Frequent Composition (20 articles in a collection)
2024-05-24 03:04:30
primary school

Frequent Composition (1)

My grandfather lives in the countryside. He is over 70 years old, but he can do anything. We call him "hardworking grandfather".

Grandpa is not very tall. I am almost taller than Grandpa. Grandpa's face was full of wrinkles, just like the bark of an old tree, but he was still so strong.

Once, my parents and I went back to our hometown for the Spring Festival. Because the weather was very cold, I was still in bed at seven or eight o'clock. But Grandpa was different. He got up at six o'clock and pushed a stone mill outside the door to grind tofu. Only heard the sound of "wow, wow, wow", I quickly dressed and braved the piercing cold wind to the door. "God," I thought to myself, a stone mill that even adults could not move was pushed round and round by my grandfather. Grandfather pushed the turntable, pushing and pulling, stopping to put soybeans, and stopping to add water. In less than half an hour, a large pot of soymilk was grinded, but Grandpa didn't feel tired, and he didn't sweat at all, which made me fall to the ground. I asked my grandfather, "Don't you feel tired?"

"I'm not tired. In those days, I walked back and forth with two buckets of water on a mountain road for dozens of miles." Grandpa said confidently. Grandpa doesn't like talking to others, but he always makes contributions to his family silently. Although he is over 70 years old, he still works as a young man, thinking that grandpa feels happy.

Frequent Composition (2)

I have been studying in the school's table tennis class for three years. Although the learning time is not long, I always have one goal, that is, to practice basic skills hard and try to catch up with those students whose skills are better than mine.

In order to catch up with them, my heart has always adhered to a belief: God rewards hard work, as long as I work hard, there will be gains!

Yesterday afternoon, I had a fierce contest with several students who played well. I belong to the "slow heat" player. In the first few games, I didn't enter the state. I lost to Li Chongyang, Na Shuming, etc. consecutively, and even Sun Chongyuan, who was weaker, won me. Suddenly, my self-confidence was greatly affected, and my morale was much weaker when I played. But I persevered tenaciously, pulled back several games halfway, and finally fought to the final. In the final, my opponent is Li Chongyang. His strength is very strong. I am not at the same level as him. At this moment, a sentence by Li Yunlong in the TV series "Bright Sword" came to my mind: "When ancient swordsmen met their opponents in a narrow way, no matter how powerful their opponents were, even if they were the best swordsmen in the world, they should show their swords even if they knew they were defeated. Even if they fell under their opponents' swords, they would still be honored even though they were defeated..." This is the so-called "spirit of shining swords". I think I work so hard at ordinary times. Now, it's time to test me! I tried my best and lost the whole game. But I have no regrets, no regrets, because I have tried my best and have shown my skills to the fullest.

After this competition, I further summarized my technical details and put more effort into training. Often the students go home after practice, and I still practice silently. Sometimes even sweat wets my sweatshirt, I don't even know it. I think that opportunities will only be given to those who are prepared. Only by training steadfastly and devoting myself wholeheartedly can I make progress in the next competition.

No pains, no gains. I hope my sweat will not flow by itself, and my efforts will eventually bear fruit. I always believe: God rewards hard work!

Frequent Composition (3)

Gorky, a litterateur, once said: "Books are the crystallization of human wisdom, and books are the ladder of human progress." In the story of Chang'e Flying to the Moon, we can feel a moving legend of twists and turns, which makes us cry; In, we will turn to the beautiful scenery of spring, a handsome young man is writing about the pride of the future; We can see many undesirable phenomena in the society and understand the right and wrong.

At all times and in all over the world, how many outstanding people have become successful without their own hard work? In "100 Stories of Outstanding Celebrities", we can feel that a kind of singing and immortal biography emanates from our hearts, which tells us the tragic childhood experiences of all of you, and also tells us the bitterness behind their success. For example, Homer -- a famous poet, Plato -- a famous thinker, Sima Guang -- a famous historian, Mark. Polo, a famous explorer... The content of the book is not only touching, but also inspiring future generations to work hard. It is really a rare book. The author uses his book to express hope for young people, and also uses it to urge them to work hard and make progress. Maybe this book is old fashioned, boring and ignorant for those who have been following the trend. But for me, for patriots, it is not only our treasure, but also our spiritual food.

There is a passage in the book "A Talk about Chinese Teenagers" that "today's responsibility lies not with others, but with our youth. Youth's wisdom is the wisdom of the country, youth's strength is the strength of the country, youth's independence is the independence of the country, youth's freedom is freedom, youth's progress is the progress of the country, youth's victory over Europe is the country's victory over Europe, youth's victory over the earth is the country's victory over the earth." It can be seen from this that, What a close relationship between the country and the youth. Young pioneers are the future of the country and the successor of communism. If we want to take over this class, we must read the book well now and master the skills. In the future, we can shoulder the heavy task of building our motherland and make our motherland take the lead in the world. Let's look for good books in the vast sea of books, discard bad books, and use what we have obtained and know to make society and our motherland more brilliant.

Frequent Composition (4)

I have been studying in the school's table tennis class for three years. Although the learning time is not long, I have always had a goal: to practice basic skills hard and try to catch up with those students who are more skilled than me.

In order to catch up with them, my heart has always adhered to a belief: God rewards hard work, as long as I work hard, there will be a harvest!

Yesterday afternoon, I had a fierce contest with several students who played well. I was a "slow heat" player. In the first few games, I didn't get into the situation. I lost to Li Chongyang, Na Shuming, etc. consecutively, and even Sun Chongyuan, who was weaker, won me. Suddenly, my self-confidence was greatly affected, and my morale was much weaker when I played. But I persevered tenaciously, pulled back several games halfway, and finally fought to the final. In the final, my opponent is Li Chongyang. His strength is very strong. I am not at the same level as him. At this moment, a sentence by Li Yunlong in the TV series "Bright Sword" comes to my mind: "In ancient times, when swordsmen met their opponents in a narrow way, no matter how powerful their opponents were, even if they were the best swordsmen in the world, they knew that they could not defeat them, they should also shine their swords. Even if they fell under their opponents' swords, they would still be honored even if they lost..." This is the so-called "spirit of shining swords" I think I work hard as usual. At present, it's time to test me! I tried my best and lost the whole game. But I have no regrets, no regrets, because I have tried my best to show our football skills.

After this competition, I further summarized our technical details and put more effort into practice. Often the students go home after practice, and I still practice silently. Sometimes even sweat wets my sweatshirt, I don't even know it. I think the opportunity can only be given to those who are prepared. Only by practicing steadfastly and devoting myself wholeheartedly can I make progress in the next competition.

No pains, no gains. I hope my sweat will not flow by itself, and my efforts will eventually bear fruit. I have always believed: God rewards hard work!

Frequent Composition (5)

Han Yu, one of the eight masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, once said that industry is good at work and lack of play. Yes, study is good because of hard work, but he is abandoned in the sound of play. Diligence is the key to success and the ladder to success.

Diligence is the door to success. Wang Xizhi is a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He always washes his pen in a pond near his home after practicing calligraphy every day, so that the water in the whole pond is dyed black day after day. He also became the most famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It was through hard work and unremitting efforts that Wang Xizhi achieved success and climbed to the peak of life.

Diligence is the light that illuminates the direction of progress. Diligence is the ship that leads us to the other side of success.

Genius comes from diligence. Edison has more than 1000 inventions in a year. He has read a lot of materials in order to invent the electric light. There are more than 40000 pages of notes alone. He has experimented with thousands of substances and done tens of thousands of experiments before he invented the electric light. He is persistent and unafraid of difficulties. The key to success is to ask for career.

Playfulness is the fuse that leads to failure. Tyson is such a person. Do you remember the former American heavyweight champion Mike Tyson? In the first half of his career, he created one miracle after another with his fists. He once created a myth that he won eight matches in two minutes and earned 160 million dollars. But in the second half of his career, he became cruel, and his violent spendthrift destroyed all his property. At last, he only had a poor 6000 dollars. Yes, he was diligent and had no fun. It is impossible to achieve great cause, life and success in frolic.

Work hard and take life seriously. It is the method of real success, the key to real success, and the key to real success.

Playfulness will not succeed. Fang Zhongyong's skill described by Wang Anshi can write poems at the age of four, but he does not work hard to loaf around all day. When he is in his teens, he is almost like an ordinary person. It's a pity that we must not learn from this young god. He will always bury it even if you have high talent for playing.

Yes, good at work and poor at play!

Frequent Composition (6)

Spring is coming! There are red flowers and green willows in the north and south of the Yangtze River, beautiful flowers, singing and dancing birds and swallows, beautiful scenery in spring and beautiful scenery everywhere!

Are spring really the same? Not necessarily. Even in the same village, there are differences in details. I always think that spring in Jiangnan comes earlier.

My home is located in a village called Zitang. It is located in the hilly area, close to the mountain and beside the water, with picturesque scenery all the year round. The mountain is not very high, but it is continuous and undulating, just like the ripples on the lake caused by the breeze. Not long ago, it looked dark and dark. When the spring breeze came, it immediately changed its appearance. The mountains were covered with green and dark green clothes. It was really beautiful.

Water, in winter, it is silent, as if it is quietly accumulating strength. When spring comes, it immediately becomes happy and active, singing and dancing, quickly overturning a layer of thin ice, and rushing to rivers and lakes to convey the message of spring.

Spring is coming, and our family is also busy. Grandpa, Dad and I, go to the mountain to plant trees. Chinese fir, pine, willow and fruit trees are not planted randomly, but each has its own place and planting method. Grandpa patiently and carefully taught us the knowledge of tree planting, and my father and I understood what we were told.

When spring comes, my grandma is not idle. Grandma dug out the seeds collected last autumn: grain seeds, vegetable seeds, as well as the silkworm feed. Ah, my grandma is going to do a big job!

My mother was even more impressed. She rushed to give birth to me a sister like a porcelain doll in the winter leisure time. In the warm spring breeze, mother held her sister and walked around in the warm sun. The flowers were blooming everywhere and the fragrance was overflowing, which made our chickens, ducks, cats, dogs and so on around them.

I am the only school boy in our family. My task is to study hard, of course! This year, we started to sign up for classes before the Lantern Festival was over. In addition to regular school, I also applied for two interest classes at one go on weekends. Spring is the plan of the year. That's right!

People are diligent and spring comes early. Is that so? Do you think spring in Jiangnan is the most unique?

Frequent Composition (7)

Books are the source of knowledge, watering my heart; Books are the brightest stars in the night sky, guiding me forward in the darkness; Books are the ladder of human progress, guiding me to success step by step. I like reading, like reading, like the emotions and joys that reading brings to me!

I don't know how many fairy tales touched me when I was babbling. Cinderella's crystal shoes, Snow White's apples, and the little mermaid looking forward to going to sea accompanied me throughout my carefree childhood, bringing me many beautiful expectations.

When I grew up, I began to read picture books. What impressed me most was the book Guess How Much I Love You. The touching dialogue between father rabbit and baby rabbit and the innocent eyes of baby rabbit made me deeply feel the heavy love between parents and children. At that time, I immediately cried after reading. It was moved tears, the most innocent tears of a child.

In the first and second grade of primary school, I like to read Beimao's "Mi Xiaoquan School Record". What impressed me most about that set of books is the simple friendship between children. They can break up for the red scarf, and can also make up for some lollipops and chocolates. This may be the most true friendship in childhood.

In the fifth grade, I fell in love with Roland. Engels. Huaide's Cabin, a set of nine books in total, tells the difficult and happy pioneering life of the Roland family in the forest, grassland, and lakeside. The family always loved each other and shared weal and woe. The hardships of life tempered their will and sublimated their love. During the whole reading process, I was deeply attracted and fascinated by the hardworking, brave and unyielding courage of the Roland family.

"There is no end to learning." Only hard work can reach the peak of knowledge. My hard work began with books. I like reading. Reading is like soaking in a cup of tea. Each book has its unique aroma. It is this aroma that makes me fall in love with reading. Reading has become an indispensable part of my life, reading makes me happy, reading makes me grow, children, let's read together!

Frequent Composition (8)

We are all trying to run, we are all dreamers.

I remember that summer, when the weather was hot, cicadas' cheerful cries came in bursts. The coolest thing is to have a little wind, which makes the leaves rustle. While sitting on the piano, I leaned forward slightly, but my face was full of depression.

I was about to take the CET-6 exam, but I really felt that the music was very difficult, and I didn't seem to make progress in any practice. I once doubted myself, maybe I really couldn't do it. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't have the courage and determination. I felt more and more aggrieved, and I could no longer control it. I sat in front of the piano and cried loudly. My mother looked at the funny clown in front of her, came over and patted me on the shoulder and said, "I remember you said you would be a pianist, but when faced with difficulties, you would shrink back, and eventually you would accomplish nothing. It is because of difficulties that you have to persist!"

Calm down to ponder my mother's words. My heart is full of mixed feelings. I dry my tears, calm down, look at the black and white piano keys in front of me, and prepare to continue to challenge it. I searched for videos on the Internet, watched them over and over again, imitated them over and over again, played while recording, and corrected errors from the recording. The effect of these rounds is really much better than that of the beginning. I told myself time and time again that I could not give up, I should stick to it, and I should guarantee 4-5 hours of practice every day, which is far more than what I used to be. Kung Fu pays off. With unremitting efforts, both proficiency and rhythm have improved significantly.

Before I knew it, it was the day of grade examination. I sat calmly in the examination room, with my hands between the keys. When my fingers pressed the keys, the notes on the music suddenly became elves flying around me, and I enjoyed it very much. The moment my fingers retracted, I knew I had succeeded! I smiled proudly. The original song is full of many meanings, which contains my firm determination and my ever enriching dream

This scorching summer is doomed to be extraordinary. The seed buried in my heart is beginning to take root and sprout. I firmly believe that it will grow into a towering tree under constant watering and hard work!

Frequent Composition (9)

Diligence, diligence and inquisitiveness...... Since ancient times, people have placed "diligence" in a very important position on the road to success, just because diligence can achieve life.

Diligence is self reliant. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Fan Zhongyan lost his father when he was young, and his family was poor. In order to study, he was diligent and frugal, and lived a very poor life by eating porridge all day long. Finally, his diligence and inquisitiveness moved the elders of the temple, and he was able to study in Nandu Xueshe. After learning, Fan Zhongyan still kept his frugal lifestyle and refused to accept gifts from rich children to sharpen his will. After studying hard, he finally became a great writer, politician and strategist. He worked hard and loved the people, carried out the New Deal, and moved countless descendants with his famous saying "worry about the world first, and enjoy the world later".

diligence redeems stupidity. When Tong Dizhou, a famous biologist in China, went to middle school, his academic performance was at the bottom. The school advised him to drop out of school. After his repeated entreaties, the school reluctantly left him for a test. He firmly believes that hard work can make up for his shortcomings and is determined to study hard. At night, when his classmates all turned off the lights to sleep, he quietly ran to the street lamp to read. After several years of unremitting efforts, he finally became one of the best students in the school and was admitted to Fudan University with excellent results. It is precisely because of diligence that he achieved a brilliant life and made him a world-renowned biologist.

Always be diligent. Kuang Heng in the Western Han Dynasty was from a poor family when he was young. In order to study, he chiseled through the wall of his neighbor's house, stole a ray of candle light, and studied diligently. Later, because of his diligence, he was recommended by Shi Gao, a general in charge of horses and chariots in the time of the Emperor Yuan of the Han Dynasty, and was granted the title of doctor and doctor Qian. Unfortunately, in the later period of his administration, he forgot his own "chiseling the wall to attract light". However, the most senior officials only wanted to gain something without work and occupy the fiefs, and finally ended up stripping the nobles and collecting the land and demoting them to common people. It can be seen that diligence is the beginning and diligence is the end.

"Life is hard, and nothing can be gained without effort." Let's stand on our own feet with hard work, make up for our shortcomings with hard work, start and finish, and forge ahead on the road to achieving our great life!

Frequent Composition (10)

Do you like dancing? Dancing is a very interesting activity. My favorite extracurricular life is dancing!

When I began to learn dancing, I was a little nervous and afraid. Because it was very difficult to dance, I was afraid that the teacher would disturb me if I could not dance well. The teacher quickly saw my mood and said to me, "Don't be afraid. In fact, dancing is not very difficult. You can learn it if you persevere." After listening to the teacher's words, I had confidence in dancing.

I began to learn to play "Tiger Jump". The teacher asked me to jump first. I said to the teacher, "I'm afraid!" The teacher said, "It's OK. I teach you to fight. When you fight a tiger jump, you should stretch your arms, press your hands on the ground, and kick your legs." I kept practicing according to the teacher's method. Finally, I learned how to dance, and gradually I became fond of dancing.

Soon, "June 1" Children's Day came, and my teacher asked me to perform the program "Mountain Road Bend" on the TV station. I was very excited. With the beautiful dance music, we jumped up happily on the stage. At this time, I seemed to hear the sound of the spring, which made me like a beautiful butterfly Flying freely on the green grass, there were wonderful cheers and applause from time to time.

Dancing has brought me a lot of joy, and at the same time, it has taught me a truth: "Nothing is difficult in the world if you put your heart into it."

Frequent Composition (11)

There is a Chinese saying that "nothing is difficult if you work hard." Han Yu, a great scholar of the Tang Dynasty, also said, "Diligence is the essence of diligence." That is to say, the profound academic attainments come from diligence.

Diligence is a virtue for those who are eager to learn and make progress. What we call diligence is that people should be good at cherishing time and be diligent in learning, thinking, exploring, practicing and summarizing.

He worked hard and worked hard for 40 years. He read an astonishing number of books and periodicals, including more than 1500 kinds of notes; Sima Qian, the author of the great historical work "Records of the Historian", began to roam from the age of 20, covering the Yellow River and the Yangtze River. It can be seen that the achievement of any achievement is inseparable from diligence, and there is no exception.

Diligence brings wisdom. There was a performer in ancient Greece who was often overwhelmed by his opponent because of his stuttering when he was young and his voice was muddy and his pronunciation was inaccurate when he made a speech on the stage. However, he was not discouraged and discouraged. In order to overcome his weakness, he recited in front of the sea with stones in his mouth every day for 50 years, and finally became the most famous speaker in Greece. This shows that even some people with poor talent and slow reaction can become spiritual if they are diligent and eager to learn.

Practice has proved that diligence is the torch that ignites wisdom. The key to a person's knowledge lies in his diligence. Lazy people will never make achievements in their career and will never make themselves smart. Only diligent people can hunt genuine talents and practical knowledge in the ocean of knowledge. Only by constantly expanding the field of knowledge and getting paid for knowledge can we become smart.

Diligence can make up for shortcomings. As long as we are not lazy in diligence, we will certainly win great achievements in our career through hard work.

Frequent Composition (12)

My mother is a hardworking and capable person.

Mom and Dad are workers in the same factory. For some reason, Mom has to go to work every day and has no rest time. Because Mom's factory is far away from home, we rented a room near the factory. At noon, all four of us ate in the factory.

I remember one day in June last year, I went to the factory to have a meal after school. I saw my mother who had just finished her work. She looked very tired. The sweat on her face was like a shower, and her clothes were soaked. Only then did I know how hard her mother was.

After dinner, I really wanted to help my mother, but she refused to let me go. In order to persuade me, she deliberately said, "You can't do it, it's a disservice to come here". I asked her, "Why don't you take a break?" "I want to earn more money, and invite you and your brother to eat delicious food at night". I heard her say this, My heart was both happy and a little distressed.

Mother is not only very capable at work, but also very hardworking at home. My mother always goes home to do housework after finishing her work. Every time, she not only cleans up the house, but also puts things in order. Every time my brother and I want to help my mother, my mother is afraid of tiring us, and always refuses to let us help. After knowing that my mother is like this, I always help my mother in person and do some work secretly. After school in the afternoon, when my mother has not returned, I started cooking dinner

The hardworking mother used her words and examples to gradually influence me. I said to myself: I also want to be a diligent and hardworking person to repay my mother for her upbringing.

Frequent Composition (13)

Everyone has two hands. Workers have a pair of strong hands, actors have a pair of soft hands... My grandmother, however, has a pair of calluses and restless hands. How many days and nights, her restless hands have brought happiness and joy to our family, so that our home is always clean and tidy. How many times have we felt the warmth of these hands.

My grandmother used to live in the market. I remember when I was young, my grandmother got up early in the dark every day, pulled a car to the wholesale market to buy onions and sold them at home. I often saw my grandmother put onions in the water with her hands, washed them, and then sold them on the ground. Mother often asked Grandma not to sell any more and enjoy her old age. Grandma said, "My hands are still very easy to use. Anyway, I'm free!" Then she went to wash onions. The mud on Grandma's fingers is proof of her diligence.

Grandma's hands can not only sell onions, but also make many delicious dishes. In the morning, Grandma sold out the onions and went to the market to buy vegetables. She was ready to cook for us to eat. My favorite dish is mushrooms. I know that cooking this dish is very complicated. Grandma first chopped the pork and horseshoes on the board, and then inlaid the prepared meat on the umbrella surface of the mushroom. Grandma used her wrinkled hands to slowly make mushrooms. When I eat this dish, I can feel Grandma's love for me.

Grandma's hands, though not good-looking, bring us joy. It has brought us warmth and made me like it from the bottom of my heart.

I like Grandma's industrious hands!

Frequent Composition (14)

In this new semester, we should become good students who study hard and are good at thinking. Practice has proved that only diligent thinking can lead to deeper understanding and faster progress. We are all students, so it is essential to use our brains and think hard. But some people are diligent in thinking, while others are not. After reading a difficult problem, those who are diligent in thinking will never stop thinking. Even if they have to work hard to figure out the problem, they will never give up. And the lazy thinking person, glancing at it, thinks: Alas! So hard! Anyway, the teacher will talk again tomorrow. Why bother? Don't do it! The consequences of not thinking can be imagined: people who think hard are ecstatic when they solve problems. The person who is lazy to think, though he understands, is not as thorough as the person who thinks hard, and it is difficult to correct the deviation of cognition. The reason is that we didn't think hard. Thinking hard can make people who love learning smarter. A person who loves learning must be a smart person, a smart person must be a thinking person, and a thinking person must have great courage, confidence, and happiness.

People always need to think. Every step on the road to success must be mixed with thinking, thinking about how to move forward next, so as not to turn the wrong corner and take the wrong road. Thinking can not only help us to recognize our own shortcomings and constantly improve ourselves, but also gain a lot of truth from life. People who are diligent in thinking are more likely to succeed. The successful ones are more comprehensive in their thinking and everything is overwhelming. Those who ignore thinking are too casual to judge correctly.

Only when we know how to think hard can we urge us to study hard with perseverance and perseverance and improve the depth and breadth on the original basis.

Thinking, it is a pair of our wings, let us spread our wings and fly to the ocean of knowledge and ideals!

Grade 5: Deng Tianyu

Frequent Composition (15)

Once upon a time, in a forest with luxuriant foliage and beautiful flowers, there lived honest pigs, lively rabbits, lovely deer and kind goats. Piglet, rabbit and deer are inseparable good partners. The simple and honest piglet likes sweets very much. When he is alone, he will eat three sweets an hour and eat delicious sweets; And every night before going to bed, you should put a sugar in your mouth. After eating, you can go to bed without brushing your teeth. As the days went by, Piglet could not change his bad habit of eating a lot of sugar and not brushing his teeth every day. It's no use trying to persuade Little Rabbit and Little Deer, but Little Pig will eat less in front of Little Rabbit and Little Deer because he doesn't want them to persuade him to stop eating sweets. One night, the little pig had just finished eating the sugar in his mouth and was ready to go to bed. Suddenly, the little pig felt a sharp pain in his teeth on both sides. The little pig ran to the goat clinic at the speed of escaping from the tiger's jaws. The goat doctor listened to the little pig's story, and when he saw the little pig's teeth, he found that there were two decayed teeth on the left and three decayed teeth on the right, Said to the little pig, "Your teeth are in a bad condition, so you need to pull them out immediately!" The little pig promised. When pulling out a tooth, the little pig would cry three times. After pulling out the tooth, the goat doctor said to the little pig, "Now you can only eat one sugar at most every day, and brush your teeth twice." The little pig did as the goat doctor said, and there was no tooth decay.

Frequent Composition (16)

When we walked into our campus, on the left side of the main road stood a huge boulder, carved with the famous saying of Wang Ji of the Qing Dynasty: "Respect alone can defeat laziness, diligence can compensate for incompetence, and frugality can support honesty.". Every time I pass by, the word "diligence" is very striking, as if I saw the efforts behind the success.

As the saying goes, nothing is difficult if you work hard; A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. It is impossible for a person to achieve success in his studies and career without hard accumulation in his daily study and life. This is the truth of "how can one make a thousand miles without a few steps; how can one make a river without a small stream".

"Diligence" is the wing of pursuing ideal.

In the era of "ten years of catastrophe", it can be said that life was out of time. Shen Guo released an ordinary worker's family born in Changshu. After graduating from middle school in 68 years, he went to Changfeng Brigade of Guli Commune to "jump in and settle down" in the movement of "going up to the mountains and down to the countryside". However, he never lost his ambition. He worked hard in the fields during the day and studied tirelessly under the kerosene lamp at the bedside at night. He was finally admitted by Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1974. During his later study and work, he always kept his diligence and tenacity, honed himself and forged himself, and finally became the Special Representative of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations, Assistant Foreign Minister.

Only "diligence" can make up for clumsiness, and thick accumulation can thin hair.

In ancient Greek legend, there was a speaker named Demosthenes. Because he had a stammer when he was young, he was often overwhelmed by his eloquent opponent in speech competitions. However, he was not discouraged and determined. In order to overcome his weaknesses and defeat his opponents, he recited to the sea every day with stones in his mouth. He worked hard for decades, just as he touched God, He eventually became the most famous speaker in Greece.

"Diligence" is the first word among them.

Su Qin and Sun Jing in the "Three Character Classic", a "head hanging beam" and a "acupuncture thigh", were diligent and eager to learn and finally became a major event, which made later generations revere. Today, as students of filial piety and friendship, why not encourage us to work hard and become the driving force of "striving every day and succeeding every year"!

It can be seen that only those invisible efforts - "diligence", can have visible achievements and glory. Regardless of the vicissitudes of life, living conditions are abundant, but we need invisible diligence and tenacity. Even if there is a slander of "the heart is higher than the sky, the life is thinner than the paper", even if it is scattered into mud, there will also be "fragrance as before".

Ah, this word "diligence" is wonderful!

Frequent Composition (17)

Writing 600 Words of Life Composition with "Diligence" (I)

In the last monthly exam, I got a good result of being the first in grade, and opened a great distance between the scores of the first and second places. On the day of the parents' meeting, I can always hear other parents praise my mother: "Your son is a genius!" In fact, I am not a genius. I just remember the words of the famous mathematician Hua Luogeng's grandfather: "Diligence is good training, and every hard work is worth every penny."

I remember that before the third grade of primary school, my parents were working outside, and no one urged me to study, so my grades were not very top. After my parents came back, they were very strict with me: my father asked me to solve every math problem in several different ways. During the holidays, my mother took me to read literary classics. Swimming in the sea of books, I am more and more comfortable with my study. In the fifth grade, there was a primary school math Olympiad in the city. I enthusiastically signed up and worked harder for it. Every time I finished the homework assigned by my teacher, I would plunge into the sea of math problems, chew carefully and study slowly. One case after another opened the door to knowledge, and each problem was finally solved. Through my unremitting diligence, I won the second prize of the city. So, my classmates gave me the nickname of "the prince of mathematics", and my teachers praised my talent in mathematics. They only saw my glory and my smiling face, but who knows how much glittering sweat I shed on this glorious certificate and how much hard work I have accumulated?

I want to tell you from my own experience that the key to a person's success lies in the word "diligence"! Although there are certain differences in intelligence between people, some people are sharp, while others are slow. However, sharp people will become dull one day if they do not study hard; If a dull person studies hard, he will become sharp one day. Looking at the great people who have become famous and talented at all times and in all over the world, which one is not diligent and hardworking? On their way of life, they shine with diligence. Edison, the great inventor, was considered as an imbecile by his teacher when he was in primary school because of his slow reaction, and was forced to quit school. But under her mother's careful instruction, with her own spirit of hard study, she finally became a great inventor. After becoming famous, some people thought he was a genius, but he said with a smile: "Genius is equal to 100% diligence and 1% perspiration." Edison is a typical example of becoming a talent through diligence. On the contrary, talented people will accomplish nothing if they do not study hard. In the text "Shang Zhongyong" we learned this semester, Wang Anshi told us such a story: In the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a child named Fang Zhongyong. He was talented and intelligent. When he was five years old, he "pointed to things to write poems, and there were considerable people in both literature and theory." People in the countryside praised him, and even someone paid him to write poems. Fang Zhongyong's father thought that it was profitable, so he took him to write poems from door to door all day, which wasted his studies and made the child prodigy known by people become an ordinary person. There are also many such examples around us. Some students always hear others praise their intelligence when they are in primary school, so they are complacent and relaxed in learning. After entering junior high school, they can only sigh at the more complex knowledge than before.

"If you don't polish jade, you can't make it. If you don't learn, you can't know.". A piece of jade must be honed and carved to become a shining jade. A person needs to constantly acquire knowledge from books and accumulate knowledge to become a talent. If someone thinks he is smart and doesn't study hard, he will inevitably run out of ideas. "Life is the most precious thing for people. Life is only once for everyone. How should we spend the only life? When we recall the past, we can live without regret for wasting time and shame for doing nothing." I am determined to cherish this wonderful time and study hard, and write my wonderful life with the word "diligence".

Writing 600 Words of Life Composition with "Diligence" (2)

Life is beautiful, colorful and full of hardships. Our life is like a book, and whether the content of this book is wonderful or boring, and whether the ending is good or bad, depends on yourself. If you are diligent, then life will be a wonderful and perfect novel. If you are not diligent and even indulge yourself, then life will be boring and painful.

"My life is my own" If you want to make my life happy, you should be diligent and write the chapter of my life with diligence.

Many students must have read the story of Zhuge Liang feeding chickens. When he was young, Zhuge Liang was smart and eager to learn. The gentleman in the private school raised a chicken in the yard to calculate the time of class. When the chicken was hungry at the end of the day, it would crow. When the chicken crowed, it would remind the gentleman to finish class. In order to learn more knowledge, Zhuge Liang brought some millet from his home. He calculated that it was almost time for class to end, so he secretly scattered a handful of millet from the window. The chicken would crow later when hungry after eating the rice. One day or two, the chicken crowed later, which was nothing. But after a long time, the teacher noticed the phenomenon of the chicken crowing late. He was puzzled, and finally one day, He found Zhuge Liang's little moves and criticized him, but he was pleased with his studious spirit and loved him very much.

Ouyang Xiu, one of the eight masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties, never gave up his studies in his old age, but he was still diligent. His articles were posted all over the wall, but he still often looked at and changed. His diligence made him a celebrity of a generation and respected by later generations.

In the text "Hurt Zhongyong", Zhongyong's talent was brilliant, but finally he "lost himself to the public" because his father "didn't make him study". This text tells us that innate intelligence is far from enough, and the diligence after tomorrow is also important. Zhongyong's talent is amazing and enviable. However, his father didn't let him study hard, but he took him everywhere to "visit the people in the city", It's not Zhongyong's fault to get some money. However, under the incorrect guidance of his father, Zhongyong, a genius, eventually became a mediocre and ordinary person. I think that if his father took a long-term view and let his son study hard, Zhongyong would eventually achieve something. No matter how diligent he was, no matter how talented he was, it would be useless.

I should study hard for my own future. Although I don't have such amazing talent as Zhong Yong, I can also be regarded as a smart boy. As long as I work hard, I believe I will have a bright future!

A good life requires us to study hard and strive for it. If life is a book, then diligence is my pen. I will use this pen to write my life and my future!

Frequent Composition (18)

I don't want to "black hair doesn't know how to study early, white hair regrets studying late."

Diligence makes Liu Yuxi immortal.

Liu Yuxi, who entered the imperial court at the age of 17 and became an official at the age of 22, had a smooth career in the early stage of his official career, which of course could not be separated from his learning process of studying at night by candlelight, seeking teachers for hundreds of miles, fearing no hardship and being diligent and eager to learn. Influenced by the Confucian classics, he had a strong ideal of becoming an official, so he worked hard when everything was quiet. Under the starry light, his final achievements were not only a smooth way to become an official, but also a masterpiece.

Diligence made Zeng Guofan a famous official.

Living in the declining and decaying period of the late Qing Dynasty, facing the increasingly dilapidated homeland, he, as an important official of the court, has continued the life of the Qing Dynasty for decades with his own efforts. How can you send this? When he was an official, he still kept correspondence with his own Mr. Tang to seek academic advice; When the country was in danger, he took the initiative to learn advanced western scientific knowledge and founded modern industry in order to make the country rich and the people strong; When he was frustrated in his official career, he held books and detailed articles to enrich himself with diligence.

Diligence makes Wu Yishu shine.

The post-95 girls ascended the throne of the Chinese Poetry Conference because of their extraordinary love for poetry. Every poem overflows from her mouth and every beautiful article floats from her hand. Diligence is her greatest weapon. She held "Three Hundred Tang Poems" in her arms in primary school, and he carried poems in his bag in middle school. When others are still glad that they have a new toy, he has become addicted to poetry.

Diligence makes a great achievement. Everyone is the same, because when we were born, we all had the same ignorance of the world. As Lu Xun said, "Even a literary giant's first cry at birth would never be a good poem."

diligence redeems stupidity. Indeed, the early bird catches the worm. In 20xx years, I had to make full preparations for the college entrance examination. So, when others were still roaming the world in their dreams, I had already sat in the classroom and studied hard.

Since it is not perfect, we should be diligent; If you fail, you should be diligent; Since we long for the world, we should be diligent. In 20xx, I have been working hard, and in 20xx, I will continue to work hard.

Frequent Composition (19)

Suddenly, two vivid figures appeared, dancing, chasing, laughing and looking at each other with the morning sun as the companion. The red brocade flag, which is slung across the body, waved several powerful gold regular script in the bright red current, in the silver bell like laughter, and added radiance to the sun. In particular, the smiling face was as bright as a flower. I didn't see him from a long distance, so I heard his smile first.

I was not as tall as my chest, but I was carrying a stack of newspapers in my hand, with a pair of big black eyes embedded in a young face. I walked directly here, covered with a layer of natural golden light, which made me, who was tens of centimeters taller than them, feel a kind of natural awe.

"Sister" a sweet baby voice poured into my ears, "Do you want to buy a newspaper? One yuan." I was stunned, and probably guessed half a cent. This is a charity sale, experience life, and understand that money is hard won. I can't help sighing that I am so energetic at a young age. I really praise them.

After a moment of trance, he did not hesitate to take out one yuan and hand it to him. When I looked up again, I found a pair of black eyes that could speak. "Thank you" didn't come out of my mouth. The gratitude in my eyes had already poured out to me, and I was afraid that the excitement would overflow.

"Thank you", the child of Tianlai, has entered my heart. Looking at the bird like figure in the sky, I have been intoxicated

Suddenly, I remembered an old beggar who stayed in the street all the year round. He was tall when he stood, but he was despised by people in the dust. Remembering that small figure, my pity vanished. Originally, he was a hale and shining old man, but his eyes were covered with dust because he wanted to get something for nothing. But I never thought to cheer up again.

Although the charity sale is small, it has great significance. It allows us to experience life and learn from it. It is a small puzzle of success, and it is behind hard work and hard work. All happiness can be obtained through labor, and all misery can be relieved through labor. Tao Xingzhi said, "Working hard on labor is the mother of all inventions. Working hard on everything will lead to the truth of things.". "Life is hard, and hard work is not needed." How can the Goddess of Fortune care for a person who enjoys success. I pondered, but my eyes could not leave where they disappeared.

Frequent Composition (20)

Good morning, everyone! The title of my speech is "Diligence in life, nothing can be gained".

In Guanzi, it is said: "If a farmer does not farm, people will be hungry; if a woman does not weave, people will be cold." If people are not diligent, they will be hungry and cold. Guan Zhong also said, "When the granary is solid, we know the etiquette; when we have enough food and clothing, we know the honor and disgrace." Cultivating and weaving is not only the source of food and clothing, but also the foundation of etiquette civilization. It can be seen from this that diligence can help cultivate one's morality and ensure peace.

Looking back on history, every great man has a pair of hardworking hands. The Yellow Emperor built houses, sewed clothes, made boats, and created music; Yu Shun planted fields to replenish fish and fired pottery. The world was peaceful and the people had nothing to do; Su Qin read the art of war well and worked hard day and night. He eventually achieved something and became famous in history. Whether it is the historical stories of Yingxue, Lingliang and Zhigu, or the myths and legends of Yugong moving mountains and Dayu controlling floods, all of them show the truth that diligence makes people outstanding.

Not only that, but also hard work is one of the reasons why the Chinese nation has continued to this day. Why does the Chinese nation stand erect and continue to this day? Some people say that it is the way of foreign Confucianism and internal law to govern the country, some people say that it is the stable and conservative farming civilization, some people say that it is the barrier of the sea, desert and mountains to foreign civilizations, and some people say that it is the tolerance and symbiotic ability of Chinese culture. Such answers are too numerous to enumerate. I think the continuity of the Chinese nation has something to do with the hard-working, honest and hardworking spirit of the Chinese people who have been rooted in farming for a long time. Because of our hard work, we left our national footprints on the loess land on the Yellow River bank; Because of hard work, we have gone through the modern road of rebirth, which is full of frustrations and humiliations against the great powers; Because of hard work, we unswervingly, calmly and confidently pursue our dream of rejuvenation.

Students, because of hard work, we also have a famous national card. It is printed with the Great Wall on the vast ridge, the magnificent Terracotta Warriors, the solemn and sacred Mogao Grottoes, the Tibetan railway across the roof of the world, the drilling platform deep into the sea, the silent cross sea bridge, and the roaring Chinese high-speed railway. Of course, if you look carefully, there is also a row of invisible characters on it - hardworking Chinese.

In contrast, as a new era, we have unhealthy tendencies such as going home and lying down, relying on parents for laundry, waiting for food, not actively sweeping the floor, and becoming lazy in learning. There is an English proverb: "Laziness has no teeth, but it can devour people's wisdom." I think that in the long run, what we have lost is not only the ability to take care of ourselves in life, but also the motivation to seek knowledge. Some people say that the work can be entrusted to artificial intelligence. Indeed, this is a great era, and technology has given us more and more convenience. However, science and technology cannot completely solve all our human needs. On the contrary, humans need higher labor and higher intelligence to control science and technology. Otherwise, we will be enslaved only by ourselves.

In the era of AI popularity in the future, I hope that we can still remember the old farmers in the Ordinary World who face the sky on the loess ground, Think of that sentence: "Only labor can make people live with dignity. Labor is not only a general survival need for everyone, but also reflects the value of a person's life. Any labor will be respected by people."

Students, life is hard work, what can you get without asking?

My speech is over, thank you!