grandmother didn't give me the doll I liked or give me a big red envelope. Instead, she looked for two sets of junior high school examination papers for me in the bookstore for a long time. On the first page of the examination paper, she wrote: "You have a long way to go, and you must choose the brightest way you think.". I will still wait at that intersection, waiting for your triumph.

I finally made up my mind to come to the Sixth Middle School and have a wonderful family. But every weekend, I still go home to see my grandmother, holding her hand through the familiar intersection

Dui's Crossing Composition (9)

Third day is like coffee, although bitter but also very mellow; The third day of junior high school is like liquor, which makes people excited and passionate; The third day is like sweet juice, fresh and delicious, slowly warm; The third day of junior high school is full of strange beans

Time has left traces on us, and we have carved memories on the walls of years. When we look back and stop, we will be amazed. We think that after one day, it is actually three years. The third day of junior high school is a crossroad, a crossroad to different schools. There is joy of success and sadness of parting, but each of us is trying our best to interpret youth. I think that when I stand at the next station, I can say happily and proudly: "Here, I have been!"

The intersection of the third day is a happy intersection. In the dead of night, we read books with lights burning in our sleep. There is no reason, no need to why, just because we are junior three. With the pen as the halberd, we fought hard on the review materials. Wow, I have thought about this question for ten minutes and still have no idea. What should I do? I "scratch my ears and scratch my mind". No, I can't list the conditions again, and change the angle. The angles are pushed in parallel, and the parallel push is similar... I write hard on the calculus paper, but there is a faint smile on my mouth, and I am determined to win. I don't know how long it took, but I finally raised my head and smiled triumphantly. Look at beautiful and delicate parabola, neat and clean roll surface, and Liuchang's reasoning. I think nothing is more exciting than the success gained through hard work. At the junction of junior three, we studied hard and deeply felt the joy of learning. It was a sense of achievement, a sense of fulfillment, and a sense of satisfaction with holding our future destiny in hand.

The third day is the intersection, the sad intersection. Under the sunshine of "One, Two, Three, Tian Qi", our brilliant smiling faces were instantly frozen. The commencement ceremony means the end of our three-year life in junior high school. Looking at the students who used to get along with each other day and night, the kind of kindness and will not recall and bless with a touch of sadness. "Hey, let's take a good exam and go to the same high school. How about being a deskmate like this again?" The deskmate looked up at her clean face and asked me. I smiled and nodded. Five hundred times of looking back and waiting in the past life, only in exchange for the promise of this life. At the crossroads of the third day, we are with a touch of sadness. My deskmate said that when we leave, we don't say goodbye. We say goodbye, because we are at the next intersection, or at the next intersection, we will finally meet again.

Facing the intersection of the third day of junior high school, we are the passers-by after all, and cannot stop and wander. But we can all collect the roadside scenery in our hearts, and walk on with pain and happiness. I think that when we experience the happy and sad intersection of the third day of junior high, I will change from pupa to disc, and I will fly better and farther in the future!

Come on, for the dream in our hearts

Dui's Crossing Composition (10)

A forest is divided into two paths. I chose the one that is inaccessible, which has determined my path in life.

——The Unselected Road

I walked alone in Jiushan. Spring is just in time, and the branches and buds on the trees are green and young. The young birds are beginning to learn to fly, flowers are blooming, and everything is growing quietly... On the roadside, a girl is clamoring to eat ice cream, and the adults say, "No, children should listen to adults!" I can't help but frown and get upset. That's what I heard most from childhood.

Yesterday, I quarreled with my parents.

Many people in my family study medicine. They have been influenced by doctors since childhood. They think that doctors are great and sacred in saving lives and helping others. So I had a dream from childhood to become a doctor.

When I was young, I was in poor health and often got sick, so I dealt with many doctors. I am afraid of the smart western medicine and like the kind old Chinese medicine. Old Chinese doctors always smile, and there is a pleasant smell of herbs on their bodies. Once, I felt that the medicine was bitter and refused to drink it. My mother ordered me to say, "Good medicine tastes bitter! We must drink it!" The old Chinese doctor across the street calmly opened a medicine cabinet with a smile, took out a herb, and said, "If you put this in, it won't be bitter. You try it?" I asked him to promise in a huff, and he also laughed with me: "If you hang up, you can't change for a hundred years!" Indeed, The original bitter medicine juice implied a trace of sweetness. That sweetness, really miraculous, suddenly melted my fear of bitter medicine. It is said that this medicine is called licorice. Since then, when drinking bitter medicine, my mother always put some in. Chinese medicine students are amazing!

Yesterday, I told my parents about my dream of becoming a traditional Chinese medicine. Unexpectedly, they all objected. They believe that modern people prefer Western medicine and there is no future in learning Chinese medicine. I was angry and sad. Should we follow our parents' advice or stick to our ideals? I couldn't help but cry. In the tears, I saw the vague shadow of my grandfather, who was studying Chinese medicine. When he was dying, he often talked about the past. When he mentioned the patients he had cured, he would automatically laugh, and his smile was immersed in the ravines of years, making him fearless of illness and pain. He said that the patient's smile was what he wanted to see most. In the vagueness, I seemed to hear my grandfather gently saying to me, "Don't forget your original intention and stick to your ideal.". A breeze blew, I looked up, and had the answer.

Life is so short. If you don't work hard for your dreams, wouldn't it be a wasted life? When you stand at the crossroads of life and face a choice, which road will you choose? A Lama said to his disciple, "Please choose the difficult one." Yes, if you live like others, what's the meaning of life? Standing on the road of your choice and looking at it from the extreme, it may be desolate, but it has a different style, and it may be difficult, but it has a different taste.

Choice is wisdom, but it needs persistence!

Crossing Composition (11)

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"Be careful on the road and work hard!" Mother stood at the brown intersection, her dusty sleeves waving in the cold wind, while Hua in the carriage buried her head deeply, afraid to let others know that the rural woman with dirty clothes was his mother.

An hour later, Hua got off the bus, and the bustling city spread out at his feet like a picture scroll, friendly and unfamiliar. This time he came to the city, hoping to get a job in the city with his painting ability, but he ran into difficulties everywhere. When he was out of school, he always saw his mother waiting to pick him up at the brown intersection until he graduated from senior high school. In his memory, he was like a boat returning to the berth, and his mother's not tall figure and not prosperous intersection formed the warmest harbor. But once, when his mother came to visit him at the university, she made him laughed at by snobbish classmates. He gradually alienated his mother, who loved his face, but her love for him remained unchanged. Now he began to miss the details of love that he had once neglected. One day, he finally got up the courage to tell his mother about his confusion and loneliness.

"Mom, I haven't found a job yet, and I want to go home." He turned his back to the intersection, like a helpless child in a simple phone booth.

"Then come back!" Mother spoke very quickly and listened coldly. "There are guests at home. I won't talk to you anymore."

"Du...... Du......" Mother hurriedly hung up the phone. Hua's left hand was holding a somewhat heavy microphone and stopped in the air.

Hua stared blankly at the intersection where the traffic was rolling in the opposite direction. The noisy sirens and cars were intertwined. The bright city was never lonely. But the cruel reality and his mother's indifferent attitude made him still smell the piercing cold in this hot May. His stiff left hand put down the microphone and strolled in the street. Looking at the roaring steel, he remembered the brown intersection of his hometown: tall Chinese parasol trees lined up from the intersection to the end of the village, the old street lights were on day and night for some reason, quiet pedestrians, quiet flowers and plants, and a loving mother waiting under the tree... All of these appeared repeatedly in his dream, and he wanted to immerse himself in the halo of the old street lights forever, Sleeping in those old dreams. But the cruel reality broke his little dream countless times.

The next day, he returned to the village by car. As soon as he got off the bus, he greedily smelled the sweetness of the soil and looked at this once very familiar intersection - it has not changed, it is still like a dream: several rows of old Chinese parasols have been lined up from here to the end of the village, two street lamps are scattered with lazy halos, quiet pedestrians and flowers... He is enjoying everything at this old intersection. He suddenly found that there was a point in the distance that was constantly moving. After a closer look, it turned out that his mother was running towards him with a small step while waving her sleeve. Watching his mother getting closer and closer, his white hair trembled with the pace, and he felt a heart wrenching pain.

"Son, you are back." The mother held the stool in her right hand, and lifted the fringe for Hua in her left hand. In the past, his mother's nagging made him a little disgusted. Today, these words are slightly higher than his body temperature, which dispelled his loneliness and hesitation.

Mother and Hua walked home. The talkative mother talked to herself and laughed all the way, which made Hua laugh uncontrollably.

Suddenly, her mother looked straight and stopped smiling. "Do you know why I treated you like that that day?" She paused and continued: "You hesitate when you meet the intersection," she said slowly and meaningfully.

"No matter what choice you make at the intersection, don't give up!" Hua Lue bowed his head with understanding.

That night, Hua grasped the brush again.

The next day, Hua took the bus back to the city with his new work. His mother was still at the intersection to see him off.

Three years later, Hua has become a little famous painter and has his own studio. His favorite oil painting that made him famous was hung in the middle of the studio:

Several rows of old Chinese parasols have been lined up towards the end of the village. The old street lamp gives out a warm glow. A simple dressed rural woman stands at the brown intersection, waving her dusty sleeve towards the departing bus

Crossing Composition (12)


Wandering at the intersection, left? towards the right? notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

When Bing Xin stood at the crossroads, she silently gazed at the distance, whispering to grass, stroking flowers and kissing the breeze. She gave her heart to nature because of her love. She chose a quiet way of life. Her affectionate interpretation of "leaves fall to their roots, rivers flow into the sea" reflects his frank outlook on life.

Facing the intersection, she chose nature; Facing the intersection, she chose to be calm; Facing the intersection, she chose Xinran.

Wen Tianxiang, the hero, has no words at the crossroads of life and death, sacrifice and sacrifice and muddle through life, but a heroic and awe inspiring righteous song represents his patriotic heart.

One sentence, "Who has never died since ancient times? Stay loyal and reflect history", truly portrayed his selflessness and frankness.

Wen Tianxiang is a patriotic hero.

Facing the intersection, he chose to be unyielding; Facing the intersection, he chose self sacrifice; Facing the intersection, he chose no regrets.

Wang Shunyou, the diligent postman, has walked silently for twenty years between the icy mountain roads. But he never complained, never paid tribute. Just because he loves his career. He wanted to devote himself to the world without reservation.

Facing the intersection, he chose dedication; Facing the intersection, he chose to insist; Facing the intersection, he resolutely embarked on this ordinary and great road.

At the intersection, there are many people's laughter and sweat; At the intersection, you and I have fallen; At the intersection, courage and confidence are needed.

Friends! When you walk across the intersection, you should face him calmly and never hesitate. After crossing the road, you will usher in another world. You should try your best to decorate your own world. Go through the intersection, don't regret it, think about your determination when you were at the intersection.

Let's face the crossroads of our own life bravely together!


Understanding and complaining is a crossroad in life. Between people, if we can understand more and complain less, life will be better.

Once I ordered something online, but it took me a long time to deliver it. When the door was opened, the young man who delivered the goods threw the box on the ground. He held the door frame with his hand, tilted his head, and curled his mouth. His face was impatient.

I looked at him and felt really unhappy. The service attitude was so poor! At this time, Grandma smiled and took out the money to pay him, and thanked him: "Thank you, young man!"

And the expression on the face of the young man who was looking impatient just now also eased a lot.

Grandma then said, "It's raining outside today, and there's also a traffic jam. The elevator in this building is still under repair. Young man, it's been hard all the way!"

I looked at Grandma beside me. Every word he said was so kind, and every wrinkle showed concern, as if he was talking to his relatives. This puzzled me.

At this time, the young man showed a embarrassed smile. He bowed his head and said apologetically, "I'm sorry for the late delivery of the goods to you, but his attitude was not very good just now..."

"It doesn't matter," Grandma answered with a smile. "It's inevitable. It doesn't matter."

After the young man left, I asked my grandmother in doubt: "Why are you so kind to him?"

Grandma didn't answer me, but asked, "Did he smile and apologize in the end?"

"Yes, that..." I was about to ask, and Grandma continued: "In fact, everyone needs to understand. When you think the other person is doing badly, you can think about it from his point of view to understand the other person's feelings. The other person thinks that you understand him, and their attitude will be better. On the contrary, if you just complain about each other's fault and can't think about it from another's perspective, the two people will definitely quarrel in the end, which will be boring. "

At this time, I suddenly understand that this is also a crossing. The left side leads to understanding, and the right side leads to complaining. Whenever you choose how to treat others, you are choosing which way to go. The two roads seem the same, but the results are opposite.

Dui's Crossing Composition (13)


Unconsciously, he returned to the tree at the intersection. In the shade, a cluster of wild flowers bloomed brightly. In the evening, the children in the opposite cram school scattered in a crowd, and each took his partner home.

The wind, blowing gently, made the wild flower swing gently. Do you remember the two children squatting under the tree and the coins buried under the cluster of wild flowers many years ago?

It seemed to be a weekend. You stepped out of the gray and black building slowly. What was different from the dark building behind you was your white skin.

In that quiet afternoon, we walked together under the green shade, and your fragmentary words contained the joy of summer. At that time, you always liked to laugh, and your thin eyebrows were slightly raised, and you smiled "ha ha". The laughter was so clear and moving, like a breeze that drove away the summer heat.

However, my forehead still exudes sweat, my vest is already wet, and my heart has become a mess, as if I were at a confused intersection, and I fell into the abyss when I took a wrong step.

"I'm going to transfer to another school." I took a deep breath and gently uttered such a sentence. The voice was so low that it seemed that it would evaporate in the air if I didn't pay attention to it. But you could still hear it. The bell like laughter suddenly stopped, and the world became silent, except that the branches were still complaining tirelessly about cicadas, disturbing people's minds.

We walk quietly, you do not speak, I do not speak. In the twinkling of an eye, I came to the place where school ends every evening. At that time, I always looked at you. When your figure disappeared into the crowd, I turned around and left. I threw a trace of it and buried it here.

In a trance, I unconsciously stepped under the tree at the intersection and stared at your figure beside me.

You always laugh at me for being fat, but now I find that your skinniness is totally different from what a boy should look like. In the evening of that day, we didn't speak, and the children from the opposite cram school poured out of the intersection, mixed with laughter. But we just buried the last coin in the wild flowers under the tree, laughing but not talking.

Later, I never saw you again. I finally turned the corner at the intersection in the direction of my parents' guidance and left you. No one accompanied me to play happily after the transfer. The only connection we have is probably the coins under the cluster of wild flowers.

There are many intersections in life. If you make a mistake, you will lose everything. You should treat each intersection carefully. Otherwise, once you miss something important, you will never get it back.

That evening, I watched your thin back disappear at the intersection for the last time. Now I just hope to meet the old people again at the next intersection. And this time, I won't choose wrong again!

Dui's Crossing Composition (14)

I once read a cartoon that there are two endless roads at an intersection. The road on the right is crowded with people, and the road on the left is only a lonely figure. There is a meaningful sentence attached below the painting: this is not loneliness, but choice. Yes, every one of us has to stand at the crossroads countless times in our life to make difficult choices. These countless choices constitute our life. Therefore, every choice we make is crucial.

Some choices will test a person's moral character. When you face an old man who falls down, do you bend down to help him or turn a blind eye? When you hit someone on your bike, do you send them to the hospital or run away? When you face a bribe, do you firmly refuse or accept it gladly? The seemingly simple choice has tested the moral character of countless people. A group of college students participated in a job interview. In the face of the paper ball on the way to the interview office, only one girl chose to pick it up silently, while others chose to ignore it. The result of the interview is conceivable. Everyone thought that the small paper had nothing to do with their interview, but they didn't know that the paper was a touchstone and an important part of the interview.

Some choices will reflect whether a person will have great ambitions. Marx said, "If we can choose a profession that makes the greatest contribution to mankind, then we will not feel too burdened." Lu Xun began to go to Japan to study medicine, hoping to use medicine to save the suffering Chinese. But he soon found that medicine could not save the numb Chinese, so he resolutely chose to abandon medicine and follow literature. He used the pen in his hand to make a knife and gun to fight against the enemy, and used the pen in his hand to awaken the numb Chinese. Hawking was confined to a wheelchair at the age of 21, but he did not give up his ideal. He chose to use his brain to sketch his own stage, proving the area theorem of black holes. Deng Jiaxian risked his life for the cause of China's atomic bomb and chose to experiment and study in the desolate desert. It is short-sighted to choose lazy, comfortable and withdrawn people. On the contrary, it is ambitious to choose people who are diligent, hardworking and courageous. People who are short-sighted will become narrow-minded and have only themselves in mind; Aspirant people will be broad-minded, the hearts of others, is the interests of the nation.

Some choices can change a person's destiny. There are countless choices on the long road of life, but only a few steps are critical. Sometimes a choice can change a person's destiny. After the defeat, Gou Jian, the King of Yue, chose to lie down on the brushwood and taste the gall. He rallied, worked hard, made the country rich and the army strong, and finally defeated the State of Wu. Gou Jian's choice not only changed his own destiny, changed the destiny of the country, and rewritten the history of Yue. After Li Ka shing was forced to drop out of school to support his family, he chose to study culture after hard work and became the richest man in China. Helen Keller chose to keep learning in silence and darkness and became a writer. Only by making the right choice can one have the opportunity to fight for the future. When you make a wrong choice, you may never have a choice again.

We are now standing at the crossroads of life, either choosing to fight for our future or choosing to abandon ourselves. The road of struggle is glorious. We must make the right choice to go further and further. Each intersection may be an opportunity or a trap. Our choice is crucial and we must be cautious!

Dui's Crossing Composition (15)

That was the only way I had to go to school when I was young. In the morning, I carried a heavy schoolbag across the intersection, and always stopped by the old tree at the intersection for a while, just to smell the fragrance of flowers blooming on its branches.

In the midsummer, the vigorous and powerful branches of the old trees are covered with pink and tender flowers. The flowers are very dense, and they squat trembling on the small branches. When the wind shakes, many petals will fall down, scattered all over the ground. Looking from afar, it really has the flavor of "Xanadu".

At this time, I would take off my heavy schoolbag behind me, throw it on the bench at the intersection, and run away quickly following the fragrance of flowers.

That flower is different from other flowers. It has no full petals. It is like a dandelion. It is wispy. A little wind and grass will turn into a wisp of fragrance and disappear before my eyes. I took a big mouthful of flowers contentedly and went to school happily.

Every day of my life begins with fragrance.

Maybe it's because the fragrance is too rich. The soft flowers always attract many small caterpillars, and the caterpillars fall to the ground with the fall of the flowers. When I go home from school and pass this intersection again, I will be excited to step on the flowers. When I go home, the sticky caterpillar will always stick to the soles of my shoes, unable to move. If I am unlucky, I will fall down. In a sea of flowers, the wind blows, stirring up my wrinkled clothes, drying the shiny sweat on my forehead, bringing chills.

Every day of mine ends with happiness.

Over the years, whenever I feel irritable in my life, I can't help thinking of the intersection of my hometown, the tree, the fragrance of flowers, and the restless heart will instantly calm down, as if my body is filled with new power, and I always maintain a positive and optimistic attitude towards life.

The wind rose, and the fragrance of flowers at the intersection blew into my nose along the glass window, intoxicating.

Dui's Crossing Composition (16)

I remember when I was young, my grandmother went to the market at the intersection to buy vegetables. When I turned the corner, a strong smell came to my nose. The morning sun covered the old houses next to me with a layer of dim yellow. On the other side, the hot air from the snack stand was thick in the air.

She has reached middle age, and every day she dragged her bloated body to the front of the shop. She cooked meat, chopped meat, and steamed cakes all by herself. The small and old market, the not very spacious street, the whole intersection sounded her knife falling. "Good morning, madam! Do you want to buy food?" Grandma often buys a steamed bun for me. She greets me warmly. Her loud voice vibrates in the cold autumn wind. She shovels meat into the steamed bun with a knife face, fills the steamed bun fully, then leans forward to hand the steamed bun to me, turns to lift the lid of the pot, and the heat covers her cheeks. "Here, boy! It's a big meal!" She smiled and handed me the steamed bun.

I remember the sound of water drops coming from the bean curd shop at dusk, just like gently tapping the keys of a piano, playing a lively movement when the crowd is fading away; I still remember that it was the sound of wind and rain that lingered in my ears, slapping the tarpaulin that people had just hung up, the gloomy sky did not change to the noise of the past, and the dim light printed the back of people walking; Somewhere came the joyful laughter of the children when they were chasing

The intersection is like an old book opened. The yellow pages are full of one person and one scene at the intersection. An intersection is a past event. Unreasonable recollections in dreams lead to countless threads of the past.

Memories precipitate in the past, in the past, and in the slowly flowing memories.

In my dream, I stepped on the green bricks of the old street, listened to the voices of the people, and stood at the busy intersection.