Mother's Patience (7 elaborations)
Cangjing Liunian
2023-12-25 02:03:01
Junior two

Mother's Patience (1)

My mother is not tall. If you put her among thousands of people, she is like a young tree growing in the big forest. You can't find her even for centuries. Her thin body, like a thin piece of paper, is in danger of being blown away by the wind at any time. Her eyes are very big, as big as two grapes. Her nose was very straight, and she could see the tip of her nose from her own eyes. Mother has a big mouth. It is estimated that one mouth can swallow a big lion alive.

My mother is a very patient person. Once, when I was doing my Maths Olympiad homework assigned to me by my mother, there was a problem that puzzled me, a girl who could never defeat anything. It was like a mountain suddenly rising in front of me. So I asked my mother for a mobile phone and wanted to scan the QR code beside it to listen to how others explained it. But her mother refused. She quickly put down the clothes she was washing and prepared to see the topic. I thought to myself: Why is it so troublesome? Give me a scan of my mobile phone, can't I finish it when I hear it? Mom is really looking for trouble.

However, at my mother's strong request, I had to follow my mother to my study to see the topic. Mother looked at the topic, and then thought about it, and said, "This question is really a bit difficult. Then I'll start." She said in a loud voice, and I don't know what she was talking about. Like a Chinese listening to the French speaking, I heard a monk in two. I couldn't understand. After listening for a long time, I still kept my pen. So my mother said it again, but I still couldn't understand it, so I asked, "What is' Bi '?"

My mother didn't say anything to me anymore, it seemed that she had a little thought. I thought: Why don't you tell me? Why is it so difficult? Why can't I understand? At this time, my mother took out a clean white paper and began to explain. She said with her mouth while taking up a pen to paint on the paper. Soon, the paper was filled by her mother. Then, she looked at me with her gentle expression: "Do you understand?" The gentle voice came into my ears and flowed into my heart along the blood. My heart was warm, and the difficult problem suddenly became clear in front of my eyes.

Looking at my mother, I remembered some past events. Once, when I was ill, my mother stayed by my side every day, filled me with medicine and fed me water; Once, when I was swimming and accidentally choked on water, my mother pulled me out of the water and kept comforting me; Once, I fell down on my bicycle, and my mother helped me to apply medicine carefully; Once, my mother helped me analyze the wrong questions until late at night when I failed in the exam; Once

Mom, I thank you for your help in the past ten years! Mom, I thank you for giving me shelter! Mom, I thank you for cheering me when I succeed and encouraging me when I fail! Mother, your love shines on me like the sun, moistens me like rain and dew! Mom, your patience, let me always remember, it is like the stars in the sky, shining forever!

Mother's Patience (2)


The article "Invisible Love" deeply moved me. Your child was blind, so he didn't hit the bottle all afternoon, but you didn't get angry or complain about it. When you handed stones to him and told him that he would always hit them, I suddenly felt a spring of love pouring into my heart. My heart, which had no water at all, suddenly became vibrant!

I found that you are a patient mother, sacrificing your own time to give hope to your son! But this time, but your life!

You are the person I admire most!

Mother's Patience (3)

Part 1: A serious and patient mother

When I was in primary school, I was a poor student. Every time I took an exam, I was twenty to thirty. Mathematics, especially mathematics. Whenever I mention math, I have a headache and doze off. It's almost falling apart. But one person has been tutoring me and teaching me all the time, but I can't because I'm not interested in that "stuff". That man is my mother.

I remember one time, when a question stopped me and I couldn't do the following questions, I said to me, "I can't waste any more.". My mother came to me with a draft paper and a pen, sat beside me, and analyzed the question carefully. This question was really a bit difficult. At that time, the food was ripe. Seeing my mother was seriously calculating the question, I didn't bother. I went to wash my hands first, and then leaned on the door and said quietly, "Mom, we have dinner"... My mother didn't answer, I said in a low voice, "Mom, don't worry about it. Let's eat." Because I was afraid of scaring my mother away. "I won't eat, you can eat first." Mother said: "Come over quickly after dinner, and I will tell you this question." I said in a low voice: "Oh." When I came back after dinner, I found that the paper was originally fat and white, but now it has become an ant like jumping on the paper. When my mother gave me a lecture, my heart was not in my stomach at all. After one lecture, my mother asked me, "Do you understand? If you don't understand, I will say it again, I said, "Mom, stop talking. I can't listen to you at all. It's useless to tell you that you let me copy your calculations directly on my notebook. Don't waste time. Ok?" "Go to your dream. What else do you want to do?" Then he told me again.

This time I saw her true face, a serious and patient person.

Part 2: Patient Mother

My mother is a soldier, tall. The eyes are very bright, just like two black and white pearls. A mouth of white teeth gives a very clean feeling.

My mother is very patient. When I am sick, my mother will take care of me carefully; When I was naughty, my mother would gently educate me; When I don't like learning, my mother will patiently reason with me.

I remember once, when I was doing a math problem, I encountered a problem, and I backed out: it's too difficult, I'd better not do it. When my mother found this problem while checking my homework, she asked me gently: "What's wrong? Can't you do it?" I nodded, a little embarrassed. My mother told me the steps to solve the problem step by step. After I did it, I still felt vaguely understood, but my mother said, "It doesn't matter. I'll tell you in two days.". Two days later, my mother did the same type of questions for me again. This time, I understand.

Look, this is my mother.

Part 3: Patient Mother

My mother has short hair and dark, tall and thin skin. Mother is a serious, careful, patient and gentle woman.

On one occasion, my deskmate and I did a math problem about number rings on the elementary school learning newspaper. The topic was: there were five circles below, four small circles on the first circle, a total of twelve small circles. The four numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been filled in. Please fill the eight numbers 5 to 12 into the rest of the small circles, so that the four numbers on each ring add up to 26. My deskmate and I did a lesson, but we didn't work it out. The newspaper was almost wiped out.

After school, I asked my mother how to do this problem. My mother tried to do it and found it really difficult. She let me sleep first. She patiently pondered for nearly an hour and finally figured out the correct answer.

The next morning, my mother told me the correct answer, and I admired her very much. When I came to school, and told the answer to my deskmate, I was very happy.

Mother has a great influence on me. From my mother, I feel that only by doing everything carefully, carefully and patiently can we do it well; The same is true of learning. I am proud to have such a patient and meticulous mother who cares about me and loves me.

Mother's Patience (4)

I love my mother because I think she is the most gentle mother in the world! In the past, my mother's patience with me was enough to fill my heart, which made me feel that I was the happiest daughter in the world.

One Saturday morning, I was playing with my tablet in high spirits. Suddenly, my mother's gentle voice came: "Qiqi, come and help my mother dry clothes!" After hearing that, I didn't go to help dry clothes, but still played. After a while, my mother said, "Qiqi, breakfast is ready, come and eat!" I was still immersed in the tablet computer, and replied, "I'm not hungry, I will eat later." After N gentle voices and rejection voices, my mother helped me get a bottle of pure milk, and said, "You don't want to eat breakfast, milk always needs to be drunk, otherwise it won't grow." I drank milk while I was drinking, Looking at the tablet computer, she threw the milk bottle to her mother after drinking it. I always look like an old man, with my mother serving me meticulously, but my mother has never been angry with me.

Three months ago, my mother gave birth to a little brother. Every day, my mother has to feed my little brother milk, shit and urine. She couldn't sleep at night and had no time to rest during the day. She was very tired, so she became less patient with me and more dissatisfied with me.

One day, I was idle at home, ready to play with my favorite toy. But as soon as I opened it, my mother said sternly, "You are going to play with this toy again, aren't you?" I said wrongly, "I have nothing to do, play, what's the matter?" My mother said, "Don't you know that my brother is afraid of noise? He is sleeping now, what will you do if you wake him up? Will you take it with you?" My father looked at my mother so ferocious, She couldn't help but say for me: "What's wrong with her wanting to play? What else can she do if you don't let her play?" Mother became more angry, but she was afraid of her brother's crying. She had to hold down her anger and said softly: "She doesn't count as 24 o'clock, why must she play with this toy?" I was extremely aggrieved, and felt that there was a world of difference between mother now and mother before, Tears were swirling in my eyes.

In fact, I know that my mother is very tired taking care of my brother. She wants to have a rest for a while, and she doesn't have more energy to manage me, so she is impatient with me. Although I know my mother is tired, I still want her to be more patient with me and love me more. Of course, I also need to be sensible, help my mother take care of my brother when I am free, and learn to take care of my mother when my mother is tired.

I believe my mother will be patient with me again, and we will be a happy family!

Mother's Patience (5)

One cold day in the winter vacation, my mother is going to turn on the air conditioner. She took out the remote control and gently pressed it. The air conditioner turned on, but it blew cold wind. Mother said, "Eh, what's the matter?" I said, "Press the button on the left to raise the temperature." Mother did as I said, and the remote control showed "30 ℃", but the air conditioner had not yet blown out the warm air. I said, "Wait a minute, or read the manual." My mother read the manual and said strangely, "I did right." Then she turned off the air conditioner and turned it on again. Before long, she said impatiently, "Why isn't it hot?" I said, "Wait a little longer." But my mother didn't listen. She turned it on and off, and turned it on and off again. She repeated many times, and said, "Is the air conditioner broken?" I said, "Let's wait until Dad comes back."

When my father came back, I told him everything in a hurry. My father said, "It's impossible. The air conditioner will not break." He turned on the air conditioner. It was not hot at first. After four or five minutes, the room was warm. I solemnly said to my mother, "Be patient in everything you do."

Mother's Patience (6)

It's very cold today. My mother is going to turn on the air conditioner. She took out the remote control and gently pressed it. The air conditioner was turned on, but it blew out gusts of cool wind.

Mother said, "Eh, what's the matter?" I said, "Press the button on the left to raise the temperature."

My mother did as I said. The temperature on the remote control showed "20 degrees", but the air conditioner still didn't blow out the warm air. I said, "Wait a moment, or read the manual!" My mother looked at the manual and said strangely, "I did right!" After that, she turned off the air conditioner and turned it on again. Before long, my mother became impatient again and said, "Why isn't it hot? I'm cold to death." I said, "Wait a little longer!" But my mother refused to listen. She turned it on and off, turned it off and on again, and repeatedly retested several times, but the air conditioner just didn't listen to her command. Mother frowned and said, "Forget it, wait for your father to come back and try again!"

After a while, Dad came back. I told him what had happened. Dad firmly said, "The air conditioner is broken? That's impossible!" Dad picked up the remote control, turned on the switch, and waited quietly for three or five minutes. The air conditioner blew warm air. I seriously learned the way my mother taught me, and said, "You see, your impatience has made me cold all afternoon. You should be patient in the future!"

Mother's Patience (7)

On September 21, the teacher asked us to do the test paper, and finally a composition question baffled me. I'm going to make a draft first. Knowing that my mother would not come back from her business trip on the Mid Autumn Festival, I asked all the family members, but I still didn't write it down. I am so worried that I have to beg my mother to come back. Fortunately, my mother promised: "I will be back soon." I thought: this composition has been settled. So I was so excited that I couldn't close my mouth. I felt that my mother was still thinking about us.

When my mother came home, she immediately asked me what difficulties I had encountered. Under my mother's guidance, I finally wrote the beginning of the article. But I was stuck in the middle again, and I didn't know how to do it at the end... My mother patiently tutored me, telling me that there should be plot in the beginning of the whole article, and inspiration and harvest in the end. Under my mother's patient guidance, my composition was finally finished, and I was full of joy.

Finally, the composition was finished, and the Mid Autumn Festival was reunited. Then our family entered a beautiful dream with a sweet smile.

My mother is very patient, and also let me understand that I should be patient in everything I do in the future. If I am impatient, I can't do anything.